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Final Fight 3 (e)

Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:52:04 -0600

Final Fight 3
About - This is an FAQ on Final Fight 3. Why would you need an FAQ for a beat'em up game
such as this? Well although its a beat'em up, this game has Street Fighter like controls
and moves. Although it is old, I just found it for a cheap price, and I enjoy it. So read on.

The moves list is incomplete, as I haven't figured out all of the moves and don't have the

Key: d = down
t = towards
u = up
a = attack
j = jump
s = special

To grab someone for a throw or super, simply walk up close to them (or use dean's reach grab)

Fire Blast: d to t + a
Guy Sticks out his hand and a burst of flame comes out.
Good Damage, many hits, more on it later.

Hurricane Kick: s
Good when surrounded, but not much damage and hurts your health.

Front Throws:
t + a = Shoulder Toss
Good to get people away fast. Poor damage.

a repeatedly = Knee Bash
Basically useless. Poor damage.

d + a = switch to back

Back Throws:
t + a = Suplex
His more damaging throw, but slow. Use on Bosses/Single enemies.

a repeatedly = Ground Punches
His best throw moves, good damage. Use on anyone. Pretty fast to come out, but you can be hit
out of it. Most powerful throw move.

Super (grab them from the front then):
Gut Blows: t to d + a
A powerful move, usable only when bar flashing super. Guy punches the enemy many times then
throws a fire blast. The punches only hit one person, but the fire blast can hit multiple.

How to use Guy:
Use his attack combo to kill people, using the shoulder throw to get people away. His dashing
combo is quite powerful ( t, t, a repeatedly when near) but hard to connect. Use the ground
punches on bosses, along with jump kicks. He is extremely fast, and can roam the screen easily.
His dashing jump attack can be used to hit people off screen. The nun-chucks are his best weapon,
as he can do a massive combo with them. Avoid all other weapons as they do weak damage and eliminate
his combo. Guy is the best character to start with. His fireblast can be stuck on the end of
his combo if done before the final kick for incredible damage.

Electric Uppercut: t to up + a
Dean Charges, then uppercuts for a time, electrocuting anyone who touches it. Has a delay.
This move is useful for stopping running people, also discussed later

Reaching Grab: d to t + a
Dean grabs an enemy. Same as normal grab but with more range.

Shocking Spin: s
Hits lots of people, same basic effect as other specials.

Front Throws:
t + a: Choke Slam
Decent Power, fast.

a repeatedly: Punches
Decent, sends enemy flying

d + a: Switch to back

Back Throws:
t + a: Punch to Choke Slam
Punches once, then choke slam

u + a: Backbreaker
My favorite. Most damaging throw for Dean.
Pretty fast, invincible during execution. Use on Bosses.

a: Punches to bak of Head
Decent damage, self-explanatory.

d + a: Switch to front

Super: ?
I have no idea how to do Dean's super, and have tried many things. Tell me if you know how.

How to use Dean:
His punch combo can end with and electric shock for extra damage, tap towards and attack quickly
as he is finishing it. This will also hurt people who walk into it. If you are fast you can also use
the electric uppercut during the combo right before it ends. Just make sure your close when you do, or you will whiff. 
Dean is slow, but can deal out the pain. Keep using the punch combo, with a few throws when needed. His super bar charges
really quickly, so if you know how to, do his super. His dashing attack is a single hit, but travels
a good distance and can take out a lot of people, but it is weak. If you time it well, you can
stand over a grounded person and get them to stand up into an electric uppercut. Also, you can
do your dashing attack at the end of his combo at the same time you would do an electric uppercut.
His dashing jump attack can also be used to take out several people at once, as well as those off screen.
With the throwing hammer, he charges it before he throws it. Avoid other weapons, as they suck with Dean.
He is significantly slower than Guy, but can be devastating. Dean is my favorite character.

Home Run Swing: d to t + a
Hagar does a double fisted uppercut. Good range, but slow.

Lariat: s
Same as other specials.

Front Throws:
t + a: Gorilla Press
He throws them far, but for pathetic damage. Only for throwing people away. Invincible during

j, then a: Spinning PileDriver
Awesome! Can damage people it lands on, as well as the person it is done to. If you land
without attacking, Hagar will drop the person. Massive damage. Should be used constantly.

a repeatedly: Hits
Same as other peoples. Stick to the SPD.

d + a: Switch to back

Back Throws:
t + a: Suplex
Better damage than the gorilla press, but why bother?

j, then a: Inverted Suplex
Cool looking move, good damage, use this! About the same as the SPD.

a repeatedly: Same as front

d + a: Switch to front

Super: The Slamfest
t to d + a when you have grabbed them from the front
Haggar glows, then tosses them into the air, follows, does an inverted suplex, jumps back up,
then does a Super SPD. The SPD does massive damage to the victim and anyone it lands on. Very cool!

How to use Hagar:
Throw Throw Throw! His punch combo is decent, but slow. His dashing attack does multiple hits, but
is hard to connect. So grab them, and throw them. He is a power character, but can get himslef killed
fast when he trys to grab people but can't get to them. Use the SPD and the Inverted Suplex, as they
are the most powerful. The slowest, and most powerful character, he has an incredible reach with weapons
esp the pipe.

I have no info as I never use her. She is fast, but relatively weak. I also don't know hwo to do her

General Info
- Your combo can simply be performed by smashing the attack button after you connect with the
first hit.
- Often, you can simply stand over a grounded opponet and hit attack repeatedly to hit them as soon as
they stand up.
- Throws may knock other people down, but it doesn't hurt them. Only the SPD does.
- Don't get surrounded. If you do, or are getting seriously beaten down, use your special,
but sparingly, as it hurts your health if you connect.
- If specials are done while dashing they are done as you move accross the screen (esp. Guy)
- Don't let Andore's piledriver you, or the Baseball guys use their bat. It stings. Bad.
- All bosses have a pattern. Learn what atatcks you can get them with when they do what. Most (not all)
can hit you as soon as they get up, so stay away. A few can be attacked as soon as they get up,
but not many. many also Jump, so watch the shadow and move (harder with Hagar and Dean, cause they
are slow)
- Supers have a limited time to use them, but use it wisely. It is better used on a full health
Andore than an almost dead normal guy.
- There is a door on the second to last stage that can be broken by throwing people into it.
You can go in, and skip the boss. (Who is a pain in the ass) You will end up in a computer room
as the second section after you go in if done right.
- Play with two people. Much better. Just don't punch each other.
- There is a section towards the end with an elevator full of Joe's (the midgets) Trap them all together
and use your combo, or just throw like hell.
- The endings are different, even if only slightly (I have not seen Lucia's though)

Copyright, etc.
No stealing from or saying this FAQ is your own work.
Etc, Etc.

I have no affiliation with Capcom except that of liking their games (esp. the Vs. series in the Arcade)

e-mail me at, esp. If you know how to do Dean's Super.

Thanks for reading this far. If you think I am stupid for making this, perhaps you are right,
but I was bored, and I got frustrated with this game, so I assume others would be too.