Gex 64 FAQ (e) (N 64)

From: "Joseph I. Malchow" 
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 14:29:33 -0400


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Ok my fine feathered friends- here is my life's work....
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GEX (64)- Enter The Gecko FAQ Ver. 1.1

This FAQ is for:
Gex 64- Enter The Gecko- N64!!! Yeah, baby! N64 Rules!
Gex- Enter The Gecko- PSX...

Publisher- Midway
Designer- Crystal Dynamics

Ratings: N64/PSX
SOUNDS   10! Great music, and awesome jokes from HBO comedian Dana
Gould      throughout the game/10
GRAPHICS  8 Not quite Banjoe quality, but superior to SM64/4 But that's
about the best any PSX game can get
CAMERA 4.5/4.5 Very frustrating in the later levels
DIFFUCULTY 10/10 The Perfect Spring Vacation, Winter, Christmas Vacation
Game, it'll take quite a bit of playing to collect everything...
KEWLNESS 8.9/8.9 The whole game, except- That level is
soooo  AWESOME!
RE-PLAY VALUE 7.1Only scored that high because of all the collectable
you need to get /6.1 Lesser than N64, because N64 has whole new world
that is noot in PSX version
 24 Media Dimesion Levels, all designed as sarcastic parodies of
popular TV and movies!
 Master of Disguise! GEX sports a Bond suit, kung fu uniform,
Stormtrooper Uniform, and other costumes on his quest to save TV from
the evil Rez!
 Over 125 slick gecko moves! Whip-cracking tail attack, flying karate
kicks, tounge grabbing, and climbing up walls!
 Talkin' trash! HBO comedian Dana Gould delivers hilarious
lip-synched celebrity impressions and one-liners!
 Diver-down! All new N64 exclusive deep sea level with new swim
mechanics and scuba gear!
Here's the deal with the game itself, and the collectables...
TV Sets Scattered Throughout Levels- Tail Whip them to reveal:
* Green Fly- Health Boost
* Orange Fly- Fire Power
* Blue Fly- Ice Power
* Purple Set/Green Fly- Extra Life
* Checkered Flag- Checkpoint
Also- you can let any fly buzz around you and it will take one hit for
To eat the fly, press R to use your tounge.
After eating a FIRE/ICE fly, hold B while running around an enemy in a
circle to kill them or get more collectables. With ice, after they are
frozen, tail whip them to shatter them.

Level Layout-
Each area is a TV Show appearing on one of the TV Sets in the main TV
area. Still with me? Ok- good. The overworld is divided into six areas,
seperated by gates, which open when that area's boss is beaten.  In each
area, when you first get there, you must earn red remotes from each TV
in that area. Once you have enough, you can access the boss level. Which
reminds me- How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could
chuck wood, and also- Peter Piper picked a peck of picked peppers. If
Peter Pipper picked two pecks of pickled peppers, who many pickeled
peppers did Peter Piper pick...?

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Red Remotes: At the end of a level, after completing objectives, (Eg:
Gold stars in SM64)
Gold Remotes: Collect them in Bonus Areas- or Get one from beating a
boss. Opens hidden levels
Silver Remotes: They open bonus levels. There are always two in each
area. One is hidden somewhere, and the other you must get by collecting
a certain number of items.

The Levels:
AREA 1- Gecuques Cousteau (go to to find out how to get to
it) - Smellraiser- Out of toon- Gilligex Island (boss) Get to area 2 by
beating boss
AREA 2- Frankensteinfeld- Mso Tse Tounge- Mooshoo Pork
(boss) Get to area 3 by beating boss
AREA 3- The Umpire Strikes Out- Fine Tooning- Pangea 90210 get to area 4
by collecting 14 red remotes
AREA 4- This Old Cave- Honey, I shrunk the gecko- Gexilla vs. Mecharez
(boss) Get to area 5 by beating Mecharez
AREA 5- Pain In the Asteroids- Samurai Night Fever get to AREA 6 by
collecting 26 red remotes
AREA 6- No Weddings And A Funeral- Channel Z (boss) Need 33 Red Remotes
To Get To Boss


I'll give you a brief summary of what to do to get each remote for the
first 2 areas. Once I get e-mails asking for more, I'll update the FAQ.
So remember- e-mail me if you need help.
The first numbers are how to get each red remote *These* numbers are how
to get the silver remotes

Out Of Toon (RED-3 SILVER-2)
1 Whack Five Purple Mushrooms-Get five purple mushrooms (whack 'em) the
remote will appear by the water fall.
Mushroom Locations:
    1-Right behind the start
    2-Behind a big rock on the left
    3-Up the steel girder to the right
    4-Top of the waterfall
    5-to the right of the docks

2 Hunt To Two Hunters-Whack the two Elmer Fudds down the rabbit hole.
Whack 'em 6 or 7 times to kill them. Remote is by the log ramp

3 Jump To The Teetering Rock-Climb to the remote atop the highest rock
at the end of the level

*2* Secret- Go up the waterfall rings, edge across the ledge, it's
around there.

Smell Raiser (RED-3 SILVER-2)
1 Mission One- Make it to the end of the level, at the point where there
is a door of the left and ahead of you, GO INTO THE ONE IN FRONT OF

2 Smash Five Blood Coolers-  Jump On Top Of Five Blood Coolers, and Tail
Pogo Jump
Cooler Locations:
    1. Second room- use table to get to top
    2. Third Room- Second floor near exit door
    3. Forth Room- left of stairway to exit
    4. Exit room for Mission One- on ledge above entrance
    5. Exit Room For Haunted Elevator- Look to the right (hard to find-
keep at it!)

3 Ride The Haunted Elevator- Go behind the book case near the cooler and
activate the switch. Then where there are two doors, go LEFT. It is an

*1* Collectables- 30 SKULLS-40 TOMBSTONES-50 HOKEY MASKS
*2* Secret- Same room as elevator remote. Look in the moat before the

I will not include the Titanic level, because it is not nescarry to beat
Gilligex Isle

BOSS- Whip the blue fireball to hurl it back at 'em. Go to the sides to
defeat the second guy, and you'll have to roam around the area to beat
the third. Don't get burned!

BONUS AREA- Indiana Jones knock-off. Kewl music- 50 gems within 3:00.
Jump on the dark pedastals with circles.

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Frankensteinfeld (RED-3 SILVER-2)
1 Ascend The Ghost Tower- Circle the second library, get to the top
floor. Can't miss it.

2 The mourge is off the main library. Use the first-floor door

3 Smash Eight Blood Coolers- You'll find 'em- if you REALLY need help,
e-mail me

*1* Collectables- 30/40/50... Simple.
*2* Push the caskets into their place

1 Defeat The Deadly Dragon- Enter the left store and follow it to the
boss- Fire the cannon at the dragon eight times- Cross
    the platforms to get the second remote

2 Traverse The Rocking Pillars- Enter the store on the right and follow
it to the giant pillars. Be carefull!

*1* Colectables- 30/40/50
*2* Secret- Behind a door in the second room of the left hand store

1 Scale the bionic launch tower- leave the main room via the exit found
in the top section

2 Cross The Data Bus Bridges- Leave the main roomvia the exit that has
cables coming out of it

*1* Collectables- 30/40/50
*2* Secret- On a ledge near the launch tower's ending's remote- Left
side near the exit. Use the chips

Well- folks- that's all for now... Need anymore help? E-mail me! Also-
don't forget to check out BAKTA! The URL is below! Sign the guestbook,
and vote of your favorite system!

Remember- my policy for all FAQ's  I do is: "If no one e-mails me, than
no one wants more!"
This FAQ is completely copyrighted (C) 1998 Joseph Malchow. It cannot be
reproduced, quoted, or re-posted withour the full permission of Joe
Malchow. E-mail me to get permission. I'll proboobly give it to you. You
all have permission to repost this in another newsgroup ONLY! It must be
reposted FULL AND COMPLETE, from the Two Dollar Signs At The Top To The
Two At The Bottom!
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NOTE: Got any questions about Pokemon? Need any help? I've beaten it!
Sign the guestbook at BAKTA! with your question, and it'll be answered.