Andere Lösungen

Fighters Megamix (e)


-- AKIRA --

dodging side kick                                 df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E

mountain paste (b,f+P+K+E) is changed to b,f+P+K+G.

-- AOI --

dodging side kick                                 df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
dodging snap kick                                 K+E
TA chop--TT double low punch                      b,b+P,d+P
TT kick reversal                                  f+P+K
TT punch reversal                                 f+P+K
sweep reversal                                    d+P+K
kick inashi                                       b+P
punch inashi                                      b+P
elbow inashi                                      db+P
mid kick inashi                                   db+P
hair grab takedown                                db+P+G
hair grab takedown into the wall                  db+P+G
ground throw                                      df+P+G
all variants of the multithrow                    f>b+P+G

Janet has a new surprise-exchange style throw (f>b+P+G) and gun move
(b,f+P+K - can be repeated infinitely.  Every third shot causes a
Some specific reversal animations may be missing.

-- JACKY --

dodging side kick                                 df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E

Jacky has a new (er, old) toekick-sidekick combo (d+K,K) when up

-- JEFF --

dodging side kick                                 df+K+E
hell stab                                         P+E
double hell stab                                  P+EP+E
machine gun hell stab                             P+EP+EP+E
dodging kick                                      K+E
pick up and slam                                  d+P+G
machine gun hammer                                db,f+P+G
tackle and grind                                  b,df+P+G
back headlock and spin                            b+P+G
side arm extension                                b,f|f,b+P+G
fireman's carry into the wall                     P+G
fireman's carry off the wall                      P+G
triple shoulder ram into wall                     b,df+P+G
over the head pick up ground throw                d+P+G
over the legs pick up ground throw                d+P+G

tornado hammer (f,b+P) no longer turns your opponent around.

-- KAGE --

dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
swipe punch                                       P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E
cartwheel                                         b+E

-- LAU --

dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
punch-sweep                                       P,D+K+G
punch-crescent                                    P,K+G
dodging punch                                     P+E
advancing kick                                    f,f+K
dodging kick                                      K+E
off the wall overhead cannon                      f+P+G

-- LION --

dodging swipe                                     d+P+E
dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
spinning swipe                                    f+P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E
backward sidestep                                 ub+E
forward sidestep                                  uf+E

Lion's side throw was changed from the dropping knee in the back to
something else.

-- PAI --

dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
double punch-sweep                                PPd+K+G
double punch-crescent                             PPK+G
dodging punch                                     P+E
dodging snap kick                                 K+E
high/mid inashi                                   f+P+K

-- SARAH --

low kick                                          d+K+E
dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E

-- SHUN --

thrust punch                                      P+K
thrust punch-sacrifice toe kick                   P+KK
sacrifice drop kick                               ub+K
stepping flip over kick                           uf+K
dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
dodging cartwheel kick                            f+K+E
dodging cartwheel kick continuation               f+K+E
retreating backhand swipe                         b+EP
straight punch                                    b,f+P
double straight punch                             b,f+PP
triple straight punch rush                        b,f+PPP
backward dodge-backhand swipe                     ub+EP
dodging punch                                     P+E
backward dodge-two fisted strike                  b+P+E
backward dodge-two fisted strike                  ub+EP+K
dodging kick                                      K+E
roll and elbow drop pounce                        U+P
leaping sitting pounce                            U,P
TT thrust kick-sacrifice head thrust              P+KK
pull down and elbow smash                         b+P+G
thru the legs and back kick                       b,df+P+G
butt push and backfist backwards throw            P+G
butt push and backfist into the wall              b+P+G
retreating dodge                                  b+E
backward dodge                                    ub+E
forward dodge                                     uf+E

twisting double fisted strike (f+P+K) is changed to P+K.
Shun's back throw was changed from the dizzy spin to something else.

-- TAKA --

Everything. :)

-- WOLF --

screw shot                                        f>b+P
screw lariat                                      f>b+PP
dodging sidekick                                  df+K+E
dodging punch                                     P+E
attack lariat                                     f+P+E
dodging kick                                      K+E
body slam                                         df+P+G
wrist lock and swing                              f>b+P+G
tiger drop                                        df+P+K+G
arm extension side throw                          b,f|b,f+P+G
body slam into wall then power slam               df+P+G
wrist lock and swing into wall                    f>b+P+G
catch-change-shove and grind                      f+P+Gf+P+Gdf+P+G
over the head pick up ground throw                d+P+G
over the legs pick up ground throw                d+P+G

Wolf's side throw was changed from the leglock to something else.

All moves on Firestarter's VF3 movelist were checked.

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