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Final Fantasy Tactics (e)

Final Fantasy Tactics Job FAQ
By King Nadres (
   Gino Caparas (
Version 0.1
For questions, comments or correction pls. E-mail me at


I. Disclaimer
II. Introduction
III. How to get the jobs
        a. Squire
        b. Chemist
	c. Knight
	d. Archer
	e. Monk
	f. Thief
	g. Geomancer
	h. Lancer
	i. Dancer
	j. Priest
	k. Wizard
	l. Oracle
        m. Time Mage
	n. Mediator
	o. Summoner
	p. Bard
	q. Samurai
	r. Ninja
	s. Calculator
	t. Mime


 I. Disclaimer

This unpublished work is Copyright (c) 1999 King Nadres/Gino Caparas. All 
rights reserved.

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It is not to be used for profitable 
purposes unless you asked for permission. This includes being incorporated, 
reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines (like EGM), books, guides, etc., in 
ANY way unless approved by the author. When using this FAQ in your site, 
please remember that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING should be here. Proper 
credit is a must. We worked hard for this big hunk of text, you know.

Remember, If you're thinking about plagiarizing this work, then don't. 
Plagiarism is a crime, you know. My FAQ is also not responsible for damages or
abnormalities in your PC, PlayStation and especially for the creatures in this 

 II. Introduction

  Hello to all of you reading this FAQ. King is just a first timer so I 
hope he can help you all to get each job available in the game and tell you 
their abilities. As for yours truly, Gino Caparas, the one who wrote this
whole introduction part, I'll be helping King through the ins and outs of
our long-legged life. Man, believe it or not, I've found tons of mistakes in
his spelling and grammar! FAQ authors, as much as possible, shouldn't use
"chat" grammar, but yet he insists!!!... Oops...I shouldn't have said that.
Anyway, he gets all the info we need, types it in and I fix this piece of
t*xt. I'm not too kind to him, just pointing out the MAJOR errors. He needs a
lot of guidance. Well, I'm/were inviting you all to read this FAQ. Have a nice

 Version updates:

 III. Jobs

a. Squire
  This job is the basis for all units. The starting point to becomeing a fine 
Prerequisite: No conditions for job change

b. Chemist
  A Chemist is someone who prescribes items with proper judgment in order to
restore HP and treat abnormal status. Item ability.
Prerequisite: No conditions for job change

c. Knight
  The finest of the warriors, bold and brave but has etiquette. Draws out
"Battle Skill" with the powerful Knight sword.
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Squire

d. Archer
  A warrior who uses the bow well, is necessary in preemptive attacks. He
gathers power by charging then pulls the bow to shoot the enemy.
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Squire

e. Monk
  Monks are warriors who train their bodies in the ways of martial arts.
Their abilty "punch art" drives enemies away.
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Knight

f. Thief
  Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill and boldness are
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Archer

g. Geomancer
  A warrior who knows the theory of good and bad luck, originating in the
earth. Uses "ELEMENTAL" spells and calls mysterious geographical powers.
Prerequisite: Lv.3 Monk

h. Lancer
Prerequisite: Lv.3 Thief

i. Dancer (female only)
Prerequisite: Lv.4 Geomancer, Lv.4 Lancer

j. Priest
  The priest controls the Holy magic by borrowing soul power. Often uses
recuperative and support magic called 'white magic'.
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Chemist

k. Wizard
  The wizard controls the power of the Elements which make up this world.
Often uses attack magic "Black magic".
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Chemist

l. Oracle
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Priest

m. Time mage
  The Time Mage controls time & space. This sorcerer toys w/ the laws of the
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Wizard

n. Mediator
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Oracle

o. Summoner
Prerequisite: Lv.2 Time mage

p. Bard (male only)
Prerequisite: Lv.4 Mediator, Lv.4 Summoner

q. Samurai
Prerequisite: Lv.3 Knight, Lv.4 Monk, Lv.2 Lancer

r. Ninja
Prerequisite: Lv.3 Archer, Lv.4 Thief, Lv.2 Geomancer

s. Calculator
Prerequisite: Lv.4 Priest, Lv.4 Wizard, Lv.3 Time mage

t. Mime
Prerequisite: Lv.8 Squire, Lv.8 Chemist, Lv.4 Geomancer, Lv.4 Lancer,
    Lv.4 Mediator, Lv.4 Summoner


to gino caparas for helping

Cheack out his cool FAQS on

Xenogears and knock out kings

And remember this isnt still complete maybe the full version of this FAQ will be 
finished next week