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Guardian's Crusade (e)

| Game   : Guardian's Crusade [Tamsoft/Activision]			       |
| Genre  : Adventure RPG						       |
| Type   : Complete List of 70 Living Toys FAQ				       |
| Author : Nathan Prima Suwanto [aka Blue Dragon]			       |
| Time   : 05 April 1999 15:00 GMT					       | 

Living Toys are special kinds of device made by Professor Zeppetto to help 
humans on their work (like robots, right ?). There are 70 Living Toys spread 
everywhere on the world. I have provided a table about them below.

On normal game screen, some of them can be used for purposes like Map, Digging, 
Birds-Eye View, etc.

On combat screen, all of them will be usable, either on Healing or Attacking.

There are 3 kinds of Living Toys :
1. Continuous
   They will stay with you all time on the battle and will return once they're 
   knocked down.

2. Multiple
   They can be used multiple times but you must recall them. Usually the healing 

3. Single
   They can only be used once per combat.

And the real advantage, they cannot die or destroyed. When they're knocked down 
in a battle, they will return to you and will be usable on the next battle.

The Living Toys menu will be active after you activate Mr. O' Neil on Chief 
Kell's house. Your level also determines the power of your Living Toys (it means 
Higher Level = Higher Attacking Power ).

The whereabouts here is just plain information of the places, I'll give you the 
exact details in the walkthrough itself.

01 - Name  : Angel
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Heals Hero and Baby greatly (half Maximum HP) [20 PP]
     Where : Kuldo Shrine at lava dungeon below

02 - Name  : Assassin (Mr. O Neal with a machine gun !!)
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Fires machine gun which can blow enemy away in 1 hit (if hit) after 
             3 turns (he needs time to reload, you know) [2 PP]
     Where : Castle Ryan - Beside the Owl underground floor.

03 - Name  : Avalanche
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attack 1 enemy - Earth Damage [2 PP]
     Where : Old Man Rogo's Cave near Zed Harbor. CHAPTER 5.

04 - Name  : Baron
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Change 10% of your damage (damage the enemy inflicts to you) to 
             Rubies. If the enemy don't hit you, no use. [2 PP]
     Where : Zed Harbor's Governor House - Second Floor.
     Note  : You must try to open chest four times. The 4th try will open it.

05 - Name  : Championo
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Punch all enemy away (in my case he inflicts 9999 damage - 254 hit 
             combo) using HALP OF YOUR MAX PP !! [1/2 of Maximum PP]
     Where : Garam. CHAPTER 5.

06 - Name  : Cheergirl
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Boosts your attack power [2 PP]
     Where : Zed Harbor. After fighting Gargoyle.

07 - Name  : Classique
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Gives SLEEP effect to everyone (including You & Baby) [2 PP]
     Where : Castle Ryan - Southeast Second Floor.

08 - Name  : Clericy
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Heals your HP a little every turn [3 PP]
     Where : Kuldo Shrine - West Wing

09 - Name  : Confuso
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Gives CONFUSED effect to everyone (including You & Baby) [2 PP]
     Where : Castle Ryan - Northeast Second Floor

10 - Name  : Contributor
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks enemy with 20 Ruby (Great Amount of Damage !) [5 PP]
     Where : Isten - Richten's House after you lose to Darkbeat

11 - Name  : Cupid
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Heals Hero and Baby a little (1/3 Maximum HP) [10 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

12 - Name  : D'Artagnan
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks enemy with a silver spear (in my opinion, the correct word 
             is a Lance, not a Spear...) [20 PP]
     Where : Kisa Canyon

13 - Name  : Da Bomb
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Explodes after 3 turns. Attacks everyone including You & Baby. But 
             you won't be damaged if you defend it. [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

14 - Name  : Dark Cross
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Reduces everyone's Defense to Light/Holy Elemental (even if you're 
             wearing Light Elemental Armor) [2 PP]
     Where : God's Tower - After fighting Anzo

15 - Name  : Dark Postle
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attack everyone including You & Baby - Dark Elemental [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

16 - Name  : Ditchmobile
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Increases agility for some time [2 PP]
     Where : Jungo - From the couple beside Inn

17 - Name  : Douwner
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Reduces attack and defense power [2 PP]
     Where : North Tower - West Wing

18 - Name  : Dr. Gas
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Gives POISON effect to everyone including You & Baby [2 PP]
     Where : Castle Ryan - Northwest Second Floor

19 - Name  : Dr. Snooze
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives SLEEP effect to enemy's group [4 PP]
     Where : Trisken - Talk to man on entrance and join test

20 - Name  : Draken
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Lowers everyone's HP to half their Max HP [4 PP]
     Where : Nord Temple

21 - Name  : Foreman
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : o Go back to dungeon entrance (normal mode) [2 PP]
             o Attacks with a hand driller (combat mode) [2 PP]
     Where : Kuldo Shrine - West Wing

22 - Name  : Freakz
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Gives TERROR effect to everyone including You & Baby [2 PP]
     Where : Castle Ryan - Southwest Second Floor

23 - Name  : Freud
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Give SLEEP effect to 1 enemy [2 PP]
     Where : Kuldo Shrine - West Wing

24 - Name  : Frooze
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Covers 1 enemy with a block of ice [15 PP]
     Where : Penguii (North Pole Town)

25 - Name  : Frostall
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Covers everyone with a block of ice [2 PP]
     Where : Nord Temple

26 - Name  : Gabriel
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Fully heals You & Baby (Max HP man !!) [50 PP]
     Where : Holy Shrine - Given by Aruvin

27 - Name  : Generosity
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Gives you a gift when you win a battle (Ruby or Item) [2 PP]
     Where : Trisken. CHAPTER 5.

28 - Name  : Heal Bat
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Transfers HP from enemy to You (adds your HP with the amount the 
             enemy is damaged) [10 PP]
     Where : Zed Harbor - Church of Artema

29 - Name  : Hobo Joe
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Steals items from the enemy [2 PP]
     Where : Temple of Yugonga (Kerple)

30 - Name  : Holy Cross
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Reduces everyone's Defense to Dark Elemental (even if you're 
             wearing Dark Elemental Armor) [2 PP]
     Where : God's Tower - After fighting Lanzo

31 - Name  : Hornet
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives POISON effect to 1 enemy [2 PP]
     Where : Denvrado - Buy Record (1000 Ruby)

32 - Name  : Insectorfly
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Reduces 1 enemy's Defensive power [2 PP]
     Where : Den Heldar - Someone throws it at you when you try to enter his 

33 - Name  : Jupiter
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks everyone including You & Baby - Holy Elemental [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

34 - Name  : Kimoni
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Heals some of your HP (1/2 Maximum HP) [10 PP]
     Where : Isten - Behind a house

35 - Name  : Legend
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks enemy with "Legend Dash". Zeppetto's Last Creation of 
             Living Toys [50 PP]
     Where : Zeppetto's House - Talk to him after getting 68 Living Toys

36 - Name  : Mapster
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : o Displays Guardian Crusade World Map  (normal screen) [0 PP]
             o Attacks the enemy with a spin attack (combat screen) [2 PP]
     Where : Coastal Inn - Given by the old man

37 - Name  : Marilyn
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Fully heals your HP [20 PP]
     Where : Isten. Chapter 5. Given by Carmen & Marco

38 - Name  : Mermaid
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks 1 enemy - Water Elemental [2 PP]
     Where : Penguii (North Pole Town)

39 - Name  : Mi Armour
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Raises Defensive power [2 PP]
     Where : Jungo - Top of lighthouse

40 - Name  : Miner
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : - Dig the ground for Rubies (normal screen) [2 PP]
             - Attacks the enemy with ax (combat screen) [2 PP]
     Where : Mines in Carmarthen

41 - Name  : Minicar
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Kills one target instantly if successfully rammed [2 PP]
     Where : Zed Harbor - Behind boxes in harbor
42 - Name  : Mossman
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Reduces 1 enemy's Attacking power [2 PP]
     Where : North Tower - Secret passage 

43 - Name  : Mr. O'Neil
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks enemy using batons as lethal weapon [2 PP]
     Where : Kell - Given by Leader of Kellians

44 - Name  : Mudsy
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Decreases enemy's agility [2 PP]
     Where : Kerple Village - Chief House

45 - Name  : Ninja
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks enemy using Ninja Styles (cool !) [2 PP]
     Where : Kisa Canyon

46 - Name  : Nurse
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Heals your HP a little (1/3 Maximum HP) [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

47 - Name  : Peacemaker
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Attacks You,Baby and all enemies (in my case it does 9999 damage 
             256-hit combo) leaving Your HP and Baby's HP to 1 [All PP]
     Where : Your house - Sleep after getting Legend
48 - Name  : Phoenix
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Removes all status effects [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear - Go north before fighting the Bird

49 - Name  : Pippanic
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives CONFUSED effect to one enemy [2 PP]
     Where : Temple of Yugonga

50 - Name  : Psychodoc
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Converts 20 HP into 10 PP [2 PP]
     Where : Kuldo Shrine - West Wing

51 - Name  : Pyro
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks one enemy - Fire Elemental [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

52 - Name  : Resetter
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Restart to the beginning of the combat [20 PP]
     Where : Denime Cave (Tree Stump Dungeon)

53 - Name  : Ringsider
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Acts as a reporter who reports turns by turns of combat [2 PP]
     Where : Jungo - Given by the little penguin

54 - Name  : Sacribat
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Returns one Living Toy to you to Attack All Enemies [20 PP]
     Where : Top of bell tower in Trisken

55 - Name  : Samurai
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Returns all Living Toys to you and Attacks one enemy using a skill 
             called "Edo Blade" [10 PP]
     Where : Temple of Yugonga - cave behind Yugonga

56 - Name  : Sermone
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Revives You or Baby when knocked down by enemy [50 PP]. You must 
             use this toy before killed.
     Where : Den Heldar. CHAPTER 5. Talk to the detective

57 - Name  : Stare
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : - Gives top down view of your location from above (normal) [0 PP]
             - Attacks one enemy with eye laser rays           (combat) [2 PP]
     Where : A house located Southeast from Trisken

58 - Name  : Sumode
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Wipes out all enemies if successfully hit [2 PP]
     Where : Cave where you fight Ruval - West Wall

59 - Name  : Tarantula
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives POISON effect to all enemies [2 PP]
     Where : Trisken - Given by a man you helped in North Tower

60 - Name  : Terroroid
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives TERROR effect to one enemy [2 PP]
     Where : At the deck side (front end) of Zephyr Vessel.

61 - Name  : Timeout
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Everyone becomes invincible for 3 turns. Useful when you want to 
             heal up or prepare a bomb/machine gun [5 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear - From the Bird's Nest after combat

62 - Name  : Toughwall
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Protects somebody, preventing any damage occur to him [4 PP]
     Where : North Tower

63 - Name  : Vampire
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Damages you and all enemies by 10% of your Max HP [5 PP]
     Where : Zed Harbor - Artema Church upstairs, talk to follower
     Note  : It will keep draining 10% of your max HP, if your HP is lower than 
             10%, kill him or use Samurai/Sacribat, else you will die

64 - Name  : Vegas
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Changes your LUCK according to the 3 effects [2 PP]
     Where : North Tower

65 - Name  : Verseus
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Weakens everyone so they would receive double damage [2 PP]
     Where : Picard - On the room you are awaken

66 - Name  : Viper
     Type  : Multiple
     Use   : Gives PARALYZE status to one enemy [5 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

67 - Name  : Voodoodoll
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Kills one enemy every 4 turns [4 PP]
     Where : Carmarthen Mines. CHAPTER 5.

68 - Name  : Walkbomb
     Type  : Single
     Use   : Explodes, damage is based on how far you have walked [2 PP]
     Where : Cave of Fear

69 - Name  : Whyme
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attracts everyone to attack him (as a bait/decoy) [4 PP]
     Where : Coastal Inn. CHAPTER 5.

70 - Name  : Windmeister
     Type  : Continuous
     Use   : Attacks one enemy - Wind Elemental [2 PP]
     Where : Den Heldar - Talk to mayor after rescuing him in North Tower

For comments, suggestions, corrections, contact me at :
E-Mail =>
ICQ    => UIN :13520752. Nickname : Shin-Ku

| Copyrighted Work of Nathan Prima Suwanto (Blue Dragon) 1999 |
| This FAQ should not be used for commercial purposes.        |

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