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Mace: The Dark Age

Lord Deimos FAQ

written by KI_MAN

you can always find the latest version of this faq at:



Directions (performed on joystick):

F = Forward
B = Back
D = Down
U = Up
DF = Down+Forward at an angle
DB = Down+back at an angle

Motions (performed on joystick):

Hct (Half Circle Toward) = B, DB, D, DF, F
Hcb (Half Circle Back  ) = F, DF, D, DB, B
Qct (Quarter Circle Toward) = D, DF, F
Qcb (Quarter Circle Back) = D, DB, B



[=-=-=-=-=-Special Moves=-=-=-=-=-=]

Most of Lord Deimos' special moves are not very quick because he is a much
slower fighter. His moves are very powerful though, especially the homerun
swing even though it is very hard to get a hit with it.

Hellicopter:   Hct, S      Can be done in a combo
Soul kick:     B, F, K     Good Combo ender
Flame Column:  Hct, Q      Also a good combo ender, but only at close range
Homerun Swing: Q+S         Very powerful move, but also very slow
Mega Thrust:   B+Q+S       A bit slow also, but powerful
Energy Shield: Hcb+Q       Deflects projectiles and other attacks (??)


You need to be about 1 characters distance away. What does it do? You'll
find out.


Lord D. has some of the most powerful combos, and they are fairly easy
to pull off also.

Here are some basic combos:

3-hit:   S, S, Q+S      Very good basic combo and powerful too.
3-hit:   S, D+S, D+S    A little more difficult to pull off
4-hit:   S, S, Hct+S    Uses the Hellicopter move for 2 more hits

Here are his higher hitting combos:

5-hit:   S, S, Hct+S, B, F, K        Now just add the soul kick
5-hit:   S, S, Hct+S, Hct+Q          Or the Flame Column at close range
5-hit:   Jump, Q+S, S, S, Hct+S      A good jumping attack

6-hit:   Jump, Q+S, S, S, Hct+S, B, F+K
--Add the soul kick for 6 hits.

Here are a few from the Mace Faq v0.97 (I have not tried these yet):

6-Hit - B + Q, S, S, F, F, S, B, F, S, B, F, S
7-Hit - B + Q, S, S, Hcf + S, B, F, S, B, F, S


Because Lord Deimos is a much slower character, it is not always best to
just randomly attack over and over again. Blocking and counter attacking
works very well for him, but you have to make sure that you can pull off
the combo quick enough before your opponent has time to recoil.


After you have just pulled off a combo, and your opponent is on the ground,
you can do another small combo just as he/she is getting up. It does not
always work, but at least 60% of the time it will work, and its not too
dangerous, because you have time to block if the combo missed because you
opponent still isn't ready to attack either. Here is the combo that works
very well:

Jump, Q+S, S, S, Q+S

Do this combo just as your opponent is getting up. The timing takes some
getting used to but you will be able to judge it pretty easily just by
watching them.

Don't try using a Hellicopter move in that combo, because it will miss,
being that your opponent is low to the ground.


Here is a little strategy on some of the more difficult characters that
give Lord Deimos a hard time.


Lord Deimos has a slightly more difficult time on characters such as Ragnar.
I have found it difficult to block high, then low quickly, especially on
Ragnar. If you manage to block Ragnar's flurry of attacks, he will be open
for a combo, so go ahead and do it. I usually start the round with an attack
immediately, usually I can get a short combo on him. I have also beaten
Ragnar by attacking non-stop, whether he is blocking or not. If you can back
him into a corner then it is much easier to win. Try to avoid letting him
back you into a corner because he'll kill you VERY fast that way. If you
wish to use a blocking and counter attacking strategy, remember:

Ragnar's rolling move and crap hits low, so you will need to hold Down
and Back at an angle to avoid this.
When Ragnar picks both of his axes up and swings them in a downward motion,
that is an overhead attack, so if you are blocking low it will hit you, you
must block high by holding Back.

- Takeshi

Takeshi is very aggressive just like Ragnar. You must block certain attacks
high and certain attacks low. I would suggest you rarely jump, Takeshi will
knock you down many times. The only time it is safe to jump is when he has
just done some sort of move, and has not recoiled yet, and he is open for an
attack. If you can block his several hits at a time that leaves him open for
a good combo. When he falls down, do another combo as he is getting up. Try
to stay out of the corner. And also if you can be on a higher step then he
is, hitting him from up there is a good strategy because he has a difficult
time hitting you from a lower step.

* the next version of the faq will include a lot more strategy *


Written by KI_MAN

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