The Unofficial Fallout Strategy FAQ Release v0.2 (INCOMPLETE) Last Updated: November 11, 1997 Copyright 1997 Nicholas Koh All Rights Reserved. PLEA FOR HELP If you have read this faq, you would note it is largely incomplete. Please help me by sending any of your strategies or descriptions or anything you find useful. All contributions will be duly credited. THANKS! DISCLAIMER The purpose of this FAQ is to aid the public with strategies, hints and tactics, etc for use in the game Fallout by Interplay. In no way should this strategy guide promote nuking your country or dumping humans in vats of green glob. Nicholas Koh claims NO responsibility regarding any illegal activity concerning this guide, or indirectly related to this guide. TRADEMARK INFORMATION Fallout is a trademark of Interplay, and is therefore acknowledged. Any trademarks not directly mentioned are also acknowledged. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This article is Copyright 1997 by Nicholas Koh. All rights reserved. You are granted the following rights: I. To make copies of this work in original form, provided: (a) the copies are exact and complete; (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety; (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Nicholas Koh; (d) the copies are in electronic form. II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, provided: (a) this is the original work and not a derivative form; (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution; (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the authors; (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be obtained from Nicholas Koh); (e) the distributed form is the newest version of the article to the best of the knowledge of the distributor; (f) the distributed form is electronic. You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogues, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by Nicholas Koh. To report a suspected copyright violation, or to request additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the author at "" on the Internet. Table of Contents CHAPTER [1] Introduction *[1-1]* Foreword and Introduction [1-2] About the Unofficial TA Strategy FAQ [1-3] Getting the FAQ [1-3-1] Usenet *[1-3-2]* WWW [1-3-3] BBS [1-3-4] Via Email [1-4] Contributing to the FAQ [1-5] Acknowledgements [1-6] Accuracy of Information -SECTION ONE- GENERAL INFORMATION CHAPTER [2] List of things found in FO [2-1] List of NPCs who join you [2-1-1] Ian [2-1-2] Dog in Junktown [2-1-3] Tycho [2-1-4] Kataja [2-1-5] The Followers [2-1-6] Brotherhood Paladins [2-1-7] Blades [2-1-8] [2-1-9] [2-1-10] CHAPTER [3] Weapons [3-1] Weapons(Hand to Hand) [3-1-1] Unarmed [3-1-2] Knife [3-1-3] Combat knife [3-1-4] Sledge Hammer [3-1-5] Ripper [3-1-6] Cattle Prod [3-1-7] Power Fist [3-1-8] [3-1-9] [3-1-10] [3-2] Weapons(Single Shot) [3-2-1] 10mm Pistol [3-2-2] 10mm SMG [3-2-3] 5mm Assault Rifle [3-2-4] 5mm Chaingun [3-2-5] 14mm handgun [3-2-6] -BLANK- [3-2-7] .223 sniper rifle [3-2-8] Laser Pistol [3-2-9] Laser Rifle [3-2-10] Plasma Pistol [3-2-11] Plasma Rifle *[3-2-12]* Turbo Plasma Rifle [3-2-13] Flame Thrower [3-2-14] Combat shotgun [3-2-15] Shotgun *[3-2-16]* Red Ryder BB Gun [3-2-17] .44 Desert Eagle [3-3] Weapons(Burst) [3-3-1] 10mm SMG [3-3-2] Gatling Laser Gun [3-3-3] [3-3-4] [3-3-5] [3-3-6] [3-3-7] [3-3-8] [3-3-9] [3-3-10] [3-4] Throwable Weapons [3-4-1] Throwing Knife [3-4-2] Frag grenade * [3-4-3]* Pulse grenade [3-4-4] Plasma grenade [3-4-5] [3-4-6] [3-4-7] [3-4-8] [3-4-9] [3-4-10] [3-4-11] [3-5] Armor [3-5-1] Leather Armor [3-5-2] Metal Armor [3-5-3] Power Armor [3-5-4] Improved Power Armor [3-5-5] Tesla Armor [3-5-6] Combat Armor [3-5-7] Robes [3-5-8] [3-5-9] [3-5-10] ADD HERE- Chapters on stuff like stimpaks, books, chems etc. -SECTION TWO- TIPS CHAPTER [4] Tips [4-1] Strategies [4-1-1] Getting loads of cash(Barter) [4-1-2] Getting loads of cash(Gamble) [4-1-3] Infinite Experience [4-1-4] Starting Tips *[4-1-5]* NPCs as pack horses [4-1-6] [4-1-7] [4-1-8] [4-1-9] [4-1-10] ADD HERE- Perks, Traits, Skills -SECTION THREE- AREA STRATEGIES CHAPTER[5] Locations, Quests. [5-1] Vault 13 [5-1-1] Location *[5-1-2]* Notable Areas *[5-1-3]* Quests [5-1-4] [5-2] Vault 15 [5-2-1] Location *[5-2-2]* Notable Areas *[5-2-3]* Quests [5-2-4] [5-3] Shady Sands [5-2-1] Location *[5-2-2]* Notable Areas *[5-2-3]* Quests [5-2-4] [5-4] Junktown [5-4-1] Location *[5-4-2]* Notable Areas *[5-4-3] * Quests [5-4-4] [5-5] Raiders [5-5-1] Location *[5-5-2]* Notable Areas *[5-5-3]* Quests [5-5-4] [5-6] Necropolis [5-6-1] Location *[5-6-2]* Notable Areas *[5-6-3]* Quests [5-6-4] [5-7] Hub [5-7-1] Location *[5-7-2]* Notable Areas *[5-7-3]* Quests [5-7-4] [5-8] BrotherHood [5-8-1] Location *[5-8-2]* Notable Areas *[5-8-3]* Quests [5-8-4] [5-9] Military Base [5-9-1] Location *[5-9-2]* Notable Areas *[5-9-3]* Quests [5-9-4] [5-10] Glow [5-10-1] Location *[5-10-2]* Notable Areas *[5-10-3]* Quests [5-10-4] [5-11] Boneyard [5-11-1] Location *[5-11-2]* Notable Areas *[5-11-3]* Quests [5-11-4] [5-12] Cathedral [5-12-1] Location *[5-12-2]* Notable Areas *[5-12-3]* Quests [5-12-4] -SECTION FOUR- MISCELLANEOUS CHAPTER [6] Internet Resources [6-1] World Wide Web sites CHAPTER [7] Revision History End Contents P.S Chapters marked with *[??]* are considered New or Updated. Find the chapter you want by searching for [??] to jump to that chapter. ------------------------- CHAPTER [1] Introduction ------------------------- *[1-1]* Foreword and Introduction ================================ Welcome to version 0.1 of the Unofficial Fallout Strategy FAQ. I decided to write this faq mainly because of the large amount of questions related to fallout on newsgroups and message boards. Hoping against hope, I wish that this Strategy/FAQ FAQ will help to solve some, if not all, your questions(The last bit in the near future). As I cannot do this FAQ alone, I sincerely hope that all you kind souls out there will send in their contributions, additions.etc.(Please!!!) I hope you enjoy this first version and hopefully many others. Let me know what you think and please, please feel free to email me your additions and/or corrections. Thanks. [1-2] About the Unofficial FO Strategy FAQ =========================================== This FAQ is meant to help you with the game Fallout, both through guides to specific areas and general discussion of weapons, armour, items, etc. This work is not associated with any strategy guides that Interplay or anyone else, is going to release. Nor will it compete with them. Please, if you need to have detailed, in-depth maps, weapon guides, list of NPCs ,etc then buy the guide. Notice the word 'unofficial' in the title? That means that this FAQ is not supported by Interplay FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions. [1-3] Getting the FAQ ====================== [1-3-1] Usenet --------------- At each major or minor update to this FAQ, it will be posted to the following newgroups:(1) The FAQ will be posted in this newsgroup on the first of every month.(or earlier if a new version is out) *[1-3-2]* WWW --------------- Eeep, I don't think that this faq will be accepted by any web masters out there, and I'm too lazy to build and support a web page. If anyone out there is willing to construct a web page for this, please do. I think I might get a web site for the faq, still under negotation. [1-3-3] BBS ------------------ I am not responsible for uploading new releases of the Unofficial FO Internet Strategy FAQ to bulletin board systems. I have control over neither them nor their naming conventions, and can not guarantee that a given BBS will hold a copy of the FAQ in their files section. ATTENTION: ALL BBSes, CompuServe, America Online, and all other information services. PLEASE conform to the naming convention standard of the Unofficial Total Annihilation Internet Strategy FAQ when placing this file on your system. The file name should be 'fofaq??' where the '??' is the revision number of the FAQ or 'fofaq??.txt' is the FAQ is a text file instead of PKZIPped. [1-3-4] Via Email ------------------ Please do not ask me to send you this FAQ via email as rejection often offends. Furthermore it's a big task supplying people with faqs every time I update. [1-4] Contributing to the FAQ ============================== If you have something to add to the FAQ (I hope you do!), please send an email to me at '' (without the quotes, obviously). Please explain what your submission is and I will then review it and add it to the next version of the FAQ if it is accepted. In this email, please supply your name and email address. All submissions will be properly credited. Any fan-mail, thanksgiving, wellwishes and even hate mail are welcome. Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become the property of the author (Nicholas Koh) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission entirely. [1-5] Acknowledgements ======================= Interplay for making this excellent game. Also, thanks to the original creator of the doom faq(whose name I've forgotten) who started this neat structure of faq's which I, and I'm sure many others have stolen the structure, shamelessly. Some may find the intro a bit familiar, that's because I've stolen this structure from Andrew Griffen's TA faq. Ahem, I hope you don't mind. Some of the stuff here is also taken from Gul Dukat's posts and Faq Ahem, cough, as usual I hope you don't mind my plagiarism. [1-6] Accuracy of Information ============================== Well, I hope that everything in here is accurate. In any case, I've tried to make this FAQ as accurate as I can. However, some information might not be accurate due to human error. Because of the largeness of Fallout, info might still be missing. Most of the info here is from newsgroups and web pages on the net which I have found. Some are of my own writing. (Does that sound right??) ================================== -SECTION ONE- GENERAL INFORMATION ================================== ----------------------------- CHAPTER [2] List of things found in FO ----------------------------- [2-1] List of NPCs who join you ================== [2-1-1] Ian --------------------------- Location: Shady Sands Talk to him and other him a piece of the action.(High IQ and charisma needed) Other wise just pay him 100 caps. [2-1-2] Dog in Junktown --------------------------- Location: East of Gizmo's Casino, the shack there. Wear leather armor and walk towards the dog giving the couple in junktown problems (E.g the couple will run away). Feed it an iguana stick if you bought leather armor from junk town, and you don't have the leather jacket anymore. [2-1-3] Tycho --------------------------- Location: After killing Gizmo. In Junktown Bar, opens at 1600. Easy, after getting the quest from Killian and after you have killed Gizmo, go to the bar and talk to Tycho.(Desert Ranger) [2-1-4] Kataja --------------------------- Location: In Boneyard. In libary(Follower of Apocalypse). Talk to her and in one dialogue tree, tell her you're not staying there anymore. [2-1-5] The Followers --------------------------- Location: In Library at boneyard, Cathedral South of Boneyard. Go and talk to the leader of the Followers of Apocalypse. Ask them to help destroy the Children of the Cathedral. Four followers will be in the Cathedral after you talk to Layla(?) [2-1-6] Brotherhood Paladins --------------------------- Location: In Brotherhood, Mutant Base. Ask to scout the military base Northwest of the Brotherhood. Go there, leave and return to Brotherhood. Talk to Maxson(Level 4) ask for help then talk to Elders. When you go back to the Military Base(a.k.a Mutant Base) You should have 3 paladins. Note: They only help you outside the base, not innit! [2-1-7] Blades --------------------------- Location: Adytum After you get the weapons for them through the Gun Runners(and after you help to destroy the deathclaws), they will attack Adytum to destroy the Regulators. Five Blades will help you. ADD HERE: More NPCs. ----------------------------- CHAPTER [3] Weapons ----------------------------- [3-1] Weapons(Hand to Hand) ===================== [3-1-1] Unarmed(Melee) --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-2] Knife --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-3] Combat Knife --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-4] Sledge Hammer --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-5] Ripper --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-6] Cattle Prod --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-1-7] Power Fist --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description ADD HERE: More HtH Weapons [3-2] Weapons(Single Shot) ===================== [3-2-1] 10mm Pistol --------------------------- EEP, worst single shot weapon ever, upgrade pronto to at least SMG. [3-2-2] 10mm SMG --------------------------- Damage: 5-12 Range (single): 25m Range (burst: 20m Min ST: 4 AP cost: 5/6 Burst: 10 rounds Ammo: 30 × 10mm Value: $1000 Excellent weapon in the early stages and mid-stages. Although Single-Shot is fairly weak, burst mode is excellent for poorly armored opponent. Can be obtained free in Vault 15 or in one of the shops [3-2-3] 5mm Assault Rifle --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-2-4] 5mm Chaingun --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-2-5] 14mm handgun --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-2-6] -BLANK ---------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-2-7] .223 sniper rifle --------------------------- Best Mid stage weapon. Super Range and good damage capabilities as well as good shot capacity. [3-2-8] Laser Pistol --------------------------- Don't bother, use the Rifle. Unless you have VERY low strength, use the rifle. [3-2-9] Laser Rifle --------------------------- Can be found in Mutant base or in Gun Runners. Smaller and weaker cousin to the Plasma Rifle. [3-2-10] Plasma Pistol --------------------------- Don't bother, use the Rifle. Unless you have VERY low strength, use the rifle. [3-2-11] Plasma Rifle --------------------------- Weaker Version of Turbo Plasma Rifle although it is still very powerful. Good choice of weaponry until it is upgraded. *[3-2-12]* Turbo Plasma Rifle --------------------------- Regarded as one of the better weapons in late stages and used by many. Excellent range, damage and only uses 4AP. Ammo is heavy though. Has to be upgraded by Miles in Boneyard. I found out that using any of the Plasma Rifle has a bad effect. They vaporise the body so it's harder to search the body for stuff. Aiming for the arms or legs might lessen the chance of vaporising. [3-2-13] Flame Thrower --------------------------- Woo hoo, this one rocks. Super Damage available if using this gun, 45-90 damage!!! However it has numerous drawbacks, Flame thrower fuel is heavy (5 pounds),very small range and fuel is scarce and easily chewed up by using it often. Not very popular unless you are very strong, enuff to hold this and its fuel plus backup weapon if ammo runs out [3-2-14] Combat shotgun --------------------------- Much better version of shotgun. Can be found in Hub and thereafter. Stores 12 shots with excellent damage although many people still prefer the sniper gun with its much longer range. [3-2-15] Shotgun --------------------------- Can be found in shops or on the Guards guarding the Doc in Junktown. Pretty powerful and good as first shot weapon until you switch to another weapon. Can only store two shots but excellent damage compared to other early weapons like the Desert Eagle of the 10mm SMG. Uses Shells. *[3-2-16]* Red Ryder BB Gun --------------------------- Yucks, this guns sucks. Super range but very low damage. If facing armored opponent, absolutely useless. I think it can be found on Gizmo or in Killian's Shop. [3-2-17] .44 Desert Eagle --------------------------- First available in Junktown. Best early stage weapon with good number of shots innit and good damage, ADD HERE: More Weapons(Single Shot) [3-3] Weapons(Burst) ===================== [3-3-1] 10mm SMG --------------------------- Please See [3-2-2] [3-3-2] Gatling Laser Gun --------------------------- Excellent when facing Unarmored opponents, the Gattling just tears them apart. However, against the much more heavily armored Mutants and DeathClaws, it's almost useless. Extremely heavy,(More than 30 Pounds) plus its ammo the Micro Fusion Cell will be eaten up very quickly with its ROF (10 rounds per burst) ADD HERE: More Weapons [3-4] Throwable Weapons ===================== [3-4-1] Throwing Knife --------------------------- ADD HERE: Description [3-4-2] Frag grenade --------------------------- Weaker version of Plasma Grenade. *[3-4-3]* Pulse grenade --------------------------- Doesn't work on living creatures. Excellent damage capabilities. That means you cannot be damaged by it! [3-4-4] Plasma grenade --------------------------- Best throwing weapon. Keep a few of these as it needs very little AP and can be used to hit a few people. Kill 2/3/4 birds with one grenade! ADD HERE: More Weapons [3-5] Armor ===================== [3-5-1] Leather Armor --------------------------- Armor Class: 8 Normal: 0/20% Laser: 0/20% Fire: 0/10% Plasma: 0/10% Electrical: 0/30% Explosion: 0/20% Value: $300 Same Armor which Ian is wearing(?). Weakest of all Armor. Upgrade as fast as possible. [3-5-2] Metal Armor --------------------------- Very Heavy. Provides Adequate protection until you have enuff cash to upgrade to Combat. [3-5-3] Power Armor --------------------------- Best Armor available until you upgrade it. Only one in the game. Improves strength by 3. Simply Superb. [3-5-4] Improved Power Armor --------------------------- Same as Power Armor except it is heavier and provides excellent protection. Best Armor in the game. Has to be upgraded by Chemist in Boneyard. [3-5-5] Tesla Armor --------------------------- Avaliable in the Cathedral. Weak compared to IPA([3-5-4]), added weight. Ignore. [3-6] Combat Armor --------------------------- Provides a mid step between Power Armor and Metal Armor. Weighs 20 pounds, One of the lighter Armor available [3-7] Robes --------------------------- Can be taken from Military Base's Children of Cathedral member. Kill before taking :)Fairly crappy compared to Power and Combat Armor which should be the bare minimum when storming base. ADD HERE: More Armour ADD HERE- Chapters on first aid kits etc. ================================== -SECTION TWO- TIPS FOR FALLOUT ================================== --------------------------- CHAPTER [4] Tips for FO --------------------------- [4-1] Strategies ===================== [4-1-1] Getting loads of cash(Barter) --------------------------- Tag Barter as one of your skills and increase it repeatedly until a nice amount. With a high enuff Barter skill, you can buy things from shopkeepers and other characters for a low price and sell stuff of at a much higher price. Repeat en-masse to gain loads of stuff and cash. [4-1-2] Getting loads of cash(Gamble) --------------------------- Easier Way. You might need to Tag Gamble and increase it to 50% to 70%. I did not tag it and it works for lower Gambling skill. E.g. Mine was 32%. Enter one of the Casinos in either Junktown(Gizmo) or Hub. Go to one of the roulette dealers and hold 1 and 4 together. Hold it down with something heavy,( I used two nail clippers) and wait. After 15 minutes, my twenty thousand caps literally doubled in size. Could gain you lots of caps if you wait long enough. [4-1-3] Infinite experience --------------------------- First, get the Power Armor from the Brotherhood and your Plasma Rifle. Solve the Hydroponic farm quest and ask Miles and the Chemist(Name?) to improve both of them. Go to Adytum and the warehouse. Kill the Deathclaws, aim for the eyes. You should gain 3000 xp points if all 3 deathclaws are killed. Go back to downtown and rest for an hour. Stimpak yourself if you have injury and repeat enmasse to get loads of xp points easily. When you are ready, go to the Gun runners, tell them you'll help them. Then finish off the Mother Death Claw and the eggs to get another 1500 xp. [4-1-4] Starting Tips Written by Jued Davis Fallout Helpline Member --------------------------- Found on AfterMath Message Centre, edited by me. Some of the points can be quite useful for Newbies. Section #1: Making the ultimate character: You'll need two things first off, a 10 in agility and at least an 8 in perception. Charisma and luck are very subtle stats that are not directly involved with the overall function of the character or game world, so you can sacrifice them to build up perception and agility. I also HIGHLY recommend a strength of 5...NO LESS. Because the two strongest handguns in the game require a strength of 5 to wield I would prefer making a character with six strength, because the plasma rifle takes a strength of 6 to use, but since the power armor increases strength, and you get the armor around the same time you get the plasma rifle, I see no real need to have that much strength. As for perks, stick with what you know wont hurt you. I suggest heavy handed and gifted. Gifted is an incredible perk, and you only sacrifice a few percentage points on your skills, which doesn't really matter, since you can purchase books later on in the game to balance out your skill points and cover up the difference. Now, your three skills should DEFINATELY be small guns(VERY helpful early on) ,and barter. No other skill is really beneficial to a character, but I suggest picking up energy weapons, since later on in the game, that's ALL you will be using. Period. Section #2: Character maintenance: Maintaining your character is quite easy in this game compared to traditional RPGs, and also much easier then the original wasteland. Why is that? Becuz of Barter... For the first 4 experience levels, pour EVERYTHING into barter. By the time you make it to the Hub, you will be able to buy things, and then actually sell them back at a higher price then you paid. I literally cleaned the shops out my first time through, and had the combat armor before I even made it to Necropolis. Another great thing about a high barter is you can sell usually worthless items as surplus, and earn some quick, and very big amounts of cash without having even done anything. But remember, each shop keeper in the game has a different barter skill percentage, and if you want the big bucks, buy from the gun runners, and sell to the dope who runs the general store in the hub. Never vice versa. The other problem with many people's characters is experience. Building levels is easy when you know how. If you need experience, the best thing is to take up a mission with the crimson caravan.(Easier and less time consuming if you attack the deathclaws).Their caravan runs are usually pretty big encounters, most of the time, I run into a group of 8 raiders, each carrying SMGs. So you not only get good experience with caravan jobs, but good surplus to sell as well. Section #3: Weapons and equipment You want 3 types of weapons at all times, and they fall into 3 different categories: 1:(Ranged weapon) At first, this slot will be filled by the "Desert eagle". It has a fairly decent reach, and should prove useful. Eventually, when you get to the hub, you'll want to pick up the sniper rifle, for this job. 2:(Burst, or "short range" Weapon): This will at first be the SMG, which I believe is the single most important weapon in the game, since with it, in burst mode, you can kill almost any person in one hit. Once you get to the hub, purchase the combat shotgun, it fills this gap much better. However, late in the game, you will definitely have to purchase the Laser Gatling gun which is the ULTIMATE in burst weaponry, since it actually cuts through enemies and hits everything in viewing distance. 3: (Short Range, "ole' standby" weapon): This will be the weapon you use when all else fails. There is only one weapon that will fill this slot, and that's the .223 handgun. The gun can be obtained from a farmer who lives in a little shack at the southern end of downtown "Hub". He will ask you to kill the raiders that invaded his house, do so, and he will give you the gun. It only carries 5 shots, but it does 20-30 damage. Of course, once you get the plasma rifle, and have it modified by the scientist in the boneyard, you'll cast away all your other weapons and stick with that. My energy weapons skill was 112% by the time I met the end boss, and I was killing mutants in one Hit. I was doing an average of 60 HP of damage on the last boss with my turbo plasma rifle, which goes to show you that it is the best weapon you can get (besides the alien gun that is)and this was indeed on normal level, and didn't get that much difficult on "rough" either. Section #4: "Problem areas" The truth is, there are only a few things you actually NEED to do in the game to beat it. These things are: Find the water chip, blow up the mutant base, and kill the last boss.(Cathedral) Everything else is just a plot filler. As a matter of fact, my first time through the game, with Jued, I never found out anything about the mutants or the children of the cathedral, I simply saw a mutant in the church, killed the guy with the cattle prod cause he pissed me off, and murdered everyone in the cathedral for fun. Then I discovered the door in the basement, and soon found myself at the last boss, thus destroying him. It wasn't until my second time through that I actually did things and carried on with the plot. Stuck? #1: The water chips location can be found by visiting the librarian in downtown hub and for 500 caps, purchasing a holodisk which talks about a certain vault to the east...... (hint hint)(Necropolis a.k.a Vault 12) #2: The easiest way to get the power armor is to immediately go to the man in the training room at the brotherhood complex (the one who is watching all the green-armored guys fight on the mat) and asking him for your "free gift" you get for joining the brotherhood. When he asks you what you want, ask for power armor and then go to Michael, just outside that room and pick up your armor. Once you have that armor, take it back to the shop keeper in Adytum (Boneyard) to get it modified. When he asks you to find the "book" go back to that library/bookstore located in the hub to obtain it for him. #3: The force fields in the military base can be destroyed two ways: with dynamite, or by wiring a radio into the computer on the east end of the first floor and "using" the radio to toggle the switches for the fields. I prefer the radio option myself, since I usually sell dynamite for quick cash.(with a barter of 150, trust me, you can swindle a lot out of people) #4 The glow isn't as tough as people make it out to be, simply descend into it, and on the first level, search the dead man who is wearing power armor, and take the holodisk he has. Once you have the holodisk, high tail it out, down a rad-x, and your'e done!!!! Its that easy. *[4-1-5]* NPCs as pack horses --------------------------- You can load stuff into them by stealing from them and transfering stuff to them or barter with them and give the stuff for free so they can use the better weapons and stuff. Steal from them if you want the items because they never get mad at you or if you are particulaly rich, barter from them and get the stuff back. ADD HERE: More Tips. ================================== -SECTION THREE- AREA STRATEGIES ================================== --------------------------- CHAPTER 5 AREAS --------------------------- [5-1] Vault 13 ===================== [5-1-1] Location --------------------------- Known at Start *[5-1-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- None. *[5-1-3]* Quests --------------------------- Obtain Water Chip: Water Chip can be found in Necropolis Reward: Obtain second set of quests, destroy mutant base and destroy Children of Cathedral. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-1-4] [5-2] Vault 15 ===================== [5-2-1] Location --------------------------- Known at Start *[5-2-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- None. *[5-2-3]* Quests --------------------------- Not important unless you want free stuff. Can be skipped without any aftereffects. Searching this vault thoroughly will gain you at least a leather armour, a 10mm SMG and 500xp for discovering the place is blocked.(?) Needs Rope to enter the lower levels. USE rope on the escalator vault. Reward: Free Stuff. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-2-4] [5-3] Shady Sands ===================== [5-2-1] Location --------------------------- Between Vault 13 and 15 *[5-2-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Well, maybe the cave. *[5-2-3]* Quests --------------------------- Kill the Scorpions: Fairly easy with at least adequate weapons and armor from vault 15. Kill ALL the scorpions in the cave to complete quest. Reward: Xp + increase in general reputation. Tandi Quest: ADD HERE: Description Reward: Tandi joins with you provided you never return to Shady Sands. Could provide altenative ending. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-2-4] [5-4] Junktown ===================== [5-4-1] Location --------------------------- Ask Ian *[5-4-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Gizmo's casino. The Skum Pitt.(Open at 1600) Killian's weapon shop. Doc Morbid's Hospital. *[5-4-3]* Quests --------------------------- Kill Doc Morbid: For Fun, not essential. Check out the hospital and kill his worker in the cellar. Doc and two guards will attack you. Kill them to threaten Iguana Bob in Hub. Reward: Weapons and money from Bob. Killian's Quest: Get Gizmo to confess to try to assinate Killian. Killian will give you a bug+tape recorder. Method 1: Easier way. Steal from Gizmo and transfer bug to him. Method 2: Place recorder in one of your item boxes. Talk to him and get to one dialog tree whereby he will ask you to kill Killian and ask you not to double cross him. Return to Killian and talk to him. Offers you a chance to go kill Gizmo. Accept for more xp. Reward: Free weapon from Killian. Rise in rep. Gizmo's Quest: Yes you can double cross Killian and kill him as well. Reward: Cash, decrease in rep, hard to survive in Junktown later. :) Skulz Gang BUST!: ADD HERE: Description Reward: ADD HERE: Description. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-4-4] [5-5] Raiders ===================== *[5-5-1]* Location --------------------------- Two squares south, one east from Shady Sands. *[5-5-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Main Building. Houses the leaders. *[5-5-3]* Quests --------------------------- None. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-5-4] [5-6] Necropolis ===================== [5-6-1] Location --------------------------- ??? *[5-6-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Sewer. (Only way to get around) Look out for a manhole. *[5-6-3]* Quests --------------------------- Destroy Mutants in Water Shed: Obtainable only when you ask the Hub water merchants for extension+search out Mutant Base. Mutants will kill ghouls in Necropolis. Reward: More xp, clear area of irritating ghouls. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-6-4] [5-7] Hub ===================== [5-7-1] Location --------------------------- Ask Ian *[5-7-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Crimson Tavern.(?)(Casino) Libary. Situated next to the General Store, and the Weapon store. Easy to miss. Man in building south-west of Iguana Bob (Downtown). Initate of BrotherHood in building in Old Town. North of Mutant. Joke's Shop, Chem Seller.(Both in Old Town)+ the guy wandering outside the tavern. *[5-7-3]* Quests --------------------------- Kill Hightower: Obtainable from the guy in the tavern, he will direct you to Decker. Easy as hell provided you are strong enuff to withstand so many attackers. Reward: Cash. Kill Jain: From tavern guy, repeat as above. Reward: More cash. Bring down Decker: Go to the police station and tell the seragant about Jain's killing, invites you to join. Reward: Yawn, more cash. Rise in rep. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-7-4] [5-8] BrotherHood ===================== [5-8-1] Location --------------------------- ??? *[5-8-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- 2nd Level: Hospital. Operation to increase skills. Not much, all easily seen from perspective. *[5-8-3]* Quests --------------------------- Rescue BrotherHood Member: The Brotherhood member is in the Hub, Old Town. Far west, you will be attacked if you enter the house containing him. Rewards: ?? Scout for Mutants: Search north-west of Brotherhood, see mutant base before returining. Talk to both General Max and the Elders to get help. Return to blast the mutants to bits. Reward: 3000xp for talking to Brotherhood, Paladdin help, stuff from the mutants. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-8-4] [5-9] Military Base ===================== [5-9-1] Location --------------------------- Directly west of Vault 13, North-west from BrotherHood. *[5-9-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Bottom Level of Base. Plasma Rifle and Gattling Gun avaliable on the mutants. Esp. the Lieutanant. Watch out for a special key on either the Lieutanant or the Cathedral Member next to him. Can end the game here by arming the computer for self destruct(while you're still inside) or by joining the Mutants. Cute Ending. :) *[5-9-3]* Quests --------------------------- Destroy the base: Duh, arm the computer. Reward: Ruined base and 10,000xp! Enter the green triangle to get the message after you've blown the place sky high. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-9-4] [5-10] Glow ===================== [5-10-1] Location --------------------------- Ask Brotherhood Entrance Guard *[5-10-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Good place to get ammo, xp points+weapons. Only neccessary area is 2nd Level, the level directly below the crater. BrotherHood member on same level. *[5-10-3]* Quests --------------------------- How to get in: Well at the crater there is a beam sticking out in the west side of the crater. Use a rope on that to shimmy down. Imp.!! Have large doses of anti-radiation stuff avaliable before entering. Reward: Brotherhood object. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-10-4] [5-11] Boneyard (a.k.a L.A.) ===================== [5-11-1] Location --------------------------- Ask around in Hub *[5-11-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- Adytum. DeathClaw area. *[5-11-3]* Quests --------------------------- Help Mayor avenge his son: Go to the Blades and talk to them. Accept the Gunrunners request to help destroy the deathclaws and ask for weapons for your "friends". Go talk to the mayor, see him get killed. :) Or, just charge into Adytum with the Blades. Reward: ?? Hydroponic farm: Miles will ask you to help him find the part. It is in the warehouse area, west of downtown. When you first enter, there will be a dead body near to the east of the building, search him and get the parts. WARNING: Deathclaws are big bitches that should be taken seriously. Reward: Improved power armor and plasma rifle. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-11-4] [5-12] Cathedral ===================== [5-12-1] Location --------------------------- Ask in Library Area of Boneyard(Follower of Apocalypse) *[5-12-2]* Notable Areas --------------------------- A-Bomb location. In the area heavily guarded by mutants. On the level which the master is on. Enter using elevator, can be armed by using key from mutant base or with high enuff science skill. *[5-12-3]* Quests --------------------------- None. ADD HERE: More Quests [5-12-4] ================================== -SECTION FOUR- MISCELLANEOUS ================================== --------------------------- CHAPTER [6] Internet Resources --------------------------- [6-1]World Wide Web sites --------------------------- Interplay's Official Web Site. Official Fallout Site. Nice Message Board Fairly big fallout site with a nice message board. Another Faq with a ahem, less structured approach. --------------------------- CHAPTER [7] Revision History --------------------------- V0.1: Initial Release of Unofficial Fallout Strategy FAQ. Very Incomplete. (November 8 1997) V0.2: Second Release. Added Notable Areas. Minor Corrections. Added Some Quests and one tip. (November 11 1997)