Andere Lösungen

The Guardian Legend (e)

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     *** Action-Adventure Game ***
     *** Copyright © 1988 Irem Corp. ***
     *** Copyright © 1988 Compile Entertainment ***

     *** FAQ by Walter Williams ***
     *** E-mail: ***
     *** published on 7/25/99 ***

--- Disclaimer ---
This strategy guide was written by me, the author. It is designed for
the sole purpose of helping players out who are having trouble with
the game, or who are lost and need help navigating the planet. It is
not intended to be sold to anyone for any amount of money, foreign
or domestic. I took a lot of time writing this strategy guide up, so
please don't plagiarize my work. If you want to put it up on a Web
Page, you should e-mail me first, so that there's no confusion.

--- Strategy Guide ---


You start the game flying in space. The object is simple: blast all
enemies that come your way, and try not to get hit. Some enemies
may leave behind powerup boxes, but you'll be flying too fast to
collect them. Once you get near the end, you'll start to slow down.
The boss of this level is a bunch of gates. Blast at them, and
the little projectiles that come your way. When you've destroyed
them all, you'll be taken inside the planet NAJU.

Area 0 - The Gateway

You'll start the "walking mode" at X11 Y12 on your map.
After reading the message, blast any blue pyramid to exit. For now,
go to the right and get the Rapid Fire powerup, then go down to
X12 Y13. You can get your password for your quest by selecting "NO
USE" at the weapon select screen (push the Select button) and pressing
A. Write this password down, then leave.

The rest of this game is non-linear, so I'll just list points of
interest. You'll know where to look by using your map (press the
Select button). Make sure to examine each area thoroughly, so that you
don't miss anything. Once you've collected all the items and powerups,
proceed to the next area.

X11 Y12 - You start here.
X12 Y12 - Rapid fire powerup.
X12 Y13 - Save Point. You can get your password for your mission
up to this point.
X13 Y11 - A Lander is selling a Wave Beam Weapon for 50 power chips.
The Wave Beam fires straight forward.
X13 Y10 - You can buy the Seeker for 100 power chips. The Seeker
tracks and damages enemies.
X12 Y10 - You can buy the Side Blaster for 150 power chips.
X13 Y13 - There are a bunch of Blue Power Chips in this room. Come
back here if you ever need a recharge.
X13 Y15 - There's a hint to opening the gate to Corridor 6. You need
to use a special weapon on the gate to enter.
X13 Y16 - The seal on Corridor 8 is quite different, because you have
to open the gate without a special weapon equipped. Set your weapon
to "NO USE" and press Button A.
X14 Y9 - Mini-boss. Blast the slimy creature with your gun when it
appears, and destroy the creatures it sends at you when it disappears.
You'll get a Blue Lander, which increases your life force.
X8 Y9 - There's a Multi-Bullet powerup here. You can shoot it in any
X8 Y11 - Collect the Red Lander to increase the maximum number of Chips
you can carry. When you have 100 chips, your shot pattern changes.
X9 Y11 - Funny...this room is closed...I wonder why...?
X8 Y13 - Mini-boss. This spider walker is simple, too. All it does is
move slowly around the closed arena. Fire at it with your weapon and
Multi-Bullets. Your prize is a Bullet Shield. It fires a bullet that
surrounds and protects you.
X9 Y14 - Pick up the Saber Laser weapon here. The Saber Laser cuts up
enemies with a plasma sword.
X6 Y10 - This is the entrance to Corridor 1. Shoot at the gate with your
regular weapon and it will open.

Corridor 1

You'll be taken to a semi-aquatic setting here. You'll face the likes
of enemies that look like fish, seahorses, and crabs. Don't be afraid ---
if it shoots at you, blast it back. You'll want to save your
Power Chips for the boss, because all of the enemies here
can be defeated with your normal gun.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 1 ---
Blast at the boss with your normal gun, and use the Wave Beam to take out
any projectiles it spits at you. Dodge to the left or right when it charges
at you. You'll take quite a bit of damage if the boss hits you. By
defeating this boss, you'll get the Moon Key and a Spiral Shot weapon,
which travels in a spiral pattern as it takes out enemies.

After you defeat the boss of Corridor 1, go through the north door to
enter Area 1.

Area 1 - Deep Blue

This area looks like the underwater level you entered in Corridor 1.
You'll find that the enemies are not all cream puffs like you've faced
so far. Look around for a bit to find power-ups, and eventually, Corridor

X3 Y10 - This area contains the Side Blaster powerup. You can shoot to
the sides and behind you.
X4 Y11 - Mini-boss. The crab appears out of nowhere and moves slowly
up and down. After a few seconds, it shoots bullets in an arc, then
disappears again. Defeat the mini-boss in this area to get the Fireball
weapon, which fires a piercing bullet at the enemy.
X4 Y12 - You'll find the Cutter Laser weapon here. It's like the
Saber Laser, but it attacks enemies on the sides.
X0 Y9 - Life Tank. Save these until you're really low on health.
X0 Y6 - Mini-boss. It's like the one you fought at X8 Y13, but it is a little
faster. This mini-boss will give up a Red Lander when defeated.
X2 Y9 - Another Save Point.
X1 Y8 - This is the entrance to Corridor 11.

Corridor 11

This level looks more aquatic than the first, as you can see the seaweed.
Use your Side Blaster on the fish that attack early in the level.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 11 ---
For this boss, you should attack it with your regular gun and your
Fireball weapon. Stay out of the way of all projectiles it spits at you.
The bullets it shoots won't damage you much, but if you get hit by the
stringy mess, you'll take a lot of damage. You pick up a Grenade for
destroying this boss. The Grenade fires a bomb that damages enemies
in a wide area.

When you get out of this, go back to Area 0 and go to X7 Y13 and use
the blue pyramid to warp to the next section.

Area 2 - Marine Madness

X6 Y13 - Save Point.
X4 Y15 - Corridor 12.
X5 Y17 - Mini-boss. This blue crab is stronger than the green one at
X4 Y11. This Mini-boss leaves an Attack Up powerup when defeated.
X5 Y18 - The hint to breaking the seal on Corridor 2 teels you to touch
X2 Y17 - Rapid Fire.
X1 Y18 - The Blue Lander sells Rapid Fire, a Heart, and Multi-Bullets
for 150 Power Chips each. You can only choose one. (I recommend getting
the Rapid Fire for right now.)
X1 Y14 - Mini-boss. It's a blue spider walker. Use Multi-Bullets.
Defeat the Mini-Boss to get a Red Lander.
X3 Y14 - Blue Lander.
X2 Y16 - Corridor 2. Touch the panels surrounding the gate to open it.

Corridor 12

The fish are more ferocious in this level, and you're traveling at a faster
speed, so it may be easy to miss powerup items. You should use Multi-Bullets
here instead of the Side Blaster, because they're much cheaper Power

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 12 ---

This looks like the boss of Corridor 1, but it has red skin instead of blue.
It shoots more projectiles, but it can be defeated in the same manner.

When you defeat the boss of Corridor 12, you'll get a Beam Laser. It
fires a powerful beam of energy. You can only use this when you're in
Flying mode.

Corridor 2

These fish attack you at hyper speed. Luckily, you're moving slowly, so you
can catch them.  There are a lot of ground cannons in this level, so that
means you've got more debris to blast down. Try to conserve your Power
Chips for the end of the level.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 2 ---

This boss uses its long claws to attack its foes, and it unleashes a
steady barraeg of claw-like projectiles. It zips around the screen at
high speed, so you've got to take care not to bump into it. The best
way to defeat it while taking the least damage is sticking to the
bottom of the screen ad blasting away with your gun and Wave Beam.

Defeating this boss will net you the Hook Key and a Saber Laser power-up.
When you collect an icon of an optional weapon that you already have, its
effectiveness increases.

Area 3 - The Silicon Jungle

You're in a jungle-like setting now. The artificial foliage provides cover
for ground-based enemies to attack you by surprise.

X8 Y15 - This is the Save point just before you enter area 3.
X5 Y20 - Corridor 13.
X6 Y23 - Mini-boss. This green leech bounces around the room that
you're in. Don't let it touch you, or else you'll take a lot of
damage. Use the Spiral Shot and try to stay ahead of it. If you
stand still, you'll get beaten up. Defeat it to get a Shield power-up.
X6 Y22 - Red Lander.
X4 Y23 - Save Point.
X0 Y22 - Rapid Fire.
X0 Y23 - The key to opening Corridor 3 is to wait...wait forever...
X1 Y20 - Remember the first Slime mini-boss you fought back in Area 0?
This one is just as easy. Use the Saber Laser for a quick defeat.
The mini-boss gives up Enemy Erasers when defeated. Enemy Erasers clear the
screen of wimpy enemies. It doesn't work against boss monsters or anything
that can take a great deal of damage.
X4 Y20 - Corridor 3. Wait in the room for about 15 seconds, then the
gate will open.

Corridor 13

This area takes you over the thick forestation. You'll encounter familiar-
looking enemies (remember Corridor 0?), and you'll also find a bunch of
plant creatures that spew bullets by the dozen.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 13 ---

This boss is relatively easy. It warps and shoots missiles in all directions
from its armored body. If it appears in front of you, blast it with your
gun. If it appears behind and to the side of you, get close to it and use
you Cutter Laser. You can intercept the missiles with your normal gun.

Your prize for completing Corridor 13 is a Shield Up power-up.

Corridor 3

This area grows thick with mushrooms, and some of these toadstools attack
the Guardian. Only one simple solution...blast them all!

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 3 ---

The blue one-eyed boss blasts you with bullets and string shots. The string
shots are the ones to watch out for. Hit it with your gun and your Fireballs
and it'll go down.

When you win here, you get the Wave Key and a Life Tank. Not bad for a
hard day's work, eh?

Area 4 - Forest of Despair

More forest? It's starting to look like Tarzan's jungle. Oh, well.
Time to find that fourth seal. 

X13 Y7 - Save Point.
X17 Y5 - The seal to corridor 4 is broken. Ask the Blue Lander nearby
for help.
X19 Y6 - Blue Lander.
X17 Y4 - Corridor 14.
X16 Y3 - Mini-boss. Another blue spider walker. It leaves behind a
Multi-Bullet weapon.
X16 Y0 - Rapid Fire.
X17 Y1 - Mini-boss. This blue leech is slower than the green one, so you'll
have an easier time defeating it. Defeat the mini-boss for an Attack Up power-up.
X18 Y0 - The Lander sells a Blue Lander, a Life Tank, and a
Bullet Shield for 400 Power Chips each. (You should buy the Bullet Shield.)
X17 Y2 - Cutter Laser.
X20 Y0 - Corridor 4. You need to go in and out of the shop at X18 Y0
until the blue lander opens the door for you.

Corridor 14

You'll fight deadly scorpions, poisonous pollen flowers, 'shroom-spitting tree
cannons, and pterodactyls. The Enemy Erasers should make life a little easier

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 14 ---
When the boss opens up its mechanical claws, it shoots a wide laser at you
that takes away two life points. It also launches missiles at you, which
can be blasted. Fire at it with your weapon and the Spiral Shot. When the
claws are damaged enough (they turn yellow), they'll fall off, and the
boss shoots his laser rapidly. Use the Beam Laser to kill it off.

Victory here will win you a Blue Lander.

Corridor 4

This level throws everything in the book and its mama after you. Once again,
keep those Enemy Erasers handy. Very rarely, when you kill an enemy, it may
leave behind some more Enemy Erasers.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 4 ---
The big dragon boss warps and shoots a spray of fireballs. Attack it
furiously with your weapon and your Beam Laser.

After defeating this dragon, you get the Square Key and Multi-Bullets.

Area 5 - The Space Cavern

Enemies here are starting to get tougher. Watch your back around them.

X16 Y9 - Save Point.
X19 Y8 - Mini-boss. Another blue spider-walker (these things are everywhere.)
Beat it for a Wave Beam.
X21 Y8 - Corridor 15.
X23 Y8 - Blue Lander.
X23 Y7 - Fire into the corridor to break seal number five.
X23 Y6 - Bullet Shield.
X21 Y4 - Mini-boss. This floating crystal roams around the screen, firing
crystal bullets. Protect yourself with the full powered Bullet Shield.
You'll get a Shield Up.
X23 Y3 - Grenade.
X23 Y4 - Corridor 5. Shoot at the sign.

Corridor 15

In this level, you're floating through space. You'll face such foes as ships
that shoot powerful lasers, space rocks that appear oout of thin air, and
volcanoes. You can use the fireball to shut down their lava pellets.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 15 ---
This is a green version of the Corridor 14 boss. This one will be easier,
because it is slower. Employ the same strategy for this one as you did
for the first one.

A Red Lander will be waiting for you upon completion of this mission.

Corridor 5

This time, you're flying over a moonbase on the planet NAJU, and you're
flying in a meteor shower.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 5 ---
This space squid is simple. It jumps around and shoots missiles. Attack
it with your Grenades as it's coming down (you gotta use those for
something, right?)

Beating this level will get you some Enemy Erasers.

Area 6 - Evil Colony

If you've noticed, once you crossed over to this area, your Guardian
has started to move around a lot faster.  All of that fighting experience
has increased its combat senses, allowing it to zip around the planet
at a faster rate. You may need it...

X18 Y10 - Mini-boss. It's a yellow blob. It'll reuire a lot more of your
bullets and Saber Laser power to put it away. It leaves behind a Shield Up
when defeated.
X20 Y10 - Fireball.
X21 Y13 - Enemy Eraser.
X17 Y16 - Mini-boss. A red crab guards this room, and it drops bullets at
a rapid rate. Stand right next to it and use your Bullet Shield. Take the
Red Lander you win from it.
X16 Y12 - Life Tank.
X18 Y13 - Corridor 16.
X16 Y11 - Corridor 6. Use one of your special weapons in the room to
open it.

Corridor 16

This level takes off in a hurry. You've gotta shoot fast in order
not to miss any power-ups. You've also gotta contend with laser-shooting
spacemen, as well as the usual flock of bad guys.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 16 ---
The boss of this area is a red one-eyed boss. Its string shots aren't
as fast as the blue ones. Use those Fireballs to burn the string shots,
and you'll be okay.  

Defeat this boss to enhance your Side Blaster.

Corridor 6

This area is highly volcanic, and there is a lot of space lava flying
around. A good combination of Fireballs and Enemy Erasers will help
you get past them.

---Beating the Boss of Corridor 16 ---
This wing-bot will swoop up and down three times, and them shoot a
few missiles. It's not that tough. Use the Side Blaster or the Wave Beam.

After you win here, you'll get the Cross Key and a Seeker power-up.

Area 7 - Inside the Alien Planet

Everywhere you look, you see blood and cells. You must be deep within
the heart of the alien planet NAJU. Look for the seventh seal here.

X15 Y12 - Choose a Red Lander, a Life Tank, or a Grenade for 600
Power Chips. (Take the Red Lander. You can never have too many of
X16 Y18 - Mini-boss. This blue blob is even more powerful than the
yellow one. It gives you the Grenade when defeated.
X17 Y21 - Save Point.
X17 Y23 - Enemy Eraser.
X18 Y19 - Corridor 17.
X18 Y12 - Multi-Bullets.
X22 Y23 - Shield Up.
X23 Y21 - Select from a Rapid Fire, a Heart, or a Wave Beam for
1000 Power Chips. (At this point, you shouldn't need any more Rapid
Fire power-ups. Take the Wave Beam.)
X22 Y20 - Mini-boss. Another red crab. Defeat it for a Shield Up.
X21 Y20 - The hint tells you to enter the room in corridor 7 several
X19 Y23 - Corridor 7.
X19 Y19 - Spiral Shot.

Corridor 17

Yecch! You're being attacked by mushrooms and floating eyeballs.
Blast first and take names later. You might run into some enemies
at the start of the level which just absorb your normal gun shots.
The Enemy Eraser works well against these foes, as do the Saber
and Cutter Lasers.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 17 ---
This eyeball base has an attack pattern similar to the one you
fought at the gateway. Bust it wide open with Grenade rain.

For this victory, you'll get a Saber Laser.

Corridor 7

More of the same here.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 7 ---
This is an even bigger eyeball base. You should use the Spiral Shot
or Fireballs here.

A Cutter Laser is your prize for winning Corridor 7.

Area 8 - Belly of the Beast

The still-beating heart of the planet NAJU senses your presence. There
are a lot more enemies to be found here, and they're tougher to get rid
of, because they attack in swarms now.

X10 Y18 - Life Tank.
X12 Y18 - Mini-boss. This red leech is very hard to beat because it
jumps around in an erratic pattern. You'll get banged up a lot in this
battle. Use the Bullet Shield and run around. If you survive this one,
you'll get a Red Lander.
X14 Y20 - Enemy Eraser.
X14 Y21 - Save Point.
X12 Y22 - Mini-boss. A really fast-moving red walker. Use your Wave
Beam on it. This one leaves behind more Enemy Erasers.
X12 Y23 - Blue Lander.
X9 Y19 - Beam Laser.
X11 Y19 - Corridor 18.
X10 Y16 - Corridor 8. Set your optional weapon to "NO USE" and press
the A button.

Corridor 18

This level starts fast at first, but it starts to slow down midway.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 18 ---
It's a boss with a lot of eyes. It attacks you with smaller eyeballs
and weak bullets. It loses its eyeballs as you damage it. When you
knock out all of its eyes, it starts bombarding you with eyeballs.
Use your Wave Beam on this boss.

Defeating this boss nets you a Fireball.

Corridor 8

This level is more plentiful with enemies. They'll mainly attack you
from the sides, so keep the Cutter Lasers active when you're flying.
You'll need them until you fight the boss.

---Beating the Boss of Corridor 8 ---
This boss is more powerful than the first one you fought (it's red).
Instead of weak bullets, you'll get attacked with more eyeballs.
Keep using the Wave Beam and you've won.

You will be rewarded with the Triad Key and a Bullet Shield for your

Area 9 - Death Valley

This desert doesn't look very deserted...enemies are waiting for you
at every turn. Don't ignore them, or they'll blast you to bits. There
aren't that many power-up items around here, because you should
have most of your weapons at maximum power. 

X3 Y6 - Blue Lander.
X4 Y4 - Corridor 19.
X5 Y3 - Mini-boss. It's a red walker. Take the Wave Beam it leaves
behind and continue.
X6 Y3 - Shield Up.
X3 Y3 - Red Lander.
X0 Y3 - Life Tank
X1 Y0 - Enemy Eraser.
X2 Y0 - Mini-boss. A green blob. This is the toughest of the green blobs.
Defeat it to get a Blue Lander.
X4 Y5 - The clue tells you to stand on the gate to break seal nine.
X2 Y2 - Corridor 9. Stand on the gate to open it.

Corridor 19

When flying over this desert, you'll face the likes of fossil heads,
flying skulls, and other dead enemies looking to send you to oblivion.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 19 ---
It's a red missile launcher. The only difference is that the missiles are
faster. It's still easily defeated with Saber and Cutter Lasers.

You win the Shield Up once you're done here.

Corridor 9

In addition to the other baddies you'll find skul-spitting dinosaur heads.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 9 ---
The dragon skull blasts away with lasers, so avoid the front side whenever
possible. When it bobs up and down, fly behind it. Blast it with the Side

When you win here, you get the Box Key and a Seeker. This should max out
all of your weapons.

Area 10 - Point of No Return?

This is think. There is only one more seal to break to activate
the self-destruct sequence to blast this planet into little space chunks.
Find it and get out of here.

X11 Y7 - Save Point.
X11 Y5 - Corridor 20.
X12 Y5 - Pick from a Seeker, a Life Tank, or a Fireball for 2000 chips
each. (Don't bother with this store unless you forgot one of these
along the way.)
X11 Y3 - Mini-boss. It's a floating fossil head. Use the Seeker on it, even
though it eats up Power Chips like popcorn. It'll give you a Shield Up.
X8 Y1 - Save point.
X8 Y0 - Keep firing...eventually the final seal will be opened.
X12 Y4 - Life Tank.
X12 Y0 - Mini-boss. Look familiar? It's that bat-bot from Corridor 6.
Defeat it for some Enemy Erasers.
X11 Y0 - Corridor 10. Blast away with your regular gun, and keep blasting
until that seal is opened.

Corridor 20

There's nowhere to hide now. The enemies are going to come at you in full
force. You may need to use some of your special weapons in tis level to
ward them off.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 20 ---
The red clawbot is even faster than the blue one. Attack it with the
Fireball. A win here will get you an Attack up power-up.

Corridor 10

This level will start you at hyper speed (almost as fast as you went coming
onto this planet), and there is absolutely no escape from the enemies.
You're not going to get any breaks here. Don't give them any, either.

--- Beating the Boss of Corridor 10 ---
This new form of dragon skull uses nails to attack, but they behave like
missiles. This time, you should get in front of it and blast away with
your Fireball attack. You don't have to worry about the lasers;
the Fireball will take care of them.

Defeating this boss will get you some Enemy Erasers.

Now that you've broken all of the seals, there's one more spot on your map
that you need to clear. Remember that room at X9 Y11 that appeared to be
empty? Well, that's your ticket off this planet. Jump into the gate to enter
Corridor 21.

Corridor 21 (The End! Really!!)

You'll first face a bevy of bosses, and you've faced them all before, so
you should know how to defeat them. 

The first one is the boss of Corridor 1. No special weapons needed, just
blast away with your gun.
The second boss comes from Corridor 5. This boss is cake, too. Blast
away with your gun.
The third boss comes from Corridor 14. Use your Fireball.
The fourth boss comes from Corridor 16. Use your Fireball again.
The fifth boss comes from Corridor 18. Switch to the Wave Beam.
The sixth boss comes from Corridor 19. WHen you've defeated it, you'll fly
away from the planet NAJU, which explodes in a blaze of fire.

Now, you're slowly flying back to Earth, through a meteor shower. There's
nothing much to worry about, when suddenly...that familiar alarm sounds,
and it becomes fight time once again...for the last time...

--- Defeating the Final Guardian ---
Okay, everyone before you was just target practice. This final boss is
going to give you the hardest fight in the game.
This boss attacks with its sharp claws, which it uses only at close range.
it also attacks with missiles and other projectiles. This boss has three
stages, and it changes color as you damage it. In its blue form, it doesn't
attack you as heavily. When it changes to yellow, it starts to launch
projectiles more frequently, Its red stage is its most dangerous. It will
shower you with projectiles and missiles. In its blue stage, you should
attack it with Fireballs. When it turns yellow and red, you should focus
more on survival. Get those Enemy Erasers out and blast the projectiles to
get some Power Chips or Hearts, all the while blasting away at it with
your blaster. If you shoot at it long enough, it'll explode and you'll have
won the game.

--- Powerups ---------

Blue Power Chips - Gives you 20 Power Chips, and restores your Life
  by 1/4.
Red Power Chips - Gives you 500 Power Chips, and restores your Life
  by 2.
Life Heart - Restores your Life by 5.
Life Tank - Restores your Life to full.
Blue Lander - Increases your Life Maximum by 1.
Red Lander - Increases the maximum number of Power Chips you can hold.
Rapid Fire - Increases the fire rate of your weapon.
Attack Up - Increases your attacking power.
Shield Up - Increases your defensive power.

Optional Weapons -

Multi-Bullets - Shoots bullets in any direction.
Level 1 (1 chip) Shoots a small bullet.
Level 2 (3 chips) Shoots a faster, larger bullet.
Level 3 (10 chips) Shoots a speedy bullet.
Side Blaster - Shoots a wave beam to the sides and behind you.
Level 1 (1 chip) Shoots a slow wave beam.
Level 2 (5 chips) Shoots a faster wave beam.
Level 3 (40 chips) Shoots a circular wave beam.
Wave Beam - Shoots a wave beam forward. It can take out many weak
Level 1 (3 chips) Shoots a quick wave beam.
Level 2 (7 chips) Shoots a faster wave beam.
Level 3 (20 chips) Shoots a speedy circular wave beam.
Bullet Shield - Fires a bullet that circles and protects the Guardian.
Level 1 (3 chips) Protects with a small, slow bullet.
Level 2 (6 chips) Protects with a faster bullet.
Level 3 (30 chips) Protects with a large, speedy bullet. Great for
close combat.
Grenade - Launches a bomb that destroys enemies.
Level 1 (2 chips) Causes a small explosion.
Level 2 (5 chips) Causes a medium explosion.
Level 3 (20 chips) Causes a large explosion.
Fireball - Fires a piercing bullet. Good against large targets, and
destroyes all projectiles, including lasers.
Level 1 (4 chips) Shoots a small, slow-moving fireball.
Level 2 (12 chips) Shoots a larger fireball.
Level 3 (30 chips) Shoots a fast fireball.
Seeker - Fires two bullets that track and destroy enemies.
Level 1 (1 chip) Launches slow-moving missiles. They disappear quickly.
Level 2 (8 chips) Launches faster missiles.
Level 3 (120 chips (??!) ) Launches hyper-quick missiles. They tear up
the enemy, but have a very short fuse.
Spiral Shot - Fires a bullet that spirals and destroys enemies.
Level 1 (3 chips) Slow-moving fireball.
Level 2 (10 chips) Faster spiral.
Level 3 (30 chips) Large bullet with a wicked spiral.
Beam Laser - A powerful beam laser. Can only be used in Flying Mode.
Level 1 (4 chips) Short-spread laser.
Level 2 (6 chips) Twin beam laser.
Level 3 (30 chips) Fires a blaster from the side of the ship.
Saber Laser - Attacks enemies with a laser sword.
Level 1 (4 chips) Weak light sword.
Level 2 (8 chips) Strong light sword.
Level 3 (30 chips) Very strong light sword.
Cutter Laser - Attacks enemies on the sides with laser swords.
Level 1 (5 chips) Weak light swords.
Level 2 (10 chips) Strong light swords.
Level 3 (35 chips) Very strong light swords.
Enemy Eraser - Eliminates all of the enemies in the area. Does not
work on bosses.
Each Enemy Eraser icon gives you 20 shots.

--- Passwords --------

--- Beginner Passwords ---
Starting password (at X12 Y13)
Life 8, Rapid Fire Lv 1, Chip Max 50, Attack Lv 1, Shield Lv 1,
31880 points

nJVS IVgR hlwS DFwQ q5WO 8kv0 ZRhP ZkmL
Area 0 completed (at X12 Y13)
Life 10, Rapid Fire Lv 1, Chip Max 100, Attack Lv 1, Shield Lv 1,
98150 points
Multi-Bullets, Wave Beam, Bullet Shield, Seeker, Spiral Shot, Saber Laser

Area 1 completed (at X2 Y9)
Life 11, Rapid Fire Lv 2, Chip Max 150, Attack Lv 1, Shield Lv 1,
139470 points
Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster, Wave Beam, Bullet Shield, Grenade, Fireball,
Seeker, Spiral Shot, Saber Laser, Cutter Laser

r0HF MGre l1te FiYd 0bNi AuXH JBRY UFg2
Area 2 completed (at X6 Y13)
Life 12, Rapid Fire Lv 3, Chip Max 200, Attack Lv 2, Shield Lv 1,
265580 points
Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster Lv 2, Wave Beam, Bullet Shield, Grenade,
Fireball, Seeker, Spiral Shot, Beam Laser, Saber Laser Lv 2, Cutter Laser

--- Intermediate Passwords ---
ErR5 dndz !Ogz 21oy BK4f BP9p W!69 Gnwt
Area 3 completed (at X8 Y15)
Life 12, Rapid Fire Lv 4, Chip Max 200, Attack Lv 2, Shield Lv 3,
397770 points
Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster Lv 2, Wave Beam, Bullet Shield, Grenade,
Fireball, Seeker, Spiral Shot, Beam Laser, Saber Laser Lv 2, Cutter Laser,
20 Enemy Erasers

Q23M pYNL KbrC kktJ ?0HS u8eY wNuK umTE
Area 4 completed (at X13 Y7)
Life 15, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 400, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 3,
554250 points
Max Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster Lv 2, Wave Beam, Bullet Shield Lv 2, Grenade,
Fireball, Seeker, Spiral Shot, Beam Laser Lv 2, Saber Laser Lv 2, Cutter
Laser Lv 2, 19 Enemy Erasers

?QOZ 0M!B zf8P L8WE 61UZ JJQe JOgT 9hEA
Area 5 completed (at X16 Y9)
Life 16, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 800, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 4,
718850 points
Max Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster Lv 2, Wave Beam Lv 2, Max Bullet Shield,
Grenade Lv 2, Fireball, Seeker, Spiral Shot, Beam Laser Lv 2, Saber Laser
Lv 2, Cutter Laser Lv 2, 71 Enemy Erasers

!p0m U5KL u!mP sJ7T fGOI v2hs 8AfH Eh5O
Area 6 completed (at X15 Y14)
Life 16, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 1600, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 5,
902630 points
Max Multi-Bullets, Side Blaster and Bullet Shield; all other weapons Lv 2;
71 Enemy Erasers

--- Advanced Passwords ---
qMQA 61AB 12cd ImA5 LcBf R9qY Um5c eUv4
Area 7 completed (at X15 Y14)
Life 17, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 1600, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 7,
1117130 points
Most weapons maxed out; 122 Enemy Erasers

vAP9 VM?9 cjP3 7?bM !?Oc ZI20 tW23 xhG8
Area 8 completed (at X9 Y7)
Life 18, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 2400, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 7,
1409090 points
All weapons maxed out except Spiral Shot; 231 Enemy Erasers

zWDO 5!vO 8wDq ?IEv CNEt FZ2H 9jYH 5JIn
Area 9 completed (at X9 Y7)
Life 20, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 4000, Attack Lv 3, Shield Lv 7,
1684610 points
All weapons maxed out; 255 Enemy Erasers

kl!6 ojq7 rD?3 uPb! x1?3 4jHm etyv jbR!
All areas completed (at X12 Y13)
Life 21, Rapid Fire Lv 5, Chip Max 4000, Attack Lv 4, Shield Lv 7,
2054860 points
All weapons maxed out; 255 Enemy Erasers

Enter this password for an added challenge. It lets you play
all of the flying levels.