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Legend of Legaia (e)

Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 18:21:46 PDT

Baka Fighter FAQ for
                    Legend Of Legaia

Hi All, This is a FAQ just for the Legend Of Legaia Baka Fighter arcade game 
in Sol.  As you should know, if you get this far in the game you enter the 
casino part of the large tower of Sol.  Now for me when ever I’m short on 
money in the game you can play different games to win tokens and the best 
item to buy with the tokens to get high money for is the Soru Bread for only 
100 tokens and when you sell it its worth 3000 each one! And if you pay 
attention to this FAQ I will lead you through all 14 rounds of Baka 

Now to explain this FAQ, I will post the moves for each fight to use against 
your enemy.  Its really easy after you start to understand that they all do 
the same moves they only change up the moves a couple times and they might 
even through you off track but just keep watching and you’ll see that they 
will go back to the same combo. And you can even catch on and write down any 
moves that you find out they do that I dint see.

The buttons are Square (S) Circule (O) and X (X).
S beats X, O beats S, and X beats O. What this means is that if your enemy 
presses the X button and you press S then you will successfully pull of 1 
hit but if you press O and your enemy presses X then you will miss your 
enemy and he will pull off a hit on you, If you both press the same button 
then you both will hit each other. (The damage matters on which enemy your 

Move List:

Enemy 1= Keep pressing Square
Enemy 2= Keep pressing X
Enemy 3= Keep pressing O
Enemy 4= Press Square, X and repeat
*Boss Enemy 5= Press X, X, X, O, O, O and repeat
Enemy 6= Press O, X and repeat
Enemy 7= Press S, S, S, X, X, X, O, O, O and repeat
Enemy 8= Press O, S, S, S, S, X and repeat
Enemy 9= Press X, O, O and repeat
Enemy 10= Press O, S, X and repeat
Enemy 11= Press O, X, S, S and repeat
Enemy 12= Press O, O, X, S and repeat
Enemy 13= Press X, X, O, O, X, X, S, S and repeat
Last Boss Enemy 14= Press O, O, O, X, S, S, X and repeat

*You can only fight this Boss if you have enough points, Somewhere around 

Common Problems

The enemy started off with a different move other than the ones you wrote 
down, what should I do?

The only thing to say to that is that all the people in this game do change 
up there combos but they always go back to the basics, all you have to do is 
find the right button and go from there.

How many tokens do you get if you beat all the people?

You get 460 tokens enough to buy 4 Soru Breads and sell that for 1200 bucks 
right there!

How come some enemies’s hit stronger than others?

Well for one reason they are at a higher level in the fighting ranks, and 
they put them in a order so that the more hits you miss the more energy you 
will lose.

Hey I beat up the enemy and then he had a little energy left and started 
flashing and when I missed the hit the enemy took a lot of damage on me, 

I’m not sure what the word is for this but I call this the Last Chance 
Attack, because the only time you can use this attack is when your almost 
dead and if you hit them it takes 3x the damage a normal attack would, And 
the same goes for the enemy they get a Last Chance Attack too.

I cant find an answer to my question on this FAQ, how should I contact you.

Well just email me at

Are any of the characters you pick at the begging stronger then any others 
(Vahn, Noa, and Gala.)?

No not really its just that they all end with a couple hits to add to the 
combo meter for more points, I pick Noa.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Copyright 1999, Andre Lawton.  This FAQ may be 
distributed freely as long as no modifications are made whatsoever to the 
Original text.  All characters and video games mentioned in this text are 
Trademarks of their respective companies.  The author is in no way connected 
to Sony or any other company, characters, or names mentioned throughout the 

Andre O. Lawton (FLAMEoN)