MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy (Cheats) (e)

                        DOC for MegaTraveller ]I[           --> PHOENIX <--
        This doc will divide into 2 parts. The first one is about the cheat,
and the second one is about save file data.

====Part 1====
Function keys   Description
  /             Toggle cheat on and off (works for any given time)
            -The rest keys here works only when you are in character inspection
             mode. Meaning when you press F1..F5 keys. The cheat will automatic
             detect which player is currently active..(for viewing)

  G             Boost all Grenade types to max. (15 each)
  B             Point to next Breathing helmet. \
  N             Go to next armor suit.           |__ Auto wrap around..
  M             Select next weapon               |
  <             Point to next items.            /
  >             Fill ammo to full (only for weapon in Primary).

  After selected the next thing, you have to view it again for the new item to
appear on the screen. I have map out the default items for keys B,N,M,<
                Oý         Primary
   B Ä¿    ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»    ÚÄ M    If the item doesn't exist in
      ÀÄÄÄĺ  Breathing º   Weapon   ºÄÄÄÄÙ       one the quadrant, then the
           º   Helmet   º            º            cheat will generate a value
           ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÎÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹            for it. To be safe, try to
           º   Armor    º   Items    º            one of the object in there.
      ÚÄÄÄĺ     Suit   º            ºÄÄÄÄ¿
               Arm         Secondary

====Part 2====
  Here are my finding after browsing around the game's save file (under *.SAV
and also the file UCHARS.DAT, their data structure is exactly the same).
  All numbers here will be represent in Hex. The information below isn't
guarantee to be completely accurate, but I will attempt my best to cover most
of it.
        Each person's record is 100 bytes long. My 1st info (for *.SAV)start at
sector 0,disp 258. Using the offset I describe, it should works for all the
following players. If you are editing file UCHARS.DAT, then the first character
start at sector 0,disp 1. So for the rest of the example, just substract the
default disp to the given disp, and add to offset 1.
 Ex: for Str..Soc.  278-258=20+1= 21. Then at sector 0,disp 21. You will find
 those info ^^^^ in file UCHARS.DAT.

        After the name, is player stats. The following is player stats and all
start at sector 0.

from disp 278, you have STR,DEX,END,INT,EDU,SOC. All represent by 1 byte each.
They are also represent UPP.
  at disp 290. 1 byte for service brand.   0  Navy
                                           1  Marine
                                           2  Army
                                           3  Scout
                                           4  Mrchnts (Merchants??)..
  disp 291. 1 byte for ranking.   0   Non-Com
                                  1   LTD
                                  2   Captain
                                  3   FCE CMDR
                                  4   Lt.Col
                                  5   Col
                                  6   Brid  (Bridgade?)
  disp 292. Age (in Hex of course).
  disp 293. Max of HP
  disp 294. the number of X/.
  disp 295. Current HP. If you put the value from disp 293 here. You HP is max.
  the rest..???
From disp 300. Here is a long list of skills, and is one byte each.

disp 300        disp 310       disp 320        disp 330      disp 340
Admin           Comm           Fwd Obsrvr      Interrog      Medical
Aircraft        Compute        Gambling        Interview     Navigation
Archaic         Cudgel         Guass Rifle     Intrusion     Neural Wpns
Wpivs           Dagger         Grav Belt       Jack/Trade    Pilot
Assault Rifle   Demolitions    Gravitics       Jet Craft     Prospecting
Battle dress    Electronics    HandGun         Laser Wpns    Recon
Brawling        Energy Wpns    Heavy Wpns      Leader        Recruiting
Bribery         Engineering    Hi Energy Wpn   Liaison       Rifleman
Carousing       Fleet Tactics  Hi-G Environ    Linguistics   Robot Ops
Cmbt. Rflmn     Forgery        Hunting         Mechanical    Science

disp 350        disp 360
Screens         Survival
Sensor Ops      Sword
Shp Tactics     Tactics
Ship's Boat     Trader
Spinal Wpns     Turret Wpns
Stealth         Vacc Suit
Steward         WaterCraft
StreetWsie      O-G Environ
Survey                          Shit, I hope all these info are correct.

 I believe at disp 459. There are 3 bytes, each represent type of Grenades.
There rest after is a byte seperate by a 00, indicate the value to be locate
in an items table.
 disp 500----->  one byte, indicate where in item table for Breathing Equip..
 disp 502----->  "                      "             "     Armor Suit
 disp 504----->                                             Primary
 disp 506----->                                             Secondary
   After that you should see a byte 1E. Skip one zero will bring you to
disp 510. This is the big one you have been waiting for. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Consist of 4 bytes for Credits. Enter number at right most byte will increase
lots lots of Credits.. disp 510..disp 514.

   Since this is a long and complex game, there will be other part of the game
that need cheated, like when you flying the ship. But unfortunately, I haven't
got there yet. If I do, and there are other feature to add in, then I might
release an update later on..
                                Have fun and watch for more from us..