Falcom Classics 2 (e)

Falcom Classics II Walkthrough Version 1.0 by Lucan Duran ( 
shadowfiend@juno.com )

Last updated June 4, 1999
Copyright 1999 Lucan Duran

Falcom Classics II, Y's II, Taiyo no Shinden Asteka II (c) 1998 Victor 
company of Japan, Ltd., Nihon Falcom Co.

----- What's New -----

Version 1.0 - First walkthrough. Only has the walkthrough for Y's II. 
(Probably has some mistakes in it, too... =P   )

----- Disgruntled author's notes: -----

The link has a walkthrough for Y's II - in Japanese. It's a 3-hour 
walkthrough for people who have already beaten the game (I don't see 
how anyone can beat the game in under 3 hours, considering the fact 
that you spend that much time killing monsters to level up... =P ). I 
wasn't happy with the author's "quick" walkthrough because it wasn't 
for someone who's stuck in a particular place. Hopefully, my 
walkthrough will be more detailed and easier to follow. (Some parts in 
the castle and the sewers will be difficult to follow, though.)


----- Legal Crap  -----

This walkthrough may not be sold without the expressed written 
permission of the author. This walkthrough is solely for the private 
use of each individual person who downloaded or received the file by e-
mail. This walkthrough may not be distributed without the author's 
credit and may not be distributed in an altered format, including any 
changes in the text. All violators will be placed under a curse by the 
author, which will result in the evisceration of all violators and the 
consumption of the entrails by bugs, crows, and various carnivorous 
mammals who haven't had anything to eat in a week. (My lawyers insisted 
I include something like this as a disclaimer.)

----- Miscellaneous Info: -----

The limited edition comes with a bonus music CD. (I have the standard 

If you pop in the game CD into your PC, there will be a folder that has 
bitmap wallpapers. There will also be an MP3 folder - with MP3 files - 
playable with Winamp or Windows Media Player.

----- Select your game -----

You can select Y's II or Temple of the Sun. The left one is Y's II and 
the right is Temple of the Sun Asteka II.


----- Y's II -----


A - use magic
B - cancel / or hold and press while moving to run
C - use item
Y - status screen / equipment screen
Z - items screen
L, R - switch between items screen and equipment screen

After the introduction, you'll be at an entrance to a dungeon. Talk to 
Lilia, the red-haired girl. She'll tell you about having a fever and 
not wanting to worry her mother about it. The town has several places 
you can visit. Jira's house is located at the southwest portion of the 
town. More to the eastern portion of town is the home of the town's 
mayor. Over to the northeast, there are two shops. The left shop is a 
weapons and armor shop. The right is an items shop. The southeast 
portion of the town is Banoa's house. Banoa is Lilia's mother. Go 
inside. She will tell you of Lilia's illness. She is afraid that Lilia 
will die without medicine. She will give you a letter - a letter 
addressed to Dr. Flair. She will give you 300 gold to buy a sword.

Go to the weapons shop and buy a short sword (100 gold) and chain mail 
(200 gold). Remember that the second choice is yes, the first choice is 
no. This will be the case for the rest of the game. The owner (Gid) 
will tell you that if you find an iron ore, he'll pay you a hefty 
amount of cash for it. Equip yourself with the items you bought. In the 
northeasternmost part of the town, there will be a man there. Walk up 
to him to talk to him. He'll tell you that Dr. Flair is his brother - 
and he's trapped under some rocks (a carrier pigeon delivered a note).

Go to the mayor's house. His wife will tell you that he went off to the 
dungeon area. Go to the northwest portion of the town and enter the 
dungeon area. On the opposite side of the dungeon area, you'll be in a 
grassy mazelike area.

Battling monsters:
This may be tough getting used to if you're a "Zelda" player. You don't 
press an action button in this game to strike with a sword. In fact, 
all you do is use your control pad. What you have to do is to "run 
into" enemies. You can't just run into an enemy an expect to kill them, 
though. You have to run into them in a certain way. You'll probably die 
many times before you get the hang of it. Save you game now.

When you want to damage an enemy, you have to be "slightly off" the 
enemy character. Pretend Adol is represented by O's and an enemy is 
represented by X's. 

----- Good -----


If Adol runs into an enemy in the way shown above, he can kill a 
monster with several hits. Keep in mind that you have to keep Adol 
moving if you want him to apply additional damage to an enemy. If Adol 
keeps running into an enemy and backs the enemy into a wall without 
killing it, Adol will end up taking damage so be careful. If there's a 
risk of not killing a monster before backing it against a wall, pull 
back a little bit and attack again when there's more room.

Another useful technique is running into an enemy in a diagonal line. 
You won't take damage unless you back the enemy into a wall.

----- Bad -----


In the above "bad" example, Adol will take damage and die with only a 
few hits. If you happen to take damage, try to run to an area where 
monsters aren't roaming around. Stay in one place - don't move - don't 
press anything. Surprise - your hit points will gradually increase to 
its maximum. This technique can't be used everywhere. This technique 
can only be used in the grassy maze (where you should be at the moment) 
and towns. Also remember that you cannot restore MP with this technique 
(you can't use magic yet but you will be able to later in the game).

Kill some monsters, level up, and try to collect 1000 gold. There's a 
Roda Fruit lying around in this grassy maze so find it (it'll be easy). 
(Although the Roda Fruit can be used to restore MP, it's not necessary 
to use it for that purpose until much later in the game.) There are two 
treasure boxes in this area. One is guarded by 2 stationary monsters. 
Another is unguarded. If you find the unguarded one, walk up to it to 
open it and collect the stone tablet. There's also an area where there 
will be a guard (Astal; this guy is not related to "that" game) 
protecting a door/gate. Approach him to talk to him. He'll tell you 
that he can't let you through without the mayor's approval. To the 
right of that area, there are some trees that you can walk through. Go 
up, and you'll eventually see two stationary monsters guarding a 
treasure box. Trying to "squeeze" between them will only get Adol 
killed. Just walk up to the wall next to the monsters and sideswipe 
them. If you hear a "clink clink" sound, that means you're not powerful 
enough yet. If you hear a "clink clink," you need to kill more monsters 
to level up (you can see how many EXP points you need to level up by 
pressing the "Y" button). If you continue to go up in this area, you'll 
see an old man (Legus). He'll ask you to grab what's inside the 
treasure box guarded by the "clink clink" monsters. If you can't kill 
them yet, level up. Once you have 1000 gold, go back to the town.

Once back at the town, buy a long sword. If you have 30 gold left, go 
to the items shop next door and buy some "weed" (30 gold). ^_^  The 
"weed" ^_^ is a very useful item which can restore Adol's HP to its 
maximum. If you have an additional 100 gold, use it to buy some wings 
(100 gold). Talk to the mayor - he'll be outside his home. He's an old 
man so you should recognize him. You'll now be able to go through the 
door/gate Astal was guarding. (Don't go through yet.)

Go back to the grassy maze and sideswipe the monsters to kill them. 
Open the treasure box. Talk to Legus. Approach the goddess statue. Now 
kill monsters to level up. Try to collect 1600 gold. If you don't have 
the "weed" ^_^ and the wings yet, collect 1730 gold. Go back to town 
and buy the small shield. Buy the other items mentioned so far if you 
haven't bought them yet. Talk to Astal and he'll let you through the 
gate. Enter the gate.

You'll now be in an underground cavern. It's not too complicated, but 
you might want to take notes on the layout of the cavern if your memory 
sucks because it can be considered a maze. If you leveled up and bought 
the items (weapons, etc.) like you should have, you shouldn't have too 
much of a "clink clink" problem. Just remember that whenever you hear 
such a sound, you need to level up before being able to kill those 

As you travel through the cavern, you'll see a door. You won't be able 
to open it. Worry about the door you can't open later. As you travel 
through the cavern, you'll see some special (rather large) doors. 
Enter. You'll see a statue inside. The statue is actually that of a 
priest that was "responsible" for one of the books of Y's (you have 6 
books in your inventory). You'll "return" a book whenever you approach 
a statue you haven't approached before. Each priest will give you tips 
on how to play the game. (Don't worry about them since this walkthrough 
will give you most, if not all of the answers). In addition, talking to 
the statue will restore any lost HP and MP. "Return" the two books by 
finding the first two statues.

You should be able to find a treasure box with a pick inside. After you 
find the pick, find an area where an entrance is caved in with rocks. 
Use your pick to crush the rocks and you'll rescue Dr. Flair. Adol will 
then give him the letter Banoa asked you to give to him. Dr. Flair will 
then tell you that in order to make some medicine for Lilia, he'll need 
the Roda Fruit and the Celseta Flower.

As you go further into the cavern, you should find another priest 
statue. Return the book.

There will be one room that will have a treasure box - and it's tricky 
to grab the contents of that box because there's no room to go 
"slightly off"from an enemy's direct approach. Be patient. Wait for the 
enemy to come out of the narrow passageway and either kill it or let it 
go. If you let it go, don't worry about it since you'll be able to 
handle it easily on your way back. Grab the content of the box. There 
will be a fire rod inside. Press "Y" to go to your equipment screen and 
equip Adol with the rod. Press "A" to shoot a ball of fire. If you 
didn't kill the monster before you grabbed the box, kill it with the 
fire rod.

As you go much further, you should find two more statues. Return the 

Boos time: If your maximum HP is 80 or above, you'll be able to kill 
the boss in this area. If not, try to level up. If you're hopelessly 
lost or need more HP and don't have the "weed" anymore, use the wings 
and return to town. Buy yourself a new set of "weed" and wings. Don't 
try to kill the boss with the "run" method since that'll kill Adol. Run 
around to avoid the "laser shots" of the boss and shoot it from the 
sides with the fire rod. Don't stay in one place for too long. If you 
feel that you're going to lose, you can always exit the boss room. By 
doing so, the boss will restore any lost HP but at least Adol will 
still be alive. Use the "weed" or return to town to restore lost HP.

After killing the boss, go inside the door in the boss room. You'll be 
able to grab the following items: Iron Ore, Celseta Flower, Wand of 
Light, and the Evil Bell. There will be one area that you'll be able to 
walk through - but it is somewhat hard to see. Monsters will approach 
you from this "not so easy to see" area so once you find this 
"entrance," you'll be able to go from the left side of that floor to 
the right side. Once you have the Wand of Light, you can equip it (but 
if you do, you won't be able to use the fire rod). By equipping the new 
wand, you'll be able to see some doors giving off some blue light. If 
you haven't entered those areas before, by all means enter them. Just 
remember that equipping the Wand of Light will gradually decrease your 
MP. The decrease is at a very slow rate but you need to keep this in 

Use the wings to return to town. Go to the weapons shop and sell the 
Iron Ore. If you can afford to buy any new equipment, by all means do 
so (maybe you'll be able to buy the Talwal). Go to the northeasternmost 
part of town and talk to Dr. Flair. Since you now have the fruit and 
the flower, he'll make Lilia's medicine. Go to Banoa's house and give 
her Lilia's medicine. Banoa will give you a new wand - the "Return" 
wand. You'll now be able to return to town using this rod at any time, 
provided that you have at least 20 MP. Lilia will be grateful to you. 
Lilia will now have a "bashful" appearance when you talk to her. If you 
ever need to restore HP or MP, just return to Banoa's house and you'll 
be able to restore both.

Go to Jira's house and agree to go downstairs. Use the Evil Bell. Make 
sure to equip yourself with the fire rod. Try to level up - kill LOTS 
AND LOTS of monsters (you'll get an unlimited supply). You'll want to 
get enough money to buy a Talwal, Plate Mail, and Large Shield. (23000 
gold... yikes!)   Exit the basement and go do some shopping at the 
weapons shop. Buy the equipment, equip Adol, then head back to Jira's 
basement. Now keep shooting your balls of fire as you approach the 
passage where the monsters are coming from. As you go up, you'll see 
another door. Enter it. You'll now be in am area where the 6th priest 
(Facto) is located. Talk to Facto's statue and a certain door will 
open. Go outside.

Do you remember the door in the cavern that wouldn't open ? Go there 
and it will now be open (thanks to returning the last book to Facto). 
You'll now be in an ice area. As you wander around, you'll notice a few 
things. 1.) You can't walk up the ice ramp. 2.) You can't go much 
further in this area in general. In order to go further in this area, 
you first need to find an ice crystal. Find a treasure box and the 
crystal will be inside it. Once you have the crystal, you need to 
select it (press "Z" to go to the items screen and highlight the 
crystal). There is one ice cave you can enter from the northern part of 
the map. There are three entrances / exits. The right exit is where you 
should have come from. the central exit will take you outside but once 
outside, you won't be able to do much. The left exit should be an exit 
you can't reach. This is where the ice crystal comes in. Use the ice 
crystal (press "C" after you highlight it at the items screen) to form 
a bridge to the other side. You'll now be able to access the left exit. 
Go outside and you'll be in another section of the ice mountain.

As you wander through the rest of this area, you should be able to find 
treasure boxes with the following items:  Hawk Statue, the "Telepathy" 
Wand, Shoes of Stone, and the Mirror of Illusion.

If you have the fire wand equipped, go to the items screen and 
highlight the Hawk. Your fireballs will now act as "homing" fireballs 
that strike an enemy until it's dead or until the enemy is pushed off 
the screen. Remember that this will not work against boss characters.

The Telepathy Wand will turn you... into a monster. You will be able to 
talk to other monsters by equipping this wand. There's no need to turn 
into a monster at this moment. Just remember that turning into a 
monster will gradually decrease you MP, just like with the Wand of 

The Shoes of Stone will allow you to walk up ice ramps. You need to 
highlight it at the items screen to take advantage of it. There will be 
a goddess statue located up an ice ramp. Approach the goddess statue. 
(You'll find out that the door I'm about to talk about is an illusion.) 
After doing so, find a "special" door located at the westernmost part 
of the ice mountain. The "special" door is up several ice ramps so have 
the stone shoes highlighted. Be careful of any monsters. Once at the 
door, you won't be able to open it. Go to the items screen and select 
the mirror. Use the mirror and the real door will appear. Enter it and 
you'll face another boss. (You might want to save before fighting it.)

Boss tips: Basically, this boss will jump around and shoot projectiles 
in 8 directions. You can't destroy the projectiles and you can't hit 
the boss while it's jumping. Time your fireball shots so that the boss 
will eat a fireball as it shoots projectiles or as it lands.

After defeating the jumping boss, enter the door and you'll be in a 
molten lava area. You'll see some messages saying that you feel as 
though you're being watched... and although it's not an evil presence, 
you definitely feel the presence of monsters. Use the Evil Bell. You'll 
see some "cute" monsters summoned. You can't kill them with your fire 
wand. You can kill them by using the standard "approach" technique but 
don't bother. Equip the Telepathy Wand to turn into an identical 
monster. Approach them to talk to them (you don't need to since they 
give you some game tips I'll discuss later). After entering an 
"overhead" section of the lava area, there should be an item at the 
entrance - the Roda Leaf. Approach it to take it. (If you turn into a 
monster and talk to other monsters, one of them will tell you that the 
leaf is used to breathe in an area where there's poison gas.)

As you go right, right, right (and right some more) in this area, you 
should reach the "Lava Town." (Once you reach this area, you can come 
back to it at any time using the wings or the "Return" magic wand.) If 
you didn't bother grabbing another Roda Fruit after giving it to Dr. 
Flair for Lilia's medicine, you can grab another now. Talk to the 
people in the town. There is a man at the end of the town responsible 
for the bridge. Talk to him. Turn into a monster and talk to him again. 
Turn back and talk to him again. He'll tell you that his son has been 
kidnapped by monsters and he will be killed if Adol is allowed to cross 
the bridge. He will give you some earrings. Leave the town and try to 
go to the "left" areas. Go to the items screen and highlight the Roda 
Leaf. (You might want to save your game now.)

There will be sections in the lava area where there will be dead ends. 
There are three dead end areas. 1.) It has a treasure box guarded by a 
statue monster. 2.) You're facing left and there's a pile of 
rubble/rocks. 3.) You're facing right and there's a pile of 

1.) You can't kill the monster with fireballs. You need to stab it. 
Approach carefully. If it takes damage, walk away a little bit, then 
repeat the process until it dies. The treasure box will have a Black 
Pearl inside.

2.) Someone wrote a message about being trapped in a certain spot for 5 

3.) Highlight the earrings at the items screen and approach. A little 
boy (Tarf, the son of the bridge keeper) will cry for help. He said 
that a monster (Kieth) is there with him - and says that the monster 
can get him out of the rocks if he had the Black Pearl. If you have it, 
use it. Tarf will say thanks and will tell you that he'll meet you back 
at the Lava Town.

Keep the above three things in mind before crossing the poison gas 
area. 2.) isn't important but 1.) and 3.) are.

Make sure that the Roda Leaf is highlighted when you cross the poison 
gas area because if you don't, Adol will die instantly. After rescuing 
Tarf, the bridge keeper will lower the bridge and you'll be able to 
cross. After crossing the bridge, try to level up.

Boss tips: This SOB is tricky to defeat. This skull-like boss will 
attack by opening it mouth, then letting loose a fast-moving giant 
wormlike creature. The boss head is slow, but the worm is very fast. 
Press and hold "B" while moving Adol and he'll be able to outrun the 
worm. The boss can only be damaged when its mouth is open. Its mouth 
opens whenever the worm is about to come out or when the worm goes back 
into the mouth. A "clink" will tell you you're too weak. If you're at 
the bare minimum level that can defeat this boss, each fireball hit 
will do so little damage, it's not even funny. If this is the case, go 
outside and kill weaker monsters to level up. After you level up, you 
should be able to defeat the boss without applying 200 fireball hits 
into the mouth. (I didn't bother trying to defeat the boss at the bare 
minimum since I didn't feel like counting how many hits it would take 
to kill it at that level. 200 is probably exaggerated. Maybe 100 would 
be more accurate. Yup, it's THAT bad at the bare minimum.) Just 
remember that the worm is invulnerable. Just aim for the skull's mouth 
whenever it opens.

After killing the boss, go through the door and you'll be in a new town 
(Ramia). The monsters are demanding human sacrifices so the people in 
this town are terrorized.

The right side of the town has a weapons shop. The woman there is 
selling a Hyper Cutter and Reflex - for 20,000 gold each. If you 
actually have 40,000 gold with you, buy them. If not, buy them later.

Go to the left side of town. Ignore the houses for now. Go up several 
ramps and there should be a man (Goat) guarding a door. Talk to him. 
He'll tell you talk to Hadat. Hadat's house is located at the left side 
of the town (lowest elevation). The house on a higher elevation is 
Legu's house (a tired old man not to be confused with "Legus" at the 
grassy maze). Talk to Hadat. He'll give you a shell that you can use to 
talk to him at any time. Now go up the ramps and talk to Goat again. 
He'll let you through the door.

After going through the door, you'll be at the front of a castle. You 
can't kill the guards there. Use your "Telepathy" wand to turn into a 
monster. Talk to the two guards, then attempt to enter the castle gate. 
The guards will let you through. (If you try to force yourself in as 
Adol, they won't let you in.)

Once in the castle, there are a number of things to do. If you want to 
level up, change back into Adol and equip him with the fire rod. If you 
choose to equip him with the  Hawk Statue, be careful. The enemies in 
this areas are VERY STRONG and take many, many hits to kill even if 
you've been leveling up Adol. The homing fireballs will keep hitting an 
enemy until it dies or until it's pushed off the screen. If the enemy 
is not pushed off a screen but pushed off a dead-end instead, the enemy 
will often be pushed into Adol's direction - and Adol will take damage. 
If you like the fire rod/hawk combination, be careful when using it 

It's very easy to get lost in the castle. If you choose to avoid taking 
damage by remaining a monster, you can talk to the other monsters - but 
you won't gain any gold or EXP. In addition, Your MP will decrease the 
longer you remain a monster - and you may run out of MP before you 
figure out the layout of the castle. Just as an insurance policy, DO 
NOT let your MP drop below 20 (this is how much you need to use the 
"return" magic) OR make sure that you have wings in your inventory. If 
you run out of MP (or HP if you chose to fight), you can teleport back 
to the first town and visit Banoa's house to restore both HP and MP. 
You can then use "return" again to go back to Ramia.

In order to get to "significantly different" parts of the castle, you 
need to walk several longs paths on the peach-colored (am I color blind 
or am I just ignorant of what this color is?) level. There are 3 basic 
levels of elevation at the castle: ground, blue, and "peach."

The middle area of the castle has a blue building you can enter. There 
will be a door you can't open. Come back to it later. Go to the right 
portion of the castle. Once there, try to reach the "ground" level. 
Once there, go left and there should be a door you can enter. Make sure 
you're in the form of a monster when you talk to the guard inside. He 
will give you a pass. Exit the room and go to the blue elevation. 
Although it may look like you can't go anywhere further, you can 
actually "go under" the "bridge" that is the peach-colored path (I hope 
this made sense). Once you go under, you'll see a gate and a guard. 
Make sure you're in the monster form and have the pass highlighted. The 
guard will open the gate for you. Go through the gate and find a room 
where there is a locked door. You'll get a message that you can hear 
something but can't understand it (if you're Adol) or can't hear it (if 
you're a monster). In the monster form, highlight the earrings. You'll 
now be able to get a password that the monsters use. Once you get the 
password (you don't need to write it down), leave the castle using the 
return magic. Restore any lost HP and MP.

Go back to the castle via Ramia. You'll want to access the left section 
of the castle now. In order to access the more important sections, 
you'll need the password. If you followed this walkthrough and 
"overheard" the password, just talk to the guard at the gate and he 
(it?) will let you through.

Go to the UPPER-LEFT section of the castle. There will be some rooms: 
one will be a room with an empty treasure box. There's nothing 
important there. Another room will appear to have nothing. Use the 
"Light" wand and you'll be able to see a treasure box. Open the 
treasure box and you'll discover the Holy Grail. Once you have the Holy 
Grail, find and enter a lone blue building on the ground level. There 
will be a hooded magician (Dal-es) there, warning you not to go any 
further. (You can't deceive him by remaining a monster.) Choose to 
ignore him and try to enter the other room. He will then place a 
"permanent" curse on Adol. Adol will not be able to turn back into a 
human. Continue to move forward and you'll be in an underground water 
channel. As you wander around, you'll be able to find the HIDEOUT of 
people who escaped from being the monsters' sacrifices. Approach the 
door and the people will not let you in. Go back to Ramia.

Once back at Ramia, highlight the Holy Grail and go to Legu's house. 
You'll be able to draw some holy water and Adol will be able to change 
back into a human. Use the return magic and go back to the hideout. 
Once there, you'll run into Lilia (she came looking for Adol). Talk to 
Lilia and you'll be given a key. She will mention a monster (Kieth) has 
been helping her and the people in the hideout. After you receive the 
key, Lilia and everyone else in the hideout are "discovered" by Dal-es 
and they are turned into stone (except Adol, of course). Go back to 
Banoa's house to restore lost HP and MP. If you need to restore MP 
only, there is a Roda fruit located at there bottom left section of the 

At the upper-right section of the castle, there is a passageway and a 
door. Since you have the key, go open it. You'll be in the sewers (so 
to speak). Wander around enough and you'll find a stone statue holding 
a sword (he's Hadat's son; he was turned to stone) and a treasure box. 
The treasure box has a silver necklace inside. Take the necklace. 
Restore any lost HP and MP by returning to Lance (the town where you 
fist start the game).

Note: Since I'm doing this by memory, this may not be totally correct: 
There should be a ring (I don't know what it does - it says that it's 
supposed to relieve any "stress" from using magic) in a treasure box in 
one of the buildings in the upper-right section of the castle. You 
don't need a key to access the passageway - just the "hall pass" (well, 
you need to have the pass to access the upper-right section of the 
castle anyway).

Once you restored HP and MP, you're ready to fight a boss (hopefully). 
Do you remember that "middle" building with a door you couldn't open? 
Since you now have a key, you'll be able to open that door.

Boss tips: This one's a little tougher. Hitting it from the sides or 
from the top won't work. A fireball will just bounce off the monster in 
such cases. What you need to do is shoot it in the mouth from the 
bottom of the screen. Any fireball you fire when you're not facing up 
will just bounce off the hideous creature. This monster will shoot six 
"balls." Four of them from the front and two from the sides. All 
"balls" are shot at the same time. When the balls are shot, just weave 
your way under a ball from the side since the four frontal balls will 
be long gone by the time you reach the bottom of the screen (just be 
careful not to exit the room). Once you're at the bottom of the screen 
(or close to it), face and shoot a fireball upward into the "mouth" (or 
whatever that passes for one) of the monster. If that has no effect, 
means one of three things: 1.) You need to level up more. 2.) You 
didn't shoot the fireball straight up. 3.) You missed the target area.

After you defeat the boss, you'll be able to access to next room. 
You'll see a goddess statue. In order to "warp," you need to have the 
silver pendant. Highlight the pendant in your items screen. Warp. 
You'll now be in another area of the castle. You'll be able to find a 
BATTLE SHIELD in one of the treasure boxes. Equip.

(Note: The sewers have many items scattered all over the place and I 
don't think I found them all. I found a BATTLE ARMOR, but I don't know 
if there are other items there...)

Once you're in the sewers, if you're "summoned," by Hadat, ignore him. 
You should run into Kieth (a monster that helped Tarf, Lilia, and the 
people who escaped from being sacrificed). If you try to use a 
fireball, it'll just go through him. If you try to talk to him as a 
monster, he'll say that he's not your enemy so you can change back into 
a human. Talk to Kieth as a human and he'll give you another key. With 
this key, you can go back to the "Hideout" of the people who have been 
turned into stone and access the room which activates the sewer pumps. 
You'll now be able to walk through the lower levels of the sewers. The 
sewers are all connected (in a somewhat complicated manner) so you can 
try to navigate the sewers or you can go back to the boss room and use 
the silver pendant.

As you navigate more through the sewers, you should find the Falcon 
Statue. This statue makes your fireballs "home in"much better than the 
hawk statue.

You'll soon find yourself at a large building - once inside, the 
Goddess of Y's will tell you to get the Dreaming Stone Statue. She'll 
also restore any lost HP and MP. There will be yet another building you 
can enter and there will be a boss there.

Boss tips: The main body is invulnerable. Just dodge and sway the 
"wings" that it attacks with and shoot the wings with fireballs.

After killing the boss, you'll be in a tower. Kieth will tell you that 
a girl (Maria) will be sacrificed when the bell rings the 5th time. Go 
inside and Maria will tell you to save yourself - and get out of there. 
Ignore her and continue to climb the tower. You'll see a treasure box 
but you won't be able to get it. Just keep going up. You'll soon 
encounter Dal-es again, and he'll ring the bell a 5th time. He'll 
disappear. Go back down and you'll be able to open the treasure box. 
You'll now have the Dreaming Stone Statue. On your way out, Maria will 
be dead. Use you "return" magic to go back to the Goddess' temple. 
She'll tell you that you now need to get the Black Pearl. Go back Ramia 
and talk to Tarf. He'll say he used to have it but thinks he dropped it 
when he was talking to Goat. Talk to Goat and he'll tell you that a 
robed guy happened to pick something up. Go back into the castle and go 
to the "meeting room" you "overheard" the password at. There will be a 
treasure box with the pearl inside. Go back to the Goddess' temple. The 
pearl will be absorbed by the statue and the Goddess will tell you to 
go back to the tower so you can lift the "stone" curse from the 
petrified people. Once back at the tower, Maria's corpse will be gone. 
Climb to the top of the tower and use the statue. Use the "return" 
magic to go back to the hideout. Talk to the people there. One of them 
will give you a Gold Pendant.

Go back to the sewers and find the statue that was holding a sword. 
He'll tell you that Maria was his girlfriend and he wanted to save her 
from the monsters. Now that she's dead, he'll tell you that he has no 
use for a sword now. He'll give you the CLELIA-SWORD. Equip the sword. 
Go back to the town of Ramia and talk to Hadat. He'll recognize the 
sword - and he'll hear Adol's story (fast forward) - he'll give you the 
CLELIA-ARMOR. If you go back to talk to Hadat again, he'll tell you 
that he would like to give you the CLELIA_SHIELD as well, but it's not 
in Y's - it's on the surface. (Y's is apparently a land hovering above 
the sky, sort of like Laputa.)

Go back to the "middle" section of the castle and go beyond the boss 
room. You'll see a goddess statue. This time, instead of using the 
silver necklace, use the gold necklace. You'll be at another section of 
the sewers - and you'll be able to reach an area where you fight Dal-

Boss tips: You need to have your EXP at a minimum of 60500 (leveled 
up), otherwise you can't damage Dal-es enough. Fireball attacks won't 
work here. You need to stab him. He'll surround himself with four 
fireballs and hurl them at you periodically. If you leveled up enough, 
you can just take the damage from the fireballs, walk to the center of 
the flames where Dal-es appears, then walk in a small circle to hit him 
twice. Assuming that your HP was at maximum, the damage you take from 
the fireballs will be smaller than the damage you apply to Dal-es, so 
you'll be able to win.

After defeating Dal-es, walk to the top of the room. You'll teleport to 
another place with a treasure box. You'll acquire the "Shield" wand. 
Tarf will be there... The supposed "dead" Maria will also be there... 
Eventually, you'll come to a dead end. Someone will call for Adol and a 
passage will appear. Enter the passage and meet Kieth on the other 
side. Goat will also be there. He can't figure out what to do about the 
"barrier" in front of him. At the end of the path, Lilia will be there. 
Lilia will give you the Goddess' Bracelet. Use the bracelet on the 

The two goddesses will be trapped behind a barrier. "Goban"will make an 
appearance (I haven't played Y's I, but I'm guessing Goban was in it). 
Goban will give you the Silver Harmonica. There will be another person 
there (Ruta Jenma). Talk to Ruta and you'll receive the CLELIA-SHIELD. 
Equip. (Y's has crashed to the surface.) Use the harmonica.

The goddesses will be freed. Feena (Fina?) (from Y's I? and in the 
opening intro, no relation to the girl in Grandia) reveals herself as a 
goddess and she apologizes for hiding that fact from Adol. The other 
goddess is Leah (no relation to the princess in Star Wars). Talk to 
them both.

Boss tips: If you're not at 80000 EXP it'll be very difficult to defeat 
the final boss. It's possible to win 65535+ EXP, but life will be hell 
(literally). Save your game. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE GODDESS' BRACELET 
HIGHLIGHTED or you won't stand a chance. Before you enter the boss 
room, equip yourself with the "Shield"rod (when you fight the boss, 
it'll eat MP like crazy). The idea is to dodge the balls of fire while 
stabbing the teleporting mother f***er. If you can't seem to defeat 
him, after you lose, reload a saved game and build up to 80000 EXP. 
(Note: trying to build up EXP becomes tedious because even the 
strongest of non-boss enemies will only give you 7 to 8 EXP per kill 
when your total EXP is more than 65535. The "best" place is to find 
enemies to kill is probably the area surrounding the Goddess' temple. 
Build up your EXP there and if you get injured, you can go back to the 
temple to heal.)

After you kill the boss, go outside. You'll discover that Tarf is 
actually a descendant of one of the priests (priests were apparently 
allowed to marry in Y's). You'll also discover that Maria is a 
descendant of a priest as well (she says that she probably didn't die 
in the sacrificial ceremony because she was wearing a priest's 
bracelet). Kieth will also be there, except he'll be in the form of a 
human. As for everyone else... etc., etc...

Anyway, enjoy the ending.

----- What's missing from this walkthrough -----

2 items
1 sword
1 shield
1 armor
1 magic wand

You obviously don't need to gather all the items to beat the game, but 
I would have liked to collect them all. =P