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MegaRace 2 (e)

|** MegaRace 2 Cheats **|

-I've hacked out the cheats for MegaRace 2!
Here they are :-

SPEED: Makes your car go faster!
MONEY: Gives you 99999 money!(You'll have to start a new game for
this to work)
MAP: Gives you a map of the whole track while racing.
CHEAT: It may activate the cheats but I don't use it!
DEBUG: Put this in and while driving hit O to turn the car into the
stumps that are on that track press I to turn back to normal.
(WiErD!!) **If you keep doing it will crash the game**
TESTPRIZE: It tests the prize screens (Reset your machine to stop it!)
TESTLANCE: It can't find a file so it's pointless!
NOLANCE: It stops that sod Lance Boyle from bugging you!
GAME: Skips the intro and gos straight to the main menu.

-These are all I've found!.
If I wanted fast car, money and map I'd load MegaRace 2 like this:-


Okay thats it! If you need any help send e-mail to :-


James Healey