Mystic Ark (e)

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:37:01 EDT

ZSNES ZST Save State Hacking Guide for "Mystic Ark" (sequel to "Elnard;"
	the series is known as "The 7th Saga" in the United States)
EXTRA EXTRA: Walkthrough/Charts for the early part of the game
Written & Researched by Ragnarosen (
"Elnard," "Mystic Ark," and all character names therein are trademarks
	of Enix Company.
"The 7th Saga" is a registered trademark of Enix Corporation of America.

To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into 
	your save state (or *.ZST file), you'll need to go to Break 
	Point Software ( and download a program 
	called "Hex Workshop." Once you're finished downloading and 
	the program is finished running SETUP.EXE automatically, open 
	Hex Workshop and use it to open any ZST files you may have. 

----------------------------GAME HACKING DATA-----------------------------

To learn about HEX WORKSHOP and hexadecimal hacking in 
general, refer to Jason Timmon's "Hexadecimal Coding And 
Hacking Primer," which I included at the beginning of my 
save state hacking guide for "Dragon Warrior III." You 
can find it at GameFAQs.

***How To Become Richer Than Bill Gates***

Money: BD36, BD35, BD34, BD33
Input "FFE0F505" at Offset BD33

***Character 1***

Level: BC15 (Actual Value -1. Level 81 is "50" instead of "51."
	The level never goes above 81 for some reason. Input a
	higher value than 50 and you'll glitch the game.)
Current HP: BC18, BC17 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Maximum HP: BC1A, BC19 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Current MP: BC1C, BC1B (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Maximum MP: BC1E, BC1D (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Power: BC20, BC1F (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Guard: BC22, BC21 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Magic: BC24, BC23 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Speed: BC26, BC25 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Experience: BC8E, BC8D, BC8C, BC8B (Highest legal value is 99999900.
	Input "9CE0F505.")

----------------------------GAME WALKTHROUGH------------------------------

***Weapon Chart***


Name		Power	Price	Comments

Rusty Sword	0	1	Useless, left by Skeleton
Kyzoku Knife	2	10	Sold in Gumbo
Bronze Blade	3	30	Found in Casa Portal
Kyzoku Saber	6	30	Sold in Gumbo, left by Skeleton

***Armor Chart***


Name		Guard	Price	Comments

Leather Armor	1	80	Body Armor: sold in Broadhook & Gumbo,
					Rainier starts with it
Chain Mail	3	140	Body Armor: sold in Gumbo
Leather Hat	1	8	Helmet: sold in Broadhook & Gumbo
Buckler		1	18	Shield: sold in Broadhook & Gumbo

**Item Chart**

Name		Price	Comments

Potion		40	Restores 50 HP
Antidote	15	Cures "Poison" status
Goddess Tear	-	Rainier starts with it
Crystal		-	Allows you to see enemy positions
Autumn Bottle	-	Found in Casa Portal, you can store honey 
Rusty Key	-	Found in Casa Portal, use to open CP's exit
Extra Mast	-	Found in Broadhook
Onion		-	A cat gives this to you, give it to Bragg in
				the Broadhook Dungeon
Ice Claw	-	Win this from the chess-playing cat
Torch		-	Found in Cave NW of Gumbo
Spy Papers	-	Pink-Hat gives this to you, give it to Sixpack
				for the Reports
Reports		-	Sixpack gives this to you, show it to the 2
				cats at the Gumbo Entrance so you can 
				enter Gumbo

***Spell Chart***

*Rainier (Male Hero)*

Learns "Guard" option at Level 3
Learns "Figure" option at Level 7
Learns "Midare-Uchi" option at Level 8
Learns "Hadou" option at Level 20

Name		MP	Level	Effects

Health		3	2	Recover 50 HP/single
Fire		2	4	Fire attack/single
Warp Gate	14	6	Warp to any town visited once
Power		8	9	Increase "Power" by 20%
Fire Storm	4	11	Stronger Fire attack/single
More Health	6	13	Recover 100 HP/single
Death Guard	6	15	Protects against instant death
Heat Cyclone	8	18	Fire attack/multiple
Heal		6	21	Recover 50 HP/multiple
Plasma Field	8	26	Lightning attack/single
Kill		10	29	Instant death/single
Full Health	15	33	Recover all HP/single

*Grace (Female Hero)*

Learns "Guard" option at Level 4
Learns "Figure" option at Level 7
Learns "Midare-Uchi" option at Level 9
Learns "Hadou" option at Level 22

Name		MP	Level	Effects

Health		3	2	Recover 50 HP/single
Sleep		3	3	Puts one enemy to sleep
Cold Down	3	5	Ice attack/single
Warp Gate	14	6	Warp to any town visited once
Speed		6	8	Increase "Speed" by 20%
Ice Wall	5	10	Ice attack/multiple
Ice Rock Nail	6	11	Stronger Ice attack/single
More Health	6	12	Recover 100 HP/single
Death Guard	6	16	Protects against instant death
Hard		8	18	Increase "Guard" by 20%
Ice Chain	10	19	Stronger Ice attack/multiple
Heal		6	20	Recover 50 HP/multiple
Plasma Field	8	21	Lightning attack/single
Full Health	15	23	Recover all HP/single
Cure		4	26	Cures all negative status

***Battle Options***

*Main Menu*

Tatakau		Opens "Battle Options" Menu for current
Dougu		Opens "Item" Menu
Mahou		Opens "Magic" Menu
Status		View status
Auto-Settei	Toggle Auto-Battle mode (Auto/Manual)



Kiru		Weapon attack on one enemy
Guard		Fighter takes defensive position
Figure		If successful, target data will be
			added to Monster List
Midare-Uchi	Weapon attack on all enemies, about half
			as powerful as "Kiru"
Hadou		Non-elemental magic damage on one enemy
Nigeru		If successful, party runs from battle


---The Temple Of The 7 Statues---

You start in an odd temple-like room with 7 statues, and YOU are the statue
	in the center.
You start with two items: the GODDESS TEAR and the LEATHER ARMOR, which you
	should EQUIP immediately.
Go out of the temple room and throw the GODDESS TEAR into the fireplace to
	turn it into the CRYSTAL. Possession of the CRYSTAL allows you to
	go through all the doors in the temple, including the one that leads
There are no monsters outside, just a statue of a goddess who says something
	in Japanese, a cave on the beach with a locked door, several houses
	with locked doors, an unlocked house with a broken switch and a
	broken music box, and an unreachable sword clearly visible from the
	north shore.
Go back into the temple and go upstairs. On the second floor, there are 2
	doors. Go inside the LEFT door, and SEARCH the ship in a bottle.
	You'll be transported to Casa Portal.

---The Rival Clans of Cat Pirates---

Be sure to grab all the treasure inside Casa Portal. One of the bottles
	contains honey. Drink it to completely restore your HP and MP for
	free. EQUIP the sword you get from one of the boxes.
Use the key you find in Casa Portal to unlock the exit door. Once outside,
	you'll be in the Overworld. Anyone who played "The 7th Saga" will
	instantly recognize the crystal ball with the moving dots in the
	upper left-hand corner of the screen.
The only monsters you'll fight here are "Claws," which look like purple
	wyverns. They may look intimidating, but can be defeated with a
	couple hits.
East of Casa Portal is the first town, which looks like a pink sailing
	ship on dry land. Once inside, two cats in pirate outfits greet
	you, and you find out the name of the town (Broadhook).
The main hallway in Broadhook contains an up staircase and a down stair-
	case, two rooms to the left of the stairs, and one room to the
	right. On the far right of the hallway are two treasure boxes.
	Open 'em! The cat pirates won't mind. (You receive LEATHER HAT
The room to the right of the staircase is the all-purpose store. It's
	got armor and item stores, but no weapon store yet. Inside the
	store is a cat named Sixpack. Remember his name and location!
	And buy a Buckler, too. You won't need Potions 'cause my hacking
	codes will make you practically invincible.
Of the two rooms to the left of the staircase, the right room is the
	Inn. Restore your HP/MP for 10 G.
The left room contains two cats. Talk to the one on the top and answer
	"Yes" to his question. There's a hungry prisoner named Bragg in
	the jail, so this cat gives you an ONION to feed Bragg.
Both staircases are blocked, but if you talk to the cat guarding the
	one leading down, he'll let you through.
Downstairs is the prison. First, talk to the cat at the table. He'll
	challenge you to a game of chess. Beat him and he'll give you
	the ICE CLAW. (It's simple, really: just use your knight to
	knock down his pawns.)
Bragg is in the prison cell on the right. When the "Search" menu opens,
	select "Use Item" and then select the Onion. Bragg loves Onions,
	so he tells you a secret about how to enter Gumbo. (Try to enter
	Gumbo, the Black Ship across the gorge from Broadhook, and the
	cats will kick you out. There's a cave to the northwest of the
	black ship that leads to Gumbo's basement, but it's blocked off
	by a monster.)
Go back upstairs and the cat who guards the staircase leading up will
	ask you to tell Sixpack to get back to work. Go to the store
	and talk to Sixpack.
Sixpack will tell you to talk to his friend Pink-Hat, who is in the
	basement of Gumbo. Once you talk to him, the monster inside the
	cave disappears.
Go inside the cave, get the Torch from the treasure box, and slide down
	the sand falls. Fight Skeletons inside the cave until you get
	the Kyzoku Saber, which is twice as powerful as the Bronze Blade.
Once at the bottom of the cave, you'll notice two more passages blocked
	off by rocks. (!!) Go through the door at the end and you'll find
	yourself inside Gumbo's basement.
Talk to Pink-Hat (He's the cat near the entrance with the pink hat. You
	can't miss him.) and he'll give you the Spy Papers. He also
	tells you to go back to Broadhook and show it to Sixpack.
Even though you're in Gumbo's basement, you can't access the upper deck
	of the black ship because a cat is blocking the only staircase
	leading up.
Exit the cave (it's kinda hard to get back up the sand falls) and return
	to Broadhook. Show the Spy Papers to Sixpack (he's in the store)
	and he'll give you the Reports. Once you have this item in your
	possession, you can freely enter and exit Gumbo, the Black Ship.
Gumbo's weapon/armor/item store is located right next to the entrance.
	Buy a suit of Chain Mail (and a Kyzoku Saber if you weren't lucky
	enough to steal it from a Skeleton).

---The Leads Stop Here---

Well, that's as far as I can get in the game. It would be a lot easier if
	there wasn't as much Kanji (Chinese characters) and more Kana
	(Japanese syllable-based letters) in the dialogue. I had to keep
	my Japanese-to-English dictionary at my side at all times when
	playing this ROM, and the partial translation patch available at
	Zophar's Domain ( isn't much help. If you
	know of a way to progress in the game, tell me about it (my e-mail
	address is at the beginning of this FAQ) and I'll print it in my
	next version of the FAQ, along with your name in the "Special
	Thanks To" section.