Andere Lösungen

Jagged Alliance 2 (e)

Subject: JA2:  Mercs' stats, skills, interactions, and locations (** spoilers **)
From: (Mad Sci)
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 01:53:28 GMT

Following are the stats, skills, interactions, and locations of all recruitable
personalities in JA2.  The tables are split into 3 parts for AIM, MERC, and
local hires.  Some notes and equations follow.  The tables fit in an 80-col
limit and should be viewed with a fixed-pitch font.

Note:  I goofed on the training militia score for Conrad (and may be Vince).
The Repair option was grayed out, so I thought it was just a zero score, but I
found that the option is also disabled if there wasn't anything in the sector
to be fixed.  If anybody can tell me the militia score for Conrad before he
gains in any of his stats, I'd appreciate it.

Alias   HLT  AGI  DEX  STR  LDR  WIS  MRK  MEC  EXP  MED  LVL  Day  Week  2 Wk

Barry    82   72   87   80   29   91   70   44   92   20   2   700  3400  5500
Blood    84   94   87   82    6   75   78   23   31   51   3   850  5500  9000
Bull     96   59   44   98   23   64   72   25   17   10   2   400  2700  4500
Buns     79   78   87   59   24   93   86    8    4   48   2   725  4700  8500
Buzz     71   84   47   68   13   90   96    5   19    0   4  2200 12000 18000
Cliff    82   60   53   64   33   87   84    4   31   84   4  1600 10000 16000
Danny    99   99   79   73   10   91   61   12    0   88   3  1300  8000 14000
Dr. Q    88   92   81   73   26   91   60   19   20   87   3  1500  7500 13000
Fidel    88   83   64   83    1   71   85    6   97    3   3  2000  9500 16000
Fox      77   85  100   55   21   76   69   15    8   70   2   625  4000  7000
Grizzly  94   69   50   95   16   72   79   24   37    8   2   525  3500  6000
Grunty   82   79   76   71   21   72   78   44   28   22   3   550  3600  6400
Gus      75   65   84   82   83   94   97   80   76   68   8  6000 37000 70000
Hitman   75   77   40   69   52   74   88   11   39    3   4  1000  6000 11000
Ice      90   88   87   84   23   78   86   42    3    7   3  1500  9000 15000
Igor     91   89   75   82    4   84   77   36   19   17   2   500  3200  5500
Ivan     94   90   95   87   35   83   92   14   55   15   4  2950 20000 38000
Len      89   80   88   77   61   83   83   54   47   35   7  2400 15000 28000
Lynx     81   79   86   77   39   71   99   29   50   34   4  2850 18500 35000
Magic    95   99   98   92   16   80   94   91   27   24   5  5500 35000 65000
Malice   83   81   97   89   13   55   83   14   16   12   3  1200  6000 10000
MD       72   62   78   76    4   94   66    7    0   80   1   500  3000  5000
Meltdown 78   74   84   76   24   82   83   22   40    3   3   800  4900  9000
Nails    72   60   88   90   24   79   84   63   78   11   4  1800 10000 16000
Raider   80   71   78   80   87   76   88   12   20   11   4  2000 12000 20000
Raven    85   76   92   68   19   77   94    5    5   17   2  1800 11000 19000
Reaper   81   92   92   79   37   81   97   37   47    2   6  4000 25000 48000
Red      68   66   81   69   21   79   78   33   99    5   4   900  5900 10000
Scope    87   89   76   64   39   81   99    4   21   17   5  2900 19000 35000
Scully   90   90   96   85   70   93   92   61   66   36   5  4800 30000 63000
Shadow   95   96   83   88   35   77   92   12   22   30   5  3100 20500 39000
Sidney   80   70   91   76   27   78   92    2   15   44   5  2000 12500 22000
Spider   81   56   76   68   16   90   70    0    0   94   1   800  5100  8500
Static   79   66   95   59   15   60   86   99   28   17   4  2500 15000 25000
Stephen  97   71   78   80   59   94   82   15   66   15   5  1500 10000 17000
Steroid  99   56   48   97    9   62   89   76   13   22   1   950  5000  8000
Thor     96   83   84   89   61   97   74   35   11   70   3  1750 10000 15000
Trevor   95   77   98   79   27   97   81   99   88    7   2  2800 18000 32200
Vicki    79   85   72   72   33   85   84   94   28   18   4  2200 14500 26000
Wolf     90   83   86   85   22   76   79   65   40   48   3  1400  8000 14000

Alias   HLT  AGI  DEX  STR  LDR  WIS  MRK  MEC  EXP  MED  LVL  Day  Week  2 Wk

Biff     73   74   71   41   13   58   57    0    4   24   2   200     0     0
Bubba    86   54   68   98    5   29   77   59   61    0   4   600     0     0
Cougar   88   83   79   87   32   75   93   59   46   35   5  2000     0     0
Flo      58   37   64   45    1   82   38    7    2   19   1   100     0     0
Gasket   72   61   89   68    3   49   44   82    8    0   1   200     0     0
Gumpy    67   45   67   70   11   94   44    0   57    9   1   150     0     0
Haywire  65   59   76   71    1   58   48    8   31    2   1   150     0     0
Larry    69   87   79   67   19   70   70   16   92   70   3   700     0     0
Larry 2  69   72   54   35    4   58   50    7   82   49   1   700     0     0
Numb     84   72   61   78   10   70   88    9   15   32   3   900     0     0
Razor    73   88   91   86    4   53   50    8   11   12   2   150     0     0

Alias   HLT  AGI  DEX  STR  LDR  WIS  MRK  MEC  EXP  MED  LVL  Day  Week  2 Wk

Carlos   79   91   61   68   38   71   67   34   20   11   4     0     0     0
Conrad   76   69   84   81   51   88   95   22   68   49   5  3300     0     0
Dimitri  75   73   51   71   21   56   77   71   12   17   1     0     0     0
Dynamo   76   57   67   55    8   78   68   67    9   21   1    50     0     0
Hamous   68   68   66   69    5   35   78   19    0    0   2   250     0     0
Iggy     88   81   79   85   15   71   87   42   21   33   5  1950     0     0
Ira      76   72   91   55   14   83   55    8    2   40   2     0     0     0
Maddog   91   91   92   78    8   56   66   68   18    7   1     0     0     0
Miguel   88   73   76   83   98   80   85   22   31   13   6     0     0     0
Robot    95   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA     0     0     0
Shank    73   36   43   31    7   80   45   11    9   17   1    20     0     0
Vince    94   49   92   69   33   94   35   13    3   94   2   500     0     0

Alias   Heal  Fix Train  Skills                       Hates       Likes

Barry     8    7    56   Electronics, Lockpicking
Blood    20    3    44   Martial Arts, Throwing       Cliff
Bull      2    2    43   Hand-to-Hand (Expert)
Buns     20    1    88   Teaching (Expert)            Fox, Reaper
Buzz      0    0    57   Auto Weapons, Heavy Weapons  Lynx
Cliff    29    0    64   None
Danny    36    1    52   Ambidextrous                 Steroid
Dr. Q    36    2    59   Martial Arts, Night Ops
Fidel     1    0    41   Hand-to-Hand
Fox      28    2    61   Ambidextrous, Teaching       Steroid     Wolf, Grizzly
Grizzly   2    2    43   Hand-to-Hand, Heavy Weapons  Dr. Q       Bull
Grunty    8    6    49   Heavy Weapons, Night Ops
Gus      35   15   103   Heavy Weapons (Expert)
Hitman    1    0    86   Throwing, Teaching           Biff
Ice       3    7    68   Auto Weapons, Teaching
Igor      6    4    43   Stealthy
Ivan      7    2    63   Auto Weapons, Heavy Weapons
Len      17   10   111   Auto Weapons, Teaching
Lynx     13    4    60   Electronics, Night Ops       Buzz
Magic    11   18    58   Lockpicking, Stealthy        Buns
Malice    4    2    39   Hand-to-Hand, Knifing
MD       30    0    56   Knifing, Teaching
Meltdown  1    3    54   Ambidextrous, Heavy Weapons  Biff, Flo
Nails     5   11    57   Lockpicking
Raider    4    1   130   Teaching (Expert)
Raven     7    0    46   Auto Weapons, Night Ops
Reaper    1    7    71   To-Hit Bonus on Roof, Stealthy
Red       2    5    73   Electronics, Teaching        Buns
Scope     7    0    88   Night Ops, Teaching
Scully   18   12    85   Knifing (Expert)
Shadow   13    2    65   Camouflage, Stealthy
Sidney   19    0    62   Throwing (Expert)
Spider   34    0    46   Night Ops, Stealthy          Buns        Raven
Static    7   18    46   Electronics, Night Ops       Larry
Stephen   7    2   106   Night Ops, Teaching
Steroid   5    6    32   Electronics, Lockpicking     Igor, Ivan
Thor     30    5    75   Hand-to-Hand, Stealthy
Trevor    3   17    58   Electronics, Lockpicking     Fidel
Vicki     7   13    63   Ambidextrous, Throwing
Wolf     19   10    67   Night Ops, Teaching

Alias   Heal  Fix Train  Skills                       Hates       Likes

Biff      7    0    47   Teaching
Bubba     0    8    30   Hand-to-Hand
Cougar   14    9    63   Auto Weapons, Stealthy
Flo       6    0    48   Teaching
Gasket    0   12    25   Lockpicking                  Igor, Ivan
Gumpy     3    0    46   Electronics
Haywire   1    1    28   Auto Weapons, Knifing        Biff
Larry    25    2    48   Lockpicking, Stealthy
Larry 2  12    0    29   None
Numb     10    1    44   Martial Arts, Night Ops
Razor     4    1    31   Knifing (Expert)             Biff, Flo

Alias   Heal  Fix Train  Skills                       Hates       Likes

Carlos    4    4    66   Stealthy, Throwing
Conrad   22   ??   106   Auto Weapons, Teaching
Dimitri   4    6    38   Throwing (Expert)
Dynamo    7    7    42   Lockpicking (Expert)
Hamous    0    2    26   Stealthy
Iggy     13    6    60   Heavy Weapons (Expert)
Ira      16    1    80   Teaching (Expert)
Maddog    2   10    33   Lockpicking (Expert)
Miguel    5    3   105   Knifing, Night Ops           Iggy
Robot     0    0     0   None
Shank     5    0    43   Throwing (Expert)
Vince    40    0    82   Ambidextrous, Teaching


1)  Larry 2 is Larry when in drunken state.

2)  The robot is only active when a merc uses its remote control, which
    excludes the use of night goggles or an ear extender.

3)  For AIM mercs, if A hates B and both are in same sector, then A
    won't extend contract; if A hates B but likes C and all are in same
    sector, then A will extend contract.  AIM mercs will always honor
    the full length of the contract.  For MERC mercs, if A hates B and
    both are in same sector, then A will quit.

    Exceptions:  Static will not sign even if Larry is in different
    sector; Dynamo hates Bubba but won't quit even if in same sector.

4)  The equation for Training Militia is

       (LDR + WIS + (LVL * 10)) / 2.5, rounded to nearest integer

    for Teaching, add 30% (times 1.3) before rounding, for Teaching
    Expert, add 60% (times 1.6) before rounding.

    This equation applies to all but local hires, all of whom have
    a non-determinate bonus to their Training Militia score.

5)  The approximate equation for Healing is

       (DEX + WIS + (LVL* 10)) * MED / 491, rounded to nearest integer

Local Hires:

Carlos:  Omerta underground (A10).  Available after 5 cities captured
   (Omerta & San Mona don't count).

Conrad:  Alma (H13).  Talk sequence = direct, recruit.

Dimitri:  Omerta underground (A10).  Available after "deliver food"
   quest.  Forgetful like Gasket.

Dynamo:  Tixa prison (J9).  Talk sequence = friendly until he quits,
   then recruit.  Is subject of rescue quest from head miner in Alma.

Hamous:  Random road square, generally between Drassen & Cambria, or San
   Mona & Cambria.  Has Ice Cream Truck (Hamous can be dismissed after
   getting the truck).  Only shows up once.

Iggy:  San Mona bar, above Shady Lady (C5).  Has rocket rifle.

Ira:  Omerta underground (A10).

Maddog:  Estoni (I6).  Psycho.  Has CAWS shotgun.

Miguel:  Omerta underground (A10).  Available after 5 cities captured.

Robot:  With AWOL scientist, in a secret partition of a barn (random
   location).  Must press switch in adjacent house to access partition.
   Must get rifle & video camera (vidcam from Balime electronic store or
   tool store) to obtain robot.  May be effective against bugs which
   can't smell it.

Shank:  Tixa dungeon (J9).  Enable gas supply if brought to Estoni and
   talk to Jake.  Not good for anything except as a trainer.

Vince:  Cambria Hospital (F8).  Available after "find Joey" quest.
   Hospital treatment thereafter can be free.


Helicopter:  Drassen Airport (B13).  Available after "find chopper
   pilot" quest.  Costs $100 per safe sector entered or $1000 per
   dangerous (in enemy SAM range) sector entered.  Will not enter
   enemy-occupied sector.  Chopper will later transfer to Estoni (I6)
   after the "escort Shank" quest and gas supply is enabled.

Ice Cream Truck:  See Hamous above.

Hummer:  L10.  Buy it from the guy there for $10,000.