Front Mission 3 (e)

                         ===== F R O N T  M I S S I O N 3 =====

   This walkthrough is made and owned by Markweb at . Anybody can used 
   this for private purposes, this walkthrough is available only this site. Still anybody 
   can used this for their web sites as long as they had my permission.

   This is my compilation of the game itself this contain a walkthrough and a guide
   for each wanzers on each Stage. And some useful information about the game.

      I know that some of this containing few errors but I'll fix it.

                             WALKTHROUGH CONTENTS:
      I.     Game Control:
      II.    The Cast:
		    [Main Cast]	
		    [Supporting Cast]       
                [Other Cast]
      IIIa.  Emma Storyline Guide: 
	IIIb.  Alisa Storyline Guide: 
      IV.    NETWORK links:         [currently not available]
      V.     Wanzers Weapons Attack Damage Class 
      VI.    Wanzers Types and Skill:
      VII.   Wanzers Upgrades:
      VIII.  Other Units

Game Info:
	Well, is just another series of Front Mission 1 & 2, this one has new 
      game mechanics when your unit. I not very good at this part but you can
      bet it's a Thumbs up game for RPG gamers.

					I. Game Controls:
Few details on game controls, the game will brief you on beginning of the game and later
in the game but here some of the controls:

Basic Controls:
Battle Control:
 Cursor   : default arrow settings move up, down, left or right
 Triangle : Counter Indicator 
 Square   : Choose Weapon 
 X        : Dialogue, Select Unit, Confirm, Attack target to Ok, Cancel Battle Sequence
 Circle   : Cancel move, cancels skip dialogue, move back on prev. link on Network
 Start    : Battle Menu, cancel movie
 L1/R1    : Rotate to left/right view to change view 
 L2/R2    : Change Target or Pilots

         Battle Menu Options:
           End your turn           [End you current turn]
           Victory                 [see Victory Conditions]
           Medals                  [see Medals you own]
           Config                  [See Config]
           Save battle             [Save current Stage 4 blocks]
           Back to title           [exit current battle back to title menu]

      Victory conditions:                       | Losing conditions:
       All enemies destroyed                    | Player pilot is destroyed
          or made to surrender   [default]      |    [default]
       Other Victory Conditions:                | Other Losing Conditions:
       Reach target location                    | Players turn reach to ## turn 
       Destroy all cannons                      | Death of Lukav or Alisa 
       Destroy all enemies                      | Destroy NPC
       Defends for ## of turn                   |
       Player pilots escape from the base       |
       Players turn reach before ## of turn     |

     Battle Config: configure sound and etc.
     Sound        Mono   [Stereo] - self-explanatory
     Vibration    [Off]  On       - not really recommended
     Obstacles    Off    [On]     - enables terrain effect you battle
     Skip Battle  Off    [On]     - skip battle by press 'X' again to skip current battle
     Move         Normal [Fast]   - self-explanatory, fast game

     Medals are base on rating how you clear each stage. 
     Platinum  - Excellent - Attack hard and fast no used of Repair or Missile refill. 
                             and comply needed Victory condition.
     Gold      - Great     - Attack hard and fast but used of Repair or Missile refill.
                             and comply needed Victory condition.
     Silver    - Best      - not to comply some needed Victory condition 
                             used Repair or Missile refill.
     Bronze    - Satisfied - not to comply most needed Victory condition
                             used a lot of Repair or Missile refill.

     Base on criteria below after stage clear:
       Enemies Eliminated     - self explanatory, minus the number of surrendered wanzer.
       Total # of Battles     - number of your wanzer engage in battle the lower the better.
       Average Damage         - damage infect by your wanzer
       Average Weapon Level   - level of your weapon, the lower the better
       # of Turns             - number of your turns to clear/finished stage, 
                                the lower the better
       NPC Remaining          - allied wanzers that you don't control some are helping 
                                others needed backup assistance to reach the target location.
                                NPC are available only in some stage if you encounter one
                                make sure to help it, a high deduction in your score 
                                if you lost one specially those needed most assistance.

Setup/Purchase Default Key Settings:
 Cursor   : choose a Wanzer, Parts, Weapons and Items
 Triangle : more info on wanzer parts, weapons
 X        : Confirm buy, Equip or Exchange or Sold weapon/body/arms/legs/item 
 Circle   : Cancel everything before buying it, speeding up dialogue 
 L2/R2    : Change current wanzer and pilot
 L1/R1    : Toggle see below

      Setup a wanzer:
      Setup              - equip/change part, weapon, item  current wanzer.
      Exchange machines  - exchange pilots of wanzer to another wanzer.
      Sell wanzers       - sell unused current wanzer without pilot (for profit ^_^!).
      Divide into parts  - divide wanzer into parts to stocks w/o pilot (max stock 24 parts).

	Setup/Buying Options: 
       L1/R1  : to change list Equip, Stock & Product list.
       Cursor : Up or Down to see and choose/exchange parts/weapons/items available.
       Equip list    - list of whole Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available. 
       Stock list    - current stock list of Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available.
       Products list - available only when purchasing parts/weapons/items.

 	Upgrade Option: Wanzer Parts/Wanzer Stocks Parts
       L1/R1  : Upgrade HP, Acc. Evade and Boost
       Cursor : Up or Down to upgrade parts desire to desired level.
       HP Upgrade   :   Body/Arms/Legs including stocks
       Acc.  Upgrade:   Arms only including stocks
       Evade Upgrade:   Legs only including stocks
       Boost Upgrade:   Legs only including stocks 

  Note: I only list here the control you mostly used the rest is up to you, I can't put 
        all here the rest of control option is self explanatory and its your choice.

					  The Front Mission 3 Game Cast:
      I only list those important in the game also included enemies in name and few 
      profiles and the rest are in the game. Mostly you can get more info on them at 
      NETWORK/Select Forum/see Network link for details.

Main Cast:
  In Main Cast list character that you can used during battle scene. 
  Also include the list of the Wanzer they used when they sense he or she joined your team.

  Kazuki Takemura  -(Zenislev/Shunyo Mk111) wanzer expert test pilot of Kirishima Industry
                     stubborn but concern step brother of Alisa.
  Ryogo Kusama     -(Kyojun Mk107/Shunyo Mk111) Kazuki buddy who keep on following him 
                    Always making joke of everybody but skillful in using wanzer like Kazuki.
  Emir Klamsky     -(Drake M2F/Rekson M4F)USN scientist that created MIDAS
                     Responsible kind of gal specially of what she accidentally created.
  Alisa Takemura   -(Meledyne M1/Iguchi Lylas) lost sister of Emma, 
                     scientist working at Yokosuka Base Facility. 
Emma Playable Cast:
  Yun Fai Lan      -(Prov PAW2) Moneymaker, a spender introduced by Hatta, 
                     joined after rescuing her. A talented girl specially of her age.
  Dennis Vicarth   -(Rekson M4F) FAI agent of USN, he'll join before the Stage 11
                     Idiotic man combine with his skill as an agent 
  Marcus Armstrong -(Grapple M1)USN commander, he'll join after Stage 24 at Taiwan

  Jose Astrada     -(Pare PAW1/Jinyo Mk110) Philippine Taal Base, choose Alpine Gate
                     but you can't get Li 
  Xian Mei Li      -(Getty) former member of RRF, joined after helping him on Stage 32 
                     but you can't get Jose, choose the easy way. 
  Linny Barilar    -(Foura M12A) save him at Stage 37 he'll join you after the battle

Alisa Playable Cast:
  Hei Fong Liu     -(Jinyo Mk110/Shangdi 1) DHZ agent Real Number, protector of Bal
                     He will join you at Stage 3
  Miho Shinjo      -(Kyokie Mk108) JDF Police Force, been hunted by JDF government of knowing
                     information about the JDF Facility incident, joining you before stage 8.
  Pham Luis        -(Zeros) daughter of the Luis Family, joining you at before attack
                     Dagat Ahas along with her protector Pierre.
  Pierre Wells     -(Yongsai 3)servants of the Luis family that protecting Pham 
                     but you can't control him, he upgrade his own wanzer every stage.

Supporting Cast:
 Col.Isao Takemura- (Yongsai_3) Kazuki father working in JDF 
 Lt. Takiguchi    - assigned as protector Kazuki
 Chief of Staff Sasaki - JDF Midas, to Imaginary Number Project and coup
 Dr. Koike        - Kirishima Industry technical engineer
 Shingoji         - Kirishima Industry engineer at simulation room	
 Semaun           -(Monster) OCU assigned base leader at Philippine Taal Base
 Lt. Yuji Kuroi   -(Shunyo Mk111/Enyo Mk109) JDF Special Defense Force commando leader
 Bal              - the brain of Imaginary Number Project
 Jie              - Chairman, former scientist at Ravnui Laboratory at Shanghai

 Wan Dao Han      -(Yongsai 3/Tiandong 3/Taita 4k) assigned leader of Changli Army 
 Hatta Mirza      -(Rekson M4F) Anti-OCU, Rebel in Sumatra stage
 Guan Lei         - friend of Li working in DHZ, a spy for USN
 Wen              - spenders who like Yun, who tricks Yun if fake information
 Lixian           - raise Kwang as her brother even do they're not related
 Zhun Xian Lian   - TIANLIE engineer who survived the massacre after its completion
 Mie Ling         - daughter of the chief engineer that save Zhun
 Yang             - an old soldier at DHZ, Lianyungang port 
 Ran Fong         - daughter of Gaun Lei, 
 Yuichi Kiryo     - JBNN reporter
 Mambarm          - leader of rebel forces in Davao
 Cmdr. Monaro  Felipe -(Genie) PHF assigned commander in Negros Defense Fortress.

Purple Hase: USN Special Force  
 Lukav Minaev	-(Kehei_0 /Rekson M4F/Shunwang 1) FAI agent of USN Leader of Purple Hase,
                    one of the Imaginary Number, agent of DHZ working in USN.
 Cindy Peasants   -(Rekson M4F) FAI agent of USN
 Joe Paker        -(Grapple M1) FAI agent of USN 
 Gastor Marza     -(Grapple M1) FAI agent of USN 

Da Han Zhong Army:
 Xiao Hua Lan 	-(Shangdi_1/Teiqi_1)Leader of RRF
 Lie Yin Jiu 	-(Wude 3)assigned commander of TIANLIE Fortress
 Lin Tsao         -(Nilong 1) DHZ army assigned leader in Wuhan

The Imaginary Number: Genetic Engineered Soldier
 Rosavia Gray     -(Qibing_0/Shunwang_1/Wude_3)assigned to kill Li at Longsheng
 Jared Bogdanof   -(Kexi_1/Wude 3/Shunwang_1) the one who kills Serov at Fuzhou
 Prof. Serov Warren -(Genie Arm) OCU scientist from Australia
 Ivan             -(Rekson M4F) failed experiment Imaginary Number
 Griffith         -(Qibing 0)Imaginary Number Special Force

The Wolong: Mercenaries for Hire
 Rudolf Kaiser    -(Grezex) Leader of Wolong He is also skillful in all forms of combat.
 Rebecca Sydney   -(Whisk) Wolong strategies.
 Hatori Khartoum  -(Vinedrai/Taita 4k)Retired EC intelligence officer.
 Greg Harigle     -(Lance/Taita 4k)former USN Sergeant.
 Emilio Gusly     -(Whisk) Retired EC corporal.

Hua Lian Rebel of Guangzhou:
 Huang            - Leader of Hua Lian Rebel 
 Luo              - assistant, second in command of Huang
 Chang            - Hua Lian assigned base leader in Guangzhou
 Ling Chao Hoa    - Save her against the two drunk in Guangzhou Downtown
                    sister of Wuo Ben, member of the rebel also
 So Young Zhuwen  -(Rekson Mk4F) member of Hua Lian Rebel
 Yue              - base leader of Guilin, the only one defeated the wanzer with his chi
 Chong            - assigned base leader in DHZ, Xiamen
 Ming Kwang       - the descendant to Ming Huang Jin that been assassinated by Li squad

Changli Army of Da Han Zhong:
 Wei We           - commander of Changli Army
 Xuan Shui        -(Taita 4k) Wuhan assigned base leader
 Wei Chong San    -(Nanjing bridge) reinforcement group leader to Nanjing
 Zhuwen Xia       - 
 Sgt. Shui Zhen Xu-(Yongsai 3)assigned ambush leader in Huangshan


Game start on FMV.... press Start to cancel the movie if you wan to and continue...
After the logo of Kirishima Industry appears now here your chance on naming your player name
default first and last name was Kazuki Takemura choose confirm to continue (the funny thing
that if you change you last name to Wilson then, Isao Takemura the default last name then he
will be Isao Wilson, also effect Alisa Takemura to Alisa Wilson ^_^)

Game start in tutorial first objective must arrive at target location. Do all the fighting
fast its only a tutorial. Well help on how the game control see Basic Control for details..

Note: The wanzer you're about to test is Shunyo Mk111 assault type of wanzer, see wanzer MD.

          Stage 0: Tutorial         Location: Kirishima Industry, JDF Test Facility
               WC: 1                EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110, auto Pilot only
After the tutorial here you have to Talk to several person first to Ryogo, Koike next
You have to deliver two new wanzer in JDF with Ryogo at Yokosuka Base then back to Ryogo 
the you have to reply and choose.... here you choose which side of story you would like 
to play...

   Go with him		-  Emma Klamsky Story > I choose these
   Don't go with him	-  Alisa Takemura Story < see below after Emma.... 

                                    Emma Story Guide

Choose move then to Construction Zone the talk to Ryogo and move to the deliver the 
new wanzer, after the explosion the gun turrets are out of control. You decided to take
the turret before it can do damage to you..

            Stage 1: The Delivery         Location: Yokosuka Base
                        WC: 2             EW: 4  12mm_MG

After these event JDF special force arrive and you are force to leave that area back to
you're place you receive e-mail from Alisa, then Ryogo came asked you again to go with him
on the delivery of 2 wanzers at Yokosuka Base (this time Kazuki can't deny).

In completion of the delivery you have to leave, you receive a tip that a lot of JDF 
Officers used to drink there after working hours at the Downtown Bar, you can talk to 
anybody there if you want to. When you try to leave you meet Emma that overheard your 
saying that she will hire you to help her sneak inside the Yokosuka Base Facility.

Well thanks to Ryogo you manage to enter in one piece inside, you unload your wanzer trying
to go inside. After what you have discovered  

         Stage 2:  Sneakers      Location: Japan, Yokosuka Base Facility (inside)
               WC: 3               EW:  2 JinyoMk110      2 Kasel M2

Emma suggested another way out on Main Gate expect unwelcome visitors on your way out.
Mean while below as they speak here they come!

              Stage 3:  Move it!   Location: Japan, Yokosuka Base (exit)
               WC: 3               EW:  2 Jinyo Mk110         1 Kasel M2  
                                   EWR: 1 Jinyo Mk110         1 Kasel_M2

During you escape the battle if you manage keep all your unit in elevator mission 
accomplished or you can destroy all the wanzer or manage to surrender the pilots

              Stage 4:             Location: Yokosuka Base (outside)
               WC: 3               EW:  1 Jinyo Mk110         2 Mk9 AFV
                                   EWR: 2 Jinyo Mk110

After the fight Emma will explain to you how used Setup on your wanzers. 
Note: A Shop and Simulator are online on the NETWORK.

              Stage 5: Justice     Location: Yokosuka Kamariya JC, (Highway)
               WC: 3               EW:  2 Kyokei Mk108        3 Hanniger

Try to get rid of the Hanniger first, then Kyokei Mk108 make sure you are in counter range.

             Stage 6: Hunters Order  Location: Yokosuka, Kamariya JC (Express way)
         WC: 3               EW: 1 Kyokei Mk108         2 Enyo MK109      1 Mk9 AFV

Stage 7: The Borrowers		Location: Yokosuka, Kamariya JC
       WC: 3	     EW:  2 Jinyo Mk110        	1 Enyo Mk109	1 Mk9 AFV

After the fight, the shop owner know both Kazuki and Ryogo they been convicted of what
happen on the facility. He will also gave you the E-mail address of a police station.
The shop owner will explain on buying Item, Weapons, Equipment and how to Upgrade parts

Stage 8: Decision Made		Location: Yokosuka, Yokohama
	WC: 3	     EW:  2 Jinyo Mk110      2 Enyo Mk109	2 Sekida

If you destroy the 2 trucks and manage to surrender 2 enemy pilot you'll 
receive Platinum medal. And try to surf on the net and download battle simulation 
you'll be needing this one on gaining levels and experience and abilities.

Stage 9:			Location: Yokosuka, Honmofukuto (on the way)
	WC: 3	     EW: 1 Jinyo Mk110	     1 Kasel M2		2 Enyo MK109 

Try to Enyo Mk109 used melee weapon best on it.

After the battle they plan to escape out of Japan by the used of the plane without 
a runway but Dennis had a plan then...

Stage 10:			Location: Yokosuka, Honmofukuto 
	WC: 3	  EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110	1 Tiandong 3	1 Laiying_1

As you leave Japan towards USN 3rd Fleet. Inside the USN try to check your e-mail on
NETWORK by Koike explain. You informed that the MIDAS is in OCU base on Australia.
You'll assign to check it out

Stage 11: 			Location: Australia, Wilson Cliffs
	WC: 4     EW: 4 Jinyo Mk110	1 Cadenza

You needed to stop the truck on escaping manage to surrender 2 wanzer pilots 
you'll earn Platinum medal.

After the battle you've discover that inside the transport truck are people.
You try to interrogate but they refused to gave information. Except Serov give 
information about the air accident in Sumatra. you head back to Will Cliffs
then transport to Submarine towards Sumatra... next

Stage 12:			Location: Sumatra
	WC: 4     EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110	2 Kasel M2	2 Genie

(Try saving Hatta and other red wanzers plus at least surrender 2 or 
3 wanzer pilots earn Platinum medal.)

Arriving at the battle between the Red wanzers who's trying to protect as our hero known.
You decided to help the Red wanzers as your mission finding the plane. 

After the end of battle you meet Hatta a rebel anti OCU who decided to shot down the OCU 
plane for profit. And for saving his life he decided to help Kazuki on information.

Next destination Singapore Hatta hideout at Jurong telling you about a friend he knows.
At the City Streets meet Moneymaker after few talk.. and she reply you get it tomorrow.
You decided to visit a Shop here the shop owner tells you more info on upgrading wanzer 
parts better read it, its useful as the game progress later.

The group splits-up to have some fun, Kazuki and Emma went 
Moneymaker doing her job and been caught by the OCU. Emma had a dream Kazuki wake her up
then Hatta came and tell that Moneymaker is being arrested. Then they decided to recue
her. Before you choose you destination: 

	City Streets - 
		Shops	Parts/Weapon/Item/Upgrade 2/1
		Wanzer sale
			???		???
			???		???
	Jurong - Hatta hideout	 
	Prison - Rescue Money Maker
Check your e-mail on NETWORK.
If you went back to Jurong Hatta will gave you a ______ then continue to Prison and rescue the Rescue.

Stage 13:
     WC: 4	   EW:  2 Infantry	1 Jinyo Mk110	4 MBT2 Kuarve

Best to stay out of the Spotlight increased enemies Hit rate +100%

After the battle Kazuki rescue Moneymaker then enemy reinforcements arrive thanks 
to Purple Hase arrive at the neck of time, they cover you as you escape.

At the USN 3rd Fleet after the rescue Yun (Moneymaker) give the information and decided 
to join your group. They decided to infiltrate Philippine Taal Base that's were MIDAS
were taken... you choose which two route: the Alpine Gate [14b] or Lower Gate [14a]
Hint: Take the suggestion of Yun easy as she says.


-Hard Way-
Stage 14a: 				Location: Philippine, Taal Base Alpine Gate
	WC: 4	EW:	2 Jinyo MK110    1 Kasel M2	3 40mm Gun

Better have one unit have a Grenade to bombard enemy units..

Stage 15a: 				Location: Philippine, Taal Base
	WC: 4	EW:	no information yet I never try to continue

If you choose the hard way never mind below see and continue on Stage 16: 

-Easy Way-
Stage 14b: 				Location: Philippine, Taal Base Lower Gate
	WC: 4	   EW: 3 Jinyo Mk110    4 Tanks		1 Monster

At the end of your each turn you receive fire support from the USN submarine.

Here see the conversation of Semaun and Jose a very skillful pilot. 
Inside the Base more you arrive at enemy ammunition depot room.

Stage 15b: 				Location: Philippine, Taal Base
	WC:4	EW:	2 Jinyo Mk110	4 Kasel M2

Used the large container near the enemy wanzer to damage them.

If you choose the hard way never mind above see and continue on Stage 16: 

Either way you choose you'll continue here after 15a or b

Stage 16:  The Truth 			Location: Philippine, Taal Base
	WC: 4	EW: 	2 Jinyo MK110        1 Kasel M2		1 Kodomari	2 Brenos

Meet Kodomari OCU prototype wanzer, after defeating it receive Jade Metal Laiying

After the battle meet Alisa along with the scientist upon knowing Emma the creator
of MIDAS later Lukav arrive with his dying wanzer they decided to leave the place.

Stage 17: The Escape 			Location: Philippine, Taal Base
	WC: 8	EW:	1 Jinyo MK110	2 Kasel M2	3 40mm Gun 	1 MBT2 Kuarve

The other 4 units are Alisa, Lukav and 2 other Scientist. Carrying Pistol only
You needed to reach the Hoover Craft near the MBT2 Kuarve Tank 
 or destroyed all enemy wanzer not including the 40mm Gun.

Stage 18: The Last of Purple Haze	Location: Philippine, Taal Naval Base
	WC:4	EW:	4 Jinyo MK110	1 Hanniger	2 Monster

You came to assist the Purple haze but.... Jose last battle along with Semaun.
Before the battle received fire support from USN Submarine at the end of each turn.

At the end of battle see how powerful MIDAS bomb can do... After the mission you 
receive information on Lukav and the scientist a negative one... Next Taipei

Your inside Taiwan territory your encounter Changli army for now..

Stage 19: The Diversion		Location: Taiwan, Ba Kui Dam
	WC:4	EW:	5 Yongsai 3	1 Laiying

Just get rid of the Yongsai in the lower dam first before the top.

After the battle receive radio communication on the other team your team is Cool Face
other Bravo headed by Marcus Armstrong and Charlie with still no comm. 

Choose Path:
	A - Xinzhu: Check team Charlie	(hard way)
	B - Yinku: Continue on plan of entering Taipei (easy way)

-Hard way-
You discovered that team Charlie is not in the location but enemies just detected you...
Stage 20a: Han's Obsession		Location: Taiwan, Xinzhu 		
	WC:4	EW: 2 Tiandong 3	2 Chixuan_6
		EWR: 2 Tiandong 3 along with Han

Han discovered that others was only a diversion that your the real assault team.

After the battle you discover that team Charlie is being chase they take the bait 
and telling them to continue with the plan make them think you're headed to Shanxi 

Next Han anticipate your plan and set an ambush for your party...

Stage 21a: Arriving Visitors 		Location: Taiwan, Town
	WC:4	EW:	2 Tiandong_3	2 Shang Feng_5	1 Chixuan_6	2 Launchers

Better to equip Bazooka you'll need one on this battle

If you choose the hard way never mind below see and continue on Stage 22: 

-Easy Way-
Enemies patrol wanzers have spotted you then...
Stage 20b: Meet Han			Location: Taiwan, Yinko
	WC:4	EW:	4 Tiandong 3	3 Yongsai 3

Used the trees for cover, enemies will come one at a time.

Because Han discovered that the rest of the team are decoy that your the real 
assault team they withdraw some of their forces, but its too late.... 
That's why Bravo team (Marcus) enjoyed ^_^ so they gave a hand which enough
for 3 fire support you just gave the location.

Stage 21b: Taipei Next			Location: Taiwan, Rural Village	
	WC:4	EW:	3 Mr54 MBT	1 Tiandong 3

If you choose the easy way never mind above see and continue on Stage 22: 


			Taipei City

	Empty House - Your temporary base hide out for awhile
	Taipei Shop - Buy New Wanzer, Weapons and Upgrade HP Lvl.3|Lvl 2
	Taipei Bar - Were you meet Ambassador Clay
	USN Embassy - Meet Marcus here

Better Check mail, search the net for new NetLink, download picture or useful data
Setup your Wanzers and Lock & Load when your ready ...

Ambassador Clay informed you that Lukav is hiding inside Hunguang Factory and 
he suggest to attack at night. At night your team was ambush by....
Stage 22: War Factory			Location: Taipei, Hunguang Factory
	WC:4	EW:	4 Mk54 MBT	2 Yongsai_3	1 Laiying	2 Infantry

The group had suspicions on Ambassador Clay information still they move-on inside
As the group expected that Lukav is still their but Meet Han with his best 
and new toy Taita 4 they been trick again....

Stage 23: Han Hand down		Location: Taipei, Hunguang Factory
	WC:4	EW:	3 Tiandong 3	3 Yongsai 3	1 Taita 4

Han will launched a grenade on a target including with his allies still their.

At the end of the battle they planning a new plan 'cause someone is leaking information
suddenly radio com. from Team Bravo. Marcus informed that they all been slaughtered 
on his team and planning to meet him in the USN Embassy.

Before you leave Emma will asked you if you are not ready or ready choose ready 
to visit the Ambassador himself in the USN embassy

Marcus Arrive with Mk20 APV tank he came bubbling decided to talk more later...

Stage 24: Ambassador no more  		Location: Taipei, USN Embassy 	
	WC:4	EW:	2 Tiandong 3	3 Chixuan 6	1 Mk5a APC	3 Infantry

After Marcus join you group with his wanzer Grapple M1 then the group decided to continue
in pursuit of Lukav heading towards the tunnel.

In the Taipei City group encounter Changli Army on their way out of the city

Stage 25: Sky Scrapers		Location: Taipei, City Streets
	WC:4	EW:	3 Haolong_4	4 Mk54 MBT	

Try to take out Haolong unit first before it can damage with Missile plus its height 
extra addition to its range and shot gun also. Towards the Fu Tai tunnel

Stage 26: 				Location: Taiwan, Fu Tai
	WC:4	EW:	4 Yongsai_3	2 Tiandong_3

If you already triggered Double Shot I of Prov PAW2 from Yun wanzers its useful 
against Yongsai 3. When Ryogo keep on talking of enemies here they come...

Stage 27: 				Location: Taiwan, Fu Tai Tunnel
	WC:4	EW:	3 Yongsai 3	2 Mk54 MBT	1 Armored Car

If you destroyed the Armored Car it gave 220-300+ exp. better let the low level character
it will boost it level pilot 1 star to 3-4 star as for the weapon level add 3 star+

After the battle Ryogo commenting negative about things happening and Emma tells
not to hear like it will effect the mission.... Next meet new special assault wanzers..

A missile pod came through the glass wall of the tunnel, similar missile pod that you
ride when you assault the Phil. Taal Base remember?

Mission 28: New foe 			Location: Fu Tai Tunnel	
	WC:4	EW:	4 Qibing 0

Don't fight in close range the mostly counter Double Assault I and mostly don't engage
on fighting them if three of them are in range may cause to trigger Backup Fire skill.

As Dennis suggestions you arrive at Da Han Zhong, Guangzhou. 

	Guangzhou City

	Hua Lian Rebellion Headquarters	- you temporary base of operation
	Guangzhou Shop - Buy New Wanzer, item and upgrade 4/2
	Downtown of Guangzhou - some refreshment
You meet Chang, then Huang leader of Hua Lian Rebellion tells to go to your Dormitory
inside asked Dennis everything you want to know about Huang then leave.
Went to see Huang they still needed to trust your team worthy so they send you 
to Sanya Base to intercepted DHZ inspector.. 

Mission 29: The Inspector		Location: Da Han Zhong, Oil Field		
	WC:4	EW:	5 Yongsai 3	2 Dual Cannon
	Allied: 2 Rekson M4f on Hua Lian Rebellion army

Due to your success of mission they trust you after you visit Downtown of Guangzhou 
save ling against the two drunkmen then leave you can visit the shop for the upgrade.
When your done go back to Hua Lian HQ Huang is waiting along with Chang and Luo.
Ling's brother is on a mission but its been intercepted along the way at Yizhang
Then you decided to help Ling's find her brother. They were late but enemies are waiting..

Mission 30: Meet RRF			Location: Da Han Zhong, Yizhang	
	WC:4	EW:	2 Mk54_MBT 	2 Mk59_APC	4 Infantry
		EWR: 	1 Wude_3 	1 Shangdi_1

Destroying Mk59 APC will result for reinforcements to arrive better kill them 
after destroying the tank stay close to enemy unit.
Later after destroying Wude_3 you'll receive DHZ Military Intelligence.

When you return Yun is doing her hacking job again then Ryogo came looking for her.
Return to Hua Lian HQ then Yun bubbling about the e-mail she receive informing
on the location of Alisa its a fake

Mission 31: The Payment			Location: Da Han Zhong, Wuzhou
	WC:4	EW:	4 Shangdi_1	2 Wude_3

Stage 32: 				Location: Da Han Zhong, Longsheng
	WC: 4	EW: 	2 Shunwang_1	3 Lenghe_1	2 Mingtian_1
	Allied: Getty

You meet Li with his new addition wanzer to your group. After few convincing thought
group decided to move forward to for investigation
We see again Alisa's at Ravnui at Shanghai talking again to Lukav...

Check your e-mail and send back mail necessary

Group arrive at Fuzhou looks like abandon suddenly Red Wanzers shots by Genie Arm
who's being piloted bye Serov Warren the OCU scientist then....

Stage 33: 				Location: Da Han Zhong, Fuzhou
	WC: 4	EW: 	5 Yongsai_3            1 Genie Arm

Notice at this point you are already at the middle of the game so expect a lot 
of talking later in the game.

Upon arrival Huang had a information on a escapee from Ravnui----- his name was


Stage 34: 				Location: Da Han Zhong, Xiamen
	WC: 4	EW: 	3 Shunwang_1	3 Mingtian_1	2 Mk73 MBT

Try to destroy Jared and Rosavia's wanzers first then the Mingtians

After the bring Kwang ling volunteered to take care of Ran Fong, Li

Emma was so desperate of what happen to Ivan, then the decided to go back at Guangzhou
and take all the stuff that Ivan bright when he escape.

Group finding a way to locate the Base Operation of RRF and Kazuki volunteer as 
decoy while the other party search for its point of origin, 

but its an successful one

Stage 35: Rudolf of Wolong		Location, Da Han Zhong, Wuhan, Fushou
	WC: 4	EW: 	1 Grezex	1 Whisk
		EWR:	3 Tiandong_3	1 Shangdi_1

Guan Lei daughter Ran Fong

Stage 36: Ran 				Location:
     WC: 3 Li	EW: 	4 Agent		1 Grezex	1 Whisk
		EWR:	1 Vinedrai	1 Lance		1 Whisk

After defeating Rudolf three more enemy reinforcements arrive.
On defeating Rudolf receive Schnecker and Sender on defeating Rebecca 2 web site added

Group discover that RRF base was mobile fortress and planning to destroy it, while Yun
trying to download it blueprint but not a successful. Then she downloaded the list of 
engineer only discover their all deceased but there's another one 

At Yongzhong you went into a bar talk to the bartender named Randy. Until he said 
the name Dennis not his real name. Zhun, decided to help Kazuki 

Stage 37:					Location: DHZ, Huangshou
	WC: 4		EW: 	3 Infantry	1 Whisk	2 MBT2_AFV	2 Taita_4k

They reach the destination in Kunming and meet Mei Ling Shun tells the story...
and the only clue they got is "lets visit _____ when I get back"
	Dennis Team A - Annihilation Team (Dennis team)
	Kazuki Team B - Infiltration Team (Kazuki team)

If you already choose in which your team you member 
Better save then continue... At Hengshan, Hua Lian rebel planning to trap the Tianlie
and succeeded now time for the Annihilation Team you had to destroy all enemy offensive
weapons and wanzers time to get busy.

            Stage 38:                  Location: DHZ, Huanggoushu
	WC: 4 (A)	EW: 	2 Shangdi_1		4 Wude_3	2 100mm Gun 	2 Missile Racks
             Meet also Jared and Rosavia both piloting Wude_3 wanzer. 
After destroy here comes the real Infiltration Team.

I skip the detail for now next I will update a lot of detail Ok!!
         Stage 39: The Real Team    Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI 
	   WC: 4 (B)      EW:  4 Shangdi_1
         Stage 40: The Real Team    Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI 
	   WC: 4 (B)      EW:  4 Shangdi_1

         Stage 41: Last of RRF      Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI 
	   WC: 4 (B)      EW:  3 Shangdi_1   1 Teiqi_1 (Lan)

         Stage 42: Better Rush-up        Location: Inside Mobile Fortress, TIANLEI b1
         WC: 4 (B)       EW:  4 Wude_3

          Stage 43: Soldiers Morale		Location: DHZ, Wuhan
          WC: 4           EW:   4 Tank      3 Laiying_1  2 Tiandong_3

          Stage 44: Beyond the Mountains 	Location: DHZ, Wuhan Bridge
          WC: 4           EW:   3 Mk54 Quad 5 Laiying_1 1 Taita 4k

          Stage 45: Dying Decoys          Location:
          WC: 4           EW: 5 Pilots

          Stage 46:
          WC: 4A          EW:  2 Yongsai_3  2 Laiying_1 3 Chixuan_6	2 Infantry

          Stage 47:
          WC: 4B          EW:  1 Lanze   1 Vinedrai  1 Whisk   4 Mk20 AFV

           Stage 48:
           WC: 4A     EW: 3 Laiying_1  2 Mk20 AFV    2 Infantry   1 Chixuan_6   1 Mk59 APC
           Stage 49:
           WC: 4A		EW:  2 Yongsai	  2 Haolong_4  2 Mk54 MBT  2 Infantry
           Allied: 2 Shang Feng_5
           Stage 50:
    WC: 4B       EW:  3 Mk54 MBT     2 Infantry    1 Mk59 APC    2 Laiying   1 Chixuan_6
           Stage 51:
           WC: 4      EW:  1 Grezex    1 Whisk    3 Mk20 AFV     2 Armored Car
           Stage 52:
           WC: 4      EW:  3 Shangdi_1    2 Wude_3      2 Bihu_1 
           Stage 53:
           WC: 4       EW: 3 Shangdi_1    2 Real (soldier)  3 Wude_3           
                      ER: 1 Shangdi_1; Lui
           Stage 54:
           WC: 4      EW:  2 Shunwang_1   2 Lenghe_1   4 Mk54 MBT

           Stage 55:
           WC: 4      EW: 3 Lenghe_1   3 Shunwang_1
                      Interrupt:   1 Shangdi_1: Lui wanzer to reach target 
           Stage 56:
           WC: 4      EW:  4 Grapple M1       4 Rekson M4F
           Stage 57:
           WC: 4       EW:  3 Mmg3 Ship
                       ER1: 2 Oceanhahn
                       ER2: 2 Mmg3 Ship
                       ER3: 2 Oceanhahn
           Stage 58:
           WC: 4        EW:  5 Shunyo Mk111  3 Kasel M2           
           Stage 59:     
           WC: 4        EW:  3 Enyo Mk109   3 Jinyo Mk110
           Stage 60
           WC: 4        EW: 2 Kasel M2  2 Enyo Mk109   3 Shunyo Mk111

           Stage 61
           WC: 4A       EW: 4 MBT2 Kuarve  3 Mk9 AFV  1 Sekida
           Stage 62
           WC: 4B       EW: 3 Oceanhahn    3 Shunyo Mk111  3 Mk9 AFV
           Stage 63
           WC: 4         EW: 2 Qinghauang_1 3 Qibing_0     2 Tiandong_3
           Stage 64:
           WC: 4         EW: 3 Yongsai_3    2 Kexi_1       1 Kehei_0
           Stage 65: 
           WC:4          EW: 3 Tiandong_3   3 Yongsai_3    3 Brenos
           Stage 66:     
           WC:4          EW: 2 Laiying_1    3 Yongsai_3     3 Tiandong_3
           Stage 67:
           WC: 4         EW: 2 Mk54 MBT     2 Yongsai 3    1 Qinghauang_1    2 Kexe_1 
           Stage 68:      
           WC:4          EW: 4 Kexe 1           1 Kehei 0
           Stage 69: The Truth                 Location: USN, Convention Center
           WC: 4         EW:  4 Rekson Mk4F

Well the last story is yours ........

                     Medals Collected: 
                       Platinum    19
                       Gold        29
                       Silver      19
                       Bronze      03

                                      Alisa Story Guide

After choosing Not To Go With Ryogo above, you can talk to Koike for Wanzer Test Available
useful for learning wanzer battle skill later. Check it then move Dormitory Kazuki receive
mail from Alisa, move to Shopping Mall meet Ryogo then back to JDF Facility. 
Koike asked Kazuki to help him deliver 2 new wanzer to Yokosuka Base talk to Koike again
well gave the address to Kirishima website you can check it after delivery. Now move to
Heliport, at Yokosuka base suddenly an explosion then Kazuki is anxious to check Alisa 
safety knowing that she had transfer their already. Ryogo join also when to JDF wanzer
ordering you to stop then...

            Stage 1: Stubborn       Location: Yokosuka Base, JDF Facility
            WC: 2       EW:  2 Jinyo Mk110
  Just damage the enemy wanzer then the pilot well eject and wait for reinforcement.

Reinforcement have arrive 2 Jinyo Mk110 and 3 Enyo Mk109 meet Lt. Yuji Kuroi ordering you
to move out your wanzers and they arrest both Kazuki and Ryogo. Check mail Share/NCS.

You been detained at Yokosuka Base Brig. Talk to Ryogo then to Guard he will try to check
for confirmation of Takemura, Guard call Col. Isao Takemura. Isao came talk Ryogo then 
to Isao told you to leave. Outside the base Kazuki waiting well 2 Flatbed truck 
transporting unknown wanzers then Kazuki follow the Flatbed truck along with Ryogo.

They discover that the Flatbed Truck was empty and decided again to wait. Inside Yokosuka
Laboratory Isao order Alisa to leave the base and telling her that Kazuki was outside the
base before she leave he gave her a disk the evidence of what happen inside the base. 

Outside the base Ryogo making joke on Kazuki, Alisa was riding the construction wanzer
same also when the USN FAI agent trying to move out of the base when they notice you.
Knowing that you were civilian but Joe insist on attacking Alisa wanzer, Kazuki and Ryogo
piloted the old abandon wanzer time to defend Alisa. Notice that one USN agent know Alisa.

            Stage 2: Escape         Location: Yokosuka, JDF Facility 
            WC: 2       EW: 2 Grapple M1     2 Rekson M4F
            NPC: Iguichi Lylas: Alisa
            Defend on 3 turns just cover Alisa wanzer
Battle stop when alarmed then JDF Special Defense Force arrive shooting the USN FAI agent
including you too when a Sekida truck arrive with a wanzer start shooting and ordering
you to get in the truck along with him to escape the base.

At the Yokosuka, JDF Base Hangar inside the man explain and introduce himself Hei Fong Liu
DHZ agent. Talk to Alisa then Ryogo then to Lui planning to escape the base to the sea by 
the Hovering across to the sea.. Talk to Ryogo then Alisa and Lui to leave the hangar, JDF
spotted your location.
         Stage 3: Out of the Base   Location: Yokosuka, JDF Base Hangar
            WC: 4       EW: 2 Jinyo Mk110     2 Kasel M2
                        ER: 1 Oceanhanh (ANGELSTAR)
              Destroying the Jinyo Mk110 receive JDF website forum address
After they escape they hid towards Miharu area.
At Miharu-cho, Yokosuka Garage Liu will brief you on using Setup Basic Control, Purchase 
and Exchange . You see the evidence that cause the explosion MIDAS inside the base. 
Shop is available on Network you can check simulator tutorial. Talk to Ryogo then Alisa 
and Lui then back to Lui will continue planning on leaving Yokosuka territory.
When ready move go out, here we see a sequence that Isao was contacted by Emir but not for
long his been called by Sasaki. 
You headed towards Yokosuka, Power Plant when the choppers detected you and call for backup.

        Stage 4: Beware of Hunters  Location: Yokosuka, Power Plant 1
             WC: 4      EU:  3 Hanniger    (Hunters 5)
                        EUR: 3 Enjo Mk110  (Omega team)
Check Mail on Alisa from Miss Teihiko and gave you the website see Teihiko/Other/Japan
The chase continue when the group trying to escape when Lt. Kuroi team appear along with 
the rest of reinforcement 
        Stage 5: LST arrive        Location: Power Plant 2
          WC:4          EW:   3 Jinyo Mk110   2 Mk9 AFV    1 Enjo Mk109
  Meet Lt. Kuroi in one of Jinyo Mk110 receive Da Han Zhong website after defeating him.
  A short cut to victory try to destroy Lt. Kuroi then WATER DRAGON call, then destroy 
  the 2 Mk9 AFV then stage clear.
LST arrive and do a fire support while your team escape. Arrive at DHZ submarine inside
Ryogo enjoyed himself inside the sub the Lui take you to the Crew Room talk to everybody
then move to Bridge, Lui receive a call from Lukav, talk to Operator then to Lui tells you
that his informant (Lukav)Astugi then to Alisa suggested to hid to JDF Digi-Com Base at
Hatano to gather information from their.

Next Hatano, JDF Digi-Com Base, Alisa and Lui infiltrate the base with Alisa both trying
to get the flight data from Atsugi. Lucky for Alisa that the backup files weren't deleted.
Time to escape when the JDF know the location and escape, Kazuki and Ryogo arrive along
with their wanzer and decided to engage in a battle.

           Stage 6:Information     Location: Yokosuka, Hatano JDF Digi-Com Base 
             WC:4        EW:   1 Kasel M2   1 Mk9 AFV    3 MBT2 Kuarve    
             Destroying Mk9 AFV receive OCU Army Intelligence website 
The group got away safely Lui decided to hid towards Omaezaki fast. In the Highway at
Ashigara a Female Officer at the check point tells you to get take service elevator.
She came down also before she talk any further enemy JDF choppers detected your location
but this time they after her the you came to help.

           Stage 7: Know too much   Location: Yokosuka, Ashigara Rest Area 
             WC: 4       EW:   5 Hanniger
             NPC: 1 Kyokie Mk108: Mino Shinjo

After saving her she introduce herself Mino Shinjo talk to everybody the last to Lui
decided to take another route toward Numazu Harbor, when you arrive JDF shot down the LST
Miho join you with her Kyokie Mk108 losses the Riot Shield and Nissai 30 now had War Hammer
and Odin M98. Before the fight also you chooses who's you gonna fight in a battle.
You can also change the wanzer they used.
          Stage 8: Out of Yokosuka   Location: Yokosuka, Numazu Harbor 
            WC: 4        EW:   2 Enjo Mk109   3 Hanniger   1 Mk9 AFV 

Now the submarine appear to take you out of Yokosuka for now, check mail of Kazuki from
Kinkakuji and Ryogo from Jinguji. Talk to Sub-Operator for Operation DHZ military website.
Back at the Crew room talk to Alisa, Ryogo, and Miho then they decided to sleep.

Here we see Alisa dream about Emma in FMV, Miho wake Alisa, check mail again to Kazuki from
Koike and Ryogo from Miss Hasegawa reply Koike and Hase then move to bridge. Kazuki 
getting excited of the Atsugi flight data they see the list of scientist transported to 
OCU Philippine, Taal Base the group headed towards Philippines.

To Davao Rebel Headquarters, talk to Operator twice to Rebel add website address PLPARTY. 
Talk to Lui and then to Bamarm Anti-OCU Rebel leader. Move to Crew room talk to everybody
Move Go Out go area available Davao HQ, Davao Bar and Davao Shop. Go to Bar talk to 
everybody their then move leave go to Davao Shop here you arrive a Snotty customer having
argue with against the Shopkeeper talk to Bartender next to Pierre added LUISCC website 
then to Snotty Girl. After she live talk to Shopkeeper explain to you about Upgrading 
wanzer parts.

   Wanzer parts sale:    Weapons/Backpack/Pilot Computer:
     Zenislev            Bone Buster      Franbar FF    Quill
     Meledyne M1         Fear Fist        Mk9 Sniper    Wagtail 2
     Kyojun Mk107        Cleave Axe       Odin M98      BX002
     Jinyo Mk110         Sharp Spike      SPPG 14       BPT3A
     Kasel M2            Kodo SN990       Mk6 Shield    COM4
     Enjo Mk109          DGS-25           SN-100G

After you done upgrading and buy new weapon and accessories back to Davao HQ, remember
the Snotty Girl she's here, talk to Operator gave you password for PLParty password 
BEFREE talk Bamarm he introduce to you Pham Luis, then to Lui. Your plan to make a fake
air accident in Panay. You arrive at Mindanao Airport Pham taken you their. 
Commence operation Negros detected civilian plane toward Panay and crush and send
search team to salvage the remain of the crush airplane. Enemy detected that a unknown
wanzer was on board the plane and detected you.

            Stage 9: Cover-up       Location: Philippine, Panay Jungle Crush Site
            WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   2 Kasel M2     2 Genie
Check Mail of Miho from Sakura. Time to infiltrate SAM Base enemies few guards are been
assigned take advantage of it..

       Stage 10:              Location: Philippine, Panay SAM Base E23
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Kasel M2     2 Genie         3 Dual Cannon

       Stage 11:              Location: Philippine, Negros Coast C11
             WC: 4      EW:   3 Jinyo Mk110   3 MBT2 Kuarve   3 40mm Gun

       Stage 12:              Location: Philippine, Negros Fortress (Outside)
       WC: 4      EW:   5 Jinyo Mk110   3 40mm Gun

       Stage 13:              Location: Philippine, Negros Fortress (Inside)
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   2 Kasel M2   2 Genie     2 Brenos

       Stage 14:              Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Hangar
       WC: 4      EW:   6 Wanzer Pilot     6 Jinyo Mk110 without pilot

       Stage 15:              Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Engine Room
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   1 Kasel M2   1 Infantry 
       NPC: Yongsai 3: Pierre Wells
       Stage 16:             Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Flight Deck
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   1 Kasel M2   2 Hanniger   1 Infantry

       Stage 17:             Location: Philippine, Inside Dagat Ahas Engine Room2
       WC: 4      EW:   3 Jinyo Mk110   2 Infantry
       NPC: Yongsai 3: Pierre Wells
       Stage 18:             Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   3 Genie      2 MBT2 Kuarve

       Stage 19:             Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate 2
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Grapple M1    2 Rekson M4F

       Stage 20:             Location: Philippine, Taal Base Main Gate 2
       WC: 4      EW:   2 Jinyo Mk110   3 40mm Gun  3 Hanniger

       Stage 21:             Location: Philippine, Taal Naval Base 
       WC: 4      EW:   3 Jinyo Mk110   2 MBT2 Kuarve  1 Hanniger

       Stage 22:             Location: Philippine, Batangas
       WC: 4      EW:   1 Genie Arm     2 Kasel M2      2 Jinyo Mk110

				    IV. NETWORK LINKS: [not available]
                          V. Wanzers Weapons/Item

See backpack below for more details:
    Item Names   Slots:    Cost:       Used:
    Grenade        2         100       Reloads grenade
    Missile        2         100       Reloads missiles
    Repair         1         100       Restores 50% of Max HP to a part
    Repair Mx      2         200       Restores all HP to a part
    Restore Lo     2         150       Repairs broken part, restores 25% HP
    Restore Hi     3         300       Repairs broken part, restores 50% HP
    Restore Mx     4         400       Repairs broken part and restores all HP
    Recover        1          80       Restores 50% of HP to pilot
    Recover Mx     2         140       Restores all HP to pilot
    Shield Rpr     2         120       Restores 50% of shield durability
    Shield Mx      3         200       Restores all shield durability

                      V. Wanzers Weapons Attack Damage Class 

Well these work like elemental defense on a certain element, if you had defense like Anit-P
attack from Mingda_2 gun which is a Type-P attack damage

  Class I - Impact base attack, weapon using Shotgun (Multi Hit), Bat, Axe 
 	      and any types of Fist weapon are single hit weapons. 
	      Punching like Hardblow is considered single hit Impact attack

  Class P - Piercing base attack, weapons attack concentrate on a single parts weapons 
	      likes M. Gun (Multi Hit) Rifles and any melee spike weapons (Single Hit).
            But tanks, choppers and cannons also are P type of damage.

  Class F - Flame base attack, weapons like Missile Launcher (Single hit)
	      Grenade Launcher and Flamer (Multi Hit) 

  Backpack Names:      Wt:    CS:  Cost:   Emma:          Alisa:
         BX002          10     4    140   
         Mk3 Pack       10     4    140   DHZ, Guangzhou Base
         Rucksack-L     30     6    300   DHZ, Wuhan Base
         BX056          30     6    300   enemy wanzers
         BX090          50     8    400   JDF, Kunamoto Base

         Power add-ons:					
         BPT3A          10     +30   200  ___________________
         Mk5 E-Pack     10     +30   200  DHZ, Guangzhou Base
         Mk7 E-Pack     20     +60   400  Wuhan base
         Placid         20     +60   400  Wuhan base
         BPT12B         __    _____  ___   __________________
         BPT9Max        30     +90   ___  Kunamoto Base
         Mk8 E-Pack     30     +90   ___

     Shields Types:	Wt:  AP:  Dura: DmgDwn:	Cost:  Available at:
       Mk6 Shield       18    2    4     -50%    100   ______________
       Riot Shield            2    4     -50%    ___   ______________
       Lite Shield      __    _    _     ____    ___   ______________
       SN-100G          24    2    6     -50%    160   ______________
       Buckler          22    2    4     -70%    200   Guangzhou Base
       Hvy Shield	      28    2    6     -70%    300   Wuhan Base
       Mk10 Shield      __    2   ___    -70%    ___   ______________
       SN-1076          36    2    4     -90%    400   Kunamoto Base
       Last Defense     __    _    4     -90%    ___   ______________

     Melee Weapons common info: 
       Damage Class: I/P             AP to used: 1
       Weapon Acc. : Vary            Max Ammo  : none
       Weapon Range: 1               Acc. Down : none

     Melee W. Types:   DT:  Wt:   WA:  Atk.Dmg: Cost:  Available at:
       Bone Buster     I    22   100%     76x1  100   ______________
       Fear Fist       I    26   100%     91x1  200   ______________
       Mk10 Fist       I    30   100%    109x1  300   Guangzhou Shop
       Mk12 Fist       I    35   100%    130x1  400   Wuhan Shop
       Mk20 Fist       I    __   100%    156x1  ___   ______________
       Heavy Weight    I    __   100%     70x1  ___   ______________
       Max Weight      I    __   100%    _____  ___   ______________
       Big Buster      I    __   100%    _____  ___   ______________
       Fatal Buster    I    34   100%    156x1  500   Kunamoto Shop
       War Hammer      I         120%     56x1     
       Cleave Axe      I    21   120%     67x1  200   
       Venus           I    30   120%    100x1  500   Kunamoto Shop
       Riot Baton      I    __   120%    _____  ___   ______________     
       Mk9 Baton       I    25   120%     80x1  300   ______________
       Mk13 Baton      I    29   120%     96x1  400   Wuhan Shop
       Sharp Spike     P    20   110%     63x1  140   ______________
       Heavy Spike     P    23   110%     75x1  260   Guangzhou Shop
       Mk18 Spike      P    28   110%     90x1  400   Guangzhou Shop
       Mk22 Spike      P    32   110%    108x1  500   Wuhan Shop
       Last Strike     P    37   110%    129x1  700   ______________

     Shotgun common info: 
       Damage Class: I           AP to used: 3
       Weapon Acc. : 75%         Max Ammo  : Infinite

       Weapon Range: 1~3         Acc. Down : -2%
     Shotgun Types:     Weight:  Atk.Dmg:    Cost: 
       Odin M98          42       12x12       140
       SPPG 14           50       14x12       260
       Chongte 0         __       _____       ___
       Chongdu 2         59       16x12       500
       Chongta 3         69       19x12       660
       Desoto M300       80       22x12       780

       M.Gun common info: 
        Damage Class: P          AP to used: 5
        Weapon Acc. : 80%        Max Ammo  : Infinite
        Weapon Range: 1~4        Acc. Down : -10%
     M.Gun Types:      Weight:   Atk.Dmg:    Cost: 
     ! Nissai 30         __        8x10       ___
       Kodo SN990        48       11x10       160
     ! Achin 51          __       11x10       ___
       DGS-25            56       13x10       240		
       Mingda 2          65       15x10       460		
       Huida 3           78       18x10       620		
     ! Nissai 90MF       __       18x10       ___
       Arc Barrel        91       21x10       800
     ! Beckwood M9       __       21x10       ___
     ! 32mm MG           __       21x10       ___

     Rifle common info: 
       Damage Class: P           AP to used: 4
       Weapon Acc. : 75%         Max Ammo  : Infinite
       Weapon Range: 1~6         Acc. Down : -2%
     Rifle Types:      Weight:   Atk.Dmg:    Cost:
       Franbar FF        45	      58x1       ___
       Mk9 Sniper        53        69x1       200
       Laoxing 6         62        82x1       460
       Laohu 3           73        98x1       600
       Einhand          ____       98x1      ____
       Scarab F2        ____       98x1      ____
       Mk11 Sniper       84       117x1       780

     Flame Thrower common info: 
       Damage Class: F         AP to used: 4/7/11
       Weapon Acc. : 60%       Max Ammo  : Infinite
       Weapon Range: 1~2       Acc. Down : -2%

     Flame Thrower:   Wgt:	 Atk.Dmg:	Cost:
       Heat Stream    51        17x4         100
       Huoliu 1       60        20x4         200
       Huosai 2       70        24x4         460
       Huoyao 3       81        28x4         660
       Hot Cazel      93        33x4         780 

      Missile common info: 
       Damage Class: F         AP to used: 10
       Weapon Acc. : 80%       Max Ammo  : 6
       Weapon Range: 3~9       Acc. Down : -0%

      Missile Launcher Type:	Weight: Atk.Dmg:   Cost:
       Quill           81        73x1	     200
       Canary 2       ___        60x1         ___ 
       Starling       ___        73x1         ___
       Houoj 22       ___       _____         ___
       Huoje 34       ___       _____         ___
       Wagtail 2       96        87x1         380
       Yunsheng 34    109       104x1         460
       Yunsheng 38    __        104x1         ___
       Zhiniao 50     124       124x1         660
       Nightingale    ___       124x1         ___
       Dozel          ___       124x1         ___
       Bjariger       137       145x1         900

      Grenade common info: 
       Damage Class: F         AP to used: 12	Area: 5x5 range
       Weapon Acc. : 60%       Max Ammo  : 4
       Weapon Range: 3~6       Acc. Down : -0%

      Grenade Types:        Weight:  Atk.Dmg:	Cost:
       Wanzerfaust     92        62x1         260
       Type 10 GR     109        74x1         400
       Type 13 GR     124        88x1         600
       Type 14 GR     140       105x1         800
       Faust GGR      156       126x1        1000

Cannon:  not much information yet

     12mm MG       turret
     20mm MG       13x10  M. Gun  Hanniger, Haolong
     92mm Gun      M.Gun 103x2 AP 6
     17mm MG       Dual Cannon
     17.5mm MG     11x10  M. Gun attached at Mk9 AFV AP 5
     27mm MG     M.gun Chixuan_6
     25mm MG     M.Gun Mk20 AFV
     32mm MG      21x10
     120mm Gun     AP 6 72x2 Cannon MBT2 Kuarve
     130mm Gun     Cannon Mk54 MBT, Taita 4k, Armored Car
     160mm Gun     Cannon Monster 
     80mm Gun      Cannon Brenos gun
     40mm Gun      Cannon turret

					Wanzers Types and Skills:
Their are many types of wanzers so I break it down to classes so that be aware of what
opposing wanzers you intercept or attacks.

  Type A - ASSAULT Type of Wanzer can stand alone against 2-3 wanzers. 
            Some wanzers in Class A vary of their skill and good in combo attacks
            Class A are great on close and distance range combat attack. 
            Attack Damage : medium to high   Class I/P  Wanzer HP     : medium 
            Wanzer Defense: medium                      Mobility Range: medium
            Hit Rate Acc. : medium ++                   Attack Evade  : medium +++
  Type B - BACKUP Type of Wanzer same as assault but not very good in close combat
            Best to against Class M wanzers and vice versa make sure to equip Shield. 
            Attack Damage : medium           Class P/F  Wanzer HP     : medium to low
            Wanzer Defense: medium                      Mobility Range: medium to low
            Hit Rate Acc. : medium +++                  Attack Evade  : medium 

  Type C - Close Combat Type of Wanzer specialty on close range combat attack.
            Best to against any wanzers in the game. But poor on countering distance range.
            Attack Damage : High +++         Class I/P  Wanzer HP     : High
            Wanzer Defense: High                        Mobility Range: High
            Hit Rate Acc. : low to medium               Attack Evade  : medium 

  Type H - HEAVY SUPPORT Type of Wanzer long range fire support attack using Missile 
            and Grenade.  But poor in close combat attack. 
            Attack Damage : High ++          Class F    Wanzer HP     : medium to low
            Wanzer Defense: medium to low               Mobility Range: low 
            Hit Rate Acc. : High ++                     Attack Evade  : medium to low

  Type L - LIGHT SUPPORT Type of Wanzer snipers attacks. Same as Heavy support 
            Best part of this it concentrate on one part all the damage in single
            attack but poor in close combat attack. Try learning Aim ability, 
            Smash Ability or Pilot Damage attack best on this wanzers Class
            Attack Damage : medium to high   Class P    Wanzer HP     : low to medium
            Wanzer Defense: medium to low               Mobility Range: medium
            Hit Rate Acc. : High +++                    Attack Evade  : medium

  Wanzer Skill - each wanzers has it own ability in each part the your pilot will learn.
            So I add also each Body, Arms and Leg part skill.
            Note: You still needed to set upgrade Pilot Computer in order to add more skill.

         Below are list of Class and Wanzer Skill currently been discovered:

         Wanzer Name:  Type:    Body Skill:      Arms Skill:        Leg Skill:
         Zenislev        A        Tackle I       Dbl Assault        Initiative I
         Qibing 0        A        ???????        TopplePnch         ??????
         Shunyo Mk111   A/L       ???????        ???????            ??????        
         Prov PAW2       A        ???????        Dbl Shot I         ??????
         Yongsai_3       A        ???????        ROFUP III          ??????

         Grapple M1      C        Melee III      Dbl Punch I        Skill+2
         Foura M12A      C        ?????          Arm Smash          Escape
         Lanze           C        Tackle III     ?????              Avoid 40
         Tiandong 3     C/A       Tackle II      Eject Punch        Avoid 20
         Lenghe 1        C        InitiativeIII  ?????              ?????
         Wude 3          C        E-Acc-2        ?????              E-Skill-3
         Zeros           C        ?????          Shield Atk I       Initiative II
         Kasel M2        C        Melee II       Stun Punch         AP 30%

         Vinedrai        B        ?????          ?????              ?????
         Getty           B        ?????          ?????              E-Skill-2
         Shunwang 1      B        ?????          Aim Body           Evade Max
         Jinyo Mk110    B/L       ?????          ROFUP II           ?????
         Kyojun Mk107    B        Zoom I         ROFUP I            Brace I
         Kyokei Mk108    B        Melee I        Hit or Miss        DMGFix 100

         Grezex          L        Zoom III       Aim                Hard Knocks
         Rekson M4F     L/B       Zoom II        Bkup Fire          E-Skill+1
         Teiqi 4         L        E-Def-C2       Aim Leg            BraceII
         Shangdi 1       L        E-Acc-Null     Dbl Shot II        Exp x3
         Pare PAW1       L        E-Acc-1        Topple Shot        Evade 1

         Mingtian 1      H        ?????          Random Smash       Blackout
         Whisk           H        ?????          Salvo              Evade II
         Laiying I       H        Def-C2         Pilot DMGII        Skill+3
         Drake M2C       H        Chaff          Pilot DMGI         Exp x2
         Meledyne M1     H        E-Def-C1       Panic Shot         Skill+1
         Genie           H        Def-C1         Pilot DMGIII       ?????

         Enyo MK109      H        ?????          Leg Smash          ?????

These computer enables your pilot to trigger the ability of any parts of your wanzer.
The higher type upgrade of computer the higher of chances of triggering the ability.

       Pilots Computer Upgrade:
         Types:     Slots: Price:	 Available: 	  	Effect:
           Com 4       4     400	  none
           Com 5       5     500      none You arrived in Taipei 	none
           Com 6       6     600      none You arrived in Guangzhou	none
           Com B554    6    1000  Activate% [Up] low, Combo% [Down] You arrived in Guangzhou
           Com C754    6    1000  Activate% [Down] high, Combo% [Up]You arrived in Guangzhou
           Com B603    6    1000  Activate% [Up] med, Combo% [Down]
           Com C654    6    1000  Activate% [Down] med, Combo% [Up]
           Com C652    6    1000  Activate% [Up] high, Combo% [Down]
           Com C554    6    1000  Activate% [Down] low, Combo% [Up]
           Com G10     6    1000  Acquired% Up 

                                    Wanzers Upgrades:

                Level 1:  120/120     50/ 50        80/ 80
                   Typical Upgrade price/Max Upgrade price

            Typical Upgrade - parts are already upgrade to a certain level
            Max Upgrade - directly upgrade from level 0 to desired level upgrade

                    Prices Per Upgrade:
                  Body:       Arm:         Legs:     On Emma Story/On Alisa Story Guide
      Level 0:      240        100          320      none
      Level 1:  120/120     50/ 50        80/ 80     
      Level 2:  170/290     70/120       120/200     
      Level 3:  220/510     90/210       150/340     
      Level 4:  260/770    110/320       180/520     first arrive at DHZ, Guangzhou/ 
      Level 5: 320/1080    130/450       210/720     before headed to Longsheng/
      Level 6: 370/1440    150/600       240/960     after taking DHZ, Wuhan Base/
      Level 7: 410/1850    170/770      280/1340     at the Hangar of the Old Soldier/

                 Def-C:       Acc:    Eva/Boost:
      Level 1:   240/240   100/100       160/160
      Level 2:   360/600   150/250       240/400    first arrive at DHZ, Guangzhou/
      Level 3:  480/1080   200/450       320/720    after taking DHZ, Wuhan Base/ 
      Level 4:  600/1680   250/700      400/1120    at the Hangar of the Old Soldier/ 

      Wanzer parts HP |LV 1|LV 2|LV 3|LV 4|LV 5|LV 6| LV 7
         Wgt   : Weight consume power able needed to a parts.
         MC    : Melee Consume +/- for each part default melee max 238.
         B. Pow: Max power minus on weight for each parts including weapons & etc.
         Move  : Number of moving space range by wanzers legs can move.
         L-Type: Leg type, 2=normal type, 4=spider type & Hover type
                 Hover type of legs don't needed to upgrade Boost and Dash.

	Drake M2C:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762     Wgt/MC: 60/____
	   Arms HP:  184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 273| 314| 360| 412| 475| 544| 626     Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126%                  Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   O | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 5

	Enyo Mk109:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762     Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 283| 333| 393| 463| 544| 640| 756     Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up:   2%|+21%|+38%|+69%|+126%                   Move  : 2 
	   Evade  :  +0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2	
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Foura M12A:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 322| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762     Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533| 653     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696| 852     Wgt/MC: 19/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60%                   Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Genie:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919     Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 217| 255| 301| 355| 417| 491| 579     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 288| 360| 430| 504| 614| 696| 852     Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60%                   Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Getty:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  340| 387| 445| 510| 588| 673| 771| 887     Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566| 667     Wgt/MC: 36/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 330| 389| 459| 540| 635| 747| 882     Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 254
	   Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| 105%                   Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 4
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4
	   Dash   :   0 | +3 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 5

	Grapple M1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211   Wgt/MC: 39/_____
	   Arms HP:  292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662|  779|  919   Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Legs HP:  384| 437| 503| 576| 660| 760|  871| 1002   Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +36%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Grezex: 		Available: DHZ At Yang, Hangar area until succeeding stage
	   Body HP:  276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448     Wgt/MC: 51/_____
	   Legs HP:  228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Def-CUp:  +0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 269
	   Acc. Up: x14%|+23%|+38%|+62%| +103                   Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 4

	Hoshun Mk112:	Available: only after the Observatory event see Network
	   Body HP:  408| 501| 720| 842| 982| 1198| 1357| 1661  Wgt/MC: 37/_____
	   Arms HP:  300| 360| 450| 540| 630|  768|  870| 1065  Wgt/MC: 25/_____
	   Legs HP:  400| 480| 600| 720| 840| 1024| 1160| 1420  Wgt/MC: 35/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 350
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126%                  Move  : 5
	   Evade  :   0%|+10%|+24%|+40%| +59%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Jinyo Mk110:	Available: 
	   Body HP:  340| 387| 445| 510| 584| 673| 771| 887     Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  212| 241| 277| 318| 364| 419| 484| 553     Wgt/MC: 36/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730     Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 254
	   Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0  = 3

	Kasel M2:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  464| 547| 644| 760| 895| 1053| 1238| 1461  Wgt/MC: 39/_____
	   Arms HP:  292| 332| 382| 438| 502|  578|  662|  762  Wgt/MC: 15/_____
	   Legs HP:  384| 437| 503| 576| 660|  760|  871| 1002  Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +9%|+16%|+29%| +52%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Kyojun Mk107:	Available: 
	   Body HP:  340| 401| 472| 557| 656| 771| 907| 1071    Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566|  667    Wgt/MC: 36/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635|  730    Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 254
	   Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Kyokei Mk108:	Available: 
	   Body HP:  340| 387| 445| 510| 584| 673| 771| 887     Wgt/MC: 40/_____
	   Arms HP:  212| 250| 294| 347| 409| 481| 566| 667     Wgt/MC: 25/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635| 730     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 220
	   Acc. Up:  x7%|+12%|+22%|+40%| +73%                   Move  : 4
	   Evade  :   0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0  = 3

	Laiying 1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662| 779| 919     Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533| 653     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696| 852     Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+18%|+27%|+40%| +60%                   Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Lanze:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  464| 556| 698| 835| 974| 1187| 1345| 1647  Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  292| 332| 382| 438| 502|  578|  662|  762  Wgt/MC: 15/_____
	   Legs HP:  304| 460| 576| 691| 806|  983| 1113| 1363  Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+40%| +60%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x0%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +45|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0%| +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2%| +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Lenghe 1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  464| 556| 698| 835| 974| 1187| 1345| 1647  Wgt/MC: 39/_____
	   Arms HP:  292| 350| 438| 525| 613|  747|  846| 1036  Wgt/MC: 15/_____
	   Legs HP:  304| 460| 576| 691| 806|  983| 1113| 1363  Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | ___| ___| ___| ___ = ??
	   Dash   :   0 | ___| ___| ___| +1  = ??

	   Body HP:  292| 332| 382| 438| 502| 578| 662| 762     Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 209| 241| 276| 316| 364| 417| 480     Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 273| 314| 360| 412| 475| 544| 626     Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0 |+18%| ___| ___| ___                    B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+21%|+38%|+69%| +126%                  Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0 | +6%| ___| ___| ___                    L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | ___| ___| ___
	   Dash   :   0 | +0 | ___| ___| ___

	Mingtian 1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036    Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 220| 276| 331| 386| 471| 533|  653    Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  240| 288| 360| 432| 504| 614| 696|  852    Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88%                   Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Pare PAW1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  276| 314| 361| 414| 474| 546| 626| 720     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  172| 196| 255| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448     Wgt/MC: 51/_____
	   Legs HP:  228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 269
	   Acc. Up: x14%|+23%|+38%|+62%| +103%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0  = 3

	Prov PAW2:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  364| 414| 476| 546| 626| 720| 826| 950     Wgt/MC: 44/_____
	   Arms HP:  228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718     Wgt/MC: 33/_____
	   Legs HP:  300| 342| 393| 450| 516| 594| 681| 783     Wgt/MC: 48/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+42%| +60%                   B. Pow: 253
	   Acc. Up:  x9%|+16%|+29%|+52%| +94%                   Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: Hover 
	   Boost  :  none				
	   Dash   :  none 				

	Qibing 0:		Available: 
 	   Body HP:  453| 533| 629| 741|  872| 1026| 1206| 1423 Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  284| 335| 394| 465|  548|  694|  758|  894 Wgt/MC: 20/_____
	   Legs HP:  372| 438| 517| 610|  717|  844|  993| 1171 Wgt/MC: 26/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 231
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +37%                   Move  : 5
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Rekson M4F:		Available:
	   Body HP:  276| 314| 361| 414| 474| 546| 626| 720     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448     Wgt/MC: 51/_____
	   Legs HP:  228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 269
	   Acc. Up: x14%|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +0  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Shangdi 1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  172| 206| 258| 309| 361| 440| 498| 610     Wgt/MC: 51/_____
	   Legs HP:  228| 259| 298| 342| 392| 451| 517| 595     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +4%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow:269
	   Acc. Up: x14%|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +6%|+14%|+24%| +35%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Shunyo MK111:	Available: 
	   Body HP:  276| 331| 414| 496| 579| 706| 800| 979     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Arms HP:  172| 196| 225| 258| 295| 340| 390| 448     Wgt/MC: 51/_____
	   Legs HP:  228| 269| 316| 373| 440| 517| 608| 718     Wgt/MC: 38/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0 | +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 269
	   Acc. Up:   14|+25%|+45%|+81%| +147%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Shunwang 1:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  340| 408| 510| 612| 714| 870| 986| 1207    Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  254| 318| 381| 381| 445| 542| 614|  752    Wgt/MC: 36/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 319| 366| 420| 481| 554| 635|  730    Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0 | +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 254
	   Acc. Up: x10%|+18%|+32%|+58%| +105%                  Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
         Boost  :   2 | +0 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4
         Dash   :   0 | +3 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 5

	Tiandong 3:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211   Wgt/MC: 39/_____

         Arms HP:  292| 350| 438| 525| 613| 747|  846| 1036   Wgt/MC: 15/_____
	   Legs HP:  384| 453| 533| 629| 741| 871| 1025| 1209   Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +8%|+13%|+22%| +37%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 |+1   = 6	
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 |+1   = 5	

	Teiqi 4k / Teigi:	Available: 
	   Body HP:  312| 374| 468| 561| 655| 798| 904| 1107    Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Arms HP:  196| 231| 277| 321| 378| 444| 523|  617    Wgt/MC: 44/_____
	   Legs HP:  256| 302| 355| 419| 494| 581| 683|  806    Wgt/MC: 44/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+24%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 287
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88%                   Move  : 5
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

	Vinedrai:		Available: DHZ At Yang, Hangar area 
	   Body HP:  340| 408| 510| 612| 714| 870| 986| 1207    Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  254| 318| 381| 381| 445| 542| 614|  752    Wgt/MC: 36/_____
	   Legs HP:  289| 336| 420| 504| 588| 716| 812|  994    Wgt/MC: 43/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 254
	   Acc. Up:  10%|+16%|+27%|+44%| +74%                   Move  : 3
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Whisk:		Available: DHZ At Yang, Hangar area 
	   Body HP:  292| 350| 430| 525| 613| 747| 846| 1036    Wgt/MC: 60/_____
	   Arms HP:  184| 220| 276| 331| 356| 471| 533|  653    Wgt/MC: 45/_____
	   Legs HP:  280| 336| 420| 504| 588| 716| 812|  994    Wgt/MC: 18/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 344
	   Acc. Up: x12%|+19%|+32%|+53%| +88%                   Move  : 2
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0  = 3

	Wude 3:		
	   Body HP:  464| 547| 644| 760| 895| 1053| 1238| 1461  Wgt/MC: 39/_____
	   Arms HP:  292| 350| 438| 525| 613|  747|  846| 1036  Wgt/MC: 15/_____
	   Legs HP:  384| 437| 503| 576| 660|  760|  871| 1002  Wgt/MC: 59/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+15%|+30%|+45%| +60%                   B. Pow: 206
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +9%|+16%|+29%| +52%                   Move  : 6
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: Hover 
	   Boost  :  none
	   Dash   :  none

	Yongsai 3:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  364| 436| 546| 655| 764| 931| 1055| 1292   Wgt/MC: 44/_____
	   Arms HP:  228| 273| 342| 410| 478| 583|  661|  809   Wgt/MC: 33/_____
	   Legs HP:  300| 360| 450| 540| 630| 768|  870| 1065   Wgt/MC: 48/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 253
	   Acc. Up:  x9%|+14%|+24%|+40%| +66%                   Move  : 4
	   Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +1  = 6
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1  = 5

	Zenislev:		Available: 
	   Body HP:  452| 542| 678| 813| 949| 1157| 1310| 1604  Wgt/MC: 42/_____
	   Arms HP:  284| 335| 394| 465| 548|  694|  758|  894  Wgt/MC: 20/_____
	   Legs HP:  372| 438| 517| 610| 717|  844|  993| 1171  Wgt/MC: 55/_____
	   Def-CUp:   0%| +5%|+10%|+15%| +20%                   B. Pow: 231
	   Acc. Up:  x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25%                   Move  : 5
	   Evade  :   0 | +8%|+19%|+32%| +47%                   L-Type: 2
	   Boost  :   2%| +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7
	   Dash   :   0 | +2 | +1 | +0 | +1  = 4

         Body HP:  464| 528| 607| 696| 798| 918| 1053| 1211   Wgt/MC: 39/_____
         Arms HP:  292| 344| 405| 478| 563| 662|  779|  919   Wgt/MC: 15/_____
         Legs HP:  384| 453| 533| 629| 741| 871| 1025| 1209   Wgt/MC: 59/_____
         Def-CUp:   0%|+10%|+20%|+30%| +40%                   B. Pow: 206
         Acc. Up:  x5%| +7%|+11%|+16%| +25%                   Move  : 6
         Evade  :   0%| +4%|+10%|+16%| +24%                   L-Type: 2
         Boost  :   2 | +2 | +0 | +2 | +1  = 7 
         Dash   :   0 | +0 | +2 | +1 | +0  = 3 

Other Wanzer

    Kehei 0   : Lukav wanzers
       Body HP: 2500   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Arms HP: 1550   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Body         : Basic P-Gun
       Legs HP: 1500   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Hand    : none 
       Def-CUp: Lvl 4  B. Pow: ???            Right Hand   : 90mm Gun (Cannon)
       Acc. Up: Lvl 3  Move  : ??             Backpack     : none
       Evade  : Lvl 3  L-Type: 2

    Kexi 1    : Jared wanzers
       Body HP: 1775   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Arms HP: 1065   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Hand    : none
       Legs HP: 1420   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Shoulder: Yunsheng 44
       Def-CUp: Lvl 3  B. Pow: ???            Right Hand   : 32mm Gun (M.Gun)
       Acc. Up: Lvl 3  Move  : ??             Left Shoulder: Yunsheng 44
       Evade  : Lvl 3  L-Type: 2              Backpacks    : none

    Genie Arm : Serov wanzers
       Body HP:  695   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Arms HP:  417   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Body Weapon  :17.5mm MG
       Legs HP:  556   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Hand    : 130mm Gun 
       Def-CUp:  ????  B. Pow: ???            Left Shoulder: Miner AT 
       Acc. Up:  ????  Move  : 4              Right Hand   : GGR 50 
       Evade  :  ????  L-Type: 2              Left Shoulder: Miner AT 

     Kodomari : (advance version of Streich)
       Body HP:  472   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Arms HP:  330   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Hand    : ______
       Legs HP:  354   Wgt/MC: ???/???        Left Shoulder: ______
       Def-CUp:  15%   B. Pow: ???            Right Hand   : Exp Beam
       Acc. Up:  14%   Move  : 4              Left Shoulder: ______
       Evade  :  ????  L-Type: 2              Backpacks    : ______

    Iguchi Lylas: 
       Body HP:  350   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Arms HP:  184   Wgt/MC: ???/???        construction WZR 
       Legs HP:  240   Wgt/MC: ???/??? 
       Def-CUp:  none  B. Pow: ??? 
       Acc. Up:  none  Move  : 5 
       Evade  :  none  L-Type: 2

       Body HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Legs HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???        1st : 160mm Gun  C
       Def-CUp: ______ B. Pow: ???            2nd : 175.5mm MG M.Gun
       Acc. Up: ______ Move  : ??             3rd : ______
       Evade  : ______ L-Type: 2              4th : ______
       Boost  : ______ 
       Dash   : ______ 

    Haolong 4 (a.k.a. TARU)
       Body HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Legs HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???        1st : ______
       Def-CUp: ______ B. Pow: ???            2nd : ______
       Acc. Up: ______ Move  : ??             3rd : ______
       Evade  : ______ L-Type: 2              4th : ______
       Boost  : ______ 
       Dash   : ______ 

    Nilong 1
       Body HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Legs HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???        1st : ______
       Def-CUp: ______ B. Pow: ???            2nd : ______
       Acc. Up: ______ Move  : ??             3rd : ______
       Evade  : ______ L-Type: 2              4th : ______
       Boost  : ______ 
       Dash   : ______ 

    Qinghauang 1
       Body HP: 1775   Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Legs HP: 1420   Wgt/MC: ???/???        1st : Huoje 34
       Def-CUp: ????   B. Pow: ???            2nd : 32mm M3
       Acc. Up: ????   Move  : ??             3rd : none
       Evade  : ????   L-Type: 2              4th : none

     Bihu 1
       Body HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???     Weapons:
       Legs HP: ______ Wgt/MC: ???/???        1st : ______
       Def-CUp: ______ B. Pow: ???            2nd : ______
       Acc. Up: ______ Move  : ??             3rd : ______
       Evade  : ______ L-Type: 2              4th : ______
       Boost  : ______ 
       Dash   : ______ 

Thanks for posting my FAQs.
Thanks Squaresoft for the game makers also of Final Fantasy Series and etc.
This Faqs is property of Markweb.