Final Fantasy 4 (e) Shoping List

Date: Monday, August 17, 1999 (GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 


                   Zero's E-mail ICQ number 31358279 
                      AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: zero0723

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                                   (Version .1)

[Legal Information]

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Copyright (c) 1999 Zero

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Copyright (c) 1991 SquareSoft, Inc.

	This Strategy Guide may not be reproduced, duplicated, or modified
without my prior consent. All commercial use for profit is prohibited under
copyright law. In other words if you sell, steal or modified this faq I will 
be force to take legal action, you know I will sue you. 

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[Table of Contents]

 - Zero's Introduction

Town and Shoping List
- Baron Castle
- Town of Baron
- Village of Mist (before it got burned)
- Village of Mist (after it got burned)
- Oasis Village of Kaipo
- Damcyan Castle
- Fabul
- Mysidia
- Toroia Castle
- Town of Toroia
- Village of Agalt
- Mithril Town
- Castle of Dwarves
- Cave of Eblana Basement Floor 2
- Village of Tomera
- Phantom World 
- The Smit Kukuro's Home
- Humingways' Home on the Moon     

Zero's Credits

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[Zero's Introduction]

      Hi, and welcome to my faq, this is my first faq I wrote, 
you might not now this, but I am the only one, that is writeing 
a faq for Final Fantasy 4 Hard-type. The reson why I am wrteing a 
faq for such a old games is because it is NOW in Engilsh thanks to 
J2e Translations. This FAQ is just a shoping list if you want the 
walkthrough, done by me too, go to

This FAQ is also base on FF4 hard-type.
This FAQ is now base on the J2e Translations of FF4 hard-type.
J2e Translations is at

If J2e don't want their web site in my faq just e-mail me and I will take it off.

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   [Part 3 - Town and Shoping List]

              Baron Castle
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: None.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

            Population of Baron Castle
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|     2|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|    19|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|      3|
               Black Wizard(s)|     3|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    24|      3|
                   Grand Total|______27______|

              Town of Baron
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
           Thunder (Rod)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
             Bandanna|       450 Gil|        225 Gil|
               Kenpou|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|

         Population of Town of Baron
 _     /____________________________\     _
       \                            /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     1|      1|
                      Adult(s)|     6|      4|
                Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                    Soldier(s)|     6|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    16|      8|
                   Grand Total|______24______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

            Village of Mist (before it got burned)
 _     /_____________________________________________\     _
       \                                             /

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Dancing (Dager)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

         Population of Village of Mist (before it got burned)
 _     /_____________________________________________________\     _
       \                                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|      1|
                      Adult(s)|     3|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|     4|      1|
                   Grand Total|______5_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

            Village of Mist (after it got burned)
 _     /_____________________________________________\     _
       \                                             /

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Dancing (Dager)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 Poet|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

         Population of Village of Mist (after it got burned)
 _     /_____________________________________________________\     _
       \                                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|     6|   None|
                Old people (s)|     1|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|     8|   None|
                   Grand Total|______8_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

         Oasis Village of Kaipo
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
           Iron (Airrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                Cloth|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

             Population of Oasis Village of Kaipo
 _     /______________________________________________\     _
       \                                              /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     1|   None|
                      Adult(s)|     7|      3|
                Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                   Scholarl(s)|     1|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    12|      5|
                   Grand Total|_____17_______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

            Damcyan Castle
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

            Population of Damcyan Castle
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|     1|      1|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|     1|      1|
                   Grand Total|______2_______|

 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 100 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                FireClaw|       350 Gil|        175 Gil|
                 IceClaw|       450 Gil|        275 Gil|
          Thunder (Claw)|       550 Gil|        275 Gil|  
                    Armor Shop List                       \The Weapon and Armor 
        _     /________________________\     _            /Shop are together  
       (_)////|________________________|////(_)          /
              \                        /                /
____________________________________________________   / 
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price | /
       Demon (Helmet)|       980 Gil|        490 Gil|
        Demon (Armor)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
     Demon (Gauntlet)|       800 Gil|        400 Gil|

             Population of Fabul
 _     /____________________________\     _
       \                            /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     1|   None|
                      Adult(s)|     2|      2|
                Old people (s)|     2|      2|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|    15|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|      1|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    22|      6|
                   Grand Total|______28______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 200 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            EchoHerd|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                  IceRod|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
                FlameRod|       380 Gil|        190 Gil|
         Healing (Staff)|       480 Gil|        240 Gil|
                CrossBow|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
           Holy (Airrow)|        20 Gil|         10 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
    Triangle (Helmet)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Gaea (Clothes)|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
        Silver (Ring)|       650 Gil|        325 Gil|
       Light (Shield)|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
       Light (Helmet)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
        Light (Armor)|     8,000 Gil|      4,000 Gil|
             Gauntlet|      3000 Gil|       1500 Gil|

            Population of Mysidia
 _     /____________________________\     _
       \                            /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|      9|
               Black Wizard(s)|    12|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    13|     10|
                   Grand Total|______23______|

              Toroia Castle
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: None.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

            Population of Toroia Castle 
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|      1|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|     8|      4|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|      8|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|     8|     13|
                   Grand Total|______21______|

              Town of Toroia
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 400 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                  Mallet|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
                GreatBow|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
           Fire (Airrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Ice (Airrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Lit (Airrow)|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Leather (Helmet)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
     Feather (Helmet)|       330 Gil|        165 Gil|
      Cloth (Clothes)|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
    Leather (Clothes)|       200 Gil|        100 Gil|
             RubyRing|     1,000 Gil|        500 Gil|

         Population of Town of Toroia
 _     /______________________________\     _
       \                              /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     1|      2|
                      Adult(s)|    11|     10|
                Old people (s)|     3|      2|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      7|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    16|     21|
                   Grand Total|______37______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.
      Town of Toroia also have 7 Black Chocobos, but they can't fly.

            Village of Agalt
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 50 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                     Rod|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
                   Staff|       160 Gil|         80 Gil|
                   Spear|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
                Boomrang|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
                     Bow|       220 Gil|        110 Gil|
                CrossBow|       700 Gil|        350 Gil|
           Iron (Airrow)|        10 Gil|          5 Gil|
           Holy (Airrow)|        20 Gil|         10 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
        Iron (Shield)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
        Iron (Helmet)|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
         Iron (Armor)|       600 Gil|        300 Gil|
      Iron (Gauntlet)|       130 Gil|         65 Gil|
             IronRing|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

         Population of Village of Agalt
 _     /________________________________\     _
       \                                /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     2|      2|
                      Adult(s)|     7|      2|
                Old people (s)|     3|      2|
                   Scholarl(s)|     2|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|      1|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    13|      9|
                   Grand Total|______21______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

             Mithril Town
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 500 Gil a night.

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
         Mithril (Staff)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
         Mithril (Dager)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
        Mithril (Mallet)|     8,000 Gil|      4,000 Gil|
         Mithril (Sword)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Mithril (Shield)|     1,000 Gil|        500 Gil|
     Mithril (Helmet)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
      Mithril (Armor)|    17,000 Gil|      8,500 Gil|
   Mithril (Gauntlet)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|

         Population of Mithril Town
 _     /____________________________\     _
       \                            /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                       Mini(s)|     6|   None|
                       Frog(s)|     4|   None|
                        Pig(s)|     4|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                   Grand Total|______24______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male. The Minis, Frogs, and Pigs
      are not all male, I not even sure if there is even a sex between them.

           Castle of Dwarves
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 600 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
             Dwarf (Axe)|    15,000 Gil|      7,500 Gil|
                GreatBow|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
       Darkness (Airrow)|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
           Flame (Sword)|    14,000 Gil|      7,000 Gil|
           Flame (Spear)|    11,000 Gil|      5,500 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
       Flame (Shield)|     1,250 Gil|        625 Gil|
        Flame (Armor)|    30,000 Gil|     15,000 Gil|
      Priest (Helmet)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
     Priest (Clothes)|     1,200 Gil|        600 Gil|
          Rune (Ring)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|

           Population of Castle of Dawarves 
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|     1|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dwarve(s)|    40|      4|
                   Princess(s)|  None|      1|
                       King(s)|     1|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    43|      5|
                   Grand Total|______48______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.
      In Castle of Dwarves, there is a Chubby Chocobo.

         Cave of Eblana Basement Floor 2
 _     /_________________________________\     _
       \                                 /

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            EchoHerb|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
               Cross|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
           Power (Staff)|     2,000 Gil|      1,000 Gil|
        Icebrand (Sword)|    26,000 Gil|     13,000 Gil|
        Blizzard (Spear)|    21,000 Gil|     10,500 Gil|
     Kunai (Ninja Sword)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|
                Boomrang|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
            Killer (Bow)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
         Poison (Airrow)|        70 Gil|         35 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
         Ice (Shield)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
          Ice (Armor)|    35,000 Gil|     17,500 Gil|
      Black (Clothes)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|

         Population of Cave of Eblana Basment Floor 2
 _     /______________________________________________\     _
       \                                              /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|     1|      2|
                      Adult(s)|     3|      2|
                Old people (s)|     2|      1|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|    10|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    17|      5|
                   Grand Total|______22______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

           Village of Tomera
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 600 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
    Ashura (Ninja Sword)|     7,000 Gil|      3,500 Gil|
            Chain (Whip)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|
        OgreKiller (Axe)|    45,000 Gil|     22,500 Gil|
            Killer (Bow)|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
           Mute (Airrow)|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
     Diamond (Shield)|    15,000 Gil|      7,500 Gil|
     Diamond (Helmet)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
      Diamond (Armor)|    40,000 Gil|     20,000 Gil|
   Diamond (Gauntlet)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|
    GoldBand (Helmet)|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
       Diamond (Ring)|     4,000 Gil|      2,000 Gil|

           Population of Village of Tomera 
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dwarve(s)|    14|      1|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    15|      1|
                   Grand Total|______16______|

Note: Nameingway I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

             Phantom World 
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: 1200 Gil a night.

                    Item Shop #1 List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Potion|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
           Hi-Potion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
                Tent|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
              Veggie|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
            Medicine|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|

                    Item Shop #2 List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            Gold-Pin|       400 Gil|        200 Gil|
            MaidKiss|        60 Gil|         30 Gil|
            Aprntice|        80 Gil|         40 Gil|
            DietFood|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            EchoHerb|        50 Gil|         25 Gil|
             EyeDrop|        30 Gil|         15 Gil|
            DwfBread|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
            Antidote|        40 Gil|         20 Gil|
               Cross|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    Whip|     3,000 Gil|      1,500 Gil|
            Chain (Whip)|     6,000 Gil|      3,000 Gil|
         Electric (Whip)|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|
   Kotetsu (Ninja Sword)|    11,000 Gil|      5,500 Gil|
             Fairy (Rod)|     5,000 Gil|      2,500 Gil|
          Energy (Staff)|     7,000 Gil|      3,500 Gil|
          Angel (Airrow)|       110 Gil|         55 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
       Aegis (Shield)|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
      Light (Clothes)|    30,000 Gil|     15,000 Gil|

           Population of Phantom Wolrd
 _     /_____________________________________\     _
       \                                     /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                *Nameingway(s)|     1|   None|
                       King(s)|     1|   None|
                      Queen(s)|  None|      1|
                      *Bomb(s)|     3|   None|
                   *Chocobo(s)|     4|   None|
                    *Goblin(s)|    24|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    33|      1|
                   Grand Total|______34______|

* The Nameingway, Bombs, Chocobos and Goblins are not all male, 
  I not even sure if there is even a sex between them.

Note: On Goblins I not sure if they are Goblins, if someone know
       what or who they are, E-mail me.

         The Smit Kukuro's Home
 _     /________________________\     _
       \                        /

Inn: None.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                None|          None|           None|

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                Shuriken|    20,000 Gil|     10,000 Gil|
                HellWind|    50,000 Gil|     25,000 Gil|          
         Yoichi (Airrow)|       140 Gil|         70 Gil|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

         Population of The Smit Kukuro's Home
 _     /______________________________________\     _
       \                                      /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|     1|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dwarve(s)|     2|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|     3|   None|
                   Grand Total|______3______|

         Humingways' Home on the Moon
 _     /______________________________\     _
       \                              /

Inn: None.

                    Item Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /

Item Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
            HiPotion|       150 Gil|         75 Gil|
            FenixDwn|       100 Gil|         50 Gil|
               Ether|    10,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
            EtherDry|    50,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
              Elixir|   100,000 Gil|          1 Gil|
             Cottage|       500 Gil|        250 Gil|
     Monsters (Book)|       980 Gil|        490 Gil|      
             Whistle|    10,000 Gil|      5,000 Gil|  

                     Weapon Shop List
          _     /________________________\     _
               \                        /
Weapon Shop: Weapon Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                    None|          None|           None|

                    Armor Shop List
        _     /________________________\     _
              \                        /
Armor Shop: Item Name| Buying Price | Selling Price |
                 None|          None|           None|

         Population of Humingways' Home on the Moon
 _     /____________________________________________\     _
       \                                            /

                              | Male | Fmale |
                          Kids|  None|   None|
                      Adult(s)|  None|   None|
                Old people (s)|  None|   None|
                   Scholarl(s)|  None|   None|
                       Monk(s)|  None|   None|
                     Dancer(s)|  None|   None|
                    Soldier(s)|  None|   None|
               White Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
               Black Wizard(s)|  None|   None|
                 Nameingway(s)|  None|   None|
                  Humingway(s)|    12|   None|
                     Cleric(s)|  None|   None|
                   Princess(s)|  None|   None|
                       King(s)|  None|   None|
Total Male or Fmale Population|    12|   None|
                   Grand Total|______12______|

Note: Numingways I am not sure if he/she/it? is a male.

        /                                                        \
       \                                                          /
        \                                                        /

Simon H. - Great friend.

Keven U. - Great friend.

Vu C. - Great friend.                  

Juno - For giveing me, my e-mail.

                       ****Special Thanks to:****

All the emulator, romz and translations web site.

Snes9x - The best emulator around, keep up the great work.


Zsnes - The fastest emulator around, keep up the great work. 


SquareSoft - The number one maker in RPG and 3D games.

Aerostar - If you never made those Game Genie Codes, I would
           never had finish the Weapon, and Item list.


The Game Genie Code Creators Club a.k.a GGCCC - The best place for 
                                                Game Genie Codes.

                                    They also creat their own Game Genie


GameSages - The best place for codes. 


GameFAQs - The best place for all game faqs.


J2e Translations - If you guys never translated Final Fantasy 4, I would
                   never had played it.


Erick L. - A very old and great friend.

Allen L. - A very good friend.

Howard C. - A very good friend.

Dingo Jellybean - Thank you for your help.

Joe N. - A very good friend.            

Thach D. - My oldest, dearest, and best friend.
