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Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)

#####    L     O     R     D     S            O     F
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S  I  L  V  E  R        S  T  A  R        S  T  O  R  Y

Version 1.0
by Devin "The no-this-is-NOT-a-gag-FAQ Kid" de Gruyl

|CONTENTS                                  |
|                                          |
|1.  Introduction                          |
|2.  What The Bloody Heck IS This Thing?   |
|3.  Sounds Cool!  How Do I Play It?       |
|4.  What Next?                            |
|5.  On To The Battlefield!                |
|6.  Tips & Strategies                     |
|7.  Gameplay Options                      |
|8.  Credit Where Credit Is Due            |
|9.  Happy Trails                          |

1.  Introduction

LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete, the PlayStation version of the classic SegaCD 
RPG LUNAR: The Silver Star, certainly contains one of the most impressive 
collection of pack-in extras since the days of Infocom text adventures.  
(Remember things such as the "DON'T PANIC!" button and the Microscopic Space 
Fleet from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?)  Besides the game itself, 
contained within the largest PSX game box to date is a 120-page HARDBOUND manual 
conatining LUNAR artwork, interviews with the game's creators, and even an 
excerpt from the Official Strategy Guide; a full-color cloth map that should 
bring back memories of the Ultima series; a soundtrack CD containing music 
selections from both the SegaCD original and PSX remake; and a fourth CD 
consisting of a full-length movie detailing how LUNAR (and, to a lesser extent, 
Working Designs and Game Arts) came to be.

It is that "Making of LUNAR" CD that contains probably one of the coolest 
"easter eggs" of the modern gaming era.  Hidden on that disc is a secret mini-
game, "Lords of LUNAR."  This game, based on quite possibly the greatest 
multiplayer game ever devised - Warlords - will most likely surprise you with 
its playability.  I, myself, have wasted far more time on this than it probably 
deserves, but it's just that much fun!  So much so, in fact, that I decided to 
write this short document about it.

2.  What The Bloody Heck IS This Thing?

First, some history.  In 1980, when the Atari 2600 system was blazing the trail 
for home video game systems, Atari released a little gem called Warlords.  The 
game was essentially a multiplayer version of Breakout, with a twist; not only 
did you have to smash your way through your opponent's wall ("castle"), but you 
also had to strike his/her "king" esconsed behind that wall.  Of course, your 
opponents (up to three) were also trying to do the same to you...  Warlords 
quickly became one of the 2600's best titles, and even today, many old-time 
gamers get a thrill off of challenging some friends to a round.  Simply put, no 
other multiplayer game before or since has matched Warlords for sheer 
playability and fun - no, not even Quake, at least not in the eyes of the 

"Lords of LUNAR" is, in essence, a PlayStation upgrade of that little classic.  
What makes this unique is that, unlike other such "easter egg" hidden games, 
somebody at Working Designs actually took the time to work some PLAYABILITY into 
this game; this really IS an enhancement to the old 2600 cart, with a whole host 
of gameplay options, support for up to eight players (with the proper 
attachments, of course), and even Dual Shock support!

3.  Sounds Cool!  How Do I Play It?

Start by inserting the "Making of LUNAR" CD into your PSX.  Turn it on, and wait 
for the movie to begin.  At any time during the movie, enter the following key 
sequence on Gamepad #1:


Doing so will call up the "Lords of LUNAR" title screen.  Press START at this 
screen to begin, or, select EXIT to resume the movie from where you left it.

4.  What Next?

After you start the game, you're asked how many players you want.  With two 
Multitaps plugged into your PSX and the proper number of controllers, up to 
eight human players can get into the action!  Otherwise, the computer will be 
more than happy to provide worthy opponents for you.

Once you've decided how many human and computer players are in the game, the 
human players decide where they want their "castle" on the screen.  There are 
nine possible locations, arranged in a 3x3 grid.  Then, you're asked to choose 
the character you want to represent your "king".  You get to choose from the 
complete LUNAR cast!  Naturally, there is no advantage to any one character over 
another, so you can just choose your favorite.

After that, you're taken to a screenful of options.  You can custimize just 
about every aspect of gameplay from this screen, from game-win requirements to 
whether or not you want to play with "ghosts".  The complete list is printed 

Select what options you want, then press START to begin the game.

5.  On To The Battlefield!

Once the game begins, you are presented with up to eight portraits of LUNAR 
characters, each surrounded by a brick wall, or "castle."  Each castle will have 
a paddle in front of it, which can be maneuvered to any point around the 
castle's perimeter.  A ball will also be bouncing around.

The object of the game is to strike the ball with your paddle in such a way that 
it will bounce off the castles of your opponents.  As it does, the ball will 
chip away at that wall, until it can hit the character.  If that character is 
hit, the player controlling his/her paddle is knocked out of the game.  Play 
continues until only one player is left in the game, and that player recieves 
one point.

The conditions for winning are determined at the Options screen prior to 
beginning the contest.

6.  Tips & Strategies

* This game was MADE for parties!  With one player, it's merely fun... with two, 
it can cause some friendly rivalries... with four, it's all-out war... and with 
the maximum eight, it's total mayhem!  Don't be put off by the simplistic 
graphics and gameplay... give the game a chance, and I think you'll be surprised 
at just how much of a blast "Lords of LUNAR" can be!

* Get a Dual Shock controller.  Seriously.  The analog sticks are far preferable 
to the standard gamepad.  Without the analog controller, your paddle can't make 
the kind of quick directional changes you need to survive for long against 
experienced players.  (The original Warlords game was played with the 2600's 
paddle controllers.)

* On the other hand, if you're up against superior competition, you can always 
force your opponent(s) to use the digital gamepad as a decent handicap...

* Don't worry about your wall taking some hits.  No good player ever won this 
game with a fully-intact castle.

* Play some games against computer opposition, and try to watch how the CPU 
players react.  Then, do your best to duplicate that strategy.  The AI in this 
game is fairly advanced for what it is...

* Watch the ball at ALL times, even if it's on the other side of the screen from 
where you are and the players in that area are locked in combat over it.  
Because of the English the paddles impart on the ball, it can bounce back over 
to you at any time without warning.

* In multiplayer contests, don't be afraid to make temporary alliances with 
another player, especially if you're both getting creamed by a better opponent.  
Aside from the obvious advantage of working together against a common enemy, 
it's great fun to watch the look on your "ally's" face as you start bombing away 
on him/her once the pact is over!

* Although it may look like certain characters are harder to hit because of 
their size (Nall, for instance), it's an optical illusion.  The computer has an 
equal-sized hit area for each character, so it's all even.

* Even if you're out of the game, you can still have an effect on the outcome!  
If you have the "Ghosts" option turned ON (see below), you can still move your 
(darkened) paddle around, and in so doing, you can still influence the direction 
and/or speed of the ball.  Call it a way to get revenge from the grave...

7.  Gameplay Options

These are all the options you can change before the game starts:

(Options listed in [BRACKETS] denote defaults.)

PLAY TO: [01]       

These options determine the conditions for winning the game.  Selecting ROUNDS 
will end the game after the specified number of rounds, while POINTS will 
continue until one player reaches the indicated number of points.


With this option on, players can "catch" the ball with their paddles and set up 
a shot.  Catch the ball by holding down a button once you strike it with your 
paddle.  If the ball is not shot (by releasing the button) after a certain time, 
the ball is automatically shot for you.


Sets the dimensions of the castles.  Note that there will always be three layers 
to the castle regardless of the size chosen here.


Self-explanatory.  Smaller blocks are harder to hit and provide more of a 
challenge to the seasoned player.


As players are eliminated from the game, one new ball is added to the mix; this 
determines the maximum number of balls in play at any one time.  Set this to 1 
to turn this feature off; anything higher than the default results in a wild 
ride to be sure, especially with the maximum number of players!


Determines the size of the paddle.


The maximum time a player can hold onto a ball before the computer automatically 
releases it.  Obviously, this only works if holding is turned ON.


Determines the speed of the computer players.  If you find the PSX-guided 
opponents moving too fast, turn this down.


Determines whether or not you experience force-feedback when the ball strikes 
your paddle.  Only works if you're using a Dual Shock controller.


Turning this ON will make the paddles of eliminated players appear as ghostly 
shadows on the screen.  This is NOT JUST a cosmetic change!  These "ghosts" can 
still be controlled by the player, and they can affect the game in a unique way.  
While they cannot strike the ball directly, a ball passing through a ghost 
paddle will quite often speed up, slow down, change direction, or just basically 
react in an entirely unexpected manner.  

8.  Special Thanks

- Victor Ireland and Working Designs, for bringing LUNAR back to the States in a
  big way!
- The anonymous Atari 2600 programmer(s?) who created one of the true
  masterpieces of the Golden Age!  Whoever you are/were, I salute you... and
  curse Atari's early practice of forbidding programmers to take credit for 
  their games!
- Timon Marmex Trzepacz, for putting such care and attention into a quickie 
  "easter egg"!
- Video Games Express of Grove City, Ohio - my usual source for games, and where
  I plunked down my hard-earned cash on L:SSSC just as it was released!
- You, for putting up with me!  8^)

9.  Happy Trails

This is my first released attempt at an FAQ.  I'm also woring on a walkthrough 
for the Saturn version of Magic Knight Rayearth, but that project appears to be 
stalled.  I'm also working on one for the main L:SSSC game.  I hope you enjoy 
what I've written here... with any luck at all, I'll have more in the future.

If you have any corrections or additions to this FAQ (or, at the very least, a 
better ASCII logo!), please contact me at

...and please make sure to include "[LOLFAQ]" in the header, so I know what 
you're contacting me about.

Comments cheerfully welcomed.
Corrections cheerfully accepted.
Flames cheerfully deleted.
Questions already answered in this document cheerfully ignored.

Have a nice day!  8^)

- Devin de Gruyl
8 June 1999