Jumping Flash! (e)

 v1.1 - released October 19th
 by Jonas Minnberg (md94-jmi@nada.kth.se)

  These are the main-topics of this FAQ:

     Introducing the FAQ

     General Info about Jumping Flash

     Lists of how many points you get for doing things

     Miscellaneous Hints and Funny things

  5.The Bad Guys
     Description of all Bad Guys

  6.World Descriptions
     Description of all Worlds

  7.The Boss Levels
     Description of the Bosses and how to beat them

  8.Finnishing the Game
     What happens after you've killed the Baron?


  About this FAQ
  I started this FAQ after playing Jumping Flash for just a day. It's
  a great game and really worth digging deeper into. The manual is
  redicolously thin so there's a lot to say.
  I'm sorry if this FAQ is a bit messy but it was written in the span
  of a few hours. This is not what I usually do, I just felt like
  writing about this great game :)
  Please Note that this FAQ is completely based on the european
  version of Jumping Flash!

  Add the missing scores (for some bosses) and other things.
  I will add any hints/tricks I found out. E-Mail if you got some.

  About me & my PS
  I got my Playstation when it was released here in Sweden (September
  29th). So far I've bought "Kileak The Blood", "Ridge Racer" and
  now this game, which I loved from the beginning.


  0.6 - This first FAQ was quite short and covered only World 1-4

  1.0 - Written after I had completed the game.

  1.1 - Added more info about Extrabonus
        Added info about the Super-mode!
        A new section (General) with a background-story
        Fixed a few other things
  Thanks To
  Emil Brink
  Jon Cato Lorentzen


  Jumping Flash was released in Europe (or parts of it) at September
  29th. It is Copyright Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 1995

  Background Story (from the manual)
  Once upon a time there was a planet in a far away universe. One
  day, the evil scientist and intergalactic property developer Baron
  Aloha, stole great divots from the planet's surface to create a
  series of luxury holiday villas deep in space. Down at Universal
  City Hall, the Galactic Municipal Council were understandably none
  too pleased about this, especially as Aloha's creepy mutant pals
  quickly over-ran the villas. So after only a handful of planning
  meetings and a dozen or so hearings before the finance committee, a
  young pest control operative was dispatched to reclaim the
  council's property...

  Who are you - you are that young pest control operative and it's up
  to you to exterminate the Baron like the diseased vermin he is!
  You'll be controlling a Robbit, a robotic rabbit used by vermin
  extermination professionals throughout the known universe. It comes
  equipped with a sparkly beam gun, and enormous power legs for
  leaping tall buildings and squishing bugs and stuff.


  These things always gives the same score on all stages.

  Picking up Jetpod     0
  Picking up Extras     0
  Silver Coin           100
  Gold Coin             500
  Bonus-stage Baloon    300

  "End of Stage"-Bonus
  After you finnish one stage, you are awarded bonuspoints depending
  on how much time & health you have, plus an extra bonus.

  Time Bonus            50 for every second left, max 30000

  Health Bonus          Propotional to health left, max 20000

  Extra Bonus           Figuring out all things that gives you
                        this bonus will take a long time but here
                        are some:

                        - Taking the jetpods in correct order
                          (E,X,I,T) (will give you 30000)

                        - Popping all baloons on the bonusstage

                        - Killing a boss without loosing HP

                        - Killing a boss without shooting

                        - Killing Badguys using the Powerpill

                        If anyone knows more, and more specific
                        scoring, mail me.

  Killing Baddies
  All the bad guys and the score you get for killing them. Sorted by
  the world on which they appear for the first time.


  Frog                  600
  Dog                   1500
  Dragon-fly            1200
  Green Kiwi            500
  Beetle                800
  Butterfly             1000
  Porcupine             700
  Spider                1200
  Red Dragon (Boss)     20000


  Flower                1000
  Walker                1300
  Duck                  1200
  Bombcrawler           1200
  Robocrayfish (Boss)   35000


  Police Frog           1000
  Propeller-fly         800
  King Frog             1200
  Giraffe               1500
  Bee                   1800
  Black Beetle          1000
  Coffeecups (Boss)


  Penguin               1500
  Crayfishman           1000
  Sea Lion              1200
  Flying TV             1400
  Piranha               1200
  Manta Ray             1800
  Turtle (Boss)         60000


  Construction Worker   1600
  Red Dragonfly         1300
  Owl                   1800
  Transformer (Boss)


  ZoolCreature (Boss)
  Baron Aloha (Boss)


  You can jump on baddies to kill them. The longer you fall, the
  more damage.

  Don't waste your time trying to kill everything you see. They
  usually don't stay dead for very long.
  To avoid being hit in small spaces, jump and press left/right
  at the same time. This results in sideways movement without

  Its actually possible to ride on top of a badguy. I managed to
  place myself on the beak of a duck and rode with it way outside
  the levelarea!

  If you hold down R1 while jumping, you will look in the same
  direction during the whole jump. This is good for looking at things
  from directly ahead (like signs and such).


  Frog          A green frog with a tophat. Attacks by trying to jump
                on top of you. Always found on groundlevel.

  Dog           A red dog, mostly found on platforms. Shoots
                heetseeking missiles at you, usually two at a time.
                Does not move and turns very slow.

  Dragonfly     A blue Dragon fly. Harmless, just flies around in
                circles not too far above the ground.

  Kiwi          A green, ballshaped bird that can be really
                annoying when it tries to push you around, but
                otherwize it's harmless.

  Beetle        Small and Blue with long antennas. Completely 

  Butterfly     These colored butterflies attacks with small swarms
                of bomblike things.

  Porcupine     A red, round porcupine with spikes on it's back.
                Don't jump on these! Found on ground and platforms.
                Can not attack, only pushes you (from platforms).
  Spider        Hangs from a roof or platform, moving up and down
                it's thread. Shoots or attacks with a second thread.

  Flower        Red, poisonous looking flowers. They can not move and
                it takes them a while to get a lock on you, but when
                they do they shoot like hell. Can be annoying in
                small spaces.

  Walker        Purple, longlegged animals with striped horns.
                Recognized by their "thump-thump!"-noise when they
                shoot at you.

  Duck          White birds with big yellow beaks. Flies much higher
                than the dragonflies. They usually come many together
                and drop bombs at you. (Some people thing that this
                is supposed to be seagulls, but if you've read a
                comic called "The Swamp", you'll know they're ducks!)

  Bombcrawler   Blue creatures that looks like the beetle, but
                smaller, without antennas and with a cross on their
                back. Watch out for these if they're pushing a bomb
                around (which they usually do). They will try to drop
                it near you and let it go off. Also be careful not to
                shoot the bomb if you're too close.

  Police Frog   Looks like his more freindly cousin but blue and with
                a small uniform-looking hat (Since there's a railway
                on this stage, they might be ticket-collectors!). Not
                only tries to jump on you but has quite a long tounge
                that he attacks you with.

  Propellorfly  Small flies with propellors. Found very high up. Hurt
                if they fly into you.

  King Frog     The toughest of the frogs. Green, big and with a
                small crown on it's head. Instead of using its
                tounge it spits, thus reaching further.

  Giraffe       A weirdlooking, tall animal that shoots green things
                looking very much like slime.

  Bee           Small white-purple things wich don't attack very
                often but when they do, it hurts. A lot. Stay away
                from these or shoot them on sight.

  Black Beetle  Looks very much like the earlier beetle. Faster,
                but not more dangerous.

  Penguin       Cute little things that walks around and attacks by
                throwing them self on the ground and gliding on
                their bellies.

  Crayfishman   Red, boxlike men with crayfish-arms. They don't
                cut you with these but shoots at you.

  Sealion       The arctic counterpart of the red dog. Sits tight
                and fires missiles at you.

  Flying TV     These strange, blue TV:s fly around and shoot yellow
                circles at you with their antennas! Hard to hit but
                don't need too many hits to die.

  Piranha       Swims around on the underwater-level and bites you.

  Manta Ray     A more dangerous fish than the piranha, as it shoots
                small bullets at you.

  Construction  Small, toylike  people with a wooden stick for legs.
  Worker        Tries to jump on top of you. Hard to kill.

  Red Dragonfly Like the normal Dragonfly, but bombs you with heavier
                artillery. Red and blue striped.

  Owl           Red owls that flies slowly around. Only hurts if they
                fly into you. Quite easy to kill, and worth it.


  Here follows descriptions and some hints for all non-boss worlds
  (being 11 all together).

  WORLD 1:1
  Not much to say, a green level with trees, logs, small houses,
  windcathers and such, sort of like the perfect enviromental-
  freindly world.

  * Things Worth Noticing *
  The airships marked "Aloha 2"
  The sign welcoming you to "Aloha.V" (?)
  The clock on the bell tower

  WORLD 1:2
  This stage is much more hostile than the first, containing
  volcanos and lava rivers and a deadlooking environment

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The frying pans
  The smokepuffing geisers.
  The elevator driven by a waterbursting geiser.
  * Special Things *

  The frying pans - If you land on these you get hurt, but you can
                    jump much higher from them.
  Lava            - Hurts! Stay away.

  * Stage Hints *

  You can stand on the fryingpan-handles without getting hurt.

  WORLD 2:1
  Enter the egyptic era! A desert island with lots of pillars,
  pyramids and palms. 

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The arial stonhenge
  The sfinx
  The Barons face on the sfinx
  The Easterisland statues

  WORLD 2:2
  Robbit goes Doom. An inside level (propably in a pyramid) with
  narrow tunnels and deep shafts to lower levels.

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The wallpainting of a skull looking like the baron

  * Special things *
  Oneway floors - Floors that moves so that you can't go back over
                  them (and bacause of the low ceiling it's
                  difficult to jump over them).

  Secret Doors  - All walls with the above mentioned wallpainting are
                  secret doors. Just shoot at it until it slides

  * Stage Hints *

  Make sure you get the first jetpod before jumping down the shaft.
  Try the left/right jump to avoid shots from baddies.

  WORLD 3:1
  The first of the two themepark-stages. These are my absolute
  favourites so far. With books hanging in midair, chessmen,
  balloons and a railway.

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The railway with the cute train
  The pointy-roofed castle
  The airbaloons
  The books

  * Special Things *

  Fans - These keep you suspended (or bobbing up & down a bit) in
         midair and allows you to reach high places quick. Watch
         out for frogs that jump onto these!

  Baloons - These acts like elevators but does not move very much
            and if you stop on them you'll glide off.

  WORLD 3:2
  Just when you thought it couldn't get better, it does. This is like
  the first stage, but with rollercoasters and a real Big Wheel!

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The floating blue whales
  The goldwatches hanging in chains
  The propeller-signs
  The bigwheel

  * Special Things *

  The Rollercoasters - Just hop on to one and you'll get a hell of a
                       ride. Sometimes you even end up where you

  The Jumppad - From this you can jump extremely high. What a view!

  WORLD 4:1
  The arctic world. A cold place with penguins, sealions and icy
  winds, especially high up.

  * Things worth noticing *

  The little snowman with a sign saying "Baron Aloha"
  The two snowflake-shaped signs showing a "Car-skidding"-warning
      sign and an ugly picture of Baron Aloha
  The cute little igloos

  * Special things *

  Ice - Most surfaces are very slippery and it's hard to control
        Robbit on these. Try jumping a lot.
  Fires - Like the lava, hurts if you walk into it.

  WORLD 4:2
  A four-part underwater Stage. Begins in winding passages, then
  an elevator into an underwater dome, followed by more passages
  and a deep shaft to jump into at the end.

  * Things worth noticing *

  The shipwreck in the underwater dome
  The glass-tunnel in the dome. Cool from the inside

  * Special Things *

  The Elevators - Just enter the small elevator building and the
                  doors will close and the elevator will take you to
                  the next level.

  * Stage Hints *

  At level 1 to find the elevator:
  Go forward, turn right at the intersection, follow this tunnel
  (skipping the tunnel immideatly to the right) until it splits in
  two. Choose the right tunnel and you'll see the elevator.

  At level 3 to find the elevator:
  Take the only tunnel to the next room, and again from this to the
  next. In this room, Take the left tunnel and left again at the
  intersection. This leads you to a room with the 3rd Jetpod. From
  here, take the tunnel to the right (of the three you can choose
  from) and follow this tunnel, passing an entrance to the left.

  WORLD 5:1
  Welcome to the city! Extremely high buildings and unfinnished
  bridges with construction-workers makes this a stage of high
  and dangerous falls. 

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The extremely high crane
  The small park on a platform outside the island

  * Special Things *

  Gratings - Small platforms that you can't stand still on but makes
             you jump upwards a short distance.

  WORLD 5:2
  Now it's time for Japtown by night. With neon-signs and traffic-
  lights to light your way. When not close to these it's very dark so
  watch your steps.

  * Things Worth Noticing *

  The neon-sign saying "Aloha Super" with the Baron holding up
      something like a lemonade or candy
  The moving crabsign (Take a close look, it wont hurt you)
  The signs in the street with a rotating Baron on
  The airship saying "Funky Mission" and the sign under with a
      robot holding the letters "B" & "A"

  * Special Things *

  Burning Platforms - You have to time your jumps to land between the
                      bursts, or get hurt.

  WORLD 6:1
  The final Jetpod-level takes place in some kind of airborne
  building-structure where you have to aim you jumps correctly if you
  don't want to fall of. Also watch out for the flowers and the (?)

  * Special Things *

  Jumppipes - A starsymbol under a large pipe. Works like the jumppad,
              when you walk onto the star you're flung into the air.


   WORLD 1:3 - The Red Dragon
   Should be pretty easy to kill. Either jump on his back and shoot
   continuously (making sure you do not fall off) or shoot at him
   from one of the hills, and as soon as he fires back, drop down
   behind the hill to seek cover.

   WORLD 2:3 - The Robo-Crayfish
   This is one of the bosses I found hardest to beat, because you're
   not really safe anywhere. Jump on his head and fire, but watch out
   for his claws. Or run around between the pillars and shoot at him
   from a distance.

   WORLD 3:3 - The Coffeecup-Roundabout
   No sweat, just keep jumping and try to predict from which coffee-
   cup you will be attacked from next time (the circulate so try to
   jump onto cups that was not used during the last attack. When
   you've shot a couple of cups it gets easier. Just don't fall off!

   WORLD 4:3 - The Turtle
   Alternate between jumping on him and shooting from a distance.
   Wait for missiles to come close before jumping over them and onto
   the turtle. Don't let him run into you.

   WORLD 5:3 - The Transformer
   In most cases, this boss will only transform into things that are
   not especially dangerous, and then this is very easy. Jump on top,
   shoot until it retransforms, jump onto the nearest building and
   repeat the process. Sometimes it transforms to a thing that shoots
   green missiles all over. When this happens, take cover! You can
   actually stand behind the buildings if you keep moving towards
   them (don't, and you'll fall off). It can also take the shape of
   an octopus, releasing small bombs about him. Shoot at him for a
   while but jump clear before these begin to go off.

   WORLD 6:2 - The Mega Robbit
   Get ready to meet Baron Alohas own version of the Robbit. It's
   Big, it's black, it's fast. And it's stupid. This should also be
   quite easy. Keep jumping on him and shooting, avoiding his shots.
   Keep your distance when on the ground. When he releases his black
   monsters at you, you can not hurt him so concentrate on them. One
   method which takes time but seems to keep you entirely safe is
   to jump up on the Mega Robbit as he sits over the entrance and
   wait for the monsters to jump up, and then shoot them. When I
   played at least, they could never jump on top of you. This is not
   recommended if you are short on time though, as it might take a

   WORLD 6:3 - Baron Aloha
   Time for the final challenge. In the left corner: "Robbit". In the
   right; "Baron Aloha". Allthough he looks mean he's not much
   tougher than the previous bosses. Fire at him from a distance, and
   as soon as he gets ready to fire missiles or fireballs at you,
   jump right up into the air and on top of him, and continue to fire
   until you fall off (which you'll propably do pretty quick). If he
   takes to the skies, wait a short while and jump up too. You don't
   want to be on the ground when he lands!
   When he's almost dead he will transform into a ball-like shining
   thing. Stay as far away from him as possible and shoot while you
   can and he should die pretty soon.


   Once you've killed the Baron, he flees (I thought he was dead?)
   and then a robot pops up saying "You aint done yet!". Now you'll
   get to play something called "Extra-stages" which is basicly the
   same stages as before, but the jetpods, exit & bonus has been
   moved around and some things has been added/removed from the
   stages. And you only have five minutes per stage. Despite this,
   you'll propably finnish the extra-levels quite easily.
     On some tracks, you'll notice other changes, like World 2:2
   (Egypt) when you have to use the secret doors to get to the
   jetpods/exit or 4:2 (Arctic) which you must play backwards with a
   few things changed. 3:2 has also gotten som new and changed 
   rollercoasters, which was a positive thing.
     Some of the animations has different words to them now, at least
   the one before World 6, where he used to say that he has created a
   machine to deal with me and now says that he's fixed the machine
     Also, if you complete the game (not including the extras) in one
   go (without continues), you can start on "Super". At first, this
   seemed just like the normal levels but this was not the case:


   - 6 instead of 3 jumps (And that means _HEIGHT_)

   - Pressing Triangle will make you fall down very fast (giving
     enemies much more damage)

   - Pressing L1 or L2 will make you run (fast). In combination
     with jumping this almost makes you fly, and you can easily
     jump from one side of a stage to the other!
   This gives the game a whole new dimension and it's really fun!
   I wonder if there's an ULTRA-mode also (The name of the
   developers seems to be "SUPER ULTRA". Maybe you get it if you
   finnish the game without loosing a single life (I always seem
   to fall off on World 6:1) or if you finnish the Extra-stages
   without continues (You will not get it by finnishing the