Holiday Lemmings (e)

Holiday Lemmings 1993


This File contains my Solutions and Scores for each Level of the IBM version of
Holiday Lemmings 1993; These Solutions are not unique and there may be others.
This File also contains the Codes for each Level.

In the summary of Skills available for each Level, the following abbreviations
are used :

    Cl = Climber,       Fl = Floater,       Bo = Bomber,        Bl = Blocker,
    Bu = Builder,       Ba = Basher,        Mi = Miner,         Di = Digger.

This File is designed to be printed on a Printer with 80 lines of 80 columns
per page.

Holiday Lemmings 1993 is Copyright (c) 1991-93 Psygnosis Ltd.

Les Litwin, [100144,3252], January 1994.

Flurry Levels

Level  1 : Climbing to the Top!
           10 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 50, Time Limit 6'00"
           20 Cl  20 Fl  20 Bo  20 Bl  20 Bu  20 Ba  20 Mi  20 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 5'30"

    Increase the Rate to Maximum and convert all the Lemmings to Climbers.

Level  2 : Floating Lemming Flurry               Code = IJJLDLCCAD
           20 Lemmings, Save  75%, Rate 25, Time Limit 8'00"
           25 Cl  25 Fl  25 Bo  25 Bl  25 Bu  25 Ba  25 Mi  25 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 7'35"

    Increase the Rate to Maximum and convert all the Lemmings to Floaters.

Level  3 : Holiday Mining                        Code = NJLDLCADAQ
           80 Lemmings, Save  62%, Rate 40, Time Limit 7'00"
           30 Cl  30 Fl  30 Bo  30 Bl  30 Bu  30 Ba  30 Mi  30 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 5'52"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Basher to bash through the snowman. Convert
    the 1st Lemming to reach the snow wall into a Basher also. Finally,
    increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level  4 : Lemming Tracks in the Snow!           Code = JLDLCINEAJ
           50 Lemmings, Save  90%, Rate 25, Time Limit 6'00"
           20 Cl  20 Fl  20 Bo  20 Bl  20 Bu  20 Ba  20 Mi  20 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 4'42"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Basher to bash through the snowball. Convert
    the 1st Lemming to reach the rock wall into a Miner (this may need more
    than 1 attempt). Finally, increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level  5 : Holiday South of the Equator        Code = LDLCAJNFAS
           75 Lemmings, Save  33%, Rate 40, Time Limit 5'00"
           20 Cl  20 Fl  20 Bo  20 Bl  20 Bu  20 Ba  20 Mi  20 Di
           Saved  98%, Time Remaining 4'20"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Miner when it is just to the right of the
    Hatch. Convert the 1st Lemming (going left) to a Blocker when it is just to
    the left of the Hatch. Increase the Rate to Maximum, and when all the
    Lemmings are safely descending the completed mine-shaft, convert the
    Blocker to a Bomber.

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Flurry Levels (continued)

Level  6 : Lemming Snowfall                      Code = DLCIKLLGAK
           80 Lemmings, Save  50%, Rate 20, Time Limit 9'00"
           10 Cl  10 Fl  10 Bo  10 Bl  10 Bu  10 Ba  10 Mi  10 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 6'17"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Basher to bash through the pole; Then when the
    1st Lemming reaches the top of the mound just past the pole, convert it to
    a Builder (5 or 6 times, to build a ramp up towards the broken pole).
    Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the broken pole to a Basher. Finally,
    increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level  7 : Lemming Snowjourn                     Code = LCANNLDHAI
           50 Lemmings, Save  50%, Rate 40, Time Limit 5'00"
           20 Cl  20 Fl  20 Bo  20 Bl  20 Bu  20 Ba  20 Mi  20 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'41"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Basher at the bottom of the 1st ice crevasse,
    repeat this 2 or 3 times until the Lemming reaches the mountain at the
    right (be careful not to bash to the left). Convert the 1st Lemming to
    reach the icicles on the right-hand side of the mountain to a Basher also,
    repeating this as necessary until it reaches the Exit.

Level  8 : Vacation in Gemland                   Code = CINNLDLIAR
           50 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate  1, Time Limit 3'00"
            1 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl   8 Bu   3 Ba   0 Mi   2 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 0'26"

    Number the crystal formations from left to right, starting with the one
    underneath the Hatch.

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Climber immediately. When the Climber reaches
    the vertical crystals of the 2nd formation, convert it to a Basher. When
    the Climber reaches the top of the single sloping crystal (3rd formation),
    convert it to a Builder (4 times, to build a ramp over the 4th formation to
    finish above the left-hand side of the 5th crystal formation). When the
    Climber reaches the right-hand vertical crystal (of the 5th formation),
    convert it to a Basher; Then when it reaches the left-hand edge of the 1st
    sloping crystal, convert it to a Builder (the ramp should just reach the
    left-hand side of the metal blocks of the Exit level, so that the Builder
    does not turn around). Convert any "trapped" Lemming to a Builder to build
    a ramp to the right allowing the Lemmings to "escape" (this may require
    more than 1 attempt). Finally, increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level  9 : A Block from Home                     Code = CAJJMDLJAD
           80 Lemmings, Save  93%, Rate 20, Time Limit 4'00"
           10 Cl  10 Fl  10 Bo  10 Bl  10 Bu  10 Ba  10 Mi  10 Di
           Saved  98%, Time Remaining 2'39"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Basher to bash through the pile of snowballs;
    Meanwhile, convert the 1st Lemming to reach the last snowball on the left
    to a Blocker. Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the area between the metal
    blocks (the area to the right of the metal block below the bouncing
    snowman) to a Digger while it is still walking to the right; When the
    Digger is below the bottom of the right-hand metal block, convert it to a
    Basher (it should then bash a tunnel to the right). Increase the Rate to
    Maximum and when the last Lemming has emerged, convert the Blocker to a

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Flurry Levels (continued)

Level 10 : 32 Lemmings Below Zero                Code = IKHMDLCKAL
           32 Lemmings, Save  78%, Rate 32, Time Limit 7'00"
           32 Cl  32 Fl  32 Bo  32 Bl  32 Bu  32 Ba  32 Mi  32 Di
           Saved  93%, Time Remaining 3'43"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Blocker when it reaches the top of the peak to
    the right of the Hatch. Convert the 2nd Lemming that goes left to a Blocker
    when it is at the left-hand side of the Hatch (at the top of the peak).
    When the "free" Lemming is above the point where the 2 sloping ice levels
    meet, convert it to a Miner. When the Lemming reaches the top of the last
    mound (to the right of the "island"), convert it to a Builder (3 times, to
    build a ramp up to the "island"); Then when it reaches the depression just
    to the right of the centre of the "island", convert it to a Builder again
    (4 times, to build a ramp up to the top of the metal blocks); While
    building the last part of the ramp, convert the left-hand Blocker to a
    Bomber. When the Builder reaches the flattish area on the left-hand slope
    below the Exit, convert it to a Builder again (twice, to build a ramp up to
    the Exit). Convert the remaining Blocker to a Bomber.

Level 11 : At Home in a Cave                     Code = NJOLHCELAD
           80 Lemmings, Save  97%, Rate 10, Time Limit 4'00"
           10 Cl  10 Fl  10 Bo   0 Bl  10 Bu   5 Ba   5 Mi   5 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'27"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Digger when it reaches the right-hand side of
    the Hatch, then when the hole's depth is about the same as the height of 2
    Lemmings, convert the Digger to a Miner (you have to wait until the hole is
    deep enough to "trap" the Lemmings). Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the
    right-hand slope to a Basher, (1 Lemming might get past and start to ascend
    the slope, if this happens, convert the Lemming to a Miner when it is about
    halfway up the slope). When the Basher breaks through, increase the Rate to

Level 12 : Presents of Mind                      Code = JMDLCINMAS
           80 Lemmings, Save  96%, Rate 50, Time Limit 4'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl   5 Bu  10 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'46"

    This Level requires frequent use of the Pause key to deal with the 2
    different sets of Lemmings.

    When the 1st Lemming from the right-hand Hatch reaches the snow cliff,
    convert it to a Basher. Meanwhile, when the 1st Lemming from the left-hand
    Hatch reaches the snowball, convert it to a Basher and convert the Lemming
    following it to a Builder (to slow it down). When the 1st Lemming from the
    left-hand Hatch is three-quarters of the way across the last block before
    reaching the gap, convert it to a Builder. Meanwhile, when the 1st Lemming
    from the right-hand Hatch, walking from right to left, reaches the top of
    the mound to the right of the angled gap, convert it to a Builder (to
    "bridge" the gap). Convert the 1st Lemming from the right-hand Hatch to
    reach the 1st snowball to a Basher; Repeating this for the 2nd snowball.
    Finally, increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level 13 : Yo-yo Lem-lem                         Code = MDLCAJNNAL
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate  1, Time Limit 4'00"
           10 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl   2 Bu   0 Ba   1 Mi   0 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'21"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to get halfway across the flat area at the top of
    the "stairs" (to the left of the ice bridge) to a Builder (to build a ramp
    up to the ice bridge); Convert the 3 Lemmings following it to Climbers.
    When the 1st Climber reaches the left-hand edge of the gap in the metal
    blocks, convert it to a Builder. Increase the Rate to Maximum. Convert any
    Lemmings that get trapped between the metal blocks to Climbers (when going
    left to right).

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Flurry Levels (continued)

Level 14 : Marshmallow Land                      Code = DLCIJNMOAE
           80 Lemmings, Save  93%, Rate 10, Time Limit 4'00"
           10 Cl  10 Fl  10 Bo  10 Bl  10 Bu  10 Ba  10 Mi  10 Di
           Saved  98%, Time Remaining 2'24"

    Convert the 2nd Lemming to reach the top of the 1st slope to a Blocker.
    When the 1st Lemming is about a third of the way down the right-hand slope,
    convert it to a Builder (3 times, to build a ramp up to the dog's head - if
    the ramp is started from at the correct position, at the small notch, the
    ramp will just reach the dog's head and the Builder will not turn around);
    Increase the Rate to Maximum while doing this. Convert the Blocker to a
    Bomber when the Builder lands on the dog's head. When the Builder reaches
    the pillar, convert it to a Basher.

Level 15 : Head for the Hills!                   Code = LCAOLMDPAQ
           10 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 20, Time Limit 3'00"
           10 Cl  10 Fl  10 Bo  10 Bl  10 Bu   0 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'36"

    Increase the Rate to Maximum. Convert each Lemming to a Builder when it
    nears the bottom of the crevasse (or anywhere on the right-slope while
    climbing out of the crevasse), forcing the Lemming to turn around and go

Level 16 : The Long Way Around                   Code = CINNMDLQAK
           50 Lemmings, Save  90%, Rate 20, Time Limit 4'00"
            5 Cl   5 Fl   5 Bo   5 Bl   5 Bu   3 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved  92%, Time Remaining 0'57"

    Convert the 5th Lemming to a Blocker when it is on the 1st mound to the
    right of the Hatch (above the 3rd snowball from the right on the level
    below). Convert the 1st Lemming to a Blocker when it reaches the top of the
    peak just to the left of the left-hand end of the snowball level below. You
    should now have 3 Lemmings between the 2 Blockers. Convert the 1st of these
    3 Lemmings to a Blocker when it reaches the lowest point to the right of
    the left-hand Blocker; Then convert it to a Bomber. Convert the next of the
    3 Lemmings, going from left to right, to a Basher when it is at the lowest
    point of the crater caused by the Bomber; Then when the Basher is just
    above a small flat area in the ceiling below, which in turn, is above the
    4th snowball from the right on the level below, convert it to a Blocker and
    then convert it to a Bomber (the explosion should just break through -
    placement is critical if the Lemmings are to survive the fall). When the
    last of the 3 Lemmings reaches the ice wall, convert it to a Basher.
    Increase the Rate to Maximum. When the Basher reaches the 1st gap, convert
    it to a Builder. When the Builder reaches the 2nd gap, convert it to a
    Builder again. Convert the right-hand Blocker to a Bomber. When all the
    Lemmings are in the tunnel going right, convert the remaining Blocker to a

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels

Level  1 : OogiLemming!                          Code = CAJJNNHBBD
           25 Lemmings, Save  88%, Rate 80, Time Limit 9'00"
           25 Cl   1 Fl   0 Bo   1 Bl  15 Bu   1 Ba   0 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 3'52"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the snow level to a Climber and a Floater
    while going right. After the Athlete climbs the 2nd pole, wait until it
    reaches the low point about a third of the way from the left-hand pole,
    then convert it to a Builder (forcing it to turn around). When the Athlete
    is about two-thirds of the way down the mound to the right of the pole,
    convert it to a Builder (to build a ramp up to the pole, otherwise the
    Lemmings will not survive the fall); The Builder should turn around before
    finishing the ramp. After the Athlete climbs the 3rd pole, wait until it
    reaches the low point about halfway to the metal wall, then convert it to a
    Builder (forcing it to turn around). When the Athlete is at the top of the
    small mound just to the right of the pole, convert it to a Builder (to
    build a ramp up to the pole as for the 2nd pole). When the Athlete is about
    a third of the way up the long ice slope at the right, convert it to a
    Digger. When the Athlete reaches the icicle, convert it to a Basher.
    Convert all of the remaining Lemmings to Climbers, but only when they are
    going from left to right.

Level  2 : Lemmings Up High                      Code = IJJLFLCCBG
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 20, Time Limit 5'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl  11 Bu   1 Ba   0 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'54"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Digger when it reaches the small flat area
    just to the right of the landing area. Convert the Lemming that gets past
    the Digger to a Builder when it reaches the small flattish mound just to
    the right of the Digger (8 times, to build a ramp up towards the Exit).
    Meanwhile, when the hole is just deep enough to "trap" the Lemmings,
    convert the Digger to a Builder (to make it stop digging). When the last
    part of the ramp is started, convert any "trapped" Lemming to a Basher to
    bash right; When the Basher is level with the left-hand edge of the ramp,
    convert it to a Builder (to make it stop bashing, this may also allow some
    Lemmings to "escape"). Convert any "trapped" Lemming, going left to right,
    to a Builder to build a ramp out of the hole, allowing the Lemmings to
    "escape" (you only have 1 attempt at this). Finally, increase the Rate to

Level  3 : Check Your Hints!                     Code = NJLFLCADBD
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 20, Time Limit 6'00"
            1 Cl   5 Fl   0 Bo   5 Bl   1 Bu   0 Ba   0 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 4'41"

    This level appears to have 13 Exits, but only 1 Exit is real; The answer to
    this level is given in the manual - it is the middle Exit that is the real

    After the 1st Lemming lands, increase the Rate to Maximum. When the 1st
    Lemming reaches the lowest point above the middle (7th) Exit, convert it to
    a Digger (if you do not start digging in the correct place, then some
    Lemmings will be able to climb out of the hole before it becomes deep
    enough). All the Lemmings should fall into the hole while it is still being
    dug (otherwise they will not survive the fall).

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels (continued)

Level  4 : Santus Lemmingus                      Code = JLFLCINEBM
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 30, Time Limit 6'00"
            1 Cl   1 Fl   5 Bo   2 Bl   1 Bu   1 Ba   0 Mi   2 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 4'31"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Climber and a Floater. After the 4th Lemming
    lands, increase the Rate to Maximum. Let the Athlete start climbing the
    right-hand wall; Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the small depression near
    the right-hand wall to a Digger. When the Athlete lands on the ledge on the
    right-hand side of the wall, convert it to a Builder at the very edge of
    the ledge. Meanwhile, when the Digger gets about halfway down, convert it
    to a Basher to bash a tunnel through to the right.

Level  5 : It Came Upon a Lemnight Clear         Code = LFLCAJNFBF
           80 Lemmings, Save  93%, Rate  1, Time Limit 5'00"
            1 Cl   1 Fl   1 Bo   1 Bl  10 Bu   1 Ba   1 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 3'04"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Climber. When the Climber reaches the right-
    hand edge of the metal block, convert it to a Builder (3 times, to build a
    ramp up to the snow wall); Then just before the Builder turns around,
    convert it to a Miner. When the Miner breaks through the right-hand side of
    the snow wall, convert it to a Builder (3 times, to build a ramp to cross
    the gap). While building the last part of the ramp, convert any "trapped"
    Lemming, going right, to a Builder when at the top of the right-hand mound,
    to allow the Lemmings to "escape". Increase the Rate to Maximum. When the
    Climber reaches the last mound before the right-hand metal block below the
    Exit, convert it a Builder (to build a ramp up to the Exit).

Level  6 : A Single Lemming. . .                 Code = FLCIJNLGBO
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 70, Time Limit 4'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   5 Bo   5 Bl   1 Bu   1 Ba   0 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'08"

    After the 4th Lemming lands, increase the Rate to Maximum. Wait until the
    1st Lemming turns left (at the far right-hand snow cliff), then convert it
    to a Basher to bash left through the snow mountain towards the Exit.

Level  7 : Break on through. . .                 Code = LCANNLFHBL
           60 Lemmings, Save  91%, Rate 30, Time Limit 4'00"
            0 Cl  12 Fl  25 Bo   0 Bl  19 Bu  93 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved  98%, Time Remaining 0'39"

    The Time Limit is fairly close on this Level.

    Convert the 1st Lemming, going left, to a Builder as it starts to descend
    the 4th peak from the left-hand wall, (4 or 5 times, to build a ramp up to
    near the top of the left-hand wall). Meanwhile, convert the 2nd Lemming,
    going left, to a Builder as it starts to descend the 2nd peak from the
    left-hand wall (twice) to build a ramp up to the left-hand wall to catch
    any Lemmings that fall off the 1st ramp (this ramp does not have to reach
    the left-hand wall, but it must end underneath the overhang further up the
    wall). When the 1st ramp is completed, convert any Lemming ascending the
    1st ramp to a Bomber when it is above the centre of the 3rd peak from the
    left-hand wall (this should cause it to explode on the left-hand wall in
    the top left-hand corner). Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the left-hand
    side of the bomb crater to a Basher (this must be from the side of the
    crater, not from the crater's bottom). When the Basher is about two-thirds
    of the way through the wall, convert it to a Builder (to make it stop
    bashing). Then convert any Lemming, going right, to a Builder at a point
    just inside the tunnel (to build a ramp up to the top of the right-hand
    side of the crater).


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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels (continued)

Level  7 continued :

    Convert any Lemming, at the top of this new ramp, to a Basher (to bash a
    tunnel to the right). If the height of the tunnel is correct, then it
    should break through to the surface at some point before the Exit; Shortly
    after this occurs, convert the Basher to a Builder (to make it stop bashing
    and hopefully, build a ramp out of the tunnel to the surface). If required,
    convert any Lemming, going right, to a Builder when it is level with the
    left-hand edge of a gap in the tunnel's ceiling (to build a ramp out of the
    tunnel to the surface, this may require more than 1 attempt).

Level  8 : Presents of Mind II                   Code = CIOLLFLIBD
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 55, Time Limit 2'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl   3 Bu   2 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 0'26"

    This Level requires frequent use of the Pause key to deal with the 2
    different sets of Lemmings; The Time Limit is also fairly close on this

    Convert the 2nd Lemming from the left-hand Hatch to a Basher when it
    reaches the bottom of the crevasse (to the left of the metal block near the
    top of the snow mountain), to slow the Lemming down. Convert the 1st
    Lemming from the left-hand Hatch to a Basher when it reaches the snowman.
    Meanwhile, convert the 1st Lemming from the right-hand Hatch, going from
    right to left, to a Builder at the very edge of the gap to the left of the
    snow cliff. Meanwhile, convert the 1st Lemming from the left-hand Hatch to
    a Builder at the very edge of the last gap before the Exit. Finally,
    increase the Rate to Maximum.

Level  9 : Lemmings. . . The Motion Picture      Code = CAJJMFLJBG
           80 Lemmings, Save  93%, Rate 25, Time Limit 9'00"
            2 Cl  10 Fl   1 Bo  10 Bl  30 Bu  10 Ba  10 Mi  10 Di
           Saved  98%, Time Remaining 2'05"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Climber and a Floater. Convert the 2nd Lemming
    to a Blocker when it is about two-thirds of the way across the flat area to
    the right of the cliff below the Exit. When the Athlete reaches the 1st gap
    in the ice slopes, convert it to a Builder (to "bridge" the gap). After
    falling off the end of the ice slope, convert the Athlete to a Builder
    again, to "bridge" the next gap in the ice slopes; Then after crossing the
    gap, wait until the Athlete is about a third of the way up the ice slope,
    then convert it to a Builder again (to force it to turn around). When the
    Athlete is just above the top of the previous ramp, convert it to a Builder
    (4 times, to build a ramp up to the underneath of the left-hand ice slope);
    The Builder should turn around before completing the ramp. After falling
    off the end of the ice slope, convert the Athlete to a Builder to "bridge"
    the next gap in the ice slopes. The Builder should turn around after
    completing the "bridge", when it does so, immediately convert it to a
    Builder again (3 times, to build a ramp up to the underneath of the left-
    hand ice slope); The Builder should turn around before completing the ramp.
    After falling off the end of the ice slope, convert the Athlete to a
    Builder again, to "bridge" the next gap; Then after crossing the gap, wait
    until the Athlete is about a quarter of the way up the ice slope, then
    convert it to a Builder again (to force it to turn around). When the
    Athlete is just above the top of the previous ramp, convert it to a Builder
    (4 times, to build a ramp up to the underneath of the left-hand ice slope);
    The Builder should turn around before completing the ramp. After falling
    off the end of the ice slope, convert the Athlete to a Builder to "bridge"
    the next gap; Then after crossing the gap, wait until the Athlete is about
    halfway up the ice slope, then convert it to a Builder again (to force it
    to turn around). After the Builder turns around, convert it to a Builder
    again when it nears the top of the earlier ramp to build a ramp to
    "overlap" the earlier ramp (this step is not necessary if there is no gap
    between the top of the earlier ramp and the surface of the slope).


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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels (continued)

Level  9 continued :

    After the Athlete crosses the gap, convert it to a Builder when it is about
    a quarter of the way down the ice slope (3 times, to build a ramp up to the
    underneath of the left-hand ice slope); The Builder should turn around
    before completing the ramp. After falling off the end of the last ice
    slope, wait until the Athlete is at the top of the mound just to the left
    of the Exit, then convert it to a Digger; When the hole is about one
    Lemming deep, convert the Digger to a Builder (so that it stops digging and
    climbs out of the hole leftwards). When the Athlete reaches the top of the
    next mound, convert it to a Builder (3 times, to build a ramp up to the
    underneath of the left-hand ice slope); While doing this, convert the
    Blocker to a Bomber. The Builder should turn around before completing the
    ramp, when it does so, wait until it is just over halfway down the ramp,
    then convert it to a Builder (twice, to build a ramp to the right towards
    the Exit over the hole dug earlier, and to "catch" the Lemmings as they
    fall off the end of the ice-slope above).

Level 10 : The Wrath of Lem                      Code = IKHMFLCKBO
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 20, Time Limit 4'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   2 Bl   5 Bu   3 Ba   1 Mi   2 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 2'50"

    This Level requires the use of the Pause key to deal with the 2 different
    sets of Lemmings.

    Convert the 1st Lemming from the right-hand Hatch to a Miner when it nears
    the rocks at the right-hand side, then, if the Miner does not stop by
    itself, convert it to a Builder to make it stop (the mining is necessary
    so that the Lemmings to not climb over the rocks). Meanwhile, Convert the
    1st Lemming from the left-hand Hatch to a Builder when it reaches the top
    of the slope (just as it starts to descend). Meanwhile, if the gap between
    the first 2 Lemmings from the right-hand Hatch is small, then convert the
    2nd Lemming to a Builder just before it reaches the left-hand slope, to
    slow it down. Convert the 1st Lemming from the right-hand Hatch to a
    Builder when it reaches the top of the slope (just as it starts to descend,
    this ramp must not meet the ramp from the other side of the gap).

Level 11 : The Search for Lem                    Code = NJMFLCALBM
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate  5, Time Limit 6'00"
            1 Cl   0 Fl   1 Bo   1 Bl   8 Bu   1 Ba   1 Mi   1 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 3'34"

    Convert the 2nd Lemming to a Digger when it is over the buried metal block
    and is to the right of the mound (to "trap" the Lemmings). Convert the 1st
    Lemming to a Builder when it reaches the extreme right-hand edge near the
    bottom of the right-hand slope (to "bridge" the gap to the metal block).
    When the Builder reaches the right-hand edge of the metal block, convert it
    to a Builder again (to "bridge" the gap); Repeat this for the next 2 gaps.
    When the Builder reaches the right-edge of the last metal block, convert it
    to a Builder to start building a ramp up towards the Exit (4 times); This
    ramp will not reach, unless it is "staggered" by not starting the next
    section of the ramp until the Builder finishes the previous section and
    starts walking. When the last part of the ramp is started, convert any
    "trapped" Lemming to a Basher (to bash a tunnel to the right). Finally,
    increase the Rate to Maximum.

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels (continued)

Level 12 : The Voyage Home                       Code = JMFLCINMBF
           80 Lemmings, Save  87%, Rate 15, Time Limit 7'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   2 Bo   0 Bl   0 Bu   0 Ba   0 Mi   1 Di
           Saved  97%, Time Remaining 4'56"

    If you look at the top level, you will notice a pattern in the sequence of
    depressions in the surface, a small depression is followed by a larger one
    and then the sequence repeats. Now if you go to the right-hand end of the
    top level and number the depressions from right to left, you will notice
    that the surface between the 8th and 10th depressions is lower than the
    surrounding area, and that consequently, the 10th depression is deeper than
    the others. Continue leftwards to locate the area between the 13th and 14th
    depressions. Now you are ready for this level.

    After the 4th Lemming lands, increase the Rate to Maximum. Convert the
    first 2 Lemmings to Bombers when they are halfway between the 13th and 14th
    depressions, they should both explode at the 10th depression and break
    through to the level below. Wait until the 1st Lemming begins to descend
    the short slope near the right-hand wall, then convert it to a Digger (to
    dig through to the final level and to stop the Lemmings from going

Level 13 : The Final Frontier                    Code = MFLCEJLNBQ
           70 Lemmings, Save  92%, Rate 40, Time Limit 7'00"
            1 Cl   1 Fl   1 Bo   2 Bl   9 Bu   1 Ba   1 Mi   2 Di
           Saved  97%, Time Remaining 4'01"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Builder when it reaches the right-hand side of
    the 1st cloud (to cross the gap to the cloud to the right and below).
    Convert the 2nd Lemming to a Blocker under the right-hand side of the Hatch
    and convert the 3rd Lemming to a Blocker under the left-hand side of the
    Hatch. When the Builder reaches the highest point on the next cloud,
    convert it to a Digger; Then when the hole is about one Lemming deep,
    convert it to a Basher (to bash right). When the Basher reaches the right-
    hand edge of the cloud, convert it to a Builder (3 times, to cross the gap
    to the right-hand cloud, don't worry if the Builder hits its head on the
    underside of the cloud above the top of the ramp and turns around, it will
    come back). After landing on the right-hand cloud, wait until the Lemming
    is on the flat area on the right-hand side of the cloud, then convert it to
    a Builder (4 times, to build a ramp up to the cloud on top of the metal
    blocks). When the Builder lands on the metal blocks, convert the right-hand
    Blocker to a Bomber. Meanwhile, when the Builder lands on the cloud below
    the metal blocks, convert it to a Builder (to cross the gap to the Exit).
    Finally, when all the Lemmings have made it to the Exit, Nuke the remaining

Level 14 : The Undiscovered Country              Code = FLCMJLMOBJ
           80 Lemmings, Save 100%, Rate 10, Time Limit 9'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   0 Bo   0 Bl   0 Bu  10 Ba  10 Mi  10 Di
           Saved 100%, Time Remaining 7'59"

    The Exit for this Level is hidden somewhere in the snow.

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Miner as it begins to ascend the left-hand
    slope. When the Miner is about 3 blocks from the left-hand wall, convert it
    to a Basher (to bash a tunnel to the left). Increase the Rate to Maximum.
    When the tunnel face is 1 block from the left-hand wall, convert the Basher
    to a Digger (to dig a shaft down to the hidden Exit).

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Holiday Lemmings 1993

Blitz Levels (continued)

Level 15 : The Needs of the Many. . .            Code = LCANNMFPBE
           15 Lemmings, Save  53%, Rate 50, Time Limit 8'00"
           11 Cl  11 Fl   5 Bo   0 Bl   2 Bu   1 Ba   0 Mi   0 Di
           Saved  53%, Time Remaining 5'54"

    Convert the first 11 Lemmings to Floaters as they emerge (ignoring the
    other 4). Convert any Lemming, going right, to a Climber; Then when the
    Climber is about halfway up the right-hand wall, convert it to a Bomber (to
    explode at the top of the wall). Convert any Lemming, going right, to a
    Climber. Wait until the Climber reaches the bomb crater, then when it turns
    left, convert it to a Builder to build a ramp across the gap (the ramp must
    start inside the crater, otherwise the other Lemmings will not be able to
    climb up the wall). When the Climber, going right again, is just over three
    quarters of the way down the slope, convert it to a Builder (to build a
    ramp up to the ice at the top of the right-hand wall). Meanwhile, convert
    all the remaining Lemmings to Climbers (but only when they're going right).
    Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the snowman to a Basher. Convert the 1st
    Lemming to reach the top of the "stairs" to the right of the snowman to a
    Bomber (to explode against the right-hand wall); Convert the 2nd Lemming to
    a Bomber when it is halfway between the top of the "stairs" and the small
    depression further to the right (to explode at the right-hand side of the
    previous bomb crater and blow a hole in the wall).

Level 16 : The Next Lemeration                   Code = BMNNMNLQBI
           50 Lemmings, Save  96%, Rate 30, Time Limit 5'00"
            0 Cl   0 Fl   5 Bo   1 Bl   1 Bu   1 Ba   1 Mi   0 Di
           Saved  96%, Time Remaining 3'32"

    Convert the 1st Lemming to a Bomber just before it reaches the 3rd
    depression from the right-hand end of the upper level (to explode at the
    right-hand end to create a "ledge" allowing the Lemmings to survive the
    fall to the lower level). Convert the 1st Lemming to reach the right-hand
    wall to a Basher. Meanwhile, convert the 3rd Lemming after the Basher to a
    Miner as it nears the right-hand end of the upper level (to slow it down).
    Increase the Rate to Maximum. Wait until the 1st Lemming reaches the centre
    of the depression almost directly above the left-hand side of the metal
    blocks surrounding the Exit, then convert it to a Bomber (to explode above
    the small rock blocking the gap leading to the Exit). Meanwhile, at the
    left-hand end of the lower level, wait until the 1st Lemming starts to
    descend the final slope, then convert it to a Builder (it should stop
    building almost immediately, but only after "bridging" the small gap to the

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