Mario's Time Machine (e)


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by Adam Lamontagne

A Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game by The Software Toolworks, Inc. 
(1993).  NES-TM-USA

Version 1.0 completed 12/24/98
Copyright (c) 1998 by Adam Lamontagne (


Mario's Time Machine is a game aimed at a younger audience, yet can be enjoyed 
by anyone.  Those familiar characters Mario, Bowser, Yoshi and the Koopas were 
licensed to The Software Toolworks (aka Mindscape) for this game as well as 
Mario is Missing.  The game is more educational than action packed, as you will 
learn more about historical events and figures than you will have to make 
difficult jumps and defeat enemies.  In fact, you can't die when you hit an 
enemy, you're just stunned.

The following walkthrough basically tells you which time period to bring an 
historical artifact to.  It's basically for people like me who like to blow 
through a game with as little distraction as possible just to say they've 
finished it.  Not that the world really needs a walkthrough for Mario's Time 
Machine, but here's one anyway.


Bowser's stolen 14 important items from the past and has placed them in his 
museum, guarded by Koopas.  Bowser then captures Yoshi and before Mario can 
rescue him, he must find the stolen items and return them to their proper places 
in history.


You start off inside the museum.  There are a total of 8 big orange doors.  You 
can enter any one of the first 7 doors in any order, but cannot enter that 8th 
door until you've sealed the previous 7 doors by retrieving the items behind the 
doors and returning them to their proper place in time.  You are free to enter 
any door you want, but this walkthrough will take them on in the order that they 
are encountered.  There are 2 items located behind each door.

The following is a step-by-step guide through the game.  If you just want to 
know where each stolen item belongs, check out the "Quick Reference Guide" at 
the end of the walkthrough.


*DOOR #1*


Start off by entering the first big orange door (to the right of the picture of 
Donkey Kong).  Upon entering, you find yourself in a room similar to the 
original Mario Brothers (not Super Mario Brothers) game.  Koopas come out of 
pipes at the top of the screen and you must jump up and hit the floor under them 
to flip them onto their backs.  Touch them when they are turned over to knock 
them off the screen.  Eliminate 3 of them in this manner and one of the stolen 
items will appear.

The first item you will get is the TORCH.  Collect the TORCH (by pressing down 
while standing over it) and jump down the green pipe in the middle of the 
screen.  This is the Time Machine.  You will now have to select a time period to 
travel to.  Proceed to 776 BC.  You will travel to the Olympic Coliseum.  Head 
to the right and stand on top of the white torch holder.  Press select until the 
TORCH icon is displayed then press start.  You've lit the Torch and the Olympic 
games can begin!

Password: RGNC4L


You'll find yourself back in front oaf the first door.  Enter it again, get rid 
of the 3 Koopas again, and get your next item, the LIGHT BULB.  Jump down the 
pipe again and travel to 1879.  You are in Thomas Edison's house.  Move right 
and stand on the bookcase with the phonograph on it.  Highlight your LIGHT BULB 
icon and press start to advance.

Password: R7NCCL


*DOOR #2*


Back in the museum, you'll notice that Door #1 is sealed shut with bricks.  
You're done your work there, so enter the second door.  Beating the 3 Koopas 
reveals the APPLE.  Grab the APPLE and travel to 1687.  Go to the right, stand 
on the tall tree and use the APPLE so Newton can discover the principle of 

Password: R55CF3

ITEM #4 

The next item you get behind Door #2 will be the SLEDGEHAMMER.  Bring it to 
1989, head all the way to the right, and use it in front of the door to the 
Guard's building to break down the Berlin Wall.

Password: R5DCFB


*DOOR #3*


Now that Door #2 is bricked, move on to Door #3.  Jump on the Bowser Statue to 
get up to the door.  Enter and collect the EGG.  Bring the EGG to the cave 
entrance in 80m BC to move on.

Password: S5DDFB


The next item to get is the STOVEPIPE HAT.  Bring it to Honest Abe in 1862.  Use 
it in front of the gate to Gettysburg.

Password: S1DD?B


*DOOR #4*


Moving on to Door #4, get the STEERING WHEEL from the Koopas.  Travel to 1520 
where you find yourself on Magellan's ship.  Go to the right and use the 
STEERING WHEEL above the anchor.

Password: 91DX?B


The second item behind Door #4 is a FLAG.  Bring it to 1947 and use it in front 
of the temple to make Gandhi proud.

Password: 91GX?9


*DOOR #5*


Moving on to the fifth door, you'll get the QUILL PEN.  Time travel to 1602 and 
return the PEN to Shakespeare by using it in front of the stage curtain.

Password: 90GXB9

ITEM #10

You'll get a FLAG here too, but this one is the American FLAG.  Bring it to 1969 
and use it while standing on top of the lunar landing module.

Password: 90BXBD


*DOOR #6*

ITEM #11

You'll get a THRONE here.  Lug it to 31 BC and use it standing on the platform 
in front of the Pyramid.

Password: D0BSBD

ITEM #12

The PROPELLER is the next item you get.  This item belongs in the year 1903.  
Stand on the bricks in front of the airplane and use it to advance.

Password: DHBSVD


*DOOR #7*

ITEM #13

A SWORD is your next artifact to return.  Bring it to 1192 and stand inside the 
red shrine at the end of the level to use it.

Password: 5HBJVD

ITEM #14

The final item to get is the PHYSICS EQUATION.  Bring it to the year 1905.  
Stand in front of the chalkboard (NOT ON THE DESK!) to use it.

Password: 5H?JVC

You've now returned all 14 stolen items to their proper places in history.  You 
now have access to Door #8, Bowser's Door, but first you have to answer a few 
historical questions.  Get them right or you'll have to go back and go through 
the levels to track down the clues again.



Didn't think I was gonna leave you hanging, did you?  Below are the 3 questions 
(with answers) I was asked.  I'm not sure if they are the same each game or if 
they change each time, but I'm too lazy to go back and find out :)

Q)When was the Berlin Wall built?

Q)What Roman ruler restored Cleopatra to the throne?
A)Julius Caesar

Q)Where did Magellan perish during his voyage?
A)The Philippines

If anyone ever gets asked a different question than the ones above, please email 
me so I can add it to the walkthrough.



Now you're ready to take on Bowser and rescue Yoshi.  Enter his door and move to 
the right until he appears.  All you gotta do is jump on his head 3 times while 
he is walking around (not when he is spinning around).  The third time you hit 
him he will leave a KEY.  Sit back and watch Mario spring Yoshi and witness a 
tearful Bowser.



----      ----
80m BC    EGG
31 BC     THRONE
776 BC    TORCH
1192      SWORD
1602      QUILL PEN
1687      APPLE
1879      LIGHT BULB
1903      PROPELLER
1947      FLAG (Indian)
1969      FLAG (American)


DISCLAIMER:  This walkthrough is not endorsed by The Software Toolworks, 
Nintendo of America, or affiliates.  The information contained within this 
document is provided without guarantee.  All copyrights and trademarks are 

This walkthrough may be reprinted, posted in newsgroups, or placed on web sites 
as long as the proper credit is given to the author.  The most recent version of 
this walkthrough can be found at