Harry the Handsome Executive (e)

Handsome Executive Harry FAQ ver 1.2 (Jan 23, 1998)
maintained by saintly@innocent.com
questions? comments?  eMail me!

FAQ contents:
1. Who is Harry and how do I control him in the game?
2. What do all the bonuses do?
3. What are the various floor obstacles?
4. What are the various enemies?
5. What's on the various levels?
6. Rumors, Tidbits and Tips
7. Spoilers

Harry is available from http://www.HandsomeHarry.com/
or http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/Products/Harry.html
For a $20 registration fee.  The maintainer of this FAQ is not
affiliated in any way with Ambrosia or any creator or beta-tester
of the game, but appreciates their sense of humor and the
hours that went into making this game.  The game definitely
beats most other games in the price range, and whole lot of
expensive commercial games!  Don't rip 'em off!

1. Who is Harry and how do I control him in the game?

    Harry is a beleagured executive trying to get favor in the 
    corporation, somewhat like Dilbert.  Harry is a master at using
    his power Swivel Chair.  By default, the left and right arrow keys
    rotate Harry counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively, the
    Down key makes Harry kick off the ground (sending him backwards),
    the Up key makes him "scoot" forward a little bit.  Used for making
    precise alignments and navigating dangerous terrain.
    Space makes a 'Power Kick' when Harry is close enough to a wall
      or solid obstacle.  It also opens doors and kicks vending machines
      (without sending Harry flying backwards)
    Control rotates through all the objects in Harry's Inventory, 
    Alt/Option uses the object Harry is looking at.

    Various surfaces have different surface resistance (as shown in
      the meter)  The lower the resistance, the farther/faster a kick
      will send you, and the longer you'll 'coast' afterwards.  Generally
      low surface resistance is annoying unless you're very good at
      slowing yourself.  One way to take a "short kick" is to kick backwards
      then 'scoot' several times to slow your momentum.  

    Harry can push things by bumping into them.  It takes a little 
      practice to do it well.

    NOTE: Since you usually use the Down/Kick key, you are spending
     most of the game traveling Backwards!  This means that to deal
     with anything, shoot an enemy, open a door, kick a vending machine
     or whatever, you have to turn around.

2. What do all the bonuses do?

    coffee mug - heals comfort
    single donut - heals comfort (equal to coffee mug)
    donut box - heals comfort (twice as much as coffee or single donut)
    blue pill - makes you invincible for a short time
    test tube - makes you invulnerable to ghosts for a short time
    soda can - acts like a grenade.
    silver stapler - fires shots in a straight line
      *Special feature: fires shots continuously as long as you
        hold the button down.

    gold stapler (B.A.D.A.S.S) - fires shots at several angles
     *Special feature: hold the use button down for several seconds, 
       then release for simultaneous 4-shot burst.
     *Not always gauranteed to shoot the exact direction you're 
       pointing it!  For accuracy, use the other staplers.
    blue stapler - rapid fire stapler, fires shots in a straight line
     *Special feature: fires shots as rapidly as you press the trigger.
       Shots can go through some (thin) walls.
    NOTE: All the staplers have a line under them in the inventory window
      displaying how many shots are left.
    light blue staple pack - ammo for silver stapler
    red-and-yellow staple pack - ammo for gold stapler
    blue-and-green staple pack - ammo for blue stapler
    Force of the Swivel - use the power of the force to shoot enemies.
      *Hold down the use button until Harry glows.  Release to shoot
        a special Force shot that goes through most walls.
      *Using Force of the Swivel drains your comfort!  Be careful!

3. What are the various floor obstacles?

    Aside from the mobile enemies, there are a few annoying 
    floor obstacles.

    Fans - blow you in the direction they point.  They also blow your
      shots and enemies' shots as well.  For example, if a fan is
      blowing down, and you stand to the left of it and shoot across
      the area the fan is blowing, your shot will be 'bent' down.  This
      can be used to hit some enemies which don't take this effect
      into their calculations.  Fans never completely prevent you from
      entering the area behind them, just make it difficult at times.

    Ramps - Harry can make flying leaps by using ramps.  To gain extra
      speed, make a Power Kick against a nearby wall AND continue
      making kicks in the direction you want to go.   You can also use 
      ramps to launch objects.  Push an object to the top of a ramp then
      try to make a jump.  Harry's momentum will propel the object off
      the ramp, but Harry will be left on top of it.  (Harry can still jump
      as normal)

   Office Plants - (almost) indestructible, office plants are heaven-sent!
      You can push them in the way of the dart-throwing guys, toss them 
      in the path of the Mail Carts (blows up the plant and the cart) and
      dodge behind them for cover.  Bonuses are occasionally hidden under
      them.  Use them to hold down pressure plates too.

   Office Chairs - a little less useful than the plants, but still great for
       holding down pressure plates.

   Soda Vending machines - Kick them several times to get soda cans.
        The machine shakes right before it spits out a can... get out of
        the way!  Flying cans will hurt you.  Push a plant near the machine
        as cover if you can.

   Toxic Barrels - In a class by themselves!  They explode when they touch
       metal.  That includes staples, robots, other toxic barrels, mail carts
       and a few other things.  Hide (far) behind them and get robots to run
       into them (force blows up robots).  Push them near the silver gates 
       and detonate them (destroys silver gate).
   Thumb Tacks and Oil slicks - Thumb tacks hurt you when you go over them,
       Oil sticks to your shoes for a while and makes manoevering difficult.
   Silver Gates - Takes something like 20 shots to bring down.  The explosion
       from the gate coming down can trigger other nearby gates or objects and
       damage you or the enemy.  Push a toxic barrel near it and detonate it to
       take it down in one shot, or use a soda can.

   Red Gates - Takes four shots (one 'burst' from the gold stapler) to bring it
       down, but it reappears after a few seconds.

   Pressure plates and silver doors with a line running down the middle - 
        Holding down the pressure plate opens the door.  Push something on top
        of the plate to hold it down if you want to keep the door open.

   Water coolers - blow up when you shoot them.  The explosion can damage
        you or nearby things (including enemies and other water coolers)
   Flame tubes - spout flame every few seconds.  Wait for the flame to die
        down, then go past them.  Duh.  Good timing is needed to get past several.
        Use the 'short kick' trick to get past a row that have space enough to hide
        between them.

   Turrets - Rotating turrets shoot at you.  It takes 5 shots to destroy a turret.
        Turrets can't shoot directly next to themselves.  Charge the turret and
        blow it up from the side.  Note that it explodes, so don't stand too close.
        Other options include waiting for a pause in the firing, launching five 
        shots and getting out of the way (for turrets on the other side of doors,
        for example)

   Short tubes sticking out of walls - have a pressure plate.  When the plate is
       down, the tubes launch rolling balls.  Can be used by Harry to squish
       enemies or silver gates in their path.  Takes a bunch of shots though...
       The balls hurt Harry if they roll over him.

   Dart throwing guys - throw darts.  Wait until they shoot, then go past.  Duh.
       If you shoot them (with staples or soda) they'll pause firing for a while,
       but you'll lose corporate favor.
   Test-tube throwing guys - throw test tubes.  They can throw at angles, but
       aim at where you were like 1 second in the past.  If you move perpendicular
       to them (i.e., not directly towards or away from them) you can dodge their
       shots.  Shooting them back also loses corporate favor (but pauses them for
       a while)

   Mail Trucks - Zoom back and forth.  Damage you significantly if they hit you.
      You can wait for them to go past, then follow quickly and duck into a "safe"
      space (note that they go back and forth, not only one direction).  You can
      push something (like a barrel or plant) in their way and destroy them.
      If there's enough space, you can safely sit along side them in a corridor.

   Rolling Boulders - Roll in only one direction.  Indestructible as far as I know.
      (I haven't tested pushing something in their way yet).

4. What are the various enemies?

    Five types of robots, three types of mold and three types of military, and 
      two kinds of poltergeists.

    Yellow Robot - stationary, shoots at you.  Take four shots (1 burst from 
       the gold stapler) to destroy it.  Explodes when it dies.
    Silver Robot - basic mobile robot.  Also takes four shots to kill it and
    Red Robot - Faster, meaner version of the silver robot.  Takes about 10(?)
       shots to kill it (or one toxic barrel!).
    "Bouncer" robot - Reflects your shots.  Can't be destroyed.  This one moves
       in a straight line, changing direction if it hits an angled surface or you
       shoot it.
    Red bouncer robot - faster version of the basic bouncer.
    Comments:  Bouncing robots can hurt you by touching you, but the other one's
      only hurt you when they shoot.  (but you'll still get hurt by an explosion if
      you're too close).  To kill the basic robots, charge up the gold stapler and
      let 'em have it at fairly close range.

    Green poltergeist - Floats toward you (through walls too).  When you shoot
       it, it re-appears in a random direction around you and comes after you
       again.  Four shots kills it. (fire one shot at a time)
    Red poltergeist - Faster version of the green.  Takes about 6 shots to kill it.
    Comments: Poltergeists are nasty.  They come after you when you move 
      within range.  Be patient, move slowly, stop when you see one and just 
      spin around and shoot it until it dies, rather than taking on half the
      poltergeist army.  They're only really bad when there's lots of them, 
      or you're in a corridor or constricted space.  (In a corridor, you can't see
      them when they reappear until they move into the corridor with you.  In
      a constricted space, you can't shoot them until they're clear of the walls.
      They go through walls, your shots don't)

     Yellow mold - stupid life form, moves in random directions.  
     Green mold - smart enough to move toward you.
     Red mold - smart enough to move toward you and FAST.  Takes more
        shots to kill than green or yellow.
    Comments:  Ignore yellow mold unless you have to move very close to them
       for some reason.  Back away from Green or Red mold while firing at them.
    Green Military dude - shoots at you, can rotate, but not move. 
    Yellow Military dude - shoots at you rapid-fire, can't move either.
    Red Military dude - shots from this guy really hurt!

    Comments:  Good luck!  Try shoot-and-dodge (these dudes don't show up
      till the 13th level (I think), so you should be good at kicking, turning and
      shooting while the momentum carries you on.)  They can't move, so just
      be accurate and patient.

   Dr. Uberman - Not going to say a word about this guy!  Good Luck (on the
      15th level).  Hope you saved soda cans and blue pills!

5.  What's on the various levels?

   Level 1 - Beginner level.   Play with the nice toys they gave you and get going!
             You have an office to save!

   Level 2 - Get acquainted with the dart-throwing guys.  Learn timing and the
             'short scoot'.

   Level 3 - There's a hidden room with a stapler and mystery vial.  There's also
             a tricky jump (involving a power kick) to get past two fans blowing to 
             keep you out of one area.  Your reward for that is the Green key and
             access to the ancient Swivel Tournament arena with the Swivel Leap
             of faith (and great reward!)  You can scoot (slowly) in the 'margins' 
             Of walls (between the nearest object and the wall) without getting 
             Hurt by nearby objects.
  Level 4 - Intro to Robots.  Enjoy!  

  Level 5 - Pick up the Gold stapler here, destroy silver and yellow robots with
            one burst!   

  Level 6 - Congrats for registering!  Now face the poltergeists.  Read the tips on
            poltergeists, retreat back to open areas when you see one if necessary.

  Level 7 - The Rolling Boulder level.  In the beginning, rotate and kick QUICKLY 
            or get pounded by the boulder.  It can be done!  There are at least two
            exits on this level.  One is past a bunch of flame traps, and the other
            requires good co-ordination to dodge the boulders.  I think the flame
            tube way is easier, but it's up to you.  Also a hidden room (hmm...)
            with another mystery vial in it.

  Level 8 - ScumCo R&D.  This level is really tricky!  There's three main areas
            to beat.  One involves a LOT of poltergeists (look for a blue stapler
            in this area too).  Move SLOWLY and take care of them.  It also helps
            to move forward, then immediately retreat to a safe area and wait
            for them to come to you.  The other main area involves a LOT of
            robots.  Don't hesitate to run back to other areas to scarf some
            donuts and grab more staples.  The third area just has a bunch of
            turrets and test-tube throwing guys.  Three exits out of here, all
            in one place.  If you skip one of the main areas, you'll only have
            two keys and have to take the middle way out.  With the extra
            key, you can go up (to recover fully on health and pick up some
            blue pills) or down (to totally stock your staplers - HOWEVER
            you can restock your staplers easily enough in the next level.)

  Level 9 - Is a maze.  What a shocker!   In the very beginning you can go either
            right or left.  Left goes to a stocked supply room with like 6
            pissed-off red poltergeists.  I skipped it.  Right goes to another
            smaller room with a few mold in it and some donut boxes.
            You have to go all the way to the right, grab a blue key, all the
            way to the bottom, grab a blue key, and then go all the way to the
            left to get out.

 Level10 - You're underwater.  This is hard!  Go all the way up when you start,
           grab the key, then go down and around to the door.  Go Right to grab
           the next key, then left and around to the door.  Think concentric   
           circles.  Unfortunately, water prevents you from seeing the shots fired 
           by the robots well, and makes the poltergeists hard to see too.  The 
           reddish coral squares hurt you, the drainage pipes slow you down 
           (useful for stopping to fight a poltergeist)  Ammo is VERY short here.   
           Choose your targets carefully-  Don't waste shots on a mold if you can 
           lead it away and run past it.  Not all turrets fire enough to be worth 
           it destroying them.

 Level11 - The temple.   Three ways around here.  Go left at the start to go a LONG 
           way, relatively enemy-free and past a photocopier.  Take the leftmost
           of the two ways down.  Go right at start for a quicker way, but with
           more enemies (mold).  Go up at start for the god's own hard way
           through the area, dozens of red robots and nasty enemies.  Get past
           two boulder runs to make it to the temple.  
           I've gotten at least half-a-dozen questions already about this level.
           I'm not going to spoil it!  Here's a few hints-  This level has three
           tests of the Swivel Warrior.  The first requires only agility.  The 
           second requires purity, the willingness to do the right thing, even 
           though it's difficult.  The last requires faith and trust.  Didn't you 
           watch 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'?

 Level 12 - Back in the offices.  You know the drill by now.  Just way more 
            thumbtacks, fans and all the things you've grown to love!

 Level 13 - Military complex.  Lots of the machine-gun guys.  Go all the way to
            the top, right, then all the way down to get the key you need.  Sheesh!
            Go all the way to the left for a measly soda can.

Level 14 -  Compact level with lots of nasty machine-gun dudes, robots and
            rolling-ball (not boulder) traps.

Level 15 - Dr. Uberman.  The only thing on this level is the showdown and some 
           ammo.  Watch your step.  For hints, check the SPOILERs section.

6. Rumors, Tidbits and Tips
    If you use ResEdit, you'll see a dialog box that says "Warp to which level".   
    Any ideas on how to bring it up in the game?

    Since you fire staples from your side, NOT your center, you can shoot
    robots when you're partially covered behind a wall.  See this diagram:
      YY  - - - - - ->RR       You're the YY character, the robot is RR, the Wall
      YY     WWWW   <-RR       is WW..  You can shoot, being mostly covered by
      YY     WWWW     RR       the wall, but the wall blocks the robot's shots.

    BE PATIENT.  This isn't a race, and you get no extra points for finishing
    quickly.  This is more of a puzzle game than an action-game with gazillions
    of enemies.  

    Setting up traps for enemies (like pushing toxic barrels in their way and
    drawing them toward you, or manoevering a plant in the path of a mail
    car is a lot easier (albiet slower) way to progress through the game
    than charging enemies with staplers blazing...
    Learn to kick, turn and shoot, and keep going in the direction you started.  

    Try to flush out the poltergeists in the levels that have them (6-10), then 
    retreat to an open area to blow them up.  

    Don't move directly toward or away from any enemy that can shoot at you.  
    You can make them miss by going past them.  
    Robots can get caught in 'crossfire' and destroy each other if you're 
    positioned right, unfortunately their shots don't seem to hurt the mold.

    I only use the gold stapler for instant-destroying the basic robots since
    the shots spread out at long distances and aren't as useful for targeting
    stationary obstacles.  Also good for opening red gates if you're in a hurry.

    Do not underestimate the power of the Shrapnel stapler (blue stapler).  
    You can waste enemies through thin walls without stopping.  All the
    staplers seem to pack the same force per shot though.  

7. Spoilers

    How do I get past the three tests of the swivel warrior?
       - Dodge the rolling boulders, wait for them to go by, then follow.
          In the first run,  there's space on the sides you can safely stay in.  In
          the second, you need to dodge back and forth and listen to the sound
          cues carefully.
       - A pure, honest individual takes the hard, straight-and-narrow way
          to get to the temple.  Bummer, huh?
       - A man of faith scoots forward carefully to the exact middle of the
          ravine (scoot around the big rock in the middle, to go up over it)
          and then walks across.   Take your time and be patient.  You CAN'T
          leap the ravine, despite the name "Leap of the Swivel Chair".  You
          will fall and land in a room with a bunch of donuts.  Try again.

    Is there an easy way to defeat Dr. Uberman?
       - Definitely!  Remember, you shoot off-center, from your right side.
          Position yourself behind the rightmost of the two top pillars 
          surrounding Dr. Uberman.  Wail away at him!  His shots will get 
          blocked by the pillar and you can pound him into poltergeist mush.
          He goes through three stages - First he just shoots in random 
          directions, then fires three-way blasts at you.  (If you're positioned
          right, the middle blast will be blocked by the pillar you're hiding
          behind, and the other two will spread out harmlessly).  After you've
          pounded him several times he'll go to his second stage and get faster.
          Keep at it and he'll go to his third stage and start shooting weakened
          versions of Red Poltergeists (one shot kills them completely).  Keep
          at it and he'll explode in a satisfying burst.  Congratulations!  It 
          takes about two-and-a-half complete stapler clips to kill him and
          the poltergeists if you keep shooting.  Hope you're prepared.  Don't
          hesitate to go left or down for more ammo.  I only had one soda
          can left by the time I got here, but more would probably be better