Harvest Moon GB (e)

 Harvest Moon GB isn't just about developing a 
 farm and gettin rich, it's also about the quest 
 to save your Grandfather's farm, and finding the 
 road to happiness.  This interesting game rates
 you on how you treat your animals, raise them, and
 manage a farm all at the same time.  You can be a
 boy or a girl and choose a cat or dog as your pet.
 There are four new kinds of produce since 
 Harvest Moon for the SNES, an underground cave
 that's inhabited by little gnomes, and new and 
 improved tools.

 Table of Contents:

 1) Revisions/Updates
 2) Hints and Tactics
 3) The Items
 4) The Gnomes
 5) Spring
 6) Summer
 7) Fall
 8) Winter
 9) The Crops
10) Legal Junk


 Version 1.0 - First Revision. Most of the 
               writing. If you have any questions
               or comments, please e-mail me at:
               _ lroth@sk.sympatico.ca _

Hints and Tactics

 - You shouldn't waste your valuable energy on
   breaking up small rocks and pebbles with your
   hammer.  Simply pick them up and toss them 
   into the pond in the lower left corner for an
   energy free way

 - In your house, beside your bed in the dresser
   door is 1000G. Use this to buy extra seed or 
   get a headstart on saving up your money

 - You should plant your crops as close as you can
   to the shipping crate until you have a fully
   matured horse that can carry saddlebags

 - How you enter your name dtermines what crops
   you are able to grow and buy. Capitalizing the
   first letter in your name allows you to grow
   eggplant and carrots. Leaving the first letter
   lower case will allow you to grow peanuts and
   broccoli. To grow all the crops, make the first
   letter in your name a symbol.

 - You shouldn't bother expanding or adding 
   additions to your house until you have a very
   steady cashflow or lots of extra cash

 - When you plot your plots, think strategically 
   when you plant them. Some various patterns are
Square plots will use all the seeds
in each sack, but the middle square won't
be accessible to water.
Rows are the quickest to water when
you use a sprinkler, but you'll only be 
able to harvest 66% of what you sow.
C-shaped plots are wasteful
designs that you can only grow
55% of a whole bag of seeds from
each sack you sow.
U-shaped plots are very productive
and easy to water, allowing you
to harvest 89% of your planted seeds!

The Items

 Axe/Super Axe - Use the axe to chop up stumps. 
                 Tell the truth to the Harvest 
                 Goddess after the earthquake.

 Hammer/Super Hammer - Use the hammer to smash
                       large rocks. After 
                       remodelling your house you
                       will receive the super

 Hoe/Super Hoe - Use the hoe to till your fields.
                 The harvest sprite will turn it
                 into the super hoe if you are
                 nice to it and are helpful.

 Sickle/Super Sickle - Use the sickle to cut tall
                       grass. You will eventually 
                       get the super sickle if you
                       keep helping the gnomes.

 Watering Can - Use this to... water the crops and
                grass. You get it upon your first
                purchase of seeds at the flower 

 Sprinkler - Look in the tool shop on the 19th day
             of sprinng. This nifty item is 2000GP.

 Umbrella - Only a true harvest master can make it
            rain on a sunny day. Just simply open
            the umbrella.

 Lumber - You can get lumber by chopping up the 
          stumps on your farm or by forking over
          500GP at the carpenter shop

 Cow Bell - You get this by purchasing a cow your
            first time. It calls the cows.

 Brush - The brush is sold in the Tool shop for
         800GP. Always brush your cows every day
         to keep them happy.

 Milker - Get this at the tool shop for 1800GP.
          Buy it for mature cows.

 Cow Food - Feed the cows with it. It costs 700GP
            at the animal store.

 Chicken Feed - Use this only when your silo is 
                completely empty because this 
                item can quickly drain your cash.
                It costs 500GP

 Medicine - Your cows get sick if you neglect them.
            If this happens, buy it at the animal
            store for 1000GP to cure them

 First Aid Kit - An improved medicine vaccine.
                 You can buy it in the second
                 year for 2000GP.

 Cow Potion - Use this to breed a baby calf. It
              costs 4000GP but farm bred animals
              are happier than store bought.

 Pick Axe - You might get this as a gift at the
            end of the year. Only a true harvest 
            master may weild it.

 Saddlebags - The saddlebags work like a portable
              shipping crate. You can buy it in 
              the second year for 2500GP

 Butter Churn - Ann will make this some time 
                during the second year. It costs

 Cheese Maker - Ann will also make this for you
                during the second spring. It costs

 Fishing Pole - You can't get this unless you're a
                true harvest master. You can fish
                inside the caverns

 Meat Dumpling - Restores 10 stamina points

 Rice Ball - Restores  20 stamina points

 Croissant - Restores 30 stamina points

 Cake - Restores 25% of stamina

 Lunch - Restores 50% of stamina

 Milk - Restores 10 stamina points

 Green Tea - Restores 20 stamina points

 Wild Grape Juice - Restores 30 stamina points

 Apple Juice - Restores 50% of stamina

 Orange Juice - Restores stamina points

 Power Berry - Extends your stamina bar by
               5 points. These are found by
               digging around your field.

The Gnomes

 Have you ever seen that door at the back of your
 tool shed??? Living under your shed are tiny 
 little people called gnomes. Visit them often,
 and pick them a mushroom every time you visit.
 If they need help, be sure to help them because
 remember, no good deed goes unrewarded...


 Plant your first batch of crops near the shipping
 crate. Add lots more plots of grass as you get 
 more livestock and chickens. Clear small portions
 of land daily, starting with near the shipping
 crate, be sure to have one chicken before summer.


 1st day of spring - Make a trip to the flower
                     shop and buy seed. Clear
                     just enough land to plant
                     five fields and some grass

 10th day of spring - You get a horse

 24th day of spring - Last day to plant potatoes.

 25th day of spring - Last day to plant radishes.

 27th day of spring - Go to a picnic. It will
                      greatly improve your
                      happiness score. Make sure
                      to feed your animals before
                      the end of the day.


 Work into the night to prepare your fields for
 corn or tomatoes. Make sure to get all your crops
 picked by the first day of fall. Expand the plots
 around your shipping crate. Stay up late planting
 fields and plowing grass. When you have a steady
 income, buy cattle, then improve your house.


 1st day of summer - Buy a sprinkler

                   - Sometime between the 1st and
                     tenth day of summer, an
                     earthquake will occur. Be

                   - A monsoon will strike every
                     year at least once in the
                     summer. Watch the weather 
                     reports to be prepared for
                     the worst.

 26th day of summer - Last day to water tomatoes 
                      and harvest a crop before

 27th day of summer - Last day to water corn and
                      harvest them. Now concentrate
                      on cutting grass for the 


 Help a neighbour to improve your happiness score.
 Concentrate mostly on cutting grass because you
 can't make that much profit in the fall with
 crops. It's the best time to raise a calf if you
 want to.


 9th day of fall - Raise a cow if you want to. 
                   It's the best time.

 10th day of fall - Be sure to stock your pantry.
                    You can buy up yo 99 dumplings,
                    rice balls, and croissannts.

 15th day of fall - Clear the rest of your farm to
                    raise your farming stats at the
                    end of the year. Dispose of
                    all rocks and tree stumps.

 20th day of fall - Last day to plant and harvest
                    grass before winter.


 If you haven't stocked up on food and grass,
 this winter will be the hardest 30 days of the
 year. Carrots will turn a winter profit, if
 you have enough money for the seed.


 19th day of winter - Last day to plant broccoli 
                      and harvest before spring.

 20th day of winter - A neighbour girl has lost
                      her bird. Finding it will
                      raise your over-all 
                      happiness score in the 

 23rd day of winter - Last day to plant carrots
                      and harvest before spring.

 24th day of winter - Someone may stop by your 
                      farm and invite you to a
                      party. Attending will raise
                      your happiness score.

 30th day of winter - Your evaluation. Your
                      Grandfather will visit you
                      and tel you how you've done.
                      He may give you some gifts
                      as rewards.     

The Crops

 Potatoes - Price: 150GP  Yield: 80GP
           Potatoes take longer to grow than 
           turnips, but are the best cash crop
           in spring.

 Turnips - Price: 120GP  Yield: 60GP
          You'll get fast cash with turnips, but
          potatoes are better.

 Tomatoes - Price: 200GP  Yield: 100GP
           You won't earn a pile of money growing
           tomatoes instead of corn, but these
           ripen extremely fast.

 Corn - Price: 300GP  Yield: 120GP
       Corn is expensive, but it's the cream of
       the crop because you can keep harvesting
       this without buying more seeds.

 Eggplant - Price: 150 GP  Yield: 60GP
           Eggplant grow in five days. There isn't
           much demand for these though, so you
           won't make a great profit.

 Peanuts - Price: 200GP  Yield: 60 GP
          Peanuts mature in seven days. Peanut
          seeds are more expensive than eggplant,
          so your profit margin is less.

 Broccoli - Price: 500GP  Yield: 120 GP
           Broccoli is expensive and slow to grow,
           and it has the lowest profit margin.

 Carrots - Price: 300GP  Yield: 120GP
          Carrots are a good cash crop that grow
          almost as fast as eggplant, but the
          seeds cost as much as corn.

Legal Junk

 This document copyright (c) Cam Roth, 1999
 If you would like to use this in any way, please
 e-mail me at _ lroth@sk.sympatico.ca _ for a 
 written consent. This document is not to be sold.


 Me, for wtiting it
 GameFAQS, for posting it