__ ______ ___ ________ / |/ / _ | / _ \/ _/ __ \ / /|_/ / __ |/ , _// // /_/ / /_/ /_/_/ |_/_/|_/___/\____/ _________ __ ____ / ___/ __ \/ / / __/ / (_ / /_/ / /__/ _/ \___/\____/____/_/ FAQ Version 1.0 By Dan Weingardt (Kazooie074@aol.com) 8-5-99 ******************* * VERSION HISTORY * ******************* 1.0 -8-5-99 -first one ************ * CONTENTS * ************ 1. Introduction 2. Characters 3. Game Modes 4. Credits ******************* * 1. INTRODUCTION * ******************* This FAQ is for Mario Golf for N64. This is a guide to help you with the different modes. The latest version can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com ***************** * 2. CHARACTERS * ***************** 1. Plum Shot type: Straight ----#---- Drive: 208 Yards Get: Have at start 2. Charlie Shot type: Fade ---*#---- Drive: 210 Yards Get: Have at start 3. Peach Shot type: Straight ----#---- Drive: 212 Yards Get: Have at start 4. Baby Mario Shot type: Draw ----#*--- Drive: 215 Yards Get: Have at start 5. Luigi Shot type: Fade --**#---- Drive: 220 Yards Get: Get character mode 6. Yoshi Shot type: Straight ----#---- Drive: 230 Yards Get: Get character mode More character info as I get them. ******************** * 3. PLAYING MODES * ******************** Now, I know this isn't all of the modes, but I don't really wanna write all about a 2-player game. These are tips and whatever for some 1-player games. 3A. Tournament Mode This is just a regular golf tournament. You can get a gold, silver, or bronze trophy. At the end of each tournament, you get course points, which help you get to new courses. The point tallies are as follows: COURSE 1 - 0 points needed COURSE 2 - 50 points needed COURSE 3 - 300 points needed COURSE 4 - 1000 points needed There ya go. More tips later. 3B. Ring Shot In this mode, you try to shoot the ball through rings on the course, as well as finishing under par. There's 6 courses in this mode, with 6 holes on each. You only have the first at the start, but by completeing the holes, you get more. For each one you can do, you get a star. here's the chart: COURSE 1 - 0 stars needed COURSE 2 - 4 stars needed COURSE 3 - 8 stars needed COURSE 4 - 12 stars needed COURSE 5 - 16 stars needed COURSE 6 - 20 stars needed More tips later. 3C. Get Character In this mode, you get more guys. To get them, you must beat them in a game of golf, on any open tournament course. It can be hard sometimes. More tips later. 3D. Mini Golf There are 2 mini golf courses, each with 18 holes. In this mode, you only have a putter. The courses are made of letters and numbers. There is water on some of them, too, so be careful. Here's a tip for the first hole of Luigi's Garden - Just hit the ball with about 65 feet of power, straight forward, for a hole-in-one! More tips later. 3E. Speed Golf Yippie! Speed golf is a timed tournament-type round of golf, on any open tournament course. You are the only player. The music is nice, fast paced music, to keep you going. It suits the mode nicely. ************** * 4. CREDITS * ************** I, Dan Weingardt, am not associated with GameFaqs or Nintendo in any way. You may NOT take any part of my FAQ and put it somewhere else. This is my work, and if you're too lazy to type up your own, too bad. This FAQ Copywright 1999 Dan Weingardt. Bye!!!