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Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (e)

                                  Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run FAQ
Version: 1.0
Author: Jdude84
E-Mail: You should know by

Welcome to my FAQ on Ken Griffey JR's Winning Run, this game is extremly 
awesome, and i believe it is the best baseball game on the super nintendo 
enertainment system. The graphics are well, not that great, but who cares, it's 
SNES, it's only 16 bit! The sound is very realistic, from the crack of the bat 
to the vendors shouting "peanuts". And the gameplay is the best i've seen in a 
baseball game. And there's more too, why, the game is made by Rare, the same 
people who made the classic Donkey Kong Series! If you don't have this game, buy 
it now! if you don't have the system, no matter what else you own, buy the 
system, and buy the game NOW! you won't be sorry! Now it's onto the FAQ...

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Version History


July 16, 1999 - All Done With 1.0

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1. Game Codes
2. Player List 
3. All Star Team
4. Credits
5. Legal Stuff
6. End

1. Game Codes

Pause the game at the batting screen. Then, press Left, A, Right, Down and Y to 
slow the opposing team to a crawl. This works whether you are batting or 
fielding. The effects last for the remainder of the inning. 

Pause the game at the batting screen. Then, press L, Y, A and Right while 
batting to make the opposing team's pitches become random. For example, if the 
opposing picture tries to throw a fastball, it may become a curve. The effects 
last for the remainder of the inning. 

After completing a full season, press A, B, X, Y, Up, Down and Select on the 
Title screen to access hidden teams. The longer the season completed, the more 
teams will be available. 

Pause the game at the batting screen. Then, press A, Right, Down, Left, A and 
Down to maximize your team's abilities in all areas. This works whether you are 
batting or fielding. The effects last for the remainder of the inning. 

While playing a two-player game, pause and press B, Y, B, Y, Select. If you hit 
the ball fair, it's a homerun. Note that you must be using a power hitter such 
as Slick Fitz, Big Magoo, Grizzley Wilken, Buffalo Hanson, Frank Liberty, 
Muscles McFee, Ken Griffey Jr, Tony Tollony, Brooker Brooks

While playing a two-player game, pause and press B, A, Left, Left, Select to 
change your fastballs to superfastballs, curveballs to supercurves, etc. 

At the title screen, press B, A, Down, B, Up, B, B, A. You should see the 
"ending" as if you just won the world series. 

2. Player List

                            *******American League*******

                                      * West *

-Seattle Mariners-

Batting Order

Vinny Clayton (LF)
Jose Munoz (2B)
Ken Griffey JR (CF)
Moray Ramirez (DH)
Viper Ramirez (1B)
Slash Cannon (RF)
Jack Bootie (3B)
Rich Arias (SS)
Stan Milton (C)


Jeff Baker (3B)
Alex Penyao (SS)
Tony Biloni (RF)
Mario Barreto (CF)
Dawg Davis (C)
Ryan Breen (DH)

Starting Pitchers

Bolt Lightning (LHP)
Shane Portis (RHP)
Escobar Munoz (RHP)
Darren Florie (LHP)
Allen Seavor (RHP)


Manny Quaintas (RHP)
Rob Wilson (RHP)
Kevin Colbat (RHP)
Walt Mathson (RHP)
Marvin Lomas (RHP)

-Texas Rangers-

Batting Order

Blazer Brown (CF)
Jose Morales (2B)
Bud Bushman (1B)
Crush Feraza (LF)
Tucker Smith (RF)
Rich Tulson (DH)
Ron Desilva (C)
Arnie Dumar (3B)
Tony Finella (SS)


Joey Mardena (3B)
Jon Mcgwire (2B)
Ted Gregory (RF)
Bill Glades (CF)
Dave Dale (C)
Marco Mulligan (DH)

Starting Pitchers

Ripper Yates (RHP) 
Eric Trent (RHP)
Crazy Calhoon (LHP)
Alan Carter (RHP)
Duck Burrows (LHP)


Sly McGee (RHP)
Craig Lemming (RHP)
Tuck Tucker (RHP)
Wayne Booth (RHP)
Matt Compton (LHP)


Batting Order

Speedy Baylock (CF)
Al Baez (3B)
Buff Dixon (1B)
King Crockett (RF)
Eric Lucas (DH)
Zip Mahoney (LF)
Don Ausmun (2B)
Cliff Gordon (C)
Scoot Mckraken (SS)


Anthony Pall (2B)
Tony Chase (CF)
Stuart Turner (SS)
Dennis Floyd (3B)
Toby Love (1B)
John Wilson (C)

Starting Pitchers

Jamie Florin (LHP)
Cobra Kanes (LHP)
Rick Jones (RHP)
Cliff Ansio (RHP)
David James (RHP)


Gary Hales (LHP)
Cory Robins (LHP)
Mike Burks (RHP)
Randy Melin (RHP)
Tim Betchel (RHP)

-Okland Athletics-

Batting Order

Scorch Mcfaden (LF)
Bull Gigante (RF)
Pat Moore (2B)
Jeff Reynolds (1B)
Sid Milner (3B)
Burn Blackmore (DH)
Trot Bobbins (CF)
Sid Milner (SS)
Pete Johnson (C)


Buddy Benched (1B)
Mark Palmer (3B)
Lee Gloven (RF)
Tucker Smith (C)
Curt Bridges (LF)
Ted Hughes (DH)

Starting Pitchers

Scrooge Mclain (RHP) 
Andy Lennox (RHP)
Tricky Alfonzo (RHP)
Juan Chavez (RHP)
Eric Idol (RHP)


Dan Edens (RHP) 
Robby Benjamin (LHP)
Pony Mead (RHP)
Kevin Tangent (RHP)
Omar Ramirez (RHP)

                     Other teams will be covered in later editions.

3. All Star Team

In this section i will provide my lineup of the best players in the american and 
national league combined into one awesome team! Not all of them are "all stars" 
but with thise team i can win almost every game! right now i am 79-1 with this 


1. Vinny Clayton (Mariners)
2. Tony Tollony (Dodgers)
3. Ken Griffey Jr. (Mariners)
4. Moray Ramirez (Mariners)
5. Crush Feraza (Rangers)
6. Paul Comet (White Sox)
7. Turbo Taines (Tigers)
8. Rocket O' Hara (Braves)
9. Blazer Brown (Rangers)

-Why It Works-

1. He can hit for avg. and his speed is great, you can bunt for a single with 
this guy, making him a great leadoff hitter! I once had an Avg. of .567 with 

2. Definetly a power hitter, not a bad avg. hitter either, he can drive in 
around 100 runs a year.

3. THE best hitter in the game, Jr can hit for avg, power, he has good speed, 
and his defense is great! i've had a .600 avg with jr, 140 RBIs, and 54 home 
runs! not too bad eh?
he's most succesful with runners on base.

4. Not fast at all, but boy can he hit! great doubles hitter, hits quite a few 
home runs, avg. is constantly near .400!

5. A RBI machine! that's all he does, gets RBIs! whether from doubles, or 
homeruns, a great power hitter, not a bad avg either!

6. Very fast, gets on quite a bit, what more could you ask for?

7. Also very fast, good hitter, scores alot.

8. VERY fast, can bunt his way to first base, scores alot, good avg. hitter, and 
what's this? He can hit home runs!! tons of them, about 25 a year!

9. fast, fast, fast! he can hit, he can run, good power hitter, scores a 
ton....are you sensing some simalarities here?

4. Credits
==========                     - Copied Codes\Secrets from thieir site.

Rare - For making this awesome game.

Me - For creating this awesome FAQ.

5. Legal Stuff

You may not reproduce this faq in any way, shape, or form. Reproduction of this 
FAQ without my consent is prohibited, this document is copyright 1999, all 
rights reserved. The most updated version can ALWAYS be found at if you are reading this FAQ from another site, and have 
a question be SURE to check the one out at GameFAQs first before you ask. For 
you site owners out there wondering if you can use my FAQ just e-mail me with 
your name, e-mail, web URL, and where you found this FAQ. I'll probably give you 
permission to use it, so don't hesitate to mail me.

6. End

Well that's all for now, go check out some of the other following FAQs I've 
written, they can all be found at

Nintendo 64                               SNES

Banjo-Kazooie                   Donkey Kong Country 2
Crusin' USA                     Donkey Kong Country 3
Diddy Kong Racing
F-Zero X
Madden '99
Mario Kart 64
Pilotwings 64
StarFox 64
Super Mario 64
WaveRace 64
1080 Snowboarding

Oh and here's a list of future games i'll be writing FAQs for:

Nintendo 64                             

Super Smash Brothers                  
Star Wars: Rouge Squadron
Mario Party

And finally, if your gonna e-mail me, don't e-mail me stupid crap, bye!

                                                © 1999 Jdude 84