Maximum Force (e)

MAXIMUM FORCE secret rooms
Created 05/15/97
Updated 09/01/98

Hi, this is Poln.  I've decided to update this FAQ, plus some description of
the secret rooms.  The original FAQ was written by C. Kormendy, but this FAQ
was so outdated so I've put in a couple of new secrets to this FAQ.  This FAQ
however, still don't have Stage 3 secrets until now.  He gave me permission
for me to continue.

--What's New

-Info about Area51 Maximum Force Duo

-Changed a little bit. Move things not related to arcade to another FAQ. 

-Minor Fixes

In the display, they said that this game has 30 secret rooms to find.  So far,
about 80-90% of it was found.

If you want to contribute or have new stuff to this FAQ, then e-mail me at  I need a description of secret stages that I've not
mentioned here.

I've decided to add a couple of new things to it since it is sooo long since
the last update.

Visit my URL at
My homepage is *not* that great, just the basics here.  My e-mail address at
that site is different, but it's the same.

You can visit the Atari Site for more tidbits of the game and others at

I've went to the atarigames website and they have New Game which is called 
Area 51 Maximum Force Duo.  This only sold in kits and has 8 new secret 
stages.  I believe that you can choose one or the other to play this game.  
Details are very sketchy at this time.  It's already out so if you have this 
game in your area, please tell me and how good the game was.


Start of the Game

When you first start playing, you can choose of 2 out of the 3 missions.  The
3rd mission is labeled "Classified."  Technical thing means that it is
confidential/ top secret.  This was used in FBI, the military, and sometimes,
law enforcement (they don't use that term often).  Anyway, you cannot choose
level 3 until you complete Missions 1 and 2 (in no particular order).  After
that, you can choose whatever you wish.


Bone Mode

This mode is very short unlike Area 51 when you can be Kronn Warrior.  From 
the Atari website, you do this in Mission 2, Scene 1 -- Shoot the 6 windows as
the camera pans up the outside of the building after the gazebo.
This mode is effective after you went to the Skeleton secret stage.  You only 
see about eight terrorist skeletons before the game will go back to normal. 

See Secret Rooms -- Mission 2 on how you can access it.


Unlike Area 51, when you enter a secret room, you will never run out of 
ammo/bullets so you don't have to worry about "RELOAD"ing every time.  When 
you are in the secret room, one hit of an object is worth 100 points.  So if 
you hit 10 objects, you will get 1000 points.  The only exceptions is star 
shooting, poolside scene, and memory game (see description of stages for 

Secret Rooms

Mission 1, Scene 1: Bachelor Pad
After the section with the boat, hit the three square white cans.  Two near
the middle of the screen in front of the brown crate and one in the lower
right corner.  You *must* shoot in this order or you will not be able to go
to a secret room.  Shoot the first one on the left, then shoot the one in the
lower right hand corner.  Then the third one next to the first one that you
shoot already.

Mission 1, Scene 2: Sharks
>I'm not 100% sure about this one, but it seems like you have to hit
>"everything" while under water, including the stuff hidden behind the 
>grass by the entrance of the pipe that you eventually swim into. need to shoot the barrels that are underwater.  When you go 
underwater, you should shoot the first barrel that you see, then shoot the 
others.  Still.. I'm not sure if you have to shoot all of the *others* as 
well.. You still have to shoot the stuff hidden behind the grass by the 
entrance of the pipe that you eventually swim into.  

>I'm curious as to what happens when you hit one of the occasional swimmers,
>you don't seem to lose any lives.  Maybe you lose points, or are they just a

I'm leaving that statement there. Yes, it is just a distraction _and_ you 
won't lose any lives.  I don't know about lose points, though. 

Mission 1, Scene 2: Poolside scene
Shoot all nine of the permanent objects in the decompression chamber.

What happens is that in the underwater room where you shoot the depth charges,
you stick your head above water for a moment and there's a bunch of people
sunbathing.  After a few moments, you duck back underwater and when you 
surface this time, it's a normal game.

Mission 1, Scene 2: Pain In The Glass
Hit all the scuba tanks on the beach.  Some near the guy with the metal
detector and some near the kneeling woman.

Mission 1, Scene 2: Falling Heads
Still on the beach, hit the two water towers.

Mission 1, Scene 3:  Balloons
After the door opens, as you go down stairs, shoot all 6 lights on the sides.
This one is very tricky for 1 Player.  It might help if 2 players do this.

Mission 1, Scene 3: Chicken Fry
Hit all the fire extinguishers.

Mission 1, Scene 3: Carnival
You are on a raised catwalk sort of thing.  It has a left turn in it and then
it goes through a short tunnel to get to where the missile launchers are.
There is a civilian in a lab coat hiding behind the barrel right where the
catwalk makes it's turn.  Hit the two lights on the wall on your right, beyond
the civilian.

Mission 1, Scene 3: Star Shooting
Hit all the nuclear warheads right before the part where the two missile
launchers start shooting at you.

Mission 2, Scene 1: Skeleton
This was from J C (

As the truck runs towards the middle of the screen, There is a brown building 
on the right side with a bunch of windows.  Shoot as many as you can (maybe 
all of them).  Best if you have a shot gun.  You will eventually get closer to
them towards the gazebo and have another chance to shoot them.    

Mission 2, Scene 1: Carnival
Shoot all the posters on the gazebo.

Mission 2, Scene 1: Bachelor Pad
Shoot the three lights on the wall of the bank.  They are on the right hand
side of the building (facing as you are about to walk into the building). You
get a couple of opportunities to hit these.

Mission 2, Scene 2: Pain In The Glass
Shoot all the flower pots sitting along the top of the bank teller counter.

Mission 2, Scene 2:  Lollibot
After you are at the door with the security camera on the right side, the 
camera pans to the hallway with 2 pictures in the backside, shoot them. 
(I'll need at better explanation on this.  If you can help, e-mail me).

Mission 2, Scene 3: Chicken Fry
Once you are in the elevator, shoot all the buttons (one you press for what
floor you want).

Mission 2, Scene 3:  Star Shooting
If you successfully shoot down the helicopter, you will be able to access it.

Mission 2, Scene 3: Falling Heads
Need help in this one.  Shoot the Heating systems, satellite, or something.
I've only seen it once.

Mission 3, Scene 1:  Bachelor Pad
Shoot the 6 papers attached to the bulletin board.  You need to do it fast.
Helpful for 2 players.

Mission 3, Scene 1:  Pain in the Glass
As you approach the port-a-pottie, there are green glass bottles (few on the 
bottom, few on the top).  Shoot them.

Mission 3, Scene 1:  Carnival
Shoot all 11 stacked tires just before the plane crash.  One of the tires is 
hidden in the crate.  I'm not sure if you have to shoot the white sign that 
goes along with the tires.

Mission 3, Scene 1:  Lollibot
As the jeep going to crash on you, shoot the front side of the jeep (main,
plus 2 fog lights (happy faces).  You'll need to do it fast.

Mission 3, Scene 1:  Chicken Fry
Hard to explain this one.  Need help on this one. See diagram below.  After 
you ride through the wilderness, there is a row of lights straight ahead on 
the building.

x = light(s)
    x            x             x             x                 x

                           Shoot the 3rd and 4th x

                          |                  |
                          |                  |
                          |                  |
                          |                  |
      Windows             |                  |                 Windows
                          | O                |
                          |                  |
                          |                  |
                          |                  |
                          |                  |

You come in this door to M3, scene 2.

Mission 3, Scene 2:  Pain in the Glass
You're in the lab (can't describe that well) as you see a row of glass, cups,
etc. on the table.  Shoot them (located towards the left).

Mission 3, Scene 2:  Carnival
As the garage door opens, the jeep comes towards you, shoot the front side, 
and the headlights.

Mission 3, Scene 2:  Memory Game
I don't know where to shoot specifically, if you can help with this one, 
please tell me.  As you go down and see the tanker trucks, I think that you 
shoot windows, boxes, everything that you see before you go to the 
port-a-pottie area.

Mission 3, Scene 2:  Star Shooting
Need help on this one.  You're in the sewer.  Shoot all light fixtures, I 

If you can add or explain better on secret stages, e-mail me at
If you have new secret stages or other info, e-mail me as well.

Description of the Secret Stages

Sharks -- Mission 1, Scene 2 ONLY
If done correctly, before you enter the decompression chamber, a scuba women
swims by with sharks moving around.  Shoot the sharks.

Poolside Scene -- Mission 1, Scene 2 ONLY
You'll see women in bathing suits.  Shoot the umbrella, chairs, etc. as the 
people try to go undercover.  You won't be awarded bonus points, just damage.

Skeleton a.k.a "Bone Daddy" -- Mission 2, Scene 1 ONLY
I've haven't seen this myself, from what have someone told me, you shoot the 

In this one, you shoot targets on top of the screen as well as ducks moving
by.  The ducks moves very fast so you need to shoot quick, and accurate.

Chicken Fry
In this one, you see a sign says "Chicken Fry."  It's nighttime as the chickens
fly (thrown) towards the sign.  Shoot them.

Pain in the Glass
This is one of the easy secret stages.  Shoot all the cups, glasses, etc..

Star Shooting
Similar to shooting practice or what you see when you go to the amusement
center.  You try to shoot the red star out.  The number starts at 999 and it
goes down as you try to shoot the red out in the time allowed.  If you done
it successfully, you will be awarded 5000 bonus points.  If you do not get the
red out in time, you will get NO Bonus points.  

One of the ways to do it is as you shoot the star, hold the trigger.  You will
never run out of ammo/bullets.  2nd, try to shoot the outside edge of the star
(like tracing a shape when you are kids), then work your way towards the 
middle. [I'll need a better explanation on it].

The Lollibot
It's similar to target practice, you try to shoot lollipops around. 

Bachelor Pad a.k.a. Roach Room
Shoot the Roaches as they move along.

Falling Heads
The background is the same as what you see in Mission 2, scene 1, which is
buildings with broken windows in it.  Shoot the heads as they fall from the
top.  Heads are usually people who made this game possible (programmers,
designers, tech, etc).

Balloons -- Mission 1, scene 3 ONLY
The door opens and you see a women in a black dress.  The wheel (wood) turns 
around.  The balloons are around her.  Shoot the balloons.  The same as 
Sharks, you won't lose a life if you accidentally hit the women.

Memory Game -- Mission 3, scene 2 ONLY
The door is room 207.  As the door opens, you will reveal cards.  Shoot the 
appropriate cards, to reveal what's behind it.  If you get a matching pair, 
you will be awarded 1 point.  

Well...this is the end.  Hope you enjoy reading it.


C. Kormendy - ( - Original FAQ writer.  Congrats on your 
              Masters degree from ASU

Atari       -  Putting this game out/ more secret rooms.
LSDragon    - ( - Mission 1, Scene 3 info.

J C         - ( - Assistance in Bone Mode, and other 
Rob S.P.    - ( - Mission 1, Scene 2 info

Legal Stuff

c. 1997-1998 by Poln.  No part of this information may be taken without the 
express written permission from the author.  You may take the information 
here, but give credit where credit is due. Don't stick you name claiming that 
this FAQ is yours.  I've worked long and hard and it frustrates me if you try 
to do it.  Any plageiarism, and you'll be suspended (that means I can tell 
everyone that you are lamer).   RIPOFFS ARE _NOT_ ALLOWED (em.. EGM, etc).  
This FAQ is free of charge so no profit will be permitted.  If you want to 
distribute, fine, but it has to be in its entirety.  I don't want to see any 
type of abuse from this FAQ.