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Guardian's Crusade (e)

                  G U A R D I A N ' S
                    C R U S A D E


a) Chapter 1 : Departure
You begin the game in bed, until your fairy friend
Nehani wakes you up. Throughout the game, Nehani acts
as your advisor (and your conscience!). Just press
the Square button if you want to talk to her. She also
contributes a little in battle - slight healing with
Pixie Dust, and a tight slap that does rubbish damage.

You get an option to rename yourself here. It's a
good idea too, since KNIGHT does sound rather lame for
a hero name. Nehani will inform you that you have to
talk to the elder. Do so - the elder's house is at the
top right.

After talking to the elder, you find out that you need
to bring a letter to the nearby town of Santa Claria.
Before you leave, poke around town and talk to
everyone (usual RPG advice, really). Talk to Mary at
the bridge on the west exit of town to get a candy bar
(restores 30 HP). You can get two old toys in the upper
left house, next to a guy named Algo. At the extreme
lower right an old man is looking for a blue kitten.
Visit the farmhouse on the southwest of town to find
another old toy behind all the gears.

Once you proceed out of town, you'll start bumping
into monsters. It's a good idea to build some levels
now - just up to level 3 or 4. When you reach the fork,
head left into Santa Clara. Here, you can rest at the
inn for free. There's a treasure chest in the house on
the upper left of the beach, and the other houses can
be explored for the fun of it (check Nehani's sometimes
funny responses!). When you're done fooling around, get
to the elder's house (the largest one in the upper part
of town). Look at the bookshelves for a laugh, then
chat with the elder. Once that is done, can head
back to your town, Olgo.

On your way back, you will have your first encounter
with Baby, that cute little pink thing you see by the
bridge. A mysterious man with rabbit ears (I'm not
kidding!) will appear and tell you to take Baby to the
God's Tower. Then Baby will start following you. Talk
to the elder, who will suggest that you leave Baby in
the cave near Grave Road. So get over there!

Grave Road is right of the fork leading to Santa
Clara. Be sure to fight a lot here - you will need the
experience. Make sure the monsters are running from
you by the time you find a bridge (they will be white
in color). Actually, this is the basic rule of the
game - fight until the monsters start avoiding you,
then you should be strong enough to move on. Across
the bridge you will meet some pretty strong enemies.
Kill as much as you can, then leave Baby at the cave
exit. Return to town and rest.

That night, you'll get a dream that is a repeat of
the Rabbit-man's chat. After seeing it again, you
make up your mind to go rescue Baby (not much of a
choice there, really). Return back to the caves. If
you got the guts to go in, you will fight some
really tough monsters, particularly the Bearephant,
who can cause some serious damage. Make sure you are
very high-leveled before attempting to proceed
further. Fight a little and retreat to Santa Clara
to rest and restock on Candy Bars. Once you make
level 8 or 9, explore the caves. At the first
junction, go up for an old toy, and the go back and
take the other route. Take the chest here for a
Bronze Shield and a toy (why are there toys all over
a monster-infested dungeon?). Proceed. At the next
junction, go up. Here you will meet some even more
ridiculously powerful monsters; watch out for the
Thornsaurus! Try to avoid them and grab that chest
for an iron sword. Go up into the dead end for
another chest containing (you guessed it!) an old
toy. Return back to the fork and go right.

You will find yourself in Kell, a town of peaceful
monsters. Before you know it, you get bummed into
fighting a monster in exchange for Baby's whereabouts.
Before you do fight Mushmare, use the (free) inn and
buy some supplies. By the way, if you try searching
for stuff in the item shop, you'll end up being forced
to buy them! Look around the other tents for some
extra items if needed, then proceed into the shed. For
all the trouble, Mushmare is actually a wimp -
assuming you are level 10 and above. Just keep hitting
him and he'll go down without much trouble. Now go
back and talk to the Elder. You eventually pick up
your first living toy of the game, Mr. O'Neal. He will
awaken all your other toys, and the elder will tell
you that there is one more in the shed. Go back and
pick that up, then search the shed for more treasures
if you want. You should now have a fair number of
living toys by now:

Mr. O'Neil - Whacks enemy with baton
- He may be the first living toy, but he sure is
  the weakest! His baton attacks do crummy damage.

Pyro - Use fire attacks
- This guy does some pretty good damage every round
  - probably your best toy for quite a while.

Cupid - Heals part a little
- Pretty important early in the game. Heals both
  Knight and Baby slightly.

Nurse - Heals one character slightly
- It's cheaper to use than Cupid.

Da Bomb - Explodes in 3 turns
- Blows up after summoning in three turns. Be careful
  that YOU get as much serious damage as your enemies!
  However, blocking prevents the damage. Use it only
  if you have a well-disciplined Baby (who will obey
  your Defend command), or you'll end up knocking him
  out as well as the enemy. Unless he's already down,
  that is.

Dark Postle - Dark Damage to All
- Does dark element attacks. EVERYONE suffers damage,
  even you, and this time you can't block it!

Jupiter - Light Damage to All
- Same as Dark Postle, but does light element attacks

Viper - Paralyzes
- Launches a paralyzing dart at the enemy.

Once you continue deeper into the inner caves, look to
the south walls to find a cave containing a living toy
Phoenix. Further up you'll find another living toy,
Walkbomb, and even further up, a candy bar.

Phoenix - Restores normal conditions
- A vital living toy, really. Don't leave this cave
  without it!

Walkbomb - Damage based on distance walked
- Does surprisingly good damage. However, the meter of
  distance walked resets each time you use it, so use
  it sparingly.

You'll eventually encounter a well-fed baby, a lot of
broken eggshells, and a very pissed mama bird. Yep,
another boss battle. This one isn't too tough; toss
in Da Bomb and Pyro, and they'll pretty much do the
job for you. Just remember to block on the 3rd round!
You'll pick up a living toy, Timeout, after the
battle. After a few scenes, you'll end up in an inn,
and after another few scenes, get introduced to the
merchant Bonik. You then pick up another living toy,
Mapster, after that. After yet another scene, you can
now name Baby by talking to the innkeeper's wife. Then,
you will finally be able to use Baby in battle, even
though he isn't too effective as yet. Now head north,
then east, to Isten.

Timeout - Prevents damage for 3 turns
- Prevents anyone from doing any damage for three
  rounds - if you need take a break and heal your
  party this is a useful way of doing it. Also,
  tossing Da Bomb after using Timeout, then one
  other toy of your choice, then defend for a nasty
  chain of toy attacks!

Mapster - Enhances map, attacks in battle
- Not all that useful, since you already have a map in
  the manual. During battle he's even more useless,
  with his rubbish spin attack that shaves one-digit
  damages off the enemy.


b) Chapter 2 : The Journey
After almost arriving to town, and listening to an
argument, you eventually find yourself duped into
fighting for a man named Richten as a stand-in to help
your new friend Bonik. After you are free to go, look
around town. You'll encounter the strange monster Ibkee
and her brother Darkbeat for the first time. You find
out your opponent will be Darkbeat. Look around the
back of the building in the lower left for a living toy

Kimoni - Heals 1 character
- Just what it says. Heals a little more than Cupid, but
  only for one person.

Search the furthest south for a decent Buccaneer Mail.
It has protection against light element attacks. You
also get to bet on who will win, but you'll lose no
matter who you bet on (you'll find out after the match
why). Also, in Marco's house, check the closet to
"receive" something from Nehani. Once you are ready,
rest at the inn, and the next day the battle begins.
The battle itself is pretty one-sided - you'll be down
before you can do anything! After the battle, talk to
Marco for some extra Rubies, and return to Richten's
house for another living toy, the Contributor. Seems
to fit Richten's personality, too.

Contributor - Throws money (20Rb) at enemy
- Sounds a little like something out of Final Fantasy?
  Well, money does hurt, apparently. Does the best
  damage for 20Rb per blow.

After this, head south and east to Zed Harbor, and fight
as much monsters as possible along the way. Baby should
be going up levels at every fight. Let him go up to
level 8 or 9 by the time you enter Zed Harbor.

At Zed Harbor, do the usual RPG stuff - talk to people
for info, buy supplies, rest at the inn. You can play
the piano twice at the cafe for an item from the
audience - interesting, since there isn't any audience!
At the house with all the Artema worshippers, talk to
the worshipper upstairs for a Vampire toy, then talk to
the man at the bookshelf, and then search the shelf
behind him for another living toy Heal Bat.

Vampire - Uses HP to attack
- The most useless toy? Close enough. It does the
  same damage as 10% of your HP, which is probably
  to low for most battles anyway. And you lose HP
  for that too!

Heal Bat - Sucks HP from enemy
- Doesn't suck very much from the opponent, doesn't
  restore much for you too.

In the Governor's home, search the flower pot in the
corner of the room with the Governor for a Buccaneer
Sword. In the second floor, search the chest a few
times to open it and get another living toy, Baron.

Baron - Turns 10% of your damage to money
- The opposite of the Contributor, I suppose. If you
  are really in need of money, and don't mind getting
  yourself hurt...

Then, head to the harbor area in the South. Search the
large cannon for a Tower Shield, and the crates East
of the cannon for a Bug. Open the chest there for yet
another living toy, the Minicar.

Minicar - Rams one enemy
- Kills enemy outright if hit. Misses most of the time,

Now head into the ticketing office to meet Bonik again.
You'll find out he's just bought the last ticket. Now
go talk to the Governor and you'll get your next quest
- a beast emerald for the ticket! Walk by the port
again to bump into another group of recurring NPCs -
Kalkanor, Ramal and Gwinladin. After the little scene,
leave town and head for the cave in the West. The old
man Rogo mistakes you as his assistant, and sends you
off to deliver an slate to Galik in Carmarthen. Before
you go, search the boxes beside his house for a
strange bug, then search the western tunnel for a
snoozeweed on the wall. Then, you can go into his house
to buy some items from a merchant if you want - that's
the only chance you get to buy cheaper stuff for a
while. Okay, time to go on! By the way, it's best to
have Knight and Baby both above level 15 - monsters
after the cave are tough!

There isn't much at Carmarthen to explore. Locate the
house of Galik, which is a Southwest of town, and
you'll find out he isn't in. Go into the mine to find
a living toy, Miner.

Miner - Dig for Rubies
- You can get rich using this fellow real quick,
  assuming you've got decent luck. Does okay damage
  during battle later in the game.

Now leave town and head over to the west and find your
way across the swamps to the old shrine. Warning : do
not enter until Knight and Baby is above level 19 or
you will get creamed. It's a good idea to have to good
armor too. Rotate the camera a little at the entrance
to spot a lost merchant - he'll let you rest and save,
which is a good idea. Also a good idea is to learn
some transformations (assuming Baby is in a good mood)
- you can learn from Psychocat, Fatal Frog and Treead.

Going right on the first junction (west), rotate your
camera angle a little to spot a treasure chest
containing a living toy, Psychodoc

Psychodoc - Turns 20HP into 10PP
- Not really that good an exchange, really, and
  quite a waste of one fighting round.

Another chest on the right contains a Peach Potion.
At the west junction, you can find a large room with
two boxes containing candy bars. Then, search the
chest in the center for the living toy, Foreman.
The chest'll then attack you. it's a tough
monster, be careful!

Foreman - Attacks, escapes from dungeon
- Does pathetic damage in battle, just like Mr.
  O'Neil. But, more importantly, you can use him to
  warp back to the entrance, very vital!

If you go through the room here, you'll find another
junction - go south for a okay-ish Kuldian Armor,
then go north for two other living toys, Freud and

Freud - Sends enemy to sleep
- Useful? Not really.

Clericy - Keeps healing
- Heals little bits each round - think Regen of 
  Final Fantasy.

Now go back to the main junction. At the junction 
you can take either the east or south, either way 
you will reach a series of caves with strong 
monsters. In one side cave, you will find the all 
important living toy, Angel. You can also pick up 
a cheeseburger along the way.

Angel - Heals a lot of HP for the party
- Very very useful but somewhat expensive in PP 
  usage. Use sparingly.

At the end of it, look to the west for a crummy 
Sword of Might, then go inside the red doorway. 
You will encounter Kalkanor and gang and witness 
them defeating a monster. After they take the 
emerald and leave, you can go fight the monster
again - it's a tough fight, I recommend using 
Pyro and simple just hit him hard - and you'll 
get a pretty good White Shield in return.

Now return to Galik's house and hand over the 
slate - you'll find out it's a part of a broken 
warp gate key. Nothing very useful to you. You 
can find a bubblegum in Galik's machine and a 
Spinach Snack in the strange treasure chest 
upstairs, but other than that, there's nothing
really left to do here. Go back to Zed Harbor, 
and go to the Governor's house. You will meet 
Kalkanor again, and find out that the rock you 
picked up after saving Baby from the giant 
bird is actually one of the holy relics needed 
to "save the world". You exchange it for 

In the ship Zepher, search the phonograph in the 
captain's room for a toadstool, then go down
below deck to rest and save. Then walk around 
and chat with a few familiar faces. At the 
lowest deck, you can find a peach potion in the 
chest and an apple in the sack. Then go back to 
your room and rest and you'll arrive in Jungo. 
You'll find a happy couple here - talk to the 
man and you'll get a chance to name his son - 
toss in anything you want, and you'll pick up a
new living toy, the Ditchmobile. Also, talk to 
the yellow penguin (..? What's a penguin doing
here in the tropics?) Pengie for another living 
toy, Ringsider.

Ditchmobile - Raises Agility
- You can easily "ditch" the enemy with this.

Ringsider - Gives play by play of battle
- Just what exactly is the use of this toy?

In a house near the cafe, go downstairs for a
bug and a bean (..?). Now leave town and try 
to learn a transformation from Zakra. For some 
reason, when I fought them, Baby will repeated 
use transformations. Maybe he really hate 
plants? You can take a stroll up to the 
lighthouse in the southeast of the island and 
climb up for yet another living toy, Mi Armour.

Mi Armour - Raises Defense
- A very important toy - especially when you
  are fighting bosses.

Once you are done, return to the ship. It 
starts to rain now, go to the front of the ship 
for a new toy, Terroroid. By the way, notice 
your luck is now at Awful? 

Terroroid - Scares enemy
- Boo! Well, I've never found him useful, but 
  maybe that's just how I play these games.

Return below deck, hang around for a while, 
then go back up - Baby will become seasick. You 
take him up for some air, then you'll end up 
seeing an impressive CG clip before being 
tossed into the sea. You'll end up being 
separated from Baby, on the island of Kerple 
(wow, that's a long way to drift). Go to the 
center of the village to find out about Baby's 
fate, then go to the chief's hut for a living
toy, Mudsy.

Mudsy - Slows enemy
- Useful only if you're trying to run from the

There's also a barrel here which will give you 
one ruby each time you search - but it'll take 
a long time to amass anything decent, so just 
go kill a monster if you need the cash, okay?
Anyway, by now you should have figured out that 
you need to kill the tribal god Yugonga if 
you're gonna save Baby's pink hide. Talk to 
EVERYONE in the village, then go in the shrine 
(you can't go in if you haven't talked to 
everyone yet).You should be at level 25 and 
above. Along the way you will pick up yet 
another living toy, Pippanic.

Pippanic - Confuses one enemy
- Just what it says.

Further along the same passage you can find a 
cleverly-hidden Crystal Armor. Why they would 
hide it is beyond me, however. After that, 
another cave with a Cheeseburger and a Peach 
Potion. Then it's Yugonga time. You should be 
level 27 or above to fight him. Use Timeout, 
Da Bomb, Contributor in that order, then 
defend all the way and you would win without
lifting a muscle on him! Tribal God indeed. 
On beating Yugonga, warp back out to town and 
Baby will be freed. You can now pick up another 
living toy at the storage hut, Samurai. You 
will also get the Chester Flute. Before you 
leave the island, return back to the spot where 
you fought Yugonga, then go into the west 
passage. It's a good idea to get some 
experience for Baby - he should be pitifully 
weak compared to you at the moment. There's a
chest here with a rather naff Crystal Shield, 
but spin your camera a little to spot another 
chest - it contains the living toy Hobo Joe - 
the chest is actually a mimic, but you 
shouldn't be even breaking a sweat by now.

Samurai - Returns LT, joins attack
- Powerful, but takes away all other living
  toys when he appears. What an entrance!
  Summon him FIRST if you want to use him
  for battle, but I think 10PP is a little
  too expensive.

Hobo Joe - Steal Items 
- You can get some pretty good items from
  stronger monsters later in the game.

There's a pretty beam of light at the north
passage, but it doesn't do anything other than 
being pretty at the moment. Return to town and
head to the nearest beach. 


c) Chapter 3 : Wider Worlds
You'll meet perhaps the strangest form of sea travel 
ever in an RPG - say hello to Chester the Water Bug! 
He's also, unfortunately, the slowest sea travel ever 
in an RPG - it's really painful especially when you
need to travel from one point on the map halfway 
across the world.

You now have the freedom to go to a lot of 
places. I went to the nearest town of Den 
Heldar. Check those houses - in one of them, 
someone will throw a living toy, Insectorfly at 
you if you try entering his house.

Insectorfly - Lowers Defense
- Useful on bosses particularly.

There's also good weapons and armor here, and 
you should have enough rubies to get the best 
stuff - and you will need them too. In one 
other house, talk to the mayor's daughter and 
you'll get a quest to save the people trapped 
in North Tower. Before you actually go to 
North Tower, go explore a little more. 

At the island north of Den Heldar, you can 
find the grandson of Zeppetto, the creator 
of the living toys. Unfortunately there's no 
living toys to be found here, but search the 
cabinet behind him for the obscenely powerful 
Zeppetto Helmet. You won't need another helmet
for a LONG time!

Now head to the North Tower. You should be 
around level 30, baby around level 28. At the
first junction, go through the right passage 
(west) and enter the doorway for a living toy, 
Douwner. The do the same at the left passage 
(east) for a crap Crystal Sword. Then follow the 
passages to locate two more doorways, one with a 
living toy Toughwall, and the other with a 
sub-par Devil's Shield. 

Douwner - Reduces strength and defense of enemy.
- I used him a few times, but never really felt
  the difference, I dunno.

Toughwall - Acts like a shield
- Defends against most attacks for a few rounds.
  So powerful it actually makes the game a little
  too easy - use it on the weaker of the two 
  (usually Baby) to seriously simplify the battle.

Proceed up the stairs now to get to the top. 
Nehani will comment that there's no one here.
Before you leave, look around the roof for another 
sub-par equipment, the Splint Mail, and yet 
another living toy for your collection, Vegas.
On your way back down to the ground floor, you
will spot a monster entering a secret passage.
Follow it! You'll bump into Ibkee and Darkbeat
and have a short chat. Then pick up the toy in
the corner, Mossman.

Vegas - Causes conditions depending on luck
- Never used him much. So are you a gambling 

Mossman - Lowers offensive power
- Reduces offensive power. Unlike Douwner, you
  can actually see it's effects!

Now enter and you'll meet two boss monsters. 
Darkbeat and Ibkee will fight one, then you will
fight the other. He's so weak it's not even
funny! Just call in Contributor, Pyro, and then
attack and he'll go down in two or three rounds. 
After taking him down and saving the people, 
you can pick up a Spinach Snack in the cleverly
hidden chest at the southeast corner of the 
room. Enter the next room and take the warp.
You'll take on a slightly stronger boss, the
Guardian. Just use Contributor, Pyro, Toughwall 
on Baby, then just fight. Use items to heal if 
needed; shouldn't take more that five rounds to
take him down. You'll pick up a Solomon's Ring, 
and Nehani will mutter something. The 
watchmaker you saved will tell you to find him 
in Trisken. Now you can leave, there's nothing 
more to find here - use Foreman. Return to Den 
Helgar, and talk to the Mayor to pick up the 
living toy, Windmeister.

Windmeister - Causes Wind Damage
- Another useful toy. Does really big damage on
  earth-element monsters.
Now head to the next continent. Go to the hut 
southwest of Trisken and open the chest (it's 
a mimic) for a living toy, Stare.

Stare - Gives you a bird's eye view in towns
- Just what use could that possibly be? In 
  battle, he fires sight rays which cause 
  average damage.

Now go and visit the incredibly huge city of 
Trisken - try fighting a monster called 
Bobodragon along the way there - it's very
strong, but if you beat it with Baby intact,
Baby might learn its powerful transformation.

In the front gates of Trisken, you can fight
a guard to get a living toy, Dr. Snooze. In the 
item shop nearby you can search the crates for
yet another bug. Then, head to the bell tower 
to the direct north of the city and climb up. 
Along the way up you will find Sacribat, 
another living toy.

Dr. Snooze - Sends all enemies to sleep
- A little more useful that Freud.

Sacribat - Sacrifices one Living Toy to attack
- At least you've found some use of the living
  toys like Mr. O'Neil, Miner, Mapster, etc..
  in battle. Summon one weak living toy, then
  call in Sacribat, and then keep sending out
  weak living toys (that stick around) for 
  some big damage. By the way, the type of toys
  sacrificed alters the damage - stronger toys
  that drain more PP to summon causes more 
  damage when sacrificed. And don't worry, you 
  don't permanently lose any toy.

There's a monster training center here that
let's you pit Baby against a monster - some
monsters are tough, but you should be able to
learn transformations from most of them. Search
one of the dummies for a hamburger (there's a
hamburger in the stuffings?). There's a house
with just one boy - go up to the second floor
and keep searching the barrel in the corner for
lot's of bugs. Why would you want them I'm not
sure. There's someone around town who will give
you a wallet, and another who will tell you he
has lost his. Do the connection, and you'll get 
1000Rb. At the house west of the Bell Tower is 
the grateful watchmaker who will reward you 
with a living toy Tarantula. Don't go into the 
cafe unless you want to get conned 3000Rb. 
Also, BE SURE to buy the very expensive Calm 
Ring - you'll understand once you get to God's 

Tarantula - Spits poison at enemy
- Isn't it obvious?

Now that you've done all the exploration of 
Trisken, enter the castle. Talk to the couple
in the courtyard twice for 1500Rb. Talk to them
one more time and you'll lose it, so don't! At
the castle, you'll end up catching a thief, and
pick up a water ring from the noblewoman. Baby
would have also ran off. Go out of town through
the east exit and follow the path and you'll 
find him. Then, the king will let you pass. 

Now you're in real monster territory! Monsters
here are unlike what you've ever seen - they 
will chase you down the moment they lay eyes 
on you. You'll usually meet giant turtles here,
Windmeister will make a short work of them.

You'll eventually arrive in the town of Garam.
Chat with the man on the east side of town to
find out about a Giant kidnapping. Sounds like
a job for Knight and Baby! Explore the rest of
the town before you embark - the people at the
item store claim they are no super store, but 
they've got stuff that blows away anything found
before - buy buy buy... if you've got the cash,
that is. There's nothing really major in the
town, so you can proceed to the cave at the east

First, check to see if you are level 31 or 32 - 
should be enough to tackle what comes next. On 
entry, straight away rotate your camera for a 
living toy, Sumode. 

Sumode - Whacks all enemies hard
- Knocks away enemies - like a full party 
  version of Minicar. You can imagine the 
  chances of knocking them all away are pretty
  slim. Doesn't work on bosses.

Search the giant white statue and be prepared 
to take on Ruval, the said giant. Similar 
tactics work - use Toughwall to protect one
of you (Baby is usually weaker), then call
in Contributor and Windmeister. Attack, and 
use items to heal. Shouldn't be too difficult.
After the battle, you find out the truth about 
Ruval, then Kalkanor and co. will come in and
destroy it. You'll then have to fight 
Kalkanor. Don't bother putting up a fight this
time - it's a typical RPG "must lose for story
to continue" situation. Return to town. You 
can now enter the Temple of Artema - but 
there's nothing here except for a treasure 
chest that doesn't open. There's something 
amiss here... Anyway, there's nothing you can
do about that, so proceed north to Denvadro. 

You'll meet some monsters along the way that 
shouldn't be too tough - but try to fight as 
many as possible for the experience. In town, 
you can speak to a person named Shawn for a 
nice view of the tower. You'll find out a 
little about Saint Aruvin, the healer. Also, 
listen to the musician and buy his record to 
get a living toy as a freebie.

Hornet - Poisons one enemy
- Why would you want this if you have 

Nothing else of interest in town, so it's time 
to go on. Get prepared for a long  journey - 
the Holy Shrine is VERY far away - and you'll 
meet at least 8 or 9 monsters along the way. 
Buy lots of Spinach Snacks before you go or 
you'll regret it. By the end of your journey 
you should be at around level 34. Save at the
Holy Shrine, then proceed to the tower. You'll 
encounter Kalkanor and co. again and find out 
the truth behind the gathering of holy stones. 
You'll also see the villain of the game, 
Karmine, for the first time. Gwinladin then 
reveals his true form (isn't it obvious? He's 
the bad guy), and wipes out Kalkanor and Ramal. 
Your turn! As usual, use Toughwall to protect 
one of you, Contributor (he should be doing 
massive damage by now) and another toy of your
choice, using Spinach to heal. He's tough - but 
as long as he only injures one of you, it 
shouldn't be too difficult. Once you've won, 
return to the Holy Shrine to get help from 
Aruvin. You'll pick up a very important living 
toy from him, Gabriel.

Gabriel - Fully heals entire party
- 50 PP !? - use only as the last resort.


d) Chapter 4 : The Destiny
Before entering the tower, I suggest fighting
some of the fierce monsters that roam the swamps
around the tower - you'll pick up some decent
experience, and Baby might learn a transformation 
or two.

As you might expect, The God's Tower hold's some
seriously powerful monsters. At the entrance, go 
through the three outer doorways to find some 
excellent Miracle Armaments - Sword, Shield and 
Armor. Then go to the main area with the pretty 
swirling lights and go up the west staircase for 
a Spinach, then the right staircase to continue.
For most of the monsters here, use the usual - 
Toughwall on one character, Contributor, and 
attack. Oh, you should feed Baby with some of
your old armor and weapons to boost its HP, 
defense and offence. You won't be able to avoid
battles here - just keep going, and keep 
killing those monsters - you'll pick up a 
Snoozeweed and a Fire Ring before challenging 
yet another boss, Anzo. Remember your Calm Ring?
Equip it - you'll find out that just how vital 
it is now! Use the same tactics as with all the 
other bosses - shouldn't be too tough if you're 
around level 36. You'll pick up a living toy,
Dark Cross, after battle.

Dark Cross - Eliminates everyone's Light
- Reduces everyone's defense against Light 
  element attacks.

Past the boss, there's another few floors up
to go. Along the way, you'll grab a Peach 
Potion and a Spinach Snack - use the Peach
Potion - you should be pretty low on PP by now.
You'll encounter the next boss, Lanzo, after
that. And, appropriately enough, you'll pick
up the living toy Holy Cross after battle.

Holy Cross - Eliminates everyone's Darkness
- Reduces everyone's defense against Dark
  element attacks.

After this, you will reach the tower top and
uncover the truth about Baby. Then you'll
witness Darkbeat and Ibkee fighting Karmine,
and losing. Then, it's your turn - and you'll 
have to fight him without Baby's help! Well, 
at first, Karmine is so freaking powerful I 
though you had to lose - but apparently it
is possible to beat him. First, set up a 
Timeout/Da Bomb Combo, use Mossman to soften
the blows, then block. After Da Bomb goes 
off, switch to Toughwall, then Contributor
and Windmeister. Now pray that your toys
can outlast him! After that, you'll see 
the resurrection of Xizan. And see pig fly!

Once the impressive scene is over, you can
then figure your way through the little 
maze (hint - climb up) to get the living
toy, Verseus. Once you've picked it up,
it's time to explore Picard.

Verseus - Everyone suffers double damage
- That goes for you too, unfortunately.

To find Nehani and Baby, go through the green 
doorway. Behind the red doorway you can find 
a Full Plate, which is just marginally better 
than your current armor. You can feed Baby 
your old armor to see a shocking increase in 
max HP. To see probably the most impressive 
CG scene of the entire game, go through the 
pink door - you'll have to find and read four
books before you can leave. The one on the 
staircase will show you how Xizan was sealed 
before. Impressive, yes? Now go to the purple 
door next to the library and talk to Darkbeat. 
He'll ask for your help in locating the Holy 
Armor - if you remembered what you read in the 
library, you should know where to go now. You 
also get a warp key from him. Go up the 
staircase at the center of Picard and explore 
to pick up the marginally more powerful Great
Sword and Steel Shield. Now go through the 
orange doorway. You'll be in the warp gate 
core, where you will find warp gates leading 
to various parts of the world. Here are 
various warp doors you can enter, and where 
they take you -

North Door - Back to Picard
Northeast Door - Galik's House
East Door - West of Denvrado
Southeast Door - West of God's Tower
South Door - Island of Jungo
Southwest Door - East of Den Heldar
West Door - West of Trisken
Northwest Door - Kell Underground
For now, you can pick which place to go, remember 
what you read in the library? You can go to Nord 
Temple, Kerple, Castle Ryan and Denime Cave.
Take your pick! I've listed them in order of

The easiest armor piece to pick up. Warp to 
Den Heldar, then fly to Kerple island. Go back 
into the Yugonga cave, back to the spot with the 
pretty light beam. You'll be warped deeper into 
the hero's shrine, and meet a Guardian. Use the 
tried-and-true boss fighting method - Toughwall, 
Contributor, Windmeister, fight. For all your
efforts, the Holy Helmet is actually weaker than 
your Zeppetto Helm! 

=Denime Cave= 
Fly to your old haunt, Olgo, to save, then 
fly east of it to find Denime Cave... or Denime
Tree, whatever you want to call it. You should
be around level 36 or 37. At the entrance, go 
west. What's this? A tree inside a tree? Swirl 
your camera to get a Quilted Armor. Feed it to
Baby; it's worthless any other way. Now return 
and proceed to the south passage for a living 
toy Resetter.

Resetter - Resets the battle
- If you feel you've screwed up in battle, this 
  is better than hitting the reset button.

Return and go through the only other passage
in the northeast. At the north-south junction
go north for a Spinach Snack, then proceed 
South. After a while, you'll reach an exit.
Don't go through it yet; look around this 
room for a Twisted Shield, which is also junk.
Go in and nab the chest for a Twisted Sword,
then jump into the swirling light. A guardian
battle awaits! As usual, use the same old 
tactics. Should not be even remotely hard.

=Castle Ryan=
As far as I know, you can only get here by 
flying on Baby. It's a good idea to keep to
level 38 or 39 here - the monsters aren't 
all that tough, but they are a lot of them!
At the starting bit, head west - you should 
eventually spot a treasure chest with a few 
fierce monsters and a doorway near it. The 
chest itself only contains a really crummy 
dark sword. Go through the door nearest to it
to enter a large room containing yet another
crummy dark armor. Go south from the large 
room and you'll find a stuck door. Forget 
about it for the moment. Leave those 
staircases in each corner alone, too.

Proceed through the east doorway. Grab the 
chest for a crummy dark shield, then follow 
the south passage. You'll eventually reach 
a chest with a Spinach Snack. Going west 
takes you back to where you picked up your
first dark armament, so go north down the 

It's monsters and treasures galore! 
Explore each of the rooms and you'll find 
a sickweed, an Earth Ring, a Cheeseburger, 
a Toadstool, another Toadstool, a Spinach
Snack, and then a staircase going further 
down. Pass the monster-infested passage, 
you'll meet Know Owl. Talk to him to find
out about the switches, then grab the very 
cool Assassin living toy nearby.

Assassin - Attacks after 3 rounds
- Hey, isn't that Mr. O'Neil with a machine
  gun? He takes three rounds to prepare 
  himself, but after that he goes into a 
  machine gun frenzy. Useful if you use it 
  with Timeout.

Go back to the large room. Now go through the 
southeast staircase for a switch and a chest. 
The chest contains a living toy, Classique. Go 
back to the big room and go up the southwest 
staircase for a similar room and another living 
toy, Freakz. And, would you believe that the 
northwest staircase has a chest and a switch 
too? This time with a living toy Dr. Gas? It 
isn't hard to imagine that the northeast 
staircase would lead to a switch and a living
toy, Confuso. Remember to switch on all four 
switches while your at it.

Classique - Puts everyone to sleep
- Equip a Wake Ring before you use this.

Freakz - Terrorizes everyone
- Equip a Brave Ring before you use this.

Dr. Gas - Poisons everyone
- Keep an Angel Tear handy.

Confuso - Can't you guess?
- Equip a Mind Ring before you use this.

Now you can proceed through the once-sealed
doorway to challenge the guardian for 
another piece of the holy armor. The old 
technique works fine, but you can try out a
new one - Use Timeout, Assassin and then
Contributor. Once Timeout is used up, use
Toughwall to protect one of your characters.
That way, you've got both Contributor and
Assassin hitting the enemy hard without 
much lag time for the powerful Assassin.
It helps to be level 39 or 40 for Knight.
Once the battle is over, grab that Holy
Sword. You're done for Castle Ryan; proceed
north all the way to leave.

=Nord Temple=
First, fly to Penguii (there's a spot just
north of town where you can land). Talk to
the blue penguin and say yes to get a 
living toy, Mermaid. Then, search the large
snowman for a living toy, Frooze.

Mermaid - Does Water Damage
- Fire monsters beware!

Frooze - Turns enemy into popsicle
- Relatively useful. 

Now go rest and save the game, and prepare
to go ice trekking to the Nord Temple. You 
should be around level 40 by now. First, go 
north for a crappy Obro armor (why are the
armors you find lately so junk?). I would 
suggest equipping Wake Ring if you have one
when fighting the monsters here. Baby can
learn some neat transformations while you're
fighting too. Further north you'll find a
wind ring. You'll eventually reach a dead 
end with a junk Obro Shield. Return back to 
the start, then go west, into the doorway. 
Go up the stairs and into the room for the 
living toy Draken.

Draken - Halves everyone's HP
- It's a good trade if you have bosses with
  ridiculously high HP - just make sure you
  heal after that.

Return and head east. Once you reach the 
slide, slide down. Then take the east slide 
and enter the cave for an Aztec Sword (yes, 
it does suck). Then choose the east slide 
again. You get all the way to the bottom and 
enter the cave there. You'll encounter a 
penguin and you can sleep and rest with him.
After that you'll find yourself back at the 
slides area. Take the east, then west slide 
and follow it down to a cave with a living 
toy Frostall.

Frostall - Freezes everyone
- Even more useful.

Now go back up one more time. Take the middle
slide down twice, then the longer west slide.
Down again, and then enter the cave. Get 
ready for the last guardian! Usual tactics
will work. Now go back to Picard and talk to


e) Chapter 5 : Last Battle
Finally, a new look for Knight! After wearing
them and proving that you're the legendary 
hero instead of Darkbeat, you'll be warped 
away to fight Darwin. He is probably the 
strongest boss you've fought since Karmine, 
but don't let it bother you - the Toughwall
technique still works here. Be sure you're
level 40 and above. Once you're done, you can 
re-equip your better equipment (hey, shouldn't 
your looks change back too?). When Darwin 
offers to send you to the storm cloud, refuse.
You now can travel the world and pick up any 
living toy you might have missed along the way, 
get some new transformations for Baby, and buy 
some supplies. 

- You can go back to the Coastal Inn and check
the first floor for a hidden chest containing
the living toy Whyme.

Whyme - All the enemies will want to attack Whyme
- Hilarious! And very useful too, I might add.

- Bonik's shop at Jungo is now open. Search the
barrel for a Spinach Snack, then check the shop
for the best armaments in the game. And damn, 
they're expensive! Buy what you can. 
Incidentally, if you talk to the people around 
Jungo, you'll find out that they are out of work 
because no ships are coming.

- At Zed Harbor, monsters will start attacking
when you enter. Fight the four wimpy gargoyles 
(you shouldn't even need to use any living toys)
and then go for the leader Bosmie. This guy is 
tough - use Samurai, then Toughwall on Baby, 
then toss in Mermaid (he's weak against water 
attacks) and Contributor for maximum damage.
Use Angel or Gabriel to heal. Now talk to the 
governor for a living toy Cheergirl.

Cheergirl - Boosts offensive power.
- Useful indeed. By the way, this toy is 
  mistakenly named Cheerleader in the manual.

- If you visit old man Rogo again, he'll tell
you he has found a living toy, Avalanche. 
Similarly, return to Carmarthen Mines and talk
to a miner for Voodoodoll.

Avalanche - Causes Earth Damage
- Does big damage on wind-element monsters

Voodoodoll - Kills enemy once every four times
- Too bad it doesn't work on bosses.

- At Den Heldar, talk to detective Longnose to 
pick up a living toy, Sermone. This is a very
important toy!

Sermone - Revives one if knocked out
- Wonder why there isn't anything like this 

- If you return to Isten, you'll find out that
several people, including Marco (the guy you 
"help" elect as mayor, remember?) have 
disappeared. Go to his house and talk to 
Carmen, then go to the temple - you'll spot a 
gargoyle straight away and fight. After the 
battle, Marco and Carmen will get married.
And you'll get drunk too... After waking up,
you can talk to everyone to find out about 
Bonik's rising fame. Talk to Carmen to get a 
living toy, Marilyn.

Marilyn - Fully restores one's HP
- Hell yeah, it's about time!

- After rescuing Marco, you can go to the 
temple at Garam. Talk to the priest there and
you'll end up in another Gargoyle fight. After 
the battle, you can search the chest (that 
can't be open earlier, remember?) for a living 
toy, Champiano.

Champiano - Kills all enemies for half your PP
- Sadly, it doesn't work on bosses, but useful if
  you don't mind the PP loss.

- If you visit Trisken, you'll find out that
monsters are attacking this city too. Fight off
the seven gargoyles, then talk to the old man 
in green by the entrance of the castle to fight
him. The wizard Org will summon a huge bird 
Velmine into battle. Use the Toughwall 
technique, transform Baby into an earth-based 
monster, and it shouldn't be too difficult.
Calling in your newly-found Avalanche works
too. After the battle, go to the castle and 
talk to the king for a living toy, Generosity.

Generosity - Gives you a gift when you win
- Usually you get Rubies, sometimes some 
  assorted items.

- North of Trisken, in the mountains, there is
a small area with a lot of rare monsters which
Baby might learn transformations from. Killing 
them also sometimes net you some rare armor 
and weapons, not to mention lots of experience
points. There's another one of these spots 
northeast of Orgo.

- There's an extra dungeon called Kisa Canyon 
northwest of God's Tower. Most of the monsters 
here run like the blazes just spotting you, so 
exploring the place isn't too tough. However, do 
be careful when you do fight them - they can be 
tough! First, go north - you'll eventually see a 
branch holding a nest with some eggs. No idea what
it is there for though. Rotate your camera here 
for a next-to-impossible to spot chest containing 
a cheeseburger. Now, head west and through the 
passage. In the next area, immediately look around 
for a VERY hard to spot chest containing an Attack 
Sword. Unfortunately it doesn't live up to it's 
name, so pop it into Baby's mouth instead for a 
healthy boost of offence. In the next area, go 
north all the way to get a Spinach Snack. Then 
enter the nearest passage and then head further
west. You can immediately spot a chest here 
containing the living toy Ninja.

Ninja - Use secret ninja moves
- All its attacks have various effects. He's still
  somewhat crap, though.

Further in, you'll meet the Holy Dragon. This
guy is dangerous because of his tendency to 
freeze both of you in one blow. Stick to using
Toughwall to protect at least one of you, then
toss in your best toys. After the battle, you'll
pick up a living toy, D'Artagnan.

D'Artagnan - Attacks enemy with spear
- The second strongest attacking toy of the game. 
  But for 20PP?!

- You should now have all 68 living toys. Go back
to Zeppetto's place to claim the last and most
powerful living toy, Legend. And you'll also find
out the truth about Zeppetto.

Legend - Zeppetto's final masterpiece
- Is this the Knights of Round of Guardian's 
  Crusade? It costs 50PP to summon, but dishes out
  damage that make your eyes pop! 500+ points of 
  damage per round?!

Build your levels until they hit 47-50. Now that
you are really ready, return to the Throne of the 
Holy Warrior and talk to Darwin. You'll be flying 
up into the air to take on Xizan - but be prepared 
for a familiar face - it's Karmine! You'll then 
see another familiar face - it's Darkbeat and 
Ibkee! You friend will help take on Karmine, so 
you can proceed to challenge Xizan. There'll be a 
very touching scene... and then the final battle 

Time to dish out your best boys! Spare no PP - 
launch Toughwall to protect you or Baby, then 
summon Contributor and D'Artagnan. After one or 
two rounds, Baby will try and say something. In 
the very next turn, talk to Baby and you'll see 
a new option - Guardian. Use it and behold Baby's 
adult form! After a while, Xizan might wipe away 
your toys. Now use Legend and watch it and Baby 
double team to crush Xizan. But the battle is not 

After a seeming victory, Xizan breaks the seal 
again! This time, you'll be sent to sleep. Then...
I won't spoil this bit for you. You finally take 
on Xizan one last time in his third form. He only 
has one attack, the Hellwind. Even if it misses
often, it still packs a massive wallop when hit.
Three whacks of it will knock away all your 
living toys! And by then you'd almost be dead 
anyway. Be thankful you start the battle with
full HP and PP. Use Toughwall initially to block 
one character's damage, then launch Contributor 
and fight. Heal when needed using Marilyn. If you 
lose all your toys or run out of PP, use Timeout, 
then Assassin, then spend the next two rounds 
healing with items and restoring PP, or summoning 
another strong toy of your choice. When you've 
lost Toughwall, use Angel to heal (Gabriel is too 
expensive on the PP). Now bring in the big boys, 
Legend and D'Artagnan (or just one of them if you
don't have the PP) - you should be moping him up
pretty soon. Still got problems? Try using Draken
to halve his HP first, then heal yourself (he
usually misses his first few attacks).

Congratulations, you've won Guardian's Crusade!
Incidentally, as far as I know, there are no extra
endings whatsoever if you find all the living toys.