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Guardian's Crusade (e)

Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 15:45:40 -0500

compiled by Ann Noble

Many thanks to Jerrold Ng  whose excellent walkthru helped me 
when I was stuck on 66 Living Toys. 

Unlike most RPGs where there is a group of people, in this game there is just 
you, a cute monster, Living Toys and a feisty fairy. However your party is more 
than enough to deal with most things. 
To get the most out of Baby (you will have the chance to name him) talk to him 
in EVERY battle, feed him snacks frequently and don't make him fetch too often. 
If you train him at the MTC in Trisken his stats will improve but it is 
expensive, 1000rb for each of his levels, so do it as early as possible.

	Living Toys
	Getting around in Picard

Part 1 - Departure
The Mayor sends you with a letter to San Claria. (Rusted toy, Dusty toy, Cute 
toy in the mill).
San Claria:
You deliver the letter to the Mayor and then start back to Orgo. The man at the 
entrance to the village mentions a monster going towards Orgo. (Wind up toy in 
house on beach).
Just outside Orgo you meet Baby and a mysterious figure tells you to return him 
to his mother in God's Tower. But the Mayor tells you to take him to the Cave of 
Fear and leave him there. The next morning you go along the Grave Road and send 
Baby into the Cave; however you see the mysterious man again and decide to 
rescue Baby.
Cave of Fear and Kell:
You make your way through the cave (Mysterious toy, Cool toy, Bronze shield, 
Bronze sword, hamburger) until you come to a strange underground village called 
Kell. After you defeat the Mushmare (Iron sword) in their storeroom, the Elder 
gives you a Living Toy called Mr O'Neal who activates all the toys you have 
already. (Da Bomb in the storeroom). The Kellians allow you further into the 
cave (Walkbomb, Phoenix) and you find Baby in a large bird's nest where he has 
eaten the eggs (if you want to pick up the Bronze Mail, go past the nest and 
through the opening before you go into the nest to wake Baby). When the 
Galestork returns, you have to fight it (Timeout after the battle) and then rush 
off out of the cave.
When you wake up you are at the Coastal Inn having been rescued by Mr Weatherby. 
You also meet Bonik and can buy items from him.

Part 2 - The Journey
In the morning you get Mapster from Mr Weatherby (Whyme in chest blocked by cat 
- collect it later) and leave for Isten. Spend a bit of time round the Inn 
improving Baby's levels.
Outside Isten you find Bonik in an argument and you are blackmailed into 
fighting as a stand-in for one of the candidates for Mayor. This character, 
Richten, is not a nice guy! Talk to the villagers to find out their opinions 
(Buccaneer Mail, Kimoni) and after staying at the Inn you get into the battle. 
This is a no-win fight and your opponents, Darkbeat who thinks he is the Chosen 
One and Ibkee who looks like a walrus, will whop you. After the fight, Richten 
disappears (Contributor in his house) and you are free to go to Zed Harbour. 
Before you rush off, go to the Denime Plains and pick up the items from the 
Great Tree (Quilted armour, Resetter, Spinach snack, Twisted shield, Twisted 
sword). Beware of the Pythogre!
Zed Harbour:
(Minicar, Vampire, Heal bat, Tower shield in cannon). Unfortunately Bonik has 
bought the last ticket for the ship but the Governor will give you tickets if 
you get him the Beast Emerald from Kuldo. You have your first meeting with 
Kalkanor, Ramal and Gwinladan who are supposed to be the good guys but they give 
Baby the shakes. (The chest in the Governor's house is jammed but collect the 
Buccaneer sword hidden in his office). On the way you meet Rogo who gives you a 
stone slate to take to Galik in Carmarthen and you decide to deliver that first.
Carmarthen and Kuldo Ruins:
(Miner, Bone shield in the mine). Galik is not at home so you go to Kuldo Ruins 
- do the West side first - (Cheeseburger x2, candy bar x2, Sword of Might, 
Angel, Freud, Clericy, Foreman, Kuldian armour, Psychodoc, Peach potion) and 
arrive just in time to see Kalkanor, Ramal and Gwinladin defeat the beast and 
retrieve the gem. If you feel strong enough, you can fight the winged lion and 
then receive a White Shield. Go back to Galik's house and deliver the item, and 
then trudge back to Zed Harbour. When you go to the Governor's house (try the 
chest again - Baron) Kalkanor takes the stone that Baby found in the nest in the 
Cave of Fear and gives you tickets for the ship. (I would definitely recommend 
buying a Ring of Calm at this point as you will need it in Kerple Cave).
You learn more about Darkbeat and Ibkee, and the Artema Cult. (Ditchmobile, Mi 
Armour, Ringsider). Buy better equipment and then re-embark on the Zephyr.
(Be sure to collect Terroroid on the deck during the storm as this is your only 
chance). Because of Baby's seasickness, you are on deck during a violent storm 
and you all fall overboard. You and Nehani are washed up on an island but Baby 
is missing. He has been taken prisoner by the natives and is going to be 
sacrificed to an evil god, Yugonga, who terrorises them. You have to defeat the 
god to save Baby. Nehani won't let give into the cave until you have talked to 
everyone - equip the Ring of Calm. (Kerple and the cave - Mudsy, Hobo Joe, 
Pippanic, Crystal armour, Crystal shield, cheeseburger, peach potion). 
After defeating Yugonga, the villagers give you a Flute which summons Chester, a 
giant water bug. He will take you over water but you can only disembark at a 

Part 3 - Wider Worlds
(At this point you can go anywhere - fighting off pirates all the time but there 
is a town visible to the north).
Den Heldar and the North Tower:
(Insectorfly). You learn that a number of the villagers, including the Mayor, a 
watchmaker from Trisken and Darkbeat and Ibkee have gone to the North Tower but 
never returned; you go to investigate. (Toughwall, Crystal sword, Douwner, 
Devils shield). When you reach the roof of the Tower, there's no-one there 
(Vegas, Splint mail) but when you get back down to the bottom of the stairs you 
see a monster entering a secret passage, so follow it. You bump into Darkbeat 
and Ibkee (Mossman) and while they fight the Red monster, you battle the Blue 
monster. After the battle (Spinach snack in chest) go further in and save Jadik 
by defeating the Guardian, for which you receive Solomon's Ring. Return to Den 
Heldar (Windmeister from the Mayor) and then scull off towards Trisken (Stare 
outside the abandoned house to the far south of Trisken).  
Explore the town (Sacribat, Tarantula) and then go up to the castle. Talk to 
everyone in the throne room until a theft is discovered and then talk to them 
all again. Baby will sniff out the thief. Chase and fight him; after the battle 
receive Water Ring from the noblewoman. When Baby rushes out, go after him. 
Bystanders in the town will send you in the right direction. The King orders the 
guards to let you through the gate.
(If you haven't explored already, this is the time to do it; train Baby and buy 
a Freedom Ring).
Garam and Ruval Cave:
When you arrive in Garam, the road north is blocked so you agree to rescue Ann 
from the cave. (Sumode in chest) Fight Ruval only to discover that he is not 
evil. Then Kalkanor and company arrive, and they fight him. You challenge 
Kalkanor but cannot defeat him. Now the road has been cleared and you can 
proceed to Denvrado. 
(Hornet from the singer when you buy his record).
Holy Shrine:
On your first visit Aruvin is meditating or is it sleeping?. You can rest here.
God's Tower:
At the entrance you meet Kalkanor and his party again. They are confronting 
Karmine. Gwinladin is revealed as a traitor but Karmine turns him into a 
monster, Glor. Kalkanor and Ramal are defeated by him so you fight him. After 
the battle you return to the Holy Shrine where Aruvin gives you Gabriel. Then 
back to God's Tower
(Miracle sword, Miracle shield, Miracle armour, Spinach snack x2, Snoozeweed, 
Fire ring, Peach potion). The ordinary enemies in here are bad enough but the 
bosses are real killers. The only good news is that there is a rest place along 
some blue steps just before the first boss. Put on your Ring of Calm, fight 
Anzo, receive Dark Cross, save. Climb higher, fight Lanzo/Ranzi, receive Holy 
Cross, go back and save. Climb higher. 
Before you climb the grey steps, equip the Freedom Ring and use items to make 
sure that you (but not Baby) are at full strength.
Karmine has mortally wounded Celestia, Baby's mother, to find the sealed Xizan 
but he is in Baby. Karmine orders all the Artema cult members to mutate. 
Darkbeat and Ibkee arrive but lose to Karmine. Then you step forward to 
challenge him. This is a tricky battle as you are without Baby, and Karmine can 
paralyze you; without the Freedom Ring you will probably die. After you defeat 
him, Celestia revives Baby and he flies you out. God's Tower is destroyed as 
Xizan revives.

Part 4 - The Destiny
You wake up in a strange place called Picard (Verseus, Full plate, Great sword, 
Steel shield) where Darkbeat asks you to get the Holy Armour and gives you the 
Warp Gate Key. You need to find four books in the library for information.
(After this you can fly anywhere on Baby and you can use the Warp Gates, so go 
back to all the places that you have already visited. Then go on the quest for 
the Holy Armour. I would suggest doing the Tree and the Kerple Cave first as 
Castle Ryan and the Nord Temple are difficult).
Equip your Water Ring, defeat all the gargoyles and have a rest. Then take on 
the sorcerer Org and a very nasty dragon called Velmine. After the battle you 
will get Generosity from the King and Dr Snooze from the recruiter.
Re-equip at Bonik's - the Platinum equipment is the best in the game and you 
should have plenty of money.
Kisa Canyon:
(Cheeseburger, Attack sword, Spinach snack, Ninja). Equip your Heat Ring and 
fight the Holy Dragon. After the battle you find D'Artagnan.
(Mermaid, caught by the fisherman, Frooze in the snowman).
Rescue Marco from the Artema Cult. After the wedding he will give you Marilyn.
Go to the cult temple after rescuing Marco and defeat the gargoyle. Now you can 
open the chest (Championo).
Zed Harbour:
Defeat the gargoyles and their leader, Bosmie and receive Cheergirl from the 
Governor after the battle.
Carmathen Mine:
(Voodoodoll from miner)
Den Heldar:
(Sermone from Detective Longnose)
Rogo's Cave:
Nord Temple:
(Frostall, Draken, Obro armour, Wind ring, Obro shield, Aztec sword). This cave 
is a nightmare as all the enemies have special attacks. The best item to wear is 
the Heat Ring to prevent freezing. After you defeat the blue Guardian, you 
receive the Holy Shield.
Kerple Cave:
After defeating the red Guardian, you receive the Holy Helmet.
Castle Ryan:
(Dark plate, Dr. Gas, Confuso, Dark shield, Spinach snack x2, Dark sword, 
Freakz, Classique, Sick weed, Earth ring, Toadstool x2, Cheeseburger, Assassin). 
Equip your Ring of Calm and make your way downstairs to talk to the owl. Then 
press the red switches and fight the purple Guardian. Receive the Holy Sword.
Denime Great Tree:
After defeating the green Guardian, you receive the Holy Armour.
When you have found 68 Living Toys go back to Zeppetto's house and he will give 
you his final masterpiece, Legend. Return to Orgo and have a rest in your house. 
Hey presto! The 70th Living Toy will appear (Peacemaker).

Part 5 - Last Battle
When you have got all the Holy Armour, go back to Picard and save. Then talk to 
Darkbeat. The armour doesn't fit him so you try it on and are immediately 
transported to the Throne of the Holy Warrior. You have to defeat Darwin and he 
can then send you to face Xizan. Make sure you have plenty of Peach potions. 
When Darwin shoots you into the sky, you meet Karmine who is now a monster and 
Darkbeat and Ibkee fight him again. Xizan appears in the distance and Nehani 
talks to you.
You have to fight Xizan three times. The first time hack at him until Baby tries 
to attract your attention. Talk to him and choose Guardian. He will transform 
and use Seal and then Final Charge. Hooray, you've won. But no. At the start of 
the next battle, use Timeout to get back to full strength and then hit him again 
(try using Draken and D'Artagnan). Eventually he will cast Armageddon and you 
die. Oh no. Nehani uses Solomon's Ring and you both revive with full HP and Pp. 
Final battle (try Draken and D'Artagnan again). You win!! Watch the end credits 
to find out what happens to everyone - not a dry eye in the house.
Living Toys:
Some of the Toys are not available until after the destruction of God's Tower. 
Be warned that if the description says everyone or all it may include your party 
as well as the enemy.
	ANGEL	Heals party greatly				Kuldo Cave
	ASSASSIN	Uses machine gun after 3 turns	Castle Ryan
	AVALANCHE	Causes Earth damage				Rogo's Cave, part 4
	BARON	Turns 10 % of your damage to Rb	Zed Harbour
	CHAMPIONO	Takes 1/2 of Pp to punch			Gamar, cult temple
	CHEERGIRL	Increases Off power				Zed Harbour, from 
Governor after							battle	
	CLASSIQUE	Puts everyone to sleep			Castle Ryan	
	CLERICY	Keeps refreshing HP with wand		Kuldo Cave
	CONFUSO	Confuses everyone				Castle Ryan	
	CONTRIBUTOR	Inflicts damage using Rb 20		Isten. Richten's house
	CUPID	Heals party a little				One of the first
	D'ARTAGNAN	Causes damage with silver spear	Kisa Canyon. After 
defeating Holy 							Dragon
	DA BOMB	Explodes in 3 turns, defensible	Kell
	DARK CROSS	Eliminates everyones Light		God's Tower
	DARK POSTLE	Causes Darkness damage to all		One of the first
	DITCHMOBILE	Adds temporary Agility			Jungo for naming the baby
	DOUWNER	Reduces Off and Def power		North Tower
	DR GAS	Blows poison gas on everyone		Castle Ryan
	DR SNOOZE	Puts group to sleep				Trisken from 
recruiter after battle	
	DRAKEN	Takes 1/2 of everyones HP		Nord Temple	
	FOREMAN	Go back to entrance for 2pp		Kuldo Cave
	FOREMAN	(Battle) Causes damage with hand drill	
	FREAKZ	Terrorises everyone				Castle Ryan
	FREUD	Puts 1 target to sleep			Kuldo Cave
	FROOZE	Turns one into a block of ice		Penguii, from snowman
	FROSTALL	Freezes everyone				Nord Temple
	GABRIEL	Fully heals party				Holy shrine. From Aruvin
	GENEROSITY	Offers surprise gift if you win		Trisken. Gift from 
King after monsters 						destroyed
	HEAL BAT	Sucks blood from enemy, heals Knight	Zed Harbour
	HOBO JOE	Steals items from enemy			Kerple Cave
	HOLY CROSS	Eliminates everyones Darkness		God's Tower
	HORNET	Poisons one target				Denvrado when you 
buy the record	
	INSECTORFLY	Lowers ones Def power			Den Heldar
	JUPITER	Causes Light damage to everyone	One of the first
	KIMONI	Restores some HP				Isten
	LEGEND	Zeppetto's final masterpiece		Zeppetto's house, get
						68 LTs				
	MAPSTER	Displays world map				Coastal Inn. From Mr 
	MAPSTER	(Battle) Causes damage with spinning globe
	MARILYN	Fully restores ones HP			Isten, from Marco after 
	MERMAID	Causes Water damage			Penguii, from fisherman	
	MI ARMOUR	Adds armour power to current Def	Jungo lighthouse
	MINER	Uses 2pp to dig for rubies		Carmarthen. In mine
	MINER	(Battle) Causes damage using pickaxe	
	MINICAR	Slams one target				Zed Harbour
	MOSSMAN	Lowers ones Off power			North Tower
	MR MCNEAL	Uses baton as lethal weapon		Kell. From Elder after 
defeating the 							Mushmare
	MUDSY	Lowers ones speed				Kerple in Chief's hut
	NINJA	Uses secret ninja moves 			Kisa Canyon	
	NURSE	Revitalizes HP with injection		One of the first
	PEACEMAKER	Abilities unknown				Knight's house, Orgo, 
after getting 							Legend
	PHOENIX	Returns all to normal condition		Kell Cave
	PIPPANIC	Confuses one target				Kerple Cave
	PSYCHODOC	Turns 20 Hp into 10 Pp			Kuldo Cave
	PYRO	Causes Fire damage				One of the first
	RESETTER	Rewinds to beginning of combat		Great Tree	
	RINGSIDER	Gives play by play of the battle		Jungo. From Pengie
	SACRIBAT	Sacrifices one LT to attack all enemiesTrisken. Bell tower	
	SAMURAI	Returns LT to Knight, joins attack	Kerple storehouse
	SERMONE	Revives one when knocked out		Den Heldar. From Detective 
	STARE	Gives birds eye view of town		Trisken. Outside abandoned house 
far 							south
	STARE	(Battle) Causes damage with sight rays	
	SUMODE	Body attacks all enemies			Ruval Cave
	TARANTULA	Spits poison onto target party		Trisken from Jadik 
the watchmaker
	TERROROID	Terrifies one target				Zephyr. On deck 
during 2nd voyage
	TIMEOUT	Prevents all damage for 3 turns		Kell Cave. After 
defeating Galestork
	TOUGHWALL	Protects one as a shield			North Tower
	VAMPIRE	Uses 10% of Knights HP to attack	Zed Harbour
	VEGAS	Press your luck with 3 effects		North Tower
	VERSEUS	Makes everyone suffer double damage	Picard	
	VIPER	Paralyzes target with blow dart	One of the first
	VOODOODOLL	Voodoo works every 4th time		Carmarthen Mine
	WALKBOMB	Damage according to distance walked	Kell Cave
	WHYME	Everyone will want to attack Whyme	Coastal Inn
	WINDMEISTER	Causes Wind damage				Den Heldar. From 
Mayor after rescue

Keep on getting lost in Picard ? This should help
N - Blue - where you woke up + treasure chest
NE - Turquoise - restroom
E - green - two Picardians
SE - lime green - where Nehani and Baby were
S - amber - warp gates
SW - red - treasure chest
W - pink - library
NW - purple - Darkbeat and Ibkee

Warp gates:
N - entrance
NE - Galik's House, Carmarthen
E - west of Denvrado
SE - near God's Tower
S - Jungo
SW - east of Den Heldar
W - near Trisken
NW - Kell