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Front Mission 2 (e)


                   FAQ FRONT MISSION 2 




 Credits to Mike

              "Smoking pot enhances playing pleasure"

 Written By Marvick 

              "Just don't try it with Resident Evil DC" 


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=== CONTENT ===

- Manual

- Experiance

- Colossum

- Selecting weapons

- Weapons

- Missions

- Tactice

=== MANUAL ===

 This is not a direct translation but from a mag. And before you ask

it's in Chinese. Wanzer is a sucky name so I'll call them mechs.

(These japanese shessshh)

 AP = Action points

 These represent the number of actions you can take. Both you and your
enemies have AP. These are used when you move, Attack, Counter attack.

Looking at AP is very useful if an enemy dosen't have any AP left then 
it cannot counterattack the same applies to your own AP. Thats why the 
enemy gang up one of your mechs. You should also use this tactic.

Each weapon has it's own class. These can be seen in weapon status

 Each one has different attributes.

 P - Pierce

 S - Shock

 F - Fire

 N - Normal


 Battle Skill

 This represents how skillful your pilot is. When you gain level you also

gain a battle skill such as Feint. These increase your combat effectiveness

by giving bonuses to and multiple attacks.

 (See experiance)

 Honour Skill

 This repreants how famous your pilot is. Hmm famous is not appropriate

reputation is a better way to describe it. These are gain from killing

the enemy. Honour is very important as it determines if/how thw enemy 

counterattacks. A high honour means the enemy will not counterattack. it

also influances the enemy around you. I.E they'll swarm at your leader. 

 Computer skill

 Oviously how good your computer is. The computer aids your attack,skill

and movement.

 Fight is Hand to hand

 Close is short range

 Long  is Range greater than two

 Skill is for battle skill.


 I having an educated guess at these

 Your Charactors gain these in this order per level

L1  Feint            - Increase chance of hitting HTH ???

L2  Critical         - Increase damge

L3  Best postion     - Increase chance of hitting gun

L4  Heat Point       -  Decrease enemy counterattack ???

L5  First		   - You don't alway get attack first ???

L6  First Legs       - Attack legs first


 After every mission you will be able to gain money and be able to spend 

it. If there is no garage or shop around you can by weapons on the 

Blackmarket.  On the blackmarket you are unable to sell items though. 

It is highly recommended that you spend some time in the colossum. 

Challenging in solo mode to gain additional money and Team to see how well

your mech stand up. It's better than testing them in battle. 

Almost at once you will see how outclassed your mechs are. In the Colssume

Hurt Clubs are king weapons. But in Missions they are less usefull can't 

attack choppers with them.  As you already guessed you cannot gain exp in 

colossume. But gainning a huge amount of money you can afford to deck out 

your mechs with the best parts. Don't ever go into mission without the

lattest equipment and test them in the arena. Heavy Flamers are also 

swell wepons as they can hit 4 times at 20 HP but they can't reach aircraft.

 LOCATION           CODE

 burbs               offset


The answer is there is no ultimate combination. Except in the colossum

 where Hurt Club is King. Earlier on it is easy to choose just arm your 

Mechs with anything and if that fails restart and rearm with approiate 

weapons but later on it this advantage is lost. After Mission 8 you will

 be fighting a large number of mech, tanks and choppers so you can't arm 

your mechs for specific enemies.

Specialise units

Mike likes to specialise his mechs. Arming one with all Long range

missels, one with cannons, with Shotguns, with Hurt clubs.  Placing the

short Range and HtH in front while Long range behind. In straight forward

confrontations this works perfectly. But in mission where your mechs are 

split up, running forward cohersiveness is difficult to maintain. If you 

can handel the logistics (Can anyone?) of a squad like this you can total

the enemy.


I prefer my mechs to be good all rounders.  Overspecialise and

you breed weakness Mikes specialise squad was attacked by a Gunner which 

ruined hes defence. A good squad should be able to tackle all situations 

and suprises the computer springs. I like to arm my squad with a Hurt Club,

Junirex, Owl and a shoulder pad. Hurt club I use first as it can destroy 

an arm immediately. Junirex is good all rounder hitting air and ground it 

has plenty of amo (use the AssRifle when you get it) Owl to hit air/ground

targets and a Shoulder shield many of you will notice that it reduces 

moblity and speed while increase defence. It dosn't count to your arm HPs.

But it's great when your Charactors reach Level5+ They can use them to 

block enemy attacks and suffer no damage.

We both agree on backpacks 

have your front liners the mechs you attack with first equip them with 

Backpacks that enhance there Combat ablitiy while the other have backpacks

to store one repair x3 one rebirth. Your front mechs keep fighting while

rear ones repair them.

=== WEAPONS ===

 TIP - You can move one square

 in any direction and fire your long range weapoon


 HURT CLUBS            - Best weapon equip :-)

 JUNIEX                - Good general weapon


 === MISSIONS ===


 Your base is under attack


You get to equip your mechs before entering combat. 

Don't worry about Griff he's mech get's it and is captured, you'll

rescue him later on. Stay together and head for the enemy trucks they

are sitting ducks and provided plent of EXP. Use a Mech to block off

there escape route. 


 Steal Tech

Escort a Truck to the base picking up some stuff

Leave one HTH mech with the NPC mecs to guard the rear and flank.

You have to protect the truck lose the truck and it's over. Have your mechs

charge forward and engage the enemy. Once the truck has got the stuff

it will leave so secure it's escape route. It also calls down airsupport a

bit useless. Any damage mechs should make there way to the nearest edge to

aviod friendly fire. The mission is over once you eliminate all enemy.


 Rescue POW

Plenty of choppers and mechs to deal with. Don't waste time since

half way through your stolen chopper will return with enemy on there trail

protect it at all cost. Gang up on the closet mechs and mince them them

move down onto the beach and take apart the Tanks. Reapir your mechs and 

wait for the enemy to attack you form a nice line to face there attack.


 Resuce Griff 


 Attack enemy

 === TACTICS ===

 - When attacking an enemy use a HTH weapon which applies a large amount of

damage to one area. The Most desired area is an arm. Why not body well 

taking out an arm means that the enemy may not counterattack, when both arms

are gone the enemy is helpless (Later on they get body weapons). Arms have

less HP combined then the body. When crippled This alows you to attack freely

and get more EXP. Not only that but you have a 50% chance of hitting the 

bad guy the other 50% is body and legs. Fail to destroy the arm with one hit

use a gun next turn with it's multiple hits one is bound to take out the arm.


 = Take out enemy repair viehcles asap these are the tiny looking mechs.

being Unarmed they are easy kills. These are used to repair the enemy mechs

The enemy will target your own repair mechs.

 - Gang up and take out one enemy unit. As stated before drain the enemies

AP and gain attacks in which the enemy cannot counter. It is much better to

take out one mech then distribute damage over three since next turn you will

only get attack twice. Also once a mech has lost it arms it is a cripple

leave it if there are other enemy mechs. On the other hand mike points out

that if one of your mechs is close to gainning a level it might be worth

attacking the crippled mech and reciveing a large dump of EXP perhaps enough

to go up a level. I point out this uses APs and leaves you more vulrnable.


 - If you have two crippled mechs repair the one with spare repairs since

that mech can repair the other mech.

sorry about the text breakup
 I'll fix this in the next update