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Final Fantasy Tactics (e)


                        FINAL FANTASY TACTICS 
                       VERSION 0.1 (20/07/1999)
                         BY J.ANDRO ARTANTO

By Joseph Andro Artanto
E-Mail :

This guide is copyrighted 1999 by Joseph Andro Artanto. Dont use this 
guide for commercial purpose and own profit, give me credit and e-mail 
me if you want to use this guide in you website or faq.


A lot of people have trouble with the Deep Dungeon, so I try to make a 
faq to help to give the answers.

-How to get there-
First, you have to near the end of the game, now go to Warjilis Trade 
City and you will see a conversation. You will note there is a new way 
to an island, that is the Deep Dungeon. The enemies in Deep Dungeon are 
much harder than the original monsters you fight in world map, they 
basically have 10 more level than your highest level character, so be 
prepare and bring Orlandu before you enter the deep dungeon.

-How to get items in Deep Dungeon-
There is one more thing, you have to have the move-find item movement 
ability in order to get the items in this dungeon, also, your item-
finder must be have a low brave (around 20 or 15), other wise you will 
have a low success rate (and give you phoenix down instead rare items). 
There are a lot of rare and strong weapons in Deep Dungeon, so dont 
ignore any of the items. Also, equip your item finder with Germinas 
Boots, it will help a lot.

-How to find the exit-
To find the exit, you have to stand in front of the exit, usually all 
the exit is in the edgeline, but sometimes it is in other corner. So 
after you stop/chicken the last enemy, let your party go around the 
edgeline and hope they find the exit, if you dont find it, then search 
it around the walls.

-How to stop the last enemy-
Have you beat all the enemies and the one-only enemy keep attacking you, 
are you annoyed? use chickens! (Beowulf's ability), they can lower the 
enemy brave by 50 and have pretty high hit rate, so use it. If you have 
not find the items or the exit, this strategy will be very usefull as 
you search the items.

-How to light the battlefield-
Only by crystal left by you or your enemies.

-How to find the item location-
I decided to make a x,y coordinates, (0,0) means the corner when your 
party facing lower right, got it? so let start it.

1st floor : NOGIAS
This floor is easy, as a heat up it is great, be sure to pick up the 
elemental guns in here.
(2,2) Blaze Gun 
(0,9) Glacier Gun
(9,4) Kiyomori
(0,6) Elixir
2nd floor : TERMINATE
The enemy in this place is pretty hard, you usually fight ahrimans and 
skeletons, this level is hard if the exit is in the center because the 
walls is so many.
(6,7)  Blood Sword
(2,10) Elixir
(4,0)  Elixir
(0,1)  Save the Queen

3rd floor : DELTA
This level is easier than Terminate, just use long-range attacker and 
you will be save.
(1,6)  Mace of Zeus
(2,15) Elixir
(5,3)  Elixir
(7,9)  Yoichi Bow

4th floor : VALKYRIES
This level is pretty big, but the enemies are easy, so just be sure to 
chicken the last enemy to make things easier.
(10,4) Fairy Harp
(10,5) Kaiser Plate
(8,4)  Faith Rod ->be sure to get this rod!
(2,12) Elixir

5th floor : MLAPAN
This is a moderate level, quickly kill as many enemy as you can. 
Sometimes you can find the exit in the top and near the lowerland.
(11,0) Elixir
(11,6) Iga Knife
(8,2)  Excalibur
(0,6)  Elixir

6th floor : TIGER
This is a flat level with 3 rock formation, the best attack to use is 
magic and Lightning Stab. And all of the items is in the starting 
corner, get them right away.
(9,8)  Cursed Ring
(9,9)  Secret Clothes
(10,8) Blast Gun
(10,9) Elixir

7th floor : BRIDGE
This level is pretty strange, it seems like an "A". To get the items in 
the top of the hill, go to the narrow passage in the center of the 
battlefield and go up to the hill and get the treasures.
(4,4)  Elixir
(10,4) Sage Staff
(12,4) Koga Knife
(14,4) Elixir

8th floor : VOYAGE
This level is hard, not because its form, but the enemy you fight 
commonly in here are high-level monster like behemoths, dragons, and 
even hydras, if you want, you can invite one of the hydra/dragon with 
Reis's Dragon Tame skill.
(6,4)   Perseus Bow
(7,6)   Robe of Lords
(8,9)   Ragnarok
(10,10) Elixir

9th floor : HORROR
This level is basically a flat level with 3 pillars and near the 
pillars, there is one lower cliff but higher than the lowerland. You may 
fight a group of ninjas or humans.
(0,9)  Maximillian
(4,3)  Grand Helmet
(5,3)  Venetian Shield
(10,3) Elixir

10th floor : END (the last one)
This level is like a stairs with a square tile in the top. You will 
fight Elidibs, and his servants (Apandas). See a purple Apanda behind 
you? it is your friend and he will join if you win this fight. There are 
items in here, but dont try to get the items now, try after you beat 
Elidibs. Kill the Apandas first and after Elidibs. All Elidibs can do is 
magic, his magic power is strong but his attack...VERY weak, try to 
reduces his MP to 0 to shut him, and you can kill him very easily. After 
you win the battle, you get the Serpentarius Zodiac stone.

-How to get Zodiac Summon spell-
First, changes your character you want to learn zodiac to a summoner. 
Now equip MP Switch counter ability and MagicDefend Up Support ability. 
In the battle, try to cast spell that give your summoner Shell status. 
Now try to get hit by the Zodiac summon spell (casted by Elidibs, around 
1 time in 1 battle) and you have a choice, do you want to learn Zodiac? 
choose yes and you get Zodiac.
(5,10) Elixir
(5,12) Chirijiraden
(7,10) Chaos Blade ->get this strongest sword!
(7,12) Elixir

Misc. Secret

As you know, there are a lot of secrets to do in Final Fantasy Tactics, 
they are Cloud Subquest, The World of Poaching, Deep Dungeon (see 
above), and Propositions. Lets start with the first one, Cloud Subquest.

*Cloud Subquest*
You need a few requirements before you do this subquest.
-Mustadio is in your party.
-Buy a flower from a girl in Zarghidas Trade City.
-Adramelk has defeated.
Now this is the steps :
1. Go to Goug Machine City, and see an event.
2. Go to Lesalia Imperial Capital, go to the bar and see an event. After 
a conversation, Beowulf offer to join you as a guest, choose yes (he 
also have the Aquarius Zodiac stone).
3. Go to Goland Coal City, after a series of battles, you will find Reis 
that kidnapped by a demon, defeat the demon and his servants and you get 
Reis, the Holy Dragon.
4. Go back to Goug Machine City and see an event,Worker 8 will join you.
5. Go to Nelveska Temple (see all rumor in Zeltennia Castle first), in 
there you will have a battle with Worker 7*new (?). If you want the best 
shield (Escutcheon(II) and spear (Javelin(II) in the game, be sure to 
have an item-finder with high jump level. If your item-finder dont have 
around 7 jump level, equip him/her with Germinas Boots, and bring Worker 
8 to the battle (or a dragon, hydra or molbol since they can be used for 

Battle: Nelveska Temple
Objective: Defeat Worker 7*new
You want the best shield and spear in here, because you cant go back to 
this battlefield anymore if you finish this battle. This battle is hard, 
so bring your best party in here (usually Orlandu, but bring also Worker 
8 or dragon,tiamat,molbol). 
The shield and the spear are in the top of the 2 pillars, so send Worker 
8 near the pillar, and move your item-finder to the top to get it (if 
you dont, reset, if you see a kind of gold shield, that is the right 
one. For the spear, if the spear bigger than ordinary Javelin, it is the 
right one).
In the start of the game, try to kill the birds first, let Ramza finish 
off Worker 7, and the others attack the hyudra. If you win, Reis will be 
transformed into human again. Also, you got the Cancer Zodiac stone.
6. Go all the way back to Goug Machine City. You will see Cloud summoned 
from the machine and run away.
7. Go to Zarghidas Trade City and enter a battle to save the girls 
(Aerith, if you dont know) and Cloud. After you defeat them, Cloud will 
join you.

This is pretty dissapointing, you must build up Cloud all the way from 
level 1 to higher level, but one thing about Cloud's job (soldier), you 
need the Materia Blade. A note about his limit, all of his limits are 
pretty useless, except the Finish Touch, it can stop/petrify/dead the 
enemies with a probability of 100%!! (of course, the stop/petrify/dead 
status are at random status).

-How to get the Materia Blade-
Enter a random original battle in Bervenia Volcano, now move your item-
finder to the top of the volcano (if you dont get the blade, reset). If 
you equip it to Cloud, Cloud finally can use his limit break.

*The World of Poaching*
To poach, learn "Secret Hunt" Thief's support ability. Equip it, and 
after you kill a monster, you can get their items and buy them in the 
fur shops (fur shops is in a trade city like Dorter, Warjilis, etc). 
Some of them are really rare and usefull, so try to get all of them. 
Almost all poached items are pretty useless (like fireball,potions,etc). 
But here is a list of good items that gotten by poaching. This list is 
divided by the common one and the rare one, also with the monster 
commonly found places.

Monster Name    Common item      Rare item       Commonly found
Plague          Yagyu Darkness   Zorlin Shape    Bervenia Volcano
Sacred          Holy Lance       Ivory Rod       Deserts, VOYAGE
Great Molbol    Elixir           Madlemgem       VOYAGE
Taiju           Defense Ring     Defender        MLAPAN, Finath River
Blue Dragon     Cashmere         Dragon Rod      HORROR, Deserts
Red Dragon      Salty Rage       Dragon Whiskers VOYAGE, Deserts
King Behemoth   Ultimus Bow      Cherche         Poeskas Lake, VOYAGE
Dark Behemoth   Wizard Rod       Stone Gun       VOYAGE
Hyudra          Blood Sword      Scorpion Tail   VOYAGE
Hydra           Setiemson        Rubber Costume  VOYAGE
Tiamat          Ryozan Silk      Whale Whiskers  VOYAGE, END
Uribo           Maiden Kiss      Cachusha        END
Porky           Chantage         Nagrarock       END   
Wild Boar       Ribbon           FS Bag          *

*To get this monster, simply invite Uribo or Porky and wait until they 
hatch a Wild Boar, now enter a battle and bring the wild boar, now poach 
that pig. 

You may have recognized about propositions, you can get treasures, find 
unexplored lands, get money and JP. However, to get all treasures and 
unexplored lands, you must do certain propositions. If you send the 
right job for the right man, you get more JP and money. However, the 
treasures and unexplored lands gotten only by certain propositions, but 
what treasures and un.lands, it is random.

You cant send special characters (like Orlandu,Agrias,etc) or monsters 
to have a propositions. You also can get a title (like adventurer lvl.5 
and treasure hunter lvl.6). To quickly end the propositions time and 
check the result, go to 2 connected blue places and go back and forth 
and finally go back to the place where you take the proposition.
Sometime, you need to end certain propositions first to unlock the other 
one, so try to take as many propositions as possible. 

A number with "()" is the chapter time when this propositions unlocked.

*Gariland Magic City
Job Name                      Cost  Recommended Class Reward 
Testimony of an Ex-Miner(2)   600   Any               Gil
Orders of the Coast Guard(2)  3050  Any               Gil
Stolen Ancient Writings(3)    11000 Any               Gil
Master Math(4)                50    Calculator        Gil
Win the Magic Contest(*)      0     Summoner          Treasure

*Igros Castle
Job Name                      Cost  Recommended Class Reward
Girl at Gulg Volcano(2)       3100  Any               Treasure
Sad Traveling Artist(3)       50    Mediator          Gil
Traveling Artist Mameko(3)    0     Dancer            Gil
Ringing of the Bell(3)        2000  Wizard            Treasure
Legendary Monster(4)          1000  Priest            Gil
Sullen Experiment(4)          1100  Any               Gil
Legendary Traces(4+)          200   Archer            Unexplored Land
Thief Zero Reborn!(4)         5000  Knight            Treasure

Dorter Trade City
Job Name                      Cost  Recommended Class Reward
Trap of the Bandits(2)        600   Summoner          Gil
Discovery Race(3)             0     Any               Unexplored Land
Discovery Race 2(3)           0     Any               Unexplored Land
Discovery Race 3(3)           0     Any               Unexplored Land
Minimum's Melancholy(4)       600   Any               Treasure
Minimum's Melancholy 2(4)     1000  Thief             Treasure
Minimum's Melancholy 3(4)     600   Any               Gil

Zaland Fort City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Salvage the Trade Ship(2)	100	Geomancer		Gil
Zaland Embassy(2)			6000	Any			Treasure
Rolade Ore Company(3)		1100	Any			Treasure
Deep in Sweegy Woods(3)		1100	Any			Unexplored Land
Shy Katedona(4+)			500	Mediator		Gil
Win the Zaland Fight!(*)	0	Monk			Treasure

Lionel Castle
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
My Little Carrot(2)	      100	Any			Gil
Trade Ship Douing(3)	      100	Geomancer		Gil
I Saw It(3)			      1050	Any			Unexplored Land
Storm of Zigolis!(3)	      1100	Mediator		Unexplored Land
Protect the Little Life(4)	1500	Any			Treasure
Emissary of Lionel(4+)		4000	Knight            Treasure
Challenge of Zero(3)	      50	Knight            Treasure

Goug Machine City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Vacancy!(2)			      100	Monk			Gil
Heir of Mesa(3)			10000	Any			Gil
Machinist Contest(*)	      100	Chemist 		Treasure
Salvage the Trade Ship(4)	100	Knight		Treasure
Devil in the Dark(4)	      3050	Any			Gil
Machinist Contest 2(*)		0	Chemist		Gil

Warjilis Trade City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward	
Destiny of the Company(2)	1050	Geomancer		Gil
Concerns of a Merchant(3)	2000	Any			Unexplored Land
Wandering Gambler(4)	      15000	Thief			Gil
Mountain of Rain(4)	      600	Ninja			Unexplored Land
Within the Darkness(4)		1500	Priest		Gil
True Romance(4+) 			0	Any			Treasure

Goland Coal City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Will of Elder Topa(3)		8000	Knight		Gil
Miners Wanted(4)			50	Monk/Archer		Gil
Miners Wanted 2(4)		150	Monk/Archer		Treasure
Adventurer Ramzen(4)	      1100	Any			Unexplored Land
Defeat Golden Gotsko!(4+)	1000	Thief			Gil
Terror of Assault Cave(4+)	1500	Wizard		Gil
Dream of a Miner(4+)	      150	Monk			Gil

Lesaila Imperial Capital
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Sunken Salvage Tour(3)		3000	Geomancer		Treasure
Mine Excavation Tour(3)		1000	Monk			Treasure
Discovery Tour(4)			5000	Any			Unexplored Land
If Wishes Come True(4+)		6000	Any			Gil
Son, Pappal(4+)		      3000	Lancer		Gil
Secret Door(4+)			      3050	Any			Gil
Thief Zero Returns!(4)		500	Knight		Treasure

Yardow Fort City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Sailor Tour(3)		      5000	Monk			Gil
Envoy Ship Falcon(4)	      3500	Monk			Treasure
Good Workplace and Job!(4+)	0	Any			Gil
Miner's Tour(4+)			1000	Any			Gil
Miner's Tour 2(4+)		1000	Any			Gil
Win the Yardow Fight!(*)	0	Knight		Treasure

Riovanes Castle
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Secret Society(4)			600	Thief			Gil
Fiar's Request(4)			3000	Any			Gil
Sea of Gredia Island(4)		4000	Geomancer		Treasure
Stranded Trade Ship(4)		0	Geomancer		Gil
Letter to My Love(4)		0	Any			Treasure
The Greatest Plan(4+)	      3050	Any			Treasure
Hard Lecture(4+)			200	Wizard		Gil

Bervenia Free City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Hidden Trap at the Maze(4)	8000	Any			Treasure
One Activity(4)			500	Any			Treasure
Ruins at Bed Desert(4)		550	Any			Unexplored Land
Adventurer Wanted(4)	      100	Knight		Unexplored Land
I Saw It! I Swear!(4)		3050	Any			Unexplored Land
Defeat Behemoth(4+)		500	Knight		Gil

Zeltennia Castle	
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Larnar Channel Waves(4)		3100	Time Mage		Treasure
Mother(4)				3050	Any			Gil
Attractive Workplace(4+)	1000	Any			Gil
Dream Child(4+)			3500	Any			Gil
How Much is Life Worth?(4+)	550	Chemist		Treasure
Phantom Thief Zero(4)		100	Knight		Treasure

Zarghidas Trade City
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
Himka Cliffs(4)			1500	Any			Treasure
The Lord's Ore(4)		      13000	Any			Treasure
Death Canyon(4+)			13000	Any			Gil
Defeat Whirlwind Karz!(4+)	11000	Knight		Gil
Road of Beasts(4+)		10000	Geomancer		Gil
Memories(4+)		      100	Any			Gil

Limberry Castle
Job Name			      Cost	Recommended Class	Reward
My Treasure(4)		      3050	Any			Gil
Chocobo Restaurant(4)		100	Any			Treasure
Poeskas Lake Bottom(4)		1500	Ninja			Unexplored Land
Ominous Dungeon(4)		3000	Any			Unexplored Land
Wandering Gambler(4)	      15000	Thief			Gil
Thief Zero's Last Stand(4)	10000	Knight		Gil


Squire: None
Chemist: None
Knight: Squire lvl.2
Archer: Squire lvl.2
Monk: Knight lvl.2
Priest: Chemist lvl.2
Wizard: Chemist lvl.2
Time Mage: Wizard lvl.2
Summoner: Time Mage lvl.2
Thief: Archer lvl.2
Mediator: Oracle lvl.2
Oracle: Priest lvl.2
Geomancer: Monk lvl.3
Lancer: Thief lvl.3
Samurai: Knight lvl.3,Monk lvl.4,Lancer lvl.2
Ninja: Archer lvl.3,Thief lvl.4,Geomancer lvl.2
Calculator: Priest lvl.4,Wizard lvl.4,Time Mage lvl.3,Oracle lvl.3
Bard: Summoner lvl.4,Mediator lvl.4 (Male only)
Dancer: Geomancer lvl.4,Lancer lvl.4 (Female only)
Mime: Squire lvl.8,Chemist lvl.8,Summoner lvl.4,Mediator lvl.4,Geomancer 
lvl.4,Lancer lvl.4


Job     : Holy Swordman     R-hand : Chaos Blade
Action  : Item              L-hand : Excalibur
Support : 2-sword           Head   : Grand Helmet
Counter : Blade Grasp       Armor  : Maximillian/Reflect Mail
Move    : Teleport/Move+3   Acc    : Bracer/Angel Ring

This is the best special characters, be sure to have a high brave level, 
if you have Maximillian, equip it, otherwise equip the Reflect Mail so 
you cant be hit by magic!

Job     : Knight            R-hand : Chaos Blade 
Action  : Guts/Jump         L-hand : Excalibur
Support : 2-Sword           Head   : Grand Helmet
Counter : Blade Grasp       Armor  : Maximillian/Reflect Mail
Move    : Teleport/Move+3   Acc    : Bracer/Angel Ring

This is the best combination for Ramza, since Ramza has lower physical 
attack power than Orlandu, equip him with Bracer.

*Ultimate Magician
Job     : Wizard            R-hand : Faith Rod
Action  : Math Skill        L-hand : none
Support : MagicAtck Up      Head   : Flash Hat
Counter : Blade Grasp       Armor  : Robe of Lords
Move    : Teleport          Acc    : Genji Gauntlet/Magic Gauntlet

This is the ultimate magician, but be sure to get all math skill and as 
many spell (black,white,yin-yang,time) as possible to maximize the 
effectiveness of this magician. Faith Rod will make the user faith 100, 
so the success rate is very high.


This guide is copyrighted 1999 by Joseph Andro Artanto, dont use this 
guide for any commercial purpose and own profit. If you want to use this 
guide in your website, e-mail me first. 
And dont remove this disclaimer out of this guide.
-Roland Carlos ( for most of propositions 
-Fritz Faundorf ( for his walktrough, because him I 
could get all items in Final Fantasy Tactics.
-Squaresoft, for producing the best strategy-RPG ever!
This guide is copyrighted 1999 by Joseph Andro Artanto.