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Galactic Bloodshed (Teil 2) (FAQ) (e)

Galactic Bloodshed FAQ Version HTML 1.0 - Part 2

This posting serves as an appendix to the FAQ sheet. It has a
series of ten questions asked to several gb veterans by Mike Varney and
their responses. These questions and their responses are designed for novice
players. They don't cover many aspects of the game, but they can be very
helpful. Unlike the first posting of the FAQ, this one is unlikely to change
over time unless I get new submissions for answers to these questions. I am
not exactly looking for new submissions, but...

                              Table of Contents

  I. Setting up your race
       1. Should I choose a metamorphic race or a normal race?
       2. What type of home planet should I choose?
       3. How should I spent my remaining points?
       4. What sector preferences should I choose?
 II. The Beginning of the Game
       1. What should I do before the first update?
       2. What is the first ship I should build? The second?
       3. What can I do to increase my resource production on any given
III. Later in the Game
       1. Should I colonize the planets in my own system first, or should I
          focus on arriving in other systems before opponents can?
       2. What should I do when I see another ship other than my own?

Editorial comment:

   * These answers are not all necessarily right. There may be several
     misleading and some totally wrong answers in here, so take these with a
     grain of salt. These strategies are not foolproof.

   * As you will see from the wide range of answers for each question,
     everyone has their own playing style and their own opinions on how
     newbies should proceed.

   * A balanced view of the game, in light of all the different viewpoints,
     is hopefully presented.

   * The original responses were edited where necessary to make them more
     readable, either by slightly rewording a vague sentence, making the
     format more readable, changing grammar here and there, etc.

In have been warned.
                  Legend of Shorthand Used by Respondents

            GB Name         Real Name       GB Name     Real Name
         Feepness       Christopher Fodor NB         ???
         Lestat         Kevin Martin      TheCulture Petri Wessman
         Keskiolut      Toni Kotinurmi    Froos      Jerry Liu
         Neue Regel     Derek Jewhurst    Griffons   Paul Daniels
         Garfel         Jari Koivikko     Pillarian  Scott Donavan
         ???            Rob Nesius        Tao        Jukka Sinisalo
         Thing          David Fernandez   Empire     Samuli Suomi
         Muu            Dan Andersen      ???        Link Baker
         Fnebish Legion Doug Ingram       Greenies   Mitch Ferguson
         Microbians     Jason W. Solinsky Zurgithian Mike Simmonds
         Tribbles       Shire




       1. Should I choose a metamorphic race or a normal race?

          Feepness -
               Normal for me. With high IQ, and try to max out metabolism.

          Lestat -
               Metas are more work because they are able to send pods out
               fairly early in the game. Typically, they will have a large
               number of pods out at most times. Since they need to get
               ahead early, you really have to pay attention to them.

          Keskiolut -
               Whatever, not too specialized race is the main point. If you
               have a specialized race, you MUST know what you're doing.

          Neue Regel -

          Garfel -
               I prefer normal 'cause i get lot of tech

          Rob Nesius -
               The concept of a 'normal' race might be more comfortable for
               a newbie. There are a number of pros and cons to consider.
               The normal races, also referred to as 'techies', start out
               with their IQ at a high number. Their tech then increases
               roughly at the rate of IQ/100. Which means it grows at a
               linear rate. Morph's intel- ligence, on the other hand, is
               based on their population. So, before a Morph can increase
               it's tech, it must increase it's population. In consideration
               of this, Morphs have the ability to build 'pods' at zero
               tech, and launch them to other planets, thus letting them
               expand throughout their home systems at a comparable rate to
               the 'techies'. Morph's usually have a higher 'fight' than
               'normals'. It is possible for Morphs and Techies to be
               allies. The game is not 'morphs' against 'techies'.

          Thing -
               If you want to get the higher tech toys first, get a normal
               race with a high int; otherwise, a meta is a better choice.
               They start out slow but can catch up quickly.

          Muu -
               Well, as a newbie, I would start as a normal race. They get a
               technological advantage over the meta's right from the start.
               They are also much more straight forward to play. Meta's can
               get get very complex and very time-consuming in the
               beginning. Also, Normal's tend to attempt to enslave Meta's
               as soon as possible. Therefore, if you are not very
               experienced, you will not be able to keep a Meta as a free

          Fnebish Legion -
               Choose metamorphs if you want to concentrate more on ground
               fighting and a more dynamic (and time-consuming) game. Choose
               a normal race if you'd rather experiment with building ship
               types, with the ultimate goal of finding a good metamorphic
               ally to do the "dirty work" for you. Both types of races can
               just as easily win the game, and they're both just as
               difficult to learn how to play well.

          Microbians -
               You can have fun with both types of races. I've always found
               the HAP racegen to favor normal races and the GB racegen to
               favor metamorphs, but the universe will always need a mixture
               of both. In my experience metamorphs have represented a
               considerably greater time consumption than normals, so you
               should take this into account. (of course any race will take
               a long time if you occupy to much of the galaxy). On the GB
               racegen you can create some interesting crosses between
               metamorphs and normals (like races with collective IQ's but
               neither pods nor absorb.) Most of these combinations are
               disastrous, but others (like a collective IQ, no pods Jovian)
               can be both interesting AND playable.

          Tribbles -
               I would suggest a normal race, they tend to have less ship to
               worry about, and a lot less complications. A meso to be
               effective must know about tech investiments, how to maximize
               population, and uses of pods.

          NB -
               If you want to explore all the nifty ship types of the game,
               I would suggest you not be a metamorph. Also, being a
               metamorph successfully requires either tireless fingers or an
               understanding of macros!

          TheCulture -
               Depends on whether you want to side with the "Techs" or the
               "Morphs"... Metamorphs can build pods very early in the game,
               so they get a head start on the normal races, who have to
               wait until they can build a shuttle to get off their home
               world. Morphs have a collective IQ, which means that in the
               beginning their technology level will increase *very* slowly.
               Since your tech level determines what kind of whiz-bang stuff
               you can build, it will take a while until your average Morph
               race gets its first shuttle up in the air. Things even out
               later in the game.

          Froos -
               Depends on your playing strategy. If you enjoy spending a lot
               of time playing with ships and fleets I'd choose normal. If
               you don't want to spend a heck a lot of time and don't mind
               spending your time on planet surfaces, choose morph.

          Griffons -
               It really depends on the game that you are playing.. If you
               are playing in one of the clakson games it is a must. With
               the HAP games you really aught to start out with a tech race.
               Choosing a normal race will allow you to build better ships
               earlier, in general, while the meta races tend to allow you
               to have nice things like higher fighting capability, etc.
               With the clarkson enroling system the meta's are the
               strongest races, you can make a meta with the same
               characteristics as a top line normal cheaper, giving you more
               points to use for increasing your abilities.

          Pillarian -
               This is entirely up to individual tastes, If you are just
               starting then flip a coin.. try that type then next game
               swap.. then perhaps make a decision as to what you will

          Tao -
               I'd say normal. If for no other reason but because many don't
               like them...

          Empire -
               It depends of which tactics you are going to use: if you want
               to be good in man to man-fight, choose meta (because of
               absorption), if you want fast developing tech from the very
               beginning of the game, choose normal ( with iq like 170..)
               and so on...

          Link Baker -
               I have only played metamorphic races. I like the fact that
               they can send up pods immediately and don't have to wait for
               tech. They are more challenging. You don't have the
               technology of a normal race. Also, you can take a planet
               without having to destroy it (absorb). That takes skill.
               Anyone can bomb someone into the stone age.

          Greenies -
               Normal for the first games, it all makes much more sense.

          Zurgithian -
               Well I almost always go for meta, but I depends on the time
               you have to play or the number of friends you have to help
               play your race. Metas take time (you need macros as well, but
               I have done well spending hours podding before I discovered
               macros), to come in the top 5 of a big game you will need 1-2
               hours per update if you know how to use macros.

       2. What type of home planet should I choose?

          Feepness -
               A high resource, low fertility planet (desert or airless) You
          can always increase fertility later with resources.

          Lestat -
               Consider the sector compatibilities which are easiest for a
          given planet type (they're usually marked with a * by racegen).
          Planet types such as iceballs and airless are more difficult
          because they tend to be smaller and have less resources, making
          your race slower in getting underway. Note - choosing Earth (Class
          M) planets may seem tempting, and it's not a bad idea. However, in
          some universes, there are many Earth inhabiting players. This
          means there will be more competition against your race for these
          Keskiolut -
               Pick a planet that is rather large ( desert,forest ) because
          you are not likely to get many planets in your first game...

          Neue Regel -
               Class M / Earth

          Garfel -
               1. Desert 2. Forest 3. Earth (you need too many sector
          preferences to use this planet effectively)
          Rob Nesius -
               This primarily depends on the sector compatibilities you
          choose. Jovian planets (gas giants) are very large, and have the
          ability to fuel up ships (so I hear). Half of the sector space in
          a galaxy is gas. Jovians are few and far between. Their resource
          content is not very rich, but passable. Whether or not Jovian
          races should be allowed to terraform sectors to gas is being
          debated. Class M's are primarily like earth. Don't be fooled, they
          have LOTS of water...usually. If you have water as a compat, class
          M is not a bad choice. Water balls are usually small but not too
          bad for resources. Iceballs are few and far between (I think) but
          also not too bad for resources.

          Thing -
               Picking planets is tough. I like to start on a Class M or
          desert since they are usually large. Large home worlds are good
          because they can be taxed, and a big planet has more res than a
          small one.

          Muu -
               I would go for the generic M-type planet. They aren't the
          most common, but they are really useful. As another option, you
          could go for a desert planet. These are GREAT for resources, but
          are generally very rare. Forest planets are also good, as they
          produce decent amounts of resources and your population will
          explode. As for other planets, such as asteroids, airballs,
          iceballs, and jovians, I would not advise choosing any of these as
          they all have problems associated with them, such as smallness,
          lack of resources, and rarity (for the jovians).

          Fnebish Legion -
               Choose either a Jovian, a desert planet, a Class M, or a
          forest planet. All the other types are too small to start with,
          and you'll find yourself having a hard time producing resources
          since production on a given planet goes as _the_power_ "number of
          sectors owned." Producing resources quickly on your home planet is

          Microbians -
               Personally, I like forest and desert planets. They have very
          good resource concentrations and despite much of the
          documentation, they are often quite large. To a certain extent,
          planet choice is moot because planetary size, and atmosphere have
          a much greater effect on the game than the planet type. Just make
          sure you are compatible with the vast majority of sectors that
          appear on your planet. (One reason I dislike class-Ms is because
          most races don't have enough sector preference diversity to
          colonize greater than 90% of the sectors, and the uncolonized
          sectors stick out like a sore thumb.)

          Tribbles -
               To start out with, use either forest or desert. Higher
          resources, and costs less in racegen; you can thus pick other
          sector pref's. I prefer a forest planet myself.

          NB -
               I tend toward earthlike planets. Jovians are fun too if you
          don't mind being somewhat separated from the mainstream of the

          TheCulture -
               Again a matter of taste :-) I personally love desert worlds,
          since they have an extremely high resource content (i.e. you can
          build huge amounts of stuff from them). On the down side, desert
          worlds are low on fertility, so your population increses quite
          slowly. The "basic" home world is a "Type M" (Earth-type) planet,
          which is pretty even in all respects -- a pretty good choice for
          your first game. Other choices are the Water world (not that
          great), Iceball (avoid!), the Forest world (low resources, high
          fertility), and the Jovian. Jovians are unique in that they
          automatically make your race a gas-breather (which rules out any
          other sector preferences). This make for a division in the game
          between the Jovians and all the other races, as neither can use
          each other's worlds (although Jovians *can* terraform normal
          worlds into gas ones -- this could be considered a bug). You
          probably shouldn't choose a Jovian for your first game, although
          if you're feeling brave go for it!

          Froos -
               Doesn't really matter too much. Just don't pick an iceball or
          asteroid since those usually are kind of small and puts a
          constraint on your earlier expansion. Don't choose forest worlds,
          either. There aren't too many of those.

          Griffons -
               It really depends on what you want out of your home planet.
          For cheap compatibilites, you should choose a forest. For high
          populations, forest or water then earth. For resources, desert.
          The best way is to fiddle around with the enrol system until you
          have enough points to do what you want. You will find that the
          cost for compatabilities change as your home planets do. This cost
          has eliminated iceballs from being a viable starting planet.

          Pillarian -
               Most choose a class M (All sector types except gas) simply
          because it enables the player to parallel their race against the
          thinking of a modern day situation.

          Tao -
               Maybe earth or forest (if this is asked). Both have fairly
          good fert and resources. Not desert, because fert is so low there.

          Empire -
               In earth-,forest- and joviantype planet your population grows
          faster... In desert-type planet you have relatively greater
          resources... Of iceballs and Airlesses I have no experiences..

          Link Baker -
               Earth type planets. Their size can support a decent
          population (Meso's need population for tech). They have pretty
          good resources.

          Greenies -
               Desert, or Earth. Both are fairly large size planets, have
          plenty of resources, and can be found in just about every system.

          Zurgithian -
               Desert, Earth or Forest (Jovians are good too, but try the
          others first), as a meta you can have 1 guy live on any sector
          type so even if you are on an Earth type with incompatable sectors
          you can still mine resources there.

       3. How should I spend my remaining points?

          Feepness -
               Fiddle around, trying different things every game... that
          makes it fun.

          Lestat -
               Metabolism is important for producing resources at a
          reasonable rate, especially early on; many players recommend at
          least 0.95 or 1.0. Adventurism encourages your people to spread
          out without your help. IQ is useful for developing tech. They're
          all useful, of course... which to emphasize the most is your
          personal preference. Just be sure, in your first few races at
          least, not to cripple any one stat too greatly, or you may regret

          Keskiolut -
               Metabolism is great, at least 1.0, and fight should never be
          below 3 or 4.

          Rob Nesius -
               IQ will take most of them. Good IQ is about 150-170, 200 if
          you really want to spend the points.

          Garfel -
               Raise iq to at least 180 and metabolism to 0.9. Drop
          adventurism to 0.05, birthrate to 0.6 (or maybe 0.5; it's not
          important to have it high), and get a little fertilize.

          Rob Nesius -
               Metabolism is a good place to put points. This represents how
          active your race is. A race with a low metab(.8 is considered low)
          will build up fuel, and resources(res) at a slower rate than a
          race with a 1.0 metab. You don't absolutely need a high metab.
          Lower metab is still playable, but it requires shrewder planning
          and foresight on the part of the player. Birthrate should be high.
          Adventurism need not be high. It represents the chances of members
          of your race deciding to expand the 'frontier'. For techies, iq is
          usually a good one to boost up. Don't take more than 3-6 sexes
          required to reproduce.

          Thing -
               Always try and get a metab of 1.00 or great. I like to have 1
          sex, since it makes colonizing easier. Concentrate on either a
          smart race or a good fighter type race.

          Muu -
               A high IQ is nice, as this allows your technology level to
          increase more quickly. Sector preferences are also really nice.
          For a normal race, the other stats aren't as important, in my
          opinion. A low mass is useful, and sometimes you can save a lot of
          points by reducing your adventurism to as low as possible. This
          has the effect of having to move all your population manually...
          They will not move on their own.

          Fnebish Legion -
               Get at least three sector preferences, but don't go for the
          "common" choices. It's best to find an unusual mix. You'll work
          much better with potential allies since you won't be wanting the
          same types of sectors. Also, make sure your metab is _at_least_
          1.0 unless you're a Jovian race (in which case 0.9 is a good
          minimum). If you're not going to spend the points on a high iq,
          spend 'em on fight or metabolism. Don't try to max things out too
 high levels of any attribute, then the cost rises much
          more quickly than the attribute, but you want something high to
          give your race a distinct edge, if possible.

          Microbians -
               It's up to you. Generally, its not possible to take over the
          universe on yuor own, so you should make sure that you have
          something to offer potential allies. A perfectly well-rounded
          race, may not have much to contribute

          Tribbles -
               For a first time player, try to only add sector prefs, go
          with the default setting for the most part. They're not great, but
          they're not bad either. I would try to have these sectors pref's:
          Forest, Water, Desert, and land. Also drop your # of sexes to 1.
          It make metabolism a little cheaper.

          NB -
               Fight ability is good, but I tend to think reproduction
          (minimizing number of sexes) is more important.

          TheCulture -
               Hmmm... depends heavily on the type of play you're going to
          foll. If you're a "tech" then you can downplay the "fight" and
          invest in IQ, and vice versa if you're going to go for the "Wood
          Clubs & Brute Strength" -department :-) I personally like
          investing a lot in IQ (tech).

          Froos -
               Make sure you have decent IQ (~150), reasonable birthrate
          (>0.6), good metabolism(1 or so), and try to be compatible with as
          many sectors as you can.

          Griffons -
               Well that really depends. To pull out the maximum res you
          need both a high pop and a high metab (res is required for the
          building of ships). Also Birth is good and so are compatibilities
          to sectors; likewise, someone with fight 10 troops is really nasty
          to come across. The only way to really tell what you need is by
          your playing style. That only comes with experience... Go for a
          basic race that populates well and has 180 tech... it is a good
          start for a beginner.

          Pillarian -
               Again it depends on what race you chose. If metamorph then
          fight would be useful followed by birth, then sectors
          (preferences). You may wish to sacrifice some of the iq tech level
          for other things. If techie, then perhaps higher iq. Fight is not
          highly required but a fight of one is a major loss. With such a
          low fight most techies would be (initially) at the mercy of meso
          pods. Then you can choose between birth and metab.

          Tao -
               I usually drop my fight a little, buy metabolism and then
          just sort of spread the rest evenly (no use taking too much
          fertilizing or adventure though. If you won't be able to play in
          the start, then that advantage might help). Be unisex if you have
          the points.

          Empire -
               Take higher fight,metabolism and iq... IMHO don't waste your
          points to get better fertilization; after the tech-level 5, the
          Space Plows will have the same effect...

          Link Baker -
               Metabolism is very important. After that a meso should go for
          fight. Birthrate is fine at 50 - 60 %. Spend extra points on met
          and fight. Maybe sector compat. also, but it's expensive.

          Greenies -
               Desert, or Earth. Both are fairly large size planets, have
          plenty of resources, and can be found in just about every system.

          Zurgithian -
               Metas need a good fight and metabolism. In a blitz game you
          will need adventurism more than .25 (unless you have a population
          spread macro) otherwise have .1, a very high birth rate is needed
          to take planets quickly (metas like me are greedy, take all those
          sectors, ask Feep :-). If going for a low IQ meta then have some
          (.25) fertility, pods and absorb are a must!!! If playing HAP go
          for metab of 1.8-2.0, in one game I had 6 planets after only 2 and
          a bit updates cos I got some res and fuel after the first update!
          You can afford to be pretty heavy as you will not be using techie
          ships for a while.

       4. What sector preferences should I choose?

          Feepness -
               Definitely water, desert, land, and mountain. When playing a
          "Jovian" race, you really can't go wrong since there is a very
          high percentage of gas giants out there.

          Lestat -
               Always choose the ones which are best for your planet type;
          those are cheapest. I don't recommend buying more than one other
          sector compat, if even that, since the *number* of compatibilities
          you have is a factor in point cost as well.

          Keskiolut -
               Main preference plus one or two another ( take 100%, because
          they're cheap after the first 30% or so... ). So, maybe a desert
          and forest. Or another good choise: desert, land and mountain.

          Neue Regel -
               For a Class M planet, take land, water, and ice. These are
          very common to the other planets too. Forest can also be a good

          Garfel -
               with desert: land/mountain; with forest: land/mountain/water;
          with earth: land/water/mount (mount is not important but has high
          resource content).

          Rob Nesius -
               Recommendations for these are plated, land, and water. You
          should have compatibility with these three sectors before you
          choose others. You don't need 90-100% on every secotr type you do
          choose. You can select 50% or lower so you can make use of the few
          odd sectors, or asteroids, forest planets, etc. . . Ice is a good
          one, since it shows up on iceballs and most classM planets on the

          Thing -
               Pick as many sector prefs as you can; get them to at least
          25%. The best ones in my opinion are home planet sector, desert,
          mountain, land, forest, water then ice.

          Muu -
               If you don't have a sector preference in a certain sector
          type, you effectively can't live on those sector types. So, if you
          can afford it, buy some compatibility in all, or most of the
          sectors. They don't have to be bought at 100%. 10%-20% should do
          for most of them. Be sure to get one or two sector-types at a high
          compatibility, such as 90%-100%. If you live on a Class M, I would
          suggest land, water, forest, and a little desert. Again, if you
          can, get at least a little in all the sector types.

          Fnebish Legion -
               I mentioned this a little bit before. Land and forest have
          the highest fertility (I'm not mentioning gas since, if you take a
          Jovian race, gas is your only viable option), hence can support
          more population. This is good for races with collective iq.
          Mountain and desert have high resource content but low fertility,
          so they're good for races with high metab. Ice is useful since it
          is found on almost all the planets in at least some small amounts,
          and water is a good choice for a race starting on a class M,
          though it is generally poor in resource content. Select an unusual
          mix and you'll find working with allies much easier.

          Microbians -
               Similarly it's not a good idea to be compatible with every
          kind of sector. MANY alliances are based on sector

          Tribbles -
               See comment to question 3.
          NB -
               Land, forest, and water are my favorites.

          TheCulture -
               100% for your "home" sector type (i.e. water for water worlds
          etc.), and at least 50% on a couple of others. "Land" and
          "Mountain" are pretty good choices, since they are quite common.
          Again, this depends on your play style. You can either invest a
          lot in sec. preferences and be able to utilize pretty much
          anything right at once, or you can invest in tech and build
          Terraformers as soon as possible (with Terraformers you can change
          sector types into your own preferred sector type.

          Froos -
               Try to include either land or mountain because many of the
          asteroid/ iceball type planetary bodies will have one of these two
          sectors on them.

          Griffons -
               Totally dependent on your home planet. The more the better
          but you will find that some sector preferences cost too much due
          to you being on a planet that does not have the sector much. You
          will get the idea if you try having a desert home and water
          compatibility. Water tends to be one of the most common (generally
          supports high pop but low res production). Forest is the same as
          water but supports a higher pop and is very rare (throughout the
          universe, that is). Land, is incredibly common with average pop
          and res production. Ice is common, supports little population but
          high than average res. Gas is only good if you are a Jovian race:
          low pop/sector and low res. Mountain his high res and low pop.
          Desert same as mountain but generally more res.

          Pillarian -
               Depending on what race gen is being employed will depend on
          you avenues of decision. These mainly being that you will require
          100% of the main sector(s) of what ever planet type you have
          chosen. Ie class M land(*) or mountain (^) on the GB enroll
          system. Variances have and will occur in the 2 main race gens
          available.. (GB's { code, and Clay's port driven system).

          Tao -
               I've had quite a good start with starting on earth and being
          able to use water, desert and land. Deserts could be changed to
          mount, maybe. That way you can land on most planets, get
          resourceful sectors (desert) and still can spread well on your
          home planet (water).

          Empire -
               As many as possible so you have wider basement when you start
          to colonize colonizeother planets..... Mountain is resource-rich
          and quite a non- rare sector type, but it costs points. If you
          take gas, you don't need to take any other sector types.. :)

          Link Baker -
               Water is pretty abundant in the universe. Forest is rare.
          Choose water, and then land or mountains. Stay away from rare
          sector types.

          Greenies -
               Besides your planet type sector, definitely choose mountain.
          There are mountains on every planet, and asteroid.

          Zurgithian -
               The primary sector type must be 100% i.e. on Water planets
          have water 100%, forest 100% on Forest planets etc. On Desert
          planets you can usually have desert, mountain or ice as 100%. For
          metas it is good to have some compat with forest as your
          population grows fast because of the high fertility. Always go for
          some on land ! If playing HAP have some mountain as there is lots




       1. What should I do before the first update?

          Feepness -
               Beg for an update. It doesn't make much of a difference to
          unload people from the government center.

          Lestat -
               Unload a few people from your government center to join in
          the first reproductive pass. Be sure to leave at least one in so
          you'll get APs! Spend the APs you have moving a few people around
          diagonally from your starting sector, to encourage widespread
          colonization. Decide if you want a tax rate (lowers efficiency I
          believe) or mobilization (eventu- ally produces destructive
          capacity at the expense of resources). Chat some with other

          Keskiolut -
               Unload @, spread the ppl to next-to-@-sectors. Because you
          NEED as much ppl as possible and they do _not_ reproduce without
          you spreading them. Even if you have high adventurism this is

          Neue Regel -
               Get your MIN-SEXES to as many sectors as you can. You will be
          limited by both AP's and total population. I tend to unload 4-6
          people from my @ before the 1st update. Load them back in after
          the update though.

          Garfel -
               Unload your @ (load #number c -10). Depending on your number
          of sexes, that number of people to the highest fertility sectors
          so you have a lot of people after the 1st update.

          Rob Nesius -
               Move your people around. It's important to get your planet
          covered as much as possible. Move them around in small groups so
          you use fewer action points. Soon, your people will start making
          resources and fuel. HINT: Use the 'analysis' command to determine
          which sectors are your most resource rich. It's probably not a
          good idea to unload people from the government center. You need
          people there to maintain efficiency, which is a very important
          aspect of secotr stats. The more efficient you are, the faster you
          pump out res. And the more effecient your goverment, well. . .
          think about it.

          Thing -
               On the first update, take enough people out of your @ and
          move them 1 space away from your @. This will help you spread out
          faster, but you will not get as many ap's as fast. After the first
          update, load the @ to full again.

          Muu -
               The most enjoyable thing to do, and sometimes really useful,
          is to meet all the people. Potential allies and enemies always pop
          up. You should also look at your position and determine possible
          routes to nearby stars. That's about all I usually do before the
          update, except for unloading the @. On the very first update, I
          usually unload five(5) crew from the government center. I then
          spread them around to five nearby sectors. After the first update,
          one should always reload the center with crew, as an
          insufficiently manned center does not produce Action Points(AP's),
          which, as you will find out, limits the number of actions you can
          do. AP's are vital in the beginning of the game.

          Fnebish Legion -
               Nothing, unless you want to try unloading your government
          center Raising tax rates and mobilizing should come after about
          the 6th or 7th updates, IMHO. If you will be on at the update so
          that you can reload your center after the first update, go ahead
          and do it. Unloading your center at the beginning, taking 4 crew
          out, is nice because it gives you a head start on your expansion
          at the cost of only a couple of AP's (this is not entirely clear
          to me due to conflicting information, but I'm told that centers
          probably _don't_ produce fewer AP's with less crew inside...still,
          you might as well keep it fully loaded after the first update).

          Microbians -
               If you are playing in a game where you start out with 1200
          people, You probabally want to colonize the four sectors on a
          diagonal from your start sector. (I assume here that all races
          have six sexes or less) If your race has one sex move one person
          into each sector, otherwise move six. This will use your APs most
          efficiently. If you are playing in a game where you start with one
          person, you might want to unload the government center, but never
          unload more than 5 and reload it immediately after the first turn.

          Tribbles -
               Drop the # of civ's in capitol by half. Use extra population
          on the planet. Rember to load up the cap again later. Also, spread
          people over sectors, just put your # of sexes in each sector that
          you have ap for. ample. I have 1 sex, thus I move 1 pop into all
          but one of the surrounding sectors, I then move all but one in
          orig sector into the one empty sector, then I repeat the process
          again until planet is covered. If you have over 40 pop in a sector
          though, move only half. If costs too much ap to move more than 20

          NB -
               Not much! Try out commands, read the help extensively, and
          try to communicate via broadcasting with other players. I've never
          tried to unload my @! Hey, maybe I'm not all that far from a
          newbie myself.

          TheCulture -
               Unload the crew of the government center (@), and move people
          to nearby sectors that look promising (high resources and
          compatible sector type). Chat with the other players. Try not to
          think of the million other things you should be doing instead of
          playing this (altogether too addictive) game....

          Froos -
               Spread your people out. I usually unload my @. For a morph,
          dump off about 3 or 4. You only have 5 AP's to start out with, and
          it costs one to move one guy, so dropping off more really doesn't

          Griffons -
               Unload your @ and spread the pop out, but don't forget to
          load the @ back up after the update

          Pillarian -
               First, unload 5 crew from your capitol (ship number of your
          capitol will be equal to your race number), "load @ c -5" or
          "load #shipnum c -5". Once you have done this, you spread out the
          5 pop (one at a time as you have only 5 AP's before the first
          update. Make sure you don't move the pop onto imcompatible
          sectors. This is, of course only if you are a one sex race; you
          would have to modify the numbers for how many sexes you have. As
          long as you move a whole "breeding group" you are okay. The good
          point of this: It helps get your pop increasing faster; fert and
          eff on those sectors will already start to increase. Bad: You will
          get half the AP's that update, so I suggest after the first update
          you load your gov center back up. Remember that a capitol or gov
          center will only produce ap in relation to its current level of
          crew (ie. 100% crew gives you 100% ap, etc.). The next thing you
          should do is have a look at the number and distribution of the
          planets in your home system. Next, go to the global scope and have
          a look at where you are in the universe (this is important as your
          position will determine as a whole your further strategy). Other
          things you may consider doing: naming your governor, perhaps
          changing your password, appointing a second governor (more for
          your convenience than anything). I would also (if you are willing
          to, that is) place your email address in your "personal" this
          helps when you "run" into other races. It makes the politics much
          simpler. However in a HAP game this is regarded as a BIG nono.
          Next, I would think about the possible access to a postscript
          printer. If you have access to one, then I strongly suggest that
          you pipe a copy of the stars list to a log file, then generate a
          stars map (the program to do this is available all over the place.
          Then I would just wait.

          Tao -
               Not much that you need to do. Talk to others and ask stupid
          questions... They'll help you. I usually unload people from my
          government center and spread them out.

          Empire -
               Use command: help and if theres still something unclear use
          broadcast and ask it from other players, theres always experienced
          players around. Unload people from your @ so you can start to
          populate more quickly.

          Link Baker -
               View the maps of your home planet, system, and your location
          in the universe. Unload @ and spread the people around. Find out
          how close neighboring systems are, which one's you want to explore
          1st. Unload all but one crew from your @ so you still get some
          AP's. Spread 'em around. Load it back up after the 1st update. You
          should have plenty of pop unless you have a really shitty
          birthrate. Get that planet covered A.S.A.P.

          Greenies -
               Get all but one of your people out of the Gov Center, and do
          spread them around it. Look to see where in the universe you are,
          just for curiosity.

          Zurgithian -
               As a meta with 1 sex you can take 6 sectors on the first
          move, unload 8 crew from the @ and move 5 pop 1 sector in
          different directions. Load up the @ again after the first update.
          No tax yet, but have mobility at 25 or so after the first update.

       2. What is the first ship I should build? The second?

          Feepness -
               If you are impatient and have lots of r, you can build a
          ground telescope and survey your system, otherwise wait and build
          a factory for shuttles.

          Lestat -
               If you are a meso, the first and second ship you should build
          is a pod ;) If you are a normal race, build a factory (F) as soon
          as you can afford it, and teach it to build shuttles (cs #factnum;
          make s). If your res production is going to outstrip your tech,
          use "modify" to make the shuttle lower tech. Put people in the
          factory, turn it on, wait for it to repair. Use the "fact" command
          (if present on the server) to keep an eye on the factories over
          the segs and updates. When it's finished, use "build #" to build #
          of ships while in that factory.

          Keskiolut -
               First to build is F. Modify it to make s's, as cheap and FAST
          as possible, maybe carrying nothing but 1 cargo (for upgrading
          later) and SEX-number of people plus as much fuel as possible.

          Neue Regel -
               Make a factory as soon as you can. Have it produce stripped
          down shuttles so you can get to as many planets as possible.

          Garfel -
               One ground telescope as soon as you get tech 5 and 2 res then
          aim at the nearest planets, then a Factory to build shuttles with
          a modified speed of at least 6.

          Rob Nesius -
               A good choice for a first ship for a techie is a Factory. Use
          the factory to build a shuttle to send out to the other planets in
          the solar system. Also, while your factory is fixing itself,(it
          starts with 75% damage and needs time to repair.) build a ground
          telescope so that you can see what the planets in your system are
          like, and don't send your first shuttle to an incompatible planet.

          Thing -
               The first ship you should build is a factory; do not build
          it, though, until you have enough res to turn it on. Wait until
          you have at least 33 res before building it. You want the shuttle
          to hold only the minimum number of crew, no guns, no destruct, and
          no resources. This will let you pay less per shuttle and spend
          more on speed. If you are a meta, just start building and
          launching pods as soon as you get the res and fuel to do it.

          Muu -
               The very first ship I would build is a telescope. That way,
          you can examine the other planets in your solar system and see
          which ones you should target for colonization first. The second
          should probably be a Factory to build colonization shuttles. These
          should have 5-10 crew and 10 crew if possible. Remember, when you
          construct a ship design on a Factory, you don't have to be at the
          given tech of the ship until you want to build them, which is as
          soon as the Factory comes online (about 3-4 updates after

          Fnebish Legion -
               If you're a metamorph, build pods like crazy until you have
          the tech capability to build shuttles with speed 4 or so (you can
          experiment with a factory to find out what tech you need). Other-
          wise, build _nothing_ until you've built your factory and turned
          it on. Don't even build a little telescope. You want that factory
          turned on ASAP, even if you have to set it to building really
          crappy and cheap shuttles. Once you have something built, you can
          always modify it later (when you can afford it)...the important
          thing is getting that F turned on. Once you've spent your res
          doing this (it costs 23 plus twice the cost of the ship design to
          build and then turn on the factory), you can build a telescope to
          survey surrounding planets in your system.

          Microbians -
               Pods for a Meso, shuttles for a normal. A lot depends on your
          strategy, your race, your start planet, and (especially with Ts)
          the rules of the game.

          Tribbles -
               Hmmm.... This is questionable. It really depends on the race.
          For the normal player I would say shuttles and then explorers.
          Though I've designed races to skip shuttle production before.
          Remember shuttles are for in system exploration mostly while
          explorers are for other systems

          NB -
               The first ship is almost invariably a shuttle from which the
          weapons systems and so on have been stripped that can carry your
          minimum number of sexes to another planet in your system for
          colonization. The second? Another one! Later you should build some
          shuttles with a bit of destruct on board, to give you a chance of
          snuffing out unwanted alien colonies at the beginning of their
          existence. Of course, if you're a morph, you'll build pods first.

          TheCulture -
               In GB a "ship" is anything that you build, so in GB terms the
          first ship you should build is (a) a pod, if you're a morph; (b) a
          ground telescope if you're a normal race. With this gadget you can
          view your solar system and get some picture of your position so
          you can send your shuttles to the right places. The second ship
          type you should build is a factory (F). When you have enough tech
          and res, you can order it to produce shuttles (for instance) and
          in a couple of updates, you can start spreading out.

          Froos -
               If you're a morph, pods. :-) If normal, shuttle, then maybe

          Griffons -
               Depends on what you can build pods are good for a meso. a
          shuttle factory for all those who do not have pods.

          Pillarian -
               Again it depends on what race you are.. Meso .. You pod like
          crazy.. if you are a techy then I suggest that you build a
          telescope (gives you something to do more than anything) then save
          up for a factory.. the second for a meso.. (second type not the
          second ship) would be K's (Space plows..) at tech 5 ..

          Tao -
               First ground telescope to see what planets there are in your
          system. Then shuttles...

          Empire -
               Perhaps the Ground Telescope would be best as a firts ship...
          With it you can survey other planets in your star system... Second
          would be a factory to produce shuttles to get colonization to
          start... Dont forget to set your tax to about 5 percent, 'cause
          maintaining of the ships takes money and if you dont have money
          your morale drops...

          Link Baker -
               1st) For a meso, a pod. For a techie, a factory (To build
          shuttles) 2nd) Meso - pod. Techie - whatever you have the tech for
          while you are waiting on the shuttles. Domes help the planet and

          Greenies -
               A factory, for shuttles. Then a ground telescope, to check
          out your system.

          Zurgithian -
               Find out how many planets there are in your system using the
          explore command and build a pod for each one (only need 1 fuel)
          when you have the res. Send the pod to a planet, land it on a good
          sector (use analysis to find one and scrap the pod, hey presto
          another colony :-) As soon as you have the res and fuel send 5-10
          pods to your 10 nearest stars (send them in waves, 1 update apart)
          you will need 1 fuel per ~8000 distance depending on your race's


       3. What can I do to increase my resource production on any given

          Feepness -
               Cover every sector.

          Lestat -
               Get a higher metabolism, get more population.

          Keskiolut -
               Build Y's. Nothing much else.

          Neue Regel -
               Build Y's or q's. Y's have an added effect of producing
          plated sectors which make it harder for any ships landed on that
          sector to be hit. q's produce extra toxicity but give more
          resources in the beginning. As your sector efficiency goes up, q's
          become less useful.

          Garfel -
               You could use quarries, but i don't recommend it. They cost
          res to build and make the planet more toxic.

          Rob Nesius -
               You can increase resource production with 'quarries'. Beware,
          you can generate 'toxicity' with quarries, but they will probably
          help you out very much. Also, I belive Domes can be helpful.

          Thing -
               To increase res production, use domes (Y), and start out with
          a good metabolism. Make the domes on sectors that have the most
          res in them; use the analysis command to find out which sector has
          the most res. Also make sure you can live on that type sector.

          Muu -
               Generally, get as much population as possible. Cover your
          homeworld as soon as possible. And build Domes (Y's) on a few
          sectors to get their efficiency up (which affects resource

          Fnebish Legion -
               First, cover every single sector you are compatible with.
          Next, if you have spare resources, you can build domes to increase
          the efficiency of some sectors, which will increase your overall
          average efficiency, which will, in turn, increase production
          without hurting your planet. I've found that quarries are a real
          waste of time and resources.

          Microbians -
               Well, you are going to have to wait a while before you get
          any significant production. If you are a non-Jovian and you have
          the tech and resources to spare, you might want to consider domes.
          Either way, KEEP THE TAXES LOW.

          Tribbles -
               You can build quarries, though I never do. You can also
          increase your population using K's and build Y's(domes) to
          increase it's effiency. If your real brave you can design your
          race to have a real high metab, like 1.5. Thus you'd never have to
          worry about resources.

          NB -
               Spread your population thoroughly (make sure you're
          compatible with the sectors you put people on however), and build
          domes when you have the available time and resources; domes
          increase efficiency greatly.

          TheCulture -
               Move people to the sectors with the highest resource
          contents, build domes (Y) on the best sectors, and possibly build
          a space plow (K) to increase sector fertility so that more people
          appear there. If the planet has the wrong type of atmosphere or
          temperature you can use atmosphere processors, space mirrors, dust
          canisters and greenhouse gas to good effect.

          Froos -
               You could build quarries, or try to put your guys on high res

          Griffons -
               Increase the average efficency(through doming) or increase
          the pop through space plows etc.

          Pillarian -
               Well the bets way to increase r productio is to increase you
          effeciency. you can o this by Doming sectors.. Beleive me it is
          worht putting r into domes!!!!

          Tao -
               Build domes, quarrys, terraformers, space plows...

          Empire -
               You can build Domes after tech-level 5, they increase your
          sector efficiency on which depends your resource-production....

          Link Baker -
               Get that entire planet covered! After that you'll have to
          increase the efficiencies of the sectors with domes. Other than
          that there's not much else you can do. That's why it's important
          to have metabolism.

          Greenies -
               Wait. Quarries are overrated.

          Zurgithian -
               Cover the whole planet, even sectors you don't like, build
          domes on these sectors as soon as possible so that you can plate
          them. I don't use quarries; they're nasty.




       1. Should I colonize the planets in my own system first, or should I
          focus on arriving in other systems before opponents can?

          Feepness -
               Concentrate on other systems, except hit the high fertility
          planets in your system at the same time. An enemy could breed on a
          class M ten times faster than on an iceball.

          Lestat -

          Keskiolut -
               Because you are a beginner, take your own system first.

          Neue Regel -
               Depends on how close the neighboring systems are. I try to go
          for the neighboring systems first and get a shuttle to my own
          planets after I have sent out 2 or 3 s's to the other systems. If
          systems are very close (< 10K) it would probably be better to get
          those first shuttles to your own planets. Don't forget to build a
          telescope and check out your own planets. This can save you a lot
          of time by not having to go to every planet.

          Garfel -
               Both if possible. Colonize only the best planets of your own
          system, like those over 40% compatibility and go fast to the
          nearest systems!

          Rob Nesius -
               Try to colonize your own system first, and estabilsh a good
          population base and fleet. Throughout the beginning, you may talk
          confidentially to other players, or publicly to everyone. If you
          can get a crypt set up with another player, feel free to ask
          questions. Also, God is an experienced player who can give advice,
          but don't run to him before trying to figure it out on your own.
          Otherwise he'd be swamped. It's good to establish friendly
          relations with other players, and even better ones with races who
          are in a position to mess with you. Try to get on peoples' good
          side. Even if you are going to backstab them. :-)

          Thing -
               Do both. Use one ship to colonize the planets in your star.
          Use a telescope to save time by aiming it at the planets and
          seeing if you can live on them. Use your remaining ships to
          colonize the nearest stars to you.

          Muu -
               Generally, get as much population as possible. Cover your
          homeworld as soon as possible. And build Domes(Y's) on a few
          sectors to get their efficiency up(which affects resource

          Fnebish Legion -
               Use a telescope to check out the planets in your system if
          you have the tech to do it. Colonize those you are compatible
          with, but always send your first dozen or so ships out of system
          so they can get a head start on the race with the other players to
          arrive at and colonize unpopulated systems. If waiting to colonize
          your planets allows some other race to sneak in, odds are it will
          be quite easy for you to kick that player out since you will have
          the resources nearby to build the necessary ships to do it. This
          is a last resort of course, since you should always ally with your
          neighbors if at all possible.

          Microbians -
               Contrary to most of the advice I've been given, I ususally
          colonize my home system first. It costs less in time, and after
          you colonize your home, you can use the same ships to arrive at
          other systems.

          Tribbles -
               BOTH! You start off colonizing your planet until you get
          enough tech to build speed 6-7 shuttles. Then use upgrade (cs into
          ship scope have resources on ship and use "upg speed 7"). When you
          can do this then send some shuttles to other systems. When you can
          build explorers, do so and send them to other systems. An awesome
          race would have the ability to skip shuttles, go to explorers and
          thus explore out space the same time as it colonizes its home
          planets, but it's risky even for experienced players.

          NB -
               Colonize your own system quickly! Arriving in other systems
          early is fine if you can build some speed 9 shuttles to zip to the
          nearest stars, but hyperdrive will arrive before your slower
          shuttles reach places much further than a star or two away. If
          you're a 'morph, of course, you should be firing off pods from the
          very first updates!

          TheCulture -
               I'd say focus on the other systems. The primitive ship types
          (pod, shuttle) move slowly, so you have to be fast if you want to
          make it to the best spots before anyone alse does. You'll always
          have time later to focus on your own system.

          Froos -
               Do your own first. Easier and faster and it'll give you
          additonal supplies to conquer other systems with.

          Griffons -
               The latter, the more territory that you can gain early the
          more that you will not have to fight ovewr later

          Pillarian -
               Again everything is relative.. But my answer would be YES!
          You should colonize your system first. You must at least devote
          your first inter- scope ship to the task.. then work out from
          there.. if you have close neighbours.. and they get to you first..
          and you haven't colonized your system, you could be inviting

          Tao -
               I'd say it depends on what kind of planets you've got. If you
          have great planets in your own system (the telescope!), send the
          first ones there. Otherwise sort of divide your forces...

          Empire -
               IMHO, colonize your planets first before somebody else do

          Link Baker -
               Everybody should have their own strategy regarding this.

          Greenies -
               Usually the competition for other systems doesn't happen for
          a while. Definetly go for your own system first.

          Zurgithian -
               Both at the same time, pods are cheap in res so if you have a
          high metabolism you can send out lots and lots. After the first
          10-20 updates you should have podded all the systems within 100000
          dist of you, if you have the time !

       2. What should I do when I see another ship other than my own?

          Feepness -
               Talk first... don't give away too much. If it's named
          something nice like "Friendly" then you can assume it's going to
          be OK. Also, if it is a size 1 shuttle you don't have much to
          worry about in any case, but a size 6 d, you should definitely
          make friends if you aren't going to be able to destroy it
          immediately. Put yourself in the other peson's place (he is just
          trying to colonize and will be pretty pissed if you blow away his
          ship for no reason other than he exists.) Also keep in mind that
          this person is probably very near you as well. A close-in fight
          like that can be disastrous in a game.

          Lestat -
               Find out who owns it, try to communicate with that player if
          you wish. If you're aggressive or foolish, attack it. If it's a
          colonizing pod, blow it away. This is all more a matter of
          personal style than learning the rules.

          Keskiolut -
               Talk, negotiate. Do not shoot first, you'll be losing most

          Neue Regel -
               Don't try and destroy them right off. That person could be
          your best ally later on. If you see another ship early in the
          game, it means that someone else is close by. If you start into a
          war right away, you will have a really hard time building up at
          all. The other players who are not fighting right away have more
          time to expand to other systems.

          Garfel -
               Try to negotiate armistice if he is in a high place in power
          list, or if you have good allies near then splat that bastard.

          Rob Nesius -
               When this first happened to me, I pannicked somewhat. After I
          calmed my self down and thought it out, Irealized that the ships
          were not a major threat, and that they couldn't know I was here,
          so it's not a personal attack on me the player. Open up a
          dialogue. If there is a planet you can't use but they can, let
          them in exchange for permission to colonize in their own system.

          Thing -
               If you see another ship that is not yours, send a telegram to
          the ship's owner. If he is hostile, capture it. If it is in your
          home system, capture it no matter what.

          Muu -
               That really depends on you. If you want a war, then by all
          means, do what you will. However, it can be REALLY profitable to
          team up with a Meta, if you are a norm. They generally produce
          more rapidly, and make great troops. Be careful, though, they are
          not as easy to supress as some might lead you to beleive. Thinking
          of him as "my Meta" might just get you into a nasty little fight.
          Again, its really up to you and the situation.

          Fnebish Legion -
               Try to find out what player number owns it by using "tact."
          If it is your own pod and you see the other ship on a map, tact
          won't work, but there is a trick for seeing who owns other ships
          which appear on your map but are too far away for a tactical
          command to work on them: Use the "highlight" command to run
          through the list of players, generating a new map for each new
          highlighted player. As soon as the other ship lights up, you'll be
          able to see who owns it. It's best to talk to that person since
          he's probably a neighbor. If you want peace, don't start by making
          demands or claims of "I was here first." That gets you nowhere. Of
          course, as a general rule, I only let the _most_ trusted allies
          colonize my home systems. Players should understand that being
          allowed to place a colony in another's home system is probably a
          pretty big act of trust. A lot of full-scale and crippling wars
          have been fought simply because one player refused to leave
          another's home system. Deal with this as you see fit.

          Microbians -
               Diplomacy. Declare neutrality if you have the APs and start
          talking to the owner. Look for an alliance and try to ascertain
          the enemy's experence. Oh, and one other thing. I've done
          EXTREMELY well in my first two games and the secret to my success
          has been (with the exception the diety of course) NEVER EVER,

          Tribbles -
               Talk first, shoot later. Besides, the first ship you see will
          most likely be in a place where you can't do much any way. Allies
          can be more powerful than enemies. *grin* Think about it.

          NB -
               If it's in your own system, or one just adjacent to it, don't
          shoot right away (unless it's a missile - ALWAYS shoot missiles,
          and be sure to give their owners a hard time about it in the
          future!) Try to communicate with the owner. If you're seeing them
          relatively early in the game, then they're probably a neighbor,
          and you need to negotiate with neighbors to avoid
          counterproductive wars. You may have a planet useless to you that
          would be useful to them - and vice versa. When pods burst in your
          system, talk to the owners *quick.* If they don't respond, snuff
          out the one - man invasion that results on whichever planet it
          showed up, and do it quickly, because 'morphs reproduce like,
          well, 'morphs. Bunnies can't hold a candle.

          TheCulture -
               If it's a pod it might be a good idea to shoot it down (at
          least if its in your home system), otherwise talking is a *very*
          good idea. Making too many enemies too fast in the game can lead
          to your home planet being turned into a nuclear test site :-)

          Froos -
               This really depends on the individual context. Try to talk to
          the owner, perhaps.

          Griffons -
               Close to find out who owns it and then try to parley with
          them. Successful parleying can allow you to have a good
          relationship or give you time so that you can backstab later.

          Pillarian -
               Find out who it belongs to (ie tact)! Then the best idea is
          to talk to the owner (ie email to him) or send him a telegram,
          etc., then decide between you two what you are going to do. Then
          progress from there.. However you have to remember that generating
          a fair trust level in this game is difficult.. if you mess up
          explain the mess up.. else you could inviyte war at the drop of a
          hat.. this could be good.. but then again :)

          Tao -
               Send him a message and say Hi!

          Empire -
               Try always negotiate first, you need allys to be good in this
          game... And GOOD LUCK! ..we may meet sometime...

          Link Baker -
               Do a 'tactical' on it to see what it is, who owns it, etc . .
          . If it's an enemy and you have an armed ship around, blast it
          (fire command). If you are close enough board the ship and capture
          it (Assault command). Any alien ship in your system is a threat.
          You might want to telegram the person and find out what his
          intentions are before taking action. A pod is trouble; it means a
          meso is looking to colonize.

          Greenies -
               Send a message offering them one of the planets you don't
          use, or tell them that you live there already.

          Zurgithian -
               As a meta there is not much you can do, arm up some military
          on each planet so that they can not kick you off (high fight is
          important). I usually go the diplomatic route send them some
          telegrams, you will need a techie ally and they will probably want
          a meta friend as well. Always check the tactical report in your
          home star !

                Comments, flames, and questions are welcome.
History: Jan 27, 1997 - Converted to HTML - Evan Koffler