Andere Lösungen

Gauntlet Legends (e)

Another Gauntlet Legends Guide - Version 1
By Roland Carlos

Ever played the arcade classic Gauntlet? If you have, you knew what it was
like back in those days. Now, warp to Late 1998-99. If you are an arcade
junkie, you should have at least played Gauntlet Legends once (if not twice
or more). Gauntlet Legends is a total remake of the classic Gauntlet (and its
sequel, Gauntlet 2). The whole world is now in 3-D, but there are now more
items, bosses, and a storyline (just to mention a few). If you've played
Gauntlet in the past, like RPGs, or just need to spend money, PLAY THIS GAME

(QUICK NOTE: If your arcade would like a copy of a Gauntlet Legends FAQ, give
them this one. Make sure to tell me the name of it so I can place it in the
Thanks section).

Table of Contents:
1. Version Updates
2. Introduction
3. Storyline
4. Characters
5. Enemies
6. Button Control
7. Items
8. Pre-Game Info
9. Rune Stone Locations
10. Keys & Bosses Guide
11. Gauntlet Treasure Rooms
12. Thanks
13. Disclaimer

1. Version Updates

January 9, 1999 - Version 1: First release of guide

2. Introduction

To be honest, I've never played the arcade circuit a lot. I mean, I was there
when they had Tekken 3, but now, it seems to have been cooled off into the
corner of the arcade where I go to. Every once in awhile, I like to go into
my arcade and check out if they have anything good.

I saw a crowd near one of these games. Above the many heads was a sign that
said "NEW GAME". I pushed my way through the crowd to see what was going on.
The game was Gauntlet Legends. The game itself amazed me.

It reminded me of that Capcom game (I forget what it is called) with the RPG
elements in it. But, this looked like that game and more. Granted, the two
playing were Level 55 and 28 (Jackal and Falconess respectively) so I didn't
jump right in. I watched and watched until I had to go. Those two will still
fighting the Genie.

I came back later, early this time to avoid the crowds. I played around and
I must say it was like no other arcade I have played. I am an avid RPG gamer
and I loved this game. After some time, someone else asked to play along. 
Both of us had a great time, even if we had no idea what the hell we were

I played back and forth, eventually raising my falconesses in two arcades (30
and 28 both at the time I'm typing this) and playing with many different
people and their characters. And, after each game, we always share comments,
tips, and of course we always say "So long", "Hope to play you again", or
"Good bye".

Being also an avid console gamer, I can not wait until they release it for
the N64 (scheduled, Spring 1999).

Well, that's my Gauntlet Legends story. Time to get into the finer details of
the game.

3. Storyline

(This is the storyline as I remember it from the arcade, I may be wrong in
some points, so don't kill me over it.)

A young mage, foolish and unwise, was hungering for power. Using the power of
the 12 Rune Stones, summoned a demon named Skorne. He appeared in his full
power and granted the mage his wish. However, to avoid being brought back
into where he came from, he scattered the 12 Rune Stones across the land.

This caught the attention of the Wizard, studying far into the reaches of the
desert. This caught the attention of the Valkyrie, ruling over the castle. 
This caught the attention of the Warrior, training in the high mountain tops.
This caught the attention of the Archer, hunting game in the forest. 

All of the Rune Stones were scattered across. 3 in the desert, 3 in the 
castle, 3 in the mountain, and 3 in the forest.

The four noticed this and knew something was wrong. The Rune Stones usually
stayed at the Temple, and were never used. Until now. They heard a great 
rumbling, each of them.

The Wizard saw the Genie, an unruly monster raise out of an Oasis. He held a
key. The Valkyrie saw the Chimera rise out of the grave it was once placed 
in. It held a key in its Eagle head. The Warrior saw the Dragon leave its 
cave and fly around breathing fire. It held a key in a claw. The Archer saw
a great web fall from above and saw the Spider Queen drop onto it. She held
in a key in her hand. 

Each of these four monsters summoned all their servants to attack and destroy
anything they could find. Each of the four lands, in a matter of hours became
tainted with monsters.

A mystical spirit reached the four heroes while they were sleeping. Although
no knows what he said, whatever he did say united the four them, all of them
to fight the four monsters and to fight Skorne. 

4. Characters
There are 4 character types. They are the Wizard, Valkyrie, Warrior and 
Archer. There is no real best, but people at my arcade play Wizard the most,
Valkyrie the second most, Archer next, and Warrior last. 

Characters gain levels through experience points (you get experience points 
through killing things). The more levels you get, the higher your attributes 
get. There are 4 attributes in all. There is Strength, how much damage you 
doing from attacking (hand or hand, or ranged). There is also Speed, how fast
you can move around. Another attribute is Armor, how much damage you take 
from attacks or traps. The last attribute is Magic, the more Magic you have 
the more damage you do with potions.

You can also buy attribute enhancers in the shop in between levels. You can
Strength, Speed, Armor, and Magic for 800 each. They raise the attribute of
its name by 5. People usually buy the one they are weakest in (I advise you
do that too) and then buy the other two powers. You usually don't want to buy
your strongest attribute, but if you want to, it's your money.

And in a final note, if you want to access a secret character, make sure the
character's first form is at Level 10. Go to that character in the select
screen and hold Turbo. You should see a new character. You can now select 
that character.

(NOTE: Each character's Special Magic Level 1 Attack is always a Turbo 

Secret Character: Jackal
Best Character Trait: Magic
Special Magic Attacks:
Level 2 - Rock Shower
Level 3 - Demon Skull
At Level 10 - Becomes a Mage. Better weapon gained.
At Level 25 - Becomes a Summoner. Gains a Green Dragon Familiar. 
At Level 50 - Becomes a Conjurer. Better weapon gained.
At Level 75 - Becomes a Sorcerer. Gains a Red Dragon Familiar.
At Level 99 - Becomes a Legend. Permanent Growth.

Secret Character: Falconess (I use this one)
Best Character Trait: Armor
Special Magic Attacks:
Level 2 - Multi-Blade Arc
Level 3 - Sky Lance
At Level 10 - Becomes a Guardian. Better weapon gained.
At Level 25 - Becomes a Defender. Gains a Falcon Familiar.
At Level 50 - Becomes a Champion. Better weapon gained.
At Level 75 - Becomes a Captain. Gains an Eagle Familiar.
At Level 99 - Becomes a Legend. Permanent Growth.

Secret Character: Minotaur
Best Character Trait: Strength
Special Magic Attacks:
Level 2 - Fire Arc
Level 3 - Plasma Trail
At Level 10 - Becomes a Hero. Better weapon gained.
At Level 25 - Becomes a Veteran. Gains a Green Dragonfly Familiar.
At Level 50 - Becomes a Champion. Better weapon gained.
At Level 75 - Becomes a Master. Gains a Red Dragonfly Familiar.
At Level 99 - Becomes a Legend. Permanent Growth.

Secret Character: Tigress
Best Character Trait: Speed
Special Magic Attacks:
Level 2 - Double Bow
Level 3 - BFG (Politcally Correct Term: Big Friggin Gun)
At Level 10 - Becomes a Scout. Better weapon gained.
At Level 25 - Becomes a Veteran. Gains a White Butterfly Familiar.
At Level 50 - Becomes a Ranger. Better weapon gained.
At Level 75 - Becomes a Elder. Gains a Yellow Butterfly Familiar.
At Level 99 - Becomes a Legend. Permanent Growth.

5. Enemies

Each of the 4 Realms has enemy types. They come out of enemy generators. Each
enemy type has 2 or 3 levels. To stop the enemies from coming out of the 
generator, you have to destroy it. You destroy by attacking it (without 
potions). The worse looking the generator, the closer it is to being 

Also, one enemy that appears in every stage is Death. Death looks like the 
Grim Reaper (dressed in Black). You can find him outside "sleeping", in
chests or in barrels. You wake him up by hitting him, or opening the chest
or barrel. The way to kill him is with one potion shot. If you don't have any
potions, he will leave after taking at least 100 health (from one player or
any combnation of players). However, if you know that Death is in a chest or
barrel, use a potion next to the chest or barrel. When you open it or break 
it, it will have turned into meat (+100 Health).

The golems appear throughout all the stages in four different forms. The 
forms are representive of the realm. The golems come in this order of 
difficulty, Mountain Golem, Castle Golem, Forest Golem, and Desert Golem. 
They are sleeping when first found, you wake them by touching them or hitting

Orc Grunts (green) - Comes out of a cave.
First Level - Small, holds lance.
Second Level - Medium, holds two swords.
Third Level - Large, holds axe.

Fire Demons (variety) - Comes out of a mound.
First Level - Small, silver.
Second Level - Medium, blue with some red.
Third Level - Large, red.

Scorpions (variety) - Comes out a pile of bones.
First Level - Small, purple.
Second Level - Large, red.

Golem (brown)
First Level - Made of rocks.

Orc Soldiers (gray) - Comes out of a gate.
First Level - Small, holds lance.
Second Level - Medium, holds butcher knives.
Third Level - Large, holds axe.

Mystical Armor (variety) - Comes out of a statue.
First Level - Small, silver.
Second Level - Medium, grey.
Third Level - Large, black.

Rats (variety) - Comes out of a dirt mound.
First Level - Small, blue.
Second Level - Large, brown.

Golem (white)
First Level - Made of marble.

Lizard Men (brown) - Comes out of a hut.
First Level - Small, holds spear.
Second Level - Medium, holds clubs.
Third Level - Large, holds axe.

Living Tress (variety) - Comes out a tree stump.
First Level - Small, somewhat pale.
Second Level - Medium, has moss.
Third Level - Large, brown.

Spiders (variety) - Comes out of web.
First Level - Small, black & green.
Second Level - Large, black & brown.

Golem (brown & green)
First Level - Made of dirt and grass.

Desert Orcs (grey) - Comes out of an archway.
First Level - Small, holds spears.
Second Level - Medium, holds swords.
Third Level - Large, throws bolts.

Zombies (variety) - Comes out of a crypt.
First Level - Small, brown.
Second Level - Medium, white.
Third Level - Large, blue headress.

Snakes (variety) - Comes out of a vase.
First Level - Small, blue.
Second Level - Large, yellow.

Golem (yellow)
First Level - Made of sand.

6. Button Control

The control of Gauntlet Legends is very easy. You can even find it on the
arcade machine itself (if the owner placed the stickers on it). There are
3 Buttons each labeled Fight, Turbo, and Magic. There is also a joystick.
Using the joystick should be easy enough so let's jump right into the

The fight button, well, attacks! Press it to fire a ranged attack. The attack
does not aim itself, so it is up to you to aim the character with the 
joystick. If you're right next to an enemy (so close you can smell its 
breath) press fight to use your weapon (staff, sword, axe, or bow). The same
hand to hand fighting effect can be done by just moving the joystick towards
the enemy, but it is much more safer to use the fight button.

The turbo button speeds up your character. Use it to run much more faster.
You usually won't be using this button too much however. Running fast does
not give you a lot of reaction time for any incoming dangers. You will want
to use if you are surrounded by enemies. You can shove your way out by using
turbo and escaping. A common strategy for high leveled players is to turbo
into through an enemy group to the enemy generator, and turbo back out after
it is destroyed. Please note, using turbo drains your special bar.

The magic button uses your potions. Potions come in four types, the green
potion is acid, the red potion is fire, the yellow potion is light, and the
blue potion is lightning. To know what potion is coming up next, look at your
potion total. Right next to it is a potion color. That color indicates what
potion you will use next. Note that you cannot select which potion to use
next and you can only hold up to 9 potions at a time. The more attributes of
magic you have, the more the potion radius expands. If you have no potions,
this button does nothing.

The buttons can be pressed at the same time to make even more happen. 

Pressing Fight and Turbo does the special magic attack of the character. The
attack you use depends on the status of the special bar. If it is only at 
green, you will only get a Level 1 (turbo attack). At yellow, you get a Level
2 special attack. And Level 3 can only be done when the bar is full.

Pressing Fight and Magic throws the potion. Instead of the potion being used
in your radius you can throw it over walls and doors to attack enemies away 
from you. The more attributes of magic you have, the more you throw it.

Pressing Turbo and Magic makes a magical shield surround you. It uses the
next potion you have (if available) to make it. It hurts enemies that touch
it. THe more attributes of magic you have, the bigger the shield is.

7. Items

You gain many items in the game, through buying it, getting it out in the 
open or in getting it from opened chests and broken barrels. They all help 
you in some way, and you can find out what they do in this section.

Very common item found. Use this item to open locked doors and gates as well
as to open all chests. You can buy this item in the Shop for 250 gold.

Very common item found. If this item is laying out in the open, you can shoot
it with your attack to use it without pressing magic. However, the potion 
attack is weaker then if you used it yourself. You can buy this item in the
Shop for 350 gold.

Very common item found. Can be easily spotted and you will fight for it with
other players. Player who gets it gets 100 health.

Very common item found. Can be easily spotted and you will fight for it with
other players. Player who gets it gets 50 health.

Winged Shoes
Uncommon item. When picked up, you will get a HUGE speed attribute increase
for a limited time.

X-Ray Glasses
Somewhat common item. When picked up, player who has it can see what is 
inside barrel and/or chest. Other players can also see too.

Enemy Shinker
Rare item. When picked up, all enemies will turn into midget size and damage
done by them will be minimal. Lasts for a limited time.

Three Way Shot
Somewhat common item. The player who gets this will have their ranged attack
spilt into to three. Lasts for a limited time. Can be bought at the shop for
1200 gold.

Limited Growth
Uncommon item. The player who get this will become bigger and can reach 
enemies on higher ledges. Lasts for a limited time. Can be bought at the shop
for 600 gold.

Reflective Shot
Uncommon item. Whenever the player who has this fires a ranged attack, if it
hits a wall, it will bounce off the wall in a random direction. Lasts a 
limited time. Can be bought at the shop for 450 gold.

Thunder Hammer
Rare item. The player who has this has only three shots to use a powerful
attack. When used, all enemies will die, generator will be destroyed and
barrels will be broken. Can be bought at the shop for 1500 gold.

Rapid Fire
Uncommon item. The player who has this has their attacks sped up greatly.
Lasts only a short time. Can be bought at the shop for 1400 gold.

Rare item. When enabled, time stops. Everything stops except for the players.
You can do what you do in real time. An hourglass appears to tell when time
stop is over.

Rare item. The player who picks this up turns into Pojo the chicken (the 
chicken from Mace: the Dark Age). Pojo uses fire attacks. You revert back
into real form after an amount of time.

Super Shot
Rare item. The player who picks this up has their ranged attack's power 
increased. The ranged attack can go through enemies. Lasts only a limited

Phoenix Familiar
Rare item. The player who picks this up has a Phoenix follow them around,
attacking when the player attacks. Lasts only a limited time. Can be bought
at the shop for 1300 gold.

Reflective Shield
Rare item. The player who picks this up gains the shield. The shield bounces
back projectiles at the attacker. Lasts only a limited time. Can be bought
at the shop for 1000 gold.

Firewall Shield
Rare item. The player who picks this up gains the shield. The shield creates 
a wall of fire in front of the player. The shield will only be shown when the
player is not moving. The shield does damage enemies who run into it. Lasts
only a limited time. Can be bought at the shop for 1800 gold.

Electric Shield.
Rare item. The player who picks this up gains the shield. The shield fires
lightning bolts at enemies that is in front of it. Lasts only a limited time.
Can be bought at the shop for 1600 gold.

Silver Invulnerability
Rare item. The player who gets this turns completely silver. The player does
not take any damage and the life will stop ticking down. Lasts a limited 

Gold Invulnerability
Very rare item. The player who gets this turns completely silver. The player
does not take any damage and the life will stop ticking down. When the player
takes damage, life is gained. Lasts a shorter time than Silver. Can be bought
at the shop for 2000 gold.

Five Way Shot
Very rare item. Same effect as three way shot only with 5 shots instead of 3.
Lasts a limited time.

Anti Death Power
Very rare item. Whenever you enable a death, it runs away from you. You can
drain up to 100 health from a single death. Lasts only as long you have not
drained 100 health.

Limited Flying
Very rare item. Picking this up allows you to run over traps safely. Lasts
a limited time.

Limited Invisiblity
Very rare item. Picking this up makes you invisible to enemies. You can see
yourself, but they cannot see you. Lasts a limited time.

Poison Food
Very rare item. Picking this up causes you to lose 50 health.

Fire Amulet
Uncommon item. Picking this up makes your ranged attacks have the fire 
element included. Lasts a limited time.

Lightning Amulet
Uncommon item. Picking this up makes your ranged attacks have the lightning
element included. Lasts a limited time.

Light Amulet
Uncommon item. Picking this up makes your ranged attacks have the light
element included. Lasts a limited time.

Acid Amulet
Uncommon item. Picking this up makes your ranged attacks have the acid
element included. Lasts a limited time.

Fire Breath
Uncommon item. Picking this up overrides your attacks with a breath of fire.
Lasts only five uses.

Lightning Breath
Uncommon item. Picking this up overrides your attacks with a breath of 
lightning. Lasts only five uses.

Light Breath
Uncommon item. Picking this up overrides your attacks with a breath of light.
Lasts only five uses.

Acid Breath
Uncommon item. Picking this up overrides your attacks with a breath of acid.
Lasts only five uses.

Shop only item. Buying this increases your strength attributes by 5. Costs
800 gold.

Shop only item. Buying this increases your speed attributes by 5. Costs 800

Shop only item. Buying this increases your armor attributes by 5. Costs 800

Shop only item. Buying this increases your magic attributes by 5. Costs 800

8. Pre-Game Info

In this section is a listing of stuff you should know before jumping into the

-After you plunk in your first credit, your stats box will say Name. Place in
your initials, a three-letter word, just something you can remember easily.

-After the name, the stats box will say Password. Place in three numbers you
can also remember easily. If you this is your first time on the machine, you
will no be recorded on it. If you are playing again, just place in the same
name and password you put in the first time.

-The point of the name and password is so you can save your progress. (Ex. If
you place in AL as your name and 123 as your pass, if you leave the machine
and come back later, you can place in AL when it asks for your name and 123
when it asks for your pass. That way you will get the same characters you
were using when you left the game (as well as gold, no keys or potions 

-You can now select your character after the name and password type in. You
can select from any of the four character types.

-If you are playing alone, you will get a choice of where to go. They rank
in order from easiest to hardest, Mountain, Castle, Forest and Desert. If you
are jumping into a game in progress, your character will jump right into 
where the other player(s) is(are).

-I suggest not jumping in if you are starting out and the other players are
playing a hard level. Your credit will be wasted as will your Level 1 

-Playing with others is great, but playing with friends is best. Grab a group
of friends for a Gauntlet Legends gaming session. You can usually talk to 
friends easier than strangers. And idiotic comments are tolerated.

-If you see a circular object floating towards you, try not to touch it. It
is the IT globe. If you are IT that scary voice will say "Blue Archer is it"
(or whatever you are). All enemies will now target you with their attacks. It
is a great way to get exp., but it is also a great way to waste your credits.
To get rid of your IT status, just touch another player. It is just like Tag
so you can bounce the IT back and forth. IT status goes away when the player
who has it dies.

-Low on health? Just plunk in another credit and press your Start button to
get 500 health. That way you can preserve your potion and keys (it is much
better to do this than dying). If you are in a crowded enviroment, make sure
to put in as many credits as you can since going down into the money slot 
will be not fun as you have to weave through all the legs to get to it.

9. Rune Stone Locations

The second objective of the game is to get all 12 Rune Stones. The reason I
placed in front of the keys is that they are MUCH easier to get. Rune Stones
are hidden quite well. If you pass through a level again with a Rune Stone
you and the other players (if any) have not gotten, a thermometer will appear
in the top right corner. It will get hotter as you get closer to the Rune
Stone, and colder as you get farther away. However, if one other player has
the Rune Stone, the thermometer will NOT appear. There are 3 Rune Stones in
each realm.


1st Rune Stone - Peak

After climbing up a few hills, you will see two caves and a statue nearby.
Destroy the statue to release the Rune Stone.

2nd Rune Stone - Cliffs

Bypass the first exit (the one near all the scorpions) and instead continuing
going ahead (follow the path above it). You will be on the right path if you
fight the golem. After the golem, follow the path until you get to the two 
bridges. Cross them and go north towards the rock wall right after getting
on the other side. Hit the rock wall right next to the north bridge exit 
until it breaks.

3rd Rune Stone - Cavern

Instead of using the 2nd exit (near two golems) just go away from it and 
fight the enemies. Hit the wall that is farthest from the exit until it 


1st Rune Stone - Dungeon

You see it in the cage, but how to get it down? Easy. Climb down the stairs
until you reach the bottom floor. Go south (crossing the log bridge) onto the
little "island" and fight the Golem. Hit the trap switch (go to your east).
Then, go back to where you entered the bottom floor. Along the way, you 
should see the cage falling down (or already down) with the Rune Stone inside
waiting for you to pick it up.

2nd Rune Stone - Armory

Find and activate the trap switch which releases the Golem. Kill the golem 
and break the wall that is under the stairwell. (Can't miss the trap switch).

3rd Rune Stone - Treasury

When you get to the room with the throne, go down the stairs into the court.
Go north onto the little plaza. Death will be sleeping near a box. Break the
box for a Rune Stone.


1st Rune Stone - Roots

After the elevator keep going northwest. Kill the golem when you reach it and
you will see a tree stump. Destroy the tree stump.

2nd Rune Stone - Tree (NEED AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE)

When you reach the hidden bridge (the one that needs two players to use), 
cross it. Find the tree that has a circular cut in it and activate the trap
switch there. After doing that, walk across the green leaf and walk on the
branch that rises to the east. If the trap switch was activated, the Rune
Stone will be there on a platform.

3rd Rune Stone - Branches

When you reach the two archers that attack (after the raising stumps), just
kill the wall that their backs are facing.


1st Rune Stone - Ruins

Use the stairs that send you into water (after the first exit). Go west and
than south until you reach a locked door. Open the door and run onto the
little ledge on the platform. The Rune Stone will rise up.

2nd Rune Stone - Temple

When you reach the big sandy area of the temple, you will see 4 blue 
switches. Step on all of them and go to the center of the sandy area. There
will be a (hopefully) sleeping death next to a revealed Rune Stone.

3rd Rune Stone - Pyramid

After fighting the first batch of enemies, head for the slanted path that has
sand on the bottom of it. Go up it. Open both of the locked doors. Activate
the trap switch and go back down. And go around the catwalk. Go down the
slanted path when the catwalk ends. Go down the other slanted path. Walk to
your south now and you will reach another trap switch and some enemies.
Activate the switch and go back to your north. Stop at the area where the
wall was previously up (the recently activated switch made it fall). In that
area, activate the trap switch there. Walk down on the left side. When you
reach the room with Death in the center, you are on the right path. Keep
going until you see some spikes. The rune stone will be nearby behind the 
spikes on the western most point on the platform.

10. Keys & Bosses Guide

In order to unlock the Temple of Scorne, you need the four keys, which you
get from beating bosses. Of course, getting them is not very fun since the
bosses are very hard.


The dragon uses a fireball attack, fire breath, leg stomp, and wing slash.
The pillars scattered around the field can block the fire attacks, but they
will break in time (either because you or the Dragon attacked it enough).
There are a lot of powerups scattered near his feet, but get them at your
own risk. The dragon's leg stomp can take a good amount of life from you.
The way to kill him is to attack with a ranged attack (as many as possible)
and then run or hide (if he is attacking you, if he is not, continue 
attacking). You will know if he is attacking you if his head tilts toward
you. Make sure to use your Level 3 Special Attack when possible. It stuns him
giving you time to attack him freely. After you beat him into a low enough
health, he will start firing multiple fireballs. Make sure to avoid them as
his recoil time between attacks is very short now. After some time, he will
fall, but don't stand near him until he is done exhaling his last breath (the
fire from his death attack can hurt and even KILL, it happened to one of my
friends once).


The three heads have their own health bar, but luckily, each of their health
bars are short (attacks hurt them more than they did with the dragon). Each
head fires a specfic type of energy. The Snake likes Acid, the Lion likes 
fire, and the Eagle will use Electricity. Each one also has a breath attack
if you get too close (which you should not do since you can't use your hand
to hand on it. Use the same strategy like you did with the dragon. Also, if
you are alone, make sure to stay on one side. That way, only that side's head
will attack you. If you stay in the middle, 2 or 3 heads may attack. Like the
dragon, after you kill one head enough, that head will fire rapidly. When 
you kill one head, the other heads will go crazy and attack rapidly. Just
attack it in between enemy attacks.


I think this is the hardest of the 4 realm bosses. You will see when you 
fight her. She likes to fire clumps of web that slow you down if you run in
it. Her attacks are acid fireballs and a whip. She will stampede you if you
are nearby (you can know if she will do that if she screams). I suggest 
having 4 players for this boss. She will be confused and will at least leave
3 attackers. If you are a single player, run on the outer edge of the web, 
attacking as much as possible. You will miss a lot since she has free
movement, but in time, you will win (hopefully). Make sure not to run in 
web clumps since they can slow you down, and make sure she never gets in
close. The stampede is not fun to hear or experience.


The genie has circular movement, but not free movement. The genie's attacks
are a eye beam sweep, eye fireball, a tornado, and sword slash. I suggest you
run around the circular level making sure not to fall down into the bottom
levels. Attack when possible. That is all I can say.


The first Skorne uses fireball attacks of a random element and a un-avoidable
slamming fist attack which drains life from everyone. He likes to use the
fireball a lot though. The fireballs do a lot of damage so avoid its big 
blast range as much as possible. Oddly enough, he likes to target the player
that is not attacking. When I was playing a 2 player with another person, 
our plan was that I run like crazy and he use his Wizardly powers to kill 
him. It worked, although I got stiffed in the exp points, but survived to
play again. Just avoid the fireballs and attack is the basic strategy.

The second Skorne is like the first one only with two new attacks. He uses a
chest beam attack which hurts a lot. The face beam attack is almost the same
except it does less damage. You can also fall off the edge of the fighting
platform to die immediately (no matter what).

11. Gauntlet Treasure Rooms

The Gauntlet Treasure Rooms are secret bonus levels. In these bonus levels,
you can grab bronze (50 gold), silver (100 gold) and gold (500 gold) coins.
They are hid well so finding them is easy or hard, easy if you like to 
explore the levels.


Found in the cave.

Look for the small room with the Golem and a death containing treasure chest.
In it is a little door. Walk on top of the door. You can run past the Golem
since when you reappear, it will gone.


Found in the castle.

Make sure to pass the first exit. Cross the hidden bridge (the one that needs 
two players to use) or go the long way to get to the other side. After that, 
open the little rooms until you find the one with an Golem and that door.
Just run past the Golem and stand on the door.


Found in the swamp.

Pass the first exit and go to the locked gate. Open it and follow the path
until you reach the intersection. Go to the west and until you reach the
plateau with the Golem and hidden bridge. Cross it until you reach the door.


Found in the tomb.

Go up the stairs at the beginning of the level. Follow it until you reach the
SECOND intersection. Walk on top of the wall until you reach the spikes.
Activate the trap switch. Go to the first intersection and go down the west
path. Keep going on the path until you reach a fallen gate. Go to the top
left corner of the room until you find the door.

12. Thanks

I would like to thank me, RC, because without me this would not be possible.
Sadly, I have no other Gauntlet Legends players to thank, but I would like to
recognize the Level 99ers who come by so often.

Atari also gets a special thanks for making this sequel to Gauntlet as well
as the first Gauntlet. (With games like this, they wouldn't have to be have
been bought out by Midway).

Hopefully I can thank Nintendo and Sony for making the N64 and PSX which will
allow you to play Gauntlet Legends on the console soon.

Another thanks go to Pocket Change at St. Charles Mall and Landmark Mall. If
you want great games for a cheap price, go to these arcades.

13. Disclaimer

(AGAIN, If your arcade would like a Gauntlet Legends Guide, please pass this
out and tell me of it so I can place them in my Thanks.)

This guide can and should be given out as long as it is not altered in any 
way. The guide's purpose is to help people play Gauntlet Legends and that is 
its only purpose. This guide cannot be used in any commerically such as, but 
not limited to, Magazines, Books, Guides, without first contacting the author
for his consent. Credit must given if you take information from this guide.

Gauntlet Legends is a 
trademark of Atari, Inc., copyright 1998.  
All other trademarks copyright their respective owners.

Copyright 1998 Roland Carlos