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Guilty Gear (e)

  _____         _  _  _             _____
 / ____|       (_)| || |           / ____|
| |  __  _   _  _ | || |_  _   _  | |  __   ___   __ _  _ __
| | |_ || | | || || || __|| | | | | | |_ | / _ \ / _` || '__|
| |__| || |_| || || || |_ | |_| | | |__| ||  __/| (_| || |
 \_____| \__,_||_||_| \__| \__, |  \_____| \___| \__,_||_|      
                            __/ |
                           |___/   Version 1.6 Copyright 1999 Valsoft.


This Faq should only be available at 

Table of Contents
Whats New!..................Section N=New
Legal Items.................Section L=Law
Story.......................Section A
Controls....................Section B
Credit......................Section C
Instant Kill and Codes......Section D
Strategies..................Bottom of Faq
Rival List..................Bottom of Faq
Recognition.................Bottom of Faq

Character Profiles with Moves 

Sol Badguy..................Section I
Ky Kiske....................Section II
May.........................Section III
Kliff Undersn...............Section IV
Potemkin....................Section V
Axl Low.....................Section VI
Zato-ONE....................Section VII
Chipp Zanuff................Section VIII
Dr. Baldhead................Section IX
Millia Rage.................Section X

Secret Characters and Moves
Justice.....................Section XI
Testament...................Section XII
Baiken......................Section XIII

Section N--Whats New!
v1.5 to v1.6
1. New Ascii Logo
2. Trying to position it correctly.

v1.4 to v1.5
1. Added an Ascii Logo made with SigZag. Good program indeed.

v1.3 to v1.4
1. Added another site which holds this faq exclusively.

V 1.2 to 1.3
1. Thanks to Britt King for sending in the other half of the Rival List.
2. Few more grammar and spelling corrections.
3. Added Recognition section

V 1.1 to 1.2
1. I have added part of the Rival List, located at bottom of page.
2. A few more grammar changes.
V 1.0 to 1.1

1.Added a comment about the Character Code in Section D.
2.Added a few more Basic Strategies towards the bottom of the page.
3.Fixed the note on how to obtain Baiken located on bottom of page.
4.Fixed a few spelling errors, if you see anymore please tell me.

Section L--Legal Items
Neither the author of this FAQ, nor any person who distributes it in any 
way, shall be responsible or liable for anything that results from using 
this FAQ for any purpose. This FAQ may be freely distributed provided 
that it is kept unmodified and in its entirity. This FAQ may not be 
sold, or included as part of a publication that is sold, without the 
author's express permission. Guilty Gear was made by(c) ARC System Works 
and Team Neo Blood, 1998. The use of any trademarks within this FAQ is 
not intended to represent a challenge to their validity.

Section A--Story 

 The 22nd Century... Mankind has succeeded in his dream of developing a 
natural, limitless energy supply. It was the dawning of the Age of 
 Science and industry, the source of enviromental pollution and weapons 
of mass destruction, were outlawed. This controversial decision was to 
bring history as mankind knew it to an end...
 However, the abolition of technology did little to soothe mankind's 
suffering. A war erupted, fueled by fearsome weapons based on rapidly 
developing magical theory. Eventually, shockingly powerful biological 
weapons were produced by fusing human and animal DNA with magic, 
resulting in a horrible mix of vitality and raw strength. This was the 
birth of the Gears.
 The powerful military state that produced the Gears monopolized the 
manufacturing process, bringing countless other lands under its control. 
These Gears were designed to be litle more than slaves, incapable of 
independant thought. Yet from among their ranks a rebel appeared, 
announcing himself to be self-aware. This insurrectionist, calling 
himself Justice, gathered an army of fellow Gears and declared war on 
all mankind. Despite heavy initial casualties to these renegade Gears, 
the humans put their differences aside and formed an elite group of 
warriors to combat the Gear menace. This group of brave heroes became 
know as the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. One hundred years of brutal 
war later...
 The fierce battle between the Gears and the humans, which had become 
known as the Crusades, was finally at an end. The heroic Sacred Order 
had sealed Justice inside an impenetrable dimensional prison, and it was 
only a matter of time before the remaining masterless Gears were rounded 
up and destroyed.
 However, five years after the end of the Crusades, the walls of 
Justice's dimensional prison have unexpectedly begun to erode away. 
Assessing the threat before them, the world's leaders quickly organize 
an internalional fighting tournament to select members for a proposed 
Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights. Astoundingly, the prize for this 
tournament was said to be literally anything one desired: The victor 
would get to make a single wish... any wish at all.
 Yet in the panic surrounding the imminent decay of Justice's 
dimensional prison, few seemed to take notice of the rather suspicious 
rules of this tournament, such as the welcoming of criminals, and the 
permission to shed blood during the matches...

Section B--Controls
Note: If you have the dual shock controller and want the rumble 
function, enter options menu and turn it on.

F : Foward
B : Back
D : Down (Crouch)
U : Up (Jump) - 2x 
    Continue this with FF, BB to Fly

P : The PUNCH button (Square by default)
K : The KICK button (X by default)
WS : The WEAK SLASH button (Triangle by default)
HS : The HEAVY SLASH button (Circle by default)
S : Either the WEAK SLASH or HEAVY SLASH button
L1 : The TAUNT button 
R1 : The CHARGE button 
Start button.... Pause Game
Select button....Open Exit menu while paused
  Note: All moves in this faq assume that you are facing right, the                                
Player 1 side. Reverse commands if facing the opposite.

Section C--Credit
 This is my first attempt at creating a faq. I have done all I could to 
make this as detailed as possible so that you will not have any 
difficulties playing and enjoying this game. I would like to thank Atlus 
for publishing Guilty Gear they made an awesome choice, and I hope that 
Arc Systems and Team Neo Blood create a second installment.

If you have any problems in regard to this faq,send questions & comments 

Section D--Instant Kill and Codes
Note:Do not learn, but master the Instant Kill move and how to evade it,      
god knows how many times I fell victum to the Computer.

Instant Kill-Works with all characters

Press P + K (Close to opponent) Screen will flash Red
      In this instant(during Red screen) press
      D,DF,F + P + K if it connects you will know

To evade the Instant Kill

      When the screen turn Red(from your opponents actions)
      Quickly do the instant kill backwards
      D, DB,B + P + K

Codes-How to Obtain Justice, Testament and Baiken without beating the                   

      When you first boot the game, andthe white "Sony" screen appears, 
hold (Down + Square + L1 + R2) and keep them down throughout the booting 
process up until the message "Team neo blood" fades out. When you start 
the game, Testament, Justice and Baiken will be unlocked without you 
needing to finish the game. 

Note: This Code does work, instead of revealing the Secret characters,it  
instead puts the game in HARD mode, which you will see blinking on the 
bottom of every match. Believe me, its suicide playing in this mode. I 
have not once been able to get it to work and believe its a lie. Even my 
friends cannot get it to work. Some joke huh? To find out how to get the 
characters the hard way goto the bottom of the faq.

Character Profiles with Moves, and basic strategies
Section I-Sol Badguy

Height: 6'
Weight: 163 lbs
Blood Type:"Unknown"
BirthPlace: America
Eye Color: Brown
Hobbies: Listening to Queen
Favorite Thing: Queen's Album "Sheer Heart Attack"
Dislikes: Great effort, "Doing your best"

charge - F,D,DF + R1 

Gun Flame: D,DF,F + S 

Vulcanic Viper : F,D,DF + S (air)

 Lev 1 - Standard Uppercut 

 Lev 2 - Higher Uppercut 

 Lev 3 - Stright Uppercut, create huge fire wall 

Bandit Revolver: D,DF,F + K (air) 

Riot Stamp: D,DB,B + K

Super: Dragon Install: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + WS 

       Tyrant Rave : F,DF,D,DB,B,F + HS

Section II-Ky Kiske

Height: 5'11
Weight: 128 lbs
Blood Type: AB
BirthPlace: France
Birthday: November 20th
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hobbies: Collecting Teacups
Favorite Thing: Happy Faces, Laughter
Dislikes: Sol

charge - D,DF,F + R1 

Stun Edge: D,DF,F + S 

 Lev 1 - Standard projectile 

 Lev 2 - Bigger projectile 

 Lev 3 - The biggest and chained projectile 

Flying Stun Edge: (jump) D,DF,F + WS 

Vapor Thrust: F,D,DF + S (air) 

Stun Dipper: D,DF,F + K 

Needle Spike: F,DF,D,DB,B + K

Super : Ride The Lighting: B,DB,D,DF,F,B,DB,D,DF,F + HS

Section III-May

Weight: 5'2
Weight: 93 lbs
Blood Type: B
Birthplace: "Unknown"
Birthday: May 5th(The day Johnny Saved her)
Eye Color: Black
Hobbies: Thinking of Johnny
Favorite Thing: Johnny
Dislikes: Bald people

charge - D,DF,F + R1 

Aqua Rolling: D,DF,F + WS (air) 

 Lev 1 - Standard Roll 

 Lev 2 - Lesser range with larger damage 

 Lev 3 - Short range with tons of damage 

Restive Rolling: F,D,DF + WS (air) 

Continue with WS to drop 

Mist Finer: D,DB,B + WS Continue with WS + WS + WS ... to speed up 

Overhead Kiss: B,DB,D,DF,F + P 

Crescent Aqua Rolling: B,DB,D,DF,F + WS 

 Lev 1 - Standard Roll 

 Lev 2 - Lesser range with larger damage 

 Lev 3 - Short range with tons of damage 

Dolphin Attack: B,DB,D,DF,F + HS

Super : Aqua Final Blow: B,F,DF,D,DB,B + HS

Section IV-Kliff Undersn

Height: 5'10
Weight: 121 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Switzerland
Birthday: September 9th
Eye Color: Brown
Hobbies: Sailing
Favorite Thing: His priceless Japanese teacups
Dislikes: Fashionable,voguish words

charge - D,DF,F + R1 

Houkou Gaeshi: D,DF,F + P 

 Lev 1 - Standard small projectile 

 Lev 2 - Longer range 

 Lev 3 - Covers half the stage 

Sugaisai: D,DB,B + WS Kubimatagi: D,DB,B + K 

Urokohagashi: WS + WS + WS ... 

Damaging Taunt: L1 

Dodge: BB (unreliable) Continue with P to attack

Super : Earth Shake: B,DB,D,DF,F,B,DB,D,DF,F + HS

Section V-Potemkin

Height: 8'
Weight: 1446 lbs
Blood Type: 0
Birthplace: Zepp
Birthday: October 18th
Eye Color: White
Hobbies: Sketching
Favorite Thing: Indestructible Pencil Cases
Dislikes: Pencils that snap under 4 tons of Weight

charge - F,D,DF 

P Buster: (close) F,DF,D,DB,B,F + P 

Nitro Hook: B,DB,D,DF,F + P 

Mega Fist: D,DF,F + P 

Megaton Stomp: F,D,DF + P 
 Lev 1 - Standard earthquake 
 Lev 2 - More damaging earthquake 

 Lev 3 - Burning earthquake 

Second Throw: (close) F + K

Super : Ultimate Spin: F,DF,D,DB,B,F + HS

Section VI-Axl Low

Height: 5'10
Weight: 172 lbs
Blood Type: B
Birthplace: England
Birthday: December 25th
Eye Color: Blue
Hobbies: Billiards
Favorite Thing: His girlfriend, Megumi
Dislikes: Preachy People

charge - None 

Rensen Geki: B,F + WS 

  Continue with Up + HS to uppercut 

Benten Gari: F,D,DF + WS 

Tenhou Seki: D,DB,B + P 

Raiei Sageki: B,DB,D,DF,F + K 

Dototsu: D,DB,B + K 

Super : Yousou Renjin: F,DF,D,DB,B + K 

        Hyakue Renshou: D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B + HS

Section VII-Zato-ONE

Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Spain
Birthday: January 28th
Eye Color: Was blue
Hobbies: Attempting to understand the language of the flowers
Favorite Thing: His pride
Dislikes: Millia

charge - DD + R1 

Drunkard Shade: D,DB,B + P/K 

Invite Hell: DD, S (air) 

 Lev 1 - Standard ground drill 

 Lev 2 - Triple ground drill 

 Lev 3 - Ground drill covers the ground 

Climb Darkness: B,DB,D,DF,F + HS 

   Continue it with HS to attack 

Break The Law: F,DF,D,DB,B + WS 

   Continue it with WS to cancel 

Rise and Fall: F,D,DF +P

Super : Dark Sentinel: F,DF,D,DB,B,F,DF,D,DB,B+HS

Section VIII-Chipp Zanuff

Height: 6'
Weight: 148 lbs
Blood Type: B
Birthplace: He insists Japan(Born really in America)
Birthday: February 9th
Eye Color: Red
Hobbies: Dreaming
Favorite Thing: Sleeping Pills
Dislikes: Nightmares, the Mafia, gangs, yakuza

charge - F,D,DF + R1 

Alpha Blade: D,DF,F + P (air) 

Beta Blade: F,D,DF + P (air) 

 Lev 1 - Standard Uppercut 

 Lev 2 - Bigger Uppercut 

 Lev 3 - Double Uppercut 

Gamma Blade: B,DB,D,DF.F + HS 

Ten'i: D,DF,F + WS 

Meisai: D,DB,B + K 

Sebone Ori: (close) F,DF,D,DB,B,F + K 

Stomp Kick: (jump) D + K

Super : Banki Messai: D,DF,F,D,DF,+ K

Section IX-Dr. Baldhead

Height: 9'4
Weight: 121 lbs
Blood Type: 0
Birthplace: China
Birthday: August 21st
Eye Color: Black
Hobbies: Performing elaborate operations
Favorite Thing: His Huge Scalpel
Dislikes: Cancerous Cells

charge - F,D,DF + R1 

Souten Enshin Rambu: D,DF,F + P 

   Continue with FF/BB to move and attack 

   Continue with P/K to attack 

   Continue with D to cancel 

Metta giri: F,D,DF + WS 

 Lev 1 - Standard combo 

 Lev 2 - Higher combo 

 Lev 3 - More damaging combo 

Going my Way: D,DB,B + WS (air) 

Rerere no Tsuki: B,DB,D,DF,F + HS 

   Continue with BB to combo

Super : Crazy Operation : (close) D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B + HS

Section X-Millia Rage

Height: 5'7
Weight: 106 lbs
BloodType: B
Birthplace: Russia
Birthday: "Unknown"
Eye Color: Blue
Hobbies: Playing with cats
Favorite Thing: Her Honor
Dislikes: Zato, and losing some of her hair in battle.

charge - D,DF,F + R1 

Living Lancer: D,DF,F + WS 

 Lev 1 - Standard spike 

 Lev 2 - Bigger spike 

 Lev 3 - Double sized spike 

Living Lancer II: D,DB,B + WS

 Lev 1 - Standard spike 

 Lev 2 - Bigger spike 

 Lev 3 - Double sized spike 

Condemned Top: F,D,DF + WS 

Zenten : D,DB,B + K 

Lust Shaker: WS + WS + WS...

Super : Iron Maiden: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + HS

Secret Characters and Moves
Note: You obtain Testament and Justice by Beating the game. They become       
available in only Versus Mode. Baiken becomes available if you                   
beat the game without losing or continuing using either Sol, or Ky.
Section XI-Justice

charge - None 

SBT: B,D,DB + K 

Imperial Ray: F,B,DB,D,DF,F + WS 

Valkyrie Arc: D,DF,F + P 

Michael Sword: B,DB,D,DF,F + WS

Super : Omega Laser: B,F,DF,D,DB,B,F,DF,D,DB,B + HS

Section XII-Testament

charge - None 

Exe Beast: B,DB,D,DF,F + HS 

Phantom Soul: D,DF,F + P 

Grave Digger: D,DF,F + WS 

Scythe Slash: D,DB,B + K

Super : Poison Blow: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + HS

Section XIII-Baiken

charge - F,D,DF + R1 

Tatami Gaeshi: D,DF,F + K (air) 

 Lev 1 - One tatami 

 Lev 2 - Two tatamies 

 Lev 3 - Three tatamies 

Youzansen: F,D,DF + WS (air) 

Kumaitachi: B,DB,D,DF,F + HS 

Super : Multi Slash: D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B + HS

Basic Strategies
This is just an overall way to beat the computer if its being cheap 
towards you. In future updates I hope to include boss meetings(Rivals 
ect.. you meet before the end)and Individual Strategies to beating 
them(They are usually the hardest to defeat).

1.)If your ever in a corner, GET OUT!, that is the worst spot to be in,    
try to lead the computer there and knock a few hits off. Repeat if       
its a cheap character(Justice anyone?)

2.)If the computer makes the screen flash Red, quickly use the reverse    
Instant kill to evade his attack, and try to reverse it onto him.    
Chances are you can probably pull it off since he is in a vulnerable    

3.)When Fighting Sol, never stay on the ground. Stay in the air and    
slash attack him. Repeat but never get to close, since he will    
attempt the instant kill. Watch out for his Riot Stamp since that is       
his basic strategy next to his supers.

4.)When going against Justice, jump attack him and when you connect with 
the hit and land immediatly do a combo attack. You will do incredible 
amounts of damage to him. If the air attack doesn't connect get away 
from him as fast as you can and try to repeat it. NEVER EVER STAY CLOSE 
TO HIM, or too far away or he will use his massively cheap super giga 
laser on you.

Rival List
Note: This list is partially complete. I have yet to beat the game with 
a few characters to see their sub bosses. Your help would be 

Character                  Fights
---------                  ------
Ky Kiske..................Sol Badguy
Sol Badguy................Ky Kiske
Cliff Undersn.............Ky Kiske
Millia Rage...............Zato-ONE
Zato-ONE..................Millia Rage
Dr. Baldhead..............Potempkin 
Potempkin.................Dr. Baldhead 
Axl Low...................May 
May.......................Axl Low 
Chipp Zanuff..............Ky Kiske 

*More to come later as I am working on beating the game with the 
remaining characters. Also my time has been leaning towards my Tenchu 
Stealth Assassins Faq which should be completed soon.

I would like to thank Britt King( for submitting the 
other half of the Rival List, which I was very lazy to figure out 
myself. Thanks alot Britt!

 If you gamers have any questions regarding this faq, or would like to 
contribute a few items please feel free to do so. Credit will be given 
to those who assist. 
   Contact me at:

I need a Character Rival List(Like Ky fights Sol before Testament) So if 
anyone can help please do so. I hope you enjoy the faq, and enjoy Guilty 
