Gunnm - Martian Memory (e)

Mini FAQ and Mini Walk Through
Version 1.0

Written Jan. 3 1999 by Shaper

Gunnm: Martian Memory is trade mark of BANPRESTO
I would like to start out this first edition of the FAQ by stating that 
I do not know Japanese.  What this basically means is that all 
translations will be rough in their meaning.  This FAQ version is just 
to help anyone who is having difficulty getting started.  I have not yet 
beaten the game but am getting there.  I know as a gamer that it is 
difficult to get started on the game due to the large amount of Japanese 
text.  The game can go slow at points but don’t get discouraged; it will 
all pay off due to the great fighting engine.

Legend:  O=accept (open doors)
         X= cancel
         Start=Pause (menu)
         Select=Battle Mode
Pause Menu:
Items: this is where you can select you items like health *WHEN YOU 
Weapons: Select from list of weapons
Options: Choose from Difficulty, Audio, ?, and cancel.
Load: Select from mem card which game to load.
Cancel: cancel

In the opening you can press start and get in to a two-option menu.  The 
first is game start, the second is options.
The first option is a difficulty setting and the second is a sound 
setting (stero:left, mono:right).
*If you wish you can wait and see an excellent movie of compiled 
elements of the game to get a feel for what you are getting into.*

Options 2:  
After pressing game start you go into a menu with four settings; Start, 
mem card 1, mem card 2, and cancel.
Start sets you into the game.
Mem card 1:
If you have a saved game on the mem card in slot 1 select this option.
Mem card 2:
See mem card 1.
Returns you to the previous menu screen.

Starting a new game:
The new game opens up with a decent movie of the day that Cybernetic 
Doctor Ido finds you (Gally) in a scrap pile from the dumping of the 
higher community of Zalem.  The mark of Zalem can be found on the 
forehead of Ido because he was a former resident, in fact one of the 
best known cybernetic doctors on Zalem.  When he finds you, you are just 
the upper torso of the former self.  After realizing that you can be 
fixed he takes you back to his lab where he and his assistant fix you up 
with a new body.  Don’t be discouraged by the small girl body, when it 
comes down to it you can pack a punch.  In the text questions you guess 
is as good as mine, but from what I have played it doesn’t really matter 
what you pick.  When you Exit the room there will be an elevator if you 
enter it the options are simple; the floors go in descending order all 
the way to basement. You are currently on floor four. The third floor 
has another lab of sorts (no current use).  The second floor contains 
your room.  Your room can be helpful in times of need.  On the desk 
across from the door there is a book in which you can save data.  

Saving: Two options will appear, the top is to enter save menu the 
bottom one cancels.  In the save menu you have three options; save on 
cartridge one, cartridge two or cancel.  When you select the cartridge 
you want to use you will get a screen with three blank spaces and a 
cancel.  Choose the empty space of choice and press O, It will then save 
your position and time.  Choose cancel.

After you have saved you can sleep on your bed.  Sleep refills your 
health in time of need.  Accept is the first of the two options on the 
list.  After this exit your room and proceed to the fourth floor and 
pass the operating room and go up the ladder where you and Ido will take 
a look at Zalem from the ground.  From this point proceed to the 
basement where Ido assistant will explain something to you about the 
basement, this is needed to proceed.  After this return to the first 
floor and exit out the main entrance.  At this point Ido will scorn you 
for leaving.  At this point you will appear in you room.  From here 
return to the first floor where you will find Ido’s assistant collapsed.  
After this it will be the next day and you will be talking to Ido.  He 
has an injury on his arm and you question him about it but he makes up a 
story.  From here you can leave the apartment and go to the city out of 
the main entrance.  When you arrive at the city go to the far upper left 
corner under the tubing.  There you will find a man who won’t let you 
pass and he will explain that someone was beat up back there.  When you 
return to the main part of the city go to the lower right part of the 
city and talk to the woman.  From here return to the apartment and you 
will find Ido, and he will scorn you for going into the city because it 
is dangerous for a girl.  You will find yourself back in your room at 
this point.  I would recommend saving.  After this exit the apartment 
and go to the city.  You will follow Ido into the alleys.  After you 
catch up with him you will watch a pathetic scene where Gally questions 
Ido as to what he is doing.  The creature that Ido was fight will 
threaten you and you will get your first opportunity to fight.  This is 
the first taste as to what the fights are like.  After you defeat the 
creature you will be taken back to Ido’s lab where he will give you a 
check up.  During the check up you and Ido will get into an argument 
because you want to be a bounty hunter like him, but he thinks it will 
be too dangerous.  After you find yourself outside of the room exit the 
building and go to the city.  In the City re-trace your steps taken to 
find Ido the night before.  When you get to the area where you pushed 
the creature off, instead of going down follow the rail all the way to 
the right (off screen) where you will be taken back to a map.  A new dot 
has appeared at the location of F33, go to it.  This is Factory 33 where 
you can register your brain as a Hunter-Warrior (bounty hunter).  To 
register enter the factory and follow the corridor all the way down and 
take a left.  Go to the cylinder labeled 3 and press O.  Talk to the 
robot and choose the top section.  This will register your brain as a 
hunter-warrior.  After the process the robot will test you on your speed 
to get into battle mode, to do this press select after 3. 

Last Note:
The last thing that I will leave you with is what each of the cylinders 
2:Hunting Results=Cash in on your kills.
3:Fighting Results=check up on yourself.
4:Items shop=buy items
5:Weapons Shop=buy weapons
6:Cyberne:Buy upgrades on HP DP and Health.

In next addition I hope to have Further walk through, and a complete 
move list.  The last tip that I can leave you with is in fighting press 
the block button.  Also save frequently.

This text is copyright 1999 Matt Williamson