Gulliver Boy (e)

 gulliver boy/kuusoukakakusekai gariba-bo-i  -+-  manual/walkthru/faq v0.99b


 0.0  introduction
 1.0  manual translation
  1.1  story
  1.2  characters
  1.3  vehicles
  1.4  how to play
  1.5  battles
  1.6  trade stations
  1.7  information on shops
  1.8  lists
  1.9  advice
 2.0  frequently asked questions
 3.0  walkthru

 0.0 -- introduction
 this is definitely one of the most fun rpgs i've ever played.  it has great
 music, cinemas, plot, etc,but i think the best part is that it's so similar
 to the pc engine version of the game that it's incredibly nostalgic for me.
 if you start  the game and notice that the graphics in the  beginning don't
 look up-to-par with most other  32-bit rpgs, please don't stop there -- the
 game really does get *very* fun and is hilarious.. even if you don't under-
 stand an ounce of japanese.
 anyhow, i hope you  enjoy this game as much  as i did, but be forewarned, i
 *know* i didn't  do everything perfectly in this game.  so my walkthru will
 take you  to the end, but you probably  won't see the  *best* ending  as  i
 missed 9 different important items.  maybe later on i will replay the game,
 and try to find the items.  if i do, i'll update the walkthru.

 if you have any questions/comments, email me at

 1.0 -- manual translation
 1.1 -- the story
 [nothing here yet]

 1.2 -- the characters
 [nothing here yet]

 1.3 -- the vehicles
 [nothing here yet]

 1.4 -- how to play
 when you first start the game, you'll see a screen asking you if you'd like
 to use  the internal memory or  backup memory (if you have  a backup cart).
 pick the second one to use backup memory.

 after the opening cinema, choose 'new game' to begin a new game.

 the command screen:
   [on page eleven of the manual]
   1:  command menu
   2:  number of days that have passed
   3:  amount of money you have
   4:  your party

 the command menu:
   1. 'use':
      when you select the 'use' button, a submenu appears:
       a. 'use': pick this to use an item.
       b. 'exchange': pick this two exchange the positions of two items.
       c. 'sort': this will sort your item list.
       d. 'throw away': once you throw something away, you'll never get it
                        back -- so be careful how you use this.

   2. 'abilities':
      after you pick this, choose the  character whose abilities you want to
      use.  each character has different types of abilities:
       a. Gulliver's abilities:  magic
          he uses Magic Mind (or Magic Points)
       b. Edison's abilities:    inventions
          he uses Battery Points
       c. Misti's abilities:     songs
          she uses Voice Mind (or Voice Points)

   3. 'equip':
      use this to equip  character power-ups.  after you  select this,  pick
      the character  you want to equip a  new power-up on.  then select  the
      power-up from your item list.
      Edison uses  the items that look  like springs, Misti uses  the rings,
      and Gulliver  uses the discs (they look like CDs).  but Gulliver  does
      not equip  the discs like normal, he must  install them first.  to  do
      this 'talk' to the statue next to where Edison stands in the Sea Lion.
      the first option equips a disc, and the second installs a disc. if you
      ever  get a new disc, pick the second option and  pay attention to the
      way the japanese characters in the item looks so you can equip it with
      the first selection.  when you pick  the first selection, it will give
      you a list of installed discs that you  scroll thru with right/left on
      the direction pad.  pick the disc you want and press a or c.  Gulliver
      randomly uses the abilities  of a disc during battle when you 'attack'
      with him.

   4. 'status':
      use this to get detailed stats on your party's condition.

   5. 'phoebe command':
      this allows you to equip items to phoebe (the fairy), and she will use
      them randomly in battles.

   6. 'setup':
      a. 'dialog': two options, suspend (wait for button press), or auto.
      b. 'battle messages': same as above.
      c. 'dialog mode': auto or manual -- on auto, you'll talk to a person
                        simply by walking into them - manual requires that
                        you press a or c.
      d. 'message speed': slow/fast.
      e. 'window color': pick the color you like most.

   7. 'map':
      you may see the map after you've gotten the Sea Lion (the sub)

   this is  fairly simple.  use the  control centre just under  where Edison
   stands to  leave a dock.  pick the first  option to leave, or the  second
   to  stay.  you  can dock  at a town by  simply running into  it with  the
   Sea Lion.

 1.5 -- battles
 encounters (battles) in Gulliver Boy  are the 'classic' rpg type.  when you
 encounter a monster, you'll be brought  to a screen that looks like the one
 on page 15 of the manual.  the five small 'balls' just above your character
 let you know if he is  ready to attack -- they will fill with red, and when
 all are full you may attack with that character. when a character is ready,
 you be brought to one of the following menus:
   1. for Gulliver:
    a. 'attack': use this to do a standard attack.
    b. 'magic': use this to cast a spell.
    c. 'item': use this to use an item.
    d. 'parry': use this if you don't wish to use a character on a round; it
                will increase his defense if attacked.
    e. 'run': this will cause the party to run, but doesn't always work.
    f. 'status': use this to see the current condition of the character.

   2. for Edison:
    a. 'attack': use this to do a standard attack.
    b. 'invention': use this to use an invention (like magic).
    c. 'item': use this to use an item.
    d. 'parry': use this if you don't wish to use a character on a round; it
                will increase his defense if attacked.
    e. 'run': this will cause the party to run, but doesn't always work.
    f. 'status': use this to see the current condition of the character.
    g. '

   3. for Misti:
    a. 'attack': use this to do a standard attack.
    b. 'song': use this to sing a song (like magic).
    c. 'item': use this to use an item.
    d. 'parry': use this if you don't wish to use a character on a round; it
                will increase his defense if attacked.
    e. 'run': this will cause the party to run, but doesn't always work.
    f. 'status': use this to see the current condition of the character.
    g. '

 bad status:
   certain items or monsters will poison or cause some kind of 'bad status.'
   here is a list of them, taken straight  from page 19 so you can match the
   stat on the manual with the stat over top of the character when you press
    condition          symptoms
    curse              affects your stats, i assume
    poison             hurts you with every step you make
    silence            you cannot cast magic
    blindness          you will miss a lot when attacking
    fascination        you become 'charmed' and fight on the enemy's side
    frozen             you cannot move
    burning            hurts you every so often
    sleepiness         you cannot do anything
    shock              makes you weak
    drunken frenzy     you display selfish behavior when drunk
    faint              you lose the will to participate in the battle

 1.6 -- trade stations
 trade stations are the  buildings with the anchor  symbol over the doorway.
 in there  you can buy items  and sell them at  other trade  stations.  it's
 simply a way to make money.  when buying something, don't always accept the
 first  offer, instead  select 'iie' (the second option) and  sometimes they
 will  lower their  price (and sometimes  they'll do this  more than  once).
 then at other stations you might find someone who is looking for this item,
 and you can sell it to them for more than you purchased it.  sometimes even
 people in houses will want something you have.   this is kind of hard to do
 if you don't  understand japanese, but if you have  an outrageous amount of
 money, buy  some stuff, and when you find  someone wanting to buy something
 you have, sell  it to them.  don't worry about  needing these items, as  if
 it's  possible to sell  them this way, you don't need them to  complete the
 game.  some items, as with the  Pikkuringu Chiizu, will heal you.  but most
 of the time it's better to sell  off these items, as the Pickling Cheese is
 usually sold at outrageous prices (lowest i  got was 980 gold, and it's not
 worth that  to use it as a heal item) and  it will  benefit you more if you
 sell it.
 also, when you  buy or sell something in the trade stations, you get stamps
 to add  to your stamp book.  with these stamps  you can purchase items from
 the stamp king.

 1.7 -- information about shops
   1. item shops:
       here you can  purchase items, such as  heal items.  when you  talk to
       the shopkeeper, you will have three options on the menu:
       a. 'buy': use this to purchase an item.
       b. 'sell': use this to sell an item you no longer need.
       c. 'cancel': use this to not make any transactions.

   2. temples:
       the priest can lift poisons or you can make a donation.  talk  to the
       priest to get the following menu:
       a. 'make a donation': you can donate 10 gold to the temple.
       b. 'lift poison': quite obvious, but  it's usually  easier to  use an
                         item or Misti's cure magic to do this.

   3. inns:
       at the inn you  can sleep to heal  yourself, and save your game. when
       you talk to the innkeeper, you get the following menu:
       a. the first menu that comes up is asking if you'd like to sleep.pick
          either one, and you'll be brought to the next menu:
       b. this is asking if  you'd like to save  your game.  first option is
          yes (as always), and second option is no (again, as always).  inns
          are the only places you can save your game.  if you choose to save
          it, pick from any one of the four save slots available.   when you
          start your  game the next time, choose continue and pick  the same
          slot you used to save your game.  this is quite obvious, but...

   4. casino:
       at the casino, you can play the slot machines or black jack.  i don't
       think i need to  explain how to play these  here.  if you don't know,
       find a book on either or ask any half-intelligent human.  even if you
       can't read the menus, it's not hard to figure out.  in black jack, if
       you want  to hit and accidentally  hit stay, i think it'll  be pretty
       obvious that you've picked the wrong option when you don't get a card

   5. interior design shop:
       here you  can purchase different  types of furniture/accessories  for
       your submarine, the Sea Lion.  there are  three different shopkeepers
       here, and  you can only  buy one item  from each.  i just bought  the
       most expensive  from each  of them.  if you buy  something and  later
       decide  you  want to  exchange it  for another,  when you  go to  buy
       another item, it will ask you if you want to sell back your old item.
       pick the first option if you wish to do this.

 1.8 -- lists
 important items from back of manual, bottom half.
   heal item: pictured as  stone with  heart in it.  essentially,  any  item
              ending in these three characters is a  heal item of some sort.
              other heal items include Super Heals and Deluxe Heals.
   cure item: this  has  a japanese name that  doesn't translate  well  into
              english, but  anyhow it will cure  curses and  drunkeness (and
              possibly  other ailments -- can't remember).  it is  the stone
              with the eye in it.
   mindstone: pictured as a red stone with half-moon and stars.  use this on
              Gulliver  or Misti to restore  magic points.  there is also an
              item called  a Mind Seven, which you can  use three times.  if
              you see an item with the same  first four characters, but diff
              last four, it's probably a Mind Seven.
   electric charcoal: restores 50 BP for Edison.   pictured as a gold stone.
   electric eel: restores a lot of BP for Edison.

 Gulliver's magic:
   rather than  taking these from the back of the map, i will list them out
   as they  appear in the game.  this way  you simply count  the number  of
   magics downward  on my list, and then do the same on the  screen to find
   what you want to cast.
   1. fire     -- does fire damage; four levels possible
   2. ice      -- does ice damage; four levels possible
   3. thunder  -- does electric damage; four levels possible
   4. seeker   -- if you're missing an enemy often, chances are  you need to
                 use this; only one level possible
   5. chicken  -- makes you run away; works every  time (except for bosses);
                 only one level possible

 Misti's songs:
   1. heal     -- heals one character; three (?) levels possible
   2. ice      -- does ice damage; randomly freezes enemy; three (?) levels
   3. thunder  -- does electric damage; three (?) levels possible
   4. fire     -- does fire damage; three (?) levels possible
   5. defense  -- increases defense of one  character at level one, and all
                  characters at level two
   6. strength -- increases strength of one character at level one, and all
                  characters at level two
   7. cure     -- cures any ailments for one character at level one and all
                  characters at level two
   8. heal all -- heals all party members; three (?) levels possible
   9. charm    -- charms the enemy so they don't attack you
  10. silence  -- use to silence enemy's magic

 Edison's inventions:
   1. thunder  -- does electric damage; three (?) levels possible
   2. blind    -- blinds the enemy so they miss often
   3. fire     -- does fire damage; three (?) levels possible
   4. agility  -- raises agility for one character at level one, and all at
                  level two
   5. tototonero- not sure on name; it poisons the enemy
   6. puripon  -- not entirely sure;  i think it randomly casts stuff
   7. heccharan-- not sure on name, but it seems to  raise  your resistance
                  to freeze, fire, etc
   8. barrier  -- protects from one magic spell at level one, two spells at
                  level two, etc

 1.8 -- advice
 [nothing here yet]
 2.0 -- frequently asked questions
 [nothing here yet -- send some email to me!]
 3.0 -- walkthru
 disc 1
 first i need to  stress one thing:  if you get stuck in the game, more than
 likely  you need  to talk to  someone.  so, TALK  TO EVERYONE; even if  you
 cannot read japanese.

 exit the room  you start in, and go left  and into the door there.  go thru
 the door to the left now (and don't  forget to get the chest).  go thru the
 gate and talk to the man who's fishing.

 next you'll need to  go to your house (in the lower left-hand corner) after
 you leave the school.  your mother will get mad at you and send you to your
 room.  look at the note on the table next to the phone. the phone will then
 ring, and the king will ask  you to come over.  he lives in the house up at
 the top.  there he will want to have a battle (battoru!  battoru!), and you
 will have to fight him.  all four of the jars just below him will heal you,
 so if you are wounded, drink from them.

 go back  and talk to your teacher now.  he will give you  a key to the cave
 door.  exit the  town to the south and go  to the cave.  be sure you are at
 least level  six or so.  if not, either fight  the king a lot, or fight the
 monsters on the outside.
 once you get the diploma for magic, leave the cave and go to the port town.
 talk to the guy next to the boat to the south and he'll take you to venice.

 in venice
 go to the  chinese place and enter the tent.  go into the  back room to get
 phoebe.  next find  the rubbish  heap (to the  south east) and  get edison.
 go  to your  house and see  your father.  the grey-haired fellow  here will
 reveal  he's a pirate, and you  need to join him  on his ship to  get to an
 underwater cave.  this cave is rather easy  to get thru, so when  you reach
 the end, and lose (yes, lose) the fight, you'll get a submarine and will be
 put back  at venice once more.  go back to  your house again, and talk with
 the grey-haired fellow.  after that, go to the castle and talk to everyone.
 be sure  to also listen to the legend  of atlantis, if you  understand  any
 japanese.  if not, it merely  tells of how  atlantis came about, etc.  next
 you'll need to go to the  chinese-type area of the city and talk to the two
 on top  of the tent.  then go  to the green  house just  left of  the large
 grey palace-type building.

 now, look on the map that came with  the game (unless, of course, you got a
 pirate copy...) and  find the  large blue and  yellow fish  with its  mouth
 wide open.  just to his left is a  town called shichiria and you need to go
 there.  talk to  the man in  the store here and he'll  give you a ring.  go
 south to the two-story house and go upstairs.  talk to this woman twice.
 now exit  the town and go to the one  above the big fish.  here you'll need
 to find steel bat and talk to her.  she'll tell  you to go to miyabi's.  do
 so, and talk  with her again (she'll  be inside).  here she'll  tell you to
 buy some  food for the ninja  that says 'wabi'  everytime you  talk to  him
 (btw, 'wabi'  means excuse me).  go to 'soba' (the food  shop to the right)
 and buy  the second item on  the menu from the  left-most person.  bring it
 back to  the ninja, and he'll open  a secret door  for you.  here steel bat
 will join you, and gulliver will receive a special ability (sonic mind).
 enter and  when you reach the room  with lots of chains you can yank, first
 pull the one 2nd from the left, go thru  the door, then pull the one to the
 far right.
 after you  defeat the end boss here, go to the soba  shop and buy some soba
 (soba are  noodles).  go to rome and give the  noodles to the girl standing
 between the two cars.  go thru the  large doors up above.  from here  there
 are  several paths, and several  places to go.  first you'll  need to go to
 the town  to the south and talk  with the man in the upper-left wearing the
 green top hat.  then talk  to the bums from  left to right.  the second bum
 will ask you a question, and you  need to answer 'hai' (first option).  the
 third will  give you 'yakki sakana,' or 'yucky fish.'  now go  to the north
 town and talk to the blond woman  in the first house.  then talk to the two
 in the upper-right guarding  the house.  to the one on the left you'll give
 the yakki sakana, and he'll get so sick, he'll make a run for the restroom.
 after you defeat the wax artist's  body guards, he'll  run off; don't worry
 about him now.  go down a bit and  search the bookcase.  it will slide away
 and reveal  a staircase.  make your way down them  and talk with all of the
 girls here.
 next  you  need to  go to the  collisseum (to  the right) and  talk to  the
 florist.  she'll  give you an  item you  need to  unlock  the  door in  the
 memorial in the center city.  do so, and you'll notice the drunken man here
 is the man who shot and killed your father.  after you defeat him once, you
 can answer 'iie' to his question and have the oppurtunity to finish him off
 for good and get your revenge.  it's up to you, but i chose 'iie.'

 go to building  just above and  defeat the first  of the 'trio de espania.'
 then go to the collisseum.  take the left  passage until you get to a large
 door.  you can now enter it.  hop into the giant red robot.  when attacking
 with the robot, don't hit  head-on or you'll be  hurt too; always hit at an
 angle.  here  you'll  face the second  of the 'trio  de espania,' and  he's
 fairly easy  the first time  around.  the second  time, however, he's  much
 harder, so be prepared.  after you  defeat him, go thru the door behind his
 totalled mecha, and then thru  the first open door and up the ladder.  talk
 to the  guy in  the top-hat  and the girl  next to him.  go back  down  the
 ladder and to the right.  get back  into the mecha.  when you reach the guy
 with  purple hair, exit the robot and talk to him.  after you  kill him, go
 up thru  the door.  you'll now be back  in the center city, in the top-most
 building.  exit and talk to the three bums below.

 go to the lower city and talk to man in green top-hat again.  get back into
 your submarine and go to Monico (just up a bit.. if you don't see race cars
 everywhere, you're in  the wrong town).  enter casino and talk to the horse
 to the right.  if you have more than $10000, talk to the manager beside the
 entrance  and you'll be allowed  into the VIP room (you can bet more etc..)
 (the bunny girl stands in front of the door to the VIP room)

 NOTE: if you  can mop the  floor in the  locker-room in the  VIP room in 10
       minutes (game-time, about 10 seconds) or less, you'll get $800.

 exit casino  and pay $2000 to enter  the wax museum (purple building to the
 right). go to the back room, and the door will shut behind you. wait a bit,
 and you'll hear a voice. click on the blue-green table in the center and go
 down the stairs.  in the  next room, talk to any one of the six wax figures
 and they  will come to life  and attack you.  you can't  and don't  need to
 defeat them all (there is an unlimited number of them).  go down the stairs
 to the left.  you'll see the wax sculptor  fumbling with a door (can't find
 his key).  after  you kill  him (her? ) go thru  the door and  you'll be
 back outside.

 now talk to the stamp king who's  on the second floor of the inn.  from him
 you can buy things  with stamps.  you get stamps  whenever you trade things
 at a trade shop.

 go back to venice and talk to the king there.

 next go to shichiria (next to big fish) and talk to mobster in blue.

 now go to maruseiyo (just above  big ship on map), and talk to blond in one
 of the upper houses. she gives you a part to make your sub better (i think,
 can't remember now for sure).

 go to aruje (right under sea serpent) and enter 'kasuba' (it's the building
 with the  eagle hitting a  punching bag).  talk to the  man in front of the
 ring.  pick the first  answer when he asks  a question, and you'll  have to
 fight 'hammer eagle.'  if you defeat him, he'll join your party.

 the cave in the upper-left hand corner
 talk to the two guards in the cave, then exit and talk to the librarian (in
 the library, to the  left in the town).  you can  now enter the cave.  when
 Ripley locks  you up, search the shimmy rocks below to get some BP boosters
 for Edison.  then go up to the door and speak with Ripley four times.
 go left two  screens till you fall down  the hole.  go up the stairs to the
 left (be careful; it's very easy to die in here. everytime you move you are
 hurt for a considerable amount).  go right and down  the stairs here.  talk
 to the two guys  in front of the big machine.  go back to  the red door and
 kill Ripley.  now go back to the big machine and push the red button.
 exit the  cave now and make  way to Monaco again.  enter  the G.M.  theatre
 (the one with  the drunken man in white who can't sing).  watch one  of his
 plays (doesn't matter which), and go thru the door to the right and talk to
 the man here.  leave the theatre  and talk to the sailor in the tavern.  go
 back to  the theatre and talk with the drunken  performer in the left room.
 go back to  the tavern again and the  drunken man will  be here.  talk with
 him.  now go to the grand casino and talk to the bunny bartender.  pick 2nd
 item and go down the stairs.  fight the  guards and defeat "Gudou" (the guy
 with  the money).  Big Mouse will  then give you  "Gold Mind."  talk to the
 guy in white and then leave the town.

 NOTE:  don't forget to install Gold Mind.

 now go to Maruseiyo (just to the left of Monaco).

 at Maruseiyo
 talk to the man with the  big sign who's behind the green fence.  walk thru
 the hole  he cuts in the fence, and then thru the grey doors to the left of
 the tower.  walk up  to the town in  the upper-left  and talk to  the blue-
 haired  girl in bed.  pick the  first answer when she  asks you a question.
 then talk with the guy next to her.  go back to the town with the big tower
 and enter the building with  the star over the doorway.  kill the guards to
 free the man (your uncle).  go back to  the upper-left town and defeat Geko
 (again).  go up a bit and your  uncle will tell you  to follow him down the
 stairs.  do so, and talk with the blue-haired girl again. then click on the
 teddy bear and go thru the hole in the wall that it reveals. go all the way
 up to the ladder, which will take you to the SSS camp.

 in the SSS camp
 go down and thru the door.  there will  be three doors here.  from right to
 left, enter  door #2, #3 and then #1.  talk to  the fat guy  here, and kill
 him.  now go to  Ispania (just left  of the ship  on the map).  it's a very
 large city, you really can't miss it.

 in Ispania
 talk to the guard in front of the doorway and take the tour. then go to the
 blockade just south of Ispania.  when silver  asks you a question, pick the
 second as the first will get him killed (he does a kamikaze into the wall).
 go thru the hole and then up the this area, search every computer
 and if you find you cannot get thru a certain door,fight some enemies until
 you get a key. you need one key for each door (they disappear after you use
 them on a door).  when you reach the top, go thru the door to the right and
 then down the stairs.  defeat the muscle man and enjoy the short cinema.

 you're now on disc 2!

 disc 2
 go to Casablanca (far left  of the map, almost in the  bottom corner.. it's
 depicted as two towers on the map, not one like the town below it).

 in Casablanca
 in first town here, go thru blue door to north. enter first town you see to
 the right.  go into casablanca bar and talk to man in corner. then have the
 piano player play his three songs.  now go to the black and white bar.  buy
 the  first item from bartender  and go to bottom  town (but save  your game
 first) and  enter the only different  looking house here.  talk to  the guy
 thru the door,  enter, and fight him  (he's hard).  go to town to right and
 enter the moon rabbit.  talk to people here. go up to moon palace (straight
 up, thru the  top of the screen) and click on  the blue panel  to the left.
 answer 'hai' to every answe and then enter the palace.
 talk with  the girl in the  red bikini.  go upstairs  (three times).   kill
 baron fullmoon and then gekko.  go back to port town.  talk to  couple near
 your submarine.  enter your submarine and be sure to talk to edison to have
 him equip the power up you got from gekko.

 go  down to  the mountain (far  south).  go to the top of  the mountain and
 enter the bar.
 go to town  just below the  mushroom town (far  north) and leave  after the
 blue-haired man talks to you.  then go to the hotel up above and sleep. and
 be sure to install the disc Kong gave you.

 NOTE:  you can sleep in Kong's hotel in your submarine now.

 go back to mountain and talk to Pink Tiger. she'll join your party and give
 you a disc (be sure to install it).

 go to town just under mushroom town. enter bar and buy second item from the
 bartender.  then stand  in front of  red cash  register and  press the  'X'
 button.  go down the stairs to get the ID card.  go to the Linia Train (LT)
 and thru entrance on right.  get on the train.
 in hallway after room with conveyor belts, don't let the robots see
 up to them and push the button (and pick first option). when you get to the
 electric cylinder, push button to turn power off.  go back out and push 'X'
 at cash register again.  go down the stairs.   talk to everyone and go back
 to train.  this time go thru the gate on the left, and get onto this train.
 when you reach  the area with a lot of  scientists, talk to the  one who is
 playing a PCEngine DUO.
 when you get to the area where  Judou kills Baron Fullmoon, don't worry  if
 you fail to kill Judou.  if you don't kill him, he will take Misti, but you
 can get her back later (although, the game is much harder without her - and
 you'll have to go thru quite a bit without her).  after you free the people
 that fell thru the floor, push the levers in this order:  1,4,3,2.  then go
 to the  upper-right of the next area and go  thru the doorway.  get all the
 chests and get on the train.
 go up stairs and thru doorway on left.  talk to blue-haired  person and the
 blonde.  after they're blown to bits, talk to  them again.  go down and Big
 Mouse will talk to you.

 Now go up to the big fortress and enter the hole in the wall. press all the
 red buttons to open doors.  in this area you'll fight Judou four times (or,
 rather, clones  of Judou).  you'll pass  thru four houses that  depict  the
 story of Judou and Misti.

 NOTE:  when fighting Judou, use Edison's  barrier magic -- otherwise, Judou
        will freeze you all the time.

 in the organic area, follow this simple map to get out of here:

                        1         4
                        |               2
                 .------'                  X
                        |                    3

 X=wormhole you should NOT go down.
 0=starting position.

 go to wormhole 1, then  2, 3 and  finally go up the stairs at 4.  i know my
 map sucks, but if you  can't figure  it out, quit playing  rpgs and buy  an
 easy platformer or something :]

 now kill Judou.  but be forewarned, HE'S HARD!

 go back to the mountain with  the horses, and enter first cave on right. go
 down the hole and get the items.  when you  get back to the submarine, talk
 to Edison and he'll equip the power-up.

 now leave the town and go to Atena (all the  way to the right of the map --
 till you cannot go any further.  it's the town just above the gate.

 in Atena
 go up (thru the back of the town) and go to the town in the upper-right. go
 thru doorway where  poster of worker is.   climb the ladders  to the top of
 the building.  talk to the  horse at  the very top  twice and to the one in
 front of the window.  leave this town  and go to the pink town to the left.
 go down all holes  and get the chests.  then go  into house  in  upper-left
 and down into the hole in back of the house.  when you talk to guy in white
 with the sunglasses,i personally  picked 'hai' (1st) on his first question,
 and 'shinai' (2nd) on his second.  do the  same next  time you talk to him.
 at the hospital (ahem...  not really) answer  'iie' (2nd) to Crazy  Horse's
 question.  in the Ponpii  factory answer  'iie' (2nd) to  the cute-sounding
 girl's question.  (she asks if you  want to  drink some  Ponpii -- it turns
 people into monsters)
 after you defeat her, go back to Crazy  Horse and answer 'hai' (1st) to his
 question to have him join your party.  the second question is asking if you
 want him to stay with you or go back to the boat.  pick whichever, but your
 current fourth character will go back to the boat if you have him stay.
 go back to  the town you just  came from (to the right) and enter the large
 temple (upward).  go up the stairs either to  the upper-left or -right.  go
 downward and up the stairs here.  then go  right (not  left)  and up to the
 room with the colored tiles.

 color-tile puzzle #1:

    X X X X 3 X
    X X X X 2 X
    X X X X 1 X

 go thru the door.  from here, go left and get the chest and then right and
 up the stairs.  there are three more color-tile puzzles (uhm, puzzle?!):

 color-tile puzzle #2:

    X X 4 X X X
    X X 3 X X X
    X 1 2 X X X

 color-tile puzzle #3:

    X X X X 5 X
    X X X X 4 X
    X X 1 2 3 X

 color-tile puzzle #4:

    X X 6 X X X
    X X 5 4 X X
    X X X 3 2 1

 color-tile puzzle #5:

    5 6 7 X X X 
    4 3 X X X X
    1 2 X X X X

 can get her back later (although, the game is much harder without her - and
 after puzzle five, go upward and  up the stairs.  walk around the pools and
 go to the girl and two tied up boys.  first time you fight her, she'll send
 you back to the beginning, and yes, you have to go all the way back to her.
 :(  i had to raise my level to 170 before i could kill her, but even then i
 simply got lucky and froze her for the entire battle, but i think *maybe* a
 barrier 2 magic will protect you -- not sure though. go down the hole after
 you kill her.
 go to the princess statue in the north and 'talk' to it.  if you talk to it
 again,  she'll heal  your party.  leave the entire area and go  to the gate
 just below this town.  go up stairs and thru the door. kill Hard Muscle and
 flip the switch.  get in your submarine and go thru the gate.
 go to the little flower patch up north (just under the waterfall).   'talk'
 to  the flowers and  pick first choice when you're asked  a question.  walk
 into  the flower patch and talk to the large sunflower at top.  be sure  to
 install the disc you received when you get back to your submarine.
 now go to Istanbul, (south, has different music).  go thru the doors to the
 north and go to 'Upside Town' to the north (outside).  talk to the old lady
 in bed at the top house.
 now  go  to  the  other  town here  (upward).  enter  the 'Beauty & Beast,'
 go  downstairs and watch the  beast's magic show.  then go  down the stairs
 here and talk with the beauty.  now go to the house at the top of the town,
 and make way to the top floor. here you'll meet Zero, and he'll leave a box
 behind.. in this box is an enemy you have to fight and this is not the last
 box you'll see here, unfortunately.  have a lot of heals on hand.  make way
 back out of the house and fight the 10 or so bosses-in-a-box.
 go back to 'Beauty & Beast' and talk with the beast (Mammoth).  he'll  join
 your party.
 go over to the aircraft (they're called 'Lady Bees')and into the room where
 the old men are powering the aircraft.  leave and  the mechanic Bikksu will
 talk to you.

 at the floating continent
 when crossing the thin bridge, *do not* move left orp the party's agility.
   when you freeze him, have everyone attack full-force.

 then take the Lady Bee back down and go to 'Upside Town' and talk  with the
 old man who was dressed as a woman in the top house. now go down the stairs
 here and the next also.  push the  yellow button and exit.  get in  the sub
 and pick  third option at the  control panel  (the place  you click on with
 Gulliver to go somewhere).
 here there are  whirlpools everywhere, and you'll need to go thru the right
 ones to get  to the surface.   i'm sorry i didn't  map it out, but it would
 have been too much work for something so simple to figure out.
 go up to the tower to the north.  sleep at the hotel and Edison will have a
 nightmare where he'll have to fight 'Ekksu' or 'X.' if you don't defeat him
 Edison, sleep again and Misti will get a shot, and so on.
 go upwards and you can enter the temple now.  after you run out, go back in

 notes on the temple:
   click on pools of blood to reveal secret doors temporarily (the area will
     turn mostly red)
   in area with eyes that teleport you two other eyes,you will get keys that
     poison you -- do NOT drop them!  you need them!
   just after  the eyes, find two  skeleton torsos  on opposite sides of the
     area (toward the top, one has a  red jewel and  the other blue).  click
     on them both to open the skeleton door.

 after you fight  the boss (sorry, forgot  her name) save your game and take
 the submarine back thru the gate (south, beginning of area) and head toward
 the building on the light grey  land that looks like a factory (you'll know
 when you've found it because Hareruya draws you closer to it thru the black

 in Hareruya's lair
 go thru the gateways and into doorway at top.  if you touch a gold teleport
 here, you'll have to fight an easy version of Hareruya. behind one of these
 is a chest with a Bane  for Edison, so keep an eye out for it.  once you've
 gotten thru  the three rooms of teleporters, the next  area is fairly easy.
 don't use any of the 'funnel' teleporters here, they just teleport to other
 areas here -- it's easier to simply walk around since you can get lost with
 the teleporters.  find the chest with the Ring for Misti.  this ring causes
 her to 'double-hit' a lot and sometimes steal hit points. it's very good to
 have.  to get to the end of the area, go thru the funnel just below the one
 you came in at.  then go all the way to the right and thru the one here. it
 will take you to  a gold room.  talk to the statue in the center to get the
 'Dragon Mind' disc,and leave the entire building to install and equip the
 disc.  go back to the gold room and thru the funnel at top. now go straight
 upward and into the large funnel.
 now have fun trying to kill Hareruya :]

 tips on killing her --
   pump everything up to max (strength, agility, etc), then simple attack w/
   everyone.  i beat her rather easily this way.

 back at Italy
 talk to everyone *except* the cat -- unless you can read Japanese. he tells
 you of major items you missed in the game, and then gives you the option to
 restart the game.  if you choose yes, you'll not be able to see the ending.
 so  you see, it's pointless  to talk to him at all  if you cannot  read the
 talk to the old man in the center last, and enjoy the ending.