Total Drivin (e)

Grand Tour Racing '98
    Bonus Car and Track 
    Start a race in Hong Kong, level 5. Race until you hit the dirt road, then 
    continue until you see the bridge. Slowly drive across the bridge, then 
    immediately turn to the right. Next, drive BENEATH the bridge to reveal a 
    gold medallion and access to the bonus car and track. 

    Extra Levels
    Easter Island 2:
    Start the race with any team. After you go through the lava tunnels you will 
    come to a "S" curve in a jungle area. At the end of the "S" curve go to the 
    right off the track and on to the grass just before the red and white road 
    block. Follow the grass to a small beach. At the end of the beach you will 
    find a gold object. Run over it and it will take you to an EXTRA LEVEL where 
    you will race Easter Island in a Rally Car. 
    Hong Kong 5:
    Start the race with any team. When you get to the dirt road, go to the 
    second bridge. Go under the bridge and you will find a gold object. Run over 
    the gold object and it will take you to an EXTRA LEVEL where you will race 
    Hong Kong in a Dakar Car. 
    Scotland 3:
    Start the race with any team. As you head tword the dark, forested part of 
    the track, climb the slanted rocks on the right side just before the forest 
    starts. Climb above the road into the woods. Drive in the woods untill you 
    get to the turn with the black and white backstop. Go behind the backstop 
    and you will find a gold object. Run over the gold object and it will take 
    you to an EXTRA LEVEL where you will race Scotland in a Dune Buggy. 
    Switzerland 1: Behind the Wagner Ski House just past the bridge between the 
    two snow covered mountains.
    Egypt 1: Next to the old egyptian building on your right when you are going 
    through the turny part with the water on your left.
    Easter Island 2: Behind the blocked off part after the twisty-turny tree 
    part right before the ramp.
    Moscow 2: Behind the railing on the right just next to the ramp (use the 
    ramp to get over the railing).
    Scotland 3: Behind the railing on the right in the woods.
    Hong Kong 5: Under the second bridge on the yellow sand road. 

    Keep Racing After Crossing Finish Line
    You must have it on any 2player race. One person must cross the finish line, 
    and the other must turn around so the screen says "Turn Around." The other 
    player that didn't cross the finish line has to go all the way back to the 
    finish line and the screen still has to read "turn around." The player that 
    didnt win now must push the winner past the finish line. The view will still 
    be circling the winner. The winner cannot cross the finish line again unless 
    he/she wants to get stuck.