GAROU DENSETSU: FIRST CONTACT (FATAL FURY: FIRST CONTACT) -- FAQ v1.0 for the NEO GEO POCKET (COLOR) written by James Kuroki ( This FAQ is for personal use only. This means no selling of the FAQ, any using this FAQ to gain a prophet. Do not use as prizes, and must be distributed freely. Must post this on a free website, where it can be access freely, and must not be edited. NO plagarizing of this FAQ in anyway. My name, James Kuroki, must be on this FAQ at all times. I will not tolerate those who take credit for my work. Under the International Copyright Law, I have any right to take action in the case that I find you plagarizing. What's the point of copying, anyways? It just shows how low those people are and that they probably can't play the game. Neo Geo Pocket Color and Fatal Fury series is a (c) of SNK of Japan and America. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== Contents ======================== A) How to Play B) Characters -Move List -Move Analysis/Combos 1) Andy Bogard 2) Terry Bogard 3) Joe Hisgashi 4) Geese Howard 5) Billy Kane 6) Kim Kaphwan 7) Wolfgang Krauser 8) Li Xian Fei 9) Mai Shiranui 10) Rick Strowd 11) Ryuji Yamazaki 12) Alfred C) Secrets D) Revision History E) Comments F) Special Thanks ======================================================================== 1. HOW TO PLAY ======================================================================== ub u uf Jump Up-Back Jump Up Jump Up-Forward \ | / b -- n -- f Walk Back / Block Neutral Walk Forward / | \ db d df Crouch / Low Block Crouch Crawl Forward A (lightly) -- Punch B (lightly) -- Kick A or B (press hard) -- Strong Attack Option -- Pause A + B --- Evade Attack (Dodges while counter-attacking) A + B (in air) --- Twist (changes direction facing in mid-air) f, f --- Dash b, b --- Backstep f or b + option --- Taunt Tap ub or uf --- Small jump A + B (while falling, right when you hit the ground) --- Technical Rise --(jumps back up w/o laying on ground) Breakshot --- while blocking, do a certain move (only when you have enough power (H) and you can Guard Cancel. Abrreviations for this FAQ: qcf / qcb - Roll (d,df,f) or (d,db,b) on the joystick. hcf / hcb - Roll (b,db,d,df,f) or (f,df,d,db,b) on the joystick. Note that d, b is the same as qcb, etc. H - Shows that the move is a Breakshot S - Shows that the move is a Super P - Shows that the move is a Potential A - A (Punch) Button B - B (Kick) Button C - A or B held down (Strong Attack) Note: I will put in parentheses the button I suggest you should use for strong attack T - Throw ======================================================================== 2. CHARACTER MOVE LIST ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andy Bogard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Uchi-Mata f or b + C Asebi-Geri f + B H Hishoken qcb + A H Geki Hishoken qcb + B H Kuu Ha Dan hcf + B Zan Ei Ken qcf + A or C (A) Shippu Uraken (after Str. Zan Ei Ken) f + A H Shoryudan f, d, df + A Genei Shiranui (in air) qcb + B S Cho Reppa Dan qcb, hcf + B P Dan Dadan qcb, hcf + A, A repeatedly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terry Bogard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Buster Throw f or b + C Back Spin Kick f + B H Power Wave qcf + A H Round Wave hcf + A H Burn Knuckle hcb + A or C (A) H Crack Shoot hcb + B Rising Tackle d, u + A S Power Geyser qcb, hcf + B P Triple Geyser qcb, hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joe Higashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Joe Special f or b + C (A) Sliding df + B H Hurricane Upper hcf + A H Bakuretsu Hurricane hcf + B H Bakuretsu Punch A repeatedly Bakuretsu Finish (weak) (during Bakuretsu P.) qcf + A Bakuretsu Finish (strong) (during Bakuretsu P.) qcf + B H Tiger Kick f, d, df + B Slash Kick qcf + B or C (B) S Screw Upper f, hcf + B P Thunder Fire f, hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geese Howard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Kosatsu-nage f or b + C Hien Shikkyaku f + A Raiko Mawashi-geri b + B H Reppu-ken qcb + A H Double Reppu-ken qcb + B Shinkuu-nage (close to opponent) hcf + Str (B) Raijin Gouha Nage (close to opponent on ground) d + A S Raging Storm f, hcf + B P Rashomon (close to oppponent) hcf + A P Deadly Rave f, hcf + A, A, A, B, B, B, A, B, qcf + AB *Note: I'm not sure of the Deadly Rave Command yet* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Billy Kane ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Ippon-tsuri Nage f or b + C San-Setsu-Kon Chuudan-Uchi b, f + A Kaen San-Setsu-Kon Chuudan-Tsuki (during Chuudan-Uchi) b, f + A H Suzaku-Otoshi qcb + A Shippu-Kon A repeatedly H Kyo=Shyuu Hisho-Kon hcf + B H Ka-Ryu Tsuigeki-Kon hcb + B S Cho-Kaen Shippu-Kon f, hcf + B S Guren Sakkon f, df, d + A P Salamander Stream f, hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim Kaphwan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Karada-Otoshi f or b + C Neri-chagi f + B Kuusa-Jin d, u + A --> d + A H Hien Zan d, u + B H Han-Getsu Zan hcb + B or C (B) Hisho Kyaku (in air) d + B --> df + B S Ho-ou Tenbu Kyaku (in air) hcf + B P Ho-ou Kyaku qcb, hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wolfgang Krauser ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Knee Smasher f or b + C Death Hammer f + A H Blitz Ball - High qcb + A H Blitz Ball - Low qcb + B H Leg Tomahawk qcf + B Kaiser Claw f, d, df + A Lift-Up Blow (close to opponent) hcb + B S Kaiser Wave f, hcf + B (hold for power) P Gigantic Cyclone (close to opponent) hcf + A P Unlimited Desire hcb, f + A, A, B, B, A, B, A, B. B. A, B (or b, d, db + AB) *Note: I'm not sure of the Unlimited Desire Command yet* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Li Xiangfei ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Ryokuchi Kouen f or b + C Kou Sou Tai b + B H Nanpa qcf + A or C (A) H Ten Hou Zan f, d, df + B Senri Chuu-ou qcf + B Senri Chuu-ou - Kankuu after Senri Chuu-ou, f + B Senri Chuu-ou - Shin Sai Pa after Senri Chuu-oh, qcb + B S (H) Dai Tetsu-Jin f, hcf + B P Majin-Ga (close to opponent) hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mai Shiranui ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Fuusha Kuzushi - Kai f or b + C Hane-Geri when getting up, C (B) Sankaku-Tobi in air by the edge, uf Ryu no Mai b + A H Ka Chou Sen qcf + A H Ryu En Bu qcb + A H Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi hcf + A H Sayo Chi-Dori qcb + B Musasabi no Mai (in air) d + AB S Cho Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi f, qcf + B P Hana-Arashi f, qcf + C (A) (hold for range) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rick Strowd ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Gun-Ho f or b+ C Smash Sword f + C H Shooting Star (weak) qcf + A H Shooting Star (strong) qcf + C (A) H Divine Blast qcb + B H Fake Divine Blast (during Divine Blast hop-back) AB H Blazing Sun Burst qcb + A H Helion f, d, df + A Full Moon Fever hcb + B (hold) H Shooting Star EX (during S or P power) qcf + C (A) (wastes some bar) S Gaia Breath f, hcf + B P Howling Bull f, hcf + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ryuji Yamazaki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Bun-Nage f or b + C Bussashi f + A H Hebi-Tsukai Jyou-dan qcb + A (hold) H Hebi-Tsukai Chuu-dan hcb + A (hold) H Hebi-Tsukai Ge-dan b, d, db + A (hold) H Hebi-Tsukai MAX hold Hebi-Tsukai for 4 sec or more H Sabaki no Aizara f, d, df + A Yaki-Ire f, d, df + B Todome (near opponent on groud) d, d + A S Guillotine f, hcf + B P Drill (near opponent) hcf + A - A rapidly Ichi-Dan (Punch-kick combo) A 0-1 times Ni-Dan (Kick-stomp combo) A 2-4 times San-Dan (Pachiki combo) A 5-7 times Yon-Dan (Hebi-Tsukai flash) A 8+ times Go-Dan (Bai-Gaeshi flash) A 13 times, when flashing red, AB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alfred ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Sonic Wing f or b + C Fokker (in air) d + B F Step Kick f + B Step Kick b + B H Critical Wing qcb + A H Augmentor Wing qcf + A H Diver Jens qcf + B Mayday Mayday (in air) qcf + B - B, B, B, B S. TOL f, uf,u + B S Shock Stall (in air) qcb + AB P Wave Rider qcb, hcf + A ======================================================================== Secrects ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fight Alfred ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to fight Alfred in the 9th (bonus) stage, you must: -not continue (you can still lose rounds) -KO the opponent at least 3 times with P. Power or 5 times with S. Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Play as Alfred ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just beat him in the bonus stage and he will become available in between Xiangfei and Rick. ======================================================================== Version History ======================================================================== version 0.0 - started on 6/5/99 version 1.0 - released on 6/14/99 ======================================================================== Comments ======================================================================== Hello. This is my second FAQ, but actually it's not. I've done a couple other FAQs, but never got around to finish it (I never had the time nor the will after two months to finish it). I really enjoy my Neo Geo Pocket Color. If you want one, go to your local import store (I'm sure they have one) or order directly from SNK of America ( In my opinion, this is the best portable out there. I'm releasing the first version of the FAQ. Just so I know it's out there. I still have to input combos and strategies/move ananlysis section, so don't worry. Anyone know how to get LAO? He's the guy in the intro, getting beat up. I know he's in there because 1) in the intro they show him in the normal fighting screen (in RB2 it was all cinema) and 2) I saw him in my magazine "Neo Geo Freak" fighting! So if you know email me at, ok? Oh, yeah, if you know the exact command for Geese's Deadly Rave or Krauser's Unlimited Desire (or any other move I missed), email me. ======================================================================== Thanks ======================================================================== Thank you SNK of Japan for this kick-ass portable game machine and games such as this. Neo Geo Freak, my personal guide to all SNK related games. Gamest, my arcade magazine. They RB2 guides helped me read some of the characters (esp. Xiangfei's). Unpublished Work Copyright 1999 James Kuroki