Andere Lösungen

Fire Pro Wrestling G (e) (PSX)

by Human Entertainment for the SONY PLAYSTATION

Translation for Fighting Road 
v 0.1

By Vash the Stampede

Last update: 7/29/1999

This is a translation for the dialog that occurs during the Fighting Road
mode.  It's an ongoing project, which I plan to update frequently until
I run out of things to translate (which as of now is a ways off).

I've decided to use the game's fictional names for now.  I don't know or
recognize all of the wrestlers and certainly can't put real names to faces
for everyone.  Maybe down the road, I will.

The default name for the player's wrestler is Yuji Yamamoto, "The Hope of 
a New Star."  He's going to be referred to as YY here.  All names will be
in Given-Family name format so as to avoid confusion with Japanese names.

Things that are being thought by the main character are enclosed in 
brackets [like this].
Things that happen but not explicitly shown in story mode are enclosed in 
parentheses (like this).
If any dialogue or monologue is longer than one line, a line that ends 
where the player is prompted to push a button to continue will end like 
this. |

Send comments to
If you have corrections for something you feel was mistranslated, please
let me know (and try to be descriptive in your correction).  I'm not 
fluent in Japanese and this project was born not just from a curiosity
of what was going on, but to strengthen my current knowledge of the 
language.  Therefore, I can't guarantee that this is a 100% accurate
translation, but I can say with confidence that it is pretty accurate.
It's not authorized by anyone who would have the, um, authority to do so.

[I... have won... the glorious championship belt is in my hands...] |
[The cheers of the crowd reaches my ears... Many people are coming to 
congratulate me...] |
[The moment I've dreamed of has arrived...] |

Hey!  Hey you!

[ ? ]

Hey, do me a favor and wake up.  Otherwise, the coach'll yell at us.

[ The coach? ] |
[ ... ]

You awake?

Ah, man... it was just a dream.

"Ah, man" is it?  Hurry up and maybe he won't notice.

Got it.  I'm getting up.

That was quick.

[That's right... Yesterday, I became a student of this dojo.] |
[For the sake of fulfilling my dream of becoming a great wrestler...] 

Fine.  I'll train you.  But you better be willing to work to the point of 
exhaustion. |
We'll see if you've got heart.  Someone with heart can push himself to his 
limits, to outlast his opponent until that opportunity to win. |
Show me what you're made of!
(End Flashback)

Alright, then.  This is the beginning of my new life!

(Dialog choice)
(1. I'll do it!)
(2. I'll surprise the coach with how strong I'll become. )
(3. I have to approach this calmly. )

(Choice 2)
Thinking of tackling me already?  Need to learn to walk before you can 

Ack! | Coach...

Quit fooling around and get ready!

Yes, Coach!  Sorry, Coach!  I'm hurrying!

What was that all about?

Nothing, it's fine.

(End Choice 2)

[ This is Koichi Sakaue.  Even though we met just yesterday, we talk like
  we're old friends. ] |
[ He was applying to enter the dojo at the same time that I came here.
  Eventually, we were both accepted in the same entering class of students
  and we help each other out. ]

What is it?

Nothing.  I'll be going in a little while.

Weird guy...

(Fade out, then back in)

Done warming up?


Mmm.  We'll begin immediately with a training session. |
What's the first thing you want to work on?  After the development of
physical strength, what do you think is the next most important thing?


(Dialog Choice)
(1. Defensive positioning)
(2. Back-grappling)
(3. Ropework)

(Choice 3)
Mm. |
It's surprising, the tendency to neglect this essential aspect of
wrestling.  Fine, let's start. |
We'll work on this relentlessly for maybe about a week.

[ The coach smiled for just an instant.  That sent a chill down my spine.] |
[ I really didn't know much up until I came here, but now I'm learning
  from one of the best coaches there is.  Nearby, Koichi was also learning,
  as we began preparing for our new way of life. ]

( Fade out, then back in )

[ Eleven months have passed. ] | 
[ Koichi and I would occasionally take a
  break from our training at night and hang out.  All in all, it was a
  great time in my life. ]

I'm here!

[ He had a pretty intense look.  I imagine I had that look as well. ] |
[ Eleven months of training has brought us up until now. ]

( Sound of a car pulling up )

[ The sound of brakes caused us to snap to attention ]

YY & Koichi:
Morning, Coach!

Mm.  You two are pretty punctual today, eh?

YY & Koichi:
Yes sir!

Mm.  Ah, yes... |
Today, you two are going to spar in the style of a real match.

YY & K:

What's the matter, you don't want to?

No, no!  We'll do it!


Really. |
Before, we'd just stop when we said so.  On the pro level, you compete
until the match is done. |
It's something you need to acquaint yourselves with, since all wrestlers
compete this way. |
So when I tell you to spar like a real match, my intention is to start
getting you used to that. |
Think of this as a big step towards becoming pro!  Pay attention as you

YY & K:
Yes sir!

( Match 1: Yamamoto vs. Sakaue )

( If Yamamoto def. Sakaue )

Well, now you two have really begun. |  
It probably wasn't what you were expecting. |
It's almost time for the public sparring match.  You'll spar again then
just like this.  You two still have a number of flaws to work out, so spend
the rest of the day working on them so that maybe you won't have them next

YY & K:
Yes sir!


As usual, yet another tough evaluation from the coach.

Yeah, but...

(Dialog choice)
(1. ...his opinion will change in time!)
(2. seemed like a good match to me.)
(3. bit too harsh.)

(Choice 1)
So it doesn't bother you?  You must be used to it, which means you hear it
from him alot.

Very funny.

Heheheh. |
I may have lost this time, but next time I'll win.

Heh!  I'll just put you down again.

I'll remember that.

Well, time to work untill we drop.

But... |
Didn't the coach say something about a public sparring match?

Now that you mention it, he did.  Who do you think will show up to it?

Student hopefuls, maybe?  They'll come to see our match to help them 
decide whether or not to join.

That's probably it.

( Fade out )

[ But it would turn out to be quite different from what we were thinking.
  Three days passed relatively uneventfully, until... ]

( Fade in, followed by sound of approaching car )

That's probably the coach pulling in now.

Hey.  What's up?

YY & Koichi:

[ We were more than a little surprised when we saw that Hurricane Rikimaru
  had shown up! ]

What's this?  Coach Jakugen hasn't shown up yet?

We're a bit early, aren't we?

[ Behind him was Zombie Masa. ]

W-w-w-w-why are they here?

Ah.  Your class.  A demonstration from two of your class.

YY & Koichi:

Today's the public sparring match, right?

U, uh...

Ah, you made it.

Hey.  Didn't you tell these two about this?

I told them they were involved. |
I didn't tell them anything else or they might have worked
themselves up into a panic and chicken out.  So I only told them
that there was a public sparring match.

Haha... Harsh as ever.

[ Then the whole thing got bigger as more people showed up.] |
[ Tommy Bomber from Olive Japan, ] |
[ Rocky Tsuji from New IW, ] |
[ Grade Hayate from Yukiguni Pro, ] |
[ Akira Saejin from the UWH, ] |
[ and a reporter from the mass media all arrived. ] |
[ We felt sheepish as the look at us in askance and then turned their 
  attention towards the ring. ]

Get started you two.



This is no time for this foolishness!  Everyone is watching!  You can
act like statues later! |
You two have made it this far through my regimen.  That says a lot.  Now
show them how you did it!  Now get going!

YY & Koichi:
Y-yes, sir!

Alright, let's go Yuji!

Yeah, we'll show them what we're made of!

( Match 2: Yamamoto vs. Sakaue )

*** End of guide (for now) ***

Translation Notes:

The T-shirt the coach wears contains the abbreviation of the motto of a
Japanese fuedal lord.  Literally, it says "Wind, Woods, Fire, Mountain."
The whole motto is:

"Swift like the wind,
 Quiet like the woods,
 Overwhelming like fire,
 Immovable like a mountain."

- eof -