Andere Lösungen

Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (e)

Might and Magic II FAQ 1.0.0
Copyright 2000-2001 Andrew Schultz

Might and Magic II is copyright 1988 New World Computing.  I am not 
associated with them in any way.  Rather, this is a part of my efforts 
to help preserve the memory of some great old games.

This FAQ is meant to go hand-in-hand with my script.  The FAQ addresses 
formuale, etc., used to figure out characters' statistics, as well as 
the most important aspects of the game.  It also discusses how much you 
can pay for various things.  It doesn't tell much of dialogues unless 
they are critical to the game.  That sort of detail info is in the 
script.  Look there for, for instance, the statues that tell you of the 
class-specific quests.

This version may not be redistributed for profit in any way without my 
consent.  Although I appreciate the publicity, this took a *lot* of time 
so please request permission to post this politely and refer to me by 
name(don't, like, depersonalize me, man :) ) in doing so.  Thanks! 
Any feedback can be sent to
My home page is at:
My games page is at:
Might and Magic II page is at:
This page has maps of all MM2 dungeons.  The surface maps are being 

To-do:  proofread, find level 5 sorcerer spells.

Basic questions:





















MM1=Might and Magic I
MM2(or MM][ or MMII)=Might and Magic II
Kt, Pa, Ar, Cl, Ro, So, Ni, Ba:  Shorthand for the classes.
Knight, Paladin, Archer, Cleric, Robber, Sorceror, Ninja, Barbarian.
M/F:  Male/Female
G/N/E:  Good/neutral/evil
Mig/Int/Per/End/Spe/Acc/Luc:  Shorthand for rolled attributes.
Might, Intelligence, Personality, Endurance, Speed, Accuracy, Luck
HP, SP=hit points, spell points.
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions :).


Table of experience points needed for next level.

For the levels below 70, I divide classes into two groups, A and B.
Classes in A: Barbarian, Knight, Robber, and Cleric.
Classes in B: Paladin, Archer, Ninja and Sorceror.
In general A needs 25% less experience to get to a level than B.
Here is a list of levels and experience needed for each class(in 

Differences between levels double, but less frequently as levels 
Otherwise, they stay the same.

Lvl|A        |B        |Doubled?
2  |1.5      |2        |N
3  |3        |4        |Y
4  |6        |8        |Y
5  |12       |16       |Y
6  |24       |32       |Y
7  |48       |64       |Y
8  |96       |128      |Y
9  |192      |256      |Y
10 |384      |512      |Y
11 |576      |768      |N
12 |768      |1024     |N
13 |960      |1280     |N
14 |1344     |1728     |Y
15 |1728     |2304     |N
16 |2496     |3328     |Y
17 |3264     |4352     |N
18 |4032     |5376     |N
19 |4800     |6400     |N
20 |5568     |7424     |N
21 |7104     |9472     |N
22 |8640     |11520    |N
23 |10276    |13568    |N
24 |11712    |15616    |N
25 |13248    |17664    |N
26 |14784    |19712    |N
27 |16320    |21760    |N
28 |17856    |23808    |N
29 |19392    |25832    |N
30 |20928    |27856    |N
31 |24000    |32000    |Y
32 |27072    |36096    |N
33 |30144    |40192    |N
34 |33216    |44288    |N
35 |36288    |48384    |N
36 |39360    |52480    |N
37 |42432    |56576    |N
38 |45504    |60672    |N
39 |48576    |64768    |N
40 |51648    |68864    |N
41 |54720    |72960    |N
42 |57792    |77056    |N
43 |60864    |81152    |N
44 |63936    |85248    |N
45 |67008    |89344    |N
46 |70080    |93440    |N
47 |73152    |97536    |N
48 |76224    |101632   |N
49 |79296    |105728   |N
50 |82368    |109824   |N
51 |88512    |118016   |Y
52 |94656    |126208   |N
53 |100800   |134400   |N
54 |106944   |142592   |N
55 |113088   |150784   |N
56 |119232   |158976   |N
57 |125376   |167168   |N
58 |131520   |175360   |N
59 |137664   |183552   |N
60 |143808   |191744   |N
61 |149952   |199936   |N
62 |156096   |208128   |N
63 |162240   |216320   |N
64 |168384   |224512   |N
65 |174428   |232704   |N
66 |180672   |240896   |N
67 |186816   |249088   |N
68 |192960   |257280   |N
69 |199104   |265472   |N
70 |205248   |273664   |N
71 |211392   |281856   |N
72 |217536   |290048   |N
73 |223680   |298240   |N
74 |229824   |306432   |N
75 |235968   |314624   |N
76 |252352   |331008   |Y*(cleric=sorcerer=16384 from here)
77 |268736   |347392   |Y

And so on....I have omitted the rest, because it becomes a matter of 
addition from here, and I never got around to developing over level 80 
characters, or editing things so I had them.


Rolled stats:might, intelligence, personality, speed, endurance, 
accuracy, luck

We will only discuss intelligence, personality, speed, and endurance 

Attrubite value |INT/PER:          |SPD:    |END:    |
                |Spell points/level|AC Bonus|HP Bonus|
13-14           | 4                | 1      | 1      |
15-16           | 5                | 2      | 2      |
17-18           | 6                | 3      | 3      |
19-21           | 7                | 4      | 4      |
22-25           | 8                | 5      | 5      |
26-29           | 9                | 6      | 6      |
30-44           | 10               | 7      | 7      |
45-59           | 11               | 8      | 8      |
60-74           | 12               | 9      | 9      |
75-89           | 13               | 10     | 10     |
90-???          | 14               | 11     | 11     |

From sixty up is a calculated guess.  Mr. Wizard has 90 intelligence and 
gains 14 spell points per level.  If you get rid of his skills, his 
intelligence drops to 85, and he has only 13 spell points per level.  
From there I assumed that the range of attribute values could never 
decrease, which implied that the ranges are fixed at 15.  I guess if you 
got 105 personality you'd get 15 spell points, but I'd have to get 1)a 
hero medal and 2)one of those places beneath the castles where you can 
swap one attribute for another and, to make things quicker, 3)an item 
that increases the ability you can trade for personality.

Similar spell point formulas work for archers and paladins, too, only 
just after they
are promoted, max points = points per level * (level - 6).  Looks like a 
bug but makes sense, since fighter/spellcasters start late.
(That was how MM1 calculated it)

You'll want to put high priority on finding an item that can raise your 
intelligence/personality.  If you raise your endurance, you can get a 
few hit points next time you gain a level.  Since spell points are a 
DIRECT MULTIPLE of your level and another factor, one item can make your 
spellcaster quite a bit more powerful.

Here is the max. hit points/level for classes, if their endurance is 11-
12(no bonus):
Knights 12
Paladins 10
Archers 10
Clerics 8
Sorcerors 6
Robbers 8
Barbarians 15
Ninjas 10

So a sorceror with endurance 20 would be capable of 6(basic)+4(bonus)=10 
points per level if he trained at Atlantium.  By the way, it's a good 
idea to do so.  Sir Hyron, the first hireling, gained the following 
range of hit points:
8 at Middlegate, 10 at Sandsobar, 10 at Tundara, 11 at Vulcania, 14 at 
Atlantium.  It's a bit too complicated to make a formula of this, but if 
you have the extra cash, give your players a few more hit points.

Also, robbers start out with 15% thieving, and ninjas start out with 
10%.  They each gain a percentage point of ability per level, although 
100% thieving doesn't guarantee that you'll be safe against a chest 

For other statistics:  extra attacks are determined as follows.  
(level)/x where x is a number dependent on class
4 - Knight, Paladin, Barbarian
5 - Archer, Robber, Ninja
7 - Cleric
10- Sorcerer


Interestingly, there are 15 "sellers" with three in each town.  The most 
critical to the game are in Middlegate.  Tundara contains some good 
intangible ones, and Atlantium's Linguist can also be useful.

Auto mapper:  Otto Mapper, (0,15) Middlegate, 10 gold
Mountaineering:  Sir Edmund Hilary, (3,12) Middlegate, 2000 gold
Pathfinder:  Track and Trail, (1,9) Middlegate, 1000 gold

Athlete:  The Olympic Trial, (6,2) Atlantium, 500 gold(+5 speed)
Heroism:  Hippomenes + Atalanta, (9,2) Atlantium, 1000 gold(+1 in all 
Linguist:  Odysseus'[sic] Tongue, (8,4) Atlantium, 500 gold(+5 
intelligence, can read glyphs)

Crusader:  Saracen's Denial, (2,14) Tundara, 250 gold
Merchant:  International Market, (5,13) Tundara, 1000 gold
Navigator:  Colombus's[sic] Sextant, (8,13) Tundara, 750 gold

Soldier:  Sergeant Pain School, Vulcania (0,3), 500 gold(+5 endurance)
Gladiator:  Disembowlments R Us, Vulcania (3,9), 500 gold(+5 strength)
Arms Master:  Profiency Expert[sic], Vulcania (15,3), 500 gold(+5 

You can gain or lose thievery:
Thievery:  Rinaldo Jr., (0,12) under Sandsobar, 700 gold(+10 thievery) 
(behind some ninjas)
Thievery:  Maxwell, (13,9) under Sandsobar, 250 gold(-5 thievery)[AVOID 
  THESE CAN OCCUR ANY NUMBER OF TIMES.  You'll have to step out for 
Rinaldo Jr. to come back, but you can keep visiting Maxwell without 
leaving, even though you don't really want to.  In other words, if you 
go under Sandsobar early on, you can get your thieving skill up pretty 
quickly.  Remember to un-equip items like skeleton keys once your thief 
gets pretty good.  You also don't lose anything if your thievery is 5% 
or below.

Note--if your skills are over 100 and you apply for improvement this may 
not be effective. (It's ok if you are up at 86 as I have checked, but 
Rinaldo Jr. did not improve my thief's skills when he was at 125%)


Depends on the town.  I'm calculating for Middlegate, but multiply for 
Atlantium: 5
Tundara: 3
Vulcania: 4
Sandsobar: 2
For healing hit points, 10*(level)
For dead, 100*(level)
For eradicated, 1000*(level)

Donations are 100*(town multiple) and blessings in return for donations 
are given out randomly.


Depends on the town you train at, and it also depends on your endurance.

The more expensive your training, the more hit points you'll get.
There's a table listed above for maximum hit points per level.
The towns' price increases as you run through the portals.
In fact, temples and training are the number in parentheses times the 
you are charged at Middlegate.
At Middlegate, you are charged 50 per level.


Gender: F(emale), M(ale), N(euter).
Alignment: N(eutral), E(vil), G(ood)
Race: H(uman), D(warf), G(nome), E(lf), (half-)O(rc)
Class:  K(night), P(aladin), A(rcher), C(leric), R(obber), S(orcerer),
   N(inja), B(arbarian)
Skills:  Arm(s master), Ath(lete), Car(tographer), Cru(sader), 
Gam(bler), Gla(diator), Her(o), Lin(guist), Mer(chant), 
Nav(igator), Pat(hfinder), Pic(kpocket), Sol(dier)
Town:  1-Middlegate, 2-Atlantium, 3-Tundara, 4-Vulcania, 5-Sandsobar

Things to note:  Age=level+17 in all cases.
All characters have 40 food, so I didn't list that.
Hirelings' cost increases by 50%, rounded down, for each level they 
Maximum cost is 50000 gold pieces.
Spell points are not included here because that total can be calculated.

#[NAME FITS HERE]GARCT MgtIntPerEndSpdAccLucHPTSLevAgeGems$$Cost|Skills
A.Sir Hyron      MNHK1  15-08-05-15-15-17-10  14  1 18   0     2|
B.Drog           MNHB1  17-04-08-17-12-13-11  18  1 18   0     2|
C.H K Phooey     MGON5  13-13-13-13-13-13-13   9  1 18   0     2|
D.Thund R        MGHB4  19-05-13-17-15-18-21  42  3 20   0    10|Cru
E.Aeriel         FGHS4  10-19-15-13-17-13-13  17  3 20  30    12|Car
F.Big Bootay     MNGC2  15-07-19-17-09-16-11  41  5 22   0    35|Lin
G.Cleogotcha     FEEA2  15-16-12-16-19-19-13  44  5 22   0    35|Ath
H.Harry Kiri     MNDN1  17-13-13-15-17-17-14  42  6 23   0    25|Arm
I.No Name        MGDA1  17-07-17-17-17-17-17  53  6 23   0    55|Cru
J.Gertrude       FEOB3  18-05-02-17-15-15-18  90  7 24   0    55|MouPat
K.Rat Fink       MEGR3  15-15-03-16-18-16-19  50  7 24   0    45|GamPic
L.Friar Fly      MEHC5  10-15-18-15-18-13-09  60  9 26   0   200|DipNav
M.Dark Mage      MEES5  09-20-13-17-18-12-15  57  9 26  80   250|LinMer
N.Red Duke       MEHP4  21-15-19-17-17-17-13  95 11 28  90   500|CruSol
O.Dead Eye       MEEA4  19-19-14-17-19-21-12  94 11 28 110   600|ArmPat
P.Nakazawa       MGHN2  19-15-15-17-17-21-19 110 13 30 110   700|DipHer
Q.Sherman        MGHP2  17-09-19-15-19-17-25  95 13 30   0  1200|CruMer
R.Flailer        NNHK2  35-03-02-26-07-08-27 180 14 31 130  2000|GlaSol
S.Fumbler        MNOR2  17-13-13-19-23-17-30 132 16 33   0  2000|AthGam
T.Sir Kill       MEHK3  30-15-15-27-21-26-19 200 15 32   0  4000|ArmGla
U.Jed I          MGHA3  22-25-17-19-23-29-21 165 15 32 160  6000|ArmMou
V.Holey Moley    MNGC2  17-17-27-19-17-17-25 156 19 36 190 15000|DipGam
W.Slick Pick     MNGR2  25-25-30-25-25-25-75 260 25 42   0 25000|GamNav
X.Mr Wizard      MGHS5  21-90-21-45-60-21-50 220 21 38 210 50000|LinMer

Stat-crunching:  20 M, 3 F, 1 N.  8 of each alignment and 3 of each 
except 2 paladins and 4 archers.
Some alignment/class combinations  aren't covered(good robber).
All hirelings have the lowest total experience for their levels.
(See above for exact values)
Eight hirelings go to Atlantium, four to each other city.
It's unclear how some cross the water to get there, but they do.
Note that Sandsobar attracts both single hirelings, Mr Wizard and H K 


In general, "true" magic users like clerics and sorcerors gain spell 
level x when they reach level 2x-1.

Fighter-magic users(paladins and archers) gain spell level x at level 
2x+5.  Fighter-magic users can only get to spell level 7.


The information below is courtesy of PROJECT64.C64.ORG.  It is taken 
with permission and is verbatim.  It includes spell information for 
clerics and sorcerers.




Level 1
1. NAME: Apparition
COST: 1 SP TYPE:  Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Creates a frightening apparition in the mosters memory
causing them to be afraid, reducing their chance to hit.

TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: All sleeping party members
DESCRIPTION: Awakens all sleeping members of the party,
instantaneously cancelling the sleep condition. May be critical if
party is attacked during rest.

3. NAME: Bless
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Increases the accuracy with which all characters fight,
for the duration of combat.

4. NAME: First Aid
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Heals minor battle wounds, restoring 8 Hit Points to that

5. NAME: Light
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Gives the party 1 light factor, which is sufficient to
light up 1 dark area. Multiple light spells can be cast to accumulate
multiple light factors.

6. NAME:  Power Cure
COST: 1/L+1 Gem
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Restores character's health and 1-10 Hit Points per
experience level of caster.

7. NAME: Turn Undead
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: All undead monsters
DESCRIPTION: Destroys some or all undead monsters, depending on
caster's experience level and monster's power level.

Clerical Spells
Level 2

1. NAME: Cure Wounds
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Cures more serious wounds, restoring
15 Hit Points to the character.

2. NAME: Heroism
COST: 2 SP+1 Gem
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Temporarily elevates a character 6 levels of experience.
Spell lasts for the duration of combat.

3. NAME: Nature's Gate
TYPE: Non-combat, Outside
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Using the forces of nature, opens a portal between two
locations in the land of Cron. These locations vary with time

4. NAME: Pain
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster, not undead
DESCRIPTION: Cripples monster with pain, inflicting 2-16 damage
points, unless the monster is immune to pain.

5. NAME: Protection From Elements
COST: 2 SP+1 Gem
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Increases all character's resistance to fear, cold, fire,
poison, acid and electricity. Amount of the increase depends on the
caster's experience level. Spell lasts 1 day.

6. NAME: Silence
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 4 monsters +1 per level
DESCRIPTION: Prevents the monsters from casting spells for the
duration of combat, or until they overcome the spell.

7. NAME: Weaken
COST: 2 SP+1 Gem
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Weakens all monsters affected, reducing their physical
damage by half until the spell is overcome.

Clerical Spells
Level 3

1. NAME: Cold Ray
COST: 3 SP+2
Gems TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 5 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Attacks with a ray of intensive cold that penetrates to
the monsters heart and inflicts 25 points of damage to each monster

2. NAME: Create Food
COST: 3 SP+2 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Spell caster
DESCRIPTION: Adds 8 food units to caster's food supply. Caster may
then distribute food among other party members, if he/she desires.

3. NAME: Cure Poison
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: I character
DESCRIPTION: Flushes poison out of a character's system,
instantaneously removing the poisoned condition.

4. NAME: Immobilize
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 5 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Immobilizes any monster affected.

5. NAME: Lasting Light
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Bestows 20 light factors on the party, for use in
dispelling darkness.

6. NAME: Walk on Water
COST: 3 SP+2 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, Outdoor
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Creates a floating sand dune upon which the party may
walk on. Lasts 1 day.

Clerical Spells
Level 4

1. NAME: Acid Spray
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 3 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Sprays a corrosive stream of acid inflicting 6-60 points
of damage, unless immune to acid.

2. NAME: Air Transmutation
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, Outdoor
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Transforms the party into air, allowing the exploration
of the elemental plane of air.

3. NAME: Cure Disease
SP TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Restores full health to sick character, instantaneously
removing the diseased condition.

4. NAME: Restore Alignment
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Restores a character's original alignment, after actions
and responses have caused it to shift.

5. NAME: Surface
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Instantly transports all party members from an
underground location to grounds surface.

6. NAME: Holy Bonus
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: The generous forces of the cleric's deity increase the
damage done by party members by 1 point per 2 levels of the caster.

Clerical Spells
Level 5
1. NAME: Air Encasement
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Encases the target in a field of air, inflicting 10
points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle
until the spell is overcome or the monster is attacked.

NAME: Deadly Swarm
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Sends a swarm of killer insects against the monsters,
inflicting 4-40 damage points against each monster.

3. NAME: Frenzy COST: 5 SP+5 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 character, once per character
DESCRIPTION: Sends one party member into a frenzy, allowing him/her to
attack all the monsters on the screen. Drained from the experience,
the character loses 1 point of endurance and is then rendered

4. NAME: Paralyze
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Attempts to immobilize all monsters and prevent them from
fighting. May be partially or completely effective on some or all

5. NAME: Remove Condition
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Releases character from all undesirable conditions except
dead, stoned or eradicated.

Clerical Spells
Level 6

1. NAME: Earth Transmutatuion
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, outdoor
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Transforms the party into earth, allowing the exploration
of the elemental plane of earth.

2. NAME: Rejuvenate
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: A fountain of youth that trims 1-10 years off a
character's age, restoring his/her abilities to the younger level.
Spell carries some risk of producing the opposite effect.

3. NAME: Stone to Flesh
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Re-animates a character who has been turned to stone,
removing the stoned condition.

4. NAME: Water Encasement
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT. 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Encases the target in a field of water, inflicting 20
points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle
until the spell is overcome or the monster is attacked.

5. NAME: Water Transmutation
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, outdoor
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Transforms the party into water, allowing the exploration
of the elemental plane of water.

Clerical Spells
Level 7
1. NAME: Earth Encasement
COST: 7 SP+7 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Encases the target in a field of earth, inflicting 40
points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle
until the spell is overcome or the monster is attacked.

2. NAME: Fiery Flail
COST: 7 SP+7 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Creates a huge flail of fire, striking a single opponent,
inflicting 100-400 points of damage.

3. NAME: Moon Ray
COST: 7 SP+7 Gems
TYPE: Combat, outdoors
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Bathes all combatants in a beneficent ray that bestows
10-100 Hit Points on each character and removes 10-100 Hit Points from
each monster.

4. NAME: Raise Dead
COST: 7 SF+7 Gems
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Brings the character back to life, removing the dead
condition. Spell carries a moderate chance of failure and a remote
chance of eradicating the character. (Note: Spell-caster and recipient
age by 1 year.)

Clerical Spells
Level 8
1. NAME: Fire Encasement
COST: 8 SP+8 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Encases the target in a field of fire, inflicting 80
points of damage per combat round and separating it from the battle
until the spell is overcome or the monster is attacked.

2. NAME: Fire Transmutation
COST: 8 SP+8 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, outdoors
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Transforms the party into fire, allowing the exploration
of the elemental plane of fire.

3. NAME: Mass Distortion
COST: 8 SP+B Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 2 monsters
DISCRIPTION: Increases the weight of monsters causing them to fall and
subsequently lose half their hit points.

4. NAME: Town Fortal
COST: 8 SP+8 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DISCRIPTION: Opens a temporary portal to any town and moves the party
through the portal to that town.

Clerical Spells
Level 9
1. NAME: Divine Intervention
COST: 10 SP+20 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Intercedes with supernatural forces to restore all
characters' Hit Points and remove all undesirable conditions, except
eradicated. (Note: Spell-caster ages 5 years every time this spell is

2. NAME: Holy Word
COST: 10 SP+10 Gems
TYPE: Combat
DESCRIPTION: Utters a single word of devastating power, that destroys
all undead monsters. (Note: Ages caster 1 year.)

3. NAME: Resurrection
COST: 10 SP+10 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: 1 character
DESCRIPTION: Removes the eradicated condition from the character,
adding 5 years to his/her age and subtracting 1 endurance point from
his/her vital statistics. There is a chance that the spell will fail.
(Note: Ages caster 1 year.)

4. NAME: Uncurse Item
COST: 10 SP+50 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Spell caster
DESCRIPTION: Attempts to remove the curse from an item in casters




Level 1
1. NAME: Awaken
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: All sleeping party members
DESCRIPTION: Awakens all sleeping members of the party,
instantaneously cancelling the sleep condition. May be critical if
party is attacked during rest.

2. NAME: Detect Magic
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Items in spell casters backpack
DESCRIPTION: Reveals any magical items in caster's backpack, and notes
the number of magical charges remaining in any item which must be
charged for use. Also detects any magic surrounding or inside a chest.

3. NAME: Energy Blast
COST: 1/L+1 Gem
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Zaps the monster with a blast of pure energy, inflicting
1-6 damage points per experience level of caster.

4. NAME: Flame Arrow
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Sends a burning shaft into the monster, inflicting 2-8
points of fire damage, unless monster is immune to fire.

5. NAME: Light
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Gives the party 1 light factor, sufficient to light a
single darkened square. Multiple light spells can be cast, to
accumulate light factors.

6. NAME: Location
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Gives precise information on party's location. Shows a
map of the current 16xl6 area that the party has mapped and shows your
present location on that map. May be critical when party is lost or
magically transported. In general, this spell is the key to successful

7. NAME: Sleep COST: 1 SP
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 4 monsters +1 monster/L of caster
DESCRIPTION: Sends monsters into a deep sleep, preventing them from
attacking. Effective until monster is damaged or overcomes the spell.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 2
1. NAME: Eagle Eye
TYPE: Non-combat, outdoor
OBJECT: 5 steps per level of caster
DESCRIPTION: An eagle eye view of the outdoor terrain appears on the
screen, providing a 5x5 overhead view of the area and your party's

2. NAME: Electric Arrow
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Electrocutes a monster, inflicting 4-16 damage points,
unless monster is immune to electrical attack.

3. NAME: Identify Monster
COST: 2 SP+ 1 Gem
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Informs caster of the current condition of any one
monster during combat.

4. NAME: Jump
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Moves the party 2 squares forward, providing there are no
magical obstructions (force fields, etc.) in the way.

5. NAME: Levitate
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Raises all characters above ground level, protecting them
from various dangers for 1 day.

6.  NAME: Lloyd's Beacon
COST: 2 SP+1 Gem
TYPE: Non-combat, Dungeon
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Leaves a beacon at your current location so that you may
instantaneously return to that location the next time you cast this

7. NAME: Protection from Magic
COST: 1/L+1 Gem
TYPE: Anytime
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Increases all characters' resistance to magic. Amount of
the increase depends on experience level of caster. Spell lasts 1 day.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 3
1. NAME: Acid Stream
COST: I/L+2 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Sprays a burning stream of acid inflicting 2-8 points of
damage per level of caster, unless immune to acid.

2. NAME: Fly
TYPE: Non-combat, Outdoors
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Grants magical flight to all characters, allowing the
party as a whole to move to any other outdoor area. The party will
land in the safest square in that area.

3. NAME: Invisibility
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Drops a cloak of invisibility over all characters,
greatly decreasing the monsters' chances of hitting them.

4. NAME: Lightning Bolt
COST: 1/L+2 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 4 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Blasts the monsters with a gigantic lightning bolt that
inflicts 1-6 damage points per level of caster.

5. NAME: Web
COST: 3 SP+2 Gems
TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 4 monsters +1 monster/L of caster
DESCRIPTION: Wraps monsters in a supernatural web, preventing them
from fighting for the duration of combat or until they escape.

6. NAME: Wizard Eye
COST: 3/L+2 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat, indoors
OBJECT: 5 steps per level of caster
DESCRIPTION: Uses the magical eye of a powerful wizard to show a 5x5
overhead view of your party's location in any indoor maze.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 4
1. NAME: Cold Beam
COST: 1/L+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Attacks with a beam of intense cold that penetrates to
the monster's heart and inflicts 6 damage point per level of caster,
unless the monsterimmune to cold.

2. NAME: Feeble Mind
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 5 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Erases the monsters brain, removing all its abilities for
the duration of combat or until the monster overcomes the spell.

3. NAME: Fire Ball
COST: 1/L+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 6 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Rolls a deadly ball of fire into the monsters' midst,
inflicting 1-6 damage points per level of caster.

4. NAME: Guard Dog
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Places a supernatural guard over party, preventing
surprise attacks for 1 day.

5. NAME: Shield
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Creates an invisible shield which surrounds the party and
protects all characters from most missile weapons for the duration of

6. NAME: Time Distortion
COST: 4 SP+3 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Creates a warp in time that enables the party to retreat
safely from most battles.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 5

Level 6 1. NAME: Disrupt
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Creates a powerful energy field that disrupts the
molecular bonds of the target, inflicting 100 points of damage.

2. NAME: Fingers of Death
COST: 5 SP+S Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 3 monsters (not undead)
DESCRIPTION: Channels the ancient power of all dead sorcerers through
the caster, resulting in death to the monsters at whom the caster
points a finger.

3. NAME: Sand Storm
COST: 2/L+5 Gems
TYPE: Combat, outdoors
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Calls upon the forces of nature to create a violent sand
storm inflicting 1-8 points of damage per level of caster.

4. NAME: Shelter
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Provides 1 day's rest free of the danger of encounter.

5. NAME: Teleport
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Instantly moves the party from its present position, up
to 9 squares in any direction.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 6
1. NAME: Disintegration
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 3 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts 50 damage points while disintegrating parts or
all of the target.

2. NAME: Entrapment
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Combat
DESCRIPTION:  Surrounds the battle with a magical energy field
preventing all from escaping.

3. NAME: Fantastic Freeze
COST: 2/L+6 Gems
TYPE: Combat, not in hand to hand
OBJECT: 3 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Shoots a fantastic beam of cold at 3 monsters,
crystalizing them and inflicting 10 damage points per level of caster.

4. NAME: Recharge Item
COST: 6 SP+6 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Spell caster
DESCRIPTION: Restores 1-6 charges to any item in caster's backpack
that still has 1 magical charge remaining. Some risk that the spell
will fail and destroy the item.

5. NAME: Super Shock
CAST: 2/L+6 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Shoots an intense beam of electricity, shocking a monster
with 20 damage points per level of caster.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 7
1. NAME: Dancing Sword
COST: 3/L+7 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: A magical sword that moves with lightning speed and
inflicts 1-12 damage points per level of caster.

2. NAME: Duplication
COST: 7 SP+100 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Spell caster
DESCRIPTION: Allows the caster to exactly duplicate any I item in
his/her backpack, provided that there is room in the caster's pack for
the new item. Small chance that the spell will fail and destroy the
original item.

3. NAME: Etherealize
COST: 7 SP+7 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Alters all characters' molecular struture long enough to
allow them to move 1 square forward through any barrier (force field,
wall, mountain, etc.).

4. NAME: Prismatic Light
COST: 7 SP+7 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: A powerful, but erratic spell that has completely
unpredictable effects.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 8
1. NAME: Incinerate
COST: 3/L+B Gems
TYPE: Combat
Engulfs a monster with the heat of a thousand fires doing 20-40 damage
points per level of caster.

2. NAME: Mega Volts
COST: 3/L+8 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Creates a chain of electricity connecting all opponents
with the deadly voltage doing 4-16 damage points per level of caster.

3. NAME: Meteor Shower
COST: 8+1 per monster+8 Gems
TYPE: Combat, Outdoors
OBJECT: All (limited by spell points)
DESCRIPTION: Buries all monsters under a hail of meteors, inflicting
5-30 damage points on each monster.

4. NAME: Power Shield
COST: 8 SP+8 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: Entire party
DESCRIPTION: Reduces the damage inflicted on all characters by any
attack, by 1/2. Lasts for the duration of combat.

Sorcerer Spells
Level 9
1. NAME: Implosion
COST: 10 SP+10 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 1 monster
DESCRIPTION: Creates a hole in space, at the center of the target
creature, sucking it into nothingness.

2. NAME: Inferno
COST: 3/L+10 Gems
TYPE: Combat
OBJECT: 10 monsters
DESCRIPTION: Unleashes the heat of the sun on all monsters shown,
doing 1-20 points damage per level of caster.

3. NAME: Star Burst
COST: 10+1 per monster+20 Gems
TYPE: Combat, outdoor
OBJECT: All (limited by spell points)
DESCRIPTION: Showers all monsters with pieces of an exploding star,
doing 20-200 points of damage.

4. NAME: Enchant Item
COST: 50 per plus of item+50 Gems
TYPE: Non-combat
OBJECT: Spell caster
DESCRIPTION: Attempts to raise the magic ability of an item by
increasing it's '+' by 1.


Here are all the spells you can get.
A=automatic with your level
12345=at the mages' guild, in the respective towns.
S=must be found in a special place

Spell|Cleric spells    Sorceror spells
Level|1234567          1234567
  1  |11AAA1A          1A1AAA1 
  2  |A5SA5A5          SA1AAS5
  3  |3AAA3S           5AA5AS
  4  |ASA3A4           133AAA
  5  |SASA4            3S3AA
  6  |SAASS            4A4A4
  7  |S4AA             S4AA
  8  |SS2A             A22A
  9  |SS22             22SS

Here is a list of temple/mage guild spells and their prices:
C1-1 10
C1-2 10
C1-6 1000
Guild membership:  20
S1-1 10
S1-3 1000
S1-7 50
S2-3 100
C8-3 20
C9-3 50
C9-4 100
Guild membership:  50000
S8-2 50
S8-3 50
S9-1 100
S9-2 100
C3-1 400
C3-5 100
C4-4 500
Guild membership:  2000
S4-2 600
S4-3 2000
S5-1 3000
S5-3 3000
C4-6 2000
C5-5 3000
C7-2 10000
Guild membership:  10000
S6-1 5000
S6-3 5000
S6-5 5000
S7-2 25000
C2-2 250
C2-5 300
C2-7 200
Guild membership:  200
S2-7 400
S3-1 200
S3-4 1000
S4-1 500

Here is a list of spells where you need to go somewhere special:
C2/3 C3 (1,9) after eating Red Hot Wolf Nipple Chips in Tundara
C3/6 C2 (11,1) pay 50 gold to strange man
C4/2 A1 (8,8) Air Transmutation
C5/1 A1 (1,14) Air Encasement
C5/3 B4 (8,1) you must beat some Amazons first
C6/1 E4 (8,8) Earth Transmutation
C6/4 A4 (1,1) Water Encasement
C6/5 A4 (8,8) Water Transmutation
C7/1 E4 (14,1) Earth Encasement
C8/1 E1 (14,14) Fire Encasement
C8/2 E1 (8,8) Fire Transmutation
C9/1 Druid's Cave (14,14) see the druid at (14,14) first.  Defeat The 
Horvath at 
(1,5) and return.
C9/2 C1 (5,5) South  Written on a tree--you must face south!

S2/1 Middlegate (10,2)  Solve Nordon's quest(goblet at 0,7 under the 
S2/6 Corak's Cave (7,11)  Lloyd will give you his Beacon spell.
S3/6 Sandsobar (7,4)  Buy Wizard Eye for 100 gold.
S5/2 C1 (1,8) Defeat the undead monsters to get Finger of Death.
S7/1 A2 (15,11)  Defeat the Mist Rider.
S9/3 D1 (5,6)  The Dead Zone is nasty to navigate.  Cast Nature's Gate 
on Earth 
S9/4 Gemmaker's Cave (3,3)  This costs everyone ten years.


MM2 is much more logical than its predecessor.  The "plus" items can be 
increased a lot.  There are also some items that increase certain 
attributes and also can be given magic charges.  They may also be made 
of certain materials, increasing them even more.  Finally, there are no 
cursed items.  Yay!

Although I have not verified *every* item by hand, the disk information 
has given me some pretty clear patterns so that I am able to identify 
what the items do.  This is a complete list of everything--"good only," 
etc. attributes are assigned at random.  However, for pretty much all 
magic weapons, they are given a random alignment, good, evil or neutral.

On the Apple there is a bug where the item ID displays the spell number 
over "good only."  If "o" shows through, that is the o from "neutral 
only."  Otherwise you're a bit stuck.  It's not such an impediment, 
though, as you can change your characters in the good/evil/neutral 
alignment pools.

"Classes" = who can use the item
"Helps" = what it augments(attribute or resistance)
"Amt" = the amount it helps(points or percentage points)
"Spell" = the spell it casts when you use it.  (C or S) (level)-(number)
"Price" = the price you would pay for it if the store sold it and you 
weren't a merchant.  Cut in half for merchant prices, cut in four for 
ordinary selling price.
AC/DMG = armor class bonus for protective items, damage(i.e. 1-x) for 

Item Name   |Classes |Helps|Amt.|Spell|  Price| AC/DMG|
**begin non-magic 1-handed items
BLANK       |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      0|      0|
Small Club  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      2|
Small Knife |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      5|      3|
Large Club  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      4|      4|
Dagger      |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      8|      4|
Large Knife |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     10|      5|
Hand Axe    |KPA  RNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     10|      5|
Cudgel      |KPAC R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      5|
Spiked Club |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      6|
Bull Whip   |K  CSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     25|      6|
Long Dagger |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     20|      6|
Maul        |KPAC R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     30|      6|
Short Sword |KPA  RN |NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      6|
Nunchakas   |K     N |NONE |  0 |NONE |     30|      6|
Mace        |KPAC R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     50|      7|
Spear       |KPA  RNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      7|
Cutlass     |KPA  R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |     40|      7|
Flail       |KPAC R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|      8|
Sabre       |KPA  R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |     60|      8|
Long Sword  |KPA  R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |     50|      8|
Wakizashi   |K     N |NONE |  0 |NONE |     60|      8|
Scimitar    |KPA  R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |     80|      9|
Battle Axe  |KPA  R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     60|     10|
Broad Sword |KPA  R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|     10|
Katana      |K     N |NONE |  0 |NONE |    150|     10|
**begin magic 1-handed items
Slumber Club|KPACSRNB|sleep| 15%|S1-7 |    100|      4|
Power Club  |KPACSRNB|might|  3 |NONE |    200|      6|
Lucky Knife |KPA SRNB|luck | 10 |NONE |    450|      5|
Looter Knife|KPA SRNB|thief| 15%|NONE |    400|      6|
Power Cudgel|KPAC R B|might|  3 |NONE |    700|      5|
Energy Whip |K  CSRNB|enrgy| 15%|S1-3 |    500|      6|
Sonic Whip  |K  CSRNB|fear | 15%|C2-4 |    500|      6|
Mighty Whip |K  CSRNB|might|  3 |NONE |    400|      6|
Scorch Maul |KPAC R B|fire | 15%|NONE |    400|      6|
Mauler Mace |KPAC R B|might|  6 |NONE |    600|      7|
Exacto Spear|KPA  RNB|acc. |  6 |NONE |    800|      7|
Fiery Spear |KPA  RNB|fire | 15%|S4-3 |   1200|      7|
Fast Cutlass|KPA  R  |speed|  4 |NONE |   1000|      7|
Quick Flail |KPAC R  |speed|  5 |NONE |   1200|      8|
Shock Flail |KPAC R  |elec | 15%|S2-2 |   1200|      8|
Sharp Sabre |KPA  R  |acc. |  5 |NONE |   1500|      8|
Ego Scimitar|KPA  R  |per. | 12 |NONE |   2000|      9|
True Axe    |KPA  R B|acc. |  5 |NONE |   1000|     10|
Blazing Axe |KPA  R B|fire | 15%|NONE |   1500|     10|
Electric Axe|KPA  R B|elec | 15%|S3-4 |   4500|     10|
Rapid Katana|K     N |speed|  6 |NONE |   7000|     10|
Accurate Swd|KPA  R  |acc. | 10 |NONE |   4000|     10|
Chance Sword|KPA  R  |luck | 15 |NONE |   4000|     10|
Speedy Sword|KPA  R  |speed| 10 |NONE |   4000|     10|
Flash Sword |KPA  R  |enrgy| 15%|S3-4 |   4000|     10|
Flaming Swd |KPA  R  |fire | 15%|S4-3 |   4000|     10|
Electric Swd|KPA  R  |elec | 15%|S6-5 |   4000|     10|
Acidic Sword|KPA  R  |acid | 15%|S3-1 |   4000|     10|
Cold Blade  |KPA  R  |cold | 15%|S4-1 |   4000|     10|
Sage Dagger |  A S   |int. | 15 |Level|   8000|      8|
Holy Cudgel | P C    |per. | 15 |C9-3 |   8000|     10|
Divine Mace |KPAC R B|AC   | 10%|C9-2 |  28000|     14|
Ice Scimitar|KPA  R  |cold | 15%|S6-3 |   8000|     18|
Grand Axe   |KPA  R B|might| 15 |Might|   8000|     20|
Swift Axe   |KPA  R B|speed| 15 |Speed|   8000|     20|
Dyno Katana |K     N |elec | 15%|Level|   8000|     20|
Force Sword |KPA  R  |might| 15 |Might|  28000|     20|
Magic Sword |KPA  R  |magic| 15%|Level|  28000|     20|
Thunder Swd |KPA  R  |might| 15 |S3-4 |  28000|     20|
Energy Blade|KPA  R  |enrgy| 15%|S6-1 |  28000|     20|
Photon Blade|K       |might| 15 |S9-1 |  50000|     25|
**begin non-magic 2-handed items
Staff       |KPACS NB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     40|      8|
Sickle      |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     30|      8|
Scythe      |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     50|      9|
Glaive      |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     80|     10|
War Hammer  |KPAC   B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    120|     10|
Trident     |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|     11|
Pike        |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    150|     12|
Naginata    |K     N |NONE |  0 |NONE |    700|     12|
Bardiche    |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    200|     13|
Great Hammer|KPAC   B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    700|     14|
Halberd     |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    450|     14|
Great Axe   |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    700|     15|
Flamberge   |KPA     |NONE |  0 |NONE |    400|     16|
**begin magic 2-handed items
Wind Staff  |KPACS NB|speed|  5 |C5-2 |   1500|      8|
Tri-Sickle  |KPA    B|NONE |  0 |NONE |   2000|     24|
Ice Sickle  |KPA    B|cold | 15%|S4-1 |   7000|     16|
Fire Glaive |KPA    B|fire | 15%|S4-3 |   7000|     10|
Harsh Hammer|KPAC   B|might|  3 |NONE |   1500|     15|
Stone Hammer|KPAC   B|magic| 15%|NONE |   7000|     18|
Genius Staff|KPACS N |int. | 10 |Level|  28000|     16|
Wizard Staff|    S   |int. | 15 |S7-4 |  28000|     16|
Soul Scythe |KPA    B|magic| 15%|S5-2 |  40000|     18|
Dark Trident|KPA    B|AC   |  5%|NONE |  50000|     30|
Titan's Pike|KPA    B|might| 15 |Might|  50000|     40|
Moon Halberd|KPA    B|luck | 15 |C7-4 |  50000|     30|
Sun Naginata|K     N |AC   | 10%|Level|  40000|     25|
**begin non-magic missile weapons
Blowpipe    |KPA SRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     10|      4|
Sling       |KPA  RNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      5|
Short Bow   |KPA   N |NONE |  0 |NONE |     25|      6|
Crossbow    |KPA  RN |NONE |  0 |NONE |     50|      8|
Long Bow    |KPA   N |NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|     10|
Great Bow   |KPA     |NONE |  0 |NONE |    200|     12|
**begin magic missile weapons
Shaman Pipe |KPA SRNB|magic| 10%|SpLev|   1500|      4|
Cinder Pipe |KPA SRNB|fire | 10%|S4-3 |   4500|      4|
Quiet Sling |KPA  RNB|sleep| 15%|C2-6 |   1500|      5|
Pirates xBow|KPA  RN |thief| 10%|Acc  |   7000|      8|
Burning xBow|KPA  RN |fire | 10%|C3-5 |   4500|      8|
Fireball Bow|KPA   N |fire | 15%|S4-3 |   4000|     10|
Voltage Bow |KPA   N |elec | 10%|S3-4 |   4000|     10|
Giant Sling |KPA  RNB|fear | 15%|Might|   8000|     15|
Energy Sling|KPA  RNB|enrgy| 15%|S1-3 |  15000|     10|
Death Bow   |KPA     |luck | 15 |Level|  40000|     24|
Star Bow    |KPA     |enrgy| 15%|S9-3 | 100000|     24|
Meteor Bow  |KPA     |AC   |  5%|S8-3 | 100000|     24|
Ancient Bow |KPA     |acc. | 15 |Acc  | 200000|     35|
**begin keys
Green Key   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|      0|
Yellow Key  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    200|      0|
Red Key     |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    500|      0|
Black Key   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |   1000|      0|
**begin shields
Small Shield|KP C R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     15|      1|
Large Shield|KP C R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |     60|      2|
Great Shield|KP C R B|NONE |  0 |NONE |    150|      3|
**begin augmented shields
Fire Shield |KP C R B|fire | 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Electric Shd|KP C R B|elec | 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Acid Shield |KP C R B|acid | 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Cold Shield |KP C R B|cold | 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Silver Shld |KP C R B|enrgy| 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Bronze Shld |KP C R B|fear | 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Iron Shield |KP C R B|sleep| 15%|NONE |   2000|      3|
Magic Shield|KP C R B|magic| 15%|NONE |   5000|      5|
Gold Shield |KP C R B|luck | 15 |NONE |  10000|      7|
**begin non-magic armor
Padded Armor|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     20|      2|
Leather Suit|KPAC RNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     40|      3|
Scale Armor |KPAC RNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    100|      4|
Ring Mail   |KPAC RN |NONE |  0 |NONE |    200|      5|
Chain Mail  |KPAC R  |NONE |  0 |NONE |    400|      6|
Splint Mail |KP C    |NONE |  0 |NONE |    600|      7|
Plate Mail  |KP      |NONE |  0 |NONE |   1000|      8|
Plate Armor |KP      |NONE |  0 |NONE |   2000|     10|
**begin magic armor
I Scale Mail|KPAC RNB|sleep| 15%|NONE |   7000|      4|
B Scale Mail|KPAC RNB|fear | 15%|NONE |   4000|      4|
S Scale Mail|KPAC RNB|enrgy| 15%|NONE |   5000|      4|
I Ring Mail |KPAC R B|sleep| 15%|NONE |   4000|      5|
B Ring Mail |KPAC R B|fear | 15%|NONE |   5000|      5|
S Ring Mail |KPAC R B|enrgy| 15%|NONE |   6000|      5|
I Chain Mail|KPAC R  |sleep| 15%|NONE |   6000|      6|
B Chain Mail|KPAC R  |fear | 15%|NONE |   7000|      6|
S Chain Mail|KPAC R  |enrgy| 15%|NONE |   8000|      6|
I Splintmail|KP C    |sleep| 15%|NONE |   8000|      7|
B Splintmail|KP C    |fear | 15%|NONE |   9000|      7|
S Splintmail|KP C    |enrgy| 15%|NONE |  10000|      7|
I Plate Mail|KP      |sleep| 15%|NONE |  12000|      8|
B Plate Mail|KP      |fear | 15%|NONE |  13000|      8|
S Plate Mail|KP      |enrgy| 15%|NONE |  14000|      8|
G Scale Mail|KPAC RNB|luck | 15 |Level|  10000|      6|
G Ring Mail |KPAC R B|luck | 15 |Level|   8000|      7|
G Chain Mail|KPAC R  |luck | 15 |Level|  40000|      8|
G Splintmail|KP C    |luck | 15 |Level|  60000|      9|
G Plate Mail|KP      |luck | 15 |Level| 200000|     12|
**begin helms
Helm        |KP C  N |NONE |  0 |NONE |     30|      2|
Iron Helm   |KP C  N |sleep| 15%|NONE |   1000|      2|
Bronze Helm |KP C  N |fear | 15%|NONE |   2000|      2|
Silver Helm |KP C  N |enrgy| 15%|NONE |   5000|      3|
Gold Helm   |KP C  N |luck | 15 |Level|   8000|      4|
**begin "spell-casting" items
(note:  a torch is a spell-casting item even if it seems illogical to 
think of it so.)
Magic Herbs |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C1-4 |     50|      0|
Torch       |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S1-5 |      1|      0|
Lantern     |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S1-5 |     20|      0|
Thief's Pick|     R B|thief| 15%|NONE |    200|      0|
Rope'n Hooks|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S2-4 |     10|      0|
Wakeup Horn |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S1-1 |     50|      0|
Compass     |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S1-6 |    200|      0|
Sextant     |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S1-6 |    500|      0|
Force Potion|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |Might|    100|      0|
Skill Potion|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |Level|    500|      0|
MaxHP Potion|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |HP   |      4|      0|
Holy Charm  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C1-7 |    200|      0|
Herbal Patch|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C2-1 |    400|      0|
Hero Medal  |KPACSRNB|per. |  4 |C2-2 |    800|      0|
Silent Horn |KPACSRNB|fear | 10%|C2-6 |    800|      0|
Magic Meal  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C3-2 |   1000|      0|
Antidote Ale|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C3-3 |   1000|      0|
Super Flare |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C3-5 |   1000|      0|
Dove's Blood|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C4-3 |   2000|      0|
Ray Gun     |KPACSRNB|acc. |  5 |S1-3 |    400|      0|
Magic Charm |KPACSRNB|magic| 10%|S2-7 |    800|      0|
Witch Broom |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S3-2 |   1000|      0|
Invisocloak |KPACSRNB|AC   |  6%|S3-3 |   2000|      0|
Storm Wand  |KPACSRNB|elec | 10%|S3-4 |   2000|      0|
Lava Grenade|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S4-3 |   2000|      0|
Hourglass   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S5-0 |   2000|      0|
Instant Keep|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S5-4 |   5000|      0|
Teleport Orb|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S5-5 |   5000|      0|
**begin items that just help attributes
Skeleton Key|     RN |thief| 10%|NONE |    800|      0|
Defense Ring|KPACSRNB|AC   |  2%|S4-5 |   4000|      0|
Mgt Gauntlet|KPAC R B|might|  6 |Might|   4000|      0|
Acy Gauntlet|KPAC RNB|acc. |  6 |Acc  |   4000|      0|
Stealth Cape|     RN |thief| 10%|Speed|   4000|      0|
Admit 8 Pass|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    200|      0|
Speed Boots |KPACSRNB|speed| 15 |C5-4 |  15000|      0|
**begin wands, etc.
Cureall Wand|KPACSRNB|fear | 15%|C6-1 |  15000|      0|
Moon Rock   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C7-4 |  12000|      0|
Ruby Ankh   |KPACSRNB|luck | 10 |C8-1 |  28000|      0|
Disruptor   |KPACSRNB|enrgy| 15%|S5-1 |   8000|      0|
Lich Hand   |K   SR  |NONE |  0 |S5-2 |  10000|      0|
Phaser      |KPACSRNB|acc. |  5 |S6-1 |   8000|      0|
Freeze Wand |KPACSRNB|cold | 15%|S6-3 |  18000|      0|
Energizer   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S6-4 |  10000|      0|
Magic Mirror|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S7-2 |  28000|      0|
**more items that just help attributes
Elven Cloak |  A  R  |AC   |  5%|S3-3 |  15000|      0|
Elven Boots |  A  R  |speed|  5 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Sage Robe   |    S   |int. |  6 |Level|  18000|      0|
Enchanted Id|KPACSRNB|per. | 15 |Level|  18000|      0|
**special items that can be found in special locations
Green Ticket|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     10|      0|
Yellow Tickt|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     50|      0|
Red Ticket  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    450|      0|
Black Ticket|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |   1000|      0|
Fe Farthing |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |     10|      0|
Castle Key  |     RN |thief|  5%|NONE |    200|      0|
Mark's Keys |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
Dog Whistle |KPACSRNB|luck |  1 |S4-4 |     50|      0|
Web Caster  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S3-5 |    100|      0|
Monster Tome|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S2-3 |   2000|      0|
Cupie Doll  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
Water Talon |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C6-5 |  50000|      0|
Air Talon   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C5-2 |  50000|      0|
Fire Talon  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C8-2 |  50000|      0|
Earth Talon |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C7-2 |  50000|      0|
Element Orb |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |S9-3 | 100000|      0|
Gold Goblet |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |    450|      0|
+7 Loincloth|KPACSRNB|per. | 10 |NONE |   5000|      0|
Valor Sword |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Honor Sword |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |   5000|      0|
Noble Sword |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |   5000|      0|
Corak's Soul|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
Emerald Ring|KPACSRNB|AC   | 15%|NONE |   1000|      0|
Water Disc  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C7-1 |  10000|      0|
Air Disc    |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C4-2 |  10000|      0|
Fire Disc   |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C8-3 |  10000|      0|
Earth Disc  |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |C6-2 |  10000|      0|
Sapphire Pin|     R  |luck | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Amethyst Box|     R  |luck | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Coral Broach|       B|might| 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Lapis Scarab|       B|might| 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Amber Skull |    S   |int. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Quartz Skull|    S   |int. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Agate Grail | P      |per. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Opal Pendant| P      |might| 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Crystal Vial|      N |speed| 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Ruby Amulet |      N |luck | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Ivory Cameo |K       |might| 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Ruby Tiara  |K       |acc. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Onyx Effigy |   C    |per. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Pearl Choker|   C    |per. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Topaz Shard |  A     |acc. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
Sun Crown   |  A     |int. | 15 |NONE |  10000|      0|
J-26 Fluxer |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
M-27 Radicon|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
A-1 Todilor |KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
N-19 Capitor|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|
Useless Item|KPACSRNB|NONE |  0 |NONE |      1|      0|

(what if I charge a "special" item?)

Here is what "special metal" items do:
Iron--protect from sleep
Bronze--protect from poison
Silver--protect from energy
Gold--extra luck

The following items are sold in the stores:

(Note that for every item there is a base price.  If you are not a 
merchant you are charged the base price and offered one quarter the base 
price for that item.  If you're a merchant you're charged and offered 

The price for a plus-charged item(for non-merchants) is as follows:
+1 item = double the price of uncharged item
+x item = 1000 * (x-1) + double the price of uncharged item

Note that MM2 does not show the full value but rounds down to the 
nearest thousand, and in every town armory there are four options--
a)weapons, b)today's specials(which are pretty random--I've seen as high 
as +6 but the less charged items are more common.  I show the items with 
no magic charges and I believe that the plus-charge on any given day is 
the same in every city), c)armor, and d)misc items.  There are six in 
each category.

A> Dagger-8, Hand Axe-10, Cudgel-15, Long Dagger-20, Short Sword-15, 
B> Staff-40, Sickle-30, Scythe-50, Blowpipe-15, Sling-15, Crossbow-50.
C> Small Shield-15, Padded Armor-20, Leather Suit-40, Scale Armor-100, 
Ring Mail-200, Helm-30.
D> Torch-1, Lantern-20, Magic Herbs-50, Thief's Pick-200, Rope&Hooks-10, 
Green ticket-10.

A>Cutlass-40, Spear-15, Mace-50, Long Sword-50, Scimitar-80, Wakizashi-
B>Short Bow-25, Glaive-80, War Hammer-120, Bullwhip-25, Long Dagger-20, 
C>Large Shield-60, Leather Suit-40, Scale Armor-100, Ring Mail-200, 
Chain Mail-400, Splint Mail-600
D>Force Potion-100, Magic Meal-1000, Lantern-20, Wakeup Horn-50, 
Compass-200, Yellow Ticket-50

A>Spiked Club +1-30, Sabre-60, Flail-100, Battle Axe-60, Broad Sword-
100, Katana-150
B>Long Bow-100, Trident-100, Bardiche-200, Spear-15, Long Sword-50, 
C>Great Shield-150, Chain Mail-400, Splint Mail-600, Plate Mail-1000, 
Plate Armor-2000, Helm +1-60
D>Skill Potion-500, Antidote Ale-1000, Super Flare-1000, Dove's Blood-
2000, Witch Broom-1000, Defense Ring-4000

A>Bull Whip +1-50, Sabre +1-120, Short Sword +2-30 MAce +2-100, Dagger 
+4-3016, Nunchakas+1-60
B>Katana-150, Pike-150, Halberd-250, Battle Axe-60, Flail-100, Scimitar-
C>Helm +2-1060, Large Shield +1-120, Padded Armor +1-40, Scale Armor +1-
200, Ring Mail +1-400, Plate Mail +1-2000
D>Holy Charm-200, Herbal Patch-400, Cureall Wand-15000, Instant Keep-
5000, Lava Grenade-2000, Red Ticket-250

A>Spear +3-2030, Long Sword +2-1100, Wakizashi +2-1120, Flail +3-2200, 
Cutlass +3-2080, Long Dagger +5-4040
B>Great Bow-200, Great Axe-300, Flamberge-400, Great Hammer-300, 
Naginata-300, Broad Sword-100
C>Helm +4-3060, Great Shield +1-300, Padded Armor +3-2040, Chain Mail 
+2-1800, Splint Mail +1-1200, Plate Armor +1-4000
D>MaxHP Potion-4000, Sextant-500, Thief's Pick +5-4400, Teleport Orb-
5000, Defense Ring +2-9000, Black Ticket-1000


It's almost like a two-way trip around a circle--there's a one-way trip 
Atlantium to Middlegate.

          10          50        50         100         25

           20          10        30         50

Atlantium is probably the toughest place to survive in, and as you go to 
the right the towns are harder.


The list below shows all 256 monsters types' names, their hit points, 
experience points, armor class, and "undeadness."

Name          |HitPts|Exp. Pts.|U| AC|
Creepy Crawler|     5|      150|N|  4|
Giant Beetle  |    10|      200|N|  7|
Sewer Rat     |     8|      150|N|  2|
Kobold        |     8|      200|N| 60|
Old Miser     |     1|       60|N|  4|
Goblin        |     6|      200|N|  6|
Cripple       |     1|       60|N|  1|
Hungry Plant  |    10|      300|N|  4|
Merchant      |     6|      120|N|  5|
Mugger        |    10|      300|N|  6|
Skeleton      |     6|      200|Y| 50|
Flesh Eater   |     6|      200|Y| 40|
Poltergeist   |     8|      250|Y| 60|
Fool          |     6|      150|N|  4|
Witch's Cat   |     4|      150|N| 30|
Mini Rex      |    10|      250|N| 60|
Greedy Snitch |    12|      150|N|  4|
Orc           |    20|      250|N|  6|
Beggar        |    10|      250|N|  4|
Sludge Beast  |    20|      400|N|  4|
Blood Sucker  |     1|      300|N| 10|
Venomous Snake|    12|      300|N|  3|
Screaming Pods|    15|      400|N|  4|
Man-at-arms   |    20|      400|N|  9|
Conjurer      |    12|      250|N|  3|
Neophyte Thief|    14|      250|N|  6|
Zombie        |    20|      400|Y|  7|
Brain Eater   |    10|      300|Y|  5|
Inept Wizard  |     2|      200|N|  2|
Phantasm      |    12|      400|Y|  7|
Sprite        |    12|      300|N|  8|
Thug Trainee  |    18|      300|N| 70|
Hypnobeetle   |    20|      600|N|  8|
Rabid Rodent  |    20|      400|N|  3|
Gnome Elder   |    20|      700|N|  4|
Winged Steed  |    30|      800|N|  6|
Giant Lizard  |    40|      800|N|  8|
Foot Soldier  |    35|      500|N| 10|
Ranger        |    28|      600|N|  7|
Soldier       |    25|      400|N|  8|
Friar         |    20|      400|N|  3|
Burglar       |    22|      600|N|  5|
Killer Cadaver|    30|      700|Y| 60|
Ghoul         |    25|      700|Y| 70|
Juggler       |    20|     1500|N|  4|
Carnage Spirit|    25|     1000|Y| 80|
Kobold Captain|    28|      600|N| 80|
Brainless One |    20|      500|N|  6|
Arachnoid     |    45|      700|N| 80|
Insect Plague |    35|      700|N|  5|
Crazed Dwarf  |    45|     1200|N| 70|
Hermit        |    30|      500|N|  9|
Mutant Swine  |    50|      800|N| 80|
Swamp Dog     |    40|      600|N| 70|
Deadly Rattler|    40|      600|N|  5|
Woodsman      |    50|     1000|N| 10|
Ninja         |    35|     1200|N|150|
Squire        |    40|      900|N|100|
Dancing Bones |    35|      500|Y|  4|
Dancing Dead  |    45|      700|Y| 60|
Cursed Corpse |    60|     1200|Y| 80|
Nasty Witch   |    38|      800|N|  7|
Super Sprite  |    40|     1000|N| 10|
Cat Corpse    |    40|      600|Y| 10|
Giant Scorpion|    60|     1300|N|110|
Killer Bees   |    40|     1300|N| 90|
Minor Demon   |    50|     1200|N|130|
Hunchback     |    35|      900|N|  3|
Giant Ogre    |    70|     1500|N| 80|
Werebat       |    35|      800|N|130|
Wind Mare     |    50|     1000|N|150|
Werebull      |    62|     1100|N|100|
Snapping Spore|    40|      900|N| 60|
Cavalier      |    70|     1400|N|170|
Druid         |    40|      800|N|  9|
Crazed Native |    30|     1000|N| 80|
Coffin Creep  |    50|     1100|Y| 60|
Gargoyle      |    50|     1200|N|100|
Vampiric Rat  |    45|     1100|N| 90|
Cursed Slayer |    50|     1200|N|130|
Viking        |    80|     2100|N|140|
Gnome         |    40|     1300|N| 10|
Minor Devil   |    60|     2400|N|160|
Warrior Boar  |    60|     1900|N|110|
Cockatrice    |    50|     2200|N|100|
Killer Canine |    50|     2000|N|130|
Killer Cobra  |    50|     1600|N|100|
Champion      |    80|     2700|N| 20|
Gate Keeper   |    60|     2100|N|150|
Shaman        |    45|     1800|N|  8|
Illusionist   |    45|     2100|N| 11|
Mounted Patrol|    70|     2800|N|220|
Night Stalker |    60|     1900|Y|140|
Wraith        |    50|     3000|Y|100|
Mad Peasant   |    60|     2500|N| 13|
Canine Creep  |    64|     2400|N|150|
Dinobug       |   100|     2000|N|100|
Swarming Wasps|    50|     3000|N|150|
Leprechaun    |    40|     4000|N|280|
Flaming Fear  |    70|     3200|N|180|
Leper         |    40|     1500|N|  5|
Troll         |    70|     4000|N|130|
Acidic Blob   |    60|     2100|N|150|
Werewolf      |    70|     3200|N|170|
Pyro Hydra    |    80|     5000|N|150|
Castle Guard  |    70|     2600|N| 17|
Thief         |    50|     2800|N|160|
Warrior Maiden|    50|     5000|N|190|
Swamp Thing   |    70|     4000|N|110|
Iron Wizard   |    80|     5000|N|210|
Mutant        |    70|     3200|N|160|
Strangler     |    80|     4000|N|180|
Dwarven Knight|   100|     5000|N|230|
Horned Fiend  |    80|     6000|N|180|
Swamp Beast   |   100|     5000|N|110|
Hill Giant    |   120|     5000|N|170|
Wyvern        |   100|     5000|N|150|
Earth Wyrm    |   130|     7000|N|190|
White Knight  |   100|     8000|N|180|
Necromancer   |    60|     5000|N| 13|
Mountain Man  |    90|     4000|N|110|
Gravewalker   |    70|     5000|Y|150|
Phantom       |    64|     6000|Y|190|
Lost Soul     |    80|     6000|Y|180|
Slasher       |    60|     6000|Y|110|
Guardian      |   150|     8000|N|130|
Seductress    |    60|     8000|N|  9|
Pixie         |    90|     6000|N| 20|
Lightning Bugs|    80|     9000|N|190|
Trickster     |    90|     7000|N|190|
Griffin       |   150|    13000|N|200|
Pegasus       |   120|    11000|N|260|
Gorgon        |   150|    13000|N|140|
Cloud Dragon  |   160|    13000|N|190|
Troubadour    |   120|     7000|N|160|
Paladin       |   120|    11000|N|240|
Elf Warrior   |   120|     6000|N| 22|
Priest        |   100|     6000|N| 20|
Assassin      |   100|    10000|N|220|
Amazon        |    90|     5000|N|120|
Grim Reaper   |    70|    10000|Y|160|
Mummy         |   150|     8000|Y|110|
Bonehead      |    90|     7000|Y|200|
Melting Man   |   130|     9000|N|220|
Demon Soldier |   200|    18000|N|220|
Fire Devil    |   150|    18000|N|220|
Apparition    |   100|    11000|Y|200|
Vampire       |   250|    25000|Y|240|
Frost Dragon  |   250|    22000|N|220|
Dinosaur      |   250|    16000|N|160|
Avenger       |   160|    15000|N|230|
Court Bowman  |   150|    20000|N| 25|
Holy Man      |   100|    20000|N| 20|
Court Mage    |   100|    22000|N| 19|
Warlock       |    90|    21000|N| 20|
Barbarian     |   200|    16000|N|160|
Royal Horseman|   250|    24000|N|320|
Court Jester  |    80|    25000|N|170|
Fire Faery    |   230|    20000|N| 22|
Thug Leader   |   220|    20000|N|220|
Dino Spider   |   250|    20000|N|200|
Plant Golem   |   250|    30000|N|300|
Stone Golem   |   250|    40000|N|300|
War Eagle     |   300|    25000|N|210|
Guardian Hound|   200|    20000|N|150|
Minotaur      |   150|    30000|N|300|
Fire Dragon   |   300|    40000|N|250|
Shadow Rogue  |   150|    25000|N|230|
Crusader      |   200|    20000|N|290|
Chancellor    |    90|    30000|N| 20|
Ghost         |   200|    40000|Y|170|
Dead Head     |   250|    25000|N|150|
Enchantress   |   100|    25000|N| 13|
Warbot        |   300|    40000|N|250|
Stalker       |   140|    30000|N| 24|
Hatchet Man   |   200|    23000|N|250|
Dwarven Elder |   300|    70000|N|240|
Ooze Warrior  |   350|    60000|N|220|
Roc           |   400|    70000|N|210|
Dagger Jaw    |   300|    60000|N|220|
Armored Dragon|   400|    80000|N|310|
Tyrannosaurus |   500|    70000|N|240|
Valiant Knight|   300|    80000|N|320|
Endless Knight|   300|    80000|N| 50|
Archer        |   250|    80000|N| 31|
Wizard        |   150|    70000|N| 22|
Crypt Fiend   |   150|    80000|Y|320|
Phase Spirit  |   200|    60000|Y| 60|
Sorceress     |   150|    70000|N| 18|
Mystic Clown  |   100|   120000|N|160|
Spido Bug     |   300|    70000|N| 22|
Living Dead   |   180|    60000|Y| 50|
Devil's Mouse |   500|   180000|N|310|
Fire Elemental|   250|   180000|N|260|
Air Elemental |   250|   180000|N|260|
Mist Rider    |   350|   230000|N| 50|
Magic Serpent |   800|   250000|N| 40|
Cron Man Trap |   400|   230000|N| 21|
Dark Knight   |   700|   250000|N| 60|
Sorcerer      |   300|   150000|N| 24|
Kensai        |   500|   190000|N| 40|
Jouster       |   500|   210000|N| 50|
Devil's Envoy |   500|   220000|N| 40|
Ethereal Being|   250|   240000|N| 70|
Death's Agent |   600|   230000|N| 40|
Alien Probe   |   500|   230000|N|310|
Element Hydra |   600|   230000|N| 40|
Monster Masher|   500|   250000|N| 40|
Devil King    |  5000| 30000000|N| 60|
Titan         |  2000|  1500000|N| 40|
Ancient Dragon|  5000| 20000000|N| 50|
Reptoid       |  2500|  1000000|N|320|
Cuisinart     |  1000| 20000000|N| 60|
Holy Warrior  |  1000|  3000000|N| 80|
Elven Archer  |  1000|  1500000|N| 40|
High Priest   |  1000|  3000000|N| 32|
Master Robber |  1000|  2000000|N| 40|
Master Ninja  |  1000|  2000000|N| 60|
Lich Lord     |  2000|  6000000|Y| 40|
Time Lord     |  3000| 15000000|N| 11|
Orc God       | 50000| 15000000|N| 40|
Death in a Box|  2000|  9000000|N| 40|
Mega Troll    |  2500|  4000000|N| 50|
Cat from Hell |  2000| 10000000|N| 40|
Earth Elementl|   250|   180000|N|260|
Water Elementl|   250|   180000|N|260|
Gnasher       |    25|      700|N|  8|
Chomper       |    50|     1200|N|150|
Mutant Fish   |     6|      200|N|  6|
Sea Monster   |    70|     4000|N| 16|
Aquasaurus    |   160|     9000|N|250|
Cosmic Sludge |   130|    11000|N|250|
Sarakin       |   250|   150000|N| 25|
The Long One  |   300|   400000|N|300|
Spaz Twit     |    50|   120000|N| 20|
The Snowbeast |    60|     3000|N| 16|
Bozorc the Orc|   200|    20000|N|250|
Brutal Bruno  |   300|    60000|N|300|
Death Spider  |    90|    10000|N|190|
Dread Knight  |   300|    80000|N|280|
Baron Wilfrey |   300|    90000|N|  5|
Mist Warrior  |   350|   160000|N|300|
Queen Beetle  |   350|   230000|N| 50|
Serpent King  |   400|   240000|N| 60|
Dragon Lord   |   340|   260000|N|  4|
Mandagual     |   100|    10000|N|200|
Lucky Dog     |    70|     5000|N| 20|
The Horvath   |   400|   230000|N| 50|
Orb Guardian  |   300|    80000|N|320|
Dawn          |   300|   200000|N| 25|
Mega Dragon   | 64000| 32000000|N|250|
Shalwend      |  1000|  5000000|N| 70|
Pyrannaste    |  1500|  6000000|N|  6|
Acwalandar    |  2000|  8000000|N| 80|
Gralkor       |  1700|  7000000|N| 70|
Sheltem       |   500|   500000|N| 60|

Note:  You do get treasure/experience if monsters frenzy/explode but not 
if they 
People who flee during combat do not get experience.
Unconscious people get experience, but stoned/dead ones don't.
Monsters who summon friends double the "+x monsters."  For instance, if 
are 6 woodsmen not in the first 10 monsters and monsters are summoned, 
leaves 12 woodsmen not in the first ten.


There are four colors for keys and tickets.  For each color you must win 
in all three arenas listed below and unlock the bishop of that colored 
battle with the key(which you buy in the town).

Black(Atlantium) >> Red(Vulcania) >> Yellow(Sandsobar) >> 

Thus the "greater" ticket you have the tougher your encounter will be in 
Arena(Middlegate), Monster Bowl(Sandsobar) or Colosseum(Atlantium).  
These are listed in descending order of difficulty, and in fact the 
venue is more important than the ticket in determining monster 

You receive gold for winning at each venue.  It is as follows(with 
battle bishop information):
Color/where|Middlegate|Sandsobar|Atlantium| Buy Key | Bishop
Black      |20000     |30000    |50000    | (3,10)2 | Luxus 14,14
Red        |7000      |10000    |15000    | (0,8)-4 | Hillstone 11,4
Yellow     |2000      |3000     |5000     | (6,2)-5 | Pinehurst 13,3
Green      |200       |500      |1500     | (1,8)-1 | Woodhaven 10,6


There are some places where you can get +10 statistics.  However, the 
maximum you can improve to in this way is 59, i.e. if your statistics 
are 50 they won't go any higher.

Might:  Druids' cave, (1,15) Eat the spinach
Intellect:  Atlantium dungeon, (11,15) Read the book
Personality:  B2 cave (4,12) at (8,15) for all-male party, (7,15) for 
Endurance:  Vulcania cave, (15,14) Listen to the ballad
Speed:  Nomadic Rift, (0,15) Step on the treadmill
Accuracy:  Pinehurst Dungeon, (14,13) Swim in the pool
Luck:  Dawn's Cavern, (12,7) Roll in the lucky charms

There are also places where you can trade 5 of one statistic for 3 of 
another--they are below castles.  These are nice because you can improve 
your stats up to 99, and then you can go back to the +10 places and 
improve the depleted stats.

The circus is also open from days 140 to 170.  See the yellow message 


There are three messages, red, yellow, and green.  Red is more 
important/difficult than yellow is more important/difficult than green.

The red messages are found in the elemental planes(3 in earth, 2 in the 
The yellow messages are found in the southeast part of outdoors, and the 
messages are found in b3 and b2.

THE GREEN MESSAGES(2-1-3-4):  (Read vertically, not horizontally)

F e  iuteeustj  ceetuF i virs ri sAb aaoritrs
o a ivaoc eehu whss na eTeno aoacs bciltsth k
r c nil ot,eer h i Mtr wrl uopptl.Readlh het.
  h dd bmr   y irdao v .a gpfprea orn  ew ia

For each individual to become true, see the jury which resides at Mount 
Travel in groups of appropriate class.  A Robber can aid all others with 

THE YELLOW MESSAGES(9-5-6-1-7-4-2-8-3):  (Read 2 columns then drop down 
to the 
next row, etc.)

Ifti ecuul wbu. es md.wife  t ye.In Ts conoed Came  y
 pcsnhs d int Yoe an Hldd  heou Dnehoacolw , iresstou 
er yangata ddou to wiserby  t arir ugid. thgocu tat t
sooucemekeumn'caysho hne a oy tnkLih , Wior bs o isru
na'd, es ab t n  t cutss t , ip fmionnothouacanratily
l  lwi y cprfeofo an i ire he frotscew  tghk d iscs h
stikthouhaizelfean bn s e.  gorm  p iithilytople  wat
ate  c snces br  oe thdw F iv fthoot  irs s taythhied
istoirhoe., adthldhae aror esree l.was t athe gosch. 

If personal statistics you'd like to enhance, with circus games you 
should take 
a chance.  win dumb prizes, but don't feel bad.  You can offer these 
toys to an 
old man who can be had.  His hut in the wilderness is dwarfed by a tree.  
the toy, he gives you a tip for free.  Drink from the Inner Limits pool.  
Though, once it was acid, now it is cool.  With thirst now thoroughly 
sated, go 
back to the Circus and play games to raise those statistics which you 

THE RED MESSAGES(8-5-2-6-1-3-9-7-4):  (Read 1 column then drop down to 
the next 
row, then 2, then 3, then start over again)

Tane seCre d  Con.lidch ay. encCe avenb.ingtswthe tomus
ociolu owoneBol Neiuamayl R e whcal ts S fr or lap tt h
 entioTn , woosxt,tll fu eq ithon hro avom ahaurr
rt n irmuithwse th y lfidue  thsbeughae desh Tgeost ied
iwrs vist Arlume pisoll est e Qe s tinthtruehemetswhly 
goneryp fena  tartn tthes a ueeneeme de cti n ricaicfix
hgs lolir, Mao y mdhair tn  n s n.wit deon pvis tgh. J
t, ng.estonsnbeustit periau o tO  h TOadandasio feyoVC
 th Th  bterd w spveasonndi he nTralor K gest ind u    

To right ancient wrongs, the solution is very long.  The Triple Crown 
must first 
be done, with Arena, Monster Bowl and Colosseum to be won.  Next, the 
party must 
split individually so that each may fulfill their personal destiny.  
Request an 
audience with the Queen so the Chosen One can be seen.  Travel through 
time with 
Talons and Orb.  Save the dead King from destruction and get the 
password.  Then 
visit the kaje geometrics to find passage to that which you must 
hurriedly fix.  


Mark (C1 1,1) wants you to find his keys.  They're at A2(2,9).  Go there 
or Mark will hang a party member.
"What has Mark lost?"  KEYS
Reward:  +10000 experience

Lord Hoardall(Woodhaven) wants you to find the Swords of Valor, Honor, 
Valor:  A2(11,2)
Nobility:  D1(0,8)
Honor:  D4(14,11)
Reward:  +100000 experience

Lord Haart(B1 5,5) wants you to find two ancestors.
Spaz Twit:  Year 600 A1(11,3) (phaser)
Long One:  Year 700 E2(5,4) (loincloth)
Reward:  +250000 experience
This does not work on the Apple.  It works on other OS's, though.

+250000 experience

Lord Slayer(Hillstone) wants you to kill the crawling, slithering, and 
envoys of evil.
Reward:  +1000000 experience
E3(5,6) slithering (serpent king)
E2(11,6) crawling (queen beetle)
D1(10,12) flying (dragons)

The Pegasus tells you to find him in the tundra.


At B1(9,9).  You get 100000 gold if you find him.  His name is Meenu, 
incidentally, which you can find if you have a linguist and go walking 
in the Druids' grove.  By the time you're strong enough to navigate the 
tundra, 100000 will be chicken-feed.  However, if you are able to buy a 
Teleport Orb(Misc. item in Atlantium), you should be able to teleport to 
the square for a great return on your investment.  In that way the 
Pegasus could be a huge help.  I recommend splurging on a round of +2 
Defense Rings in Atlantium's armory once you've discovered the loot.


1.  Buy one of each ticket(green, yellow, red, black) for fighting in 
each of three arenas(Arena/Middlegate, Monster Bowl/Sandsobar, 
2.  Buy one of each key(green at Middlegate (1,8), yellow at 
Sandsobar(6,2), red at Vulcania(0,8), black at Atlantiumn(3,10)) for 
releasing the bishop from each dungeon(Woodhaven, Pinehurst, Hillstone, 
Luxus.)  As for castles, fight your way through them if you don't want 
to bother with getting the castle key.  Castle guards give a lot of gold 
in fights, and if you take skill potions along to the fights, the 
investment of 500 gold a pop will pay you back quickly.
3.  Complete character quests.  Use skill potions and magic herbs(when 
you don't have clerics) for fights, which are the easiest tasks.  By far 
sorcerors and clerics have the toughest tasks which require, 
respectively, information and patience, and items and (a big help) 
Archers--Baron Wilfrey, B2(11,2)--encounter
Barbarians--Brutal Bruno, C4(0,15)--encounter
Clerics--Corak's Soul and Body.  Find his soul at C1(10,15) although you 
may want to pick up Holy Word at C1(5,5) south first to make some 
combats easier.  The Body is found at (8,0) or (7,0) of Corak's Cave 
C2(5,11), but you need an Admit 8 Pass(Sandsobar dungeon 0,0) first--if 
you go to the south part of the dungeon and don't succeed, you will need 
to try again.  This warning should be noted especially because if you 
successfully flee, you will be kicked out of the Admit 8 area and will 
need another Admit 8 pass.  Lots of undead here, so hit them with Holy 
Word if you can(much of the south area is magic-free, except for the 
final encounter with Crypt Fiends.)
Knights--Jouster/Dread Knight, B3(5,14)--encounter
Ninjas--Dawn's Den D4(3,7) dungeon (8,9)--encounter
Paladins--Frost Dragon, C3(15,0) dungeon (7,7)--encounter
Robbers--can go with any other class on a quest to be deemed worthy.  I 
advise always doing this, especially since after the first quest your 
robbers will be much improved for the second.  Use the hirelings if you 
Sorcerors--Isle of the Ancients.  Rescue wizards from 2 dungeons.  Since 
you don't have a cleric, you'll want to 1)have a cleric in the party, 
have him cast walk on water, and remove him at an inn, 3) remove a 
hireling cleric after he's cast walk on water and you're on the isle, or 
3)donate at the temples.  You can also 4)teleport to the Isle of the 
Ancients, with a little calculation.  You'll want to avoid encounters 
here by going through the correct doors.  You'll need good sorcerer 
spells to zap three Iron Wizards, who seem to be immune to conventional 
weapons.  Then rescue the imprisoned wizards Ybmug and Yekop from stasis 
**Clues for which doors to go through and then the codes to release the 
Ybmug: 1-3-1-(3 or 7)-9-11-A-C-G-I.  left 23 right 46
Yekop: 2-2-4-6-6-12-A-D-F-I.  left 64 right 32
4.  Pick up the Radicon, Fluxer, Capitor, and Todilor from 
Woodhaven(2,11), Pinehurst(7,6), Hillstone(3,13), Luxus(0,6).
5.  Rescue Sherman B4(10,1) but you'll have to beat some tough Amazons.  
The skill potions should work, again...take Sherman to Pinehurst to get 
access to the time machine.
6.  Find the four discs in Castle Xabran in the 800's.  It's where the 
ruins were in C2.  They are at (15,0) for water, (15,15) for air, (6,2) 
for earth, and (6,14) for fire.
7.  Go to each elemental plane(transmutation for each one is at 8,8 near 
the entry) and pick up the talons with the discs.  The co-ordinates are 
(10,10) for water, (11,7) for air, (4,4) for fire, and (8,8) for earth.
8.  Get the orb--Dawn's Cavern D4 (3,7) and at (10,15) is the orb--240 
greedy snitches at (7,12) guard a secret door.  Again, use skill potions 
before you go through the secret door and tangle with the Orb Guardians-
-magic doesn't work on this square!  Be sure to give your hireling the 
orb.  Then dismiss him.  Otherwise, you won't be able to leave.
9.  Go back to the 9th century and at C4(14,5), one square forward from 
where you came out, give Kalohn the orb to change history.
10.  See Kalohn again in Luxus Palace in 900.  Use the password WAFE 
after you defeat Sheltem in the circle lake dungeon.  You might want to 
bring skill potion along to get there as you have a LONG walk through 
the dungeon and may run into some tough fights(there are 14 you must go 
through, and do NOT fight the Devil Kings unless you are VERY good and 
want a real challenge!)  Then solve the puzzle.


The lower-case letters form "Preamble" the code of which wins you the 

Side note on how to win critical battles easily:  Use lots of skill 
potions(Tundara, 500 gold)--I can beat Atlantium Black Ticket monsters 
with level 7 characters with lots of skill potion because the monsters 
often flee.  There is also a fountain east of Atlantium that gets your 
characters attributes of 100 for the next fight.  It's VERY handy.

Another side note is the Dragon's Dominion D1 (12,14) is a great place 
to pick up 1000 hit points.  It's a bit tough to get there(a magic 
serpent guards the hallway) but in the meantime, if you're short of 
gold, you can walk around beating up wyverns.  Also the Cuisinart 
B2(1,8) is a great guy to get experience off.  You can bring Magic 
Herbs/Skill Potion, but if you bring a cleric and paladin to heal the 
character who got knocked down, you will win eventually, or he will 
"frenzy" and kill himself, leaving a cool 20 million experience to break 
up between your characters.  And save the game first, of course.  He may 
take all your party down when he "frenzies."  More gems are in the gem-
maker's cave if you need them.


You bet.  Although I can't vouch for their quality.

C1(14,14)  "Oh, I'm a lumberjack..." is a song from Monty Python.
Ymbug and Yekop are Gumby and Pokey spelled backwards--and Gumby is 
funny.  But where are Elkcirp and Ug and the Sdaehkcolb?
Jesters tell Orc Jokes--see the script proper.
The giant singing the ballad is minorly amusing as are the cans of 
rhyme is an allusion to Popeye)


Yes.  Sheltem appears as the name in the MM1 soul maze.  The games also 
have a similar structure with five towns, each in a different 
locale/climate, and the climates are in similar places on the 
map(roughly, desert-northeast, cold mountains-northwest, water-
southwest, swamp-southeast.)  And the maps are encoded the same way on 
the disk, if you were wondering(monsters and items aren't!)  Also, at 
the end, there's a mention that CRON and all its VARNs are doomed.  VARN 
was the mainland of MM1.

If Dead Heads attack low-level characters, they will lose experience and 
hit points.  If low-level characters' hit points go below zero, they 
cycle to just under 65536(=2^16)
If Druids silence your party, you can still cast spells outside of 
There is a bug with etherealize.  If you etherealize west from (0,0) you 
hit (15,15) but if you etherealize west from (x,0) you go to (x,15).
Enchant Item doesn't always work.  Sometimes when you cast it it will 
reduce your spell points incorrectly.  It will be off by a factor of 512 
and, in fact, you will probably use fewer spell points to enchant an 
item to a higher level(i.e. +15 as opposed to +5).
Sarakin appears at (8,8) in his mine even after you defeat him.
If you rest in the Water Plane and then try to cross a boundary(i.e. go 
east from 15,3) you will see "can't swim."
Cast Nature's Gate from Castle Xabran, and you will wind up back in the 
900's.  However, if you rest or enter a town, this is adjusted.  (What 
happens if you cast Nature's Gate on day 93 of year 800?)
It's possible to balloon your stats quickly.  For instance, say you have 
an item that increases your personality at the expense of your luck.  
Then equip it and trade luck for personality until your luck is at zero.  
Un-equip and re-equip.  Voila!  Your luck is positive again.
If you drink from the fountain in C1 (1,11) your spell level improves to 
9.  As a result the computer gives knights/barbarians/ninjas/robbers the 
options to cast spells--although they have no spells to cast!  It'd be 
interesting to get them to level 9 and go to Pinehurst Dungeon to get 
all the spells.  Might be another bug...
If you jump behind the fountain in A3(1,14) you will attack the voice 
that tells you (not) to drink.  But then if you go back to the fountain 
you still hear the voice.
Go through a one-way door in Pinehurst.  Flee from monsters, and you'll 
wind up by the exits, and thus you won't need to look for the 
teleporters.  This is a general bug(always flee to the same square), but 
this is physically impossible--you've got nowhere to run once you go 
from the door!
The world doesn't seem to end in 1000.  I tried running through time 
traps in Pinehurst, and it didn't.
On the Apple, Holey Moley originally has 166 maximum spell points.  He 
should really have 19*9=171 spell points, and he does, after he's 
You don't get the benefit of improved statistics until you rest.  They 
don't even show up until then.
You can get as many emerald rings as you want.  Just bring a lot of 
hirelings along to clear out the Snowbeast.  When you "rob the dead," 
dismiss the hireling who winds up with the emerald ring and turn your 
party around.  You'll get another chance to rob the dead.  Then you can 
go back to the inn and repeat the action.
There's also a more conventional duplication method.  Take two identical 
MM2 disks y and z.  Now, with your party of six in, say, slots A-F, 
create a dummy character in slot G.  If character F has an emerald ring, 
then leave the inn from disk y.  Switch to disk z and enter the inn.  
Then leave F in the inn and exit the inn with just G in your party.  
Switch back to disk y.  Now, disk y will see character G with an emerald 
ring he didn't have, but F will be unchanged.  You can double gold or 
gems this way too, or you can have one character backing up your gems 
just in case(i.e. G has a bunch of gems.  Exit the inn from disk y with 
G and F.  Give F all G's gems/gold.  Enter the inn.  Now duplicate the 
I think the game screws up when you dismiss a hireling who is the only 
remaining conscious PC.
If you win the orb in Dawn's Cavern and dismiss a hireling or drop it, 
it reappears on its pedestal.
Castle Guards, when they attack you for not having a Castle Key, have a 
castle icon during the fight.
You keep the yellow key when you free the yellow bishop, but with the 
other bishops you lose the keys.
If you identify an item and it has spell-casting abilities, the spell 
information will overlap the "[alignment] only" information.  The best 
way to get around this is to see if an "o" shows up, meaning "neutral 
only," and if a "y" shows up, it can be good or evil.  A quasi-bug is 
that if you change alignment after equipping such an item, it stays 
equipped, but you can't re-equip it.
Training heals all hit points.  Not necessarily a bug, but useful!
You can wind up with over 40 food if you cast a food spell having under 
40 food.  The game indicates 40 is the maximum food.
If you fight, then rest, are suprised by monsters, and then run, your 
chest will still be there.
If you try to enter an elemental zone(at the corners) without a spell 
and then walk around a bit, the date will change from that zone's 
century to the current date and back for each movement you make.
The screen update is sometimes slow.  It will be one move behind and you 
will need to refresh it.

3/9/2000 0.1.0 put in hireling information and some experience 
information as well 
as spell information.  Minimal monster information.  Spell and key 
Super-brief walkthrough and green/yellow/red messages.
9/17/2000 0.2.0 added a lot of monster and item information.  Started 
adding rudimentary spell information.  Fixed up attributes a bit as 
well.  Whatever is not finished should be easily(but not quickly, alas!) 
transcribed from the script.
10/9/2000 0.4.0 added the SPELLS and also sharpened up the walkthrough 
and some town information.
2/21/2001 1.0.0 completed monster and item information.

Bjorn Leifsson for the original walkthrough.  It helped me with the 
messages and 
pointed out some ideas and got me interested in filling in the (slight) 
gaps in 
his walkthrough. for having this game as Apple disk-image freeware.
Jon van Caneghem and New World Computing for such a fun game.  It's aged 
very well.
Sashanan( for the e-and help offer mail which put my 
resolve to complete the monster and item lists over the top.