Andere Lösungen

Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (e)

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

Bonus and Secret Stage Guides

Please email comments, thanks to everyone in for help.

This should eventually grow into a full-blown FAQ for the game when I have the 


Bonus Stage Guide

Associated Stage: Snow Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 2
Location:  In the entry way to the snow stage, climb up the hill on the left-
hand side
What to do: Ring 10 Bells (kangaroo)
Time Limit: 2:00
Vault Code won: Triangle-Circle-Star-Square-Square-X
Vault Code effect: 1 extra life

Associated Stage: Mystery Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 5
Location:  In the entry way to the mystery stage, hit the cement head on the 
bottom level to make the bookcase turn.
What to do: Whack 5 Elves (snowboard)
Time Limit: 2:00
Vault Code won: Square-X-O-O-Triangle-Square
Vault Code effect: 10 extra lives

Associated Stage: Egyptian Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 8
Location:  Step on the four paws on the ground to open the gate to the left
What to do: Whack 5 Elves (snowboard)
Time Limit: 1:30
Vault Code won: Square-Star-Triangle-Square-Triangle-Diamond
Vault Code effect: Invincibility

Associated Stage: Army Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 11
Location:  Break the wood barricade on the right in the entryway
What to do: Destroy 10 Reztanks (army tanks)
Time Limit: 2:00
Vault Code won: Square-X-Triangle-Square-Star-Star
Vault Code effect: Play as the turtle Alfred

Associated Stage: Western Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 14
Location:  Outside the western stage entryway, go around the side to the right.  
Follow the ledge and climb up to the switch.  Hit the switch to ignite the 
dynamite in the entry to reveal the path to the bonus stage.
What to do: Break 10 Chicken Crates (donkey)
Time Limit: 2:00
Vault Code won: Square-Diamond-Square-Square-Triangle-Diamond
Vault Code effect: Play as the Grey Dino Cuz

Associated Stage: Pirate Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 17
Location:  To the left of the TV to enter the pirate stage, there is white skull 
marking on the wall.  Climb the wall along this until it ends.  Drop off of the 
end of the white skull marking and land on a ledge with a switch.  Hit the 
switch to open the gate to the bonus stage.
What to do: Eat 10 Rubber Duckies (alligator)
Time Limit: 2:00
Vault Code won: Diamond-Star-Square-X-Triangle-Circle
Vault Code effect: Western Video

Associated Stage: Greek Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 20
Location: At the back right of the entry, climb up to a shingled roof.  >From 
the very top of the roof, drop down to a platform just below containing the 
Bonus Stage TV. 
What to do: Ring 10 Bells (kangaroo)
Time Limit: 1:30
Vault Code won: Circle-Triangle-Square-Star-Diamond-Star
Vault Code effect: Gangster Video

Associated Stage: Beanstalk Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 20
Location: Climb the grapes on the wall to the right of the Stage TV around to 
the Bonus Stage TV.
What to do: Break 10 Chicken Crates (donkey)
Time Limit: 1:30
Vault Code won: Square-Star-Star-Square-Triangle-Triangle
Vault Code effect: Play as the Red Dino Rex

Associated Stage: Anime Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 27
Location: In the same room as the Stage TV, just turn around...
What to do: Destroy 10 Reztanks (army tanks)
Time Limit: 1:30
Vault Code won: Square-Diamond-Triangle-Triangle-Star-Diamond
Vault Code effect: 8 Hit Paws

Associated Stage: Superhero Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 31
Location: In Funky Town, hop on top of the pigeon coop and follow the ledge 
around to the red building.  At the same height, climb along the red building to 
the other side and the bonus stage TV is right there.
What to do: Eat 10 Rubber Duckies (alligator)
Time Limit: 1:30
Vault Code won: Star-X-X-O-Square-Triangle
Vault Code effect: ???

Associated Stage: Gangster Stage
# Bonus Coins needed: 35
Location: In the same room as the Stage TV, use the Tommy gun to shoot the cord 
suspending the long crate.  The crate will fall and you will be able to climb it 
to the bonus stage.
What to do: Ring 10 Bells (kangaroo)
Time Limit: 1:00
Vault Code won: X-Diamond-Star-Triangle-Triangle-O
Vault Code effect: Army Video


Secret Stage Guide:

Mission Control:
Location:  Hit the 3 magnetic tape mainframes to make the part of the wall with 
the picture turn, revealing the Secret Stage.
Theme: Dial 'A' for Arson (firefighter)
Goal: Collect 50 flies in 3:00
Prize/Vault Key: Shield

Lake Flacid:
Location:  Not too hidden.  Before crossing the broken bridge to the Western 
Stage, there will be a wood barricaded mine.  Tail whip the barricade and the 
Secret Stage is right there. 
Theme: Braveheartless (Akuji)
Goal: Collect 50 flies in 3:00
Prize/Vault Key: Mask

Slappy Valley:
Location:  In the dirt tunnel on the way to the beanstalk stage there is a water 
puddle.  Swim to the left (and turn the camera toward the left), and the Secret 
Stage is in plain view.
Theme: The Abyssmal (scuba)
Goal: Collect 50 flies in 5:00
Prize/Vault Key: Star

Funky Town:
Location:  In the room next to the gangster stage, not really hidden at all.
Theme: Cheesy Rider (lifeguard)
Goal: Collect 50 flies in 4:00
Prize/Vault Key: Radioactive Symbol