Andere Lösungen

Marble Drop (e)

Marble Drop: Solutions to the five toughest puzzles
The difficulty of the puzzles in Maxis' Marble Drop range from the relatively simple to the extraordinarily difficult. To help cure recent outbreaks of marble madness, we have provided you with solutions to Marble Drop's five toughest puzzle machines.  These are by no means the only ways to solve the puzzles. These are one of the best solutions found by our game testers for each puzzle.

The solution follows the puzzle name. In each case, drop the colored marble in order into the funnel indicated. Let each marble go as far as it can before adding the next.

Marcus Tiron
1. Left funnel: red
2. Right funnel: blue
3. Right funnel: yellow
4. Right funnel: yellow
5. Right funnel: yellow
6. Right funnel: blue
7. Left funnel: blue
8. Left funnel: red
9. Left funnel: red
10. Left funnel: red

1. Right funnel: any
2. Left funnel: steel
3. Center funnel: any
4. Right funnel: steel
5. Left funnel: any
6. Center funnel: steel
7. Right funnel: any
8. Left funnel: steel
9. Center funnel: any

Leone Alberti
1. Right funnel: green
2. Center funnel: red
3. Left funnel: blue
4. Left funnel: yellow
5. Center funnel: orange
6. Right funnel: violet
7. Right funnel: blue
8. Right funnel: red
9. Left funnel: green
10. Center funnel: yellow
11. Right funnel: violet
12. Left funnel: orange

Thabit Ibn Quarra
1. Left funnel: steel (or orange)
2. Right funnel: orange
3. Right funnel: red
4. Left funnel: yellow
5. Left funnel: blue
6. Left funnel: blue
7. Right funnel: red
8. Left funnel: orange
9. Left funnel: violet
10. Right funnel: blue
11. Left funnel: red
Gerbert d'Aurillac
1. Center funnel Right funnel: blue
2. Center funnel Right funnel: yellow
3. Right funnel: orange
4. Left funnel: red
5. Center funnel Right funnel: red
6. Center funnel Right funnel: steel
7. Right funnel: orange
8. Center funnel Left funnel: yellow

* Copernicus is the dreaded invisible puzzle machine.
* Screen shots and this document are included on the enclosed disk.
* Please call Patrick Buechner, Maxis' PR Manager at (510) 927-3782 if you have any questions.