___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ __ | | | / || || | | | | _|| _ | | || \| || _|| || || \| || _|| | | | | | |/ || || |_ | |_ | _|| | | || ||_ | | | | || || |_ | | | | | | / |_||___||___||___||_\_\ | ||_|\_||___| |_| |_||_|\_||___| |_| \_ | | \ | / |___|\__\ |/ KILLER INSTINCT 2 [COMPLETE FAQ] by KOMBO v 2.2 ============================================================================= ================================= Contents ================================= ============================================================================= 1 . Contents 2 . introduction 3 . What's New ? 4 . Key GUIDE 5 . Informations 6 . Explanations 7 . Individuals Moves & Combos 8 . Computer Techniques 9 . 2 players Techniques 10 . Codes 11 . Glitches & Weird stuffs 12 . Rumors 13 . KI2 and INTERNET 14 . Credits & Thanx ============================================================================= ============================== INTRODUCTION ================================= ============================================================================= Welcome to the best KI2 FAQ ever made !! here u'll find explanations, moves combos, glitches, techniques, endings, codes, rumors,infos, and more !!!!!. So keep looking to this FAQ, cuz i'm gonna add more stuffs soon !!. Please note that this FAQ has the biggest combos and the best GLITCHES, but some of it can be hard to do at the beginning,the COMBOS part is more for the KI2 experts, (see the big-combos infos in the infos section) just practice yourself (use JAGO if it's your first time) and sorry for the inconvenience. All of my combos are confirmed by me and work on the 1.5 version. I would like to give a very special thanx to NICOLAS, STEPHANE, and NES some french friends of mine who have found most of the BIG combos here,and who are probably the best KI2 players in the WORLD,french players RULES!! heheh :p .... ---- the latest version of this faq can be found at ----- ----- /INFOS ABOUT < \_____________/ 1 - "the Broken Ultra" (BU). 2 - "the LEGENDS SCORES". 3 - "the 80 hits Combos". 4 - "the JAGO Spirit Glitch". 5 - "the DOuble Counter Glitch". 6 - "the big-combos". 7 - "the COUNTER". -=== {INFORMATION ABOUT the "BROKEN ULTRA" GLITCH (BU) } - First I want U to know that this GLITCH is confirmed by me personaly,yeah !! i've done 80 with all tha characters with this glitch !! so check this : Why i call it "BROKEN ULTRA" ?? because by using this glitch u will break the oponent ultra !! so it's like in KI1,the time is FREEZE !! U can touch your oponent from any distance and U and your oponent are invincible !! so u can play all the time U want !! but this is not the most interresting thing to do with this Glitch !! yeah, the most interresting thing to do with this Glitch is to do some easy 80 hits COMBOS !! and because when u do this glitch U can touch your opponent from any distance,it's very easy to pull of some 80...So here is the easiest way to do this glitch, but first u MUST be with another KI player !! u cannot do this glitch alone !! PUSH the two start button and choose CLACIUS (it's the guinea pig !! because he has a Revitalize move u can try many times U want !!) and choose the character which u want to perform a 80 !! (for example JAGO) so with JAGO hit GLACIUS to the 2nd bar, and when GLACIUS is nearly flashing red,i said NEARLY !! do this combo : "QCDB+6,2,QCDB+4" Normaly the QCDB+6 (WIND KICK) will put GLACIUS to his Flashing red bar, and when u push the connector 2,be sure to do the QCDB+4 (ultra) VERY QUICLKY!!! Now With GLACIUS, wait the connector 2 to finish and when the connector 2 i s nearly finished, do tha breaker motion immediatly !! (HCT+4) ( because in fact U must break the 2nd hits of the connector ) and u will break the ultra at the same time !! here is the glitch ! u break the ULTRA and the connector at the same time !! (that's why U have to do the ULTRA very quickly !! because if u do the ultra motion to late, u will break the connector but not the ultra !!). If u break too early the connector 2, U just have to do the revitalize move of GLACIUS (QCT+4) and retry again and again until u break the "connector+ULTRA" !! ok ??! ! now when U have breaking the ultra, u can do some EASY 80 with any moves !! i said "ANY" !! For example U can hit 5,5,5,5, or U can do QCDB+4 repeatly or DP+1 repeatly. do what U want and it will hit him to 80 hits !! (see tha INDIVIDUALS COMBOS section for all tha easy 80). To get out the BROKEN ULTRA (yeah !! if u want put your initials for da 80) u have to do this : a SUPER MOVE (the one u do in the ULTRA) or a THROW or a COMBO BREAKER or a FATALITIE or another ULTRA or an ULTIMATE !! but remember to do one of this forbidden moves only after the 80 !!! *MORE INFOS : When U r in the Glitch,do the revitalize move of GLACIUS (QCT+4)to regain his entire energy bar then begin the 80,U will do a 80 hits 60% damage (u cannot do 100% ! ! it will stop at 60% ! don't know why ! (61 or 62% if u have done some manuals ) To know if U're doing the breaker at the right time,train yourself by trying 2 break th is COMBO: "QCDB+6,2,QCDB+4" (with JAGO),if U're doing tha glitch correctly,when u'll break tha connector 2, u will see his QCDB+4 (WIND KICK) !! so when u train yourself to break the connector 2, and if U don't see the WIND KICK after the BREAKER, it means that U R not doing tha Glitch corectly. U can do this glitch against tha computer (if he's in HARD mode), it works nearly everytimes versus GARGOS, just do a starter, a connector, and do the ULTRA very quickly !! then GARGOS will break your Ultra nearly every time.. -=== {INFORMATION ABOUT the "LEGENDS SCORES" } The Legends score keeps track of all your qualifying scores and gives you points for them based on how high you are on the list. There are 5 types of qualifying scores: Hits, Damage, Streak, Speed, and Fatals. I'm sure you can figure out what the first 4 are. The Fatals qualifier is not displayed, but you get points for it. If you perform a lot of ultimates on your opponents, you may get a Fatals qualify depending on what the qualifiers on your machine are. I'm not sure if there's a way to find out wh at the qualifiers are on a machine. You must perform the ultimate inside a combo. No Mercys don't count. Between rounds, the CPU will display how many ultimates you've done. For Hits and Damage qualifiers, you get 1 to 5 points. Only your highest qualifier determines how many points you get.So say you have the top 3 hits qualifiers, you'll still only get 5 points for the top one. It counts the same as if you only had one qualifier, but it was on top. You get one less point for each rank lower. The Streak, Speed,and Fatals qualifiers work the same way, except you get 1 to 10 points for each of those. I'm pretty sure the highest number of points you can get is 140.Here's the breakdown of points: 5 points each for hits qualifiers for the 10 characters: 50 5 points each for damage qualifiers for the 10 characters: 50 5 points for hits qualifier with Gargos: 5 5 points for damage qualifier with Gargos: 5 10 points for Streak qualifier: 10 10 points for Speed qualifier: 10 10 points for Fatals qualifier: 10 --- Total points: 140 -==== { INFORMATION ABOUT THE 80 HITS COMBOS } Well now there is a lot of 80 hits combos, and because they are easy to do, evrybody can remove you from tha score, but in fact not really....i mean NINTENDO removed tha points from the score but they put a new system, it's the DAMAGE qualify...and if you have looked good, u can see that if you have done a 80 with 75% damage and if 75% damage is the best damage with tha character, then you will stay first until someone do a better damage 80 hits...DAMAGE is very important... -==== { INFORMATION ABOUT THE JAGO SPIRIT GLITCH } To do this glitch,fight in 2 players mode,pick the characters wich you want perfom a 80 and Fight us JAGO, then do the JAGO SPIRIT move (HCB,F+4) then do the ultra to JAGO,and because he did his SPIRIT,he's not dead after the ultra, so you can juggle him with an AIR-JUGGLE and a SUPER !!! -==== { INFORMATION ABOUT THE DOUBLE COUNTER GLITCH } To do this glitch,do one counter normaly,and hold the joystick in position and tape the button twice very quickly !! example : with SABREWULF: back+1, then counter(HCF+5) hold Forward and tape 5 twice !!) *note: this glitch works only with some characters (ORCHID,MAYA,SABREWULF,KIM-WU). *note: a friend of mine has done it with GLACIUS and JAGO). -==== { INFORMATION ABOUT THE BIG COMBOS } If u just start playing KI2, u'll may not be able to do the big combos (even if you're very good at KI1), becuz of the manuals,and the supers...so i'd like to give you some advices ....First start to play KI2 with JAGO or KIM WU or ORCHID ..becuz they are very easy to use,and their big combos are easy too..they have all the same super motion (HCB,F) note that HCB,F can be done by QCDB,F, it works with both motions...When u'll be able to do their big combos, start using GLACIUS, and FULGORE, they are easy to use, but their supers are not HCB,F but HCF,B,so if u play on the right joystick u may have some troubles to do it, try to jump on the left side when u want to start a big combo ..their big combos are really easy too,and they have some pretty cool supers.. Once u'll be able to do the big combos of GLACIUS,FULGORE,JAGO,KIM WU,and ORCHID u can start playing with MAYA,SABREWULF,and TJ COMBO..but u may have some trouble to pull off their supers linkers ...i mean for example : with MAYA, if u do her super linker : HCB,F+2 u may do her savage blade instead of her super ..that's becuz in fact u do HCB,HCF+2, this problem won't happened with the easy characters (GLACIUS,FULGORE,JAGO,ect..) so u have to do the super motion very slowly at the begining, then u'll not do HCB,HCF but HCB,F. i'm sure that everybody can do HCB, even if u have never played KI2 before, but the Forward is the hardest part in fact ..cuz with these characters u can't do anything but Forward after HCB or it will do a special move...that's why they are the hardest character in tha game, so do it slowly..watch your hand, and look at what u're doing, do the HCB, and wait a little, then push the joystick forward and press the button...u see it works 100%, and after a few games u'll do it faster and faster...For SPINAL and TUSK (especially TUSK) they are the most difficult characters in the game to use for tusk u have do the super very quickly or it will do it in 2 parts, if u want my advice, give up. TUSK is an excelent character in 2 players mode, but he sucks for the big combos, SPINAL too, so if u want to have some fun just play with the 9 others characters .. -==== { INFORMATION ABOUT THE COUNTER } One thing u have to know about the COUNTER,is that after been hit,u'll have 2 seconds to do the Correct Counter Attack motion...but if u do it very very quickly u'll do less damage, if u wait a little and do the CCA,u'll do more damage !! example with JAGO: if u do back+1,then be hit,then immediatly QCDB+5 u'll do 3hits 16% but if u wait a little after been hit and do QCDB+5 u'll do 3hits 18%,this works with everybody, u just have to wait a little after been hit then do the CCA move,here is the TABLE of the counters damage portions: If u do the CCA immediatly | If u wait a little ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JAGO : 16% | 18% TJ COMBO : 22% | 30% FULGORE : 16% | 18% ORCHID : 16% (Double: 29%) | 18% (double: 31%) MAYA : 16% (Double: 29%) | 18% (double: 31%) SABREWULF: 16% (Double: 29%) | 18% (double: 31%) KIM-WU : 16% (Double: 29%) | 18% (double: 31%) TUSK : 21% | 21% SPINAL : / | / note: this bug works better on the left joystick .. ============================================================================== =============================== Explanations ================================= ============================================================================== ____________________ / \ > EXPLANATIONS ABOUT < \____________________/ 1 - the Super Moves. 11 - Shadow Moves 21 - Slow-Mo COMBOS 2 - the COMBOS 12 - Recovery Moves 22 - Release Moves 3 - the COMBOS Breakers 13 - Roll Moves 23 - Air COMBOS 4 - Air COMBOS Breakers 14 - Auto-Doubles 24 - Transition Moves 5 - Ultra Breakers 15 - Manuals AD 25 - Rock,Scissor,Paper 6 - Ultra COMBOS 16 - Pressure Moves 26 - ENDERS 7 - Assaults 17 - Throw Reversal 8 - Ultimate COMBOS 18 - Air-Juggles 9 - No Mercy 19 - Counters (or Parries) 10 - Spirit Moves 20 - Speed Up COMBOS Here we go ... ----<1>----- Super Moves ------------ Super Moves are very essential if you want to master KI2. In order for your super move to work you must have your Super Power Meter in full. Everytime you hit your opponent you gain power. If you block your opponent's moves your meter grows! When the meter its flashing RED and YELLOW simultaneous it means that its charged. Remember that the more meter you have, the more moves are available to you. Supers have many uses here are a few: Damage Linkers Combo Breaker Ultra Breaker Combo Enders Recovery Moves The super move bar have a maximum limit 12 blocks. --<2>--- COMBOS -------- Combos were unpurposely created in the old time favorite game SF2. Now this technique has become a standard for fighting games. KI2 follows suite and just as KI it becomes the King of the Combos with added features. Combos are 3+ consecutive hits that your opponent can not block!!! -----<3>------- COMBO BREAKERS --------------- Combo Breakers are now done easier. If your opponent is doing a combo with punch all you got to do is the specific motion on the controller and then press kick and vice-versa. Punch - brakes - Kick Kick - brakes - Punch Another possible way to breake combos is by executing a Super Move. This is harder to pull off than a Combo Braker, but it inflicts more damage. -------<4>---------- AIR COMBOS BREAKERS -------------------- When your opponent is juggling you in the air you can perform a combo breaker just as you would while you are on the ground! Again Punch breakes kick and vice versa. ------<5>------ ULTRA BREAKERS --------------- To Combo breake the Ultra execute a Super Move. This is simple to do and your opponent will recieve alot of DAMAGE! Remember that in order to do a Super Move you must have the "Power Bar Filled Out" The super move must start before the 5th hit of the Ultra in order for it to work properly. -----<6>----- ULTRA COMBOS ------------- Ultras are done when your opponent has red-flashing power. You must begin to do at least a 3-Hit Combo before you can go into an Ultra. *WARNING* ultra combos can be broken in KI2. Ultra combos consist of a joystick movement which sends your opponent into submission. Your character will kick, punch and even bite the crap out of your opponent. ---<7>--- ASSAULTS --------- These are miniature ultra combos as Ultras they are done with a certain control movement and press of a button. These Mini-Ultras are done when your opponents first life bar its almost gone. You must begin a combo of 2+ hits before this move can be done and u must have done an ender. -----<8>------- ULTIMATE COMBOS --------------- An ultimate combo its done basically the same way as the Ultras are done. Ultimates can be done ONLY during a combo. Just as Ultras in order to execute them you need to do a special joystick movement. Your character will finish your opponent with a deadly move. --<9>---- NO MERCY --------- To do a No Mercy your opponent must have "Red Flashing" power. Do the movement on the controller (again it varies from character to character) and boom they are set. No Mercies can be done withing or outside a combo. No Mercies CAN be blocked, but fortunately you can do a NO MERCY as many times as you want. ---<10>------ SPIRIT MOVES ------------- This information I got from McCarron's Page =). Spirit moves will take away 1/8 of your life bar and will save it until retaliation. Green dust will began circling you that way you know if you have done the move currectly. Once you die you will come back to life as a ghost. ----<11>----- SHADOW MOVES ------------- Shadow moves are done after you fill out your power bar, then just as a "Super Move" you will do a motion on the controller and boila. Shadow Moves can be identified by shadows following the character after the move. -----<12>------ RECOVERY MOVES --------------- Just as in part one of KI Recover Moves are moves which will counter any of the moves done by an opponent if knocked down. Motions differ from character to character. ---<13>---- ROLL MOVES ----------- New to the KI scene are roll moves! Roll Moves will make your character roll either foward or back depending on how you do the move. To roll foward you have press F two times. To roll back you have to press B two times. Roll Foward : F,F Roll Back : B,B ----<14>----- AUTO-DOUBLES ------------- Auto Doubles are hits that require only 1 button press after a certain move or hit. In KI 2 Auto Doubles are done easier than in KI. If you press 6 Auto Double = 5 or 2 If you press 3 Auto Double = 5 or 2 If you press 5 Auto Double = 4 or 1 If you press 2 Auto Double = 4 or 1 If you press 4 Auto Double = 6 or 3 If you press 1 Auto Double = 6 or 3 -------<15>---------- MANUALS AUTO-DOUBLES --------------------- Manual Auto-Doubles are used to add more hits to your combos. The beauty of manual Auto-Doubles is that they are done manually, adding a sense of Street Fighter action in KI2. All Manual Auto-Doubles are started with a Fierce move and ended with a Medium move here is a basic list of Manual Auto Doubles: If you press 3 then press 2 or 5 If you press 6 then press 5 or 2 Manual Auto doubles are done while close to an opponent and can be done after a starter, Automatic Auto Double, Linkers, and much more. Experiment around with these babies. -----<16>------- PRESSURES MOVES ---------------- Pressure moves will allow your character to hit the opponent twice. Even if blocked a special move can follow after for a combo opener. Pressure moves can be used for air juggling and can even substitute Auto-Doubles. -----<17>------ THROW REVERSAL --------------- If your opponent attempts to throw you, you can counter his throw by pressing back and by pressing your character's throw button before your opponents initial frames of animation. But beware your opponent can reverse your reversal by doing the same (pressing back and his throw button in the initial frames of animati on). ----<18>---- AIR JUGGLES ------------ Pressure moves and some of the character's particular moves will allow you to perform juggle moves. Juggles will keep the opponent up in the air and you will be able to add extra hits in the combo. -------<19>---------- COUNTERS AKA PARRIES --------------------- To perform a counter you will have to press back and QP. If you hold the QP button your character's animation will speed up! Counters will let you perform all the 70+ hitters I mention below. Its very important that you master this technique. After the counter you can perform your opener which will hit 3 times instead of one or even perform what its known as a PARRY dizzy. After the parry dizzy you may perform any combo you want, or just taunt your opponent. A MUST FOR THE MASTERS OF KI! ------<20------- SPEED UP COMBOS ---------------- The only thing you can speed up in your combos are the linkers and the endspecials. In order to speed them up you must perform the moves just as the auto double animation begins. --------<21>-------- SLOW MOTIONS COMBOS -------------------- Rare has implimented Slo-Mo Combos into KI2, but this time its no longer a glitch. These Slo-Mos can only be done as enders and thats it. To perform a slo-mo ender just do the ender motion twice instead of once. For example : Do Jago's windkick motion twice instead of once and Jago will perform a slo-mo ender motion. Slo-Mos are unbreakable and can also be used in your Ultra Combo! For those characters that have enders in which you have to charge, just hold back, push foward then back and press the button! -----<22>----- RELEASE MOVES -------------- To perform a release special move just hold down the button which you must press at the end of a combo and just perform the motion and release the button at the end. This will speed up the animation of that special move. ---<23>---- AIR COMBOS ----------- If u jump Forward + a button when your oponent is in the air and if after the button hit the oponent then press back,or do a QCDB (depends for each charac ters) + a button (same system then the autodouble)then u'll do a 3 or 4 hits AIR COMBO. -------<24>------- TRANSITIONS MOVES ------------------ Transition moves are moves that are executed while your character its still in his first move animation. For example you can do Jago's Windkick but before he lands you can execute the uppercut (tiger fury). This moves are used alot to trick your "turtling opponent". -------<25>-------- ROCK,SCISSOR,PAPER ------------------- U may have noticed that when u do the QCDB+4,5,or 6 with JAGO it will counter his QCDF+4,5,6 (slide) and the QCDB+3 will counter the QCDB+6, so that's the rock, scissor paper theory,once u'll know every moves that go through the other moves u'll be a real KI2 MASTAH, and u'll win your fight easily..here's da list of the rock scissor paper theory : ___________________________________________________________________ | Jago | Laser Blade<------>Wind Kick<-------->Ninja Slide | | Combo | Spin Fist<-------->TJ Tremor<-------->Rollercoaster | | Fulgore | Plasma Shield<---->Cyberdash<-------->Eyebeam | | Orchid | San<-------------->Flik Flak<-------->Slide | | Glacius | Liquidize<-------->Cold Shoulder<---->Icy Grip | | Spinal | Flame Blade<------>Skeleskewer<------>Skull Scrape | | Sabrewulf | Sabrespin<-------->Sabrewheel<------->Sabrepounce | | Tusk | Web of Death<----->Boot Kick<-------->Flaming Sword | | Kim Wu | Fire Cracker<----->Tornado Kick<----->Split Kick | | Maya | Savage Blades<---->Cobrabite<-------->Mantis | |___________|_______________________________________________________| ---<26>--- ENDERS ---------- If you just start playing KI2,you should learn how the combos works.. Well for this game,they made a new combos system,if you want make some big combos like 70 hits or more,you must do all the enders before, because the number of hits of your ULTRA depends of the number of enders you've done before !! here is how it works : no endings or 1 ending : ULTRA 14 hits 2 differents endings : ULTRA 18 hits 3 differents endings : ULTRA 22 hits 4 differents endings : ULTRA 26 hits 4 differents + the hidden : ULTRA 30 hits but to do the hidden one,you must have done all the others before !! that's why we call it "the hidden" !!.To know where you are in the endings combination, the first ending will hit just one time !! the second you will do, will hit 2 times (2 hits) the third 3 times, etc.... ============================================================================== ======================== INDIVIDUALS MOVES & COMBOS ========================== ============================================================================== ____________________ / \ > INDIVIDUAL LISTING < \____________________/ 1|---> JAGO 2|---> TJ COMBO 3|---> FULGORE 4|---> ORCHID 5|---> GLACIUS 6|---> SPINAL 7|---> SABREWULF 8|---> TUSK 9|---> KIM WU 10|---> MAYA 11|---> GARGOS ============================================================================== ~ JAGO ~ ============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'9" WEIGHT : 190 lbs. AGE : 22 years STORY : After destroying Fulgore a furious Jago is betrayed by his one-time master the Tiger Spirit. The disguised Demon Lord used him to escape from the void and now Jago swears vengeance. == SPECIAL MOVES == Tiger Fury : F,QCT+P Laser Blade : QCDB+2/3 Endokuken : QCT+P Red Endokuken : H3, QCT+R3 Fake Endokuken : QCT+4 Wind Kick : QCDB+K Ninja Slide : QCDT+K (=) == TRANSITION MOVES == DP to windkick : F,QCT+P, QCDB+5/6 2 hits wind kick : QCDB,B,F+6 (F+6 on impact) == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : F,QCT+_ Retaliation : F,QCT+P Ghost Move : HCB,F+4 Air Juggle : QCDT+6 Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Double Attack : F+6 U. Combo Breaker : QCB,HCF+3 Counter Attack : QCDB+5 Counter Dizzy : F,QCT+1 == SUPER MOVES == Tiger Thrash : QCB,HCF+3 (******) Fireball Spray : HCB+1 (****, =, Super Drainer) Shadow Wind Kick : HCB,F+5 (***, =) Super Slide Kick : HCF,B+6 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : F,QCT+6 No Mercy : HCB,F+2 Pseudo Ultra : QCT+4 (must have done an ender before) Ultra : QCB+4 == COMBOS LINKERS == 3/6 : After QCDB+4/QCDT+4 1/4 : After QCDB+5/QCDT+5 2/5 : After QCDB+6/QCDT+6/QCDB+3 Super Linker1 : HCB,F+5 Super Linker2 : HCF,B+6 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - F,QCT+3 2 - QCDB+3 3 - QCT+3 4 - QCDB+6 5 - F, QCT+2 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == Kewl looking combos: 14: QCDB+6,B,F+6,5,3,2,2,QCDB+5,1,QCDB,QCDB+6 (NEL,5EN,SLOW MOTION) 16: 6,QCDB+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,3,DP+2,wait,QCDB+6 (air-5EN) 21: QCDB+6,B,F+6,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,F+3,QCDF+6,D+5,QCDB+5,1,6,5 QCDB+5,F+6 (THROW combo) Unbreakable combos: 3~(22%): counter,DP+1,walk,ACDB+3,DP+3 8 (45%): counter,QCDB+5,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 18 (57%): counter,QCDB+5,HCB,F+5,HCB,F+5,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 23 (62%): counter,QCDB+5,HCB,F+5,HCB,F+5,DP+2,jump Forward.. ..QCB,HCF+3 (5EN,FULL) Big Super combos: 30: counter,F+6,QCDB+5,1,3,2,2,HCB,F+5,1,3,2,2,DP+2,jump F, QCB,HCF+3 (5EN,*********) 31: counter,F+6,QCDB+5,1,3,2,2,HCB,F+5,1,3,2,2,QCDF+4 QCB,HCF+3 (Mini ultra,*********) Big Damage combos: 62%: counter,QCDB+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 63%: 6,5,HCB,F+5,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 73%: [26%: QCDB+5,1,3,2,2] wait... counter,QCDB+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,QCDB+4 (******) 75%: [25%: QCDB+5,3,2,2] wait... counter,QCDB+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,F+6,H6,DP+R6 (******,1.4,2.0) Ultra Combos 75: counter,F+6,QCDB+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5, F+6, QCB+4,wait,QCB,HCT+3 (5EN,FULL,NEL) 78: counter,QCDB+5,1,3,2,2,HCB,F+5,1,3,2,2,HCB,F+5,1,3,2,2,HCB,F+5,3,2,2, HCB,F+5,3,2,2,QCB+4,wait,QCB,HCT+3 (5EN,FULL,NEL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: DP+1,then hit button 1 repeatly !!! (BU) 80: F+6,QCDB+4,as soon as the ultra is finished tape 4 repeatedly (SPIRIT,NEL) Damage combos: 100%: make FULGORE jump and press 4 repeatly !! (TUSK or FulGore GLITCH) == USEFULL INFOS == - to do his 78 hits combo easily,Hold forward when you do the "2,2" and do it in "ultra" turbo mode (D+6 at character selection screen). - When u do his 16 hits air-5ENDER,u must do the DP+2 very quickly after pressing 3. - To do his 80 hits combos,it's very very easy.Just fight in 2 players mode "JAGO vs JAGO" then do the spirit move of tha JAGO u don't play..then do him tha ultra and at the end of the ultra press 4 very quickly !! - When u do his Easy 80 with the Broken Ultra Glitch,his DP+1 will hit 3 times!! - When u do his 21 hits throw combo, after the throw, don't move !! just do QCDF+6,and D+5 then quickly do a QCDB or QCDF+5,then continue the combo .. - his super HCB,F+5 can be done also by QCDB,F+5,and his super QCB,HCF+3 can be done by QCB,QCDF+3 ... - When u do his 73%,wait a little after the counter (like half a second) (see the infos section "about the COUNTER") = ENDING == Jago has risen to heights only a grand master can attain. After all the battles, Jago senses Fulgore has survived. He knows he must watch his back. This attack is quick to arrive, but the mysterious Orchid comes to Jago's aid once again, and Fulgore is destroyed. However, the new team must face a familiar enemy as Ultratech is rebuilt. The fight is not over yet. ============================================================================== ~ TJ COMBO ~ ============================================================================== HEIGHT : 6'1" WEIGHT : 220 lbs. AGE : 26 years STORY : After a decisive victory over Riptor in the tournament, Combo attempts to destroy Ultratech HQ. Caught as Ultratech is ripped into the past, Combo must escape home before it is too late. == SPECIAL MOVES == Spinfist : cB,F+1 Double Spinfist : cF,B+1 Double Rollercoaster : cB,F+2 (=) Triple Rollercoaster : HCT+2 (=) Powerline : cB,F+3 TJ Tremor : cB,F+5 Skull Crusher : cB,F+6 Cyclone : H3, R3 Fake Dizzy : HCB+4 Sneak Behind : cB,F+4 == TRANSISTION MOVES == Powerline to spinfist : cB,F+3, B+1 Powerline to roll : cB,F+3, B+2 Powerline to stop : cB,F+3, B+3 Powerline to run past : cB,F+3, B+4 Recovery to tremor : cB,F+K, HCT+5 == OTHERS MOVES == Combo Breaker : B,F+_ Retaliation : cB,F+K (When getting up only) Air Juggle : cB, F+3 Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Overhead : B+2 Throw : F+2 Double Attack : F+6 Counter Attack : cB,F+2 Counter Dizzy : cF,F+3 U. Combo Breaker : HCB,F+3 == SUPER MOVES == Super Flurry : HCB,F+3 (from ** - ******, 1 hit to 5 hits) Dizzy Spark : HCB+5 (***, Ground/Midair) Shadow Rollercoaster : HCB,F+2 (***, =) Super Beating : HCB,F+1 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : H4 3 seconds, R4 No Mercy : HCB,F+6 Pseudo Ultra : cB,F+6 (must have done 1 ender before) Ultra : cF,B+3 == COMBOS LINKERS == 1/4 After cB,F+2/HCT+2 2/5 After cB,F+6 3/6 After cF,B+1 Super Linker1 : HCB,F+2 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+1 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - cB,F+1 2 - cB,F+3 3 - cB,F+4 4 - cB,F+5 5 - cB,F+6 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == Unbreakable combos: 7~(57%): counter,B,F+3,jump forward+6,3,HCB,F+3 8 (45%): counter,B,F+2,HCB,F+3 (******) Big Damage Combos: 62%: counter,HB,wait a little,F+2,1,HCB,F+2,1,HCB,F+2,1,HCB,F+3 (FULL) 75%: [24%: F,B+1,F+6,F,B+1] wait ... counter,B,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,HF,3,B+3 (******) 77%: [23%: F,B+1,6,B,F+1 (B,F+1=1hit)] wait ... counter,HB,wait,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,HF,3,B+3,wait,HCB,F+3 Ultra combos: 74: counter,HDB,5,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2 HF+6,B+3,HCB,F+3 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: Down+3 then push 1 repeatly (BU) 80: counter,B,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,3,2 F,B+3,wait for the ultra to finish,HCB,F+3,F+6,HCB,F+3,F+6 (5EN,SPIRIT,NEL,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - When u do his 77% damage non glitch,u have to wait a little before doing the CCA then u'll do a CCA of 30% instead of a CCA of 22% (see the infos section). - If u have some problems with the super (HCB,F+2),i mean if it always throw the opponent instead of doing the super,it's becuz u do it to fast !! just do HCB, wait then Forward+2. - i'm not sure of that but his super (HCB,F+3) can be done by QCB,HCF+3 ... = ENDING == Having won the tournament and vanquished Gargos, Combo knows he can do anything. Rejected by modern society for cheating, Combo grabs the chance to win fame again - this time in the arena. Staying in the past, he puts his fighting skills to work and becomes a great champion. ============================================================================== ~ FULGORE ~ ============================================================================== HEIGHT : 6'5" WEIGHT : 550 lbs. AGE : Unknown STORY : The advanced and deadlier successor to the original Fulgore cyborg destroyed by Jago. Activated after the time jump, its final Ultratech commands are executed... find Jago and kill him. == SPECIAL MOVES == Cyberdash : HCT+K / cB,F+5/6 Eyelaser : QCDB+2/3 Teleport : B,QCB+_ (*, =) Plasma Shield : QCB+4 Laser Storm : QCT+P Plasmaslice : F,QCT+P Fake laser storm : QCB+1 == TRANSITION MOVES == Uppercut to Laser : F,QCT+3, QCDB+2/3 (*) == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : F,QCT+_ Retaliation : F,QCT+P Air Juggle : QCDB+3 Air JuggleX2 : F,QCT+P Throw : ??? Overhead : B+6 Double Attack : B+3 Counter Attack : QCT+5 Counter Dizzy : F,QCT+1 U. Combo Breaker : QCB,HCT+3 == SUPER MOVES == Ultra Slice : QCB,HCT+3 (******) Chest Flame : HCB,F+4 (***, CO) Claw Spinner : HCT,B+6 (***, CO) Invisible : QCDB+6 (*) Air Eye Laser : QCDB+2/3 (*) Lock On : QCT+4 (*) Teleport Front : B,QCB+P (*) Teleport Behind : B,QCB+K (*) == FINISH MOVES == Pseudo Ultra : F,QCT+1 (must have done 1 ender before) Ultra : F,QCT+4 Ultimate : F,HCT+5 No Mercy : HCT,B+2 == COMBOS LINKERS == 3/6 : After HCT+4 1/4 : After HCT+5 5/2 : After HCT+6 Super Linker : HCT,B+6 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+4 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - F,QCT+3 2 - QCT+2 3 - HCT+6 4 - QCDB+3 5 - F,QCT+1 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == Kewl looking combos: 14: HCF+6,5,6,5,HCF+5,1,6,5,QCDB,QCDB+3 (NEL,5EN,SLOW MOTION) 20: QCF+6,5,6,5,QCF+5,1,6,5,QCB+2,DP+3 (air-EN,4EN,quick!!) 20: 6,HCF+5,1,6,5,HCF+5,1,3,DP+1,wait,QCDB+3 *5 (air-5EN) 35: B+3,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,DP+1,wait,QCDB+3,QCDB+3,QCDB+3,QCDB+3 QCDB+3,wait,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL,u must be in the corner when u start the combo) Unbreakable combos: 3 (23%): 6,QCDB+3,DP+3 8 (46%): counter,QCF+5,QCB,HCF+3 (******) Big Damage combos: 60%: QCF+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+6,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 63%: B+3,HCF,B+6,B+3,HCF,B+6,5,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) Ultra Combos: 67: HCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,B+3,HCF,B+6,B+3,HCF,B+6,B+3,HCF,B+6,B+3, F,QCF+4,wait,QCB,HCF+3 (5EN,FULL,NEL) 80: counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCT,B+6,B+3,HCT,B+6,B+3,HCT,B+6,5,6,5,F,QCT+4, wait,QCB,HCT+3,when he teleports,F,QCT+4(ultra),repeat... (5EN,FULL,NEL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big Damage combos: 100%: reflect the JAGO Dragon Fatality,but throw a slow fireball before, then wait and throw the 3 fireball (RED BAR,need to do the lock-on before,1. 5) Big Combos: 80: DP+1 then hit 1 repeatly !! (BU) == USEFULL INFOS == -For more infos about the 100%,see the GLITCHES section .. -When u do the unlimmited ultra,you have to do the super when fulgore is doing his ultra,becuz he'll teleport at the end to do the super move,and that's at this moment that u do the ultra again.. -Instead of doing his ULTRA again (in his COMPUTER 80) do the Machine Gun morph ULTIMATE !! (after teleport do B+3,then,F,HCF+5) this will give U an ULTRA+ULT IMATE !! -Sometimes after the counter when u press the connector,it doesn't come out, don't ask me why, it's just that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't werk!.. = ENDING == Defeating Gargos opens the way toward a more robot-controlled Ultratech. Fulgore's task is incomplete, however, and his deadly nemesis is still alive. Jago and Orchid join forces and assail Fulgore, and the price is high. Fulgore's destruction at the hands of Jago and Orchid also seals the fate of Ultratech. ============================================================================== ~ ORCHID ~ ============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'7" WEIGHT : 125 lbs. AGE : 24 years STORY : Eyedol's death by Orchid's hand freed massive energies, ripping Ultratech back in time. Now 2000 years in the past, Orchid must face a new challenge, and an even greater foe. == SPECIAL MOVES == Flik Flak : QCDB+K San : QCDB+3 Air Buster : F,QCT+K Tonfa Fire : QCT+P Fake Tonfa Fire : QCT+4 Tonfa Dash : QCDB+2 Tiger Slide : QCDT+K (=) == TRANSITION MOVES == tonfa dash 3hits : QCDB+2,F+2,B+2 == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : F,QCT+_ Retaliation : F,QCT+K Air Juggle : QCDT+K Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Double Attack : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Throw : F+3 Counter Attack : QCDB+2 Counter Dizzy : F,QCT+4 U. Combo Breaker : QCB,HCT+6 == SUPER MOVES == Gyro Kyaku : QCB,HCT+6 (******) Super Tiger Morph : HCB,F+5 (***, =) Super Tonfa Slash : HCT,B+3 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : HCT,HCT+4 No Mercy : cB,HCB+5 Ultra : QCB+4 Pseudo Ultra : QCT+4 (must have done 1 ender before) == COMBOS LINKERS == 3/6 : After QCDB+4/QCDT+4 1/4 : After QCDB+5/QCDT+5/QCDB+2 2/5 : After QCDB+6/QCDT+6 Super Linker : HCB,F+5 Super Linker : HCT,B+3 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - F,QCT+6 2 - QCDB+6 3 - QCDB+3 4 - QCDT+4 5 - QCT+1 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 18: QCB+6,5,6,5,F+3,wait,QCDF+6,1,QCDB+2,1,6,5,QCB+6,F+6 (THROW combo) 18: 6,QCB+5,1,6,5,QCB+5,1,6,QCF+1,wait,QCDF+6 (air-5EN) Unbreakable combos: 3~(20%): counter,DP+4,QCB+6,DP+6 15 (57%): counter,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and tape 2 repeatedly,HCB,F+5, QCB,HCF+6 (******,***) 16 (60%): counter,6,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and tape 2 repeatedly,HCB,F+5 QCB,HCF+6 (******;***) Big Super combos: 37: counter,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and tape 2 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5, HCB,F+5,1,QCT+4,QCB,HCF+6 (1EN,FULL,mini ultra,NEL in the green bar) Big Damage Combos: 62%: counter,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and tape 2 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB, F+5,1,QCB,HCF+6 (FULL) 63%: 6,5,HCB,F+5,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,QCB,HCF+6 (FULL) 80%: [-19%: QCB+5,1,QCDB+3 (QCDB+3=1hit)] counter,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and press 2 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5, HCB,F+5,F+6,B,HCB+5 (******,1.4,2.0) Ultra Combos: 72: counter,QCDB+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5,1,6,5 QCB+4,wait,QCB,HCT+6 (FULL,NEL) 77: counter,F+6,QCDB+2,hold QCDB and press 2 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1,6,5, HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5,F+6,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,QCB+4,wait,QCB,HCT+6 (FULL,NEL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: DP+4,then hit 1 repeatly !! (BU) Damage combos: 100%: jump+5,D+3,QCB,HCT+6,QCB,HCT+6 (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - To do her 8 hits counter (F+6,QCDB+2,2,2,2),you must do the "QCDB+2" very quickly after the "F+6" !! (it's very hard to do). - Remember that the 80% non-glitch works only on the recent version,becuz if u do it on the old version the game will reset ... - her unbreakable combos are easy to do,so if u think u're gonna loose,don't hesitate to do them .. - remember to hold Down,Back when u do the double counter !! = ENDING == Gargos is defeated, and the forces of good can rid the world of Ultratech. Cursing Orchid as he dies, Gargos reveals Jago is her brother, and they'll both soon be dead. Reaching beyond the grave, Gargos reaches Sabrewulf, and attacks. However, Jago slays Sabrewulf, and the siblings return home. ============================================================================== ~ GLACIUS ~ ============================================================================= HEIGHT : Variable WEIGHT : Variable AGE : Unknown STORY : 2 millenia from now a captured relative earns freedom by slaying a fire being and escaping home. But now in the past, a distress call has been answered. Glacius must free his stranded kin. == SPECIAL MOVES == Icy Grip : QCT+1 Cold Shoulder : QCT+2 Ice Lance : QCT+3 Liquidize : QCT+5/6 (gound/midair, =) Artic Blast : QCB+P Energy gain : QCT+H4 (drain your own super) == TRANSITION MOVES == Liquidize to behind : QCT+5, QCB+6 Energy Gain to Liquidize : QCT+H4, QCT+5 == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : QCT+_ Retaliation : QCT+3 Air Juggle : QCT+6 Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Double Attack : F+6 Throw : F+3 Overhead : B+3 Counter Attack : QCT+5 Counter Dizzy : QCT+3 U. Combo Breaker: HCB,F+3 == SUPER MOVES == Super Arctic Breath : HCB,F+3 (****) Multiple Throws : HCT,B+1 (******, CO) Reverse Liquidize : QCB+6 (***, =) Beat Down : HCT,B+2 (***, CO) Super Liquidize : HCT,B+6 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : HCB,F+5 No Mercy : cB,HCB+4 Pseudo Ultra : HCB+4 (must have done 1 ender before) Ultra : HCT+4 == COMBOS LINKERS == 1/4 : After QCT+2/QCT+5 Super Linker : HCT,B+2 Super Linker2 : HCT,B+6 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - QCT+6 2 - QCT+1 3 - QCT+3 4 - QCB+4 5 - QCT+4 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 10: HCF+2,1,3,2,HCF+2,1,D+3,any enders .. (air-ender) 18: HCF+2,1,3,2,HCF+2,1,D+3,HCF+1,wait,QCF+6 (air-5EN) 18: HCF+2,1,D+3,QCF+4 (air-ultra,best looking with 5EN) 33: counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,1,D+3,QCB+4,wait QCF+6,QCF+6 (******,air-mini-ultra,best looking in the big stages) Unbreakable combos: 8 (43%): 3,HCF+2,3,HCF+2,3,HCF+2,F+6 8~(50%): counter,QCF+3,walk F,3,HCF+2,3,HCF+2,3,HCF+2,F+6 11~(53%): counter,QCF+3,walk F,3,HCF+2,3,HCF+2,D+3,QCF+4,wait,QCF+6 (5EN) 16 (48%): counter,6,QCF+5,HCF,B+6,D+3,QCF+4,wait,QCF+6 (***,5EN) Big Damage Combos: 62%: HCF+2,1,3,2,HCF,B+2,1,3,HCF,B+1 (******) 70%: counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,HCF,B+1 (FULL) 72%: [-27%: HCF+2,1,HCF+2,1,HCF+2] wait ... counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,QCF+4 (******) 74%: [-25%: F+6,QCF+2,F+6 ] wait ... counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+2,1,D+3,QCF+4 (******,air-ultra) Ultra Combos: 75: counter,F+6,QCF+5,4,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6 5,3,2,QCF+4,wait,HCB,F+1 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: counter,HCF+5,4,HCF,B+6,5,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6,F+6,HCF,B+6,5,QCF+4, wait and as soon as his ultra is finish tape 4 repeatedly (5EN,NEL,FULL,SPIRIT) 80: D+3 then hit 4 repeatly (BU) Damage combos: 100%: jump+6,Down+3,then hit 4 repeatedly (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - To do his 5 hits counter (F+6,QCF+5) you must do the "QCF+5" very quickly after the Forward+6 !!. - To do his 80 hits, it's the same than JAGO,but his quick kick (4) is a little bit slow, so press 4 very quickly until JAGO fall down (u can get 30 hits maximum with 4). - His 70% is without the ultra or the ultimate !! u can do it at any point in the match the only thing u need is a full super bar (i mean red&yellow). - Try to do all his enders in the air (D+3,after a connector) it looks real cool !!. - When u do his super in the ultra (HCF,B+1) u'll be able to move after the ultra !! = ENDING == With Gargos defeated, Glacius starts the long search for his lost comrads. Frustrated, he resigns himself to a long trip home alone. Leaving Earth, his victory is hollow, as his mission is a failure and his people remain lost. ============================================================================== ~ SPINAL ~ ============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'5" WEIGHT : 110 lbs. AGE : 651 years STORY : Although destroyed by Thunder in the present, a younger Spinal still exists in the past. Resurrected by Gargos and forced to serve him, he goes up against the tyrant to win his freedom. == SPECIAL MOVES == Soul Drain : QCT+1 (super drainer) Skelescrew : QCT+2 Flame Blade : QCT+3 Skeleskewer : QCT+K Skull Scrape : DB/D/DT+6 (=, Direction determines move) Power Devour : B+1 Skeleport : QCB+K Searing Skull : QCT+5 (Requires skull or skulls) == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : QCB+_ Retaliaion : QCB+K Air Juggle : QCT+5 (Requires skull) Air JuggleX2 : F+3 Double Attack : F+3 Throw : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Counter Moves : He has no counter! U. Combo Breaker : QCB,HCT+3 == SUPER MOVES == Grim Reaper : QCB,HCT+3 (***, =) Super Searing Skull: HCB,HCT+6 (***) Super Dizzy : HCB,HCT+5 (***) Sword Smash : HCB,F+3 (***) Blue Skull : HCT,HCT+5 (****) 1 Skull Powerup : QCB+2 (*, 1 added:) 6 Skull Replenish : QCB+3 (******, full 6 skulls) Super Searing Skull: HCT+6 (***, CO) Super Flame Blade : HCT,B+2 (***, CO) Super Slide : HCT,B+6 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : D,D,D+4 No Mercy : HCT,HCT+1 Pseudo Ultra : QCT+3 (must have done an ender before) Ultra : HCB+3 == COMBOS LINKERS == 2/5 : After DF+6/QCT+3 1/4 : After QCT+2 Super Linker : HCT,B+6 Super Linker2 : HCT,B+2 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - QCB+2 2 - QCB+4 3 - QCB+5 4 - QCB+6 5 - QCT+1 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 12-16: QCF+2,1,6,5,QCF+2,1,6,5,QCF+3,any ender (air-enders best looking with 5EN) 16: 6,QCF+2,1,6,5,QCF+2,1,6,QCF+1,wait,QCB,HCF+3 (air-5EN,***) Big Damage Combos: 65%: [-34%: HCF+2,1,3,2,HCF+2,1,D+3] wait ... QCB,HCF+3,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCB+3 (******) 68%: [-32%: HCF+2,wait,1,wait,HCF+3,HCF+3 the oponent must protect the HCF+3, HCF+3)] wait ...HCF+2,wait half a second,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5, HCB+3 (******) Ultra Combos: 67: F+3,QCF,B+6,2,3,2,HCF,B+6,2,3,2,HCF,B+6,F+3,HCF,B+6,F+3,QCB+3, wait,HCF+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: Down+3 then hit 1 repeatly (BU) == USEFULL INFOS == - When u do his super HCF,B+6,u have do it slowly and do the F,B+6 correctly or it will do the super fireballs. - becuz he has no counter,the max we can get is 67,his supers linkers are weird though u'll need some practice to do it. = ENDING == Freed of the chains of slavery, Spinal relishes his freedom. He is unable to recover the artifact that summoned him, however, and contemplates his future. Lost, he goes to consult with his ancestors. During the ceremony, her learns one important lesson: Never leave you enemies alive. =============================================================================== ~ SABREWULF ~ =============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'11" WEIGHT : 400 lbs. AGE : 46 STORY : Unwilling to succumb to the beast within him, Sabrewulf was badly beaten in the KI tournament. Captured by Ultratech, he is driven berserk by their "repairs" and now has only revenge to live for. == SPECIAL MOVES == Sabre Wheel : cB,F+5 or cF,B+5 (=) Sabrepounce : cB,F+3 or cF,B+3 Fake Sabrehowl : cB,F+4 or cF,B+4 Real Sabrehowl : cB,F+1 or cF,B+1 Sabrespin : cB,F+2 or cF,B+2 Sabreflip : cB,F+6 or cF,B+6 Double Sabrewheel: F,F,B+2 or B,B,F+2 (=) Double Sabrespin : F,F,B+5 or B,B,F+5 == TRANSITION MOVES == Sabrepounce to stop : cB,F+3,hold 3,push 2 Fake Sabre to anymove : F,cB+4,F+2 or 5 or 3 or 6 Double Jump : B,B,F == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : B,F+_ Retaliation : cB,F+6 Air Juggle : cB,F+3 Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Double Attack : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Throw : ??? Counter Attack : cB,F+5 Counter Dizzy : cB,F+6 U. Combo Breaker: HCB,F+6 == SUPER MOVES == Loopy : HCB,F+6 (******) Lupus Loopy : HCB,F+3 (****) Claw Slash : HCB,F+5 (***) Dizzy Snap : HCB+3 (****,Midair) Lupus Flip : HCB,F+2 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultra : cB,F+4 Pseudo Ultra : cF,B+4 (must have done an ender before) Ultimate : H6,R6 No Mercy : H1,R1 == COMBOS LINKERS == 1/4 : After cB,F+2/cB,F+5/cF,B+2 2/5 : After cB,F+3 Super Linker : HCB,F+5 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+2 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - cB,F+1 2 - cB,F+3 3 - cB,F+5 4 - cB,F+6 5 - cB,F+4 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 18: 6,HCF+2,1,6,5,HCF+2,1,HB,6,F+4,wait,HCF+3 (air-5EN) 21: D+6,B,F+2,1,B,F+2,4,HF,H4,B+R4,HCF+3,HCF+3,HCF+3,HCF+3,HCF+3 (air-M-ultra,1EN) Big Damage Combos: 62%: counter,B,F+5,hold F,and tape 5 repeatedly,1,3,2,B,F+2,1,3,2, B,F+2,1,HCB,F+6 (******) 63%: 6,5,HCB,F+2,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,HCB,F+6 (FULL) 78%: [-21%: B,F+5,1,B,F+1 (B,F+1=1hit)] wait ... counter,B,F+5,hold F,and tape 5 repeatedly,4,6,5,HCB,F+5,4,6,5,HCB,F+5 1,B,F+4 (FULL,NEL) Ultra Combos: 77: counter,6,B,F+5,hold F,and tape 5 repeatly,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2 F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,4,3,2,B,F+4,wait,HCB,F+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: counter,HCF+5,hold F,and tape 5 repeatly,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6 HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,4,3,2,B,F+4,HCB,F+6,CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB,F+3,CB, F+3 (5EN,SPIRIT,NEL,FULL) 80: F+6 then hit 1 repeatly (BU) Damage combos: 100%: B,F+6,then HCB,F+6,HCB,F+6 (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - The double Counter of SABREWULF is the easiest one to do !! - When u do his 78%,u may get 79% if u wait a little before doing the B,F+5. - When u do his super (HCB,F+6) do the HCB,wait,then F+6 (it's more easy like that) - to charge your super bar,just do B,F+1 and hold 1 ... = ENDING == After he defeats Gargos, he finds some medicine to cure himself. He throws bottles of pills into his mouth, and gets better or something. =============================================================================== ~ TUSK ~ =============================================================================== HEIGHT : 6'11" WEIGHT : 380 lbs. AGE : 31 STORY : With the return of the Demon Lord to the land, Tusk leaves the arena to issue his challenge. Only by defeating all adversaries can a hero gain the right to face the evil Gargos. == SPECIAL MOVES == Back Stab : HCB+1 Boot Kick : QCDB+K Web of Death : QCDB+3 Fake Skull Splitter: QCDT+4 Skull Splitter : QCDT+6 (=) Conquerer : F,QCT+P == TRANSITION MOVES == Fake Skull Split to Skull Splitter : QCDF+4,QCDF+6 Fake Skull Split to Boot Kick : QCDF+4,QCDB+K == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : F,QCT+_ Retaliation : F,QCT+P Air Juggle : QCDT+6 Air JuggleX2 : F,QCF+1,F,QCF+1 Double Move : F+3 Throw : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Counter Attack : QCDB+3 Counter Dizzy : F,QCT+1 Ultra Combo Breaker: QCB,HCT+3 == SUPER MOVES == Destroyer : QCB,HCT+3 (******) Super Flaming Sword: HCT,B+4 (***) Shadow Roll : HCT,B+6 (***, =) Super Web : HCT,B+3 (***, CO) Multi Kicks : HCB,F+5 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : F,QCT+5 No Mercy : HCT,HCT+2 Ultra : HCB+2 Pseudo Ultra : HCT+2 (must have done an ender before) == COMBOS LINKERS == 3/6 : After QCDB+4/QCDT+4 1/4 : After QCDB+5/QCDT+5 2/5 : After QCDB+6/QCDT+6 Super Linker : HCT,B+3 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+6 Super Linker3 : HCT,B+6 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - F,QCT+3 2 - QCDB+6 3 - QCDT+6 4 - HCB+1 5 - F,QCT+1 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 11: QCDB+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,D+3,any ender that hit 2 times (2EN,best looking with 5EN) 18: QCDB+5,1,D+3,HCB+2 (air-ultra) Big Damage Combos: 62%: counter,HCB+3,5,6,5,QCDB+5,4,6,5,QCDB+5,4,QCB,HCF+3 (******) Ultra Combos: 77: counter,6,B,F+5,hold F,and tape 5 repeatly,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2 F+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,HCB,F+2,4,3,2,B,F+4,wait,HCB,F+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 78: do a missed QCDB+3,then F+3,2,3,2,HCB,F+6,3,2,HCB,F+6,3,2,HCB,F+6,3,2, HCB,F+6,2,D+3,ultra(HCB+2),then do tha super motion during the ultra (QCB,HCF+3) (it will charge up tha super bar)then super 2 times (one after one) wait,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL,SPIRIT,AIR ULTRA) 80: DP+1 then hit 1 repeatly (BU) Damage combos: 100%: jump+6,D+3,Dp+1,DP+1,DP+1,DP+1,QCB,HCT+3,HCF+6. (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - To do his HARD 78,u must miss the QCDB+3,and begin the combo by the F+3 !! and remember it's an AIR ULTRA !! - To do his Regular 74 hits,U may have some problems at the beginning,with tha counter and tha connector(counter,6,QCDB+3,5,3,2)U must push the connector 5 one time only and do the 3,2 very slowly..or it won't work.. - When u do his super,do it quickly or it will vut the combo in 2 parts (don't use the super : HCF,B+3 cuz it cut the combo one time on two) - TUSK is like GLACIUS, he can do all his ender,ultra in the air !! just push D+3 after a connector and do quickly your ender. (note: it doesn't work with the hidden ender) = ENDING == With this challenge successfully completed, Tusk thrists once more for battle, and begins the arduos journey back to the arena. For now, at least, he lives only for the fight. Tusk goes on to become the greatest undefeated champion ever seen. =============================================================================== ~ KIM WU ~ =============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'4" WEIGHT : 130 lbs. AGE : 17 STORY : Descendant of the heroes who banished Eyedol and Gargos, Kim is appointed her people's guardian. With the return of Gargos, Kim must fulfill her duty to her homeland and destroy him forever. == SPECIAL MOVES == Firecracker : QCDB+2/3 Tornado Kick : QCDB+K Splitkick : QCDT+K (=) Fireflower : F,QCT+1 Fireshot : QCT+2/3 Straight Air Dive : QCT+P Angled Air Dive : QCB+P == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : QCT+_ Retaliaton : F,QCT+P Air Juggle : QCDT+6 Air JuggleX2 : F+6 Double Attack : F+6 Overhead : B+6 Throw : F+3 Counter Attack : QCDB+5 Counter Dizzy : QCDB+2 Ultra CboBreaker : QCB,HCT+3 == SUPER MOVES == Snap Dragon : QCB,HCT+3 (******) Shadow Kick : HCB,F+6 (***) Super Air Fireball: HCT,B+2 (****, super drainer) Super Firecracker : HCB,F+3 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultimate : HCB,F+4 No Mercy : HCT,B+1 Ultra : QCT+4 Pseudo Ultra : QCDB+4 (must have done an ender before) == COMBOS LINKERS == 3/6 : After QCDB+4 2/5 : After QCDB+6/QCDT+6/QCDB+3 1/4 : After QCDB+2/QCDB+5 Super Linker : HCB,F+6 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+3 == COMBOS LINKERS == 1 - QCDB+6 2 - QCDT+6 3 - QCDB+3 4 - HCT+1 5 - QCDT+5 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL looking combos: 15: 6,QCDB+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,6,HCF+5 (air-hidden ender,5EN) Unbreakable combos: 3~(30%): counter,QCDB+2,6,QCF+1 11 (51%): counter,QCDB+5,Hold QCDB,and tape 5 repeatedly,QCB,HCF+3 (******) 16 (57%): counter,QCDB+5,Hold QCDB,and tape 5 repeatedly,HCB,F+6 QCB,HCF+3 (******,***) Big Damage Combos: 61%: counter,QCDB+5,hold QCDB,and tape 5 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+6,1,6,5 HCB,F+6,5,6 (******) 63%: 6,5,HCB,F+6,6,5,HCB,F+6,5,QCB,HCF+3 (FULL) 78%: [-22%: QCDB+5,1,QCDB+4 (QCDB+4=4hits)] wait ... counter,QCDB+5,hold QCDB and tape 5 repeatedly,1,6,5,HCB,F+6,5,6,5,HCB, F+6, 5,QCF+4 (FULL,NEL) Ultra Combos: 78: counter,F+6,QCDB+5,hold QCDB and tape 5 repeatly,4,6,5,HCB,F+6,5,6,5,HCB, F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,5,6,5,QCT+4,wait,QCB,HCT+3 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 80: counter,QCDB+5,hold QCDB and tape 5 repeatly !!,4,6,5,HCB,F+6,5,6,5,HCB, F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,F+6,HCB,F+6,5,3,2,QCT+4,wait,QCB,HCT+3..wait and when she finishs her ultra do : HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6 (5EN,SPIRIT,FULL, NEL) 80: QCT+5 then hit 1 repeatly (BU) Damage combos: 100%: HCT+5,then push 4 repeatly (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - to do the KIM-WU double counter u have to hold Down,Back and not Back... = ENDING == Her task as guardian complete, Kim can now return home. After a long trek back to her homeland, Kin is confident that she is safe from danger. Undefeated in combat, and with her enemies crushed, Kim has proven that she's the best guardian yet to bless her people. =============================================================================== ~ MAYA ~ =============================================================================== HEIGHT : 5'10" WEIGHT : 140 AGE : 23 STORY : Made Queen of Amazonia after her part in banishing the Dark Lord Gargos. Cast out by her tribe as Gargos returns, Maya must vanquish him to regain her throne. == SPECIAL MOVES == Cobra Bite : cB,F+1 Savage Blades : cB,F+2 Mantis : cB,F+3 Flip Kick : cB,F+5 (=) Amazonian Leap : cB,F+4/6 Air Dive : HCB+3 (midair) == TRANSITION MOVES == Leap to air Leap : cB,F+6, B,F+4 Leap to Mantis : cB,F+6, B+3 == OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : B,F+_ Retaliation : cB,F+1 Air Juggle : cB,F+6 Double Attack : F+6 Overhead : B+3 Throw : F+3 Counter Attack : cB,F+2 Counter Dizzy : cB,F+1 Ultra Combo Breaker: HCB,F+6 == SUPER MOVES == Shadow Tree Cutter : HCB,F+3 (***, =) Super Leap : HCB,F+6 (******) Lawnmower : HCB,F+2 (***, CO) Flip Kicks : HCB,F+5 (***, CO) == FINISH MOVES == Ultra : cB,F+6 Pseudo Ultra : cF,B+3 (must have done an ender before) Ultimate : HCB,F+4 No Mercy : HCT,B+1 == COMBOS LINKERS == 1/4 : After cB,F+2/cB,F+5 2/5 : After cB,F+3/cB,F+6 Super Linker1 : HCB,F+2 Super Linker2 : HCB,F+5 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - cB,F+1 2 - cB,F+3 3 - cB,F+4 4 - cB,F+6 5 - cF,B+1 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == KeWL LooKinG Combos: 18: B,F+2,1,6,5,B,F+2,1,6,5,B,F+2,hold forward and tape 4 repeatedly (air-ender,4EN) 30: counter,B,F+2,hold Forward and tape 2 repeatedly,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,6,5,HCB, F+2,1,B,F+2,hold Forward and press 4 repeatedly (air-ender,4EN) Unbreakable combos: 16 (56%): counter,B,F+2,hold F,and tape 2 repeatedly,HCB,F+2,HCB,F+6 (******,***) Big Damage Combos: 62%: counter,B,F+2,hold F,and tape 2 repeatedly,3,HCF+2,1,6,5,HCF+2,1 HCB,F+6 (******) 63%: 6,5,HCB,F+2,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,HCB,F+6 (FULL) 78%: [-22%: HCF+2,1,HCF+5] wait ... counter,CB,wait,F+2 hold F,and tape 2 repeatedly,HCB,F+5,1,6,5,HCB,F+5,1, 6,HF,5,B+6 (******) Ultra Combos: 77: counter,2,HCF+2,hold F and tape 2 repeatedly,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1, 3,2,HCF, B+2,1,3,2,B+6,HCB,F+2,F+6,B+6,wait HCB,F+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL) == GLITCHES COMBOS == Big combos: 78: counter,5,HCF+2,hold F and tape 2 repeatedly,F+6,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2, 1,3,2,HCB,F+2,1,3,2,HCB,F+2,F+6,B+6,wait and when her ultra is finished HCB,F+6 (5EN,NEL,FULL,SPIRIT) 80: D+6 then hit 1 repeatedly (BU) Damage combos: 100%: jump+6,D+6,HCB,F+6,HCB,F+6 (SUG,FULL) == USEFULL INFOS == - The MAYA double counter is very easy to do,but it will hit 6 times only vs "COMBO,SABREWULF,MAYA and FULGORE !!. - When u do her 78% non glitch,u have to wait a little before doing the double counter (see the counter infos in the infos section) or it will do less damage (1% less). = ENDING == After Maya saves her homeland from Gargos, her life in the rain forest can resume, and she finds a new admirer. The two are soon married. Their reign is a long and peaceful one. =============================================================================== ~ GARGOS ~ =============================================================================== HEIGHT : ?? WEIGHT : ?? AGE : ?? STORY : ?? == SPECIAL MOVES == Flame Stream : QCT+1 Dashing Shoulder : QCDB+5/6 Claw Uppercut : D+3 (he just uppercuts) Claw Uppercut : F,QCT+3 (he runs and uppercuts) Air Fireball : QCT+P (Midair, duh!) Gargos Tremor : QCDT+6 (Ground/Midair) Fly : Jump, U+3 (hold up after you jump) Laugh : QCB+3 == TRANSITION MOVES == Hyper Jump : jump,Up+3,6,then hold Up and press 6 !! Energy Reflect : QCB+3 then hold 3 = OTHER MOVES == Combo Breaker : F,QCT+_ Air Juggle : HCF+6 Retaliation : F,QCT+3 Double attack : F+6 == COMBOS ENDERS == 1 - F,QCT+3 2 - F,QCT+3 3 - F,QCT+3 4 - F,QCT+3 5 - HCF,B+6 (must have done all the enders before) == REGULARS COMBOS == 9: HCT+6,5,3,2,HCT+1 14: HCB+6,5,3,2,DP+3,wait,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6 ......(must have done DP+3 4 times and the opponent must have nearly no more energy in his green bar) 80: F+6,DP+3,wait,HCF+6,HCF+6,HCF+6,ect.........(the opponent must have nearly no more enrgy in his green bar when U start the combo (F+6,DP+3). == USEFULL INFOS == - To play GARGOS,at character screen,Hold Up and hit the following buttons in order : 3,2,5,6,2,1,4,5.......If the code worked,U will hear a swooshing sound then look for him in between MAYA and FULGORE.. - When U do the GARGOS 80 hits,be shure to start the COMBO when the opponent have nearly no more energy !! and after 5 air-juggles GARGOS will move slowly but U can repeat HCF+6 again and again,it will be in SLOW MOTION !! == ENDING == With his arch enemy EYEDOL,destroyed by ORCHID,GARGOS is now free to rule the world. ============================================================================== ============================ Computer Techniques ============================= ============================================================================== READY to kick CPU a$$ ?! yeah !! read this and u'll have no problems .. this section bring ya the easiest way to go to the end,the easiest way to do the big combos,and more !! so read it carefully : ____________________ / \ -- > INDIVIDUAL LISTING < -- \____________________/ A|---> UNIVERSAL TECHNIQUES -> How do i charge my super bar up ? -> How do i do the counter against the Computer ? -> Whut to do when i'm about to die ? B|---> PERSONAL TECHNIQUES -> MAYA -> ORCHID -> SABREWULF -> JAGO -> GLACIUS -> TJ COMBO -> KIM WU -> SPINAL -> TUSK -> FULGORE -> GARGOS -----------============} UNIVERSAL TECHNIQUES {=========------------ ---- ( ? ) "HOW DO I CHARGE MY SUPER BAR UP" ( ? ) ----- (the computer must block theses combos) CHARACTER | COMBO | NUMBER OF SQUARES U'LL CHARGE UP JAGO : F+6,QCDB+5 ...... (**) FULGORE : B+3,HCF+5 ...... (**) ORCHID : F+6,QCB+6 ...... (**) GLACIUS : F+6,HCF+5 ...... (**) KIM WU : F+6,QCDB+6 ...... (**) MAYA : F+6,HCF+2 ...... (**) SABREWULF: F+6,F,B+5 ...... (***) or F,B+1 and hold 1 TJ COMBO : F+6,F,B+2 ...... (**) SPINAL : F+3,HCF+2 ...... (**) or HCF+1 TUSK : 6,5,QCDB+5 ...... (**) ----- ( ? ) "HOW DO I DO the COUNTER AGAINST THE COMPUTER" ( ? ) ---- CHARACTER | DESCRIPTION OF WHUT TO DO JAGO : Just walk to him,and when you are very close,press Back+1. FULGORE : walk back,far away from him,and jump forward,then press Back+1 ORCHID : walk back,and when u are away from her,jump forward,wait... and when the computer is walking to u,press Back+1.. GLACIUS : just try to make a jump on him,and press back+1... KIM WU : just try to make a jump on her,and press back+1... MAYA : walk back,and when you are away from her (about a jump) jump forward,and press Back+1 (must be very close).. SABREWULF: walk back,and when u are away from him,jump forward,wait... and when the computer is walking to u,press Back+1.. TJ COMBO : very easy..just walk to him,and when u are close,press Back+1. SPINAL : very easy too...just walk back,and when you are from a jump distance,jump forward,and press Back+1.. TUSK : walk back,and when u are away from him,jump forward,wait... and when the computer is walking to u,press Back+1.. ------- ( ? ) "WHUT TO DO WHEN I'M ABOUT TO DIE" ( ? ) ------- You want win tha match easily, i mean u don't want make a big combo and those enders, just because u don't feel the power into you're hands..or if you are about die..then the only things u've need is some squares of super...and...jump on the computer with a fierce (3 or 6) and immediatly do tha super linker (ex: for jago it's F+6) and follow this by tha super..the one who's write on tha arcade machine..(ex: with JAGO it's QCB,HCT+3) ok ??!! it's jump+fierce,super linker,and super!! Nearly everytime this stupid computer will protect your Fierce and your super linker, but not your SUPER, so u will take him off more than 44% !!! -----------============} PERSONAL TECHNIQUES {=========------------ This part is still under construction ..it will be completed later .. ============================================================================== ============================ 2 Players Techniques ============================ ============================================================================== **Unlike KI,KI2 is very funny in 2 players mode,there are several techniques, and becuz i've played against many many differents players,most of them were real good players,i've found some very interressant techniques,so trust me on this. -----------============} CHOOSE A CHARACTER {=========------------ - Here is the list of the best characters in 2 players mode : 1st . GLACIUS (Guide available) 2nd . TUSK 3rd . SPINAL 4st . TJ COMBO 5st . JAGO 6th . FULGORE 7th . KIM WU 8th . ORCHID 9th . MAYA 10th . SABREWULF Yes,GLACIUS is the best character for the 2 player game,u'll understand why.. i am a JAGO player and i didn't like GLACIUS that much,but i have to say that he's da best in 2 players mode,so choose him and learn thoses few techniques: note: only the GLACIUS Guide is available for the moment,this is temporary though i'm not gonna make all the characters,only TUSK,SPINAL,TJ COMBO JAGO,and FULGORE are comming soon.. * GLACIUS GUIDE *************************************************************** WHY GLACIUS is da best ?! heheh,well for many reasons,first he has the quickest special move in the game : his COLD SHOULDER (HCF+2).U can do his cold shoulder like 3 times and the oponent won't be able to move !! if he moves,he'll be hit so u just have to press the connector 1 and do an ender,or if u play against a good player that can break this connector 1,then just press 6,and do an ender. Second GLACIUS has some fireball,so if the oponent keeps jumping back cuz he's affraid to fight just do plenty fireball to call him back.Third he has a very usefull anti-jumping move : the ICE LANCE .yes u have to be ready to do this move at any point in the match, it's like the dragon punch of JAGO, when the opponent is getting ready to jump on you,do the ICE LANCE (QCF+3) u'll hit him everytime. GLACIUS is the only one that can regain his energy (QCT+4,hold4) and that's very usefull !! but don't hold 4 too long,cuz if the opponent see that u do the regain he'll jump on u or he'll do the slide (for JAGO or ORCHID) and u'll loose more than u have won. Also, GLACIUS has a throw, it's very usefull,when the opponent keeps pressing back and wait like a turtle, so if that make u angry,just jump on him with the quick punch when u'll land walk a little (just a little!!) and press 3 (by holding Forward) then u'll throw him, so immediatly jump on him again with the quick punch,walk just a little,and F+3,do it like 4 times,i can say that it works !! I've done it against real good players !!.Also GLACIUS has the most power-full super in the game (HCF,B+1) if u do it with a simple 8 hits combos u'll do more than 62% !! crazy !! isn't it ?! and with this super GLACIUS is the only one that can do more than 62% without the ULTRA or the ULTIMATE, yes he can do 70% in the middle of the game (see the GLACIUS COMBOS). And finally GLACIUS can do all his enders in the air (starter,connector,D+3,ENDER) and the D+3,ENDER is unbreakable and if u time it good,u'll have the time to do 2 "QCT+6" (air juggle). == BEST STAGE FOR A GLACIUS FIGHT == - JAGO's Stage : D+1 - GARGOS's Stage : D+2 - COMBO's Stage : D+3 == MOST USEFULL MOVES == - GLACIUS Cold Shoulder (QCF+2) : this is the most usefull move,do it many times.when u r close to your opponent, do it again and again,u can repeat this move cuz it's the quickest move in tha game. - GLACIUS Ice Lance (QCF+3) : this is the anti-jumping move (like DP for JAGO),do it when the oponent is jumping on you. - GLACIUS Artic Blast (QCB+P) : use it when the oponent is far away from u,or when he's getting up, if you time it good u can do a slow fireball, then a fast fireball and the opponent won't be able to move, follow this by the Cold SHoulder. - GLACIUS Energy Gain (QCF+4,H4) : Very useful,but use it when u are far away from your oponent,and if possible when he's on the ground (after a combo),a good way to regain lot of energy,is to jump back, and when you are far away from your opponent, throw 2 fireball (one slow, and one fast) then regain your energy.. - GLACIUS Reverse Liquidize (QCB+6) : You need some super to do this move,but it's a very usefull move !! so don't forget it! do it when your oponent is jumping back. - GLACIUS Throw (F+3,close) : To throw your oponent easily,jump on him with a quick punch,then as soon as u hit him, walk a little (just a little) and press F+3,then u'll throw him, so immedialty jump on him again with a quick punch,walk a little, F+3,again and again.. - GLACIUS Double Kick (D+6) : Do this move when u are close to your oponent,if he protects it, follow it by the Cold Shoulder. - GLACIUS Multiple throw (HCF,B+1) : Very useful !! Do it immedialty after an ender !! ex : HCF+2,1,HCF,B+1 and u'll take off more than 50% !! remember !! this super is the best super in the game !! ==JUMPING ATTACKS== - JUMPING attack 1 : Jump Forward +6,F+6,QCF+2,QCF+2,QCF+2.... - JUMPING attack 2 : Jump Forward +6,if your oponent blocks Down,Back :B+3,QCF+2,connector,ender. - JUMPING attack 3 : Jump Forward +6,D+6,QCF+2,QCF+2,QCF+2.... - JUMPING attack 4 : Jump Forward +1,walk a little,F+3 (throw),immedialty jump on your opponent and repeat the attack. Learn thoses attacks,they are all very usefull,the 1st attack,and the 3rd attack break the high guard,and the 2nd breaks the Down Guard,the 4th is useful if the opponent keeps holding back cuz he's affraid of you.. ==GROUND ATTACKS== When the oponent is in the corner .. - GROUND attack 1 : QCB+1,QCB+3,QCF+2 - GROUND attack 2 : QCB+1,QCB+3,QCF+3 (if he jumps on you) - GROUND attack 3 : QCF+2,QCF+2,QCF+2,again and again when the oponent is away from you .. - GROUND attack 4 : QCB+1,QCB+6 (u need some super) - GROUND attack 5 : QCB+1,QCB+3,again and again - GROUND attack 6 : QCB+1,QCF+5,QCB+6 == A few advices for a good fight == -If u want to beat your oponent easily, you have to give him a hard time, u have to constantly jump on him,then he'll not be able to know whut u're gonna do. -Never do his retaliation move : QCF+4,5 or6 it sucks !! and it's easy to go through !!. -Once again i'd like to say that u must do his Cold Shoulder (HCF+2), do it again and again !! it's the most usefull move with GLACIUS. -Don't hesitate to use his Multiple throw super !! (HCF,B+1) it's the best super in the game !! and it makes a lot of damage. ============================================================================== ================================== Codes ===================================== ============================================================================== == HIGH SCORES TABLE == During the demo mode, press up on one of joysticks to view the high scores. == CHANGE CHARACTER COLOR == At the character selection screen, pressing up or down will change the color of your character. You cannot choose the same color your opponent chose. == RANDOM SELECT CHARACTER == At the character selection screen, hold up and press start. A random character will be chosen for you. == TURBO MODES == To do the turbo codes, press D+4/5/6 while selecting your character, like in KI1. If somebody does one of the modes, and you don't want it, after they select their character, just press D+4 to cancel it. Normal/Cancel : D+4 FAST : D+5 Ultra : D+6 Super Speed Code : Hold Up,and press 3,5,1 [2 players and RIGHT joystick only] == MUSIC and STAGE SELECT == Do the stage select right after you select your character. Like before, the first person chooses the stage, and the second chooses the music. Sabrewulf's Lair : U+1 Maya's Jungle : U+2 Glacius's crash site : U+3 Tusk's stone henge : U+4 Fulgore's Museum : U+5 Orchid's Helipad : U+6 Jago's Bridge : D+1 Gargos's Castle : D+2 Combo's Street : D+3 Kim Wu's Dojo : D+4 Pirate Ship : D+5 Spinal's ship : D+6 [2 player special] SKY STAGE: : D+5 [Both Players] == GARGOS CODE == at the character selection screen,hold Up and press 3,2,5,6,2,1,4,5 ============================================================================== ======================== GLITCHES & WEIRD STUFFS ============================= ============================================================================== ***************************************************************************** *--NOTE-- * * * *Please remember that all these GLITCHES or INFORMATIONS are confirmed by * *me personally. About my credibility remember (in tha newsgroups) that in * *January 1996 I've claimed that all the characters have more than 60 hits * *combos, and that there were 2 fatalities per characters, so nobody * *believed me, and look where we are now !! * ***************************************************************************** * GLITCHES AVAILABLE ********************************************************** -FREEZE THE GAME "new" -DISTANCE ULTIMATE -INFOS ABOUT ORCHID ULTRA -AIR-HIDDEN ENDERS -THE COMBO-COMBO BREAKER GLITCH -THE SURVIVE ULTRA GLITCH (SUG) -SPEED QUALIFY -TJ COMBO FATALITY GLITCH -BREAKER FIGHT -GLACIUS MISSED ULTRA GLITCH -INVINCIBLE GLITCH -KIM-WU FATALITY GLITCH -STRANGE STUFF WITH KIM WU -JAGO FATALITY GLITCH -DOING SOME COMBOS IN THE BACK -TUSK BREAKER GLITCH -THE SUPER SPEED CODE -MAYA ULTRA BREAKER GLITCH -PSEUDO AIR ULTRA 17 HITS WITH SPINAL -CONTINUE YOUR COMBO AFTER A THROW -EASY AIR-ULTRA WITH JAGO -INFOS ABOUT THE BREAKER -INFORMATION ABOUT THE 1.4 VERSION -SUPER FROM ANY DISTANCE -INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2.0 VERSION -KEWL GLITCH WITH FULGORE -DOUBLE COUNTER -INFOS ABOUT THE ENDINGS -AIR-ULTRA -INFOS ABOUT THE ULTRA -SABREWULF PSEUDO AIR-ULTRA -INFOS ABOUT GLACIUS ULTRA -PRACTICE MODE GLITCH ******************************************************************************* == FREEZE THE GAME == just like KI1,the game will Freeze,so it's funny,but it can be usefull if u use your brain enough,it can be a good way to have More Creditz. -- Play in 2 players Mode : SPINAL vs SPINAL -- In the JAGO stage : D+1 -- with both characters,walk back to the top right of the screen,i said the top, where u can't walk back anymore !! and make the two SPINAL to be very close to each others .. -- With the Left Spinal Jump behind the right Spinal,but as soon as the Left Spinal is behind the Right Spinal,but still in the air (about to land) jump behind him too,the result will be that both Spinal will be on the same line so u'll see only one SPINAL (it looks cool). -- Now just wait for the time to go to "0",then when the TIMES OUT will come the game will freeze ... == DISTANCE ULTIMATE == It's like the DISTANCE-SUPERS,u have to fight in a big stage,then throw a fireball (slow) then do the pressure move as soon as the fireball hits the oponent, then do the ultimate motion ..ex with JAGO : QCF+1,wait and when the fireball hits the oponent push Forward+6,then do immedialty a DP+6, he will do his ultimate from across the screen (looks very kewl). == AIR-HIDDEN ENDERS == It's like an air-ultra but with the enders,it's like in KI when the oponent fall after a connector and u do the ending in release,then u'll juggle him again .. . Well once u've made all your enders,(when u can do the hidden one) u have to make a combo that make the oponent fall by a fierce manual (3 or 6) ex: with JAGO : 6,QCDB+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,3,DP+2 .... As soon as u have pressed the last manual (3) do immediatly the DP+2 .. note: it works only with the hidden enders !! (the 5EN). == THE SURVIVE ULTRA GLITCH (SUG) == First i would like to thanx TETSUO for this glitch,and also STEPHANE a friend of mine cause they have confimed it for me....(while i can't play KI2). Well this glitch is very strange...first i've undertand it..but it's very strange....u know when u do an ultra, u still have a little energy bar left, and this is the last hit of the ULTRA who kill the opponent !! and if U did a long combo before doing the ultra and i f U begin your ultra when the opponent have a full flashing red bar,u will have a little bit more than just a pixel left...so with TUSK,TJ COMBO and FULGORE the last hit of the ULTRA do not pull off a lot of energy then if u have done a long combo before his ultra u will survive his ULTRA !!! it works only with TUSK, TJ COMBO and FULGORE ultra !! and remember : don't do the super move at the end of the ultra !! or it won't work ... so when U R in the glitch u cannot do some easy combos like the BU glitch !! it 's like in KI1 !! but u can touch your opponent from any distance !! === the SUG with TUSK === Pick TUSK and the character which U want perform a 100%...then charge your super bar (do some rushing combos,i mean protect the oponent,and tape 6,6,6..) u must have 6 squares of super !! then hit the opponent to the 2nd energy bar (red bar) then pull him off 20% : -------------------------------------------- |-20% : QCDB+5,1,DP+3 (DP+3 must hit 2 times)| |-wait and do this combo : | |-QCDB+6,5,6,5,HCB,F+6,5,6,5,HCB,F+6,HCB+2 | -------------------------------------------- then wait ....and the opponent will survive TUSK ultra !!..... then pick the oponent and hit TUSK to his RED BAR then do the 100% damage combo.... === the SUG with FULGORE === Well the SUG Glitch Works With FULGORE too and it's more easy,cuz FULGORE is very EASY to use....Well it's tha same,play in 2 player mode,for EXAMPLE : FULGORE against JAGO then charge your super bar (best way is to protect JAGO and to do B+3,QCF+5 with FULGORE,it will charge 2 squares of SUPER fer each) then hit JAGO to his red bar, then pull him off -29% : --------------------------------------------------------- |-29%: B+3,wait and do QCF+5,remember,it's not a 3 hits !!| |-wait and do this combo : | |-Counter,QCF+5,1,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,6,5,HCF,B+6,5,Dp+4 | --------------------------------------------------------- don't do the super at the end !!! just wait...JAGO will survive the ultra...... === the SUG with TJ COMBO === this is the last character which the SUG works with, so it's the same than the others take TJ COMBO and the character u want to perform a 100%, then charge your super bar up. best way is to protect the opponent and to do F+6,F,B+1 with TJ, then hit the opponent to the full red bar and pull him off 23% : --------------------------------------------------------- |-23%: | |-wait and do this combo : | |-Counter,HB,wait,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,1,6,5,HCB,F+2,HF,3,B+3| --------------------------------------------------------- don't do the super at the end !! and don't do this glitch in the corner,cuz if u are in a stage that has a fatality stage,the oponent will be ejected, and the glitch wo n't work. == TJ COMBO FATALITY GLITCH == to stop the TJ COMBO COMBO FATALITY (Charge F,HCB,F+6) just jump and hit a quick button (1or4), when TJ is begining his fatality, u can hit him from anywhere on the screen. == GLACIUS MISSED ULTRA GLITCH == okay, this Glitch works only with GLACIUS,and against GLACIUS himslef, it will do an ultra 6 hits manual combos ...so play with GLACIUS,and when the opponent bar is flashing red, just do a counter,then CCA (QCF+5),then connector 4, manual 6,5,super 6 (HCF,B+6) connector 5,manual 6,5,then ultra...then the other GLACIUS will fall, but you'll begin your ultra...and at the end of the ULTRA, u will hit him 6 times, very strange. == KIM-WU GLITCH == thiS GlitCh was Found By TETSUO,but he didn't find the way to make it a DAMAGE Qualify so i did...okay,u probably know that the KIM-WU fatality take off ~81%, but it's only 1 hit,so u can't qualify fer the DAMAGE,but...i found a way, u have to fight KIM WU vs FULGORE, in a biG stage like TJ's (D+3) then with KIM WU put FULGORE in his FALSHING RED bar (to do the fatality) then with FULGORE put KIM-WU in her RED BAR (a full red bar) then with FULGORE do the lock on (QCF+4) (to have the tripple fire-ball), then do B+3 to KIM WU it will take off 17% then protect her and do QCF+6, it will take her 2%,and now...jump back to be far from her,then do the reflect move (QCB+4) and hold 4...and with KIM WU (have to be with a friend or to use your feet ! heheh...) well with KIM WU do the fatality move (HCF,HCF+5) then still hold 4 with FULGORE, and when u have reflect the fatality,release 4,and do immediatly QCF+1 it will throw 3 fireball and hit her,so it will do a 4 hits 82% FATALITY.. **note : u have to take her of 19% at the begging becuz if u don't when she will be hit by the fatality u won't have the time to catch her with the 3 fireballs, but if u have taken her off 19% before, then she will die with the fatality, and the game will go in slow motion, but not the 3 fireballs !! that's the glitch.....(it's hard but i did 83% in the full green bar with this glitch ). == TUSK BREAKER GLITCH == well here is the only 80 that can be done in the green bar !! : first, Pick TUSk and Another Character, do the all the enders with TUSK (not the 5th), then jump on your opponent with a medium kick,then press 1, and do a QCF+1 very quickly (it's an ender) then have a friend break this combo, result will be that TUSK will go in the back of the oponent, and the opponent will break him but becuz TUSK is behind the oponent the breaker will not hit him, so u'll still be in the breaker, so just press 1,1,1,1,1 repeatedly fer an easy 80 hits. == MAYA ULTRA BREAKER GLITCH == when u break the oponent ultra with MAYA with her super (HCB,F+6) just press the button 4 repeatedly after the breaker fer an easy 80 hits . == CONTINUE YOUR COMBO AFTER A THROW == Do ya Know that u can continue your combo after a throw ?? well this glitch works only with JAGO on ORCHID or KIM-WU or GLACIUS or JAGO himself : QCDB+6,5,throw (F+3),QCDF+6,D+5,QCDF+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,F+6.....it's a 14 hit juggle and it looks so kewl. == INFOS == Do ya knOw that u can do the ultra with ORCHID by doing QCDB+1 ?? there is 2 ways to do the ultra : QCDB+1 or QCDB+4 . == THE COMBO-COMBO BREAKER GLITCH == Well this glitch works only on the versions (1.1 and 1.4) it doesn't work on the newest versions (1.5),but here it is : if u do an ultimate 14 hits combos, the computer is gonna say : "COMBO BREAKER" instead of "ultimate". == SPEED QUALIFY == Here is how to do less than 2.00 sec for the speed qualify !! i did 1.51 and i think i can do less...so first play in 2 players mode COMBO versus FULGORE, then on the right joystick do the Super Speed Kode (see below)..then press a button..and immediately press D+5 on both joystick (the Sky stage) then soon as u can, do B,F+3 with COMBO... == BREAKER FIGHT == Here is a very very kewl GLITCH, i know that's it's old, cause TETSUO found it 2 months ago, but i've confirmed it and i think that's the kewlest and easiest GLITCH of tha game : so just play in 2 players mode, for example JAGO in white us JAGO in red, then with the white JAGO do a DP+3 then when the red JAGO is in the air,do F+6,then as soon as u pressed F+6,with the red JAGO, do a DP+2, and he will do an AIR-COMBO-BREAKER !! then as soon as u did the breaker, press F+6, and with the white JAGO, do a DP+2 and he will break the red JAGO breaker !! then do it again and again until time is out....very kewl !! i've done it alone and it looks pretty kewl, try it !! == INVINCIBLE GLITCH == well yes u can be invincible,it's simple and hard at the same time,cause if u have read the BREAKER FIGHT glitch u may know that u can break your opponent in the air...but...immediatly after pressing the super LINKER (F+6 for KIM WU) then your opponent can break U even if they r in the air, but....if you do the dash move (F,F with KIM WU) the oponent will break U but because your rolling on the ground the breaker won't hit you !! then u will survive COMBO BREAKER!! and it will make U invincible !! but remember that it works only versus the COMPUTER, and only with character who can do, some dash moves or who can disappear !! here is the list of the character who can do INVINCIBLE GLITCH : "KIM WU (F,F after the F+6)"....."FULGORE (DP+4 after B+3)" ....."TJ COMBO (B,B after F+6")..and "GLACIUS (QCT+5 after F+6). == STRANGE STUFF WITH KIM WU == Here is a very strange stuff for KIM WU,only on the (1.1), i know it since a long time, but i can't understand what this move was made for : 'if U do HCB,F+4 she will put her hands in the air and say something with a strange light" U can do this move only one time in tha match, and i can't understand what this move was made for ??!! == COMBOS IN THE BACK == Do ya know that u can do the Ultra or some combos in the back of your opponent ?? just jump in his back,and when u r over him, make the other player press 4 repeatedly.... then push 6,then continue your combos...(conector 5,6,5,super,ect...) == THE SUPER SPEED CODE == It works only in 2 players mode !! and u must do the kode on the right joystick !! hold up and press 3 then 5 then 1 ...u will hear a shooshing sound..it's the fastest mode in tha game. == PSEUDO AIR ULTRA 17 HITS WITH SPINAL == PLAY SPINAL vs SABREWULF,at the end of SABREWULF's first energy bar do this combo with SPINAL : QCB,HCF+3,2,HCF,B+2,1,QCT+3.. == EASY AIR-ULTRA WITH JAGO == just tape BACK+6 near the opponent,JAGO will do his double kick,then do the ultra motion very quickly. == INFOS == Do u know that the Breaker can hit 5 times like the endings ??!! i don't know why they do this, but if u break your opponent 1 time it will hit 1 time, the second time u'll break him, it will hit 2 times,ect....until 5 hits !! it's kewl,try it !!. == SUPER FROM ANY DISTANCE == Here is how to do tha super from far with evryone who have a fireball cause for an example if u do HCB,F+5 with JAGO from far without a combo it will be the shadow...but !! here is how to do tha super from far : slow fireball, Forward+6 (super linker), then super (HCB,F+5 for jago) !! try it !!. == KEWL GLITCH WITH FULGORE == play on KIM WU stage,and do all the endings,then when the opponent is flashing red, do the hidden ending (DP1) in tha corner,FULGORE will go out tha stage but he will not fall.. == DOUBLE COUNTER == Press back+1 and do the CCA move,but hold the joystick position and tape the button repeatedly !! == INFOS == Seems that there is 5 differents endings !! endings depend who you killed before !! i mean by an ultimate or a fatalitie. == AIR-ULTRA == I did it 4 times !! your opponent must fall after a manual (6 or 3) (in a combo) and do immediatly the ultra motion !! then you're gonna make an AIR-ULTRA !! (ex:wi th JAGO do : 6,QCDB+5,1,6,5,QCDB+5,1,6,ultra (QCDB+4). == INFOS == A friend of mine told me that he's able to block the ultra,yes !! he played with a friend in 2 players mode,and his friend did the ultra ! but he blocked it !! ( it was against SPINAL). == SABREWULF PSEUDO AIR-ULTRA == do this combo in the first energy bar (you must do 1 enders before) : Ducking 6,B,F+2,1,B,F+2,4,H4,F,B+R4 . == INFOS == DO you know that you can move after the GLACIUS ultra ?? yes !! perfom his big ultra and do his super in ultra,then you can move,i think it's the only one who can d o this !! == PRACTICE MODE GLITCH == Well,well,well,i think that NINTENDO made a mistake....hehehe,yeah they did !! cause if you take in consideration the GLACIUS revitalize,and the JAGO spirit or a broken ultra then the time is stopped and the only thing U have to do, is to take GLACIUS as a guinea-pig hehehe yeah !! try some DAMAGE combos, or train yourself with the DOUBLE counter,or just try to master the COMBOS...So here is the easiest way to do this glitch,you can do it alone with no help, the only things U need is 2 credits. Well play in 2 players mode, and Pick GLACIUS and JAGO, then when the fight begin, do the JAGO spirit move (HCB,F+4) and destroy him !! ( but don't do a FATALITIE or an ULTIMATE or an ULTRA !!) then when jago has become a gost,you can see that the time is FREEZE!! hehehehe..no U understand ?? no ??! ok, so if the time is freeze then you could fight to eternity, cause when GLACIUS have nearly no more energy, then do the revitalize move (QCT+4) and he will regain all his energy bar !! (do it on his green bar, it's less dangerous !!) but i hear U say : "HEY !! to do the revitalize move you must hav e some SUPER !! and to have some super you must hit JAGO !! " but ..no !! just put the joystick back with JAGO, and then put the joystick Forward with GLACIUS and push the button 6,6,6,6 GLACIUS will do his double move, called "SUPER LINKER" and you just need 8 squares of SUPER to regain your entire energy bar !! For the other characters, to stop the time, U must break an ULTRA !! the move is a SUPER,the one U do in the ULTRA (see the MOVES section)..Now if i can say U a little advice: do this with a friend, cause U may have some trouble if you do it alone... == INFORMATION ABOUT THE 1.4 VERSION == THEY pull off the ULTIMATE glitch (U now when the arcade reset after a big ULTIMATE !!) It's more difficult against the CPU (that's what they say,but i don't think so. .) == INFORMATION ABOUT THE 2.0 VERSION == They pull off the BU glitch !! DAMN !! no more easy 80 !!,now you have to do the fulgore or Tusk ultra Glitch to do some easy 80 ..and other bugs that don't work anymore too..(like the TJ COMBO FATALITY) ============================================================================== ================================= RUMORS ===================================== ============================================================================== Please remember that this section is only a Rumors section,none of theses informations is confirmed,they may be all bullshit,that's only rumors that people emailed me or that i've heard here in france .. -Cinder is in KI2,3 people have seen someone played it,and sware to god it's true...probably they have signed a pact with the devil... :) -Some people said that in MIAMI some guys have the RIPTOR code for KI2 but it works only for the first version (tha beta version) -it seems that the beta version has some humiliations,i don't know why they've taken them off .. -Someone told me he did a 154 hits combos with JAGO .. :\ -Someone told me that he has seen the TUSK ghost move .. ============================================================================== ============================== KI2 & INTERNET ================================ ============================================================================== -First, you can find the latest version of this FAQ on my WEB Page at : ----- / http://www.mirc.co.uk/get.html Once u have the prog,U have to connect yourself on a server ..there's 3 differents kind of servers on IRC : "UNDERNET" "EFNET" and "DALNET" if u are on an "EFNET" server u can't speak with someone which is on an "UNDERNET" server,remember !! this is 3 differents servers !! the #ki channel is on "UNDERNET" so u have to connect on an "UNDERNET" server ....here is a list of some "UNDERNET" servers: Caen.fr.eu.undernet.org (try to connect on this one first !!) Chicago-1.il.us.undernet.org Toronto.on.ca.undernet.org once u are connected,type : /join #ki and here u are !! in the #ki channel !! note that sometimes the channel can be empty,depends which hours u go on ..best time to find people is the nigth (9pm) for the US and the morning for the EUROPEANS guys (6-7am) ...u can find me nearly each day at 10pm (EUROPE time). ------------ ----------- /<|2 LINKZ ------------- ------------ - HARDCORE's KI2 Page : http://www.gil.net/~hardcore/ki2/ - Mr SISTER's KI2 Page : http://www.me.umn.edu/I/home/nrao/texts/ki2.html - SKOTH14147's KI2 Page : http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/skoth141/ki2.htm ============================================================================== ============================== CREDITS & THANX =============================== ============================================================================== (KOMBO's thanks these non-members for their contributions to this FAQ) José HIGUEROS ......................fer the TUSK and the MAYA Glitch (80 hits) JACK ..................................fer the ultimate (combo breaker glitch) TETSUO and DEPECHE ...............................for the BREAKER FIGHT glitch ^LiLpoOh ..............................................some infos about GARGOS DAX ................................................for "the super speed kode" KIL (stephane) ................................most of the BIG COMBOS & DAMAGE NIK (Nicolas) .................................the JAGO 78,and some BIG COMBOS CURT MAC ...............................for tha glitch with FULGORE and SPINAL DEPECHE ......................................for the easy air ultra with JAGO FOLGORE ......................................for the TJ COMBO Fatality Glitch TETSUO,and STEPHANE ........................................for the SUG glitch HarDC0re .........................................for the explanations section TREVOR ...........................................for all the characters moves Kabal .......................................for his excelent KI2 Moves FAQ !! TETSUO .......................for the information about the JAGO SPIRIT glitch CURT MAC ............................for the Flying and reflect move of GARGOS ENIGMAMM3 .............for the GARGOS kode,the GARGOS 80,and some of his moves ^LiLpoOh ......................................for tha Hyper Jump of GARGOS !! TDN ...............for the Spinal 67,and some informations about the BU glitch ROB and PIC (from LV) ................for some good infos about the SUG glitch KBOND ...............................for the FULGORE 100%,63% and the MAYA 63% NES ................................. who helped me a lot on the DAMAGE Combos SEDI ...............................for lending me the KI2 machine after works NINTENDO .........................because they made the best game ever made !! Send KOMBO's your questions or comments at .............frantz@club-internet.fr c 1996 by KOMBO...No part of this FAQ may be rewritten without the consent of the author or in this case you can do something with it, but give credit where credit is due. This FAQ should be given out for FREE (no charge), any profit, I get 1/2. If you want to distribute, fine, but it has to be in its entirety. Don't stick your name claiming that this is your FAQ. I've worked long and hard on it. If anyone try to abuse this, I'll give a smack on your face (that means I can tell everyone that you're a lamer). KI2 and others are a registered trademark of Nintendo, Rare, etc.. Enjoy! ______ | | _ _ ___ ____ _ _ ___ |_ _| | |_| | | _| | _| | \| | | \ | | | _ | | _| | _| | | | |) | | | |_| |_| |___| | | |_|\_| |___/ \_| \___|