Andere Lösungen

Fire Pro Wrestling G (e) (PSX)

Released on June 24, 1999 in Japan.

                         Fire Prowrestling G
        Copyright © 1999 Fire Pro Club.  All Rights Reserved.
                          By The IceMaster
                 Originally Compiled By Mike Sweetser
         Based on a format designed by The Mysterious Kagura

     The latest revision of this document can always be found at
                       Fire Prowrestling G Dome

                          Also Available at

                   Last Updated 07/29/1999 22:54:58

      This file may be posted on Web sites or be distributed in any
      other electronic medium so long as proper credit is given and
      the original source of the file is acknowledged. It cannot be
      sold without prior consent from the author.


    I. Mode Select Screen
   II. One Night Match
  III. One Night Tournament
   IV. Open League
    V. Elimination Match (5 on 5)
   VI. Battle Royal
  VII. Death Match
 VIII. Gruesome Fighting
   IX. Fighting Road
    X. Edit Ranking
   XI. Edit Mode
  XII. Wrestler Edit (EDIT Submode)
 XIII. Organization Edit (EDIT Submode)
  XIV. Rename (EDIT Submode)
   XV. Organization Change (EDIT Submode)
  XVI. Dojo
 XVII. Title Match
XVIII. Option
  XIX. Memory Card
   XX. Other Information
  XXI. Credits


I. -M O D E  S E L E C T  S C R E E N

OPEN LEAGUE                EDIT MODE
DEATH MATCH                OPTION
  [Description of Highlighted Mode]

Title Match will only appear after you've completed Fighting Road once.


II. -O N E  N I G H T  M A T C H


Blue Corner     

Red Corner      

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall (Pin), Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall - 3 Falls    

Ring            VIEW JAPAN (New Japan) - RANDOM 

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1(easiest) - 10(hardest)

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (not implemented in this mode)
(Set to ON, this option causes CP vs CP matches to be highlighted instead
of being shown in full)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON
(Pins and submission holds are broken if you are touching the ropes)

Lumberjack      OFF, ON
(As soon as a wrestler is thrown out of the ring or manually exits,
he will automatically re-enter)

Tornado Battle  OFF, ON 
(In tag matches, all Participants are allowed in the ring at once)

Cut Play        OFF, ON 
(In tag matches, allows partner interference when in danger)

DQ Count        OFF, ON
(If set to ON, referee will count up to 5 for an illegal act that he
sees, if you don't stop, you will be disqualified)

Outside Count   OFF, ON
(If set to ON, referee will count up to 20 when a wrestler is outside)

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM
(Choose from the available in-game background music, four extras are
unlocked once you complete Edit Ranking)

        - Done -

-Wrestler Select
     Use Left/Right to choose an organization, its logo is displayed on the
     upper right corner above the wrestler's profile. Use Up/Down and press
     O once to choose a wrestler. Arrows will appear on either side of his
     stance animation, use Left/Right to choose from one of his four
     available costumes (Edit Wrestlers can only have one but is treated
     like he has four costumes that look identical.) Now press O again to
     confirm, or use X to cancel and choose another wrestler.

III. -O N E  N I G H T  T O U R N A M E N T

-Initial Screen
     Back to Mode Select

***New Game

-Name Entry

[Tournament Name]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


You may enter a name for your tournament or stay with the default name
(which is "One Night Tournament").

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)


Battle type     Single, Tag, Mixed

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall, Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall

Ring            VIEW JAPAN - RANDOM

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        OFF, ON

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON

Lumberjack      OFF, ON

Tornado Battle  OFF, ON (for use in tag matches only)

Cut Play        OFF, ON (for use in tag matches only)

DQ Count        OFF, ON

Outside Count   OFF (No Ringouts allowed in this mode)

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Wrestler Entry

Use left/right for CP/1P/END. If you choose CP or 1P, the Wrestler Select
will show up for you to choose a wrestler for the CP or 1P to control.
Choose end when you've entered all the participants that you wish to be
in this tournament (minimum of 4 participants in this mode).

It will ask you if you're sure you want to proceed, choose the first one
to continue or the second option to cancel and continue choosing your

-Tournament Brackets

Pressing X on this screen will bring up the following menu:

(NOTE: Choosing the 2nd option on the above mentioned menu will Enable
 Auto Mode to let the tournament run automatically)

IV. -O P E N  L E A G U E

-Initial Screen
     Back to Mode Select


-Name Entry

[Name of Tournament]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


Enter a name for your League (round robin tournament) or stay with the
default name ("Open League").

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)

Battle type     Single, Tag, Mixed

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall, Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall

Ring            VIEW JAPAN - RANDOM

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        OFF, ON

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (SHOOT), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON

Lumberjack      OFF, ON

Tornado Battle  OFF, ON (for use in tag matches only)

Cut Play        OFF, ON (for use in tag matches only)

DQ Count        OFF, ON

Outside Count   OFF, ON

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Wrestler Entry

Use left/right for CP/1P/END. If you choose CP or 1P, the Wrestler Select
will show up for you to choose a wrestler for the CP or 1P to control.
Choose end when you've entered all the participants that you wish to be
in this tournament (minimum of 4 participants in this mode).

It will ask you if you're sure you want to proceed, choose the first one
to continue or the second option to cancel and continue choosing your

-League Chart

Pressing X on this screen will bring up the following menu:

(NOTE: Choosing the 3rd option on the above mentioned menu will Enable
 Auto Mode to let the tournament run automatically)

V. -E L I M I N A T I O N  M A T C H (5 vs 5)

This mode allows 2 teams of 5 wrestlers to battle one another in competitive
elimination singles matches.

-Initial Screen
     Team EDIT
     Return to Mode Select



Blue Corner     

Red Corner      

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall, Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall only

Ring            VIEW JAPAN - RANDOM

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (not implemented in this mode)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (SHOOT), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON

Lumberjack      OFF, ON

Tornado Battle  - (not implemented in this mode)

Cut Play        - (not implemented in this mode)

DQ Count        OFF, ON

Outside Count   OFF, ON

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Following Screen

          Choose teams (press start at the next screen for a random
          Marathon     (after a team member is eliminated, another member of
                        his team will take his place and battle until the
                        opposing team's member is defeated; this cycle
                        continues until all members of the opposing team are
          Rank         (team captain vs team captain, and so on, only)
          Random       (completely random match ups)

VI. -B A T T L E  R O Y A L


Battle type     - (not implemented in this mode)

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall, Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall

Ring            VIEW JAPAN - RANDOM

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (Not implemented in this mode)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON

Lumberjack      OFF, ON

Tornado Battle  - (not implemented in this mode)

Cut Play        - (not implemented in this mode)

DQ Count        OFF, ON

Outside Count   OFF, ON

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Battle Royal Submenu

                     1. Normal       (wrestlers can be eliminated by all
                                      normal circumstances depending on the
                                      "Match Type" chosen in the Match
                                      Configuration screen)
                     2. Endless      (If a wrestler is eliminated, he may
                                      continue fighting until the ends of
                                      the match. Eliminated wrestlers are
                                      darkened to make it easier for the
                                      remaining participants to identify
                                      who else is still legal in the ring)
                     3. Over-The-Rope(getting thrown out of the ring also
                                      eliminates you; keep in mind that this
                                      feature was never intended to be
                                      interpreted as an "Over-The-Top-Rope"
                                      elimination style Battle Royal, and
                                      you can also be eliminated by exiting
                                      the ring through free will)
                     4. Back to mode select

-Wrestler Select
     For each of the four participants, press O on the box once to choose
     who controls him (CP, a player, or Empty -- Empty allows you to have
     battle royals with less than 4 participants). Use O again to make
     your selection and choose wrestlers as normal. Once you're finished,
     press Start to bring up the following menu:
          Start Match
          Cancel (continue the selection process)
          Return to mode select

VII. -D E A T H  M A T C H

-Initial Screen
     One Night Match
     Back to mode select


Blue Corner     CP, 1P, 2P

Red Corner      CP, 1P, 2P

Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall, Only Give Up

Explosion Time  1 min. - No Time Limit
(Time until the explosion, you can continue fighting afterwards)

Time Limit      1 min. - No Time Limit
(Time limit of the match)

Match Fall      1 Fall only

Ring            Electrified Exploding Steel Cage Death Match Ring only

Match Location  Kawajima Stadium only

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (not implemented in this mode)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      - (not implemented in this mode)

Lumberjack      - (not implemented in this mode)

Tornado Battle  - (not implemented in this mode)

Cut Play        - (not implemented in this mode)

DQ Count        - (not implemented in this mode)

Outside Count   - (not implemented in this mode)

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Wrestler Select
     Use Left/Right to choose an organization, its logo is displayed on the
     upper right corner above the wrestler's profile. Use Up/Down and press
     O once to choose a wrestler. Arrows will appear on either side of his
     stance animation, use Left/Right to choose from one of his four
     available costumes (Edit Wrestlers can only have one but is treated
     like he has four costumes that look identical.) Now press O again to
     confirm, or use X to cancel and choose another wrestler.


This mode allows you to have submission-style shoot fights in the octagon.

-Initial Screen
     One Night Match
     Back to Mode Select


Blue Corner     CP, 1P, 2P

Red Corner      CP, 1P, 2P

Match Type      Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall only

Ring            Octagon only

Match Location  Bayside Coliseum only

COM Level       1 - 10

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (not implemented in this mode)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      - (not implemented in this mode)

Lumberjack      - (not implemented in this mode)

Tornado Battle  - (not implemented in this mode)

Cut Play        - (not implemented in this mode)

DQ Count        - (not implemented in this mode)

Outside Count   - (not implemented in this mode)

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

                - Done -

-Fighter Select
     Use Left/Right to choose an organization, its logo is displayed on the
     upper right corner above the wrestler's profile. Use Up/Down and press
     O once to choose a wrestler. Arrows will appear on either side of his
     stance animation, use Left/Right to choose from one of his four
     available costumes (Edit Wrestlers can only have one but is treated
     like he has four costumes that look identical.) Now press O again to
     confirm, or use X to cancel and choose another wrestler.


IX. -F I G H T I N G  R O A D

-Initial Screen
     Back to Mode Select


-Name Entry

[Nickname     ]     [Short name]     [Long Name]
[Replacer- Toggle long/short name order] [Separator between short/long name]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


    [ Current Nickname and Short/Long Name Displayed              ] 

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)

-Statistics Screen

Class (Weight Class):
1-Heavy Class
2-Junior Heavy Class

Year of Birth                   1900 - 1999

Month of Birth                  1 - 12

Day of Birth                    1 - 31

1- Amateur 
2- Judo 
3- Karate 
4- Gymnastics 
5- Sumo 
6- Weightlifting
7- Delienquent 
8- None

-Wrestler Edit Screen

                         Wrestler Make (Appearance)
                         Skill Edit (Character Profile)
      [WRESTLER PIC]     Parameter Edit (Attributes)
                         Skill Equipment (Moves)

See Edit Mode section for details on these options.

X. -E D I T  R A N K I N G

-Initial Screen
     Back to Mode Select


-Name Entry

[Nickname     ]     [Short name]     [Long Name]
[Replacer- Toggle long/short name order] [Separator between short/long name]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


    [ Current Nickname and Short/Long Name Displayed              ] 

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)

-Edit Ranking Ladder

The following menu is shown at the bottom-left of the screen:
     Do Match
     Edit Wrestler
     Save to Memory
     Write to Memory Card
     Back to Mode Select


XI. -E D I T  M O D E

-Edit Mode Submenu
     Wrestler EDIT
     Organization EDIT
     Organization Change
     Back to Mode Select

The Edit Mode is seperated into four seperate submodes, Wrestler EDIT (Make
up to 77 edit wrestlers per memory card), Organization EDIT (Make up to 5
edit organizations per memory card), Rename (allows you to rename the game's
default organizations and wrestlers to their real names), and Organization
Change (change the promotion affiliation of all the wrestlers in the game).


XII. -W R E S T L E R  E D I T

-Initial Screen
                                Select Model Wrestler
                                Name Entry
                                Wrestler Make (Appearance)
                                Skill Edit (Character Profile)
      WRESTLER PIC              Parameter Edit (Attributes)
                                Skill Equipment (Moves)
     (Wrestler Name)            CPU Logic (Brain of CP)
                                Data Protection (Load/Save/Delete)
                                End (Exit this mode)


Use this to choose one of the wrestlers in the game by default (this also
includes any hiddens that you may have unlocked through Fighting Road).
His name, appearance, statistical information in Skill Edit, moves, and
CPU Logic will be loaded (anything in Skill Edit that uses points --
Critical, Special Skill, Body Part strengths, etc. -- as well as the
Parameter Edit, however, will not be loaded so you will have to fill them
in yourself after loading a model).

This is useful for making updated versions of wrestlers who are already in
the game by default. It can also be used to replace a wrestler, refer to
Organization Change for the method used to hide a default so that he will
not show up at all during wrestler selections.

-Wrestler Select
     Use Left/Right to choose an organization, its logo is displayed on the
     upper right corner above the wrestler's profile. Use Up/Down and press
     O once to choose a wrestler. Arrows will appear on either side of his
     stance animation, use Left/Right to choose from one of his four
     available costumes (Edit Wrestlers can only have one but is treated
     like he has four costumes that look identical.) Now press O again to
     confirm, or use X to cancel and choose another wrestler.


[Nickname     ]     [Short name]     [Long Name]
[Replacer- Toggle long/short name order] [Separator between short/long name]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


    [ Current Nickname and Short/Long Name Displayed              ] 

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)


***Wrestler Make
Everything in this screen affects ONLY the wrestler's outward appearance.
His stance and size will NOT affect his actual fighting style, strength,
etc. Refer to Skill Edit for Fighting Style, Speed, etc.

3-Amaresu (Amateur Wrestling)
9-Ko-budou (Old-Budo)


(Hold X to scroll through these without changing any other Make settings)
0-Tatsumi Fujinami
1-Shinya Hashimoto
2-Kensuke Sasaki
3-Kazuo Yamazaki
4-Junji Hirata
5-Osamu Kido
6-Takayuki Iizuka
7-Satoshi Kojima
8-Manabu Nakanishi
9-Osamu Nishimura, Masakatsu Funaki (different hair)
10-Yuji Nagata
11-Tadao Yasuda
12-Antonio Inoki
13-Riki Chosyu
14-Animal Hamaguchi
15-Jyushin Lyger
16-El Samurai
17-Koji Kanemoto
18-Shinjiro Ohtani
19-Kendo Ka Shin, Masato Yakushiji (masked)
20-Tatsuhiro Takiawa
21-Tiger Mask (Saturo Sayama)
22-Dynamite Kid
23-Davey Boy Smith
24-Black Tiger (Marc Rocco)
25-Norio Honaga
26-Kusetu Yamamoto
27-Masahiro Chono
28-Keiji Mutoh
29-Hiroyoshi Tenzan
30-Hiro Saito
31-nWo Sting
32-Big Titan
33-Shiro Koshinaka
34-Kengo Kimura
35-Tatsutoshi Goto
36-Michiyoshi Ohara
37-Kuniaki Kobayashi
38-Akitoshi Saito
39-Akira Nogami
40-Mitsuharu Misawa
41-Kenta Kobashi
42-Toshiaki Kawada
43-Akira Taue
44-Jun Akiyama
45-Hiroshi Hase
46-Takao Omori
47-Tamon Honda
48-Jun Izimuda
49-Yoshihiro Takayama
50-Masahiro Kakihara
51-Stan Hansen
52-Johnny Ace
53-Gary Albright
54-Wolf Hawkfield
55-Johnny Smith
56-Maunekea Mossman
57-Headhunter A
58-Headhunter B
59-Giant Baba
60-Jumbo Tsuruta
61-Dory Funk Jr.
62-Bruiser Brody
63-Abdullah The Butcher
64-Yoshinari Ogawa
65-Masanobu Fuchi
66-Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
67-Tiger Mask II (Mitsuharu Misawa)
69-Masato Tanaka
70-Hisakatsu Ohya
71-Hiromichi Fuyuki
72-Koji Nakagawa
73-Mr. Gannosuke/Eddy Guerrero
75-W*ING Kanemura
76-Atsushi Onita
77-Mike Awesome
78-Mitsuhiro Matsunaga
79-Shoji Nakamaki
80-Tarzan Goto
81-Ryuma Go
82-Shunji Takano
83-Mr. Pogo
84-Tiger Jeet Singh
85-The Great Kabuki, Akira Nogami (different mask)
86-Koji Kitao
88-Ricky Fuji
89-Masao Orihara
90-Genichiro Tenryu
91-Nobutaka Araya
93-Super Delfin
94-Jinsei Shinzaki
95-Gran Hamada
96-Gran Naniwa
97-Tiger Mask IV, Masked Tiger (Takeshi Ono)
98-Naohiro Hoshikawa
99-Masato Yakushiji
101-Hulk Hogan
102-Randy Savage
104-The Great Muta, Yuki Ishikawa (facepaint)
105-Rick Steiner
106-Scott Steiner
107-Scott Norton
108-Bret Hart
109-Kevin Nash
110-Ric Flair
111-Chris Benoit
112-Black Tiger II (Eddy Guerrero)
113-Ultimo Dragon
114-Chris Jericho
115-Rey Misterio Jr
116-Kaz Hayashi
117-Steve Austin
118-The Undertaker
119-Road Warrior Hawk
120-Road Warrior Animal
121-Shawn Michaels
122-Big Van Vader
123-Ken Shamrock
124-Dan Severn
126-Steve Williams
127-Terry Gordy
129-The Patriot
130-Doug Furnas
131-Terry Funk
132-Bam Bam Bigelow
133-Andre The Giant
134-TAKA Michinoku
135-Dick Togo
136-Men's Teioh
137-Shoichi Funaki
138-Phil LaFon
139-Rob Van Dam
141-Yoshihisa Yamamoto
142-Tsuyoshi Kohsaka
143-Kiyoshi Tamura
144-Blitzarde Tariel
145-Volk Han
146-Dick Vrij
147-Hans Nyman
148-Kenichi Yamamoto
149-Akira Maeda
150-Yoshiaki Fujiwara
151-Yuki Ishikawa
152-Daisuke Ikeda
153-Alexander Otsuka
154-Masakatsu Funaki
155-Minoru Suzuki
156-Manabu Yamada
157-Bas Rutten
158-El Hijo Del Santo
160-Negro Casas
162-Dr. Wagner Jr.
163-Dos Caras
164-Mil Mascaras
165-Nobuhiko Takada
166-Yoji Anjoh
167-Naoki Sano
168-Mitsuya Nagai
169-Rickson Gracie
170-Gerald Gordeau
171-Maurice Smith
172-Masaaki Satake
173-Naoya Ogawa
174-Don Frye
175-Roland Bock
177-Karl Gotch
178-Lou Thesz
179-Super Tiger
180-Tetsuhiro Kuroda
181-Takeshi Ono
182-Diamond Dallas Page
183-The Rock
184-Mike Burton (Bart Gunn)
186-Paul Wight (The Giant)
187-Mike Bernardo
188-Ernesto Hoost
189-Andy Hug
190-Peter Aerts
191-Aleksandr Karelin
192-Enson Inoue
193-Rumena Saito
194-Super Strong Machine (Junji Hirata), Kenichi Yamamoto (masked)
195-Damian 666
196-Rusher Kimura
197-Masa Saito
198-Umanosuke Ueda
199-Rick Rude
200-Ted DiBiase
202-Chris Dolman
203-Dusty Rhodes
204-Kendo Nagasaki
206-Tatsuo Nakano
207-Haruka Eigen
208-Nobutaka Araya (shaved head)
209-Dean Malenko
211-Royce Gracie
213-The Great Zebra (Shunji Takano)
214-Kouki Kitahara
215-The Great Nita (Atsushi Onita)
216-Giant Machine
217-Giant Kimala
218-Super Delfin (Mobile Suit Gundam)
219-Jyushin Lyger (original outfit)
220-Jyushin Lyger (Fire Lyger)
221-Freddy Kreuger
222-The Great Wazma (2 Cold Scorpio)
223-Tiger Mask III (Koji Kanemoto)
224-Scott Hall (Razor Ramon)
225-Dick Murdoch
226-Shiryu (Kaz Hayashi)
227-Keiji Mutoh (old)
228-Kendo Ka Shin (without mask)
229-Osamu Nishumura (old outfit)
230-El Samurai (old mask)
231-Manabu Nakanishi (with beard)
232-Big Titan (with facepaint; Razor II)
233-Tatsutoshi Goto (shaved head)
234-Michiyoshi Ohara (old costume)
235-Akira Taue (different hair)
236-Takao Omori (different hair)
237-Tamon Honda (different hair)
238-Yoshihiro Takayama
239-Masahiro Kakihara (different hair)
240-Johnny Ace (old outfit)
241-Yoshinari Ogawa (different hair)
242-Mr. Gannosuke (out outfit)
243-Gedo (without beard)
244-GEKKOH, Sasuke The Great (Masao Orihara)
245-SASUKE (different outfit), Yuki Ishikawa (masked)
246-Sting (normal facepaint)
247-Scott Steiner (face)
248-Scott Norton (old)
249-Konnan (old)
250-Shiryu (Kaz Hayashi, white costume)
251-Road Warrior Hawk (old)
252-Road Warrior Animal (old)
253-Ken Shamrock (old outfit)
254-Cactus Jack
255-SATO (Dick Togo)
256-Kenichi Yamamoto (different hair)
257-Yoshihisa Yamamoto
258-Mitsuya Nagai (different hair)
259-Tommy Dreamer
261-Yone Genjin
262-Harley Race
263-The Destroyer
264-Power Warrior (Kensuke Sasaki)
267-The Sandman (Hardcore Hak)
268-Kimala II
269-Goldust (with hair)
270-Darkside Hayabusa (Hayabusa at the "Welcome to the Darkside" PPV)
271-Yoshiaki Yatsu
272-Bob Backlund
275-Minoru Tanaka
276-The Great Kojika
277-Sasuke The Great (Masao Orihara)
278-Akira Nogami (Heisen Ishingun outfit)
279-Atsushi Onita (old)
280-Hiroshi Hase (long hair)
282-Kenichi Yamamoto (even different hair)
283-Jyushin Lyger (old mask)
284-Willie Williams
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
285-Grizzly Bear
286-Teddy Bear
288-Shinobu Kandori
289-Manami Toyota
290-Kyoko Inoue
291-Panda Bear
295-Anime Girl #1
296-Lum (from Ursei Yatsura)
297-Anime Girl #3
298-Anime Girl #4

Chest: ,
2-Body Paint
3-Amaresu 1 (Amateur Wrestling)
4-Amaresu 2 (Amateur Wrestling)
5-One Shoulder (Singlet)
6-Plain T-Shirt 
7-Ele with T Shirt (Thermal T-Shirt)
8-Kaiser Suit (Choshin Super Kaiser/Jyushin Thunder Lyger Suit)
9-Ninja Dogi
10-Karate Gi
11-Fire Suit 
12-Azteca Suit (Azteca Dragon/Ultimo Dragon chestplate)
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
13-Kuma (Bear)
15-Female Top 1
16-Female Top 2
17-Female Top 3
18-Female Backless Top 1
19-Female Backless Top 2
20-Female Shirt
21-Female Shirt 2
22-Bikini Top

Waist: ,
1-Short Tights
2-Belt with Tights 1
3-Belt with Tights 2
5-One Point (Decoration on back of tights)
6-Shima Stripes
7-Side Line
8-Panther Tights (Mask De Panther/Tigermask style tights)
9-Body Paint
10-Amaresu 1 (Amateur Wrestling)
11-Amaresu 2 (Amateur Wrestling)
12-Belt with Amaresu
13-One Shoulder
14-Kaiser Suit (Choshin Super Kaiser/Jyushin Thunder Lyger outfit)
15-Ninja Dogi
16-Karate Gi
17-Fire Suit
18-T-Shirt+G Pan (T-Shirt tucked into Jeans)
19-Bare+G Pan (Jeans with no T Shirt)
20-Shirt+Shima Tights
21-Shirt+Plain Tights
23-Maoshi (Sumo Sash)
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
25-Kuma (Bear)
26-Bikini Bottom
27-Bikini Bottom w/ belt
28-Female Amaresu 1
29-Female Amaresu 2
30-Female Belt with Amaresu
31-Female T-shirt+G Pan (T-shirt tucked into Jeans)
32-Female T-shirt+G Pan, no belt

Upper Arm: 
2-Arm Band
4-HAN So-de (Shoulder of T-Shirt)
5-Fire Suit
6-Bolo So-de (Shouder Cutoffs)
7-NAGA So-de (Elbow length of T-Shirt)
8-Kaiser Suit
9-Ninja Dogi
10-Shoulder Pat
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
12-Kuma (Bear)
13-Elbow Line
14-Thin Supporter
15-Female Normal
16-Female Armband
17-Female NAGA So-de
18-Female Supporter
19-Female Short T-Shirt
20-Female Short T-Shirt 2

Lower Arm: ,
2-Wristband Small
3-Wristband Large
4-Supporter 1
5-Supporter 2
6-NAGA So-de (Sleeves of Shirt)
7-Kaiser Suit
8-Ninja Dogi
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
9-Kuma (Bear)
10-Elbow Line
11-Other Wristband
12-Other Supporter 1
13-Other Supporter 2
14-Female Normal
15-Female Wristband Small
16-Female Wristband Large
17-Female Supporter 1
18-Female Supporter 2
19-Female NAGA So-de

2-Glove (Kenpo Gloves)
3-Finger Taping
4-Boxing Glove
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
5-Fingerless Gloves
7-Big Gloves 
8-Large Gloves

Thigh: ,
2-Knee Supporter
3-Long Tights 1
4-Long Tights 2
5-Long Tights 3
6-Kaiser Tights
7-Line Tights
8-Fire Tights
9-Arrow Tights
10-Panther Tights (Mask De Panther/Tigermask style tights)
11-Shima Stripes Tights
12-Thunder Tights
13-Hikawa Tights (Mitsuhide Hikawa/Mitsuharu Misawa style tights)
14-Kazama Tights (Toshiie Kazama/Toshiaki Kawada style tights)
15-Spats (Biker Shorts)
16-Short Spats 1 (Short Biker Shorts)
17-Short Spats 2
18-Karate Gi
19-G Pan (Jeans)
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
22-Kuma (Bear)
23-Thin Knee Supporter
24-Thin Knee Supporter 2
26-Female Normal
27-Female Shorts
28-Female Short Spats 1
29-Female Short Spats 2
30-Female Knee Supporter
31-Female Long Tights 1
32-Female Long Tights 2
33-Female Long Tights 3
34-Female Kaiser Tights
35-Female Line Tights

1-Bare Legs
2-Bare Legs+Knee Pat
3-Normal Shoes
4-Short Shoes
5-Knee+Shoes 1
6-Knee+Shoes 2
7-Knee+Shoes 3
8-Knee+Shoes 4
9-Long Tights
10-Long Tights+Shoes
11-Mexican Tights 1
12-Mexican Tights 2
13-Karate Gi
14-Pantaron (Long Pants)
15-G Pan (Jeans)
16-G Pan+Western Boots (Jeans+Cowboy Boots)
17-G Pan+Knee Pat (Jeans+Kneepads)
18-Ninja Dogi 1
19-Ninja Dogi 2
20-Shima Stripes
21-Shima Stripes+Knee Pat
22-Leggers (Shinpad)
23-Amaresu Shoes (Amateur Wrestling Shoes)
24-Amaresu Shoes+Knee (Amateur Wrestling Shoes+Kneepads)
25-Western Boots (Cowboy Boots)
26-Leg Warmer
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
28-Kuma (Bear)
29-Below Knee Supporter
30-Below Knee Supporter+Anklewrap
31-Female Bare Legs
32-Female Bare Legs+Knee Pat
33-Female Normal Shoes
34-Female Knee+Shoes 1
35-Female Knee+Shoes 2
36-Female Knee+Shoes 3
37-Female Knee+Shoes 4
38-Female Long Tights+Shoes
39-Female G Pan
40-Female G Pan+Knee Pat
41-Female Knee+Shoes Reversed Colors
42-Female Kneewrap+Anklewrap
43-Female Knee Pat+Anklewrap
44-Female Small Anklewrap
45-Female Kneewrap+Long Tights
46-Female Knee Pat+Anklewrap

1-Bare Feet
2-Ankle Taping
3-Shoes 1
4-Shoes 2
5-Shoes 3
6-Shoes 4
7-Shoes 5
8-Panther Shoes
9-Kung Fu Shoes
10-Amaresu Shoes (Amateur Wrestling Shoes)
11-Leggers (Shinpad)
12-Arabian Boots (Pointed Toe)
13-Western Boots (Cowboy Boots)
(All below are hidden until Edit Ranking has been completed)
15-Kuma (Bear)
17-Wide Feet

                                                Red  : --
                                                Green: --     ["Clipboard"]
                                                Blue : --       

[       Adjustable Color Pallete                                  ]

The colors of each part is controlled by sets of 3 color boxes. Hold
TRIANGLE and press Up or Down to scroll through the pre-set colors.
Use L1 to copy a single box and R1 to paste it to another location.
Use L2 to copy a whole set of 3 boxes, and R2 to paste them to another


Belonging to Group (Wrestling Promotion):
1-VIEW JAPAN (New Japan)
2-OLIVE JAPAN (All Japan)
3-IW New Generation (FMW)
4-R.Y.U (WAR)
5-Yukiguni Puroresu (Michinoku Pro)
6-WWC Puroresu (WCW)
7-WFW Puroresu (WWF)
8-Gongs (RINGS)
9-Kajiwara Gumi (Fujiwara)
10.Fighting Expedition 'Battlation' (BattlArts)
11-High Class (Pancrase)
13-Kakutouka (Shoot Fighters)
14-FREE (Freelance)
15-LEGEND (Legends of Wrestling)

Class (Weight Class):
1-Heavy Class
2-Junior Heavy Class
3-Free Class

Height                          150cm - 220cm

Body Weight                     50kg - 250kg

Year of Birth                   1900 - 1999

Month of Birth                  1 - 12

Day of Birth                    1 - 31

Birthplace Land:
1-Parts Unknown
11-Puerto Rico
17-Croatia Republic
23-South Korea
24-North Korea
28-New Zealand
31-Republic of South Africa

Fight Style:
1-Orthodox (Typical Professional Wrestler)
2-Technician (Good at technical skills; small package, etc.)
3-Wrestling (Amateur Wrestler)
4-Ground (Good at ground attacks, tackling, etc.)
5-Power (Powerful; good at Power Bombs, Side Busters, Samoan Drops, etc.)
6-American (Combination of Power and Heel)
7-Junior (Modern Junior Heavyweight)
8-Luchadore (Lucha Libre-style wrestler)
9-Heel (Rough style/Rulebreaker; crowd boos his taunts and poses)
10-Mysterious (Unorthodox Technical style, "Oriental", e.g; Great Muta)
11-Shooter (Shooting style wrestler, UWF style)
12-Fighter (Kickboxer, Karate-do)
13-Grappler (Judoka, Jitsuoka, No holds barred style)
14-Panther ("Mask De Panther"/Tigermask mix of MartialArts+Lucha)
15-Giant (Giant wrestler, immovable; ie. Andre and Baba)
16-Vicious (Old Strong Style, e.g; Antonio Inoki aggressive fighting style)

Return Skill (Defensive Skill):
8-All-Round (Combination of Junior and Technician)

1-  +0 Points Finisher 
              (Only the move marked as the Finisher can "CRITICAL!")
2- +20 Points Suplex
              (Back Drops, Front Suplexes, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
3- +20 Points Power 
              (Power Bombs, Back Breaker Slams, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
4- +25 Points Technical 
              (Hurracan Rana, Dragon Screw, etc. can "CRITICAL!")
5- +30 Points Striking 
              (Strikes such as Kicks, Punches, Knee Kicks "CRITICAL!")
6- +30 Points Submission 
              (Any submisson or stretch hold can break joints)

Special Skill:
1-  +0 Points None
2- +15 Points Stardom
              (Involved with crowd support and repeats popular moves.)
              Requirement: Do Performance/Taunt (L1 or L2) when your
                           remaining power is at 0 (completely fatigued).
                   Effect: +10% Offensive Power.
3- +15 Points Quick Return
              (Player may stand right up even after a major attack.)
              Requirement: Remaining power is at 5% to 20% and Spiritual
                           Strength is above 60%.
                   Effect: You will stay on the ground 1/8 of the time you
                           normally would.
4- +15 Points One Hit Reversal
              (Repeated reversals result in greater damage each time.)
              Requirement: Remaining power is below 10% and Spiritual
                           Strength is above 30%.
                   Effect: The rate of Criticals is doubled.
5- +15 Points Start Dash
              (Able to end the match earlier than normal.)
              Requirement: Remaining power is above 70%.
                   Effect: The offensive power of Advantage (Special) Moves
                           are increased.
6- +15 Points Guts
              (Will not give up easily.)
              Requirement: Remaining power is 0%.
                   Effect: Will only receive 1/2 the Spiritual damage
                           normally taken when then opponent uses a
                           submission hold.
7- +15 Points Strike Back
              (Rejuvenates strength when opponent shows signs of fatigue.)
              Requirement: Remaining power is below 5%.
                   Effect: The offensive power of all moves are increased.
8- +15 Points One Hit Finisher
              (Extremely effective finisher.)
              Requirement: When you use Finisher the first or second time
                           in a match.
                   Effect: The offensive power of your Finisher is increased
                           by 150%.
9- +15 Points Blood
              (Bleeding increases spirit.)
              Requirement: You are shedding blood.
                   Effect: The offensive power of all moves are increased
                           by 5%.

Recovery Power:
1-  +0 Points Slow
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Fast

Recovery Power(Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1-  +0 Points Slow
2-  +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Fast

Respiratory Mood/Breathing:
1-  +0 Points Below
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Above

Respiratory Mood/Breathing (Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1-  +0 Points Below
2-  +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Above

Spiritual Strength/Awareness:
1-  +0 Points Poor
2- +10 Points Medium
3- +20 Points Strong

Spiritual Strength/Awareness (Bloodshed -- When Bleeding):
1-  +0 Points Poor
2-  +5 Points Medium
3- +10 Points Strong

Neck Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High

Arm Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High

Waist Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High

Foot Endurance Time (Stamina):
1- +0 Points Low
2- +2 Points Medium
3- +5 Points High

Movement Speed (Speed of the Wrestler):
1-  +0 Points Slow
2-  +2 Points Medium Slow
3-  +6 Points Medium
4- +14 Points Medium Fast
5- +24 Points Fast

Ascent and Descent Speed (Speed Climbing the Ringpost):
1- +0 Points Slow
2- +2 Points Medium Slow
3- +4 Points Medium
4- +6 Points Medium Fast
5- +8 Points Fast

Ascend/I run and Ascend (Ability to climb top turnbuckle):
1-  +0 Points I cannot ascend (All climbing ability disabled)
2-  +4 Points I can ascend (Normal climbing ability enabled)
3- +12 Points I can ascend while I run (Normal climbing ability enabled plus
              the ability to climb by Running toward the corner and holding
              the [] or X button)
Outside Return Count            0 - 20
(How long your wrestler will stay outside the ring to fight when he is
 controlled by the CP)

Touchwork (How long before he will tag his partner in during a tag match
when he's controlled by the CP; based on the amount of damage he takes):

Theme Music Piece: (Press O to preview the music)

NOTE: Nihon-jin = Japanese, Gaijin = Foreigner.

Voice 1/Voice 2 Kind:
(Voice Catagory; Press O to preview)
1-Nihon-jin 1
2-Nihon-jin 2
3-Nihon-jin 3
4-Nihon-jin 4
5-Gaijin 1
6-Gaijin 2
7-Gaijin 3
9-Female 1
10-Female 2

Voice 1/Voice 2 Selection:
(Voice Sample; Press O to preview)
The selections depend on the above catagory.

[POINT TALLY(Tells you what the next attribute will cost you in points]


Controls: D-PAD used to move between catagories. Choose the box in the
          middle to return to the Wrestler Edit menu. O button to add
          points, X button to subtract points.

          ATTACK                  DEFENSE

          Punch                   Punch
          Kick                    Kick
          Suplex                  Suplex
          Submission              Submission
          Stretch                 Stretch
          Power                   Flying
          Instant-P               Crush
          Arm Power               Versus Lariat
          Technic                 Technic
          Rough                   Rough

1-PUNCH, Attack or defend against Hand strikes, punches.
2-KICK, Attack or defend against Kicks, Knee Kicks.
3-SUPLEX, Attack or defend against Throws.
4-SUBMISSION, Attack or defend against submission holds.
5-STRETCH, Attack or defend against pulling submissions.
6-POWER, Attack horsepower.
7-INSTANT-P, Instant Power-Short burst of power.
8-ARM POWER, Attack power of the arm.
9-FLYING, Defend against jumping or flying attacks.
10-CRUSH, Defend against attacks where opponent's full body weight is used.
11-VS. LARIAT, Defend against Lariat or Clothesline attacks.
12-TECHNIC, Attack or defend against technical moves, small package, etc.
13-ROUGH, Attack or defend agains illegal weapons or head butts.


-Upper Lefthand Corner of the Screen:

   Primary Attack Strength: () <-- Number is based on the settings
                                   in parameter edit that you set.
                (            ) <-- Specifies which offensive part
                                   of your parameter settings is
                                   used (ie. Punch, Kick, Suplex,
                                   Submission, Technic, etc.)

 Secondary Attack Strength: () <-- Number is based on the settings
                                   in parameter edit that you set.
                (            ) <-- Specifies which offensive part
                                   of your parameter settings is
                                   used (ie. Punch, Kick, Suplex,
                                   Submission, Technic, etc.)

     (______): [LETTER] <-- Specifies how adaptable the wrestler's
                            Fight Style (set in Skill Edit) is to
                            the move, on a scale from A to E.
                            A = The most suitable. ie. If the fight
                            style is Power and you choose Moonsault
                            Press, the letter given would be "E".

-Lower Half of the Screen

[Voice][Status] [Move Catagory(Default Column)]    [ MOVE SELECTION ]

[]   Status Column: Set move as FINISHER (one move only).
     Voice Column: Assign VOICE 1 (as many moves as you like).
O    Default Column: Replace the move currently chosen for this catagory.
     Move Selection: Choose the highlighted Move for this Catagory.
     Status Column: Set Move as a SPECIALTY (up to 4 moves).
     Voice Column: Assign VOICE 2 (as many moves as you like).
X    Move Selection: Cancel (revert to default move chosen).
     Status Column: Remove FINISHER or SPECIALTY status.
     Voice Column: Remove Voice Assignment.
/\   Preview Move (You can use this on the default, status, or voice column
     to view the move that's currently chosen for that catagory, or in the
     move selection column to the right to preview a move before you choose
     it. If you have assigned a voice to the move, the voice will also play
     during the preview of the move's animation.)

-Move Catagories

Standing []
Standing X 
Standing O
Standing []+X
Running []
Running X
Counter []
Counter X
Running to Corner O
Running to Out of Bounds O
Rope Slingshot to Out of Bounds O
Apron to Slingshot Inside O
Post []
Post X
Post O
Post []+X
Grappling []
Grappling [] Up
Grappling [] Left Right
Grappling [] Down
Grappling X
Grappling X Up
Grappling X Left Right
Grappling X Down
Grappling O
Grappling O Up
Grappling O Left Right
Grappling O Down
Grappling []+X
Back []
Back X
Back O
Back O Up Down
Back O Left Right
Back []+X
Back Defensive []
Back Defensive X
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Head X
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Legs X
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Head X
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Legs X
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Head O 
Opponent Downed, Face Up, Legs O
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Head O
Opponent Downed, Face Down, Legs O
Opponent Downed, Running O
Corner Grappling O Up
Corner Grappling O Toward
Corner Grappling O Down
Performance L1
Performance L2
Front Two Platon
Front Three Platon
Back Two Platon
Back Three Platon
Corner Two Platon
Corner Three Platon

-Finisher Name
Once you exit the Moves screen, if you have assigned a new Finisher or have
changed the finisher from the default (or loaded) one, you will be allowed
to give a name to the move now marked as the wrestler's Finisher.

[Name of Finisher]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


The CPU Logic determines how likely the wrestler is to perform certain
things in particular situations by percentages when he is controlled by the
CP. This is what makes a wrestler much more realistic if done correctly.

         O   Select Category/Subcategory
         X   Exit Category/Subcategory
     Start   Back to the Wrestler Edit Menu
Left/Right   Decrease/Increase Percentage

-CPU Logic Categories
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
                   <>Stand Back
                   <>Circle the Opponent
                   <>[ ] Button Attack
                   <>X Button Attack
                   <>O Button Attack
                   <>[ ]+X Buttons Attack

Front Grapple
         Small Damage
         Medium Damage
         Large Damage
                   <>[ ] Button Move
                   <>[ ]+up Move
                   <>[ ]+left/right Move
                   <>[ ]+down Move
                   <>X Button Move
                   <>X+up Move
                   <>X+left/right Move
                   <>X+down Move
                   <>O Button Move
                   <>O+up Move
                   <>O+left/right Move
                   <>O+down Move
                   <>[ ]+X Move
                   <>/\ Button Move(Hammer Throw)
                   <>R1 Button Move(Front Headlock)

Back Grapple
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
                   <>[ ] Button Move
                   <>X Button Move
                   <>O Button Move
                   <>O+up/down Move
                   <>O+left/right Move
                   <>[ ]+X Move
                   <>/\ Move(Hammer Throw)

Opponent is Thrown to Ropes
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
                   <>Running [ ] Move
                   <> Running X Move
                   <>[ ] Button Counter 
                   <>X Button Counter
                   <>R2 Button Counter(Dodge)

Opponent is Dazed in Corner
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
                   <>Perform Running O Button Move
                   <>O+up Corner Grapple Move
                   <>O+left/right Corner Grapple Move
                   <>O+down Corner Grapple Move

Opponent is Down Near Corner
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Attack Normally
                   <>[ ] Post Move
                   <>X Post Move
                   <>O Post Move
                   <>[ ]+X Post Move

Opponent is Down in Center or Ring(Away from Corner)
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Attack Normally
                   <>Perform Running O+down Move

Opponent is Down, Face Up
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Pick Up
                   <>Roll Over
                   <>Near Head X Button Move
                   <>Near Legs X Button Move
                   <>Near Head O Button Move
                   <>Near Legs O Button Move

Opponent is Down, Face Down
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Pick Up
                   <>Roll Over
                   <>Near Head X Button Move
                   <>Near Legs X Button Move
                   <>Near Head O Button Move
                   <>Near Legs O Button Move

Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Corner
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Attack Normally
                   <>[ ] Button Post Move
                   <>X Button Post Move
                   <>O Button Post Move
                   <>[ ]+X Post Move
                   <>Perform Apron Move(O button+towards ring)

Opponent is Standing Dazed Near Center of Ring(Away from Corner)
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Attack Normally
                   <>Running [ ] Button Move
                   <>Running X Button Move

Opponent is Standing Dazed
         Small Damage
         Large Damage
         Near Death
                   <>Grapple Opponent from Behind
                   <>O Button Attack
                   <>[ ]+X Attack

Opponent Grapples from Behind
                   <>[ ] Button Counter
                   <>X Button Counter

Opponent is Outside the Ring
                   <>Go out after him
                   <>Attack with Standing Move(Plancha, etc.)
                   <>Attack with Running Towards Outside Move
                   <>Wait for Them to Return

Performance (When your wrestler will perform his Taunts/Appeals)
         Opponent Standing Dazed
         Opponent Down
         Opponent Outside of the Ring
         On the Top Turnbuckle
                   <>L1 Performance
                   <>L2 Performance
                   <>Do Not Perform

Personality Traits
         Everytime I am Particular (Entertainment)
                   The first entry is particular about the development of
                   the match. When the percentage is high, the wrestler is
                   clumsy. For example, his body slams are more likely to
                   cause an opponent to fall out of the ring. When it is
                   low, he's reliable.
         Serious Time (Discretion)
                   When the percentage is higher, the wrestler's tactics
                   are purely for the purpose of winning. For example, he
                   will often drag an opponent to the middle of the ring
                   when they're down near the ropes so as to avoid a rope
                   break. When it's low, his tactics are more aimed at
                   entertaining than winning.
                   This percentage sets his adaptability to the opponent's
                   Used for Tag Matches, when this percentage is set
                   higher, it's more likely for him to pull off Double
                   Team moves and work with his partner.

***DATA PROTECTION (Load/Save/Delete Wrestlers)

     Load                  (77 Slots displayed here)


XIII. -O R G A N I Z A T I O N  E D I T (EDIT Submode)

-Initial Screen

                                Name Entry
        LOGO PIC                Logo Editor (Paint Program)
       (Org Name)               Data Protection (Load/Save)
                                Back to Edit Menu


[Abbreviation (ie. AJPW)]
[Long Name (ie. All Japan)]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)


Use your directional pad to control the mouse arrow and the O button as your
mouse button to click on items.

***DATA PROTECTION (Load/Save Organizations)

Load                  (5 Slots displayed here)


XIV. -R E N A M E (EDIT Submode)

This submode allows you to rename all of the game's default wrestlers and
organizations to their real names. The column on the left lists all of the
organizations while the column on the right lists the wrestlers in the org
that's currently highlighted. Use left/right to go between the two lists
and press O to rename that Wrestler or Organization.


[Abbreviation (ie. AJPW)]
[Long Name (ie. All Japan)]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)


[Nickname     ]     [Short name]     [Long Name]
[Replacer- Toggle long/short name order] [Separator between short/long name]

Symbols                     (choose characters/letters here)


    [ Current Nickname and Short/Long Name Displayed              ] 

 L1   Back field
 R2   Forward field
 []   Backspace
 O    Choose
 X    Back to left column (character set selection)

Once you're finished renaming, press the X button and it will ask you if
you're sure you want to proceed with the renaming you have just finished
or cancel and continue renaming. Choose the first option (proceed) and you
will return to the Edit Mode menu.


XV. -O R G A N I Z A T I O N  C H A N G E (EDIT Submode)

[All wrestlers in the
game (not edits) listed        [Org Affiliation]

Press O on a wrestler to change his affiliation in the box on the right.
All 15 default organizations, plus any that you may have saved in the
Organization Edit mode (refer to the Organization EDIT Submode) will
be listed.

To "delete" a wrestler (one that you may have replaced with a more updated
version using Wrestler Edit), choose his name in this mode, press O on him,
and scroll to the bottom of the organizations list to the right and you
will find the option to HIDE the wrestler. Choose this and he will no
longer show up at all in the wrestler selection screen.


This mode allows beginners to familiarize themselves with the controls of
the game and the ways to perform different moves.

1st. Perform 3 grappling [] button moves

2nd. Perform 3 grappling X button moves

3rd. Perform 3 grappling O button moves

4th. Connect with 3 Hammer Throw Counters
     /\ button then [] or X

5th. Connect with 3 Running Moves
     /\ button then [] or X

6th. Connect with 3 Corner Attacks
     Hammer Throw him into the corner and perform your running O attack.

7th. Perform 3 corner grapples
     Hammer Throw him into the corner and walk up to grapple, then hit O+up,
     O+left/right, or O+down.

8th. Perform 3 moves on the downed opponent
     Knock him down and do any of your X or O moves.

9th. Perform 3 turnbuckle moves on the downed opponent

10th.Perform 3 turnbuckle moves on opponent standing dazed


    Select    Brings up the Help
     Start    Brings up the following menu (In English Text):


When this mode is first unlocked, default title holders are assigned.

-Initial Screen
     Title Match
     View Championship History
     Title Surrender (Erases Data)
     Back to Mode Select

***Title Match

-Initial Screen
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     Back to Mode Select




Match Type      3 Count, 2 Count, Only Fall (Pin), Only Give Up

Match Limit     5 min. - No Time Limit

Match Fall      1 Fall - 3 Falls    

Ring            VIEW JAPAN (New Japan) - RANDOM 

Match Location  Nihon Butoukan, HUMAN DOME, Yurakuen Hall,
                Murakawa Gym, RANDOM

COM Level       1(easiest) - 10(hardest)

Game Speed      100% - 800%

COM Skip        - (not implemented in this mode)

Referee         Panther Tottori (VIEW JAPAN), Joe Hiroshi (OLIVE JAPAN)
                Mr. Mizunaka (UWH/SHOOTING), Bat Watanabe (Independent)

Rope Check      OFF, ON

Lumberjack      OFF, ON

Tornado Battle  OFF, ON 

Cut Play        OFF, ON 

DQ Count        OFF, ON

Outside Count   OFF, ON

BG Music        Ring-Side - RANDOM

        - Done -

-Wrestler Select
     Use Left/Right to choose an organization, its logo is displayed on the
     upper right corner above the wrestler's profile. Use Up/Down and press
     O once to choose a wrestler. Arrows will appear on either side of his
     stance animation, use Left/Right to choose from one of his four
     available costumes (Edit Wrestlers can only have one but is treated
     like he has four costumes that look identical.) Now press O again to
     confirm, or use X to cancel and choose another wrestler.

***View Championship History

-Choose Championship to View its History
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     Back to Title Match Menu

-Championship History Scrolls On-Screen



    Player Initials                             ???
    Date of Title Victory                       YY.MM.DD
    Number of times defended                    # Times

***Title Surrender (Erases Data)

-Choose a championship to erase its data and surrender the title
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Singles Championship
     HWA Junior Heavyweight Unified Tag Championship
     Back to Title Match Menu

It will ask you to confirm (1st option for Ok, 2nd for Cancel).


Camera Wide Angle Zoom             ON(Default)/OFF

Sound                              Stereo(Default)/Mono

Match Background Music             OFF/Soft/Medium(Default)/Loud

Wrestler Entrance Theme            OFF/Soft/Medium(Default)/Loud

Vibrate                            ON(Defeault)/OFF

Possible Fighting Road Scenarios   ##.#%

Fighting Road People Encountered   ##.#%
     Pressing O on this option allows you to view the anime portraits of
     anyone that you may have met in Fighting Road. Use Left/Right to
     choose a name and press O to view his portrait. Use X to exit.

View Credits (Unlocked if you have completed Fighting Road Once, use the
              X button to exit from the credits)

                   -Back to Mode Select-

XIX.  -M E M O R Y  C A R D


Always remember to SAVE in this menu before you turn off your PlayStation
to write the current data to the memory card in Slot 1, or everything
you've "saved" will be lost. When you choose the "Save" option in modes
such as Fighting Road and Wrestler Edit, you've only saved the data to
the PlayStation's RAM, nothing has been written to a memory card.

You will also need to load your data everytime you play. Make a habit of
using the Memory Card mode and it should save you a lot of trouble.

1- Load (Read From Memory Card Slot 1)
      Load the 10 blocks of FPG data from the memory card currently
      inserted in Slot 1.

2- Save (Write To Memory Card Slot 1)
      Save the 10 blocks of FPG data currently stored in RAM from the
      "saves" made in game modes such as Edit and Fighting Road, onto
      the memory card currently inserted in Slot 1.

3- Import Wrestler (Read Wrestler Data on Memory Card Slot 2)
      Loads any FPG Data found in the memory card currently inserted
      in Slot 2, and allows you to choose the edit wrestlers on that
      card that you would like imported onto the memory card currently
      inserted in Slot 1. Be sure to use Save above after you have
      finished choosing wrestlers.

4- Pocketstation Mini-Game Download
      Download the FPG Mini-Game onto your PocketStation unit.

5- Pocketstation Wrestler Download
      Download edit wrestlers from the PlayStation memory to the
      PocketStation unit.

6- Pocketstation Wrestler Upload
      Upload edit wrestlers from the PocketStation unit to the
      PlayStation memory.

7- Return to Main Menu

XX.  -O T H E R  I N F O R M A T I O N

***Other Identifications


      HUMAN DOME = Tokyo Dome
  Nihon Butoukan = Nihon Budokan
   Yurakuen Hall = Korakuen Hall
    Murakawa Gym = Fictional
Kawajima Stadium = Kawasaki Stadium
Bayside Coliseum = Fictional


 Panther Tottori = Tiger Hattori (New Japan Pro Wrestling)
     Joe Hiroshi = Joe Higuchi (All Japan Pro Wrestling)
    Mr.Mitzunaka = Mr.Soranaka (Old UWF)
    Bat Watanabe = Ted Tanabe (Michinoku Pro)

***Using the Fight Records Feature

                       Fight Records

                     (up to 6 entries)

              Return   View   Create   Delete

Press the O Button to go to the fight record screen during any match
configuration screen (doesn't apply to all modes) where the following
options are at the top:
     Blue Corner          CP, 1P, 2P...
     Red Corner           CP, 1P, 2P...
Now choose the record you want to save your match record to and press
the O Button again.

***Alternate Referee Outfit Color

At the VS Screen, press and hold any direction on the D-Pad. The referee
will be wearing an alternate color (which direction you held doesn't
affect this at all).

***Removing PAUSE Text

When the game is paused, you can remove the "PAUSE" text by holding R1+L1
and pressing the SELECT button. This can really be useful if you would like
to take screenshots of the game without "PAUSE" appearing on the bottom.
You can press SELECT again while still holding R1+L1 to toggle the clock
display, and again to make the "PAUSE" text reappear. After you have done
this and have unpaused, you will not have to do it again if you pause again
for the rest of the match.

***Staying Down on the Mat

If for whatever reason, you would like to stay down when you're knocked to
the ground, simply hold the X button. If you're in the process of getting
up to your feet, holding X will also keep you in a squating position for a
limited amount of time.

***Releasing a Pin, Submission, or Illegal Hold Manually

If you'd like to release a pin or submission hold to continue punishing
your opponent, or if you're performing and illegal act on a fatigued
opponent and risk actually keeping it on past a 4 count (if the 5-count
DQ is on), press the X button to release the pin or hold.

***Tips for kicking out of pins and escaping submission holds

The easiest way to kick out of a pin attempt is to simply hold the X button.
Similarly, to escape a submission hold, simply press the D-Pad in different
directions rapidly. Rapidly tapping all the buttons and directions to try
to kick out or escape submission is pointless and actually decreases your
chances of kicking out or escaping the hold.

***Fast Scrolling

Some of the menus in Fire Pro G are huge (ie. the Organization Change mode
wrestler list) and you may find yourself taking more time than necessary
just scrolling to the bottom or top of a list. You can speed up the
scrolling by holding R2 while you press Up or Down on the D-PAD.

***High-Flying Maneuvers on Dazed Opponents

The easiest way to pull off high-flying maneuvers such as a springboard
hurracan rana to the inside is the manipulate the dazing of your opponent.
When your opponent is relatively weakened (ie. you've spent a reasonable
amount of time wearing him down by gradually using stronger moves), using
a move such as a Body Slam (which is very often assigned to a wrestler as
his []+Up front grapple move) immediately followed by picking him up (press
[] at the head of a downed opponent) will leave him standing dazed. Also,
some moves such as the Hurracan Rana off the Top Turnbuckle (a common
corner-grapple move for juniors and luchadores) almost guarantee a dazed
opponent if he's been worn down.

XXI.  -C R E D I T S

Originally compiled for FPG by Mike Sweetser, re-organized, updated, and
corrected by The IceMaster with Sweetser's consent. Based on original work
for "Fire Prowrestling S: 6Men Scramble" by The Mysterious Kagura.

Thanks To:
Satoshi Kurio (original preliminary FPG translations, Special Skills 
ProfRev777 (CPU Logic translations, Dojo Mode info)
Dave Baker (Edit body name help)
ZenWrath (Edit body name help)
Chase Martin (Edit body name help)
Forrest Rutherford (Edit body name help)
WillieA84 (Edit body name help)
The Mysterious Kagura (6MS translations, which these translations were 
                       based upon, edit body name help)
Mike Evangelista (Memory Card info)
SirFozzie (Edit body name help)

Copyright © 1999 Fire Pro Club.  All Rights Reserved.
FIRE PROWRESTLING G Copyright © 1999 Human Corporation