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Star Wars - Jedi Knight (Demo) (e)

Jedi Knight Demo Walkthrough

Hi! I'm Mark Pynn, writing this walkthrough for Hyperactive. I got the
Jedi Knight demo three days ago and I love it. If your having trouble
completing it, I'm sure this will help. I haven't written a walkthrough
before so be patient - I hope this isn't too confusing or long winded.
If you want to distribute this walkthrough go for it (just make sure you
give me credit and have my name somewhere). Any suggestions/comments to Well, that's all from me, enjoy!

    Turn slightly to your left and run towards the ugnaught. Jump over
his head onto the platform. Turn around and then jump onto the ledge.
Follow the ridge around and you will find the rail-detonator. Head back
to where you started. Select the Force Jump (' key) and use it to jump
over the gap (f key). Turn left and pick up the yellow key. Turn around
and follow the ramp into the room with the ugnaught, collect the shield
recharges. Exit the ugnaughts shack and turn slightly to your right, you
should see a gap in the wall, jump into this using the force jump. Turn
the corner and you should find a tunnel, go through it. When you exit
the tunnel turn right, then follow the wall and turn left. Jump down
from the ledge and turn right. Run down the step in a straight line and
use the force jump. Around the corner you will find the Armour vest. Go
back and go through the door (this is what the yellow key was for). Go
forwards and activate the pump. Turn around and go forward and then turn
right down the ramp. Do a force jump onto the room above the door,
you'll get the sequencer charges.

    Walk along the roof and drop onto the platform below. Follow the
ramp downwards until you reach an elevator - flick the switch so it
comes up and get on it. At the bottom of the elevator, get off and walk
towards the illustration of the fuel pumping system on the wall. There
should be a door next to it, open it and walk through (you'll have to
crouch). At the end of the tunnel, turn right and drop.

    After dropping turn right and walk up to the pump switch then turn
right. You should find an opening and an elevator, get on it. At the top
of the elevator walk forward and you'll get the wrench - needed to open
the fuel container. Turn around and drop down the elevator shaft. Walk
off the platform onto the one below, you should see a red door - walk
over to it and open it. Inside you'll find an elevator, ride it to the
bottom. You'll have to jump onto the platform across - don't fall or
you'll die. Walk around to where the ugnaught is and operate the switch,
this will open the door to the fuel tanks behind you. Jump in, turn
around, jump and flick the switch to shut the door. Turn around and
flick the switch to open the other door. Jump out of the tank, shut it
and jump across the gap.

      Ride the elevator to the bottom - but watch out there's a bossk to
your right at the bottom who will shoot you. Walk through into the room
and you should see a door in the left corner of the room. Open it and go
through. Follow this corridor until you reach a switch - flick it and
the floor will drop down. Travel across the big room and take out the
cannon's. Jump up and on your left will be a cracked plate, slice it
with your light sabre and you'll find some goodies inside. At the back
of this alcove there is a gap which contains thermal detonators and more
    Jump out and go through the red door to your left. Go along a little
and then turn right, there should be a series of three switches, switch
them all, left to right (you have to wait for a few seconds in between
each) Turn around and walk back onto the platform, turn right and you
should see an elevator, hop on. At the bottom of the elevator walk out
and flick the switch on the opposite wall. Turn left and you should see
the door open. Walk down to the bottom and jump onto the right side,
walk up and turn the switch, this will seal the fuel tank. Walk to the
other end of the tank (the fuel hurts so be careful) and turn the switch
(it's on the right side of the door frame). This will open the door,
walk through. Shut the door behind you. Follow the tank around and open
the next door. You should see two large pipes at the end, go through the
left. At the end of this pipe is a door, open it. There will be fuel in
here, and storm troopers (up and to your left) - watch out for that
blaster fire, coz one stray blast can cause an explosion.
    Walk up to where the stormtroopers were and walk up the steps on the
left. Turn to your right and travel down the elevator. Get off and walk
around to the left and up the ramp. Turn left and walk through. Turn
right and flick the switch on the wall to open the panel. Flick the
switch on the left of the panel to open the fuel door. Go through the
door and follow the pipe. You'll come to a lake of fuel, just swim
across it. Keep following the pipe and you'll fall down a drop. There
will be two pipes, just take the lower one (it's more fun!) You'll end
up in a large spherical room with a grate at the bottom - break it (with
what? The might light sabre!)
    After you stop falling (WEEEEH! :) jump over to the right and go
through the corridor and up the steps to the red door. To your left
you'll see a readout of the ship. Go towards it, turn around and go to
the left and up the elevator. Walk along the corridor until you come to
a red door - go through it. Turn right then left and walk up the grey
    You should see an elevator, go up it (all the way up), turn right
and go up the ramp. Turn left at the top and ride the elevator up (and
up, and up :). Exit the elevator and turn right, go up the ramp. Turn
left and go through the doorway, then turn right up the stairs. Walk
along the pipeline (watch out - MAJOR framerate drop here). At the end,
slide off to your left. Walk forwards, drop onto the ledge and JUMP!
    That's it - you've completed the Demo.