Lethal Weapon 3 (Flipper) (e)

                   Jens G”ring's guide to Lethal Weapon 3

   Lethal Weapon 3 is a pinball machine from Data East, produced in 1992.
   It's based on the movie with the same name with Mel Gibson und Dennis
   Glover. The pinball was designed by Joe Kaminkow und Ed Cebula.
   Please contact me if you have questions, additions or corrections. My
   e-mail address is:
     * Target description
     * Feature description
          + Ball saver
          + Skill shot
          + Kickback
          + Extra ball
          + Stunts
          + Shootout
          + Multiball
          + Million+
          + Freeway Million
          + Fightmode
          + Crime Simulator
          + Leo
          + Superleo
          + Getaway
          + Murtaugh Retirement
          + Looping
          + Victory Lap
          + Superspinner
          + Super-Pops
          + Super-Duper-Pops
          + Super-Lethal-Weapon
          + Crazy Riggs
          + Bonus
          + Bonus-Multiplier
     * Strategies
     * Links
     * Availability
   Target Description:
   As usual, in clockwise direction:
     * Left Inlane
       Scores 30,010. Starts Getaway in the right orbit if it is lit

     * Left Outlane
       Scores 532,100, if the Kickback is not lit. If it is lit, you
       score nothing (well, at least you saved the ball). Can be lit for
       Murtaugh Retirement. It contains a Kickback.

     * Light Kickback/Million+ Target
       Scores 25,010. If it is lit for kickback, you can re-activate the
       kickback here. If it is lit for Million+, you get the
       Million+-value, too. The Million+-light is unlit at the start of
       each ball.

     * Lethal Weapon 1 Sinkhole
       Scores 250K. Needed for Stunts. Can be lit for an Extraball.
       Starts Fightmode occasionally. Sometimes lights Jackpot or Double
       Jackpot during Multiball.

     * Leo Targets
       Score 3,330 Punkte if lit, 25 K otherwise. One of it is the
       Skillshot-target at the start of each ball. Completing all four
       lights Leo or Super Leo, if Leo is allready lit. If Super Leo is
       allready lit, you score 1M for completing them.

     * Left Orbit
       Scores 50K (Each of the four switches in the orbit score 3.330
       additionally). Needed for Shootout. Hitting two succeeding orbits
       lights the Light-Kickback-Target. Lights one Rollover-Lane.

     * Left Spinner
       Scores 10,010 Punkte if Superspinner is not active.

     * Freeway Ramp
       Scores 250K. The switch at the entrance scores 10,010. Lights the
       Lethal Weapon 1 sinkhole for Extraball after a certain amount of
       hits. Needes for Multiball, Freeway Million, Looping and Victory

     * Lethal Weapon 2 Sink hole
       Scores 250K. Needed for Stunts. Starts Fightmode occasionally.
       Starts Multiball and Crime Simulator if it is lit for that.
       Sometimes lights Jackpot or Double Jackpot during Multiball.

     * Bonus Rollover Lanes
       Score 3,330 if lit, 25K if otherwise. Increase the
       Bonus-Multiplier, if all three are lit. If the Bonus-Multiplier is
       already 8, you get 1M instead. You can scroll the lit lights left
       or right with the flipper buttons.

     * Bumpers
       Score 3,330, except in Super-Pops or Super-Duper-Pops.

     * First Droptarget Bank
       Score 25,010. Used to light the Lethal Weapon 2 sinkhole for
       Multiball. Needed for Million+. After each ball, the droptargets
       are reset.

     * Lethal Weapon 3 Sink hole
       Scores 250K. Used for Stunts. Occasionally starts Fightmode.
       Awards Leo when solidly lit or Super-Leo when flashing. Sometimes
       lights Jackpot or Double Jackpot during Multiball.

     * Right Orbit
       Same Score as left Orbit. Starts Shootout. Three right orbits
       light the Light-Kickback-target, because the machine mistakes them
       for 2 left orbits. Lights one rollover lane. Can be lit for

     * Right Spinner
       See left Spinner.

     * Second Droptarget Bank
       See first Droptarget Bank.

     * Plunger lane

     * Right Outlane
       Scores 532,100. Can be lit for Murtaugh Retirement.

     * Right Inlane
       Scores 30,010.

     * Slingshots
       Score 3,330.
   Feature Description:
  Ball saver
   The ball saver (bullet proof vest) is active at the start of each ball
   until you hit four targets. If the ball drains before that, you get a
   new one. If the ball hits nothing before it drains, you get a new one
   as if nothing happend. There's a ball saver at the start of Multiball,
   which lasts three seconds.
  Skill shot
   Try to hit the lit Leo target when launching a new ball. You score 2M
   if you succeed. This value is increased by 1M for each ball. If you
   fail to hit the target, you score 200K, increased by 100K. The
   Skillshot is active until you hit a target or for 30 seconds. If the
   ball drains without hitting anything, you get another chance.
   The left outlane contains a kickback, which shoots the ball back out,
   if it drains there, if it is lit. At the start of each ball, it is
   allways lit. It can be re-lit by hitting the Light-Kickback-target, if
   it is lit. This target can be lit by hitting two succeeding left
   orbits (or three right orbits), even if the kickback is still active.
   The Light-Kickback-target remains lit if you drain.
  Extra Ball
   If you hit a certain number of ramps (at least 3), the Lethal Weapon 1
   Sink hole is lit for an extra ball. The same is valid for every 99
   ramps. The ramps are counted throughout the whole game. The extra ball
   can be lit as an Leo- or Super Leo-award, too. You can collect up to 3
   extra balls.
   Light all three Lethal Weapon Sinkholes to start a stunt. The
   dot-matrix display shows a scene from the movie and you get some
   points. Use the plunger, when the announcer says 'Now' and something
   flashes in the display to score another million. Here is a list of all
   stunts and the rewarded points:
    1. High Fall (5M)
    2. Car Crash (10M)
    3. Toilet (15M)
    4. Explotion (20M)
    5. Helicopter (25M)
    6. Super Stunt Spectacular (50M)
   After Super Stunt Spectacular, you start over from the beginning. You
   can tell from the lights above the flippers which stunt will be
   awarded next. If all five flash, the next stunt will be super stunt
   spectacular. Stunts can be awarded during Multiball, too, although you
   won't see any animation. The Leo-award can be a stunt, too. The
   sinkhole do not count toward stunts during Super Lethal Weapon.
   Shooting the left or right orbit, loads the uzi displayed in the
   middle of the playfield. When the magazine is full, you get an award.
   The following is a list of awards and the number of orbits needed:
    1. 3M (1 Orbit)
    2. Bonus and Bonus Multiplier held and 1M (1 Orbit)
    3. Super Leo and Super Spinner lit (2 Orbits)
    4. Crime Simulator and Getaway lit (2 Orbits)
    5. Crazy Riggs (3 Orbits)
    6. Looping lit (3 Orbits)
    7. Super Lethal Weapon (6 Orbits)
   Additionally, you can see a criminal on the display (while the ball is
   in play). You can shoot him by activating the plunger. You score 100K,
   200K or 300K for each shot (up to 6). The longer you wait, the more
   points you get, but don't wait until he shoots you. If you wait until
   the eyes of the criminal flash and the announcer says 'Now', you get
   the maximum. If you shoot six times, you get additional 2, 4 or 6M. If
   you wait too long, you get nothing.
   It is impossible to reload the uzi before the shootout animation is
   over. After collecting all seven awards, you start over from the
   beginning. You can tell from the lights on the uzi which award will
   come next.
   You light the Lethal Weapon 2 sinkhole for multiball by lighting all
   three lights at both droptarget banks (red wire, clock, blue wire).
   Until the third multiball, any completed bank lights the next light at
   both banks. Later on, any completed bank lights the next light on its
   side. At the start of each game, the red wires are already lit.
   Summary: You have to complete 2 banks, 3 banks, 3 banks and after that
   always 3 left and 3 right banks to light multiball. Before you start
   the first multiball, loosing the ball always lights the next light at
   both banks, that means, if you drain the first two balls without doing
   anything, multiball is lit. When starting multiball, you get 3M, two
   additional balls and a 3 second ballsaver.
   At the start of multiball, the ramp is lit for jackpot. The jackpot
   value is 10M at the start of each multiball and is increased by 5M for
   each collected jackpot. If you rapidly hit 2 ramps, you get the double
   jackpot. You can light the double jackpot for 15 seconds by hitting
   the lit sinkhole. If you hit 2 ramps now, you get the quadruple
   jackpot. If you collect any jackpot, you have to re-light it by
   hitting the lit sinkhole. If you hit the ramp, when it is not lit for
   any jackpot, you score 500K.
   If you loose all balls but one, you can restart the multiball by
   hitting the Lethal Weapon 2 sinkhole in 15 seconds. Each multiball can
   only be re-started once. If you loose all balls but one when the ramp
   is lit for double jackpot, you can collect it until the time is over.
   You can start all modes but Crime Simulator and Fight Mode during
   If you hit the clock-droptarget and it is the first target in that
   bank that you hit, you can deactivate the bomb by hitting the left
   ('red wire') or the right target ('blue wire'). If you hit the wrong
   one, the bomb explodes. If you hit the correct target, you get 1M *
   Number of bombs deactivated (max. 5M) with this ball and the
   Million#-target is lit for the same value.
  Freeway Million
   You score x million for x ramps, where x can be one of the following:
   3,7,14,21,31,43,57,73,91,99. The number of ramps is reset to 0 after
   99 ramps. Now you get millions for one of the following:
   10,14,21,31... ramps. The number of ramps is held through the whole
   This mode is randomly started by any of the sinkholes and can be a
   Super Leo-award (not during Multiball). The display shows an animation
   of a fight between Travis and Riggs and a bar on the left and the
   right side. The faster you hit the flipper buttons, the faster the
   right bar grows. If it reaches the top before the left one, you score
   5M or 10M, if the Fightmode was a Super Leo-award.
  Crime Simulator
   This is the videomode, which is startet by hitting the Lethal Weapon 2
   sinkhole, if it is lit (not during Multiball).
   Shoot the criminals (and the occasionally appearing cow) and not the
   civilians. You get 100K for the first criminal, then 200K, etc. The
   cow scores 1M. The videomode ends after 10 correct hits with
   additional 10M or if you shoot a civilian.
   This is a random award, you get when hitting the Lethal Weapon 3
   sinkhole, if it is lit for Leo. You can light the sinkhole by hitting
   all four Leo-targets. Leo is lit at the beginning of each ball. The
   following awards are possible:
     * Light Extra ball
     * Increase Bonus Multiplikator by one
     * Super Pops
     * Murtaugh's Retirement
     * 5 Millionen
     * Light Multiball
     * Stunt
     * Hold Bonus and Bonus Multiplier
     * Light Crime Simulator
     * Light Getaway
   If you hit the Lethal Weapon 3 sinkhole, if the leo-light is flashing,
   you get to choose with the flipper buttons between two random awards.
   Super-Leo gets lit, if you complete all four Leo-targets and Leo is
   already lit. The following awards are possible:
     * Bank Heist (10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 million)
     * Light Multiball
     * Extra ball
     * Fight Mode (10M if you win)
     * Light Looping
     * 20M
     * Special
     * Crazy Riggs
     * Super Duper Pops
     * Super-Lethal-Weapon
   You start Getaway, when the right orbit is lit for it and the ball
   comes through the left inlane. You can see the getaway-award of 15M on
   the display, which decreases to zero in 15 seconds. Hit the right
   orbit to get the diplayed score.
  Murtaugh Retirement
   If the ball drains through the left or right outlane when they are lit
   for Murtaugh's retirement, you get a seeminly random award of about
   5M. The oulanes are unlit at the start of each ball.
   The ramp can be lit for looping. Hitting it scores 5M for this and any
   further rampshot within 20 seconds.
  Victory Lap
   If the ramp is lit for Victory Lap, you score 25M by hitting it within
   15 seconds. Reaching the replay score also starts Victory Lap.
  Super spinner
   This mode is started by hitting any spinner if it is lit for
   Superspinner and lasts 15 seconds. A turn of any spinner scores
   152,310 during this time. Superspinner has a base value of 2.5M. You
   get the superspinner score in the bonus.
   Any bumper scores 100K until the end of the ball. Hitting all three
   bumpers scores 1M.
   Any bumper scores 1M for 30 seconds.
   Any sinkhole scores 10M for 30 seconds. These hits do not count
   towards Stunts.
  Crazy Riggs
   Each switch sores 250K for 15 seconds. Crazy Riggs starts with a base
   value of 2.5M. You get this points with the Bonus.
   If you don't get Tilt (there's one tilt-warning by the way), you get
   the following bonus at the end of the ball:
   (10K + activated switches * 7.5K ) * Bonus Multiplier
   + Super-Spinner-value
   + Crazy-Riggs-value
   All switches count that you activated with this ball, except you have
   bonus held. The base value ((10K + activated switches * 7.5K ) * Bonus
   Multiplier) can not be higher than 1M. If you have bonus held with the
   last ball of the game, you get the base value twice.
   At the start of each ball, the bonus multiplier is one, except you had
   bonus held. The multiplier is increased by lighting all three rollover
   lanes or as an Leo-award. The multiplier maxes at 8. If you light all
   rollover lanes after that, you get 1M.
     * Get the Freeway-extraball, except you need a lot of ramp shots for
       it. Normally, you can ignore the ramp now, since I don't know any
       LW3, on which the ramp is easy to hit.
     * If any mode is activ, shoot for the mode's targets (in Crazy Riggs
       shoot the spinners).
     * Shoot the sinkholes, if you can use them for Stunt, otherwise
       shoot the orbits.
     * Don't risk anything when Shootout is active. Only reach for the
       plunger, when the ball is in the bumpers, the ramp or in Lethal
       Weapon 2 or 3.

     * Although Multiball can award a lot of points, I don't think that
       it is recommend to shoot for the droptargets, you just need too
       many of them after a while. Only shoot for droptargets, when you
       increase the Million+-value with that.

     * You should start or collect Multiball, Super Leo, Crime Simulator
       and Extraball as fast as possible.

     * If you hit the left orbit and the Light Kickback-target is not
       lit, try to shoot another orbit.

     * Jens G?ring's Pinball Page at http://home.onestop.net/goering
       My Homepage

     * The Pinball Pasture at http://www.lysator.liu.se/pinball
       General Pinball playing tips

   Available at my Homepage:
   Check for updates.
   I give permission to copy, post, and otherwise reproduce this document
   and the information contained herein as long as credit is given to me.
   (c) 1998 by Jens Goering