Final Fantasy 4 (e) Weapon List

Date: Monday, July 29, 1999 (GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 


                                Zero's            E-mail

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                                   (Version 1)

[Legal Information]

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Copyright (c) 1999 Zero

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Copyright (c) 1991 SquareSoft, Inc.

	This Strategy Guide may not be reproduced, duplicated, or modified
without my prior consent. All commercial use for profit is prohibited under
copyright law. In other words if you sell, steal or modified this faq I will 
be force to take legal action, you know I will sue you. 

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[Table of Contents]

 - Zero's Introduction

Weapon List

-Dark Sword
-Ninja Sword
-Holy Sword
-Dart Weapon

Zero's Credits

[Zero's Introduction]

      Hi, and welcome to my faq, you might not now this, but I am the only
one, that is writeing a faq for Final Fantasy 4 Hard-type. The reson why I am 
wrteing a faq for such a old games is because it is NOW in Engilsh thanks to 
J2e Translations. This FAQ is just a weapon list if you want the walkthrough,
done by me too, go to

This FAQ is also base on FF4 hard-type.
This FAQ is now base on the J2e Translations of FF4 hard-type.
J2e Translations is at

If J2e don't want their web site in my faq just e-mail me and I will take it off.

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* = in "Use By", mean best used by

*D* = in "Special", mean it can be Dart by Edge

Note: In the Use By, I only put in the names Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Cain or 
      Edge that can use them, because they are your final party.

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Use By: Cain, or *Cecil*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |    
 Ancient|    35| *D*                        |
   Blood|    43| Drain enemy hp to user     |
        |      | Defenss - 3 *D*            |
 Mithril|    50|                            |
 Slumber|    55| *D*                        |
   Flame|    65| Fire element sword         |
IceBrand|    75| Ice element sword          |
  Medusa|    77| Stone enemy *D*            |
 Avenger|    82| Two handed sword *D*       |
Defender|   105| Defenss + 7 *D*            |

              Dark Sword
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Use By: *Cecil*

Note: Only Cecil use it when he is a Drak Knight

  Name  |Attack|          Special           | 
   Black|    10|                            |
        |      |                            | 
  Shadow|    20|                            |
   Death|    31| Kill some enemy.           | 
        |      |                            |

               Ninja Sword
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Use By: *Edge*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |   
   Kunai|    25| *D*                        |
        |      |                            |
  Ashura|    32| *D*                        |
 Kotetsu|    40| *D*                        |
Kikuichi|    49| *D*                        |
Murasame|    56| *D*                        |
Masamune|    65| *D*                        |

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Use By: *Cecil*, Rydia, *Cain* or 

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |    
 Mithril|    20| *D*                        |
 Dancing|    28| *D*                        |
Assassin|    30| *D*                        |
MageMach|    35| *D*                        |

              Holy Sword
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Use By: *Cecil*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |        
  Legend|    40| Becomes Excalbur           | 
   Light|    99| *D*                        |
Excalbur|   162| *D*                        |
Ragnarok|   233| D+7 Strongest Weapon       |

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Use By: *Cain*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |       
   Spear|     9|                            |
        |      |                            |
    Wind|    55| Wind element spear         | 
        |      |                            |
   Flame|    66| Flame element spear        |
Blizzard|    77| Blizzard element spear     |
   Blood|    85| Drain enemy hp to user     |
        |      | Defenss - 5                |
 Gungnir|    92| Defenss + 7 *D*            | 
        |      |                            |
  Dragon|    99| Strong on dragons *D*      |
    Holy|   109| Holy element spear *D*     |

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Use By: Cecil, Rydia, or *Rosa* 

Note: Attack Power Various, because of the bow. I use a Artemis bow to test 
      the arrows

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |
  Medusa|    29| Stone enemy                | 
    Iron|    33|                            |
    Holy|    35| Holy element arrows        |
    Fire|    43| Fire element arrows        |
     ice|    43| Ice element arrows         |
     Lit|    43| Bolt element arrows        |
Darkness|    48| Fill enemy with darkness   |
  Poison|    58| Defenss +5                 |
    Mute|    63| Mute enemy                 |
   Angel|    68|                            |
  Yoichi|    78|                            |
Artemis |   103| The best arrows, if pair   |
        |      | with Artemis Bow Defenss +5|

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Use By: Cecil, Rydia, or *Rosa*

Note: Attack Power Various, because of the Arrows. I (zero) use a Artemis 
      arrows to test the bows

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |      
     Bow|    63|                            |
CrossBow|    68|                            |
GreatBow|    73|                            |
  Killer|    82|                            |
ElvenBow|    86|                            |
  Yoichi|    78|                            |
 Artemis|   103| The best arrows, if pair   |
        |      | with Artemis Arrows Defenss| 
        |      | +5                         |

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Use By: *Rydia*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |     
    Whip|    20|                            | 
        |      |                            | 
   Chain|    30|                            |
Electric|    40| Bolt element whip          |
FireBute|    51| Fire element whip          |
  Dragon|    56| Strong on dragons          |

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Use By: *Cecil*

   Name  |Attack|          Special          |    
  HandAxe|    35|                           |
    Dwarf|    63|                           |
OgreKillr|    80| Kills Ogre                |
   Poison|    95| Poison enemy              |
  RuneAxe|   100|

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Use By: *Edge*

 Name  |Attack|          Special            |          
Bomrang|    20|                             |
Engetsu|    40|                             |

              Dart Weapon
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Dart By: *Edge*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |     
Shuriken|    40| *D*                        |
HellWind|    83| *D*                        |
 Cleaver|  none| Strongest Dart Weapon      |
        |      |                            |

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Use By: *Rosa*

Note: The staff is use by a lot of people.

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |   
   Staff|     4|                            |
 Healing|     8| Heal ally, go in item      | 
        |      | and go to Healing staff    |
        |      | and hit A 2 times. It      |
        |      | must be equip to be use.   |
Mithrill|    12|                            |
   Power|    32|                            |
  Energy|    36|                            |
    Sage|    48|                            |
 Silence|    52| Scilence enemy             |

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Use By: *Rydia*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |  
     Rod|     3|                            |
  IceRod|     5| Cast Ice, go in item       |
        |      | and go to IceRod           |
        |      | and hit A 2 times. It      |
        |      | must be equip to be use.   |
FlameRod|     7| Cast Fire, go in item      |
        |      | and go to FlameRod         |
        |      | and hit A 2 times. It      |
        |      | must be equip to be use.   |
 Thunder|    10| Cast Thunder, go in item   |
        |      | and go to Thunder rod      |
        |      | and hit A 2 times. It      |
        |      | must be equip to be use.   |
  Lilith|    13|                            |
Apparite|    15|                            |
   Fairy|    30|                            |
StarDust|    45| Cast comet, go in item     |
        |      | and go to StarDust rod     |
        |      | and hit A 2 times. It      |
        |      | must be equip to be use.   |

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Use By: *Gilbert*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |     
Dreamer|     8| Makes enemy sleep           | 
       |      |                             |
  Lamia|    18| Charm enemy                 |

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Use By: *Yang*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |   
FireClaw|    21| Fire element claw          |
        |      |                            | 
        |      |                            | 
 IceClaw|    21| Ice element claw           |
        |      |                            | 
  Tunder|    21| Thunder element claw       | 
        |      |                            | 
   Fairy|    21| Charms enemeys             | 
HellClaw|    21|                            |
 CatClaw|    23|                            |

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Use By: *Cid*

  Name  |Attack|          Special           |     
 Mallet|    45|                             | 
       |      |                             |
Mithril|    55|                             |
  Earth|    66| Earth element               |

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Simon H. - Great friend.

Keven U. - Great friend.

Vu C. - Great friend.                  

                          *Special Thanks to:*

All the emu, romz and translations web site.

Snes9x- The best emu, keep up the good work.


SquareSoft - The number one maker in RPG and 3D games.

Aerostar - If you never made those Game Genie Codes, I would
           never finish the Weapon list.


GameSages - The best place for codes. 


GameFAQs - The best place for game faq.


J2e Translations - If you guys never translated Final Fantasy 4 I would
                   never had played it.


Allen L. - A very good friend.

Howard C. - A very good friend.

Dingo Jellybean - Thank you for your help.

Joe N. - A very good friend.            

Thach D. - My oldest, dearest, and best friend.
