Andere Lösungen

Suikoden (e)

SYSTEM: Sony PS-X Playstation (Japan)
TITLE: Genso Suikoden
TYPE: Role Playing Game
DEVELOPER: Konami of Japan
FEATURES: 108 characters, extensive gameplay
SUBJECT: Genso Suikoden Walk-Through Guide
EDITOR's NOTE:  Here is version 1.01 of the Walk-Through for Genso
                Suikoden.  Please note that this guide will assume
                that you have at least a minimal understanding of
                Japanese (Katakana & Hiragana), due to the overwhelming
                number of characters and towns in this game.
                Please also refer to the "Tips & Tricks" posting
                for various details on operations, functions, how to
                save. etc.

                In this version, I could only find 106 out of the 108
                characters in the game.  So, you will not get the
                special "108" ending.  If anyone knows who and where
                the 2 remaining characters are, please post it or
                email me.  ThankX.

                If there are any errors or suggestions, please let
                me know, as I will try to update the guides
                accordingly.  Thankx.
KEY:  [!] = Decision Point.  You will be given choices in response to
            the various interaction with the characters.
            Most of the choices have no effect on the storyline, but
            avid RPG fans will want to choose the right answers.

      [CHAR] = Joining Character Number.  There are a total of 108
               characters in the game who will join you.
               This guide will point out when & where you will meet each
               and every one of them.
               Also note that when you do meet new characters, they
               will ask you if you will let them join -- so if you do 
               not have a fair understanding of Japanese, always 
               remember to pick the top choice to let them join!

-- [IN THE CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o As the story begins, you and your father, TEO, are called upon by 
      King BALBAROSA for a special mission to oversee the status of an 
      ongoing war taking place within the far eastern area.  The king 
      gives TEO his most prized sword as well as his blessings.  
      As your character stands forward, King BALBAROSA praises you and 
      asks of you to take your father's place in helping defending the 

  [!] You will now be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Agree to the King's request.  
      Bottom Choice -> Deny the king's request.
      Assuming that you chose to agree to the King's request (top choice),
      he again praises you for your courage and similar qualities to 
      your father.  WENDY, one of King BALBAROSA's closest advisors, 
      will step foward to praise you as well.  
      Upon leaving the King's chambers, you will now have control over 
      your character.
    o Proceed downstairs.
    o As you head down the hall on the 1st floor, TEO will stop you to 
      tell you that KRAIZ, another one of King BARBAROSA's advisors, 
      will be your mentor while TEO is gone.  
    o Go talk to KRAIZ (left room) and he will tell you to come back 
      1st thing in the morning for a little mission.  

-- [IN YOUR HOUSE] -----------------------------------------------------
    o Upon entering your house, GREMEO, one of your servants, will be
      waiting for you and TEO.  GREMEO is also one of your protectorates
      and one of the key characters in the game (but not too effective 
      in battle).
    o Explore throughout the rooms.  Meet your other protectorates: PAN,
      CLEO, and TED.  
    o Go upstairs and meet TED.  He asks you to tell him what happened 
      at your castle.  Go to your room (1st room on the left - 2nd floor).
    o In your room, he asks you a favor.  He wants to become part of 
      your protectorates.  

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Allow TED to become part of your protectorate.
      Bottom Choice -> Deny TED's request.

    o Assuming you chose the top choice, you then proceed to explain what
      happened at the castle.
    o Take your seet at the dining table.
      A conversational sequence will take place, where TEO asks all of 
      the protectorates to take good care of you while he is gone.
      Another sequence will take place, where TEO will give his 
      blessings to you.
    o GREMEO will wake you up, reminding you to go to KRAIZ's chambers 
      at the castle.

[CHAR]: 1/108         Name: GREMEO         Weapon: Power Axe
    o Go downstairs.
[CHAR]: 2/108         Name: PAN            Weapon: Fists/Iron Claw
[CHAR]: 3/108         Name: CLEO           Weapon: Bow & Arrow

    o Head towards the door.  TED will then join you.
[CHAR]: 4/108         Name: TED            Weapon: Bow & Arrow

-- [TOWN OF GREGMINSTER] -----------------------------------------------
    o Explore the town.  Get accustomed to its surroundings.  
    o Go in the castle to KRAIZ's chambers.
    o KRAIZ will tell you that there is an island where you must obtain 
      an artifact from the sorceress, LEKNAUT.  He will test you if you
      where listening carefully.

  [!] You will be given three choices.  Which is the correct answer?
         Top Choice -> The island is located in the Eastern area. 
      Middle Choice -> The island is located in the Western area.
      Bottom Choice -> The island is located in the Southern area.
    (Pick the Top Choice) 

      KRAIZ will then go on to explain that a dragon rider will be 
      waiting for you in the castle's courtyard to take you to the 

    o Go outside and to the courtyard. (right side of the castle)
    o Talk to HOOCH, the dragon rider, and he will take you to the 

-- [FIRST MISSION: THE ISLAND] -----------------------------------------
    o Make your way through the forest.
      (The BG Music for this scenery is simply extraordinary)
    o You will then encounter LUKE -- he will test your fighting 
      abilities, as he will summon a Rock Golem.
    o Having defeated the Rock Golem, he will then take you to see
      LEKNAUT, the mystic sorceress.
    o Make your way up the castle and meet LEKNAUT.
    o Follow LEKNAUT to her chamber, where she will give you the artifact.
      She will also tell you that your destiny is something that you 
      alone will make and that you must choose whatever paths you believe
      to be right.
    o Leave her chamber & talk to your friends.
      LEKNAUT will have come in & have LUKE teleport you back to HOOCH
      and the dragon.  You will then head back to Gregminster to give the
      artifact to KRAIZ.

-- [BACK IN GREGMINSTER] -----------------------------------------------

    o Report back to KRAIZ.
    o He will then give you instructions for the second mission.
      Mission: Go to the village of Rockland (located east of Gregminster)
               and obtain money from the head village official.
    o KRAIZ will have KANON go with you to oversee the mission.
    o Before heading to Rockland, consider saving the game.
      (For details in saving the game, refer to the "Tips & Tricks" 
    o Head toward the village of Rockland, located east of Gregminster.

-- [ROCKLAND] ----------------------------------------------------------
    o Explore the town.  There is a little lady who offers a gambling 
      game for you to make/lose some quick money.
    o Go to the house located at the very end of the village.
      (Since the village is already small, you really can't miss it)
    o There, you will be given instructions from the head official to 
      take care of a rebel uprising in the mountain located east of 
      Intruction: Bring the two rebels back to the head official and you 
                  will be given the money.
    o Head to the mountains located to the east of Rockland.    

-- [MISSION 2: THE REBEL MOUNTAINS] ------------------------------------

    o Make your way through the mountain.  Gain as much experience and
      levels as you can.
    o Deep inside the caves, you will come across a large insect that is 
      blocking your way.  Don't bother trying to kill it.  It is set up 
      so that you will lose the round and then TED will cast a spell 
      to finish it off.
    o After TED kills the insect, preceed outside, where you will 
      encounter the two rebels.  
      (You may want to consider saving the game before fighting them.
       To save, use the blue orb.  For more details on saving, 
       refer to the "Tips & Tricks" posting.)
    o You will fight the two rebels: BALCUS and SHIDONIA.
    o After defeating them, head back to Rockland.

-- [BACK IN ROCKLAND] --------------------------------------------------

    o Before reporting back to the head official, look for the guards
      who are teasing the childen.  Although it is optional, you can go 
      ahead and beat the guards up.  (Choose to top choice to fight)
    o Go to the house and report back to the official.
      He will take the rebels and give you 10,000 gps.
      But KANON will take the 10,000 gps. from you.
    o Your mission here is done.  Now head back to Gregminster.

-- [BACK IN GREGMINSTER] -----------------------------------------------

    o KANON will tell you to return to your house, as he will report to 
      KRAIZ himself (and take all the credit).
      He also tells TED to come with hime to see KRAIZ.
    o Head back to your house.  A sequence will follow soonafter. 
    o After leaving the dining room, head downstairs to find Ted lying 
      on the ground.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Help out TED.
      Bottom Choice -> Leave him there.

      Assuming you chose to help him (top choice), TED will go on to
      explain what happened at the castle.  You will begin to find out 
      that WENDY wants TED's mystic soul gem to give her the ultimate 
      power she needs for her overdriven lust for power.
    o TED will then ask for a favor from you.  
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Listen to his favor.
      Bottom Choice -> To ignore him.
      Assuming you chose to listen to TED (Top Choice), he will ask you 
      to take hold of his soul gem, known as the "Soul Eater", and keep 
      it from the reaches for WENDY.  

  [!] You will be given yet another choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> To accept his soul gem.
      Bottom Choice -> To ignore him.

      Assuming you chose to accept the soul gem, you are now bestowed 
      the power of the gem and all its energy.

    o You will suddenly hear the door being broken down.
      Head downstairs.
    o There you will meet KRAIZ & PAN.  You will find out that PAN 
      went out & informed KRAIZ of their whereabouts.  (traitor!)
      TED then comes out to surrender himself.
  [!] You are given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Stay with TED and surrender the soul gem.
      Bottom Choice -> To get away. 

      Assuming you chose to get away (bottom choice), you managed 
      to get outside. 
    o Now that you're outside, go to the hotel, where you will find 
      shelter for the night.

-- [IN THE HOTEL] ------------------------------------------------------
    o Go downstairs to the bottom main floor.
      This may be a good spot to save the game.  Simply talk to the
      hotel recipient and pick the 3rd option.  For more details, 
      refer to the "Tip & Tricks" posting.
    o Go to the dining tables and talk to VICTORU, the guy sitting & 
      eating at the table.
    o Now head towards the door.  A little sequence will follow.

  [!] After bumping into the two guards, you will be given a choice.
      You can:

         Top choice -> Argue with the guards.
      Bottom Choice -> Try to get away without been seen.
      (Choose which ever choice you want -- you'll get the same result)

    o After leaving the hotel with VICTORU, follow him to the bench.
      Talk to him.  He will offer to help you out, only if you will 
      help him out first.  
  [!] You are given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Don't trust him.
      Bottom Choice -> Trust him.

      Assuming you chose to trust him (Bottom choice), he will then 
      join your party.

[CHAR] 5/108         Name: VICTORU            Weapon: Long Sword
    o Now get out of Gregminster and head towards Lenancamp, located 
      south of Gregminster.

-- [TOWN OF LENANCAMP] -------------------------------------------------

    o Explore the town.  It has quite a bit to offer.
      Consider upgrading your weapons.  (Refer to the "Tips & Tricks" 
      posting for more details).
    o Now head towards the hotel and spend the night there.
      (For more details on Hotel options, refer to the "Tips & Tricks" 
    o There will be a little sequence.

  [!] You will be given an option.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Fight the guards.
      Bottom Choice -> Try to run away.

      (Either choice will get you the same result)

    o A secret passage will be revealed under the clock.
      You will meet ODESSA, who will take you through the passage.

-- [UNDERGROUND PASSAGE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Follow ODESSA.  You will encounter a group of rebels:
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> To hold off & think about it first.
      Bottom Choice -> Join ODESSA in her crusade for justice.

      Assuming you chose to think about it first (top choice), head 
      towards the entrance of the underground passage.
      You will find a injured rebel lying on the ground.

    o The injured rebel is request ODESSA's help in rescuing the 
      two captive rebels, BALCUS & SHIDONIA (remember them?)
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Help rescue the two rebels.
      Bottom Choice -> Ignore them.

      Assuming you chose to help rescue the rebels (top choice), you 
      agree to ODESSA's request.

    o Head towards Rockland to rescue BALCUS & SHIDONIA.

-- [VILLAGE OF ROCKLAND] -----------------------------------------------

    o Head towards the house of the village official.  A sequence will 
    o Make your way through the house to rescue BALCUS & SHIDONIA.
      (Make sure to check every room.  There are some nifty treasures)
    o Talk to BALCUS.  Head out of the house.
    o Your mission here is done.  Head back to Lenancamp.

-- [TOWN OF LENANCAMP] -------------------------------------------------

    o Go back to the underground passage in the hotel.
    o Talk to ODESSA.
    o She will ask you to undergo another mission.
      Mission: To take the blueprints of a warship to the rebel 
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Undergo the mission.
      Bottom Choice -> Not get involved.
      Assuming you chose to undergo the mission (top choice), ODESSA
      will join your party to accompany you.

[CHAR] 6/108         Name: ODESSA            Weapon: Steel Arrow
    o Leave Lenancamp.
    o You must now cross the bridge located near the upper western area
      of Lenancamp.
    o Head towards the mountain passage.

-- [WHITE MOUNTAIN PASSAGE] --------------------------------------------

    o Make your way through the mountain passage.
    o You will encounter LUDON, a conspicuous hotel recipient who will 
      request everyone to rest at his hotel.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Take a rest at the hotel.
      Bottom Choice -> Ignore LUDON.
      Assuming you chose to rest at the hotel (top choice), you will 
      be offered some tea.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Not drink the tea.
      Bottom Choice -> Drink the tea.

      (Unfortunately, it is set up so that you have to drink the tea)

      Assuming you chose to drink the tea (bottom choice), a sequence 
      will follow.  
    o After the sequence, you will meet KESLER, a loyal follower of 
    o Leave the hotel and continue making your way through the 
    o Head toward the village of Saladi.

-- [VILLAGE OF SALADI] -------------------------------------------------

    o Find the hotel & spend a night there.
      This also may be a good time to save.
    o A sequence will follow.  Talk to ODESSA.
      Note: There will be two more questions choices.  Pick the top 
            choice in both cases, although it really doesn't matter, as 
            it has no effect on the storyline.
      You will also meet KAGE, who will deliver the blueprints for
      ODESSA.  You mission here is done.  Go back to sleep.
    o Head back to the underground passage in Lenancamp to meet with the 

-- [TOWN OF LENANCAMP] -------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hotel.  Something is wrong.  
      The Gregminster guards found the secret underground headquarters!
    o Follow ODESSA.  Fight the guards.
    o Find ODESSA.  A sad sequence will follow (ODESSA's final scene).
    o Upon ODESSA's dying wishes, she asks of you to do 2 things for her.
          (1) Take her ear ring & find her brother, MASH.
          (2) Take her body & throw it in the river.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Deny her requests.
      Bottom Choice -> Agree with her requests.
      Assuming you chose to agree with her requests (bottom choice), she 
      then dies.
    o You mission now is to take the ear rings to MASH, who lives in the
      village of Seika.
    o Head towards the main gate, located south of Lenancamp.

-- [MAIN GATE] ---------------------------------------------------------

    o There will be a little sequence here, where you must choose a fake
      name to cover your identity from the guards.

  [!] You are given a choice of 3 names:
         Top Choice -> "Masamune"
      Middle Choice -> "Peesuke"
      Bottom Choice -> "Stoltsheim Lin Bach IV"
      (Choose any one of them)

    o Upon passing the main gate, GREMEO apologizes for acting rude to 
      you in front of the guards.  He states that it was necessary 
      for him to act in that way, if they were to successfully pass
      through the gate without being caught.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Not forgive GREMEO for acting rude.
      Bottom Choice -> Forgive GREMEO for acting rude.  

      I am assuming you chose to forgive GREMEO (bottom choice).
    o You will also meet CHANDORA.  Talk to him.  
      Remeber to come back to him when you have your castle.
    o The village of Seika is located south of the main gate.
      You can't miss it.

-- [VILLAGE OF SEIKA] --------------------------------------------------

    o Explore around.
      If you went to the hotel, you will find have found MARY (remember 
      her?) and ANTONIO (the chef).  Remember to come back here
      to have them join your party.
      You will also find ONEIL in one of the houses.  Remember to
      pick her up as well.
    o Talk to the guy standing in front of the temple.  He is MASH.
    o Go up the stairs and into the temple.
    o Talk to the three children.
    o Go back and talk to Mash again.
    o Follow Mash.  Talk to him.  
    o Leave the temple.  A sequence will follow.
    o Follow the guards.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top choice -> Help out MASH.
      Bottom Choice -> Watch what happens.

      Assuming you chose to help MASH (top choice), you will be asked to  
      identify yourself.  
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> You are the fugitives from Gregminster.
      Bottom Choice -> You are just a simply traveler seeking justice.

      (Either choice will make you fight the guards)

     o Go into the temple.  Talk to Mash.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Agree with MASH.
      Bottom Choice -> Ignore MASH.

      (Choose the top choice)
  [!} You will be given another choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Decline MASH's request.
      Bottom Choice -> Take ODESSA's place & become the new leader 
                       of the rebel alliance.

      Assuming you chose to become the new leader (bottom choice), 
      MASH will now join your party.

[CHAR] 7/108         Name: MASH         Weapon: N/A

    o Mash will then tell you to go to a town called Kaku, located 
      southwest of Seika.

-- [TOWN OF KAKU] ------------------------------------------------------

    o Explore town.  If you haven't upgraded your weapons yet, do 
      so now.  You'll need it.  (For more details on upgrading your 
      weapons, refer to the "Tips & Tricks" posting.
      There are several characters in this town that will join you.
      Some require that you do something for them first.  
      Refer to the "Tips & Tricks" postings for the full details in 
      getting all 108 characters.
    o Go to the liquor shop, located at the southern end of the town.
    o Talk to KAMIYUU (the red headed lady).  
      There will be a little sequence between KAMIYUU & GREMEO.
      (Gremeo owes KAMIYUU some money.)
      KAMIYUU will then join your party.

[CHAR] 8/108         Name: KAMIYUU            Weapon: Galm

    o Go downstairs (of the liquor store).
      There you will find TAI-HO & YAMU-KU, who can provide you the 
      transporation for you to your soon-to-be castle!  But, only 
      under one condition --- you must win in a gambling match 
      against him first.
      (look for details in how to play the dice game in the 
       "Tips & Tricks" posting.
    o Follow TAI-HO & YAMU-KU to the shipyard.
      He will take you to the island of the castle.

-- [ISLAND CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o TAI-HO & YAMU-KU will join your party.  TAI-HO & KAMIYUU will 
      both accompany you into the castle.

[CHAR] 9/108         Name: TAI-HO            Weapon: Satsuki (spear)
[CHAR] 10/108        Name: YAMU-KU           Weapon: Satsuki (spear)

    o Make your way through the caves.
      Be sure you're stocked up on healing medicine.
      The enemies are fairly tough here.
    o Make sure to save at the blue orb.  You will be facing a dragon.
    o Upon reaching the dragon's lair, unleash all the power attacks 
      and spells you've got.  The dragon has about 5,000 hps. 
    o After defeating the dragon, you will have the privilege of 
      naming your castle.
    o As you meet with all your current party characters, LEKNAUT
      will appear, advising that you that you should now start 
      gathering new members for your army.
    o Luke (remeber him?) will appear and will join your party.

[CHAR] 11/108        Name: LUKE            Weapon: Staff/Magic
-- [AT YOUR CASTLE] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Explore throughout your castle.  Get accustomed to its structure.
    o Find LUKE.  Learn to use the tablet as a guide for your cast of 
    o Talk to MASH.  He advises you to go to the town of Coan, and find 
       a guy names LEBANTO.
    o CLEO, VICTORU, & GREMEO will accompany you on this mission.  
      Choose 2 other characters to take with you.

[ EDITOR'S NOTE ]:   Before we proceed to go to the town of Coan, let's 
                     first pick up all the characters we missed....

-- [TOWN OF KAKU] ------------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the liquor store.  Talk to SELGEI.  Let him join your party.
      (NOTE: Always pick the top choice to allow the characters join 
             your party!)
[CHAR] 12/108         Name: SELGEI            Weapon: N/A

      Note:  Now that SEIGEI is in your party, you will now have an 
             elevator in your castle!  It'll save you a lot of time
             from walking up & down the stairs.

    o If you go downstairs (of the liquor store) you will find GASPER.
      For now, he is unaccessable.  But, remember to come back to him
    o If you go in front of the hotel, MEGU is there (the little girl).
      She won't join you until you have JUPO in your party. 
      Remeber to come back to her later.  
    o Head back to the village of Seika.

-- [VILLAGE OF SEIKA] --------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hotel and talk to MARY.  She will join your party.

[CHAR] 13/108        Name: MARY             Weapon: N/A

    o You will also find ANTONIO, but he will still be unaccessable. 
      He will join you once MARY tells you she needs a chef.
      So remeber to come back to him later.
    o Go to the home where ONEIL (lady in blue dress) is.
      Talk to her and she will join your party.

[CHAR] 14/108        Name: ONEIL             Weapon: N/A

    o Now head to the main gate, where CHANDORA will be waiting for you.
-- [MAIN GATE] ---------------------------------------------------------
    o Talk to CHANDORA & he will join your party.

[CHAR] 15/108         Name: CHANDORA         Weapon: N/A
    o Now you can head towards the village of Coan to find Lebanto.
      Coan is located to the southeastern area from Kaku. 

-- [VILLAGE OF COAN] ---------------------------------------------------

    o Explore the town.
    o In the hotel, you will find RORELAI and KURIN.
      RORELAI will not join you until you are at a fairly high level.
    o Talk to JOBANIE, who is standing in front of the large house on 
      the left.
    o Go back to the hotel and talk to KURIN.  He will offer to help 
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Listen to his plan.
      Bottom Choice -> Don't trust him.

      Assuming you chose to listen to his plan (top choice), he will 
      give you instructions in how to meet LEBANTO.  A little 
      conversational sequence will follow.
    o Go find KURIN.  Talk to him.
      Your mission:  Steal the mystic sword from LEBANTO's house.
    o Make your way through the house.
    o You will find ROCK in the room with two treasure chests.
      Talk to him and he will offer to join you.

[CHAR] 16/108         Name: ROCK            Weapon: N/A

    o You will come across a room with 5 guards positioned in a 
      unique formation.  It is the first puzzle.  Make your way 
      through it.
    o You will also meet JUPO.
    o There will be a room with a roulette puzzle.
      The Objective:  Keep on riding the roulette until you can reach
                      the other side.
    o Get the sword.  Leave the house.
    o A sequence will follow.  You will finally meet LEBANTO, who is 
      demanding his sword back.
      LEBANTO will ask for his sword back.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Hesitate from giving the sword back.
      Bottom Choice -> Explain to LEBANTO of your situation.
  [!] Assuming you chose to explain (bottom choice), you will be 
      given another choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Request for LEBANTO's help.
      Bottom Choice -> Give the sword back.

      Assuming you chose to give the sword back (bottom choice), 
      sequence will follow.  LEBANTO's wife, AILEEN, has been
      taken captive by the Gregminster guards!

    o Follow LEBANTO.  Help him fight the guards.
      LEBANTO will fight with you.  
      (NOTE: If you already have 6 characters in your group, 
             you will have to take one member out).

    o Preceed through the house.
    o It's KRAIZ!  Fight his guards.
    o It's PAN!  He's back.  Watch the little sequence.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Kill KRAIZ for his misdeeds.
      Bottom Choice -> Let him go.

      (I'll let the decision up to you.
       Although in my game, I chose to exterminate KRAIZ, you 
       can choose otherwise and let him go.)

    o Talk to LEBANTO.
      LEBANTO and AILEEN will join your party.

[CHAR] 17/108         Name: LEBANTO            Weapon: Long Sword
[CHAR] 18/108         Name: AILEEN             Weapon: Dagger

      (Note that JOBANIE & KURIN will also have joined your castle)  

[CHAR] 19/108         Name: JOBANIE            Weapon: N/A  
[CHAR] 20/108         Name: KURIN              Weapon: N/A

    o Talk to PAN
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Not forgive PAN.
      Bottom Choice -> Forgive PAN.
      Assuming you chose to forgive him (bottom choice), you can 
      proceed to leave the house.

    o Your mission here is done.
    o Although this is optional, you can go by the village of Daishirin
      to pick up some new characters.

-- [VILLAGE OF DAISHIRIN] ----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the weapon's shop.  Talk to MASSU.
      He will offer to join your party.
[CHAR] 21/108         Name: MASSU            Weapon: Hammer
    o Go to the house, left to the weapon's shop.
      SANSUKE will be there.  Talk to him.
      He will join your party.

[CHAR] 22/108         Name: SANSUKE            Weapon: N/A
    o Now head back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 1st floor.  (not the ground floor)
    o BALCUS and SHIDONIA will join your party.

[CHAR] 23/108         Name: BALCUS            Weapon: Long Sword
[CHAR] 24/108         Name: SHIDONIA          Weapon: Dagger

    o MASH will come in.  He will suggest that you celebrate the first 
      gathering of your character members.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Throw a party & celebrate.
      Bottom Choice -> Be hesitant.

      I am assuming that you chose to have the party (top choice).
    o Leave the dining room.  A little battle sequence will take place.
    o Go to sleep.
      (This may be a good spot to save the game.  To save, go to the 
       first floor and talk to MARY.  Choose the 3rd option.)
    o Go outside.  You will find KILKIS, an elf, lying on the ground.
      A sequence will follow.
    o KILKIS will ask you to help save his elven village.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Agree to help KILKIS.
      Bottom Choice -> Think about it first.
      Assuming you chose to help KILKIS (top choice), KILKIS will join 
      your party.

[CHAR] 25/108         Name: KILKIS            Weapon: Elven Bow & Arrow
    o Talk to MASH.
      Choose 3 other characters to take along with you.
    o Your Mission: Go to the Elven Village and help them.
    o Leave the castle & go to the town of Kaku.  
      Go to the liquor store.  Go downstairs.  
    o GASPER will now be accessable.  
      To have him join your party, you must win at least 5,000gps in a
      gambling match against him.  

[CHAR] 26/108         Name: GASPER            Weapon: N/A
    o Head towards the village of Daishirin.
      There is a passage in Daishirin that will lead you to the 
      Elven forestland.

-- [VILLAGE OF DAISHIRIN] ----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the passage, located on the right side of the village.
    o Make your way through the forest.
    o Upon crossing the wooden "bridge", you will meet BIKKI.
      She will offer to join your party.

[CHAR] 27/108          Name: BIKKI             Weapon: Magic
    o Upon entering the "doggie" village, you will encounter KUROMIMI, 
      the dog warrior.
    o Head to the elven village tree.

-- [ELVEN VILLAGE TREE] ------------------------------------------------ 

    o Climb the ladder.  A sequence will follow.
    o Go into the main elven house, located at the northern end of the 
    o Talk to the old elf.
    o In the dungeon cell, talk to BALERIA (the red headed human).
      She will explain to you the danger the elven race are in.
      She will speak of the powerful "dark mirror" that could destroy
      the village with a single blast.  
    o Check the cell gate on the right.
    o SILVINA will free you from the cell.
    o After a little conversational sequence, KILKIS will ask you to 
      save the village from the blast of the dark mirror.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Help KILKIS.
      Bottom Choice -> Go back to the castle.

      Assuming you chose to help out KILKIS (top choice), he out of the 
      village.  BELERIA will join your party.

[CHAR] 28/108         Name: BALERIA            Weapon: Dagger

    o Your Mission: Head off to the dwarf's village to obtain help from 
                    the dwarf general.  To get to the dwarf's village, 
                    you must first pass through the mountains located 
                    in the northeastern area from the elf tree.

-- [DWARF MOUNTAIN] ---------------------------------------------------- 

    o Make your way through the mountain.
    o You will meet KUROMIMI once more.
    o Head towards the dwarf village.

-- [DWARF VILLAGE] ----------------------------------------------------- 

    o Explore the town.
    o Go to the weapon's shop.
      Talk to MEESU (guy in the greet suit).
      He will join your party.

[CHAR] 29/108         Name: MEESU            Weapon: Hammer

    o Upgrade your weapons. 
      (You'll need it for the upcoming boss in the dwarf underground).
    o Go to the home located on the farthest north of the right side.
      The head dwarf general will be there.  Talk to him.
      He will challenge you to try to steal an artifact from the 
      dwarf underground shrine.  

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Take up the challenge & get the artifact.
      Bottom Choice -> Don't take up the challenge.

      I'm assuming you chose to take up the challenge (top choice).

    o Your Mission: Go to the Dwarf Underground Shrine located to 
                    the north of the dwarf village, and obtain
                    the artifact.

-- [DWARF UNDERGROUND SHRINE] ------------------------------------------

    o Make your way through the underground passage.
    o You will come across a lever puzzle.
       - Press the lever on the very right first.  
       - Then press the lever on the very left.
       - You should then be able to access both the treasure chest 
         and a passage through.
    o The second puzzle is a "sliding floor" puzzle.
      Simply use your intuition/trial & error to solve this easy one.
    o The third puzzle is a "beeping" puzzle.
      When you read the stone tablet, it translates to:
      Use the same "structure" on the floor buttons.
      (In other words, step on the floor buttons in this order:
           - Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right)
    o A "2-sided" boss will be waiting for you in the very last room.
      Not too difficult.
    o After defeating the dungeon boss, obtain the artifact and head 
      back to the dwarf village.

-- [DWARF VILLAGE] ----------------------------------------------------- 

    o Go back to the dwarf general.  Talk to him.  
    o Your mission here is done.  Head back to the elven village.
-- [ELVEN VILLAGE] ----------------------------------------------------- 

    o You will find everything destroyed.  Watch the sequence.
    o Leave the village.
    o If you go back into the village once more, you will find TEMPLETON, 
      who will join your party.

{CHAR] 30/108         Name: TEMPLETON            Weapon: N/A

    o He will also give you a map of the world!
      Now you can navigate with much more ease.
    o Head back to the "doggie village"

-- [DOGGIE VILLAGE] ---------------------------------------------------- 
    o You will meet KUROMIMI once more.  
    o A bunch of guards will surround you.
      BALERIA will offerr to surrender if the guards let the others 
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Stop BALERIA from sacrificing herself.
      Bottom Choice -> Allow BALERIA to sacrifice herselp.
      (Either way, BALERIA will be captured).
    o After BALERIA is taken away, KUROMIMI will join your party.

[CHAR] 31/108         Name: KUROMIMI            Weapon: Long Sword
    o Fight the guards.
    o MASH will rescue you.  Watch the sequence.
      MASH will inform you that you must attack the castle of 
      KUWANDA ROSSMAN, one of king BALBAROSA's generals.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Go back to the castle with MASH and fight.
      Bottom Choice -> Wait a little more.  

      You really have no choice here.  Either way, you will end up 
      having to go back to your castle to ward off the army.

-- [YOUR ARMY v.s KUWANDA's ARMY] --------------------------------------

  (For more details & advise in these army battles, refer to the 
   "Tips & Tricks" posting).

    o Battle general KUWANDA's army.
    o Watch the sequence.
    o Head into the castle and make your way up to the castle roof.
    o On the roof, you will meet general KUWANDA ROSSMAN.
      He will challenge you to a dual.
  (For more details & advise in fighting duals, refer to the 
   "Tips & Tricks" posting).

    o After defeating him, a sequence will follow.
      You will soon learn that general KUWANDA was acting under the 
      influence of WENDY's "black loon" spell.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Kill him. 
      Bottom Choice -> Spare his life.
      (You will want to spare his life (bottom choice).)
  [!] You will be given another choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Ignore him.
      Bottom Choice -> Let him join your party.

      Assuming you chose to let him join your party (bottom choice), he 
      will head off to your castle.

[CHAR] 32/108         Name: KUWANDA             Weapon: Long Sword

    o Watch the little sequence.  
      SILVINA, STALION, and LUROMIMI will now offically join your party.

[CHAR] 33/108         Name: STALION             Weapon: Elven Bow
[CHAR] 34/108         Name: SILVINA             Weapon: Elven Bow
[CHAR] 35/108         Name: KUROMIMI            Weapon: Long Sword

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Go back to the hotel.
      Bottom Choice -> Stay back.
      Choose to stay back (bottom choice).  
      You will want to pick up some more new characters at the "doggie

    o Go to the "doggie village".

-- [DOGGIE VILLAGE] ---------------------------------------------------- 

    o Go to the bottom house.  GON, another doggie warrior, will be 
      there.  Talk to him.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 36/108         Name: GON             Weapon: Long Sword

    o Go to the upper right house.
    o Talk to HOOSOOROO (the tiger guy).
      He will join you only if you pay 10,000gps for his dinner.
      (pick the top choices for both questions)

[CHAR] 37/108         Name: HOOSOOROO            Weapon: Fists/Claws

    o You will also find LUBY (the elf) there, but he won't join you 
      unless KILKIS, STALION, and SILVINA are all in your venturing
      group AND you must be at a fairly high level (45+).
    o Before heading back to your castle, stop by the town of Coan 
      to pick up RORELAI at the hotel.  By now, you should be at 
      around level 30, so RORELAI will join you.

[CHAR] 38/108         Name: RORELAI             Weapon: Sword
    o Now you can head back to your castle.
    o After a little sequence, you will appear in your room.
    o Head down to the 3rd floor.
    o Go to the main meeting hall.
      Everyone will be waiting for you.
    o MASH will come in.  He will later ask you if he may tell 
      everyone of ODESSA's death.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Hesitate to agree.
      Bottom Choice -> Agree to explain to the others.

      Assuming you chose to agree with MASH (bottom choice), FRICK
      (the guy in the blue cape), will protest the fact that you are
      now the new leader of the rebel alliance.  He will leave and 
      go to the town of Kaku.  SANCHEZ & HUMFRY will join your 

[CHAR] 39/108         Name: SANCHEZ            Weapon: N/A 
[CHAR] 40/108         Name: HUMFRY             Weapon: Sword

    o Go to the 1st floor.  Talk to MARY (in the hotel).
    o She will tell you that she needs a chef to help her out.
      (Sometimes it is random, so if she doesn't say this, then 
       check back to her regularly until she does)
    o Go to the town of Kaku.

-- [TOWN OF KAKU] ------------------------------------------------------ 

    o Go to the house on the left, where the 2 guards are standing.
    o Talk to FRICK.
      He still will not acknowledge you as the leader, but he will
      ask to join to help the rebel alliance.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Let him join.
      Bottom Choice -> Deny his request.

      Assuming you chose to let him join (top choice), he will head
      back to your castle.
    o Before you head back to your castle, go to the village of Seika, 
      to pick up ANTONIO (the chef).

-- [VILLAGE OF SEIKA] ---------------------------------------------------- 

    o Go to the hotel.  Talk to ANTONIO.  He will now join your party.
      (Note that in order for ANTONIO to join your party, MARY needs 
       to have told you first that she needs a chef at your castle)

[CHAR] 41/108         Name: ANTONIO            Weapon: N/A 

    o You will also find SHEENA, who is sitting at the the table, talking
      to a girl.
    o Talk to SHEENA.  You will find out that he is LEBANTO's son.
      He will not join your least not yet.
      So, you will need to bring LEBANTO here in order to have SHEENA join 
      your party.  Remember to come back to this later.
    o Go to the temple, where MASH used to live.  
    o APPLE, the young girl with the glasses, will be there waiting for you.
      Talk to her and she will join your party.

[CHAR] 42/108         Name: APPLE            Weapon: N/A

    o Now you can head back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 3rd floor.
    o Go to the meeting room.
      Talk to FRICK.  He will have a battle plan.  

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Get ready for battle.
      Bottom Choice -> Not time for battle yet.
      Assuming you chose to battle (top choice), you will be facing an 
      enemy army of 6000 troops.  
      (for details in fighting army battles, refer to the "Tips & Tricks"
    o After defeating the army, a little sequence will follow.  
    o You will be facing MIRUIBE's army next.
      (NOTE:  This battle is set up so that you are supposed to lose)
    o After badly losing the battle, another little sequence will follow.
      VICTORU & FRICK will accompany you.  GREMEO will ask you if he can
      come along as well.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Deny GREMEO's request.
      Bottom Choice -> Take him along with you.

    o Assuming you chose to take GREMEO with you (bottom choice),
      talk to MASH to bring along 2 more characters with you on 
      your journey.
    o Head out of the bridge.
    o If you go back into the bridge, QUINCY (blond haired lady) will 
      be there.  She won't join you until you have about 80-90 
      characters in your castle.
    o You will also meet KAI (the bald guy).
      Talk to him.  He will join your party.
[CHAR] 43/108         Name: KAI            Weapon: Staff

    o Now you can go ahead and cross the bridge to explore the new 
    o Head towards the town of Teien, located in the upper western 
      area from the bridge.  
-- [TOWN OF TEIEN] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hotel.
    o Talk to HERION (the old lady).  She will join your party.
[CHAR] 44/108         Name: HERION            Weapon: Magic/spells
    o Get the two treasure chests.
      (The treasure chest on the right contains a special mirror that 
       will allow you to teleport to & from anywhere! - extremely 
    o Go to the 1st house on the top left.
    o You will meet GEN.  He will not be accessed until later.
    o Explore the town.  You will also find EIKEI (bald buy w/mustache).
      He won't join you until you are at a fairly high level (50+).
    o Leave the town.
      Use your special magical mirror to teleport you back to your 
      castle.  (If you can't read Japanese, then simply ride the boat 
      and navigate back to your castle.)
-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

  (I will now sidetrack to pick up SHEENA (LEBANTO's son) and
   MEGU (JUPO's friend)

    o Go to the 3rd floor.
    o Go get LEBANTO and JUPO in your venturing group.
      You will need them if you want SHEENA and MEGU to join your castle.
    o Head out to the town of KAKU first.  
-- [TOWN TO KAKU] ------------------------------------------------------

    o Go talk to MEGU (girl standing in front of hotel).
      Watch the little sequence.  Megu will now join your party.

[CHAR] 45/108         Name: MEGU            Weapon: N/A

    o Now head towards the village of Seika to pick up SHEENA.
-- [VILLAGE OF SEIKA] --------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hotel.
    o Talk to the SHEENA.  Watch the sequence.  SHEENA will now be
      forced to join your party.
[CHAR] 46/108         Name: SHEENA            Weapon: Long Sword

    o You can head back to your castle to restore back to your usual
      group for your venturing.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Explore your castle.  
    o Now head back to the town of Teien.  
  (To save a lot of time, you can ask BIKKI (in the dungeon floor), to 
   teleport you to the town of Teien.  If you can't read Japanese, then 
   you will have to walk/navigate there).

-- [TOWN OF TEIEN] -----------------------------------------------------

    o After teleporting (or walking) to the town of Teien, head to the 
      village of Ricon, located south of Teien.

-- [TOWN OF RICON] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hotel.
      (This may be a good place to save)
    o Go upstairs (of the hotel).
    o You will find LOTTE.  She won't join you until you find her pet cat.
     (Remember the cat that was roaming around in the town of Kaku?)
      I'll come back to Lotte later.
    o Go to the "lost items" shop (with the sign of the magnifying glass).
      JABBA, the shop keeper, will be there.  He won't join you unless
      you find an item that he can't identify.
  (It's a certain clay pot.  You will randomly get it when you fight the 
   enemies in that area)  -  I'll come back to JABBA later.

    o Go to the boat.  Ride it.
    o Sail to the southern area.  Go to the spot where the whirlpool is.
      Touch it and then go back to the town.
    o Now head back to the town of Teien.

-- [TOWN OF TEIEN] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the top left house where GEN was.
      Talk to GEN.  
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Ignore GEN.
      Bottom Choice -> Ask him for a special boat to cross the whirlpool.
      Obviously, you will need to choose to ask him for the boat (bottom 
      choice).  GEN will then join your party.

[CHAR] 47/108         Name: GEN            Weapon: Short Knife

    o Now go to the house next door.  Watch the little sequence.
    o You will meet KAMANDOORU.  Follow him inside the house.  Talk to him.
      KAMANDOORU will now join your party.

[CHAR] 48/108         Name: KAMANDOORU            Weapon: N/A

    o Now that you have a new engine for your boat, go back to the village
      of Ricon.  

-- [TOWN OF RICON] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Watch the sequence.  
    o Leave the hotel.
    o Ride the boat.  You can now cross the whirlpool.
    o Pass the whirlpool and go to the little hut.

-- [THE LITTLE HUT] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Talk to the RYOOKAN.
    o Watch the sequence.
    o Go into the house to pick up the trasure.
    o Now head back to your castle.
   (Note: Remember that you can always teleport back & forth with your 

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.
      (You will notice that your castle has changed structure)
    o Talk to MASH.
    o He will tell you to go to a town called Antei, and find two of his 
      friends: KINBARI and TESLER.
    o Leave the castle and head to the town of Antei, located west 
      of Teien.

-- [TOWN OF ANTEI] -----------------------------------------------------
    o Go to the hotel.
    o Talk to MINNA, the dancer.  She will join you if you will dance
      with her.  Watch the little sequence.

[CHAR] 49/108         Name: MINNA            Weapon: N/A

    o Leave the hotel.  
    o Talk to KULON, the little boy.
      He won't join you until later.  
      Remember to come back to him later.
    o Go to the house right above the hotel.  You will find KINBARI 
      there.  Talk to her and she will join your party.  
      Watch the sequence.

[CHAR] 50/108         Name: KINBARI             Weapon: N/A

    o Now go to the house right above it.  You will find TESLER there.
      Talk to him.  Although hesitant, he will join your party.
[CHAR] 51/108         Name: TESLER            Weapon: N/A

    o Go to the magical orb shop.  You will find JEAN (the shop keeper).
      Talk to her.  She will join your party.

[CHAR] 52/108         Name: JEAN           Weapon: N/A

    o You can head back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE ]-----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.
    o Talk to MASH.  You will receive a forged letter.
    o Now go to the Soniell castle, located south of Antei.

-- [SONIELL CASTLE] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Make your way through the castle to the dungeon cells.
    o Free the RYOOKAN. 
    o Leave the castle dungeon.  
      (Note: If you have GREMEO equipped with anything valuable, take 
             it off of him before you reach the main floor.)
    o Watch the sequence.  (GREMEO's final scene)
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Tell GREMEO to open the door.
      Bottom Choice -> Ignore GREMEO.
      (Either way, GREMEO will die)

     o As the scene ends, you will return to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

     o Talk to MASH.
     o The RYOOKAN will join your party.

[CHAR] 53/108         Name: RYOOKAN            Weapon: Wooden Staff
   [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
          Top Choice -> Battle MIRUEBI's army.  
       Bottom Choice -> Wait a while.
       Assuming you chose to battle MIRUEBI's army, you will be facing an 
       opposition of 12,000 enemy troops.

     o After defeating MIRUEBI's army, you will proceed to his mansion.

-- [MIRUEBI's MANSION] -----------------------------------------------------

     o VICTORU and FRICK will accompany you into MIRUEBI's mansion.
       Pick 4 other characters to accompany you.
     o Make your way through MIRUEBI's house.
     o You will come across IWANOFU (on the bottom floor) and 
       CASHIOS (on the top floor) in the house.
     o On the balcony, a sequence will follow.
   [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
          Top Choice -> Kill MIRUEBI.
       Bottom Choice -> Forgive MIRUEBI.
       If you want to have all 108 characters, you will want to choose 
       to forgive him (bottom choice).
     o MIRUEBI will then ask you if he can join your party.
   [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
          Top Choice -> Deny his request.
       Bottom Choice -> Let him join.

       Assuming you chose to let him join your party (bottom choice), you 
       can then return to your castle.

[CHAR] 54/108          Name: MIRUEBI            Weapon: N/A

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

     o Go to the 4th floor.  Go to the main meeting room, where MASH and
       some other characters are gathered.
     o Talk to KASUMI (the ninja in the red suit).
       KASUMI will now join your party.

[CHAR] 55/108          Name: KASUMI            Weapon: Ninja Claw
     o The day has come for you to finally face off against your
       father, TEO.

  [!] You will be given a choice.
         Top Choice -> Head off to battle TEO's army.
      Bottom Choice -> Wait a little longer.
      Assuming you chose to fight TEO's army, you will facing an 
      opposition of 14,000 enemy troops.
      Note: This battle is set up so that you will lose.  
            Don't sweat it if you see your army being slaughtered 
            right & left.

    o Watch the little sequence.
      PAN will ask you to escape with the others, as he will stay back
      to hold off TEO.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Deny PAN's request.
      Bottom Choice -> Agree with PAN.
      You will have to let PAN go as he chooses (bottom choice).  
      PAN will face off with TEO in a duel battle.
      (For more details in fighting duel battles, refer to the 
       "Tips & Tricks" posting).
      Note: This duel between TEO & PAN is set up so that PAN will 
            lose.  PAN will have to accept his punishment (death) 
            for betraying TEO.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor to the main meeting room.
    o Talk to MASH.  He will tell you to take a rest for a while.
    o Go to your room, located to the far western area on 
      the 4th floor.
    o There will be a sequence.  LEKNAUT will come to see you.
      (You will be given a choice.  Choose either one.)
    o Go back to the meeting room.
    o Talk to FRICK.  He has a plan.
    o He will suggest that you use the blueprints of the warships
      to power up your army.  The blueprints are now kept in a special
      warehouse located to the far northern area of the land across the

      Your Mission: Using the boat, sail off to the northern land, where 
                    you will find a seaport.
      Note: You MUST have TAI-HO in your party in order to leave 
            the castle & navigate the boat.
    o Go outside & talk to GEN.  Ride the boat and sail off to the far 
      northern land to find the seaport.  (use the map if you get lost)
-- [TOWN OF KEELOF] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Upon reaching the seaport of Keelof, explore the town.  
    o Go to the hotel.  You will find JURUJU. 
      Talk to him.  He will join you only if you can win a game of 
      matching cards.  (For details, refer to the "Tips & Tricks
[CHAR] 56/108         Name: JURUJU            Weapon: N/A

    o Leave the hotel.
    o You will also find SEILA, who is washing the clothes.  
      She won't join you unless you get her a soap bar.
  Okay....The process in getting the soap is rather tedious.  
          But, it you want to get all 108 characters, you gotta do 
          what it takes.  8)
    Step #1) First, talk to the guy standing on the very top right.
             He will give you a soap bar, but he will only exchange 
             for some soy sauce.
    Step #2) Now talk to the guy walking around in the middle area of 
             the town.  He has some soy sauce, but he will only exchange 
             it for some salt.

    Step #3) Now talk to the woman standing in the very bottom right area
             of the town.  She has some salt, but will only exchange 
             it for a Monosashi.
    Step #4) Now go to the hotel.  Talk to the guy in the room on the 
             right.  He has a monosashi, but he will only exchange 
             it for sugar.
    Step #5) Now the good thing is, the sugar can be bought at the 
             item shop.  Go to the shop & buy it.

    Step #6) Now go back to the hotel to give the guy the sugar.
             In return, he will give you the monosashi.
    Step #7) Take the monosashi to the lady.  She will give you the 

    Step #8) Take the salt to the guy standing in the middle. 
             He will give you the soy sauce.

    Step #9) Finally, give the soy sauce to the guy standing in the 
             upper right area.  He will give you the soap bar.

    o Now take the soap bar to SEILA.  SHe will join your party.

[CHAR] 57/108         Name: SEILA            Weapon: N/A

    o You will also find MELODY, who is standing in the lower left
      corner of the town.  She won't join your party until you 
      find a certain musical relic.  I'll come back to her later.
    o Leave the town.  Head north.  You will come across the 
      dead town of Kalekka.

-- [DEAD TOWN OF KALEKKA] ----------------------------------------------

    o Go in the first house.  You will find LEON SILVERBURG there.
      He won't join your party yet.  I'll come back to him later.
    o Make your way through the dead town.
    o You will come across an old man in one of the houses.
      Ignore him.  He is not a selectable character.
    o Towards the edge of the town, you will also find BLACKMAN, 
      the farmer.  He will join your party.
[CHAR] 58/108         Name: BLACKMAN            Weapon: N/A

    o Also remember to check ALL the houses.  There are some treasure 
      chests containing some nifty items.  The house on the right towards
      the very edge of the town contains the musical relic you need to 
      have MELODY join your group.
    o Leave the dead town.
    o Head up north to the warehouse.

-- [WAREHOUSE] ---------------------------------------------------------

    o Watch the sequence.
      (You will be given a choice.  Choose either)
    o Talk to KESLER.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 59/108         Name: KESLER            Weapon: Long Sword

    o Talk to LUDON.  He will also join your party.

[CHAR] 60/108         Name: LUDON            Weapon: N/A

    o Head into the warehouse.
    o You will find KAGE standing in the upper left corner.
      Talk to him.  He will ask you if you want him to join your 

  [!] Only one choice available -- press a button to continue.

    o He will then tell you that he will join you if you are willing 
      to pay 20,000gps. to him.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Pay the 20,000gps.
      Bottom Choice -> Don't pay him.
      Pay him the 20,000 (top choice).  He's useful in army battles.
[CHAR] 61/108         Name: KAGE            Weapon: Ninja Claw
    o Now talk to MOOSU (in the red suit), standing to the far right.
      You will receive the blueprints.
    o Head back to the seaport of Keelof.

-- [TOWN OF KEELOF] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the large house located on the front of the seaport. 
      You will find KUNTOO there.  Talk to KUNTOO and he will 
      join your party.

[CHAR] 62/108         Name: KUNTOO            Weapon: N/A

    o Watch the sequence.
    o MOOSU and BELL will join your party.

[CHAR] 63/108         Name: MOOSU            Weapon: Hammer
[CHAR] 64/108         Name: BELL             Weapon: Fists

    o Before leaving Keelof, go to the little houses where 
      SEILA was washing her clothes.
    o Go in BOTH houses and taste the stews in BOTH houses.
    o Go back into the large house in front of the seaport.
    o You will now find LESTER there.  HE will join your party.
[CHAR] 65/108         Name: LESTER            Weapon: N/A
    o Also, go to MELODY, the girl standing in the very lower left 
      corner of the town.  If you remembered to pick up the musical 
      relic from the treasure chest in the dead town, give it to 
      her.  She will join your party.

[CHAR] 66/108         Name: MELODY            Weapon: N/A
    o Now head back to your castle.
-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o After resting, go to the main meeting room.
    o Talk to MASH.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Get ready to battle.
      Bottom Choice -> Wait/hold off until you're ready.

      Assuming you chose to battle (top choice), you will face TEO's 
      army once more.

    o After defeating TEO's army, TEO will come afront and challenge 
      you to a duel.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Accept the challenge.
      Bottom Choice -> Deny the challenge.
      (Either way, you will be forced to fight TEO)

    o After defeating TEO, watch the sequence.
    o TEO will ask his two closest guards, ALAN & GLENSHEER, 
      to join your party.

[CHAR] 67/108         Name: ALAN            Weapon: Long Sword 
[CHAR] 68/108         Name: GLENSHEER       Weapon: Long Sword

      Your "Soul Eater" spell will be raised to level 3.
    o Go to the 4th floor to the main meeting room.
      Talk to LEBANTO.  He will suggest that you move along to the 
      Rorima Gate.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Choose to proceed with the plan.
      Bottom Choice -> Wait/hold off a little while.

      Assuming you chose to proceed with the plan, a sequence 
      will follow.

-- [RORIMA GATE] -------------------------------------------------------

    o VICTORU and CLEO will accompany you.
      Pick 3 other characters to accompany you.
      MASH will ask you to confirm your character selection.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can: 
         Top Choice -> Change your character selection once more.
      Bottom Choice -> Confirm your character selection.
      If you are done, choose the bottom choice.  
    o Leave the Rorima Gate.
    o Head back into the Rorima Gate.
    o You will find KIRUKE there.  Talk to him. 
      (Choose the top choices for both of his questions)
    o KIRUKE will join your party.

[CHAR] 69/108         Name: KIRUKE            Weapon: N/A

    o Leave the Rorima Gate.
    o Head towards the village of the Senshi, located to the south
      of the Rorima Gate.

-- [VILLAGE OF THE SENSHI] ---------------------------------------------
    o Watch the sequence.  You will meet HICKS, TENGARU, abd ZOLACK.
      Follow them to their house.
    o Talk to ZOLACK.  Watch the sequence.
    o Talk to VICTORU.  Go to sleep.
    o Leave the house.  Watch the sequence.  You will meet NEKUROOD.
      You will then fight NEKUROOD.

      (Note: This fight is set up so that you will lose.....badly)

    o Watch the sequence.  Talk to ZOLACK.  He will tell you to go 
      to the temple of Kulon.
    o Before leaving, you will find MARUKO, the little gambler
      (remember her?)   Talk to her.  She will offer to join your
      party if you can win at least 5,000gps from her.

[CHAR] 70/108         Name: MARUKO            Weapon: N/A

    o Go to the house above where MARUKO was standing.  
      You will find MUSSU there.
      He will join your party only if you bring: MESSU, MASSU, and 
      MOOSU to him.  I'll come back for him later.
    o Leave the village.
      Head to the temple of KULON, located to the west of the 
      senshi village.

-- [TEMPLE OF KULON] ---------------------------------------------------

    o Talk to HUKKEN (the priest).  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 71/108         Name: HUKKEN            Weapon: N/A

    o He will then tell you to search for a mystic sword in the 
      cave that holds the power to repel NEKUROOD's spells.
    o Go in the cave.  Make your way through the cave.
    (Note: This cave is one of the premium places to raise your
           levels.  Use the enemies to your advantage.)

    o Try finding all the treasure chests in the cave.
      You will eventually find a certain book that you will need 
    o Look for hidden passages.  There are two.
      They are not visable, so you will have to rely on luck, 
      since I can't show images in a Unix OS.
    (There are 2 hidden passages:
         - One will lead to a secret treasure chest (window artifact).
         - The other will lead to a secret character who will join 
           your party later on. )
    o Upon finding the sword, watch the sequence.
      It will teleport you back in time.
    o You will meet TED (remember him?) when he was young.
    o TED will ask you if you came to steal their village treasures.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Say you came to steal their treasure.
      Bottom Choice -> Say you didn't come to steal.
      Assuming you chose to answer "no" (bottom choice), CLEO will ask 
      you if he was TED.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Say that he looked a little like TED.
      Bottom Choice -> Say that he was a different person.
      (You can choose either one.  It won't make a difference in the game)

    o Talk to the old man.  Follow them inside the home.
    o Talk to the old man once more. 
      Watch the sequence.
    o Before leaving the burned down village, search throughout the village
      to find treasures.
    o Before going up the stairs, VICTORU will ask you what to do with 
      the young TED.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Take TED with you.
      Bottom Choice -> Leave him in his own time.
      (Choose either one.  It won't make a difference in the game)

    o Go to the sword.  VICTORU will take the sword.
    o Leave the cave. 
    o Upon leaving the cave, you will find ZEN (the farmer).  She will 
      only join you if you get her 3 things:  A red seed, a blue seed, 
      and a yellow seed.
    (These seeds are sold at various item/medicine shops.)
      I'll come back for her later. 

    o Go inside the temple.  You will find UGO (standing in front of
      the book shelves).
    o Talk to him.  If you got all the treasure chests in the cave, you 
      will have found a certain book.
    o UGO will now join your party.

    (Note: Without the book, UGO will not join your party)

[CHAR] 72/108         Name: UGO            Weapon: N/A
    o You will also find MORGAN in the temple.
      He will join your party.
[CHAR] 73/108         Name: MORGAN            Weapon: N/A

    o Leave the temple.
    o Head back to the village of the Senshi.

-- [VILLAGE OF THE SENSHI] ---------------------------------------------
    o Talk to ZOLACK.  Watch the little sequence.
    o Go to the item shop.  You will find WINDOW there.
      He will ask you to give the window artifact to him.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Give him the window artifact.
      Bottom Choice -> Don't give him anything.
      Give him the window artifact (top choice).  He will join your party.
[CHAR] 74/108         Name: WINDOW            Weapon: N/A
    NOTE: The window artifact is the item that was in one of the 
          hidden passages of the cave.
          (Email me for more details)

    o Go talk to the shopkeeper.
      She sells one of the seeds: Red seed
      Buy the red seed.

      *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 [EDITOR's NOTE]: Before heading out to NEKUROOD's castle, located 
                  southwest of the village, I will now sidetrack
                  to pick up some new characters that I left behind.
                  You do not necessarily have to pick these characters
                  now.  You can pick them up anytime throughout the 
    o Teleport back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 4th Floor.
      Talk to MASH.  Remove 3 of your venturing characters in your group.
      Replace them with the 3 blacksmiths: MOOSU, MASSU, and MEESU.
    o Go back to the village of the Senshi.

-- [VILLAGE OF THE SENSHI] ---------------------------------------------
    o Talk to MUSSU.  He will now join your party.

[CHAR] 75/108         Name: MUSSU             Weapon: Hammer

    o Go back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 4th floor.
    o Talk to MASH.  Remove the 3 blacksmiths from your group.
    o Now replace them with the 3 elves: KILKIS, STALION, and SILVINA.
    o You must get them above level 30 in order to join LUBY (remember 
      him?) into your party.  So.....fight enemies until you reach about
      level 31.
    o Go to the "Doggie Village".

-- [DOGGIE VILLAGE] ----------------------------------------------------
    o Go to the hotel.
      Talk to LUBY.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 76/108         Name: LUBY            Weapon: Elven Arrow

    o Now leave the doggie village.
    o Teleport to the little town of Ricon.

-- [VILLAGE OF RICON] --------------------------------------------------
    o Go to the hotel.  Go upstairs.
    o Talk to LOTTE.  She will tell you that she will join your party
      if you can find her cat.
    o Go to the town of KAKU.

-- [TOWN OF KAKU] ------------------------------------------------------
    o Now, catch the cat!
    o Head back to Ricon.

-- [VILLAGE OF RICON] --------------------------------------------------
    o Go back to the hotel and talk to LOTTE.
      She will join your party.

[CHAR] 77/108         Name: LOTTE            Weapon: Magic/spells

    o Go back to your castle.

 -- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 4th floor.
      Talk to MASH.  Remove the 3 elves from your venturing group.
      Put MIRUEBI in your group, and 2 other characters of your 
    o Teleport to MIRUEBI's mansion.

-- [MIRUEBI'S MANSION] -------------------------------------------------
    o Find IWANOFU (on the 1st floor).
      Talk to him.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 78/108         Name: IWANOFU            Weapon: N/A

    o Find CASHIOS (on the 2nd floor).
      Talk to her.  She will join your party.

[CHAR] 79/108         Name: CASHIOS            Weapon: N/A

    o Leave the mansion.
    o Head towards the town of Antei, located east of MIRUEBI's 
-- [TOWN OF ANTEI] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Talk to KULON (the little boy).  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 80/108         Name: KULON            Weapon: N/A

    o Go to the hotel.  Go upstairs.  You will find ESMERALDA in one of 
      the rooms.  Talk to her.  
    o ESMERELDA will only join your party if you find an opal stone.  
    Note: The Opal Stone is randomly obtained from the enemies you 
          fight in the area of the Soniell Castle. 

[CHAR] 81/108         Name: ESMERALDA            Weapon: N/A

    o Now go to the town of Teien.
-- [TOWN OF TEIEN] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Find EIKEI (the bald guy).
      Talk to him.  Since you should be around level 40-50, he will 
      join your party.

[CHAR] 82/108         Name: EIKEI            Weapon: Fists

    o Before leaving town, go to the hotel/item shop.  
      They will be selling the yellow seed.  Buy one.
    o Go back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor and talk to MASH to restore back to your 
      usual favorite characters.
    o Since you have both the yellow and red seeds, all you need left
      is the blue seed.  
    o The blue seed is sold at the village of Ricon.  Go there & buy one.
    o Upon getting the final blue seed, go to the temple of Kulon.

-- [TEMPLE OF KULON] ---------------------------------------------------

    o Go talk to ZEN (the farmer).
    o After giving the 3 seeds, she will join your parents.
[CHAR] 83/108         Name: ZEN            Weapon: N/A

      *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

  [EDITOR'S NOTE]: I will now resume with the quest

    o Head to NEKUROOD's castle.
-- [NEKUROOD'S CASTLE] -------------------------------------------------

    o Watch the little sequence.
    o HICKS will come in and ask you if he can join you.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Deny his request.
      Bottom Choice -> Let him come along.

      Assuming you chose to let him come along, you will have to take out
      one of your current party members in your group.

    o Make your way through the castle.
    o You will come across a room with 4 paintings.
      It is a puzzle.

      Click on the paintings in this order:

       ----------       ----------       ----------        ----------
       |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
       |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
       |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
       |        |       |        |       |        |        |        |
       ----------       ----------       ----------        ----------
         [ 4th ]          [ 2nd ]          [ 1st ]          [ 3rd ]

    o A secret passage will reveal itself.
    o Proceed up the castle.
    o Upon reaching NEKUROOD's chambers, watch the sequence. 
      Make sure you're ready.  NEKUROOD is one of the tougher bosses.
    o After defeating NEKUROOD, there will be another sequence.
    o Leave the sequence.  VICTORU will tell you that he needs to visit
      his home village for awhile.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Deny his request.
      Bottom Choice -> Let him go.

      Assuming you chose to let VICTORU go, both TENGARU and HICKS 
      will join your party.

[CHAR] 84/108         Name: TENGARU            Weapon: Spells/Magic
[CHAR] 85/108         Name: HICKS              Weapon: Long Sword

    o Leave NEKUROOD's castle, and return to your own castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the main meeting room on the 4th floor.
    o Talk to MASH.  He has a plan.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Ignore his plan. 
      Bottom Choice -> Get ready to go.

      Assuming you chose to go (bottom choice), HUMFRY and 
      FRICK will accompany you.

    o Your Mission: Go to the dragon cave located to the northwest
                    area from MIRUEBI's mansion.
    NOTE: I HIGHLY advise you to have the RYOOKAN in your venturing 
          group.  It will save a lot of time later on.

-- [ENTRY OF THE DRAGON CAVES] -----------------------------------------

    o The dragon guard will not allow you into the dragon cave.
    o Now go to the town of Antei, located towards the southeastern
-- [TOWN OF ANTEI] -----------------------------------------------------
    o You will find VANSON there.  Watch the little sequence.
      (You'll be given a choice.  Choose either)
    o Now head back to the dragon cave.

-- [ENTRY OF THE DRAGON CAVES] -----------------------------------------

    o Talk to VANSON.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 86/108         Name: VANSON            Weapon: N/A

    o Go to the stone statue.  

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Go in the secret passage.
      Bottom Choice -> Don't go in.

      Assuming you chose to go in the secret passage (top choice), 
      make your way through the dragon cave.  
    o You will meet MILIA and HOOCH (remember him?)
    o Follow him.  Head towards the dragon castle.
-- [DRAGON CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Explore throughout the castle.
    o You will find FUUMA (the ninja) hiding beside the castle outside 
      on the right.  Talk to him.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 87/108         Name: FUUMA             Weapon: Ninja Claws
    o Go inside the castle.  You will find KUROITSU on the left room.
      Talk to him.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 88/108         Name: KUROITSU             Weapon: Long Sword

    o Go upstairs.  Watch the sequence.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Ask YOSHUA (the dragon lord) to join your party.
      Bottom Choice -> Ask to ride the dragon.
      (Choose either -- You will get the same result)

    o Watch the sequence.  The RYOOKAN will help heal the dragons, who 
      have been poisoned with sleeping potion.  
    o Your Mission: Get the ingredients the RYOOKAN needs to create
                    a healing potion for the dragons.

    o MILIA will join your party.

[CHAR] 89/108         Name: MILIA            Weapon: Iron Staff
    o Go to the dragon castle.
      A red dragon will take you to your destination.

-- [SHEEK MOUNTAIN] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Make your way through the mountain.
    o You will find a mouse where MEESU lives.  Talk to him.
      He won't join your until later.  I'll come back for him later.
    o There will be a mid boss blocking a path.
      Fight & defeat it.
    o You will meet WENDY & TED.
      TED will ask you to give back the soul gem.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Give the soul gem back to TED.
      Bottom Choice -> Ignore TED.
      (Choose either -- You will get the same result)

    o There will be a little sequence.  

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Choose not to give the soul gem.
      Bottom Choice -> Give the soul gem to TED.

      Assuming you chose not to give the gem (top choice), TED will 
      sacrifice himself and give his last energy of his soul power
      to you.  Your "Soul Eater" spell raises to level 4.
    o Watch TED's final scene.
    o Leave the mountain.  Head back to the dragon castle.
-- [DRAGON CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Go in the castle.  Go upstairs. 
    o Talk to YOSHUA.  You will learn that HOOCH went alone to obtain
      the 2nd ingredient.
    o You will then be controlling HOOCH.
    o Get the purple plant on the right side.
    o Watch the sequence.
    o Go upstairs.  Talk to YOSHUA.  
    o YOSHUA will join your party.
[CHAR] 90/108         Name: YOSHUA         Weapon: N/A
    o YOSHUA will then ask you to take care of HOOCH as well.

[CHAR] 91/108         Name: HOOCH          Weapon: N/A
    o MILIA will offer to take you back to your castle by dragon.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Accept MILIA's offer.  
      Bottom Choice -> Go back on your own.

      (I'll leave this decision to you)

    o Leave the dragon castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go inside.  There will be a sequence between KASUMI & KURIN.
      KURIN is suspecting there is a traitor amongst your party 
    o Go to the 4th floor.  Watch the sequence.
      *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 [EDITOR's NOTE]: Before continuing on, I will now sidetrack to pick up 
                  some new characters that I left behind.
                  You do not necessarily have to pick these characters
                  now.  You can pick them up anytime the game. 

    o Talk to MASH.  
    o You MUST get TAI-HO and YAMUKU into your venturing group.
    o Choose 3 other characters to accompany you. 
    o Get on the boat and sail to a little island located far west 
      from your castle.

-- [ISLAND] ------------------------------------------------------------

    o There, you will come across: ANGIE, KANUK, and LEONARDO.
    o Talk to ANGIE (the one in the middle). 
      He will join you only if you win against them in a fight.

  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Accept their challenge.
      Bottom Choice -> Turn down their challenge.
      I'm assuming you chose to accept their challenge (top choice).

    o After defeating them, they will join your party.

[CHAR] 92/108         Name: ANGIE            Weapon: Long Sword 
{CHAR] 93/108         Name: LEONARDO         Weapon: Great Axe
[CHAR] 94/108         Name: KANUK            Weapon: Tonfa

    o Leave the island & go back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.  Remove TAI-HO and YAMUKU, and replace them
      with your usual venturing characters.
    o Now go to the Garan Bridge, where you first met KAI. 
-- [GARAN BRIDGE] ------------------------------------------------------

    o QUINCY (remember her?) will still be there.
      By now, you have enough members in your party, so she will join 
      your party as well.

[CHAR] 95/108         Name: QUINCY         Weapon: N/A

    o Now go to NEKUROOD's castle.

-- [NEKUROOD'S CASTLE] -------------------------------------------------

    o Go to NEKUROOD's chamber.
    o PESHUMELGA will be there.  Talk to him.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 96/108         Name: PESHUMELGA         Weapon: Long Sword

    o Leave the castle.
    o Now head to the cave in the temple of KULON.

-- [TEMPLE OF KULON] ---------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the hidden passage where CRAWLEY is.
      (If you can't find the hidden passage, email me, and I'll try to 
       help you find it)
    o Talk to CRAWLEY.  He will now join your party.

[CHAR] 97/108         Name: CRAWLEY            Weapon: Spells/Magic

    o Go back to your castle.
-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------
    o Go to the 4th floor and recruit: MOOSU, MASSU, MEESU, and MUSSU 
      into your venturing group.
    o Now go to the dragon castle.

-- [DRAGON CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o Ride the dragon and go to the Sheek Mountain.
-- [SHEEK MOUNTAIN] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the house, where MESSU lives.  He will now join your party.

[CHAR] 98/108         Name: MESSU             Weapon: Hammer

    o Leave the mountain and head back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor and restore your group to your usual venturing
    o Now go to the dead town of Kalekka.
-- [DEAD TOWN OF KALEKKA] ----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the house where LEON is.
    o Talk to LEON.  
    o Go back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor and talk to MASH.  
      He will give you a letter for LEON. 
    o Go back to the dead town of Kalekka.

-- [DEAD TOWN OF KALEKKA] ----------------------------------------------

    o Talk to LEON.  He will now join your party.

[CHAR] 99/108         Name: LEON            Weapon: N/A

    o Head back to your castle.    
    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

  [EDITOR'S NOTE]: I will now continue with the quest.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.  Go to your own quarters.
      Watch the sequence.
      (You will be given a question.  Choose the bottom choice)
    o Go to MASH and talk to him.  Watch the sequence.
    o An army battle will take place shortly.  You will be facing 
      an opposition of 3,700 enemy troops.
    o After defeating GRIFFIS's army, you will be given a choice.

      You can:
         Top Choice -> Let GRIFFIS join your party.
      Bottom Choice -> Kill GRIFFIS.
      Assuming you chose to let him join your party, you will 
      return to your castle.

    o KASUMI and KURIN will accompany you.
      Choose 3 other characters to join your venturing group.
    o You will now head out to the Molabia Castle.
-- [MOLABIA CASTLE] ----------------------------------------------------

    o Watch the sequence.
    o Make your way through the castle.
    o You will find VICTORU and some other characters in the cells.
    o You will also meet WARREN.  He will join your party.

[CHAR] 100/108         Name: WARREN            Weapon: N/A

    o Watch the sequence.
    o You will meet KASHEEM.
      He will eventually join your party.

[CHAR] 101/108         Name: KASHEEM            Weapon: N/A
    o Head back to the crossing where you met GRIFFIS' army.
-- [CROSSING GATE] -----------------------------------------------------

    o You will meet MAXIMILLION and SANCHO.
      They will join your party.

[CHAR] 102/108         Name: MAXIMILLION        Weapon: N/A
[CHAR] 103/108         Name: SANCHO             Weapon: N/A

    o Head back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.  Go to the main meeting room.
      Talk to MASH.
      (You will be given a question.  Choose the bottom choice)
    o Sit back and watch the long sequence.
    o Go outside the castle.
      Your army's boats are ready.
    o MASH will ask if you are ready to battle.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Wait/hold off for a while.
      Bottom Choice -> Go and battle.

      Assuming you chose to battle (bottom choice), you will be facing 
      against an opposition of 17,000 enemy troops. 
    o After defeating SONIA's army, you will proceed to SONIA's castle.
-- [SONIA'S CASTLE] ----------------------------------------------------

    o VICTORU will accompany you.  Pick 4 other characters to join you.
    o Head inside the castle underground.
    o You will face a giant clam.  
      (this is one of the most annoying bosses in the game)
    o Upon defeating the giant clam, watch the sequence.
    o Leave the castle underground.  
    o Before exiting, you will meet SONIA.  She will question your actions.
      (Choose either choices)
    o She will attack you.
    o After defeating SONIA, leave the castle underground.
    o You will find MASH injured. 
      You find out that SANCHEZ was the inside traitor.
-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the castle dungeon cell.
    o Talk to SONIA.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Ignore her.
      Bottom Choice -> Ask her to join your party.
      (Choose the bottom choice)
    o SONIA will tell you that if she joins your party, you will never 
      know when she may strike against you.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Don't let her join.
      Bottom Choice -> Let her join regardless.

      (Choose the bottom choice)  -  SONIA will join your party.

[CHAR] 104/108         Name: SONIA            Weapon: Long Sword

    o Go to the village of Ricon.

-- [VILLAGE OF RICON] --------------------------------------------------

    o Go to the Pawn shop (sign with magnifying glass).  
      You will find JABBA there.  Remember that he won't join your
      party until you find an artifact that he cannot identify.
      The clay pot that he cannot identify, is randomly obtainable
      by fighting the enemies around that area.
    o Once you have the clay pot JABBA cannot identify, he will 
      join your party.

[CHAR] 105/108         Name: JABBA            Weapon: N/A
    o Go to the hotel/liquor store.  You can randomly find CLIVE 
      there.  If you do happen to find him there, consider yourself
      very lucky.  If not, repeatedly come back there until 
      you do.

[CHAR] 106/108         Name: CLIVE            Weapon: Long Sword

    o Go back to your castle.

-- [BACK AT YOUR CASTLE] -----------------------------------------------

    o Go to the 4th floor.  Go to the main meeting room.
      Talk to MASH.
    o MASH will suggest to now battle Gregminster's army.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Wait/hold off for a while.
      Bottom Choice -> Gather everyone.

      Assuming you chose to gather everyone (bottom choice), 
      watch the following sequence.  During the great gathering, 
      LEKNAUT will come.
    o Talk to MASH.
  [!] You will be given a choice.  You can:
         Top Choice -> Wait/hold off for a while.
      Bottom Choice -> Get ready to battle.

      Assuming you chose to get ready to battle (bottom choice), 
      another sequence will follow.

    o You will face an opposition of 20,000 enemy troops.
    o After defeating the army, head into the town of Gregminster.
-- [TOWN OF GREGMINSTER] -----------------------------------------------

    o At the bridge crossing in the town, you will be confronted by 
      IEEN.  He will challenge you.  Fight him.
    o Upon defeating IEEN, make your way through the castle.
    o You will find King BALBAROSA (remember him?). 
      Watch the sequence.  Fight his dragon form.
    o Watch the ending sequence.

[EDITOR'S NOTE]: Since I could not find the last two characters,
                 you will not be able to see the special "108" ending.
                 If anyone knows where the last remaining two characters
                 are, please post it or email me.  Thank you.

[SO....]:  So, you finished the game, and you think you've seen everything
           this RPG has to offer, eh?  Well, there are some other secrets
           to this game, like the stairs of the hotel in the village of
           Daishirin.  The stairs lead to a certain room, but containing
           what....or rather whom?


                        T         H         E

                     E            N             D