Andere Lösungen

Mortal Kombat 3 (e)

                                                                      Page 1
                      " T H E  U N  O F F I C I A L "

                 MMM   MMM                  KKK   KKK
                  M     M                    K   KKK
                  MM   MM                    K  KKK
                  MMM MMM                    KKKKK
                  MMMMMMM  O R T A L         KKKK  O M B A T
                  MMMMMMM                    KKKKK
                  M MMM M                    K  KKK
                  M  M  M                    K   KKK
                 MMM   MMM                  KKK   KKK

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                       THE  FINAL  CHAPTER  FAQ
                             VERSION  3.75 
                             MAY  17,  1995

                        Written by Patrick McCarron

            This document is Copyrighted 1995 by Patrick McCarron.

 This document may not be sold, duplicated, or edited in any form or for
any profit without giving credit to me the Author. Got that EGM and all you
guys who go home change the FAQ, then go to the arcade and sell the FAQ and
giving no Credit to the real author. You Know Who You Are!!

FAQ is for Revision 1.0 and 2.0
More Fatalities found
Friendships and Babalities Found
Bug Section Added
Most Stuff Confirmed
                                                                      Page 2
±±                            TABLE OF CONTENTS                           ±± 

Section                            Page
------------------------         -------- 
Intro                               1
New In Version                      1
Table Of Contents                   2
FAQ Description                     3
Story Line                         4+5
General Definitions                6+7
Where to find the Game              8
FAQ Key                            8+9
Stages + Descriptions             10+11
The Kombatants                      12
    Shang Tsung                     13
    Sindel                          14
    Jax                             15
    Kano                            16
    Liu Kang                        17
    Sonya                           18
    Stryker                         19
    Sub-Zero                        20
    Cyrax                           21
    Sektor                          22
    NightWolf                       23
    Sheeva                          24
    Kung Lao                        25
    Kabal                           26
Bosses                              27
Other Characters                    28
Kombat Kodes                      29+30
Question Section                  31+32
Kool Stuff                          33 
Pictures + Sounds                   33
Bugs Section                        34
News Section                        35
Rumor Section                       36
Where to find the FAQ               37
Credits                           38+39
                                                                      Page 3
±±                             FAQ DESCRIPTION                            ±± 

 Welcome the 40 page MK3 The Final Chapter FAQ. This Is the Biggest
and most informative FAQ out. If you don't like the size of this FAQ
there is another FAQ I know have that just covers Moves, Kombos, Fatals,
and Kombat Kodes.

Here's some other FAQ's that I Write:

-The Un Official Mortal Kombat 3 The Final Chapter FAQ
-The Un Official Mortal Kombat 3 The Final Chapter Mini FAQ
                                                                      Page 4
±±                               STORY LINE                               ±± 
                              "The Beginning"

 "Thousands of years ago an order of the wisest men from the Far East
received visions of a dark realm. This realm came to be known as the
OUTWORLD. It was a dark and Chaotic and ruled by a vicious emperor.
The wise men knew that travel between the dark realm and Earth would
someday be possible if the conditions were right. The conditions being
the unbalancing of the furies - negative and positive forces which keep
our unstable universe from collapsing onto itself. Knowing that the
eminent Outworld invasion would prove too much for Earth, they
appealed to the Elder Gods. It was for this reason the Elder Gods
created the tournament of Mortal Kombat. Though this contest, we protect
not only the safety of our realm, but the existence of our souls."

                              "Evil Reborn"

 "For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against
the Outworld's Emperor - Shao Kahn. But Kahn becomes frustrated by
failed attempts at taking Earth though the tournament battle. He decides
to enact a plan which began almost 10,000 years ago. It was during a
time in which Kahn had a queen. Her name was Sindel and her premature
death was devastating. Kahn's shadow priests, lead by sorcerer Shang
Tsung, would make it so Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn - not
on the OUTWORLD but on the Earth realm itself. This unholy act gives
Shao Kahn the power to step though the dimensional gates and reclaim
his queen, thus enabling him to finally seize Earth"
                                                                      Page 5


 "Upon breaching the Portal into Earth, Shao Kahn strips the planet of
all human life. He claims every soul as his own. Slowly the Earth begins
into a part of the Outworld itself. But there are human souls which
Shao Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to
represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat. The warriors are scattered
through-out the planet and Kahn sends an army of fierce Outworld warriors
to find and eliminate them. Some of the Earth's warriors survive the attacks, but
most do not. The remaining few hold the chance at saving all of human kind."

                              "Raiden's Creed"

                       "Remember these words warriors."

 "You have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat. Each of you
poses a vital threat to Shao Kahn's occupation of Earth. Be warned;
although your souls are protected against Shao Kahn's evil, your
lives are not! I cannot interfere with these matters any longer. Your
Earth is now governed by the gods of the Outworld."

                      "These are the words of RAIDEN."
                                                                      Page 6
±±                          GENERAL DEFINITIONS                           ±± 
Run Button:
 The Run Button is a yellow colored button. It's Down and to the Left
of the Low Punch Button. You can run forward by holding run and
towards. While you run the Run Meter under your life bar will go
down, like the Turbo meter in NBA JAM, and then fill back up after
you stop running.

Special Moves:
 Special Moves are moves done with Joystick combinations of directions
and button presses. Some of the Possible Buttons in Special Moves are
High Kick, Low Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, and Run.

 Kombos are combinations of kicks, punches, and or special moves. When
you do a Kombo you can get allot of life off the person, but Kombos
are limited to the Length of your Run Meter, because while you do
a kombo the Run Meter goes down and limits the number of hits.
After you finish a kombo the screen shows the # of hits and % of
Damage to the guy.

 A fatality is a Finishing Move that kills your opponent. A fatality
can be many different things. There are at least three Fatalities per
person and more will be in the Update in September.

 A mercy is a move that can only be done if you loose one round to your
opponent. A mercy gives your opponent a small amount of life back to
your opponent for a last chance to live. To do a mercy you do this
movement D,D,D,D,RN on Version 1.0 and then the guy comes back to life.

 An Animality is a Fatal move where your character turns into an
animal and kills his/her victim. An animality must be done after a mercy,
and each character has different movements for the animality.
                                                                      Page 7

 A Babality is a Fatal move that turns your opponent into a Baby. In
Order to do a Babality you must not use block in the winning round. The
word Babality is spelled out in Building Block letters.

 A Friendship is a Fatal move that makes you be friends with your opponent.
I haven't seen a Friendship yet because I haven't played 2.0 yet, but
you can't use block in the Winning Round.

 Yes there is Nudalitys in MK3 version 1.0. We think it's only for Sub
Zero. He strips the Female Character's Clothes off. I've seen it done on
Sheeva only as of now. It might have been removed because of Parents
observing the game via an overhead screen. Who then complained
to the management, who then complained to Midway who might have had them
removed. Don't Flame me if you don't belive me! This is true, but don't know
all the movements.

Pit 3 Fatality:
 The Pit 3 Fatality is the same for everyone, F,F,F,F, RN on Version 1.0.
The person gets cut up in giant blades and body parts go everywhere in a
spray of blood.

Subway Fatality:
 The Subway Fatality is the same for everyone, F,F,F,F, RN on Version 1.0.
The person gets knocked up into the ceiling and then they fall and then get
hit by a oncoming train on the other tracks.

Shao Kahn's Tower:
 Shao Kahn's Tower Fatality is done by F,F,F,F, RN on Version 1.0.  The guy
uppercuts you then you fall down through all the floors of the tower. When
you reach the bottom you land in spikes like in The Pit 1.

Kombat Kodes:
 Kombat Kodes or KKs are Kodes put in at the bottom of the 2 player VS
screen. They can get you many different things, like hidden characters.

Ultimate Kombat Kodes:
 Ultimate Kombat Kodes or UKKs are Kodes you put in after you die in a
one player game and don't kontinue, it then asks you for a UKK and if
you get it wrong Shao Kahn Makes fun of you in many ways. I have seen
no one get this right yet so don't know what it does.
                                                                      Page 8
±±                         WHERE TO FIND THE GAME                         ±± 

 Mortal Kombat 3 is now out nationwide. It's now in full release.
Most places will have it now, but most only have Revision 1.0 and
haven't upgraded to 2.0 yet.

       /|           |
      | |  FAQ KEY  | 
      | |___________|               

*** Moves Key ***
F              - Forward
D              - Down
B              - Back
U              - Up
Hold ** (***)  - Hold Button
Rel. **       - Release Button
HP             - High Punch
HK             - High Kick
BL             - Block
LP             - Low Punch
LK             - Low Kick
RN             - Run
**+**          - Push ** and ** at the same time
360FF          - 360 Degrees Forward to Forward, or F,D,B,U,F
360DD          - 360 Degrees Down to Down, or D,B,U,F,D 
? *            - Means it's not Confirmed yet
* ?            - Means that seen but Don't know Movements
       *= move name
       ** = Button
       *** = Time To Hold button

So this is what the controller looks like:

                    ( ) S T A R T

 UB    U    UF            (LP)      (HP)
   0   0   0
     \ | /
B  0 -( )- 0  F                (BL)
     / | \
   0   0   0
 BD    D    DF            (LP)      (LK)

                                                                      Page 9
*** Move Requirements ***
 Move Requirements are listed in () after a move.
Next     - Right next to.
Sweep    - Just out of Sweep Distance. 
Half     - Half screen away. 
Far      - Far or Full screen away.
In Jump  - In jumping Range.
One Jump - One jump away.
Mercy    - Needs a Mercy first.
Block    - Best done if blocking.
Anywhere - Can be done Anywhere
No Block - Can't use block on winning round
Air      - Has to be done in air.
1.0      - Move works on Version 1.0 only
2.0      - Move works on Version 2.0 only

*** Basic Moves ***
Roundhouse      - B, HK
Low Sweep       - B, LK
Uppercut        - D, HP
Low Punch       - D, LP
Power Move      - Close HP 
Throw           - F+LP
Knee            - Close HK or LK
Rapid Punches   - Rapidly Tap LP or HP
Hop Jumpkick    - U, LK or HK
Flying Punch    - U, LP or HP
Flying Jumpkick - U/F or U/B, LK or HK
Flying T. punch - U/F or U/B, LK or HP
                                                                     Page 10
±±                         STAGES + DESCRIPTIONS                          ±± 

All or most of the backgrounds were rendered on
Silicon Graphics Workstations machines.

Soul Chamber:
 There is a large figure of an open monster mouth with greenish smoke
in it.  The smoke moves and you can see some faces peek out of it at
times. There are some giant skull figures with mouths open. There
are spikes on the edge of the walkway that look like teeth. There are
also a few statues of the MK2 Sorcerers. You can get knocked
through the ceiling here up to the Balcony.  
The Graveyard:
 A graveyard with a bunch of tombstones. Four of the stones have some
interesting names like, Boon, Tobias, Beran, Michicich, Cage, etc.
There are tombstones with the MK Dragon logo on top.

Shao Kahn Tower:
 This is a bell tower, you can see out the windows to the city. And you
see the moon in the background. It looks like you can knock them down
through the tower.  There is a Fatal for this Stage: F,F,F,F, RN on
Version 1.0. You knock them down through the floors and when they hit
the bottom the hit a bunch of spikes.

The Pit 3:
 A bridge with spikes on the side of the walkway. There are floating
green lamps in the background. There are big statues of faces in the
back and sides of the stage. There is a Fatal for this Stage: F,F,F,F, RN
on Version 1.0.  In this stage you knock them down into the pit, when you
hit the bottom there are big turning blades that will cut you up into lots
of pieces.

The Subway:
 You're down on the subway tracks in the depot. The overhead lights
are flickering on and off. And another neat thing here when you uppercut
the other guy he gets smashed up into the street and then you follow.
And there is a Background Fatal for this stage: F,F,F,F, RN on Version 1.0.
This fatal you must not uppercut the opponent and when you do the fatal
you will knock them up and then they fall down in the other tracks then
a train comes by and smashes into him/her.
                                                                     Page 11          
The Bank:
 Stone floor with symbols on it. Windows that view out to the city. Doesn't
look to much like a bank because it has walls with windows and no indication
of a bank. On each wall there are lights. You can be knocked though the
ceiling here to the Rooftop stage.

The Rooftop:
 Cityscape with Shao Kahn's tower in the very back with the portal
circling the top. It appears that you can knock them down off the
building to the bottom of the building.  There is a big dragon logo on
the floor in the center of the stage.

The Balcony:
 Green glowing pit off in the background.  Large statues of Motaro to the
far right & left. The green glowing pit seems to lead down into the Mouth
of the statue with the souls in it in Soul Chamber since this stage is
above the Soul Chamber.

The Bridge:
 Cityscape in the back. Newspapers and other litter blowing in the wind.
Looks like the bottom of the Rooftop stage. Also looks like this stage is
next to the street stage.

The Temple:
 There is a large stained glass window in the back with the MK Dragon Logo
in it.  And the red cloth draped over the altar has a gold MK Dragon Logo on
it.  There are red candles in the foreground.

The Street:
 This is where you fight after going through the Subway Ceiling. This
stage has paper and liter blowing in the wind in the background. This
stage appears to be at the bottom of the rooftop stage. There is a
hole in the ground when you get smashed up to the street, but don't
fight over it. You can see it while the screen is scrolling up after the 
                                                                     Page 12
±±                            THE KOMBATANTS                              ±± 

In the next 15 pages you'll find out the moves for each character.
As of now each character has his/her/its own page, but if it goes over
a page I'll add a page on to each character.

This is what the character select screen looks like:
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
± Shang Tsung ±    Sindel   ±     Jax     ±    Kano     ±  Liu Kang  ± 
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ± Flips and   ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±  shows      ±             ±            ±
±   Sonya     ±   Stryker   ±    Smoke    ±  Sub Zero   ±   Cyrax    ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±Un-Selectable±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±   Sektor    ±  NightWolf  ±   Sheeva    ±  Kung Lao   ±   Kabal    ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
±             ±             ±             ±             ±            ±
                                                                     Page 13
                           ****  SHANG TSUNG  ****
                            Played By John Turk

      "Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead sorcerer. He once fell out of favor
with his emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through tournament
battle. But the ever scheming Shang Tsung is instrumental in Kahn's
conquest of earth. He has now been granted more power than ever."

  1 Skull: B,B, HP
  2 Skulls: B,B,F, HP
  3 Skulls: B,B,F,F, HP
  Ground Fireballs: F,F,B,B, LK
    1)    Liu Kang: 360FF (Block)        8)      Sektor: D,F,B, RN
    2)        Kano: F,B,F, BL            9)   NightWolf: U,U,U (Block)
    3)       Sonya: D,D,D, RN+BL+LP      10)        Jax: F,F,D, LP
    4)    Kung Lao: RN, RN, BL, RN       11)   Sub-Zero: F,D,F, HP
    5)       Kabal: LP, BL, HK           12)    Stryker: F,F,F, HK
    6)      Sindel: B,D,B, LK            13)     Sheeva: F,D,F, LK
    7)       Cykax: BL, BL, BL

       LK, HP, HP, LP, B+HK
       Ground Fire, Uppercut, 3 Fireballs
       HP, HK, LP, B+HK
       HP, HP, LP, B+HK

  Fatality 1: Hold LP, D,F,D,F, Release LP (Next) (1.0)
    He raises his hands and Spikes come out of the Ground. Then
    He lifts the Victim and slams him into the Spikes.
  Fatality 2: ? (Half Screen)                  
    He lifts the victim into the air and then the victim starts to
    glow green and then he takes the soul. And then the victim
    turns into a nasty looking skeleton then fall to the ground.
    Once on the ground the victim is a pile of slop!
? Animality: F,F,F,B,D+RN (Mercy)
  Babality: RN, RN, RN, LP (No Block) (2.0)
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)
         F,F,F,F, HP (Next) (2.0)

       "Assigned to hunt down the renegade Earth Warrior, Tsung realizes 
that Kahn will take his soul as soon as he is down. So he kills Shao Kahn 
and Motaro, takes all of Earth's souls and rules the world."
                                                                     Page 14
                              ****  SINDEL  ****
                           Played by Lia Montelongo  

Story: "She once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen.
Now, 10,000 years after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth.
Her evil intentions every match for Shao Kahn's Tyranny. She is
key to his occupation on Earth."

  Air Fireball: B,D,F, LK (Air)
  Ground Fireball: F,F, LP
  Wave Scream: F,F,F, HP
  Flight: B,B,B,F, HK

      HK, HP, HP, LP, HK
      HP, HP, HP, LP, B+HK
      HK, HP, HP, LP, HK
      HK, LP, HP, B+HK
      HK, HP, HP, B+HK

? Fatality 1: RN+BL, RN+BL, RN+BL (Next) (1.0)
              RN, RN, BL, BL, RN & BL (Next) (2.0)
    She yells at you and the all the victim's skin flies off
    leaving a bloody skeleton.
  Fatality 2: RN, RN, BL, RN, BL (Sweep) (1.0 + 2.0)
    Her hair starts to grow REAL long. It totally ENGULFS
    your character. She then runs away from you sending you
    into a spin. All you can see is blood and body parts.
  Animality: F,F, HP (Mercy)
    She Turns into A wasp and stings you off the screen.
  Friendship: Tap U+RN (No Block) (2.0)
    Football Kick, says "That Was Fun"
  Babality: RN, RN, RN, RN, U+RN
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Actually Kitana's mother, Sindel was never Shao Kahn's wife. 
She was actually married to the King of the Outworld named Jerrod. They
had a colony named Edenia. Shao Kahn was just trying to use Sindel."
                                                                     Page 15
                               ***** JAX *****
                            Played by John Parrish

Story: "After failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld
menace, Jax begins to covertly prepare for the future battle with Kahn's
minions. He fits both arms with indestructible implants. This is a war
Jax is prepared to win."

  Fireball: B,F, HP
  Double Fireball: F,F,B,B, HP
  Ground Smash: Hold LK(3 seconds), Rel. LK
  Running Punch: F,F, HK
  Gotcha Punch: F,F, Rapid LP
  Quad Throw: F+LP, Rapid Tap HP
  Backbreaker: BL in Air

      HP, HP, BL, B+HP 
      HP, HP, LP, BL, B+HP
      HK, HK, HP, HP, BL, LP, B+HP 
      HP, HP, BL, LP, B+HP 

  Fatality 1: 360TT (Next) (Block) (1.0)
    Jax's arms turn into blades. Then he cuts his
    victim up.
  Fatality 2: RN, RN, RN, BL, LK (Far) (1.0)
    Jax grows very big very quickly. Then the screen
    moves to just show the victim. Then a big Boot
    from Jax smashes the victim.
  Babality: D,D,D, LK (anywhere) (No Block) (? + 2.0)
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Jax is dubbed the strongest man in the world. He has no
problem proving that. After he destroys Motaro and Shao Kahn, Sonya
and Jax form the Outworld Investigation Agency. Here they learn about
portals through Science not Magic."
                                                                     Page 16
                               ****  KANO  ****
                           Played by Richard Divizio

Story: "Kano is thought to have been killed in the first tournament.
Instead, he is found alive in the Outwold where he again escapes capture
by Sonya. Before the actual Outworld invasion, Kano convinces
Shao Kahn to spare his soul. Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors
how to use Earth's weapons.  Kano is the man to do it"

  Cannonball: Hold LK(3 seconds), Rel. LK
  Knife throw: D,B, HP 
  Knife Uppercut: D,F, HP
  Choke Hold: B,D,F, LP
  Air Throw: BL in air (Next) 

       HP, HP, LP
       HP, HP, LP, B+HK
       HP, HP, LP, HK, B+HK
       HP, HP, HK, LK, B+HK
       HP, HP, D + LP, Jump forward, Cannon Ball
       HP, HP, LP, HK, LK, B+HK
       HP, HP, LK, HK, B+HK
       HK, HK, LK, B+HK
       Deep Jump Kick, Choke Hold 

  Fatality 1: ? (Next) 
    Kano pulls a skeleton of his opponent out of his
    opponents Body through his/her mouth. The body then
    stands there for a second with a big mouth opening
    then it falls to the ground like a stuffed rag doll.
  Fatality 2: ? (Sweep) (Block)
    Kano shoots you with a laser from his eye until
    you get real hot and explode.
  Animality: ? (Next) (Mercy)
    Kano changes into a big Bright yellow spider.
    Then the spider wraps it's arms around it's
    victim squeezing the life and blood out of them.
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Kano's job was to help teach Shao Kahn's minions to learn how
to use weapons. Kano finally makes the ultimate weapon and defeats his
boss. Kano finally frees all of the souls. Kano actually saved the world
he tried to conquer."
                                                                     Page 17
                             ****  LIU KANG  ****
                             Played by Eddie Wong

Story: "After the OUTWORLD invasion Liu Kang finds himself the prime
target of Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion and has
thwarted Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans Kang poses the
greatest threat to Shao Kahn's rule."

  Bicycle Kick: Hold LK, Rel. LK
  Flying Kick: F,F, HK
  Fireball: F,F, HP
  Low Fireball: F,F, LP
  Air Throw: BL 

       HP, HP, LK, LK, HK, B+HK
       HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK
       Jump Kick, Air fireball, Bicycle kick, Run, HP, HP, BL, LK, LK, HK, LK

  Fatality 1: F,F,F,B,F, LK (Next) (1.0)
    He Disappears, then he sets the victim on fire. Then
    he comes back to visiblity.
  Fatality 2: Hold BL, U,U,U, Rel. BL, BL+RN (Anywhere) (1.0)
    He drops a Mortal Kombat Machine on him/her 
? Animality: F,F,D,D,F, HP (Mercy) (?)
  Babality: D,D,D, HK (No Block) (Anywhere) (2.0)
  Frienship: Tap D+RN (No Block) (Anywhere) (2.0)
    Makes a shadow puppet of a dragon!
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Liu Kang once again reigns as champion after proving himself
again. It is the apparent death of Kung Lao that enrages Kang into 
defeating Kahn. He won easily after watching his fellow Shaolin Brother 
die in battle. All the souls of the Outworld run free, and Princess
Kitana comes to the Mother Realm (Earth) to thank him."
                                                                     Page 18
                               ****  SONYA  ****  
                            Played by Kerri Hoskins     

Story: "Sonya disappears in the first tournament, but is later rescued
by Jax. After returning to Earth, she and Jax try to warn the US
Government of the looming Outworld menace.  Lack of proof, they watch
helplessly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion."

  Rings: D,F, LP
  Dig. Bicycle Kick: B,B,D, HK
  Leg Throw: D+LP+BL
  Square Wave Jump: F,B, HP 

       HP, HP, LP, B+HP
       HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, B+HK

  Fatality 1: D,D,D,B+HP (Any) (1.0)
    Just the same as the old one. She blows a kiss at
    you and then you body erupts in flames.
  Babality: D,D,D,F, LK (No Block) (Anywhere) (2.0)
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Sonya finally defeats her arch enemy Kano high atop a
rooftop on a skyscraper. With Kano out of the way, she and Jax form
the Outworld Investigation Agency. They learn about portals without
the use of magic."
                                                                     Page 19
                             ****  STRYKER  *****
                           Played by Michael O'Brien

Story: "When the Outworld portal opens up over a large city in North
America, panic and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was the
leader of the riot control brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He
finds himself the lone survivor of a city once populated by millions."

  High Grenade: D,B, HP
  Low Grenade: D,B, LP 
  Baton Toss: F,F, HK
  Baton Trip: F,B, LP  

       HK, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP
       RUN, HP, HP, D + LP, Baton Throw
       HK, HK, HP, HP, B+HK
       LK, HP, HP, LP
       HK, HK, HK , HP, HP, LP

  Fatality 1: D,F,D,F, BL (Next)  (1.0 + 2.0)
    He places explosives on his victim and plugs
    his ears as they blast into oblivion.
  Fatality 2: F,F,F,F, LK (Far) (1.0 + 2.0)
    Stryker shoots a taser at you then frying you.
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Stryker has saved everyone in the world. After all his 
townspeople were killed, he left to go into battle. Now he has returned
to find everything dead as he left it."
                                                                     Page 20
                            ****  SUB - ZERO  ****
                              Played by John Turk

Story: "The Ninja returns unmasked.  Betrayed by his own clan, the Lin Kuei,
he broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is marked for death.
But unlike the Ninja of old his pressures come as machines. He must not only
defend from the Outworld menace, but he must also elude his soulless

  Ice Shower: D,F, HP
  Ice Clone: D,B, LP
  Freeze: D,F, LP
  Slide: B+LP+LK+BL
       HK, HK
       HP, HP, LP, B+LK, B+HK, B+HK
       HP, LP, LK, HK
       LP, HP, LK, B+HK
       HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK
 30%/3 Freeze, Jump Kick, Sweep, Slide
 29%/2 Freeze, Uppercut, Slide
 ??%/4 Freeze, LK, HK, B+HK, Tap HK

  Fatality 1: D,F,D,F, LP  (Next) (1.0)
    Subbie picks his victim up over his head.  Then he
    freezes him. After freezing him he snaps the victim
    in two.
  Fatality 2: D,F,B, HK (Sweep) (1.0)
    Subbie blows on the victim which freezes his opponent
    then the victim falls over and breaks.
  Nudality: Hold LK, HK, then ? (Mercy) (No Block) (1.0)
    ? = Can't remember rest of it. Sorry for 1.0 only.
  Animality: Hold BL, U,U,U,U Rel. BL (Next) (Mercy) (1.0)
    Polar Bear
  Babality: D,B,B, HK
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Sub-Zero wins and he desroyes the Cyber-Ninja's except for the 
third, (Smoke). Smoke was a friend of Sub-Zero in his Lin Kuei days, so
Sub-Zero gives Smoke his soul back and returns him to human form. 
Sub-Zero then returns to the shadows."
                                                                     Page 21
                              ****  CYRAX  ****
                             Played by Sal Divita

Story: "Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, the second of three prototype cybernetic
ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts his last program command
is to find and terminate the rogue Ninja Sub Zero. Without a soul Cyrax
goes undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a Possible threat against his
occupation of Earth"

  Net: B,B, LK
  Exploding Teleport: F,F,D, BL
  Close Bomb: Hold LK,B,B,HK        
  Far Bomb: Hold LK,F,F,HK      
  Jump Throw: F,F,B,D,F, BL (oppon. must be in air not you)

  100% B, B, Hold LK, F, F, HK, release, HP, HP, LP, Hold LK, B, B, HK,
                release, D+HP, Hold LK, B, B, HK, D+HP, Hold
                LK, B, B, HK, release, D+HP,
       HP, HP, LK, LP
       HP, HP, LK, B+HK
       HP, HP, HK
       HP, HP, HK, HP, HK, HK, B+HK (2.0)

  Fatality 1: U,U,U,D, HP (Far) (Any) (1.0)
              D,D,U,D, HP (Far) (Any) (2.0)
    His dreadlocks start turning like a helicopter. Then
    he flys off. Then real fast he comes down onto the
    opponent, cutting them but no opponent is left.
  Fatality 2: 360DD, RN (Far) (Block) (1.0)
        ?     F,B,F,D, LK (Far) (Block) (2.0)
    He presses buttons on his arm, then a menu pops up
    on screen and goes to self destruct, then he clicks
    it. He kills himself and his victim.
  Animality: Hold BL, U,U,U,D, Rel. BL (Mercy) (1.0)
    Shark  (Must be Shang Tsung to do Mercy)
  Frienship: 360 from Forward to Up and around, RN
    Funny Dance
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Cyrax is reprogrammed by Sub-Zero out in the desert. Cyrax wins
and it turn out that Sub-Zero reprogrammed him to kill Shao Kahn instead
of himself. Cyrax, being soulless attaks Shao by surprise. Cyrax then
recieves orders from the Lin-Kuei to return to base, but being 
reprogramed by Sub-Zero, has a severe malfuction on his way back. 
Cyrax is then seen wandering through the desert, blindly trying to get
back to his Ninja Clan."
                                                                     Page 22
                              ****  SEKTOR  ****
                             Played by Sal Divita

Story: "Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9.  He was the
first of three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor
was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuei.  He volunteered for
automation because of his loyalty to the Clan.  Sektor survives the Outworld
invasion - he has no soul to take.

  Heat Missile:  D,B, HP
  Straight Missile: F,F, LP
  Teleport Punch: F,F, LK

       Heat Seeker Missile, Teleport, Run, LP, Jump Forward, HK
       Teleport, Regular Missile
       Heat Seeker Missile, Teleport, Run, LP, Regular Missile
       HP, HP, LK, LP
       HP, HP, LK, LP
       HP, HP, LK, B+HK
       HP, HP, HK
       HP, HP, HK, HK, B+HK (2.0)

  Fatality 1: B,B,B,B, HK (Sweep) (Block) (1.0)
    Stands in front of you and a clamp comes out of
    his chest and crushes you into a bloody mess
    of bones and body parts.
  Animality: D,D,D,U (Block) (Mercy) (1.0)
    Bat De-Cap 
  Friendship: Tap D+RN (No Block) (Anywhere) (2.0)
    Test Your Might!
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)
         D,D,D,D, RN (Next) (2.0)

       "Sektor fears the upcoming threat of Kahn and Motaro. He finally
completes his job of finding Sub-Zero. Finally, Sektor initiates 
Self-Destruct mode and nukes everything around him including himself."
                                                                     Page 23
                            ****  NIGHTWOLF  ****   
                             Played by Sal Divita

Story: "Works as a historian and preserver of his People's culture.  When
Kahn's portal opens over North America,  NightWolf uses the magic of his
Shaman to protect his tribe's sacred land.  This area becomes a vital
threat to Kahn's invasion of the Earth."

  Arrow: D,B, LP
  Hatchet Uppercut: D,F, HP
  Shield: B,B,B, HK
  Shadow Ram: F,F, LK

       HP, HP, LP, Hatchet Uppercut, HP
       HP, HP, LP, B, D, F, HP
       HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HK
       HP, HP, Hatchet Uppercut, HP, HP, Shadow Charge
       HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, B+HK

  Fatality 1: D,F,F, HK (Next) (1.0)
    A powerful beam of light comes from the sky
    and evaporates his opponents.
  Fatality 2: B,B,B, HP (Sweep) (1.0)
    Hold his tomahawk in the air then lighting
    strikes it. Then he holds it then you fall toward
    the ground.
  Animality: D,D,D (Next) (Mercy) (1.0)
    Turns into a red Wolf and attacks the guy.
  Friendship: D+RN, D+RN, D+RN (No Block) (2.0)
    Turns into Raiden then a MK2 Machine Drops down and he says he
    knows a Raiden Transformation not a Kano.
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)
         RN,RN,RN, BLK (Next) (2.0)

       "After the defeat of Kahn, Nightwolf goes back to his homeland.
He has saved his people and is a hero. Shao Kahn has underestimated 
Nightwolf and payed for it. Nightwolf now starts a race on earth."
                                                                     Page 24
                              ****  SHEEVA  ****
                           Played by A Clay Figurine     

Story: "She was hand picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal
Protector. She becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty toward her race
of Shokan when he places Motaro head of his extermination squads. On the
Outworld Motaro's race of Centaurians are the natural enemy of the

  Fireball: D,F, HP
  Teleport Stomp: D, U
  Stomp: B,D,B, HK

       HP, HP, LP, hold B for the rest, HK, HK, LK, HK
       HP, HP, LP, F+HP
       HP, LP, HP, B+HK

  Fatality 1: F,F,F, LP (Next) (1.0)
    She pounds you into the ground. Just leaving
    you head exposed.
  Fatality 2: Hold HK, F,F,F, Rel. HK (Next) (1.0)
              Hold HK, F,B,F,F, Rel. HK (Next) (2.0)
    She strips your skin off of the opponent.
    Leaving a bloody body with no skin.
? Fatality 3: Hold BL, F,D,F,B,F, Rel. BL, PRESS LP (CLOSE)
  Animality: RN, BL, BL, BL, BL (Mercy) (1.0 + 2.0)
    Scorpion Explosion
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Her race is going to be enslaved by Shao Kahn, who gives Motaro's
race of Centaurians the Information they need to defeat the Shokan. Sheeva
is outraged and kills Shao Kahn and Motaro, restoring her race to one of 
                                                                     Page 25
                             ****  KUNG LAO  ****         
                            Played by Tony Marquez       

Story: Unknown ?

  Hat throw: B,F, LP
  Teleport: D,U
  Dive Kick: D+HK in the air
  Shield Spin: F,D,F, RN

       LK, LK, B+HK
       HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK, HK
       HP, LP, HP, LP, LK, LK, B+HK
       Hop punch, Dive kick, Roundhouse, Low Kick

  Fatality 1: Tap D+BL+RN (Any) (1.0 + 2.0)
    Kung Lao does his Shield Spin and you get sucked in
    and bones fly.
  Animality: RN, RN, RN, RN, BL, RN (Mercy) (1.0 + 2.0)
    Leopard Pounce
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
? Friendship: D+RN, D+RN, D+RN (No Block) (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)

       "Kung Lao is severely wounded in the combat. He later dies
from the wounds."
                                                                     Page 26
                               ****  KABAL  ****
                           Played by Richard Divizio

Story: "As a chosen warrior his identity is a mystery to all.  It is
believed he is a survivor of an attack by Shao Kahn's extermination
squads.  As a result, he is viciously scarred, kept alive only by
artificial respirators and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's

  Tornado Spin: B,F, LK 
  Purple Fireball: B,B, HP (air Optional)
  Ground Blade: B,B,B, RN

       HP, HP, D+HP
       Spin (B,F, LK), then Run Close and Use a Kombo
   49% LK, LK, HP, HP, D+HP, Jumpkick, AIR FIREBALL
   32% LK, LK, HP, HP, B+HK, B+HK
   72% Jumpkick, Spin, Ground Blade, LK, LK, HP, HP, D+HP,
           UPPERCUT, Jumpkick, AIR FIREBALL

  Fatality 1: B,B,F,D, BL (Sweep) (1.0)
              D,D,B,F, BL (Sweep) (2.0)
    He pulls out his tubes and hooks them to
    his victim. After doing this air is pumped
    into the victim and the head gets big and
    blows up.
  Animality: Hold HP, D,D,D, Rel. HP (Next) (Mercy) (1.0)
    Green Rhino Skeleton hits you off screen with
    it's head.
  Babality: RN, RN, LK (No Block) (Anywhere) (2.0)
  Mercy: D,D,D,D, RN (1.0)
         Hold RN, D,D,D,D, Rel. RN (2.0)
  Pit 3, Subway, and Shao Kahn Tower:
         F,F,F,F, RN (Next) (1.0)
         BLK,BLK,BLK,HK (Next)  (2.0)

       "Kabal was once a member of the Black Dragon Mercenary clan
alongside friend Kano. Now Kabal wants to serve justice. He gives
crime's inner circle something to fear now."
                                                                     Page 27
±±                                BOSSES                                  ±± 

Boss # 1:
 Motaro belongs to the Centaurian Race. The Centaurians are Half Human,
Horse monsters with a steel tail. He can be very cheap with his teleporting
and fireballs. Projectiles either disappear or bounce back at you so don't
use them.

Strategy to Beat:
  There's actually three simple ways to beat this guy. He's a real
sucker for Kombos so even if you start one on him and he blocks the
first few hits keep the combo going because he'll eventually let
down his guard.

1) Constantly do cross-over kicks followed by punishing Kombos. This way,
while effective is slightly more difficult than the next.

2) Trap the horse legged @#$! in the corner and keep the combo's rolling.
After you do a combo to him he falls over. He stays in this fallen position
for about 1 sec. enough time to start the combo over again. 

3) Get his life lower than yours and then just stay a whole screen away

Boss # 2:
          Shao Kahn
Played by Brian Glynn. He is allot harder to defeat him than before. He is
now taller and has many new moves. He doesn't taunt you as much, and use a
big steel mallet to hit you with. He also has a fireball just like Kabal's
in the way that it comes from his head.

Strategy to Beat:
1) Low Fireballs from Kang or Purple Fireballs from Kabal over and over.
Best if you start while he is stunned. 

2) Attack him while he is Taunting you. Best attacks while he is doing this
is Sub-Zero's freeze or Kabal's Spin.
                                                                     Page 28
±±                           OTHER CHARACTERS                             ±± 

                              *** Noob Saibot ***
                           Played by Richard Divizio
He's back and can be fought by a Kombat Kode on the VS screen. He
winner on round one gets to fight him for one round. And he is a Black
Kano now not a Black Scorpion. We haven't seen any moves for him yet.

                                 *** Smoke ***
                             Played by Sal Divita
 Smoke returns in this game. But now as a Robo Ninja. He is the Robot in
the Center of the select screen that appears now and then. Rumor
from a constant Player of MK3 is that Smoke was picked once when Smoke
was pickable but was fixed soon after that. He said that Smoke has a
fork spear. And that Smoke does still Smoke and is now a Purple double
of Cyrax.

                                *** Raiden ***
                           Played by Carlos Pensina
Raiden is featured as a KK icon and in the
story line. And possibly a hidden Character.

                                *** Galaga ***
 To get to the classic game Galaga you have to insert
a Kombat Kode or have 100 battles. HP shoots the lasers.
It says Fatality when you shoot a Ship.

                               *** Erinmac ***
              Played by Mary Jane Kim, a Chicago Bulls Cheerleader
 She wears a red outfit, like Kitana's. She got her name from the bug
named Ermac (ERrorMACro) in an old MK 1 or 2 version.  Her name is not
Ermac as many think, this person's name is Erinmac. We have yet to see
her in the game yet, so she might have been pulled or saved for the
update in Sept.
                                                                     Page 29
±±                             KOMBAT KODES                               ±± 

You Can change the Icons on the bottom of the VS screen with button
presses of LP, LK, and BL. If you hold UP and hit a button it goes
though the kodes backwards so I show U+# to show how many times to
hit a button while holding UP. Player 1 selects the first three and
Player 2 controls the next three. If you match them or put them in a
certain combination to get a Kombat Kode. I was told my Mike (not
Matt) Kruse to add how many times to hit the buttons for
the KKs into the FAQ, so I did.

The Ad Kodes:

In the MK3 ads on TV in magazines and other places or things
associated with MK, like the MK live tour will feature some.
In all the Kodes they give out there is one icon they don't
give you and that is a # with a circle around it. There is
no easy way but to try every icon in it's place til it works.
I thought I had a system going but didn't work to well.
It worked sometimes but not always.

All 10 Possible Icons In Order and how Many times you hit the button:
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|  Dragon  ||    MK    || Ying Yang|| 3 Symbol ||  ? Mark  |
|    0     ||    1     ||     2    ||    3     ||    4     |
 __________  __________  __________  __________  __________
|          ||          ||          ||          ||          |
|  L. Bolt ||   Goro   ||  Raiden  ||  S. Kahn ||   Skull  |
|    5     ||   U+4    ||   U+3    ||   U+2    ||   U+1    |

Here are some Kombat Kodes:

All work for Revision 1.0 and 2.0

Dark Fighting:
Goro, Shao Kahn, Shao Kahn, ? Mark, Ying Yang, Ying Yang
 U+4-    U+2   -    U+2   -    4  -     2    -     2

(Not Sure what it does, Has to do with The No Fear Pinball Game by Midway)
 Yin Yang, Shao Kahn, Yin Yang, Yin Yang, Shao Kahn, Yin Yang
    2    -    U+2   -    2    -    2    -    U+2   -    2

                                                                     Page 30
Kombat Kodes:  Continued From Page 29

Ranper Kombat:
  ? Mark, Goro, Dragon, ? Mark, Goro, Dragon
     4  -  U+4-    0  -   4   -  U+4-    0

Player 1 Quarter energy:
  Raiden, MK , Raiden, MK , MK , MK
   U+3  -  0 -   U+3 -  0 -  0 -  0

Player 2 Quarter energy:
  MK , MK , MK , Raiden, MK , Raiden
   0 -  0 -  0 -  U+3  -  0 -   U+3   

There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power: (Not sure what this does?)
  MK, Ying Yang, 3 , Skull, Yin Yang, Goro
  1 -    4     - 3 -  U+1 -    2    -  U+4   

Winner of Round 1 fights SHAO KAHN:
  Dragon, 3 , 3 , L. Bolt, Goro, ? mark  
     0  - 3 - 3 -    5   - U+4 -  4    

No Power Bar:
  Skull, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Dragon, MK, Ying Yang
     U+1 -   U+2  -   U+3 -    1  - 2 -    3

Disable Throws:
  MK, Dragon, Dragon, MK, Dragon, Dragon
     1 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0    

Blocking Disabled:
  Dragon, Ying Yang, Dragon, Dragon, Ying Yang, Dragon
     0  -     2    -    0  -    0  -     2    -   0

? Winner Fights Johhny Cage:  (Must be in the Subway stage, 2.0 Only)
  3, Yin Yang, Raiden, ?, Kahn, L.Bolt
  3-    2    -   U+3 - 4- U+2 -   5

Missing Kodes:
 Galaga, Old School (Disables special moves), Handicapped Fighters, Winner
of Round 1 fights NOOB SAIBOT: , Winner of Round 1 fights MOTARO.

Ultimate Kombat Kodes:
 Done after no one continues in a one player game. Icons 1-10 are
controlled by both joysticks.

      (04)      (02)         (07)      (04)
           (05)                   (07)
      (02)      (06)         (02)      (01)
                                                                     Page 31
±±                           Question Section                             ±± 

 I now added a Question section from some questions I get all the time.
So now I'll answer some questions in this section but you must send them
to me. Read the bottom of this section for info on sending me questions
for the FAQ.

Q. Who's back in the game from the old ones?
A.  Kano, Sonya, and Liu Kang are the ones returning from the first
Mortal Kombat. Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, Jax, and Shang Tsung. Subbie is
the Sub-zero from the second game not the first game.

Q. Is Cyrax really Scorpion?
A. No, Cyrax is all robot but Sektor is a cyborg. Sektor is formerly a
ninja trained by the Lien Kien ninja clan and volunteered to become part
Robot, that can be the old Sub-Zero or Scorpion even though Scorpion
belonged to a different ninja clan.

Q. Is that WAV file of Johnny Cages death real?
A. Yes that WAV file is Real. I know that because when you put in a coin
into Proto 1.0 or 2.0 you hear the gong from the begging of the WAV file,
so that proves that the WAV is real. Also the gongs and part of the music
are in the intro screen with Raiden's Creed.

Q. What does the announcer like?
A. It's the same voice from MK2, Shao Kahn. But it sounds better and more
enhanced than the last game's.

Q. What does the music sound like?
A. The music has a deep spooky sound in some stages. The music in the
Church has a spooky gothic feel to it. Also I thnink that the Subway
has the best music.

Q. What does the Arcade unit look like?
A. The arcade unit has a picture of Shao Kahn and his queen Sindel
standing on Shao Kahn's castle in the middle of a large abandoned city with
the portal off in the distance over the city.  On the top you just see the
words MK 3 with the Dragon logo in the bottom arc of the 3. Bellow the
joysticks you see the words Mortal Kombat 3, the only place on the whole
machine that says Mortal Kombat 3.
                                                                     Page 32
Q. What are the joysticks set up like?
A. There is the standard MK button layout with a new button, the RUN
button. The run button is diagonally down from the LP. The 4 buttons
RUN, LOW PUNCH, BLOCK, HIGH KICK are lined up perfectly.

Q. What happens in the bottom of the Pit 3?
A. When you do the movements your guy uppercuts your opponent and they
fall down the side of the bridge. While falling it shows the side of the
person while falling.  When the hit bottom you see allot of turning blades
on a wheels which cut you up into a lot of body parts and blood. Very

Q. Is this one more realistic than MK2?  I thought it was real stupid
just having a pair of legs standing on its own...And do they keep bleeding
after fatalities?
A. MK3 is allot more realistic looking than MK2. Some Fatalities have
Skeletons which are pure white not bloody. But other Fatalities have more
realistic looking after effects like Sindel's Where she screams your skin
off and the body has all the muscles exposed and bloody looking. They
still have problems with explosion Fatalities where two heads fall, or
having too many legs.

Q. Are all the Pits and Mercys the Same?
A. Yes, but in 1.0 only. In 2.0 everyone seems to have different movements
for each Pit Fatal/Mercy.

If you have any questions send them to me with the subject
 MK3 Question
And if I like it I'll put it into the FAQ
                                                                     Page 33
±±                              KOOL STUFF                                ±± 

* Random Select: U + Start the same as before
* Difficulty can be chosen by picking one of three towers in a
  1 player game, version 1.0 starts the picker at Master, 2.0 starts the
  picker at Novice.
* You can be knocked through the ceiling in the Bank, Subway, and now
  the Soul Chamber.
* Toasty returns again bigger and better looking and with a purple shirt
* When you die against the computer it asks you for
  "The Ultimate Kombat Kode". This Kode is 10 symbols long and who
  knows what it does?! Play as Smoke??
* Galaga: 100 battles in a row. Or can be done by Kombat Kode. And you
  use HP to fire.

±±                           PICTURE + SOUNDS                             ±± 

  I will no longer list all of the GIFs and Stuff because I have 30+
  pictures so Just look for them at these places.
Where to find some of the pics:

* Check Critics Choice
   Keyword: critics
    then go to games + CD-Roms and then go down to game archives
* Nintendo Power Source.
   Keyword: NOA.
    From there find The Reactor, here is where you can find pictures of MK3
     for SNES, and soon NU64. The also have a Picture of THe NU64.

* Vidgames+ Forum
   Go: vidgames
    Look in the Coin-Ops File Libary, Or search for files with Keyword MK3

     directory pub/users/mk/
     then go to the Pics or Sounds Lib


I'm making some WAV files and posting them on and Critics
 Choice on AOL
                                                                     Page 34
±±                             BUGS SECTION                               ±± 

* You can kill Motaro and Shao Kahn with just Low Fireballs from Liu Kang,
  or from Kabal's Fireballs.

* Most Characters, especially Shao Kahn and Motaro, will just stand there
  not attacking you and if you are winning you can just stay there and win
  the round very easily as long as you don't attack or move towards the

* In the street stage, or was it the Bridge, if you do a fatal that scrolls
  the screen to make the person the fatal is being preformed on to be in the
  center. The screen will get messed up showing more of the stage but all
  black with papers blowing around. Kind of Weird looking.

* If you do a Kabal's Spin while Sektor is teleporting and Sektor
  is high up on the screen. You can't hit them with an uppercut because if
  you stand under them you wont be able to uppercut.  Or Sektor can get
  stuck in the spin under the screen. You can try to sweep them but most
  times it wont work.
                                                                     Page 35
±±                             NEWS SECTION                               ±± 

**** GOOD NEWS!!! ****
* I have recieved pics of MK3 for SNES and also KI for SNES. MK3 is not
  completely finished and needs little work. Like the names are inbetween
  the Life Meter and Run Meter. Looks pretty wierd. The Balcony is not dark
  and has no green pit in the background. But all the other stages I saw
  looked pretty good, the Bridge looked perfect but not as much paper.
  The characters are 1/4 inch shorter and the select screen was all in a
  different order, but no Smoke.
**** BAD NEWS!!! ****
* Revsion 2.0 is out and none of the Mercys, Pits, Subway, Tower, and
  everyone's Fatalitys no longer work. Thet were all changed and won't work
  at all. Revision 2.0 was accidently shipped to a friend of mine's arcade
  where he works. Nothing works but most bugs were fixed. So I'm already
  working on a FAQ for 2.0 only right now so until then I will use both
  versions in one.
* The SNES and possibly U64 Home versions pictures are going to be put in
  Issue 73 of Nintendo Power. I hope they look good.
* There will be a new ROM upgrade in September that will have 4-6 new
  characters. They are doing this to keep interest in the game, and they
  new Characters might be in the Ultra 64 Home version only.
* Babalities, Friendships, and Animalitys are in the game.
* 3D Rendered Backgrounds, and Other stuff here and there.
* The word Fatality is bloody but blood doesn't hit the ground.
* Different Blood for different types of Characters
  Green - Sheeva, Black - Robots, Red - Humans 
* When Players loose a round they fall straight backwards
  not realistically.
* Smoke is pickable somehow. I Think that if you and your opponent pick
  your character when he's on the screen and doesn't go away and then do
  the random Kombatants KK and you just might change into him. Or if you
  do random while he's on the screen and you might get him.
                                                                     Page 36
±±                             RUMOR SECTION                              ±± 

- Might be a separate character select screen for secret characters. 

If you have a rumor that you would like to send in for the FAQ, E-Mail
me and tell where it came from so I can confirm it.
                                                                     Page 37
±±                         WHERE TO FIND THE FAQ                          ±± 

This FAQ can be found on the following


 Matt Kruse's MK3 FAQS by WWW

  directory pub/users/mk/faqs

  for the Vidgames Forum

America On Line:
 Critics Choice
  Keyword: critics
   go to the Games and CD-ROM, then to the Game Archives

E-Mail Subscriptions:
 If you use America On Line mail Beavis15 or
 to get on the E-Mail Subscription List. He might send the FAQ out
 to Internet Address also I'll have to ask. He will allways have the
 Newest FAQ and will send it out when he gets it.

I'm still looking for someone that can send my FAQ out. For all the people
who want the FAQ through E-Mail. It is best if you are on the Internet
and not on CompuServe or AOL. If you want to do this send me mail
and I'll pick the best person for the job. This person will have to
keep a list of people who want all the New FAQs and then send them
out when I send it to him/her. This person will get credit in the FAQ
for His/her services.

Soon I'll begin writing a windows Shareware program that is an
Interactive FAQ. It'll have pictures of all the players and Bosses.
So if anyone has any suggestions send them to me so I can implement
that feature into the Program. Also I'm looking for good Scans or
Pictures of MK3 that any one can send me. Hopefully in full color
not color reduced!
                                                                     Page 38
±±                                CREDITS                                 ±± 

  Person             E-Mail Address                Reason Given Credit   
Patrick McCarron     Me, Writer           
Randy                                              New Kombat Kodes, Tester
Andy McNamara from     ACME Information
 Game Informer                                      and Other Info      
Stink E Ki               Posting on AOL +     
Jeremy Sloat            Player Stories       
John Key              Tester + Info        
Dan Wells               Moves                
Frodis                  Moves & fatals       
John Coleman         Coleman@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU  For the MK Digest    
DruBoy                     Lot of Stuff         
Matt Kruse +         FAQ on his WWW Page  
Mike Kruse                                         New Moves   
Brian Witfield       None                          Helped With KKs      
Guys at Aladdin's    Many Different Address        New Kodes and Moves   
 Castle in Moline     if you see this guys                         
 Illinois             send me your address                           
Paul Hurley, RAT     rat@mv.MV.COM                 FTP of My FAQ        
Robocod                   Endings              
Mike Weiler          None Yet                      Tester               
BryanB2163             New Kombos for 2.0   
AJ Kuehner           None                          My #1 Tester
Aaron Stroot                My #2 Tester               
Guys at Galaxy                                     Helped find New      
 World in Carol                                     Kombat Kodes       
 Stream, Illinois                                                    
                                                                     Page 39
Continued From Page 37
  Person             E-Mail Address                Reason Given Credit   
Mike Hueson               Liu Kang Fatal       
Brian Smolik               MK3 George FAQ       
John George              MK3 George FAQ       
Satan'S Lit Helper             Information and help  
Midway / Shadow      Information and GIF   
Mark Ordonez         None                          Proofreading+Editing  
Sachin Pansuria             Kombos               
Oudom Sengbounouvong         Errors Pointed Out   
GEL                  cruz@dcl   Some Moves           
Mike Kokal             Helped Smolik+George  
Rory Groves     Helped George FAQ     
Beavis15                 Sends FAQ out on AOL  
Lil TRIG98           Lil            Tester

MK3 Design Team:
 Person             E Mail Address                 What They Did       
Ed Boon         Programing           
John Tobias         ?                              Story / Art           
Dan Forden          ?                              Music / FX           
Tony Goskie         ?                              Backgrounds          
John Vogel      Sheeva+Backgrounds   
Steve Beran         ?                              Effects/Touch Ups    
Dave Mikicich       ?                              Effects/Backgrounds  

Mortal Kombat 3 and NBA JAM are Trademark and Copyright 1995, 1993
  Midway Manufacturing All Rights Reserved

All other trademarks contained herein are Trademark and Copyright 
  1994, 1995 by their respective owners.  All Rights Reserved.
                       ____           ___________________________________
                      |__  \         /  _________________________________|
                         \  \       /  /
   ____   ____    ______  \  \     /  /    Patrick McCarron, NSX
  |_  _| |_  _|  / ____ \  \  \   /  /            Writer Of
    ||\\   ||   | |__  |_|  \  \ /  /Mortal Kombat 3 The Final Chapter FAQ       
    || \\  ||   |    \__     \     /             (40 pages)            
    ||  \\ ||    \__    \     |   |  
    ||   \\||    _  \__  |   /     \E-Mail:             
   _||_   | |_  | |____| |  /  / \  \   or  
  |____| |____|  \______/  /  /   \  \   
                          /  /     \  \  For FAQ Subsciption E-Mail:
                       __/  /       \  \_______Beavis15@aol.com__________
                      |____/         \___________________________________| 

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