Here's the SFPD homicide hints/tips: Grolier Interactive SFPD HOMICIDE Case File: The Body in The Bay General Hints/tips: * Click on the badge whenever it appears yellow to receive tips from the actual officers. Some tips here are needed to continue the game. * Scan each location's screen for clues. To do this, move the mouse pointer over every inch of the screen. If the mouse pointer's icon changes, click the left mouse button to examine that spot more closely. * When interviewing/interrogating a person, be sure that you ask all there is to ask on the particular subject. You can do this by continuing to double-click on the persons comments until they say "that's all I know", or "That's all I have to say about that". Also, cross-reference comments from others in your notepad with each person you speak with. * Check your answering machine whenever the red message light is blinking. Much of the information given is needed to continue the game. * Keep an eye on your watch. Some locations may be closed if it is not during normal business hours. * Re-visit locations at different times of the day and different days of the week. * Check forensic/autopsy report as soon as they are available and review reports in the beginning of each new day for possible updates. Local Business Hours: Selectra Garage: 9am-6pm Presidio race Track: 11am-6pm Big Island Real Estate 9am-6pm Warning: The following information is a quick route through the game and can decrease the user's overall enjoyment of playing SFPD Homicide if used improperly. These hints should be read only one or two at a time and only if the user is in dire need of a clue. Beginning the Game After meeting your partner, Inspector Manserro, click on the map at the bottom of your screen. Click on Pier 91 to go there. At Pier 91: Be sure to scan the entire area for evidence. Note that there are several objects on the body as well as strewn about the crime scene. You will also want to interview all of the people at the scene, especially the coroner, he will give you his estimates for body weight, height, age and ethnic persuasion. More exact estimates will be given to after the autopsy reports are completed. Select the following objects: * The tire tracks-test for imprint * The Concrete on the victim's body-test for chemical * The tire iron-test for blood * The wash cloth in the victim's mouth-test for fiber Return to your office by first clicking on the map at the bottom of your screen, then on your office on the map. At your office: * Click the gold badge at the bottom of your screen to receive a message from Frank Falzon (the Homicide inspector in the real Body in the Bay case). * Click on the computer on your desk. Select the Missing Persons database. Click the characteristics which the coroner described to you. Keep in mind that these were just estimates and are not exact measurements. The autopsy reports will have the most accurate measurements. When you think you have a match, try to identify the body at the morgue. Repeat this step until you are able to have someone identify the body. * Interview the person who identifies the victim. Be sure to ask them all that you can. Keep double-clicking on each comment until the person runs out of responses. * Click on the note in your notebook: Victim's Family until Lisa had drug problems comes up. * Click on November 8th until Was at Club 11 comes up * Click on Was at Club 11 until He arrived at 7:00 comes up * Click on Worked at Pacific Power until Mickey Threatened victim comes up. * Click on the close tab on you notepad and click on the map. The program will ask you to insert disk 2. The first thing to do is check out the witness at Club 11 and check out all the evidence at the victim's appartement ( you must do this first or you won't be having the lab report on time and you won't be able to see Carlotta Dubrow until the second week ). You'll first want to talk with the building super, Phil Valliente. Ask him about victim's family ( 2 x ), construction work ( 2 x ), 8th November ( 2 x ), and the argument ( 2 x ). Then go inside. Try to find evidence, such as fingerprints, that places a suspect in Charlie's apartment. Also try to find evidence of a murder, such as blood stains and fiber that matches evidence found on pier 91. In the living room: * Check all the items for fingerprints. * There is an important piece of evidence on the rug. Run the relevant test. In the Bathroom: * Look for similarities between items in this room and those found on pier 91. In the Kitchen: * Listen to all the messages on Charlie's answering machine. * look at Charlie's calendar. * Come back to Charlie's apartment on November 20th and look in the kitchen for the mail. It will contain an important piece of evidence. In the Bedroom: * Look at the documents in the drawers by the bed. There are five serious suspects in the game. The victim's son Earl and daughter Lisa are two. To find the other three, first go to the City Club and ask Ed Beck the bartender about Charlie's enemies. Ask Ed about all the comments that the victim's son Earl made earlier. 1. To find Dave Murray After asking Ed Beck about Denise, ask him about Dave. You'll find Dave at the Selectra Garage. Be sure to question all persons there. 2. To find Tony Gormier You will first need to have asked Ed Beck about Charlie's gambling. Then Harry Redmont about Charlie gambled. You'll find Tony at the Presidio Race Track. Be sure to question all persons there too. Ask Gormier about Charlie owed him money after questioning Sid Rizzo. Then check out about Toni is a bookie with his worker : Bill Kavett. 3. To find Mickey Lamar Go to Pacific Power on the map. Once there, click on Stuart and cross reference the comment made earlier (by Earl in your notepad) Mickey Lamar threatened victim until Stuart tells you where Mickey lives. Phone Messages: In addition to messages from the lab you may hear from witnesses to whom you have already talked. Their messages are important and will appear in their notepad and in their witness statements. When you get a message from Phil Valiente follow it up. It contains important information. Gathering Evidence in Charlie's Apartment To Interrogate, Get Search Warrants, and Arrest To interrogate a suspect you must put sufficient evidence into that suspect's folder so that Inspector Manserro gives you the go ahead. You copy the information by clicking on physical, document, or witness statements in you casebook until they highlight. Then you click on your suspect page under Physical, Documents, or Witness and the information will be copied onto it. To get enough evidence to interrogate Mickey * Copy into his suspect file Mickey threatened victim, from Harry, from Earl, and Stuart. * Check his DMV records. These records will appear in his Witness file in your casebook under background information. Copy the information into his suspect file. * Copy Nov. 8 from Earl's file into Mickey's suspect file. * When you interrogate Mickey, ask him about his parking ticket. Keep pressing until he tells you the truth. To get enough evidence to interrogate and get search warrant against Lisa * Copy physical evidence linking her to charlie's apartment as well as blood stains, and other physical evidence of the murder found in the apartment. * Authenticate documents found in the apartment, such as life insurance policy, checkbook, and canceled checks (found in mail). When the tests come back, copy the results into her suspect page. * Copy into her suspect file statements from witnesses about her hating her brother and father. Talk to Johno, and Denise. * With this information you will also be able to get a search warrant against Lisa. When you search her car, test her tire iron for blood. Once you get information on the tire iron, interrogate her. To get enough evidence to interrogate and get a search warrant against Earl * Copy physical evidence linking him to Charlie's apartment as well as blood stains, and other physical evidence of the murder found in the apartment. * Authenticate documents fond in the apartment, such as life insurance policy, and credit cards (found in mail). When tests come back copy results into his suspect page. * Copy into her suspect file statements from Matri Di from Club 11 about when Earl arrived on November 8th, and the statement from Sid Rizzo. * With this information you will also be able to get a search warrant against Earl. When you search his car test and compare the concrete and tires. Once you get this information interrogate him again and get his alibi on the concrete, credit cards, tires, and his gambling debts. Then go to Harry Redmont at Pacific Power to challenge his credit card alibi and to Louie Simmons at Big Island Realty to challenge the concrete alibi. To arrest Earl If you have the physical evidence linking him to Charlie's apartment, the blood evidence on the apartment rug, the comparison of pier 91 wash cloth and apartment towels, the life insurance policy, the tire, credit card, and concrete test comparrison results, the testimony of the Matri Di of Club 11, Testimony of Harry on credit cards, Louie on concrete alibi. To get enough evidence to interrogate Dave * Copy into his suspect file statements from witnesses about his being jealous, confronting Sally, or threatening Charlie. * Copy fingerprint tests linking him to Charlie's apartment as well as blood stains, and other physical evidence of the murder found in the apartment. * Look up his police record. Then Copy his record from his file which is under background information in his witness file onto his suspect page. To get enough evidence to get a search warrant against Dave * Ask Dave when interrogating him about his fingerprints Charlie's apartment. Copy his response into hi suspect file. * When you search his car, test his tires and compare the results to previous evidence. To arrest Dave ( but you can't get him to court ) If you the physical evidence linking him to Charlie's apartment, his admission of being there, his arrest record, and testimony from Harry and Sally about his threats, you have enough evidence to arrest him. How to win the game by arresting Earl : - MEANS : The blood stain on rug The towel analysis that match the cloth in the victim's mouth - MOTIVES : The insurance policy Earl admit his gambling debts ( Earl Rice ) Father and son owed Tony money ( Sid Rizzo ) - OPPORTUNITIES : The cancelled checks ( from the mail ) Earl arrived at 9.30 PM ( Carlotta Dubrow ) Concrete fragments that match the concrete on the victim Earl's tire match The note in the book ( from the bedroom ) Fingerprints on the telephone Things that can be analyzed : - From the appartement living room : Ashtray --- Fingerprints Beer bottle --- Fingerprints Fingerprints on the right wall --- Fingerprints, chemical Lamp -- Fingerprints Bottle of Henessy --- Fingerprints Telephone --- Fingerprints Stereo --- Fingerprints - Appartement Bedroom : Inside the drawer --> Insurance policy --- handwriting Checkbook --- handwriting Bill/Receipt --- handwriting On the dresser --> Note in the book --- handwriting Inside jewelry book --- all for fingerprints On the bed --> Betting slip --- handwriting - Appartement's kitchen : Calendar --- handwriting Answering machine --- listen Mails --> Cancelled checks --- handwriting Credit card --- handwriting Pizza - Appartement's bathroom : Towel --- Fiber Brush --- Fingerprints In the medicine cabinet --> Pills --- fingerprints, chemical Cough medicine --- fingerprints - Pier 91 : Chunk of conrete --- chemical Rag cloth --- chemical Rope --- fiber Wash cloth --- fiber Tire iron --- blood Tire tread --- imprint Shirt and pants --- fiber - Earl's car : Tire --- imprint Concrete fragments --- chemical Golf club Garage remote -- fingerprints Cup and journal - Dave's car Dave's tire --- imprints All things in trunk are no use at all All things in the car are no use at all - Lisa's car Tire iron --- blood Tires --- imprints The others are no use P.S : Try to check out the evidences in the cars before the first day ( or on the beginning of the first day, especially Earl's car ) in the second week, or it'll be too late. And check the mail at the end of day five. -------------------------- SaULo BeNiGNO «» MaLiGNO « -------------------------- Updated by Crash, 1997