| Final Fantasy Tactics |
| Item List |
| Ver 0.4 |
| |
| Mantained by Ignacio de Lucas |
| (delucas@hotmail.com) |
This file should come in a ZIP with another four:
fftfaq : Main FAQ and general information
ffttips : Tactics and secrets
fftabil : Ability list
fftitems : Item list (this file)
fftshark : Action Replay / Game Shark codes
Newest revisions of this FAQ can be found at:
Kao Megura's Homepage
The UnOfficial Squaresoft Homepage
The Chocobo Range
Your Final Fantasy Tactics Page
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The Final Fantasy Tactics Page
Square Kappa's Page
$B!v(J $B#I#n#d#e#x(J $B!v(J
1. - Weapons
2. - Shields
3. - Headwear
4. - Armor
5. - Accesories
6. - Throwing Weapons
7. - Items
Note: When I say a weapon has straight range X, it means that it
can only hit squares that are X spaces away in a straight line. Example:
# # #
### #
##O## # O # ##O##
### #
# # #
Range 2 Straight Range 2 Straight Range 1 or 2
Other general weapons descriptions are:
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" : It can be one of the
two weapons equipped by someone with the Ninja's "Weapon on each
hand" ability.
Can be used with "Two hand wielding" : It can be equipped by someone
with the Samurai's "Two hand wielding" ability, thus doubling the attack
power of the weapon.
Two handed : The weapon MUST be used with both hands, so it can't
be equipped at the same time as a shield. "Two hand wielding" has no
effect on the weapon, as it is already used with both hands, and
"Weapon on each hand" is ineffective also.
Some abreviations are:
Attack : Physical Attack Power.
MgAtt : Magic Attack Power.
Elemental : Damage dealt by weapon is considered to be of this element.
Halves : Damage of this element done to wearer is halved.
Absorbs : Damage of this element done to wearer is absorbed as HP.
Weak point : Damage of this element done to wearer is increased.
Enhances : Damage of this element done BY wearer is increased.
Random : Weapon casts/causes that spell/status randomly on the enemy
damaged by it.
Causes : Wearer is automatically affected by that status as long as
he/she is equipped with that item. Exception: Transparent
will disappear normally (when an attack is made).
Prevents : Wearer is immune to that status ailment.
Thanks a LOT to Starwolf (simajiro@sa2.so-net.or.jp) for the
following ways to get items, including ALL poaching/stealing/
unearthing tables.
1) Shopping
Go to a shop and buy it. This is the easiest way.
2) Finding in a map
Some items are buried in the maps. Set Item User's ability,
$B%"%$%F%`H/8+0\F0(J (Move finding items) to do this. You will
sometimes find items, and, if your Brave is low enough
(remember Lafa), the items will be better ones.
In some special places, such as Deep Dungeon, you will find
the extraordinary good stuff.
Items found in the Deep Dungeon:
Japanese English Type
$B9C2lG&Ea(J Kohga Spy Knife Ninja Knife
$B0K2lG&Ea(J Iga Spy Knife Ninja Knife
$B:4=u$N7u(J Sasuke's Sword Ninja Knife
$B%V%i%C%I%=!<%I(J Blood Sword Sword
$B%+%*%9%V%l!<%I(J Chaos Blade Knight's Sword
$B%i%0%J%m%/(J Ragnarok Knight's Sword
$B?PCOMfno>~7u(J TinTiRaDenShokuKen Katana
$B%U%'%$%9%m%C%I(J Faith Rod Rod
$B8-s(J Wise man's Staff Staff
$B%a%$%9%*%V%<%&%9(J Mace of Zeus Staff
$B%0%l%$%7%c%k%,%s(J Glacial Gun Gun
$B%V%l%$%:%,%s(J Blaze Gun Gun
$B%V%i%9%H%,%s(J Blast Gun Gun
$B%Z%k%;%&%9$N5](J Perseus's Bow Bow
$BM?0l$N5](J Yoichi's Bow Bow
$BME@:$N%O!<%W(J Elf's Harp Harp
$B%Y%M%A%"%W%l!<%H(J Venetia Plate Shield
$B%+%(%5%k%W%l!<%H(J Caesar Plate Shield
$B%0%i%s%I%X%k%`(J Grand Helm Helmet
$B%^%/%7%_%j%"%s(J Maximilian Armor
$B%m!<%V%*%V%m!<%I(J Robe of Lord Robe
$BC$($k%^%s%H(J) in Mt. Germinus ($B%2%k%_%J%9;33Y(J).
3) Stealing
Some weapons, armors or accesaries are only equipped on enemy
characters. Set various Thief's abilities and get them.
Special items obtained this way:
Japanese English Type From
$B@5=!(J Masamune Katana Elmdore ($B%(%k%`%I%"(J)
$B%I%i%4%s%m%C%I(J Dragon Rod Rod Someone in St. Mulond Temple
$B%V%l%$%:%,%s(J Blaze Gun Gun Barc ($B%P%k%/(J) in Beddo Desert
$B%V%i%9%H%,%s(J Blast Gun Gun Barc
$BM?0l$N5](J Yoichi's Bow Bow An archer at Library B4
$B8;;a$N=b(J Genji Shield Shield Elmdore ($B%(%k%`%I%"(J)
$B8;;a$N3u(J Genji Helm Helmet Elmdore ($B%(%k%`%I%"(J)
$B8;;a$N3;(J Genji Armor Armor Elmdore ($B%(%k%`%I%"(J)
$B8;;a$N>.!<%j%s%7%'%$%W(J Zohrin Shape Knife Plague ($B%W%l%$%0(J) Rare
$B%V%m!<%I%=!<%I(J Blood Sword Sword Hydra ($B%O%$%I%i(J) Norm.
$B%J%0%i%m%/(J Nagrarok Sword Porky ($B%]!<%-!<(J) Rare
$B%I%i%4%s%m%C%I(J Dragon Rod Rod Blue Dragon ($B%V%k!<%I%i%4%s(J) Rare
$B$5$=$j$N$7$C$](J Scorpion Tail Whip Hyudra ($B%R%e%I%i(J) Rare
$B@P2==F(J Petrify Gun Gun Dark Behemoth ($B%@!<%/%Y%R!<%b%9(J) Rare
$B%O%s%F%#%s%0%\%&(J Hunting Bow Bow Steel Hawk ($B%9%F%#!<%k%[!<%/(J) Rare
$BME@:$N%O!<%W(J Elf's Harp Harp Trent ($B%H%l%s%H(J) Rare
$B%^%@%l%`%8%(%s(J Madaremujien Dictio. MoldBall Great ($B%b%k%\%k%0%l%$%H(J)Rare
$BN5$NI&(J Dragon Beard Spear Red Dragon ($B%l%C%I%I%i%4%s(J) Rare
$B%[!<%j!<%i%s%9(J Holy Lance Spear Secreto ($B%;%/%l%H(J) Norm.
$B7_$NI&(J Whale's Beard Pole Tiamatt ($B%F%#%"%^%C%H(J) Rare
$B>]2g$NK@(J Ivory Pole Pole Secreto ($B%;%/%l%H(J) Rare
$B#H#S$N%P%C%0(J HS Bag Bag Wild Boar ($B%o%$%k%I%\!<(J) Rare
$BN>;D8((J Balance Silk Silk R. Tiamatt ($B%F%#%"%^%C%H(J) Norm.
$B%+%A%e!<%7%c(J Kachusya? Ribbon Uribou ($B$&$j$\$&(J) Rare
$B%j%\%s(J Ribbon Ribbon Wild Boar ($B%o%$%k%I%\!<(J) Norm.
$B%i%P!<%3%s%7%c%9(J Rubber Concio. Cloth Hydra ($B%O%$%I%i(J) Rare
$B%7%c%s%?!<%8%e(J Chantage Perfume Porky ($B%]!<%-!<(J) Norm.
$B%7%'%k%7%e(J Cherche Perfume King Behemoth ($B%-%s%0%Y%R!<%b%9(J) Norm.
$B%;%C%F%#%(%`%=%s(J Setti Emson Perfume Hydra ($B%O%$%I%i(J) Norm.
$B%=%k%F%#%l!<%8%e(J Sortilegee Perfume Red Dragon ($B%l%C%I%I%i%4%s(J) Rare
And here's a complete poaching list, thanks to Eric Tan!
(though I translated and retyped it, so there may be some errors).
Translations are just below each Japanese name.
Monster Name Normal Item Rare Item
$B%l%C%I%Q%s%5!<(J $BFG>C$7(J $B%P%H%k%V!<%D(J
Red Panther Anti-poison Battle Boots
$B%/%"!<%k(J $B6b$N?K(J $B%2%k%_%J%9%V!<%D(J
Cougar Golden Needle Germinas Boots
$B%P%s%Q%$%"(J $B@;?e(J $B#C$N%P%C%0(J
Vampire Holy Water C Bag
$B%A%g%3%\(J $B%U%'%K%C%/%9$NHx(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J
Chocobo Phoenix Tail Hi Potion
$B9u%A%g%3%\(J $BL\Lt(J $B%(%/%9%]!<%7%g%s(J
Black Chocobo Eye Medicine X-Potion
$B@V%A%g%3%\(J $BK|G=Lt(J $B%P%l%C%?(J
Red Chocobo Almighty Medicine Baretta
$B%0!<%k(J $B%(!<%F%k(J $B$/$J$$(J
Ghoul Ether Kunai
$B%,%9%H(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J $B%^%$%s%4!<%7%e(J
Ghast Hi-Potion Main Gauche
$B%l%V%J%s%H(J $B%O%$%(!<%F%k(J $B%_%9%j%k=F(J
Revenant Hi-Ether Mithril Gun
$B%4%V%j%s(J $B%]!<%7%g%s(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J
Goblin Potion Hi-Potion
$B%V%i%C%/%4%V%j%s(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J $BFG>C$7(J
Black Goblin Hi-Potion Anti-poison
$B%,%k%V%G%,%C%/(J $B%a%$%8%^%C%7%c!<(J $B8EBe$N7u(J
Gabbldegak Mage Masher Ancient Sword
$B%\%`(J $B$+$H$s$N$?$^(J $B%U%l%$%`%m%C%I(J
Bomb Fire Wall Ball Flame Rod
$B%0%l%M%$%I(J $B$R$g$&$9$$$N$?$^(J $B%U%l%$%`%&%$%C%W(J
Grenade Ice Water Ball Flame Whip
$B%$%/%9%W%m%8%c(J $B$i$$$8$s$N$?$^(J $B%U%l%$%`%7!<%k%I(J
Exploder Fast Thunder Ball Flame Shield
$B%U%m!<%?%\!<%k(J $B!<%j%s%7%'%$%W(J
Plague Yagyu's Black Zorling Shape
$B%Y%R!<%b%9(J $B$^$b$j$NOSNX(J $B#P$N%P%C%0(J
Behemoth Protection Bracelet P Bag
$B%-%s%0%Y%R!<%b%9(J $B%7%'%k%7%'(J $B%"%k%F%_%9$N5](J
King Behemoth Cherche Artemis Bow
$B%@!<%/%Y%R!<%b%9(J $B%&%$%6!<%I%m%C%I(J $B#P$N%P%C%0(J
Dark Behemoth Wizard Rod P Bag
$B%I%i%4%s(J $B%R%9%$$NOSNX(J $B#H$N%P%C%0(J
Dragon Jade Bracelet H Bag
$B%V%k!<%I%i%4%s(J $B%+%7%_!<%k(J $B%I%i%4%s%m%C%I(J
Blue Dragon Kashimiiru Dragon Rod
$B%l%C%I%I%i%4%s(J $B%=%k%F%#%l!<%8%e(J $BN5$NI&(J
Red Dragon Sortilege Dragon Beard
$B%&%C%I%^%s(J $BL\Lt(J $B$$$d$7$N>s(J
Woodman Eye Medicine Healer's Staff
$B%H%l%s%H(J $B%4!<%k%I%9%?%C%U(J $BME@:$N%O!<%W(J
Treant Gold Staff Elf's Harp
$B%?%$%8%e(J $B$^$b$j$NOSNX(J $B%G%#%U%'%s%@!<(J
Taijo Protection Bracelet Defender
$B5m!)(J $B%P%H%k%"%C%/%9(J $B5p?M$NI`(J
Cow ?? Battle Axe Giant's Axe
$B%_%N%?%&%m%9(J $B$5$s$4$N7u(J $B%9%i%C%7%c!<(J
Minotauros Coral Sword Slasher
$B%;%/%l%C%H(J $B%[!<%j!<%i%s%9(J $B>]2g$NK@(J
Secretto Holy Lance Ivory Pole
$B%b%k%\%k(J $B%W%i%A%J%a%C%5!<(J $B%"%$%9%7!<%k%I(J
Moldball Platinum Messer Ice Shield
$B%*%A%e!<(J $B%s!&%+%$$NOSNX(J $B%+%a%l%*%s%m!<%V(J
Othyug N'Kai Bracelet Chameleon Robe
$B%b%k%\%k%0%l%$%H(J $B%(%j%/%5!<(J $B%^%@%l%`%8%(%s(J
Moldball Great Elixir Madaremujien
$B%R%e%I%i(J $B%V%i%C%I%=!<%I(J $B$5$=$j$N$7$C$](J
Hyudra Blood Sword Scorpion Tail
$B%O%$%I%i(J $B%;%C%F%#%(%`%=%s(J $B%i%P!<%3%s%7%c%9(J
Hidra Setti Emson Rubber Concious
$B%F%$%"%^%C%H(J $BN>;D8((J $B7_$NI&(J
Tiamat Balance Silk Whale's Beard
$B%T%9%3%G%#!<%b%s(J $B$d$^$S$3Ap(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J
Piscodemon Echo Herb Hi-Potion
$B%9%/%$%C%I%i%P!<%1%s(J $B%9%b!<%k%^%s%H(J $BL2$j$N7u(J
Squidraken Small Manto Sleep Sword
$B%^%$%s%I%U%l%$%"(J $B%O%$%(%F!<%k(J $B%I%i%-%e%i%^%s%H(J
Mind Flayer Hi-Ether Dracula Manto
$B%9%1%l%H%s(J $B@;?e(J $B%(!<%F%k(J
Skeleton Holy Water Ether
$B%\!<%s%9%J%C%A(J $B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J $B%Q%k%A%5%s(J
Bonesnatch Hi-Potion Partisan
$B%j%S%s%0%\!<%s(J $BKbF;;N$N%^%s%H(J $B%(%k%U$N%^%s%H(J
Revenge Bone Sorcerer Cape Elf Manto
$B%8%e%i%(%$%S%9(J $B%]!<%7%g%s(J $B%i%P!<%7%e!<%:(J
Jura Ibis Potion Rubber Shoes
$B%9%A!<%k%[!<%/(J $B%U%'%K%C%/%9$NHx(J $B%O%s%A%s%0%\%&(J
Steel Hawk Phoenix Tail Hunting Bow
$B%3%+%H%j%9(J $B6b$N?K(J $B%U%'%6!<%^%s%H(J
Cockatrice Golden Needle Feather Manto
$B$&$j$\$&(J $B25=w$N%-%9(J $B%+%A%e!<%7%c(J
Uribou Maiden Kiss Kachusha
$B%]!<%-!<(J $B%7%c%s%?!<%8%e(J $B%J%0%i%m%C%/(J
Porky Chantage Nagrarok
$B%&%$%k%I%\!<(J $B%j%\%s(J $B#F#S$N%P%C%0(J
Wild Boar Ribbon FS Bag
5) Catching
Set Thief's ablity, $B%-%c%C%A(J (Catch), so that you can catch weapons which
enemy ninjas occasionaly throw.
The most powerful Katana, the $B?PCOMfno>~7u(J, is occasionally thrown
by ninjas.
The following information is from John Mattila (21923@UDel.Edu):
You can get infinite chaos blades, Javelins and Excaliburs from
the ninjas on Horror in the deep dungeon. Equip everyone with the
"Catch" reaction ability and find a level 98 ninja (for Javelins and
Chaos blades) and level 96 for excalibur. 95 throws Holy Lances,
94-defenders, and all of them seem to throw rune blades occasionally.
The down side- you won't fight level 98 ninjas until you are at
a very high level, and by then, you won't need the swords.
$B!v(J $B#1!>(J $B#W#e#a#p#o#n#s(J $B!v(J
Can be equipped by : Apprentice, Item User, Thief, Talker, Ninja
and Dancer.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%>!<%j%s%7%'%$%W(J Zorling? Shape 12 10 12000 Random "Sleep"
$B%(%"%J%$%U(J Air Knife 10 5 8000 Air-elemental
$B%"%5%7%s%@%,!<(J Assassin Dagger 7 5 5000 Random "Death Sentence"
$B%*%j%O%k%3%s(J Orihalkon 7 5 4000 -
$B%^%$%s%4!<%7%e(J Main Gauche 6 40 3000 -
$B%W%i%A%J%a%C%5!<(J Platinum Messer 5 10 1800 -
$B%a%$%8%^%C%7%c!<(J Mage Masher 4 5 1500 Random "Silence"
$B%V%i%$%s%J%$%U(J Blind Knife 4 5 800 Random "Darkness"
$B%_%9%j%k%J%$%U(J Mithril Knife 4 5 500 -
$B%@%,!<(J Dagger 3 5 100 -
Orichalcum is a legendary metal in Atlantis. Thanks to Mark Rosa,
Sergio Darder and Starwolf for this.
Mark Rosa's note : The "Purachina Messaa" is the Platinum Knife.
The katakana 'messaa' come from the German word "Messer", which
means Knife.
$BG&.B@Ea(J Short Thick K. 10 5 7500 -
$B$/$J$$(J Kunai 9 5 5000 -
$BG&$SEa(J Spy Knife 8 5 3000 -
StarWolf's Note:
KOHGA ($B9C2l(J) and IGA ($B0K2l(J) were two major Ninja clans.
Sarutobi Sakuke ($B1nHt:4=u(J) was a most famous Ninja.
Kunai is a common name of a Ninja knife.
Can be equipped by : Apprentice, Knight, Elemental User.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%k!<%s%V%l%$%I(J Rune Blade 14 15 20000 MgAtt +2
$B%"%$%9%V%i%s%I(J Ice Brand 13 10 14000 Ice-elemental,
random "Blizzard Ga"
$B%W%i%A%J%=!<%I(J Platinum Sword 12 10 11000 -
$B%@%$%"%=!<%I(J Diamond Sword 10 10 8000 -
$B%^%F%j%"%V%l%$%I(J Materia Blade 10 10 - Allows to use "Limit"
$BL2$j$N7u(J Sleep Sword 9 5 5000 Random "Sleep"
$B8EBe$N7u(J Ancient Sword 9 5 5000 Random "Don't Move"
$B$5$s$4$N7u(J Coral Sword 8 5 3300 Lightning-elemental
$B%V%i%C%I%=!<%I(J Blood Sword 8 5 2500 Drains enemy's HP
$B%_%9%j%k%=!<%I(J Mithril Sword 7 8 1600 -
$B%"%$%"%s%=!<%I(J Iron Sword 6 5 900 -
$B%m%s%0%=!<%I(J Long Sword 5 10 500 -
$B%V%m!<%I%=!<%I(J Broad Sword 4 5 200 -
$B%J%0%i%m%/(J Nagrarok 1 50 - Causes "Toad"
$B#K#n#i#g#h#t(J $B#S#w#o#r#d#s(J
Can be equipped by : Knight.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%+%*%9%V%l%$%I(J Chaos Blade 40 20 - Causes "Regene", Random
$B%i%0%J%m%/(J Ragnarok 24 20 - Causes (Shield)
$B%(%/%9%+%j%P!<(J Excalibur 21 35 - Holy-elemental, absorbs
holy damage, causes "Haste"
$B%;%$%V%6%/%#!<%s(J Save the Queen 18 30 - Causes "Protect"
$B%G%#%U%'%s%@!<(J Defender 16 60 40000 -
Can be equipped by : Samurai.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B?PCOMfno>~7u(J KiriChiRaDen 25 15 - See Samurai's abilities
$B@5=!(J Masamune 18 15 - See Samurai's abilities
$B5F0lJ8;z(J Chrysantemun 15 15 22000 See Samurai's abilities
$BB<@5(J Muramasa 14 15 15000 See Samurai's abilities
$B@6@9(J Kiyomori 12 15 10000 See Samurai's abilities
$BE7$N$`$i1@(J AmeNoMuraKumo 11 15 8000 See Samurai's abilities
$BB<1+(J Murasame 10 15 7000 See Samurai's abilities
$BHwA0D9A%(J Bizen Osafune 9 15 5000 See Samurai's abilities
$B8WE4(J Kotetsu 8 15 3000 See Samurai's abilities
$B0$=$Me(J Ashura 7 15 1600 See Samurai's abilities
StarWolf's Note:
$B?PCOMfno>~7u(J seems to be an real ancient sword in Japan.
Even an ordinary Japanese can't read "$B?PCOMfno>~7u(J", just sounds
like a very ancient sword.
Mark Rosa's note:
Ame no Murakumo shows up in FFV also, and is (supposedly) a pun
on "Kumo no Murasame", the legendary sword that's in all the other
games. Kumo no Murasame and Ame no Murakumo aren't anagrams in
Japanese, though... the Murasame is with 'ame' meaning 'rain'.
Can be equipped by : Apprentice, Elemental User.
Two handed.
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%9%i%C%7%c!<(J Slasher 16 0 12000 Random "Slow"
$B5p?M$NI`(J Giant's Axe 12 0 4000 -
$B%P%H%k%"%C%/%9(J Battle Axe 9 0 1500 -
Can be equipped by : Black Mage, Summoner, Yin/Yang Mage.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%I%i%4%s%m%C%I(J Dragon Rod 5 20 12000 Dragon???
$B%U%'%$%9%m%C%I(J Faith Rod 5 20 - Causes "Faith",
random "Faith"
$B%&%#%6!<%I%m%C%I(J Wizard Rod 4 20 8000 MgAtt +2
$B%]%$%:%s%m%C%I(J Poison Rod 3 20 500 Random "Poison"
$B%5%s%@!<%m%C%I(J Thunder Rod 3 20 400 Thunder-elemental, enhances
th. damage, random "Thunder"
$B%"%$%9%m%C%I(J Ice Rod 3 20 400 Ice-elemental, enhances Ice
damage, random "Blizzard"
$B%U%l%$%`%m%C%I(J Flame Rod 3 20 400 Fire-elemental, enhances
fire damage, random "Fire"
$B%m%C%I(J Rod 3 20 200 -
Can be equipped by : White Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Yin/Yang Mage.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B8-s(J Wise Man Staff 7 15 - -
$B%a%$%9%*%V%<%&%9(J Mace of Zeus 6 15 - Attack +2, MgAtt +1
$B%4!<%k%I%9%?%C%U(J Gold Staff 6 15 7000 -
$BKb=Q;U$N>s(J Magician Staff 4 15 4000 MgAtt +1
$B$$$d$7$N>s(J Healer's Staff 4 15 4000 HP Recover
$B6d$N>s(J Silver Staff 5 15 1100 -
$B%[%o%$%H%9%?%C%U(J White Staff 3 15 400 Prevents "Death Sentence"
$B%*!<%/%9%?%C%U(J Oak Staff 3 15 120 -
Can be equipped by : Ninja.
Can be used with "Weapons on each hand" and "Two hand wielding".
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B$5$=$j$N$7$C$\(J Scorpion Tail 23 0 40000
$B%b!<%K%s%0%9%?!<(J Morning Star 16 0 9000 -
$B%U%l%$%`%&%$%C%W(J Flame Whip 11 0 4000 Fire-elemental,
random "Fire Ga"
$B%U%l%$%k(J Flail 9 0 1200 -
Can be equipped by : Item User, Talker.
All Guns have range 8.
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%V%i%9%H%,%s(J Blast Gun 22 5 - Lightning-elemental
$B%0%l%$%7%c%k%,%s(J Glacial Gun 21 5 - Fire-elemental, AR (4B)
$B%V%l%$%:%,%s(J Blaze Gun 20 5 - Ice-elemental
$B@P2==F(J Petrify Gun 16 5 - Stone ???
$B%_%9%j%k=F(J Mithril Gun 8 5 15000 -
$B%m%^%s%@=F(J Romanda Gun 6 5 5000 -
Mari Hagiwara's Note: Romanda Gun - Romanda is a geographical name in
the game. Romanda was a high-tec country, and their missionaries
introduced guns to Evalis, which soon spread within the Engineers
of the old days. The skill is still alive in young Engineers like Mustadio.
Can be equipped by : Archer.
All Crossbows have range 4.
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%,%9%H%i%U%'%F%9(J Gastrafetes? 10 5 20000 -
$B%O%s%F%#%s%4%\%&(J Hunting Bow 6 5 8000 Monster ???
$B%]%$%:%s%\%&(J Poison Bow 4 5 4000 Random "Poison"
$B%/%m%9%\%&(J Crossbow 4 5 2000 -
$B%J%$%H%-%i!<(J Knight Killer 3 5 1500 Random "Darkness"
$B%\%&%,%s(J Bowgun 3 5 400 -
Can be equipped by : Archer.
All Bows have range 5.
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%Z%k%;%&%9$N5](J Perseus's Bow 16 5 - -
$BM?0l$N5](J Yoichi's Bow 12 5 - -
$B%"%k%F%_%9$N5](J Artemis Bow 10 5 22000 -
$BIw;B$j$N5](J Wind Slash Bow 8 5 8000 Air-elemental
$B%_%9%j%k$N5](J Mithril Bow 7 5 5000 -
$B%i%$%H%K%s%0%\%&(J Lightning Bow 6 5 3000 Lightning-elemental,
random "Thunder Ra"
$BI9$N5](J Ice Bow 5 5 2000 Ice-elemental
$B6d$N5](J Silver Bow 5 5 1500 -
$B%m%s%0%\%&(J Long Bow 4 5 800 -
StarWolf's Note:
Nasuno Yoichi ($BFa?\M?0l!K(Jwas the best archer in medieval Japan.
Can be equipped by : Bard
All Musical Instruments have straight range 3
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$BME@:$N%O!<%W(J Elf's Harp 15 10 30000 Random "Charm"
$B7l$N==Fs89(J Bloody 12 13 10 10000 -
$B%i%_%"$NC(6W(J Lamia Harp 10 10 5000 Random "Confuse"
Can be equipped by : Yin/Yang Mage, Mathematician
All Dictionaries have straight range 3
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B%^%@%l%`%8%(%s(J Madaremujien 11 15 30000 -
$B%Q%T%k%9%W%l%$%H(J Papirus Plate 9 15 10000 -
$B2xJ*<-E5(J Monsters 8 15 6000 -
$B%P%H%k%G%#%/%H(J Battle Dict 7 15 3000 -
Can be equipped by : Dragon Knight
Can be used with "Two hand wielding".
All Spears have straight range 1 or 2
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$BN5$NI&(J Dragon Beard 17 10 44000 -
$B%[!<%j!<%i%s%9(J Holy Lance 14 10 36000 Holy-elemental, random "Holy"
$B%*%Y%j%9%/(J Obelisk 12 10 10000 -
$B%Q%k%A%6%s(J Partisan 11 10 7000 -
$B%_%9%j%k%9%T%"(J Mithril Spear 10 10 4500 -
$B%9%T%"(J Spear 9 10 2000 -
$B%8%c%Y%j%s(J Javelin 8 10 1000 -
Can be equipped by : Yin/Yang Mage, Mathematician
Can be used with "Two hand wielding".
All Poles have straight range 1 or 2
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B7_$NI&(J Whale's Beard 16 20 37000 -
$BH,3QK@(J Octagon Pole 12 20 20000 ??? Darkness, Silence, Stop,
Slow, Poison, Don't Move,
Don't Act, Oil and Toad
$B>]2g$NK@(J Ivory Pole 11 20 10000 -
$B%4%/%&$NK@(J Gokuu's Pole 10 20 7500 Random "Innocent"
$BE4@p(J Metal Fan 9 20 4000 -
$B$8$c$3$&$7$c$/(J Jakousyaku (?) 8 20 2400 -
$B%P%H%k%P%s%V!<(J Battle Bamboo 7 20 1400 -
$B%5%$%W%l%9%Q%$%k(J Cypress Pile 6 20 1000 -
StarWolf's Note:
Son Gokuu($BB98g6u(J) was the hero in an old Chinese tale, and also in
"Dragon Ball".
Can be equipped by : Women
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$B#F#S$N%P%C%0(J FS Bag 20 0 60000 -
$B#H$N%P%C%0(J H Bag 14 0 58000 Speed +1
$B#C$N%P%C%0(J C Bag 10 0 53000 MgAtt +1
$B#P$N%P%C%0(J P Bag 12 0 52000 Causes "Regene"
StarWolf's Note:
All I know is C is "Chanell" and H is "Hermes".
Mari Hagiwara's Note:
Plada is a popular Japanese fashion brand. Maybe that's what P stands for.
$B#S#i#l#k(J $B#R#o#l#l#s(J
Can be equipped by : Dancer
Japanese Translation AT EV Price Notes
$BN>;D8((J Balance Silk? 15 50 40000 -
$B%+%7%_!<%k(J Cashimere 10 50 15000 -
$B%Z%k%7%"(J Persia 8 50 7000 -
$B!v(J $B#2!>(J $B#S#h#i#e#l#d#s(J $B!v(J
Can be equipped by : Knight, Archer, Elemental User, Dragon Knight
Japanese Translation EV MEV Price Notes
$B%Y%M%A%"%W%l!<%H(J Venetia Plate 50 25 - Halves fire, ice and thunder
$B%+%(%5%k%W%l!<%H(J Caesar Plate 46 20 - Absorbs fire, ice and thunder
$B8;;a$N=b(J Genji Sheild 43 0 - -
$B%/%j%9%?%k$N=b(J Crystal Shield 40 15 21000 -
$B%W%i%A%J%7!<%k%I(J Platin. Shield 37 10 16000 -
$B%@%$%"%7!<%k%I(J Diamond Shield 34 15 12000 -
$B%$!<%8%9$N=b(J Aegis Shield 10 50 10000 MgAtt +1
$B%U%l%$%`%7!<%k%I(J Flame Shield 31 0 7500 Absobs fire, halves ice
damage, weak point water
$B%"%$%9%7!<%k%I(J Ice Shield 28 0 6000 Absobs ice, halves fire
damage, weak point thunder
$B%4!<%k%I%7!<%k%I(J Gold Shield 25 0 3500 -
$B%_%9%j%k%7!<%k%I(J Mithril Shield 22 5 2500 -
$B%i%&%s%I%7!<%k%I(J Round Shield 19 0 1600 -
$B%V%m%s%:%7!<%k%I(J Bronze Shield 16 0 1200 -
$B%P%C%/%i!<(J Buckler 13 3 700 -
$B%(%9%+%C%7%g%s(J Escutcheon 10 3 400 -
StarWolf's Note:
GENJI is the most powerful samurai clan in early-medieval Japan.
Mari Hagiwara's Note
"Escutcheon" is an ENGLISH word meaning "shield" :)
$B!v(J $B#3!>(J $B#H#e#a#d#w#e#a#r(J $B!v(J
Can be equipped by : Knight, Dragon Knight, Samurai
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%0%i%s%I%X%k%`(J Grand Helm 150 0 - Prevents "Darkness" and
$B8;;a$N3u(J Genji Helm 130 0 - -
$B%/%j%5%k%X%k%`(J Crystal Helm 120 0 14000 -
$B%5!<%/%l%H(J Circlet 100 0 10000 -
$B%W%i%A%J%X%k%`(J Platinum Helm 90 0 8000 -
$B%@%$%"%X%k%`(J Diamond Helm 80 0 6000 -
$B%/%m%9%X%k%`(J Cross Helm 70 0 4000 -
$B%4!<%k%I%X%k%`(J Gold Helm 60 0 2800 -
$B%_%9%j%k%X%k%`(J Mithril Helm 50 0 2100 -
$B%P%k%S%e!<%?(J Barubyuuta?? 40 0 1500 -
$B%"%$%"%s%X%k%`(J Iron Helm 30 0 1000 -
$B%V%m%s%9%X%k%`(J Bronze Helm 20 0 500 -
$B%l%6!<%X%k%`(J Leather Helm 10 0 200 -
Can be equipped by : Apprentice, Item User, Archer, White Mage,
Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief, Talker, Yin/Yang Mage,
Elemental User, Ninja, Mathematician, Bard, Dancer
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%7!<%U$NK9;R(J Thief Hat 100 0 35000 Speed +2, prevents "Don't
Move" and "Don't Act"
$BA.8wKbK9(J Light Mag. Cap 88 15 16000 MgAtt +1, Speed +1
$B6b$NH1>~$j(J Gold Hairpin 80 50 12000 Prevents "Silence"
$B9u$:$-$s(J Black Hood 72 0 7000 -
$B;J:W$NK9;R(J Wise One Hat 64 20 6000 MgAtt +1
$B$M$8$jH-4,$-(J Twisted Headb. 56 0 5000 Attack +2
$B%0%j!<%s%Y%l!<(J Green Beret 48 0 3000 Speed +1
$B;03QK9;R(J Tricorn 40 12 1800 MgAtt +1
$B%X%C%I%.%"(J Headgear 32 0 1200 Attack +1
$B@V$:$-$s(J Red Hood 24 8 800 -
$B1):,$D$-K9;R(J Plumed Hat 16 5 350 -
$B3W$NK9;R(J Leather Hat 8 0 150 -
Can be equipped by : Women
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%+%A%e!<%7%c(J Kachusha 20 0 20000 Prevents "Undead","Darkness",
"Confusion","Toad", "Poison",
"Slow", "Don't Move", "Don't
Act" and "Death Sentence"
$B%P%l%C%?(J Baretta 20 0 20000 Prevents "Instant Death",
"Stone", "Invitation",
"Confus.", "Drain", "Bersk.",
"Stop", "Charm" and "Sleep"
$B%j%\%s(J Ribbon 10 0 60000 Prevents all status ailments
except "Oil"
$B!v(J $B#4!>(J $B#A#r#m#o#r(J $B!v(J
Can be equipped by : Knight, Dragon Knight, Samurai
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%^%/%7%_%j%"%s(J Maximilian 200 0 - -
$B8;;a$N3;(J Genji Armor 150 0 - -
$B%/%j%9%?%k%a%$%k(J Crystal Mail 110 0 19000 -
$B%j%U%l%/%H%a%$%k(J Reflect Mail 130 0 18000 Causes "Reflect"
$B%-%c%i%S%K%(!<%k(J Kyarabinieel? 100 0 13000 -
$B%W%i%A%J%"!<%^!<(J Platinum Armor 90 0 9000 -
$B%@%$%"%"!<%^!<(J Diamond Armor 80 0 6000 -
$B%4!<%k%I%"!<%^!<(J Gold Armor 70 0 3600 -
$B%W%l%$%H%a%$%k(J Plate Armor 60 0 3000 -
$B%_%9%j%k%"!<%^!<(J Mithril Armor 50 0 2000 -
$B%A%'%$%s%a%$%k(J Chain Mail 40 0 1300 -
$B%V%m%s%9%"!<%^!<(J Bronze Armor 30 0 800 -
$B%j%M%s%-%e%i%C%5(J Linen Cuirass 20 0 600 -
$B3W$N3;(J Leather Armor 10 0 200 -
Mari Hagiwara's Note:
"Linen Cuirass": Cuirass is a basic type of armor that protects
the torso and mainly around the waist area.
Can be equipped by : Apprentice, Item User, Archer, Monk,
White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief, Talker,
Yin/Yang Mage, Elemental User, Ninja, Mathematician, Bard, Dancer
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%i%P!<%3%s%7%c%9(J Rubber 150 30 48000 Nullifies Thunder damage
$B9uAuB+(J Black Costume 100 0 12000 Prevents "Stop"
$BBgCO$N0a(J Earth Garment 85 10 10000 Absorbs Earth damage,
enhances Earth damage
$BNO$@$9$-(J Power Dasuki 70 0 7000 Attack +2
$B=@=QF;!)(J Judo Uniform 60 0 4000 Attack +1, prevents "Instant
$B%V%j%,%s%@%$%s(J Brigandine 50 0 2500 -
$BKb=Q;N$NI~(J Sorcerer Cloth 42 15 1900 -
$B%"%@%^%s%Y%9%H(J Adamant Vest 36 0 1600 -
$B%_%9%j%k%Y%9%H(J Mithril Vest 30 0 1500 -
$B%A%'%$%s%W%l%$%H(J Chain Plate 24 0 900 -
$BG&$S$N!)(J Spy ??? 20 0 - Speed+2, causes "Transpar.",
obtained via Action Replay
$B%l%6!<%W%l%$%H(J Leather Plate 18 0 500 -
$B3W$NI~(J Leather Cloth 10 0 300 -
$BI~(J Cloth 5 0 150 -
StarWolf's Note:
Generally, Black Costume($B9uAuB+(J) is used for somethig like Ninja wears.
Can be equipped by : Knight (?), White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage,
Summoner, Talker, Yin/Yang Mage, Elemental User, Dragon Knight (?),
Japanese Translation HP+ MP+ Price Notes
$B%m!<%V%*%V%m!<%I(J Robe of Lord 100 80 - Attack +2, MgAtt +1, causes
"Protect" and "Shield"
$B8w$N%m!<%V(J Light Robe 75 50 30000 -
$B9u$N%m!<%V(J Black Robe 60 30 13000 Enhances Fire, Ice and
Thunder damage
$BGr$N%m!<%V(J White Robe 50 34 9000 Halves Fire, Ice and Thunder
$B%+%a%l%*%s%m!<%V(J Chameleon Robe 40 28 5000 Absorbs Holy damage,
prevents "Instant Death"
$BKb=Q;U$N%m!<%V(J Magician Robe 30 22 4000 MgAtt +2
$B%7%k%/$N%m!<%V(J Silk Robe 20 16 2400 -
$BKc$N%m!<%V(J Cotton Robe 10 10 1200 -
$B!v(J $B#5!>(J $B#A#c#c#e#s#o#r#i#e#s(J $B!v(J
All types of accesories except perfumes can be equipped by all
regular jobs except Imitator. Perfumes can only be equipped by women.
Japanese Translation Price Effect
$B@V$$7$(J Red Shoes 10000 MgAtt +1, Move +1
$B%(%k%a%9$N7$(J Hermes Shoes 7000 Speed +1
$B%2%k%_%J%9%V!<%D(J Germinas Boots 5000 Move +1, Jump +1
$B%U%'%6!<%V!<%D(J Feather Boots 2500 Causes "Levitate"
$B%i%P!<%7%e!<%:(J Rubber Shoes 1500 Prevents "Don't Move", nullifies
thunder damage
$B%9%Q%$%/%7%e!<%:(J Spike Shoes 1200 Jump +1
$B%P%H%k%V!<%D(J Battle Boots 1000 Move +1
StarWolf's Note:
Red Shoes is named after Japanese famous children-song, "A girl in
red shoes".
$B>...C$($k%^%s%H(J Vanish Cape 35 0 - Causes "Transparent"
$B%U%'%6!<%^%s%H(J Feather Cape 40 30 20000 -
$B%I%i%-%e%i%^%s%H(J Dracula Cape 28 28 15000 -
$B%(%k%U$N%^%s%H(J Elf Cape 25 25 8000 -
$BKbF;;N$N%^%s%H(J Sorcerer Cape 18 18 2000 MgAtt +1
$B3W$N%^%s%H(J Leather Cape 15 15 800 -
$B%9%b!<%k%^%s%H(J Small Cape 10 10 300 -
Can be equipped by women.
Japanese Translation Price Notes
$B%7%c%s%?!<%8%e(J Chantage 30000 Causes "Reraise" and "Regene"
$B%7%'%k%7%e(J Cherche 30000 Causes "Levitate" and "Reflect"
$B%;%C%F%#%(%`%=%s(J Setti Emson 30000 Causes "Haste" and "Transparent",
MgAtt +1
$B%=%k%F%#%l!<%8%e(J Sortilege 30000 Causes "Protect" and Shield"
Sortilege is French for 'Sorcery'. Thanks to Kate Malloy.
Cherche is French for 'Search'. Thanks for Mark Rosa.
Chantage is French for 'Blackmail'. Thanks to Nora Stevens.
$B!v(J $B#6!>(J $B#T#h#r#o#w#i#n#g(J $B#W#e#a#p#o#n#s(J $B!v(J
$B(J $B#I#t#e#m#s(J $B!v(J
Japanese Translation Price Effect
$B%]!<%7%g%s(J Potion 50 Restores 30 HP
$B%O%$%]!<%7%g%s(J Hi Potion 200 Restores 70 HP
$B%(%/%9%]!<%7%g%s(J X-Potion 700 Restores 150 HP
$B%(!<%F%k(J Ether 200 Restores 20 MP
$B%O%$%(!<%F%k(J Hi Ether 600 Restores 50 MP
$B%(%j%/%5!<(J Elixir - Restores all HP and MP
$BFG>C$7(J Anti-Poison 50 Cures 'Poison' status
$BL\Lt(J Eye Medicine 50 Cures 'Dark' status
$B$d$^$S$3Ap(J Echo Herb 50 Cures 'Mute' status
$B25=w$N%-%C%9(J Maiden Kiss 50 Cures 'Toad' status
$B6b$N?K(J Golden Needle 100 Cures 'Petrify' status
$B@;?e(J Holy Water 2000 Cures 'Undead' status
$BK|G=Lt(J Almighty 350 Cures status ailments except 'Death
medicine Sentence', 'Undead' and 'Chicken'
$B%U%'%K%C%/%9$NHx(J Phoenix Tail 300 Revives target with some HP