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The Granstream Saga (e)

				    FAQ v0.2
				  by Doubleten

Hai everyone. Are you wanting a FAQ of The Granstream Saga? Yup, this is it.
BTW, this is my first FAQ so if you want to complain please don't complain
about the language, ok?

I want to tell you the truth, I haven't finish the game or the FAQ yet. So,
If you want to ask something, I'm very sorry, if I don't have the answer.
But if you want to help me, finish this FAQ, I'm very greatful.

Hei not much to say lets go to the FAQ... :)

1. Introduction
2. Game
   2.1 The Buttons
   2.2 The Menu
   2.3 The Battle
   2.4 Saving a game
3. Walkthrough
   3.1 Land of Shilf
	3.1.1  Valos' House
	3.1.2  Wise Man Cemetery
	3.1.3  Town of Arona
	3.1.4  Gude Airship
	3.1.5  Vangel Airship
	3.1.6  Town of Arona
	3.1.7  Valos' House
	3.1.8  Kiria Shrine
	3.1.9  Wise Man Cemetery
	3.1.10 Kiria Shrine
   3.2 Land of Aqua
	3.2.1  Town of Pixim
	3.2.2  Kel's Secret Cave
	3.2.3  Icy Corridor
	3.2.4  Town of Pixim
	3.2.5  The Tower
	3.2.6  Kel's Secret Cave
	3.2.7  Town of Pixim
	3.2.8  Icy Corridor
   3.3 Land of Volcos
	3.3.1  Greintz's Barrier
	3.3.2  Town of Tulku
	3.3.3  Town of Orkul
	3.3.4  Lava Cave
	3.3.5  Town of Orkul
	3.3.6  Greintz's Barrier
	3.3.7  Stalagamite Castle
	3.3.8  Greinz's Barrier
	3.3.9  Stalagamite Castle
	3.3.10 Greinz's Barrier
  3.4 Vangel Airship
  3.5 Land Of Zephere
4. Items
5. Magic
6. Ability
7. Enemy
8. Miscellaneous

				1. Introduction
The Granstream Saga is a fantastic RPG. Not like the other RPG, this RPG is
amazing (well, I think Final Fantasy VII and the other RPG are good too).
This game has a real battle almost, like Alundra, with a full polygon like
Final Fantasy VII, and a lot of amazing animation. The only one is missing I
Thougt is the face, if you watch carefully, they all have no faces!!!!

This RPG are place at the Granstream World (maybe it is the Earth). You will
play as Eon, the youth with a red hair who has the scepter on his arm. In
your jurney, you (Eon) will meet Arcia, Korky (the spirit beast), and Laramee
to help you for saving all of continent.
When Eon was very young, he was founded in front of the church with the 
Scepter. The elder took Eon to his home, and then Valos come to elder house
and pick Eon as his son.
Eon's Scepter has a mysterious power to duplicate and restore items. The
Scepter is the ancient scepter which is lost a hundred years ago. The Scepter
only can work if Eon is in great danger or at the critical situation.

				    2. Game
Before you go to the walkthrough maybe you have to know some of game basic.

2.1 The Buttons
D-Pad   --> The movement (I think you maybe understand it)
X       --> Talk (attack if you're in battle)
O       --> Cancel (block if you're in battle)
Square  --> Magic
Triangle--> Menu
R1      --> Rotate to Right (Like SimCity)
L1      --> Rotate to Left
R2	--> Choose Continent (at Airlim)
L2	--> Not used
2.2 The Menu
I'll gave the cart abaout the menu.
|Items    | Original items like dried herb
|Equip    | Equip the weapon, armor, and shield
|Magic    | The magic that you've learn
|Status   | See your status (you can't see your experience)
|Scepter  | The items that your scepter have been duplicte
|Option   | Text speed and reset
2.3 The Battle
The battle is very simple,very easy and very difficult (?). Ok, I said very
easy beacuse you've only one to do, Kill The Opponent. Every battle, you've
only one opponent (one to one), fair enough huh. Not like the other RPG, that
you've sudden attack by the enemy, you'll go into the battle if:
1. You touch the enemy or the enemy touch you
2. You go to their area (sometime you'll fight with the enemy who attack you
   suddenly if you go to someplace).
3. It's the game story (???)
4. The enemy block your way...
5. It's boss time ^_^!
The difficult is... well nothing very difficult I think but nggg, well I
think you must find it by yourself then email me if you want to give me a
information (you've to find out by yourself, I'm serious if you play the game)
Ok, In the battle, you an your enemy have two bars. On the top is your LP and
the others are HP. If you lost your HP, your LP will resurrect you...
O, I will gave you a tip, block your enemy attack then counterattack that's
more effecient than you attack them, but this tip is not work for the several
2.4 Saving a game
Saving a game is the most important in a RPG game, well you can save (also
can heal your LP and HP) at the green spot at the dungeon or at the church.

				3. Walkthrough
Start the game and watch the animation (you can't skip it unless you have a
saved game:P).

3.1 Land of Shilf
3.1.1 Valos' House
First, take the cup at the chest and use it with the stew. The youth will
come and Valos will go to the basement. Follow Valos and warp to the Wise Man
3.1.2 Wise Man Cemetery
After Valos talk to you, search the broken statue at upper left (If you right
your scepter will glow and Valos will talk to you again). Follow Valos and
talk to him. If you to save the game, follow Valos (to west) and you'll see a
save spot. Go to north hall and check the statue to fight the guardian.
Go down to basement, and head to east to take the orb of wind (you'll fight
the same type of guardian). After you take the orb of wind, Valos will show
up with Roddy (the missing boy) and he will send you and Roddy back to Town
of Arona.
3.1.3 Town of Arona
Follow Roddy and talk to his father, Douger the pub owner. Get in to the pub
and when you get out from the put, get in once again. Go to the church at the
top of the town and talk to drunk man (actually he is ill) in your way to the
church. Talk to the priest, and search the altar (which the priest get out)
when the priest gone. Take the silver comb (Arcia Silver Comb) at the desk
and watch the animation. Talk to the priest and go to the pub. Search the
chest outside the pub.
3.1.4 Gude Airship
Watch the animation (funny, and you'll be at Laramee's Room), and you'll get
a company, Korky the spiritual beast (don't call him 'bird') and Laramee the
Gude female crew (the only female crew). Go out from Laramee's room, and head
to south (you can't go down, Korky will warn you). At the room, search the
chest, Korky will show up, and go upstair. Search the chest once more and go
back to Laramee's Room
3.1.5 Vangel Airship
Travel around and you'll find a chest at the first floor. You can fight two
kind of robot at the first bridge, and go to elevator to go to second Bridge
(you can't go to third bridge), You'll fight a soldier this time, head east
if you want to search the interesting stuff. Go to the first cabin (which is
not locked) at the west to get the cell key (you must fight a soldier first).
Use the key on cell door and watch the animation. Go to bottom left door and
watch the animation once again. Search the broken orb, and go outside (you'll
watch the animation again).
3.1.6 Town of Arona
At the Airlim go to Town of Arona, and talk to townfolks (and search the
barrels for items, to get axe talk to the shop owner at the shop near the pub
). In Elder's house, you can take the ocarina book (by the way you can return
it later). Go to the church and talk to the priest. Go the the elder's house
and talk to the elder. Go to out side the town, and go to Valos' house.
3.1.7 Valos' House
Search the barrels to get one LP. Enter the house and read the note. Talk to
Arcia and head to Kiria Shrine.
3.1.8 Kiria Shrine
Go to the dungeon, and travel it, (at second level, search the blue like
diamond). Back to front of dungeon, and search the pillar. Search the dungeon
before you go to basement (you can find one more life vessel which will add
1 LP to you Life Point). At the basement you'll find Starstone and Moonstone.
Don't take it but duplicate it (answer no at the first question and answer
yes at the second question). Put it both duplicate at the room which has a
ladder. Go down, and push the button when the blocks are unite. At the wind
room, read the book or if you don't borrow it, just open the window like this
		X is close, O is open
or maybe like this

XX	XO, if you do it right the wind will blow, and if all the window
right on the position, it will blow a song.
Go to the teleport spot.
3.1.9 Wise Man Cemetery
Search the first floor, before you go to basement (If you touch the chest,
you'll fight an enemy, if you win you can take the treasure). Go down for the
next dungeon. Fight the guardians, and the sorcerer. Near the end of the
dungeon, you'll have to answer this 3 question, answer this like next...
First question answer 'Both' (go to right pillar). Take the treasure first
and open the pillar one by one to fall and go to the next question (You'll
understand what I mean).
Second question answer 'Love' (Go to left pillar). Wait for a moment to go to
next question.
Last question answer 'Health' (Go to left pillar, I don't remember). Wait the
boy finish his run. Take or duplicate the poem, and go to the teleport spot
for your first boss.
3.1.10 Kiria Shrine
Save your game first!! (I very very recomended it) If you don't save your
game maybe you want to die. Go upstair to fight the boss, listen carefully to
Valos advice or see the boss list at Enemy section. After you beat the boss
watch the animation.

3.2 Land of Aqua
3.2.1 Town of Pixim
After a few speak, Afto will come, talk to him and follow him. In the next
morning, go to the church (You maybe want to search barrels at outside the
apotechary because you will got a magic armor, or search the fire to see a
funny talk with Korky :P). After you go to church go to the southwest of the
town to meet Arcia, and talk to the youth who spoke to Arcia (answer yes if
he ask a question).
3.2.2 Kel's Secret Cave
Go in to the cave (search the place first if you want to), after that you can
explore the cave for a moment and talk to the youth (You'll know that he is
Kal's follower) to see the ceremony.
3.2.3 Icy Corridor
Well, welcome to Kel's Prison. Try to get out from the cell. After talking to
Arcia, a guard will come. You can search the place for awhile then head to
North. In Earth Stratum, search the wall for getting the magic stone. After
you got ten, talk to the guard at the South and walk to prison again. Do same
at the second day (Don't worry, about the magic stone, search at the same
place which are you got them) but when you came back to your cell, Afto will
appear. At the third day, Arcia will be take from the cell to be a sacrifice.
Find the key on the sleeping guard and duplicate it. Go to Heaven Stratum,
and go to the magic labyrinth. I can't tell you much about this Labyrinth.
When you find Arcia, try to get out (Afto will come because you need the cell
3.2.4 Town of Pixim
After the old townfolk get in, go to the tower.
3.2.5 The Tower
Find the tower for interesting stuffs :). Try to go to the top of the tower.
3.2.6 Kel's Secret Cave
Search the youth (not at the dungeon) and he will give you troop emblem.
If you're fighting with a wizard, there's a chest behind it take the sword
and equip it. Search the another youth at the dungeon.
When you're at B3 search all of skeleton like statues (It's big to get).
When you're answering all questions with the statue, answer yes to all. Try
to search the wall until someone come. Follow him to go to the other dungeon.
Near the end of the dungeon, you'll meet Afto's mother. Talk to him and
answer yes (You can't answer no). Go to the other room which Afto's mother
pointing, fight the Ice Golem. Talk to her again, and follow her. It's boss
time !!!! To fight Levanter see the boss list at below.
3.2.7 Town of Pixim
After Afto's mother gave you the spell. Go to Icy corridor.
3.2.8 Icy Corridor
Go to the altar of water and see the animation. Go to the Airlim after that.

3.3 Land of Volcos
3.3.1 Geintz's Barrier
Go to see your weight and get some of the stone until the guard say 
something. Go to the west to the town of Tulku.
3.3.2 Town of Tulku
Talk to the old man at the town meeting hall, and watch the animation. Save
all of the townsfolks and bring the to the town hall. After the animation
(again) go to town of Orkul
3.3.3 Town of Orkul
Go to houses of Orkul and talk to Arcia. After that, go to Geint'z barrier
and talk to the guard. Go to airlim and head to Lava Cave.
3.3.4 Lava Cave
Search Ziruas at east cave (sure it's difficult). After you find
Ziruas go to south cave. Search the dead soldier and use the potion which
Ziurae gave it to you. Search the cave to find Laramee.
3.3.5 Town of Orkul
Speak to Arcia and go to Greint'z Barrier
3.3.6 Greintz's Barrier
Search the book case at the north. Once you enter the lab, search the book
and Korky will bring you to Stalagamite Castle.
3.3.7 Stalagamite Castle
Go jump into the door to enter the dungeon. It's pretty easy so I won't tell
you about the dungeon. At the end of the dungeon, You'll meet evil Ziruas.
After you'll find him, go to Zirual Lab at Geintz's Barrier.
3.3.8 Geintz's Barrier
Talk to Ziruas and gave the item he wants. To get the sulfur, buy it from
apotechary at town or Orkul. After that talk to Arcia and Laramee at Orkul
mayor's house. Talk to Ziruas again and go to Stalagamite Castle.
3.3.9 Stalagamite Castle
Enter the Muscle Layer, and use the item that ziruas gave to you to the
weaker wall (The wall is little bit different). Go down until you fight the
boss. Fight him until you lose 2 LP. Ziruas will help you and have suicide.
Beat the boss then go back to Greinz's Barrier.
3.3.10 Greintz's Barrier
Talk to Arcia at Ziruas Lab and talk to Greintz. Go to Orkul and talk to the
man standing near the cliff. Talk to Greintz again and talk to the boy near
Orkul mayor house. Talk to Greintz again and talk to Mayor of Orkul. Talk to
Greintz for the last time and ask everything. Go to Stalagamite Castle.
3.3.11 Stalagamite Castle
Go to the room which is locked by magic (now it's open) and search the rock.
After talking to the wiseman talk to Arcia at Ziruas' Lab.
3.3.12. Greintz's Barrier
After you talk to Arcia watch the animation.

3.4 Vangel Airship

				   4. Items
First I'll give you a tip. In every place if you see a barrel, vase, chest 
(of course:)), or the other thing, I'm sure that you
will found interesting or usefull stuff. I'll give you 2 list, Item list and
Weapon list.
Next is the Item List :
| Name of Item                   | Description			 | Cost     |
| Dried Herb                     | Restore HP and 2 LP           | 60       |
| Fresh Herb			 | Restore HP and 5 LP		 | 100	    |
| Special Herb			 | Restore HP and all LP         | 150      |
| Low Potion			 | A potion made by magician     | 100	    |
| High Potion			 | Increase MP by 180		 | 250	    |
| Rare Potion			 | Increase MP by 400		 | 500	    |
| Fruits of Vanetawa		 | Korky's Favorite Fruits,      |   	    |
|				 | Restore Health		 | 70 	    |
| Phantom Eye			 | Detects Mimics		 | 50	    |
| Angel Feather			 | Escape to the start		 | 100	    |
| Life Element			 | Greatly increase MP and LP	 | 1500	    |
| White Cristal			 | Restore LP randomly		 | 100	    |
| Black Cristal			 | Restore MP randomly		 | 150	    |
| Elixir			 | Sealed by revival power	 | 5000     |
Weapon List :
| Type		| Name		| Description			    	    |
| Knife		| Dirk		| Simple lightweight dagger, good for 
|		|		| attacks.				    |
| 		| Holy Knife	| Increase the probability of obtaning items|
| Axe		| Battle Axe	| Slow, but increase power		    |
|		| Tyrano Fang   | Give a powerful hit with its sharp edge   |
|		| Gaia Edge	| Blade of spirit King			    |
| Sword		| Broad Sword	| Long blade sword. Quick with good         
|		|		| attacking power			    |
|		| Bastard Sword | Forge with wide blade. Long reach with    |
|		|		| high attack power			    |
|		| Flare Saber	| Increase damage to enemies that are weak  |
|		|		| against fire				    |
|		| Valhalla      | Increase damage to enemies that are weak  |
|		|		| against ice.				    |
| Armor		| Battle Suit	| Simple armor providing weak protection    
|		| Plate Mail	| Many layers, strong protection	    |
|		| Cross Mail	| Unique magic features, but weaker	    |
|		|		| protection				    |
|		| Plate Armor   | Thick but lightweight			    |
| Shield	| Steel Shield	| A lightweight shield, no special effects  |
|		| Neptune	| Shield with special magic, resist ice     |
|		|		| attack				    |
|		| Mercury	| Shield with special magic, resist fire    |
|		| 		| attack				    |
|		| Justection	| Display special power when used with 	    |
|		|		| sacred armor				    |
Thanks for Kong Wing Ho. Thanks a lot ^_^

				   5. Magic
The magic point (MP) can be restore be sleep (I've told you that this RPG not
like the others) be you can recieve it randomly by defeating the enemy.

				  6. Ability
In your Jurney, you'll find a lot of ability, next is the list ability.
| Name			| Description		| How to get it		    |
| Triple Cut (Sword)	| Cut your enemy 3 times| Get the broken sword      |
| *X,X,X*		|			| (Bastard Sword)	    |
| Rotation Cut (Axe)	| Make a blow slice the | Get the Tyrano Fang	    |
| *360 degree from U*	| enemy			|			    |
| Screw Cut (Dagger)    | Make an uppercut and  | Take Laramee's Holy Knife |
| *L,D,R+X*		| slash down the enemy  |			    |
| Tornado Cut (Sword)   | Attack the enemy twice| Get the Vahallas Sword    |
| *R,D,L+x*		| with a powerful blow  | (Ice Sword)		    |

				   7. Enemy
Enemy, I hate to fight this things... By the way, I will seperate the monster
list and the boss list.
Monster List
| Name			| Type			| How to win		    |
| One Arm Guardian	| Guardian		| Stay close to him and cut |
|   			|			| him several times. Block  |
|			|			| his attack of course.     |
| Soldier		| Soldier		| Block his attack and      |
|			|			| make counterattack. (If he|
|			|			| Make an unblockable move, |
|			|			| attack him quickly).	    |
| Robot (i forgot the	| Golem			| Attack twice, and block   |
| name)			|			| his attack, stay close.   |
| Guardian		| Guardian		| See One Arm Guardian.	    |
| High Guardian		| Guardian		| Attack him until he lose  |
|			|			| his shield, block his way |
|			|			| to the shield, ATTACK HIM!|
| Sorcerer		| Sorcerer		| Block his attack and hit  |
|			|			| him quickly, or hit him   |
|			|			| when he cast the spell    |
Boss List
| Name			| How to win					    |
| Draglarg		| Block the meteor, when his arm attacking you block|
|			| and counter. Finish his arms first then hide 	    |
|			| behind the pillar. Block the meteor and hit him   |
|			| quickly.					    |
| Levante		| Wait and block his magic and counter attack, the  |
|			| way is attack him when he cast fire or wind spell |
|			| (He always make a movement to one of four circle  |
|			| cast his magic (Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind)).         |

				8. Miscellanous
The spirit card
In Land of Aquas at the meeting room... There's a witch who are searching the
spirit card. Is there anyone that can tell me, please email me...

The Scepter Force
Do you know that there is a system of obtaining items from enemies?
Here's how it's work.
Whenever you beat a enemy, without him hurting you, you are asked
to open a Blue Scepter Force. You can open it or let your scepter remember it.
During this time, before you fight another enemy, you must not do the 
following things:
1.Use items.
2.Use magic.
And if you fight another enemy, and you won, without him hurting you,
you will be asked to open another coloured Specter Force. You can contiune
like this until the last Scepter Force.
The Colour Scepter Force System:
Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, Fight three more enemies, Orange, Rainbow,
The harder your enemies are, the better the reward.
(By Kong Wing Ho)
